CBLMiCrrrE NEWS, APRIL 23, 1913 Le Ihe White House Has View of its Own , ! gal Advertisements ! Tl Jk. . . ' I . - ........ . ' ' ' ' GET THE '"- .-' . . . .- ; .- ' - ; ; , - .' - ' f Fu Mr?- ' Hi. 3 visa! tie G'.:' ' J NOTICE of deposition: vr; Girlie Putnam, Plaintiff, vs. i R Futnam, Defendant. -i-ai-t to tne amaavit made by lie Putnam, in accordance ion 442. (3), (5), (8), of Re- Sec. SS2 of Revisal, It is or publication be made once for four successive weeks in Uleaburg Times-Democrat, a :r r"1'50641 in ' tne city of . that the deposition of Mrs. M- and James Hatton, of Co- Kausas. will be taken before at bis office in Columbus, the Monday, May 5th. 1913. . at evidence for the Plaintiff : 1 1 J . I r p iyve enwueu auuuu, nmca is r..iinz in the Superior Court of !.,:'5 luuui.s uuu you ;.-.tr take notice, that if the ?a.d deposition is not com . t'.ie said day, the same will r. :cd from day to day until jih, 1913. C. C. MOORE, - C. Mecklenburg County. Nixon, Attorney. 2-4t-oaw COMMISSIONER'S SALE Uciri- ; r.i by virtue of a decree of tv ?jr-.ior Court of Mecklen ?i:z Co-.r.iy, in Special Pro entitled 4,W. F. Baker, Admr. . L Raker. Plaintiff, vs. AV. F. Ea'aer. V'. Baker's heirs, Clovis Ba-.-"ar-i or-.ers. Defendants," we will s'.I s: r-''':'c auction at the Couuty Court House Door in the City of Char 'otte. Meoiienburg County. N. C, at o'clock M . to the highest bidder "z tte -"to. day of May. 1913. that cer aii tact of land. Beginning af a roue In tl-e line of Flannigan tract, i ccrnc ct uci i, aua runs wiin nii line N. 3 1-2 W. 6 3-4 poles to a i'cze. corner of Lot Xo. 9, and -runs the Hues of Lot No. 9. 1st N. 7o"l-2 E. ."1 1-2 poles to a stone, 2nd i 67 i-s 12. 47 1-2 poles to a stone, 3rd N". 4$ 1-2 E. 43 1-4 poles to a ;tcue en N" side of a branch; thence ui:i S lines of the Byrum land, 1st . 15 vV. 7.40 poles ' to a small ash :s tie South side of the branch, 2nd S. 3 E. 13. SO poles to a Poplar, 3rd S E. 10 75 poles to a stone and ira ! Pep.ar, 4 X. 37 3-4 E. 9.50 poles to a s":ce :.na ouncn oi smau asnes; : S. '2 S-4 E. 22 1-4 poles to a stone; t'ti S. S-4 E. 12 poles to a stone zz 5. tank cf a ditch; 7th S. 19 E. 6 foles to a bunch of small willows cn tie VV bank of the ditch; 8th S. i E. 12.S'.' poles to a Poplar, a cor ner of Let Xo. 7. and runs with two ;'?s cf same, 1st, S. 54 1-2 Y. C 3-4 e; to two small poplars and stone, izi S. 7? 1-2 W. 1G4 poles to the Sjizuinz. containing twenty-five teres. n:cr3 or less. Excepting from I- o:?ra:ion of this deed an undivid . i : :-te.eit in all the minerals. : ai.i deposits, of every kind on :zi -ith the right of ingress and ij operate the same if de- . NOTICE. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. North Carolina, Mecklenburg County ' iU Notice is hereby given to the public Mrs. Annie Tompkins i at the undersigned has qualified as .vs. - I -Administrator with the will annexed Joseph P. Tompkins i of tne estate of S. IL Hilton deceased, The defendant above-named will i and a11 Persns holding claims against take notice that an action entitled as Su id estate afe hereby notified to file above has been commenced in the Su ir claims with -ne on or before the perior Court of Mecklenburg Countv' 2S day of Mrch, 191'. or this notice against him for divorce unon th' wi 1 be Paded in bar of their re grounds of F. & A., and the said de-,COVery- A11 Persons indebted to the fendant will further take notice thati851 estate wiU please pay promptly, he is required to annpr A." s the 26th day of March, 1913. of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the second Monday in June, 1913. at the r?o.,r , i County, in Charlotte. TCorth t and answer or demur to the complaint vi iuc piciiaiin win ap- l jV,he,vCort for the reef de manded In the Complaint. inis tne 24th day of March, 1913. -4t-oaw. Clerk SnnrW vuui V JXO. A. McRAE, Administrator with the Will At tached. " 2-6t-oaw FORkcLOSURE LAND SALE Xorth Carolina, Mecklenburg County By. virtue of the tamed m a certain Deed of Trust exe cuted by George M. Phifer to J. A. Fore, Trustee, on April 4. 