CHAKLOTTE EWS, APRIIi 28, 113 IF COBB'S j Everyfoodys .Pa,ge (Classlf Sedls SALflHY S12 Why Not i - i mm I AH Classifications j ONE CENT A WORD ; For Each Insertion ' KO AD TAKEN FOR IESS THAN TEN CENTS . . If your name appears In the telephone directory call us and ; have your ad charged. Bill will be sent later. IPhone 115 This "phone Is used for Want Ads. and you are B"r"eed J prompt, poUte nd efficient ser. vie. f WANTED All men over 1G to solve this riddle, for men only: Not gooa, to wear, not good to eat, but keeps always looking neat. Drop your j j a. - a a a. L" r r . 9lfi. Charlotte. Just say "Show Me That s All." 2S-lt WAXTED-To borrow ,300 00. Good security Address Mone5. care ews. WANTED A good nurse for child 2 rears old. Mrs. W. R. Foreman. 904 ' 'South Try on St. 2S-lt; WANTED Seven S-foot oak show cases. Box 174, Charlotte, N. C. 27-St WANTED Roomers and boarders, 504 N. Graham. WANTED The ladies to call and see - our samples of visiting cards, wed- ding invitations, announcement and reception cards. Correct styles, sizes and prices. News Printing - House. Phone 1530. 27-7t .."WANTED Bv voune man. position , . as retail clerk, show card writing, j also any other work in wholesale.) Can furnish first-class references. ; - Address J. L. C, care News. 2S-6tj "WANTED Ideas. Write for prizes " and list of inventions wanted by manufacturers. Four books free. Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, ; Washington, D. C. 27-7t WANTED Position by competent ' young lady stenographer.- Address' "Competent," care News. 25-4t, .WANTED FOR C. 3. ARM I : Able- bodied unmarried men between ages' 18 and S"; citizens of United States,! .of good character and temperate habits, who Gan speak, read and j write the English laneuaze. For in formation apply to Recruiting Offi-) cer, 301 West Trade St., Charlotte; ! 3 South Main St., Asheville; 330 Vz South Elm St., Greensboro; 313 South Fayettevllle St.. Raleigh, N. C; and 1522 Main St., Columbia, or 167 West Main St.. Spaitanburg, S. C. 1-4-m-th-sat "WANTED Everybody needing head j stones and monuments to call at our ".place on East 2nd St., near Bre-J Tard. Mecklenburg Marble & Gran . ite Co. 22-14tj 'WANTED Family for board and'. room, $4.00 per week. 9 East 8th. r Phone 16S0-J. 9-tf 1 WANTED Boarders, close In; best! board for terms. Call 3198-J. 2S-tf yor TRent. FOR RENT 8-room "nouse, neari Southern depot, $20.00 ner rionth. J.! H. McAden. Phone 350. 20-tft FOR. RENT Neat, attractive, reason able price, small furnished flats and houses. Mrs. O. A. Robbin3, Phone ; 382. 18-tf 'FOR RENT 5-room cottage, modern conveniences, near bitulithic street, cement sidewalk, newly papered, $12.00 per month. 206 North Long street. J. T. A. Lawing. Phone 214.- 28-tf FOR RENT Two modern 6-room I houses. Apply 504 N. Graham. 27-3t ' rno pi"yt 1 mnme fr' light housekeeping, first floor. De- lightfully cool and shady. Phone ! 660-L. 27-2t FOR RENT Furnished room, gentle men only. A"pply at 8 W. 6th. 27-Ct WANTED Boarders and also table boarders, 302 W. 6th. Phone 3250.' ' 27-10t FOR RENT A modern ten-room house, corner 4th and Poplar. Ideal boarding location. The Simmons Co. 27-2t f FOR RENT New home, 3 rooms and bath. all modern conveniences, on the Providence Road. A delightful place for the summer. Rent $22.50. Apply Odom Alexander, Rental Mgr. i The Simmons Company. 26-3t FOR RENT Splendid tore. room. ateam heat, electric lights. Are proof. Also two good offices on ground floor of new News Buildine. Apply to W. C. Dowd. tt , FOR RENT Modern seven-room I, house No. 704 North Church St. R. - t U. EUli. FOR RENT Part of wareroom on sid j fng. Rent reasonable. Apply 309 South College street. 9-tf i FOR RENT Downstairs adjoining rooms, all conveniences with good board. 303 N. College. 5-tf jfor Sale. FOR SALE The cosiest working man's home in Colonial Heights, 5 rooms, bath, electric lights, hot wa ter, all up to the minute. Present owner leaving city; will sell for $2.100 $150 cash. Can be carried easily by any man earning -good wages. I also have for sale a fine kitchen range, davenport couch, cost $35.00; refrigerator, nice hall rack and various other articles of household furniture, all as good as new. Now, Mr. Bargain Hunter, this is your inning. Address J. B., care of News, for one week. . 