1911. to se cure an indebtedness therein describ ed; said Deed of Trust Book 27S, Page 542. anH rnntalr,? o clause authorizine the sn!a nf 1 j . T- v iduu nereinauer described to pay said mucuicuueM m case or default when the same should become due and de fault in the payment of said indebt edness having been made, the under signed will expose to public sale at the Court House door in the City of Charlotte, on the 5th day of May, 1913. being the first Monday in May, 1913, at twelve o'clock, M., for cash to the highest bidder the following described piece or parcel of land. Being Lot Xo. 9 In Block Xo. 20, as shown on Geo. M. Phifer's Man of East End addition. Said map is re corded in Book 230, page 3 Register of Deeds Office for Mecklenburg County. Said lot Xo. 9 fronts fifty (50) feet on St. George St. and extends back with that width one hundred and fifty (150) feet. It is understood and agreed that the said lot is "not to be sold vto nor occupied by a person or persons of Ma colored race. . This "ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Haying qualified a3 Administrator of the estate of W. A. Roberts, de ceased, late of Mecklenburg County, all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are-hereby no tified to exhibit the same duly veri fied, to the undersigned Administra tor, on or before the 16th day of April, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. . All per sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make prompt payment. This the 16th day of April, 1913. W. M. SMITH, Admr. W. A. Roberts, Deceased. 16-6t-oaw. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. North Carolina, Mecklenburg1 County, The undersigned, having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. L. Jamison, deceased, late of the County of Mecklenburg-, this is to notify all oreditors of said estate to present their claim to the undersigned on or before one year from this date,' or this notice will .be pleaded in bar of their recovery.- All persons indebted to the estate will please make payment to the un dersigned at once. This the 7th day of April, 1913. VT. A. JAMISON. 9-Gt-oaw. . - Administrator. By Associated Press. Washington, April 23. Althmb Representatives McCoy and . Town- send, of New Jersey, have endorsed Washington Cross, for the postmaster ship of East Orange, N. J., and he is supported by , the Smith-Xugent democrats, the appointment is ex pected to go to Tracy Landerman, friendly to the Wilson branch of the party. A similar situation exists with re spect to Atlantic City where John T. French has been endorsed for the postmastership by the democratic county committee. The white house let it be known today that it consid ered Mr. French allied with the Smith-Nugent peopie and that the post probably would go to William B. Loudensaiger, another supporter of President Wilson when he was governor. Bishop Cheshire "At Home" Tomorrow Bishop Chiiire, of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, who is spending several days in the city, has arranged his engagements so as to be "at home" on Wednesday from 3:30 to 6 o'clock at the home qf Hon. Heriot Clarkson on Slement avenue, where he "will. be glad to see any of his friends. His long service as rector of St. Peter's Episcopal church in this city greatly endeared him to the . people of the city and he is being accorded a warm welcome. , Sle Porch Habit eping Sleep "out'! once and you will never sleep "in" again. v Vudor Porch Shades solve the problem of the many 'whj have no sleeping porch. Let us show ycu how. t PRINCETpN SPORT.S SELF-SUPPORTING. J-4t-oaw. 2nd day of April,- 1913. J. A. FORE. Trustee." .t.L-i cf sale, one-third Cash, bal i: ere and two years. W. F. BAKER, li tt-ca-. Commissioner. - SALE OF REAL ESTATE. B- virtue cf the power of sale con-taiie-J iz a certain Deed of Trust ex b v.. H. Hinkel and wife, Ella . Hje!. to W. F. Harding, Trustee, ecurir? an indebtedness therein de cricei. nrrich said Deed of Trust Is eccrdei in the office of the Register - D?