28-lt FOR SALE Electric fans, also motion picture machine. Phone 795-J, or call 606 Mint St. Z4-3t FOR SALE On easy terms, 6-room house on Central Avenue Extended. 'Phone 2122. E. L. Propst. 26-4t FOR SALE Leland hotel furniture. H. C. Williams. 26-2t-sat-mon FOR SALE-S valuable tracts of farm land close in. Phone 1841. 19-10t fBMsccllaneous. HAVE YOUR STOVES repaired by E. c Fesperman. Phone Hastings & Mitchell. 28-lt GOOD GAS STOv E cheap Get Oil and Gasoline stoves. 22 W. 5th St. 25-tf Dispenser3 pyramid Dishers, ice Cream Pails. Nunnallys. Atlanta. Georgia. . 14-tf PURE OZONATED WATER at five cents per gallon. Royal Distilled water at ten cents per gallon, in five gallon demijohns. C. Valaer Bot tling Works. Phone No. 5. 2S-10t WE REPAIR, buy and sell, exchange old stoves and ranges. Southern Stove and Supply Co. 22 West 5th St. Phone 2S36. 31-tf A SETTING ITEN never gets iat." Keep moving. When you are .-eady to move phone 52. J. C. Cochran. J. L. Wilkinson, manager. 7-tf LADIES We have the latest styles and sizes In Calling Cards, Wed ding Invitations , Announcements, etc. News Printing House. Phone 1530. PORTRAIT AGENTS Write me for lowest price on crayons, pastels, etc. Good honest work at let-live prices, i can please you as well as 1 do others. Over 20 years ex perience. Address H. Hettinger, Artist. 2226 Barry ave., Chicago. 2-tf SAVE EYE-SIGHT and money, by getting glasses of Dr. Highsmith, Op tometrist, Realty Building. Tele phone 1918. 8-tf HARNES3 REPAIRING See -iutchl-' son, Sehorn & Hipp. Work guaran teed. Prices reasonable. 21-tf MRS. DR. MOORE, Painless Tooth Extractor. Office 23 West Trade St. 26-tf ost anD jouno. LOST Bunch of keys on 7th. 8th, Myers, or McDowell Sts. Phone 814. 28-lt STOLEN An Iver Johnson bicycle, No. 172013. Reward if returned to Oliver Shaw, 1000 W. Trade. 27-2t Sunday Eall in Baltimore By Associated Press. Baltimorej April 2S. For the first time in many years a neffort to play a championship baseball game in this vicinity on Sunday was made yester day afternoon. It was frustrated only by a rain which put a stop to play be tween the Baltimore and Buffalo clubs of the International League at the end of the second inning with the score 2 to 2. Dunn's Park has been the scene of Sunday games between Baltimore and clubs of other leagues during the last two seasons. No admission t was charged but the baseball people' saw that every one who got in purchased a fan or something to eat equalling the regular price of admission. Yesterday however, regular tickets with rain checks were sold and the police did not interfere. Yesterday was a great day in the meeting at the Chadwick Baptist . cnurch. The interest is increasing. Thp. meetinc is to continue throii2h the week. Services each day at 3: SO and 7:30 p. m. A cordial welcome awaits all who will come. It's Been a Long Time Since you heard of a seven-room, modern house on fine corner lot at ELIZABETH HEIGHTS for $3250.00. This place Is in splendid condition, on shady side of street, one block from Elizabeth Avenue, has every conven ience, good neighborhood and the price is $500.00 less than anything of its class of which we know. This is a bargain if we know one when we see it, and it may suit you for a, home. Look into it. T T a T UfllOIl LOail & Realty Company Phone 349. 16 E. Trade St.1 Morris e. Trotter, Secy. & Treas. GREAT COUNCIL OF RED MEN TO BE AT MOBEHEM The Great Council of Red Men 1914, backed by the Greater Charlotte Club, Great Sachem Anderson will go to the Great Council 1913 to be held in the hunting grounds of Morehead City, June 4 and 5, with the determination to have them hold there 1914 sessions in the hunting grounds of Charlotte, May 20th. If the sessions is secured Charlotte will have one more Twen tieth of May Celebration. The Great Council numbers 125 mem hprs and rpnrpsentatives. and thev will i be in session for two days. It is pro- 1 posed to have tne Diggest tea men s parade ever held in this section or tne country. The Great Incohonee Carl Foster, of Bridgeport, Conn., will bring thous ands of Red Men to Charlotte. There will also be other prominent Red Men present. The Great Council . of South Caro lina holds its 1914 sessions in Rock Hill in April. It is proposed to have them, if possible, before their meet ing to defer it until May 20th, and have them to meet in Charlotte after transacting their business and adjourn to Charlott and have the officers of each reservation installed jointly by the Great Incohonee. Tho fii-ont Sun inst closing has been ; j. XJi WV . ' a very successful one, the order is in I a flourishing condition, the member Iship at present is about 6,000. Eleven Urihos hflvp been oreanized during the Greate Sun and three councils of the Degree of Pocahontas, a branch of the I. O. R. M., and the most of them as well as our brothers from the reserva tion of South Carolina will be here May 20th, 1914. A STATEMENT FROM MR. BRENIZER. To the Editor: It has recently been told me that certain rumors have been circulated over the city that the. fees charged by me are exorbitant, and to satisfy the public which is entitled to know, I asked the Treasurer of the City to give a statement which I append be low. I wish to state in this connection that I have made no charge for pre paring the new charter recently sub mitted, though my labors extended over a large portion of several weeks. CHASE BRENIZER. April 26. 1913. CITY TREAUSURER'S OFFICE Charlotte. N. C, April 2Cth, 1913. The total amount of fees collected bv Mr. Chase Brenizer, as City At torney, from the date of his election iiia 17th rinv of Aueust. 1911, to this the 26th day of April, 1913 are $4,414.00. This amount mciuaes an additional bill rendered today, $445.00. The fees include ther egular work of the City Attorney for all services rendered for the Board of Water Com missioners, and in connection with all permanent improvements, contracts, etc. T. 4hic Minncftinn T Wlgh to Say I X 11 LiHO VAJii" - ithat in my opinion the work required to be done by the City Attorney iu connection with the numerous bond is sues, and the permanent improve ment, assessments and notices, etc., has been three times as great as in any other administration since I have been connected with the City in the capacity of City Clerk and Treasurer. In addition to his services as City At tornev, Mr. Brenizer has had prepared a large part of the typewriting inci dent to preparing the bond papers for the bond attorneys and buyers in his office. I do not think, under the cir cumstances, that the fees charged have been any more than Reasonable. A. H. WEARN, City Clerk and Treasurer. Avertisement. Change of Schedule of Seaboard Ry. The Stabnard Air Line will on Sun day, April 27th, 12:01 P. M., make some very important; cnauges schedule. All the numbers of the trains are changed, and the arriving times of most of them arc changed. Mosf notable changes are the new train leaving Charlotte at 10:10 A. M. fnr Rnllffh. arriving there at 4:55 P. 111., and train leaving Raleigh at 8:00 A. M., arriving Charlotte 2:40 Jf. ivi. There will be two connections at Bos- ;tic with C, C. & O. for points on 1 ... . s .uiiA n . 1 A a "T tnat line, leaving uanuuo and 3:00 P. M. This is most undoubt edly the best schedule that the Sea hnorH has vr friven Charlotte. For 'n further information call at Seaboard Office, 32 West Traae street. JAMES KER, JR., 27-5t Trav. Pass. Agent. How Is Your Liver? Now don't say it's out o' sight. We want to know seriously if it is giving cntiHfnrtmn We want to know if it is sluggish, if you are bilious, if you are troubled with indigestion, if you fool Ins'e'v. heavv. stuffv. If Tour food agrees with you, if your bowels-are do ing their work normally ana regularly ; If you can't answer all these questions satisfactorily we want to. tell you atoui . HAND'S "It takes the place of calomel." The laxative