(J5 cf Mecklenburg County in Ecok 23 j. iae 5S8. and whereas the :a:d Deed cf Trust contained a clause iuthonzing the trustee therein, upon -e:ault cf payment of said indebted "s, wLen i: became due, to sell said ar public sale and apply the proceed cf the payment of said indebt .3. and whereas default of payment -f mi indebtedness has been made, undersigned will expose to public ;a:e. on the 1st Monday in May. 1913, r- tes tte Zih day of May, 1913. to i - at the Court House door, ' ,--e City or Charlotte, at Twelve 'y'-ci ;!.. for cash, to the highest - the following described Diece tared cf land, lying and being in! --t.enou: ("ountv. StatP nf Knrth raro'p;Pa Creek township, adjoin-! 4A 1-03 w- ;i:.u; or jonnston Neal. Link "ass. Ens'.ey Hipp and others, and -'-w anj described as follows: p -r2:rz at 3 11 iron Post on the jwr.l Ferry Road. Neat's corner, and a or.r ,aid road South 36, East !'; rods r0 a stake: thence ... 37 W. pa'"4 Ci to a stake on the C. C. a.iroad: tr.enee with the Railroad -4 iocs to a fctake in Xeal's line; Sr? Vlh his line x- S2 1-2 W. 20 iM l"e be?iRniQg. the same being vLp Jc'1 of 5dnd on which Peter Os- ;;'- Ilork Kved. about 4 1-2 acres. .e.J to Jarz Douglas by Mattie v.;! A1R'5nistratrix of Stephen --u im. nea recordfd in PtnnL- -TarlV,--'-ot the ofRce of the Reg f MecklenUurg County, vV"r?iiDtJ&anie tnis day conveyed K ,farli3? and Brevard Nixon. '"rlt7yr- lo w- H- Hinkel. th :..-h f:ay of March, 1913. F. HARDING, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE Under nd by virtue- of the Deed of Trust executed to me by C. C. Helms and wife Evvie . Helms, and recorded in Book 294, page 56, of the Register of Deeds Office, Mecklenburg County, N. C, and because of default In the payment of the Indebtedness therein secured and the instalments thereof, I will sell for cash at public auction at the County Court House Door in the City of Charlotte, N. C, at 12 o'clock M., on Monday, May 5th, 1913, that certain lot of land, in the City ofi Charlotte, one lot Number Ten, in! Block Twenty-seven, situate on the Northwestern corner of Peachtree Street and Thomas Avenue, "Oak hurst," fronting on .Thomas Avenue fifty feet in width and carrying with it that width in a westerly direction, one hundred and thirty-five feet to a ten-foot alley, and to have use qf all adjoining streets and alleys. No resi dence is to be erected on taid lot at les$ cost than One Thousand Dollars, or nearer than twenty feet of the street line, or to be sold, occupied or rented to any member of the colored race, either by C. C. Helms or his successors. A map of said Oakhurst is recorded in Book 195, page 28 and 29. at the Register of Deeds Office tor Mecklenburg County, N. C, refer ence is hereby made to said map for more particular description of the land; being the same land conveyed to C. C. Helms by Oakhurst Land Company-, by deed dated June 2, 1911, and recorded in Eook 277, page 429, of the Register's office for Mecklenburg County. " This the 25th day of March, A. D., 1913. R. E. COCHRANE, Trustee. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Porter & Reid has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, W. B. Reid having purchased the in terest of John M. Porter, and assumes all" debts and. all accounts due said firm are payable to him. Thanking the public for past pat ronage and hoping this patronage will be continued and increased, we are respectfully. JOHN M. PORTER, Wr. B. REID, April 17, 1913. 17-4t-oaw t DISSOLUTION SALE. The Brokerage firm of R. M. Wheal ton & Company has this day been dis solved by mutual consent. R. M. Whealton having purchased the entire business and "assumes all the debts and all claims owing the said firm are due and payable to him. We trust that he may continue to merit a shart of the public patronage. Thanking the public for the trade which has been extended to the old firm, we are respectfully, R. M. WHEALTON, It. D. PEELER. April 3, 1913. 3-4toaw AOMINISTRATOFTS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. i !..,"?. ,v3lir-e,J as Administrator aon or the Potato f rr r--de-ased- ,ate.ot Melen- te of 'aiPs aSainst the es ied m 'ircfedent are hereby no- tnizef :atl. sucn claims, duly 1e1.JdU.u verified, to the under- tVpUiitvr:sl5-ator for Pa'ment, on tMs rr-Ve 4t da' of April, 1914, wSi lte b Paded in bar d e"-,1";' n Persons indebted to Tomer Vr-, re(luested to make tor. 