liver preparation that takes the place ol the dangerous and injurious calomel, which will not nau seate you or gripe you. It Is the handiest home remedy because it is good for every member of the family from the old folks to the youngest youngster. This delightful vegetable compound Is pure, wholesome and pleasant to take. The only substitute for calomel free of all danger. Price ,50 Cents. For Sale By All Druggists. -s. m, MjiA 1: -v.. o m. ji, i'i sv i't 'z i"i w -c 'if 'if w w ip -- 'if 'n- 'if 'if 'if if A " ,s, . -i- WANT AD HOROSCOPE s"; April 28. X . jt. ji, o', .w. .v. jt. ,v, .v, ji. m. j', 'z i'i 'if tf If W 'If 'If 'If '.f ',f 'if -if If 'if 'If 'r T A " Born on this date, you must be come the supreme governor over all passions, appetites and affections. - By so doing you will become the master of your fate and be able to accomplish lasting success in what ever you undertake. High ideals alone will bring about remarkable changes in the Taurus born. Pure and sincere love alone will in fluence men and women with this birth-date. This sign gives ferocity of strength under the influence of anger. The only way to deal with a man or wo man having this birthdate, when they are in one of their paroxysms of mad ness, is to leave them entirely alone and let them rage it out by them selves. After their anger has spent itself, the calm and well poised per son will be able to lead them. There is a demand for good do mestic help at this time and the Want Ads will help the energetic, capable and enthusiastic worker to an excel lent position during the coming week. HORNETS TO PLAY ASHEVILLE The Asheville team of the North Carolina league arrived, iu the city this morning headed by Manager Tommy Stouch. to do battle with the Hornets for the next three days of this week Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The Mountaineers come here from a three days engagement with the Twins, two of which were lost and the other won. The Moun taineers failed to get in the game on the first two days but showed a com plete reversal of form on Saturday and romped on the Twins to the tune of 11 to 0. Manager Emery will probably work High this afternoon while Manager Stouch hasn't announced yet just who he will work. After this series the Hornets leave for six days on the road. The game will be called at 4 o'clock sharp. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A3"TO R I A L GROCERS. HOME MADE Japanese Rice cakes. Just the thing to serve with tea, coffee, chocolate, ice cream, fruits and desserts. Small tins 20c, large tins 35c. MILLER VAN NESS CO. "The Place." SPECIAL Monday and Tuesday 8 bars of Oc tagon soap for 25 cents with every 50 cent purchase of any other mer chandise. PURE FOOD STORE 205 N. Tryon St. Phone 1936 PHONE 732. for nice strawberries, string beans, new Irish potatoes, cabbage, radishes and spring onions. Fruits of all kinds. We have some nice hams. We carry an attractive line of National Biscuit cakes. Our prices are always right. W. M. BURKHEAD Phone 732. 26 N. College. NOW 25c. Kenny's "Special" high grade Coffee now 25c. We have 400 customers on this one grade of coffee. "There's a reason." Trinity Blend at 30c is growing more popular daily. Head rice, 6, 7, 8. Best Baking Powder. on the market at 20c. Sugar at cost. C. D. KENNY CO. Phones 1551-1552. THERE IS NONE AS GOOD regardless of where you get it, at the price. Our Own Coffee, packed in one lb. sealed packages, for 30c. Try one. K. LENTZ Phone 101. Fred Cochrane, Mgr. "MERRY wVIDOW" Self-Rising Flour is the Best. We Sell It. V. M. CROWELL Phone 1062. 202 E. forehead St. COFFEE We have added to our stock of high grade coffees the famous Hotel As tor brand, which is justly famous for richness and flavor. Hotel Astor tea, Hotel Astor rice. Try this coffee and test its true quality and economy. Fresh shipment of Hiddenite meal. F. N. HALL & CO. The Sanitary Store. LEITHA JONES wishes to announce that she makes a special price on all real human hair braids, running prices from $2.00 to $6.00. Can match any shade of hair. All mail orders can be filled if send 6ample of hair. No. 12 N. Tryon St. Over Ottoway. PIANO TUNING. My permanent and constantly increasing clientele are the well-informed music lovers. The reason is well worth your in vestigation. W. E. SENT 6 N. Fox St. Phone' 1569. OLD NORTH STATE OWTWrENT Charlotte Is the Birtb Place of American Independence, the city of Electric Energy, and Home of Old North State Ointment. Ev erybody needs IL Needs what? Old North State Ointment. For sale by druggists and dealers. 5-3 0t- Detroit, Mich., Aprils 28. Ty Cobb, rated by most critics as the greatest ball player in the game today, will re ceive $12,500 for the coming season. This was the official statement given out at the Detroit Baseball Club head quarters here this morning. Ty has been holding out for $15,000 for months, but signed yesterday to play at the above figures. It is re ported here-that Cobb received $9,0.00 last Ronsnn. and that after a long conference here yesterday Cobb agreed to play for $12,500. Nothing was said by the Detroit club about bonuses to be given Cobb at the end of the season. The con tract signed by the Georgia Peach, as far as could be learned, calls only for the salary. . Whether Cobb will receive more next season is another question. The contract calls for one year. Ty re ported for practice this morning, but will not be in the game for several days. Ban Johnson will probably hang a fine on the Tiger outfielder for not reporting earlier. However, the amount is not expected to exceed $100. Chance Changes Again A acAnintorl PrPSfi J New York, April 28. Manager Frank Chance of the New York American League club, after several days active service at first base, will lay off again for a while and Hal Chase will return to the corner of the diamond with which he Is most familiar, beginning tomorrow's game, according to an an nouncement last night. Chase has been ordered by Trainer Barrett to rest un til his injured leg is in good condition again. He has been advised he must give up active wor-k if he did not wish to become permanently disabled. Lelivelt is booked to succee Chase in center fiel and Derrick who has been nursing a spiked hand, is to get back into the game today at short. Col. W. W. Phifer reconsidered his determination not to run for alderman, nnrt at the eleventh nay. the twelfth, hour, Saturday night announced him self another candidate, or candidate another time. v " '- " r- -r- ': 4.-'ifif -if'.f'.f,f-ifif-if'f-f'ifir''f'iff''fif'f'i"s' ' ' 11 S WHERE THEY. PLAY TODAY 'i?if?ifif-,f-if'ifhfh North Carolina League. ASHEVILLE AT CHARLOTTE. RALEIGH AT GREENSBORO. WINSTON AT DURHAM. American League. Washington at Philadelphia. Boston at New York. Cleveland at Detroit. National League. Philadelphia at Boston. New York at Brooklyn. Pittsburg at Chicago. Cincinnati at St. Louis. W. G. JARRELL MACHINE CO. Repair Work Solicited. New Machines Built to Order. Shafting, Hangers & Purreys Furnishes and Erected, OiTice Phone 367. Night Call 2111 FOR RENT Large modern furnished house of nine rooms, beautifully situated on car line two miles from square, surrounded by ten acres of forest pines, to rent with barns, garden, pasturage for horse and cow from June 1 to Oct. 1 for $250. COLONIAL TRUST CO. A. W. Burch, Mgr. ' 'Phone 1061. Shriners' Special Train for Dallas, Texas, May 8th, 1913. All arrangements have been made with Southern Railway for special train, Charlotte, N. C, to Dallas, Tex as, and return, for accommodation of Acca Temple, Richmond, Va., and Oasis Temple, Charlotte, N. C, and their friends, attending Imperial Council meeting Ancient Arabic No bles Mystic Shrine, May 12-17, 1913. Special train consisting of all steel electrically lighted compartment sleep ing cars, straight twelve section draw ing room cars, dining, club cafe and observation cars, will leave Charlotte at 6:30 p. m., Thursday, May 8th, go ing via Atlanta, New Orleans and Houston. Returning via Hot Springs, Memphis, Birmingham,- Chattanooga and Asheville. Stop-overs' will be made on going trip atNew Orleans and