'el--eUient 'ith the Adminis- This the n, A i v!d day of April, 1913. c,. u. ciark, de- 3-6t-oaw ADM IN cead. ISTRItdivi oavir.;, ,. o wui ice the etat- . as administratrix UJ. "ft J - "III T 111 I M V W,. -Sel- late of Mecklen utify a"v-; xorta Carolina, this is to "att l-Ii0ns having claims eitate ot said de ?4ersi8aed exhIbit them to V aor bos, a5 Charlotte, N. 514. r.r ,":0 the 18th day of Anrti ? of th'rnrUce wiU be Plealed tted it coveTY' A11 Persona 4 IcnV- 7 u estate ThitS?1 Payment. Arf-'iADGE E. RPTHiTvr - sasedl y Earaey Bethune. 16-6t-oaw: t EXECUTOKS' NOTICE. Having duly qualified as executors of the last will and testament of R. G. Kendrick, deceased, all persons hold ing claims against the estate of our testator are hereby notified to present the same to us, or to Tillett & Guthrie, our attorneys, duly verified within twelve months from the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All. persons indebted to said testa tor will please make prompt payment. This March ISth, 1913. Z. V. KENDRICK, R. G. KENDRICK. JR., M. A. EDWTARDS. Tillett & Guthrie, Attys. 19-4t-oaw. Bonci the Noted Tenor. Alessenandro Bonci, the world's greatest lyric tenor, who is to appear in concert here on next Wednesday night- at the Academy of Music, is most enthusiastic as to the opportune ties for grand opera in English in this country. Bonci is a close student of his art and, although an Italian, he states that not only is the English language practicable in all respects for operatic purposes, . but that with the proper training it is as easy to sing as either French or Italian, and much easier than German. It is his opinion, however, that special training is required by the singer in enuncia tion and voice placing before the best results can be reached. Signor Bonci has forsaken the grand opera stage for concert work and in taking this step, he is actuated by the desire to demonstrate the bel canto method of singing, for by its practice the best results ' are accomplished. Further, he has a very ambitious idea for the establishment of grand opera in English in the United States, and his present tour will furnish him an opportunity to study music conditions all over the country. Bonci's appearance will be welcom ed by all the music lovers of this city. He is acknowledged by all critics, both here and abroad ,to be the great est living lyric tenor and his New York successes at the Manhattan and Metropolitan Opera House have made him widely known. He will present here, a very comprehensive program made up of selections from the most noted of the French, German, Italian and English composers, which will give his hearers an excellent opportu nity to judge for themselves the qual ity and range of his voice. Seats are now on sale at Hawley's. Princeton, N. J., April 23. The an nual financial report of the Prince ton Athletic Association published yes terday shows that football and baseball are the two only self-supporting sports- indulged m by the Tiger athletes. To tal receipts of the last football sea son were more than $56,000, of which $41,200 was taken m at the . Yale- Princeton game and about $16,000 at the Princeton-Harvard game. Foot ball's total expenses were $23,600 of which the largest, $5,487 v was for coaching, leaving a net revenue of $33,369 for the season. The baseball team took in more than $33,000 and left a net revenue of approximately $9,000. ....... The track team lost almost $5,000, the rowing association $3,000 and the basketball team more than $1,000. v i ois'v.o Sd3H0131J HO J We are exclusive Charlotte agents for Vudor Porch Shades. We have them in green and br.own. Size 6xS ......$3.00 Size 10x8 Size 8x3 ....S4.C0 Size 12x3 """V .$5.50 .$7.50 Parker-G ardner pany i - "Do you favor votes for women?" "I do." replied the London police man. "It would be a great ' comfort to me to see a crowd of suffragettes marching up and quietly voting in stead of making unkind remarks and throwing dynamite." Washington Star. ' ' TAeNewEMiii WAS HINGTON,D. C. Army & Navy Headquarters FAMILY WASHING We do family washing do it right, do it promptly. ; You'll ; never send to a washerwoman again after seeing how white, clean and sweet we make your clothes. TRY US. Sanitary Steam . Laundry 392 PHONE-393 L EARN "Have you ever been cross-examined before?" inquired a barrister of a wit ness who was occupying his attention. "Have I!" exclaimed the man. "Didn't I just tell you I am married?" London Tit-Bits. HEED THE COUGH THAT HANGS ON. 'The seeds of consumption may be in lurk, and a cough that hangs on weakens your system, and lowers your vital resistance to disease. Take Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound. It stops the cough, heals the inflamed membranes, and strengthens the lungs. E. D. Rountree, Stillmore, Ga., says: "La Grippe left me with a deep seat ed hacking and painful cough from which 1 could get no relief until I took Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. It completely cured me." Re fuse substitutes. Bowen Drug Co. "M " -- - I,,- ,x TRUSTEE'S SALE. WTiereas'. H. G. Rogers' and wife, ex ecuted to the undersigned Trustee a certain Deed of Trust dated August 14, 1911, which is duly recorded In Book 284, page 292 in the office of Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County, to which reference Is hereby made, and on account of default in the payment' of the note thereby secured and by virtue of the power and authority to me given under said Deed of Trust, above set forth, the undersigned Trus tee, will sell for cash to the highest bidder at Public Auction, at the Court House door in Charlotte, N. C, on the 1st day- of May, 1913, at 12 M., the following described real estate. Being lot No. 5 in Block No. 11 front ing 50 feet on Allen street and run nine back with that width 143 feet. References is had to Spratfs map of. "East End" recorded in Book- 173 - - . - m t a 1 pages 582 and 583 or Kegister ot ueeua office for Mecklenburg county. This the 29th day of March. 1913. - J. L BEATTIE, 2-4t-oaw, Trustee. Piedmont POLITE VAUDEVILLE NOW ! First Half GERTIE FALLS The "Aerial Venus" CASMUS & LAMAR Singing and Talking FLO & WYNNE The Interrogation (?) GRUETT& GRDETT Comedy Blackface THE DE LAVELLES Sensational Novelty Act Theatre Delightfully Cool lj Always ean anc Classy All the comforts of a home, combined, with all the lux uries of a modern hotel. At the New Ebbitt you are nearest to everything in Washington. N HATES t European, to 94.00 Per Say. K K. SCHl'TT, Propriet ,: .... m hi J Aiiierloria. 4 - J lo S6.C0 ter nay. - 9 or. " fT, ' y $3.00 Bookkeeping, Bysiness Practice, Eank ing, Penmanship, Shorthand. Touct Typewriting, and allied subjects; Kin g's Business College, Charlotte. N. C King's is recognized as the most com plete, thorough, influential aod anc successful business college In North Carolina. Great demand for KING graduates. No vacation. Enter any time. Positions guaranteed. Write for Catalog. VWCORPCRATEj) CHARLOTTE, N. C, or RALEIGH, N. C. A LARGE STOCK AT ALL TIMES H E A T E R S Gas, Instantaneous, Automatic and Coal Heaters. Bath Tubs, Lavatories, Water C losets. Sinks. Range Boilers, Bath Room Specialties. TOWEL BARS Nickel-plated, Glass and Opal Bars. SHELVES Glass and Opal Shelves; Shower Bath and Sprays. Pumps, Gasoline Engines, Terra Cotta Pipe, Flue Pipe and Supplies. Hackney Bros. Co. Phones 293-294. 6 and 8 W. 6th St. CHARLO TTE, N. C. n n r ft n n .n. MBILmiSfEi I ,- Li J r appeals to your judgment and experience, madam, vlt asks YOUR decisionr after trial on the merits of the case. ' Examine its claims, see if it U not "BETTER, THAN THE BEST" that you have ever used. Question and cross question all you care to by ! using one whole bag, and if it does not make the best bread ever baked, yon may have your money . back from the grocer and no questions asked, ' Justice to the- table and the f amiVhealth c&H for. Daniel Webster Flour, f ' Summon m Sag from Yomr Crtxr tor TriaV jT EAGLE ROLLER MILL .COMPANY, Jew Minn.: ' Capacity 5,000 Barrels Dafly ASK YOUR RETAIL GROCER. The Kuester- Lowe Co., Charlotte's Big Jobbers. Distributers for Charlotte. If A Spring Oxford For Business Men, That Is a Beauty Stylish but not extreme, this new4 Hanan model is bound to win favor. Made in fine calf skin, single sole both black and tan. $6.00 The Tate-Brown Co. FOB JOB PRIITII PHIE ' ISM

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