Houston, with side trip to Galveston. Returning stops will be made at Hot Springs, Memphis, Birmingham, Chat tanooga and Asheville, allowing am ple time at all points of interest to make sight seeing trips, which will be arranged in advance. j The Pullman cars, all being of latest design, have been chartered outright from the Pullman Company, and will be parked at convenient location at! Dallas for occupancy while there. Din- j ing cars will also De parked with sleeping cars to serve breakfast dur ing stay at Dallas. Extremely low round trip faresfrom all points. Excellent dining car 'and Pullman sleeping car arrangement Special car for ladies. Will not be necessary to go to hotel on entire for reservations should be made at once in order to secure comfortable quarters. Complete itin erary furnished on request. Eor de tailed information, reservations, etc., application should be made to Mr. J. E. Mcllwaine, chairman transportation committee, Charlotte, -N. C, or, - R. H. DeBUTTS, Div. Pass. Agt. Charlotte, N. C; SOLD 1ST Relay Mfg Co. . . l nd 233 8. Tryon St. D MELLON I REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. Store room North Charlotte. Blacksmith shop and tools $1.50 wk. 6-room house, $2.00 per week. W. Q. SHOEMAKER Phone 611 or 3091-J. 2Yi So. Tryon St. RESTAURANT8 THE GEM HOTEL AND CAFE. Up-to-date dining room, seating 100 persons, a limcu counter anequaied in oouin. Conveniently located on bouth Tryon street. Strictly Europeax.. ARCHITECTS. F. 1 BONFOEY j is ARCHITECT Supervision of-construction. Office 211 N. Tryon, . Room 4 ROOFING. DOES YOUR SOOF LEAK? Let us make at rainproof and put youi gutter and conductor pipes in good order. .We are specialists la Duiidicg or repairing tin. Iron or late roots, furnace wojK promptly done. C. F. 8 HUMAN 25 South College. Phano 611. i OSTEOPATH OSTEOPATH. REGISTERED. DR. H. P. RAY, Realty building. Hours, 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone, Office, 330; Residence 371-J, Consultation at Office, gratis. W. & W. Railway Leave Wtnston-Salem. 7:00 A. M. daily for Roanoke and intermediate stations. Connects with Main Line train North, East and West with Pullman Sleeper, Dining Cars. 2:05 P. M. daily for Martinsville. Roanoke, the North and East. Pull man steel electric lighted sleeper Winston-Salem to Harrisburg, Phila delphia. New York. Dir'n car north 4.15 P. M. daily, except Sunday, for Martinsville and local stations. W. B. BEVIL, W. C. SAUNDERS, Pass. Traffic Mngr., Geri'J Pass. Agt m. We have taken the agency O at manufacturers' price delivered from our store. x . takes the place of Lath, Plaster and Wall Paper. " Is applied directly to the studding of walls or crumz 1 . buildings. Deadens ;the sound, does not crack; will resist fire, artistic treatment. Can be used in any type of Call at our store and allow Beaver Board. Smith-Wadsworth Hdw. Co. "SELLERS OF GOOD HARDWARE" 29 East Trade Street SUIT? You can make no bettpr section WTith a comprehensive, tastefully S9. lected stock that will offer you just the style suggestions you neea in se. lecting that new spring outfit. Our spring line is unusually inviting its many snappy, distinctive styles in various weaves and colors. See us before you decide. WADSWORTH SALES STABLES. SPECIAL 150 Horj?3 ant Mules for Salt L DENTISTS DR. GEORGE E. DENNIS DENTIST Class 1905 I Lfnlvrsitv flf Marvlanrf Office 702 Commercial Bank BuMdino, i 'Phone 3002. Dr. H. C. Henoerson. Dr. K. B. Ga iaddy. HENDERSON fi. GADDY DENTISTS. Office, Hunt BIdg., 202 1-2 N. Trycn St. 'Phons 215. , ) 7 1. W. JAMISON, DENTIST. Office 'Phone, 326. Residence 9o2-J,i I One 10-room house on North Tryon St. Two 6-room cottages on East. Vance St. One 6-room house on East Stonewall St. All modern con veniences. Desk room on the ground floor. ciieiis No. 33 E. 4th St Phone 904-J. for Beaver Board "and can supr'? J r resists the nassage of hpat a5 is economical and capable ot p b 1 TV tl a v, 3 building. us to show you 'la what a'H V Phones 64 an 1 Rent 0 C e

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