. srg A FQ PTnl Iri pa inni Ri ? s. n I f H E f A 3 Jl Ea Si il bKUW NC NEWS P 4 PlS? R K TH CAROLINA NIGHT EDITION TODAY GREATER CHARLOTTE'S HOME NEWS P A P E R " ; ,. Daily, 1SSS Sunday 1910. CHARLOTTE, N.C., MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1913. Pricc: Daily 2c; Sunday 5c N OR 4 It. . ' PAG ' Pi The Unite:: ; Wis: 1 toraie Centra Other Untes Doss Not -Vanish a Protec Anv Country of or Over Any n-i nf The Globe The f n L it at sua -a bbbst.b bias m mmmmm lm m m m m mmj?m mm mmw 1 KS3W ' - TWO MOCILE MEN . ARE MISSING ' BEBSssssEEBSSJEHsr iaRiEatssvi I 13 1 RB ISnal -MASS MEETINR TWFHTY "Sill flllFFl bSLij Gould and Edward Hogan, of Mobile, ' ' ta a 3 UUUiUU wiiesa-i- VUklUU !j fi p FilS fl I T sfa!XaIS?Veis: Mil PUT TOO non. ,irn bt nm irnr i iuro" M 0 IghOLh wen 5i pnnPRnav in inp pa mn mi her KHsiiS7SHS z i . i i i HBtma bkh sea srns na i B,iisai Kr- miess-i i r , 7 . C I IJtHBSBII V II 1811 II mi 81 M I 1 1 3 1 1 I I Ell B f 14 I iieveriy o, picicea up aana mine - . , . . , ii EJliy)L"aSa.EJ Ig -lU8oe-.Uta, LH L I n gulf Thursday. The lieverly S was in mn-E-ii n., ! r. 'it sss' "i il CC1CP0 rpr nnnni'P n i n r nnrrTiup pbi i rn u mrpd ,p-e. y ULLlid uULLLOL 0 1! Ii U iD fir ILL m u LLlU porting tha Beverly S anchored off EJHi5-i4U 88 - iaii-&-i iiSOJ 2lL.L.IoiSy lower Mobile bay. . . One thousand, six hundred and sev- ANTI VIVISECTION CONGRESS. enty-five dollars was the amount re- Explains Why r?c spnt to Kp:s Elections in Domini- md hcvi.v w. ... ifct Supervise The Elections Coip'rnlssion is Unofficial. President Wil- iiv ih:u. The united Was"-:"--soa :c' a S:atC3 -1M " ectorate ov America or globe. COTl.eii.jJ .'un, ,;0i;cv with respect to Cen- 1 Africa. e?recial1y v.,,,."- i i.-voiui't denial v today ui:; to establish a pro uny country of Central ;: any other part of the er.ort3 that the United r,;ated a new and far from the resiucnt euiuicu tij, ces-ion fiat the report iuiSut w-3 had i's origin in the proposed L-vwita Xitarasua outlined several r-a:N a.-o rut he pointed out that in , -"ery th terms of the Piatt cadTer.t :o establish jurisdiction --oh as this government maintains 'ov;r Cuba, were included at the sug-K-Jca of Nicaragua. Tie prc.?i,lo:it denied that there was ;rv development in the Nicara paa'maty which still is in the state III itiU'-'Ll. T civil Suites does not intend rvi:- or interfere with the ap-V'-; .r .;.uuns in the Dominican One thousand, six hundred and seventy-five dollars was the amount re- By Associated Press. . . 7 " , , ",uajr x w.AinrtftT, Upp R.ATanv flftlfieat.es " a" lllc oiu iiuiei as lu au- from the United States and foreign dtion t tQe fund for Queens College, countries have arrived to participate the total on this the last day of the in the annual sessions of the interna- -""u ctmyaiSu uemg ?M,aDo. - I T1 v n n . i- - . sr o i i tional anti-vivisection congress. The weeimg set tor a o ciock greatest number of delegates is not lunignt m tne feecona rresoytenan BTnortPfl. hnwpver until tonisht and church is expected to bring the cam- tomorrow in time for the first business T?asn to a close so far as any further session. The meetings . will continue feoncurag or suDscnpuons along pres ent imes. mere is expected to ue a large crowd at the meeting tonight, as everybody in the city, of whatever de nomination, and both ladies and gentle men are cordially and urgently invited to be present. The members jf '' the committees and all the workers in the campaign that has now been on for 10 days will be present, and it is assured that there will be important an nouncements made that will not only be of interest as regarding the suc cess of the present campaign, but as regarding the future of Queens Col through Friday. WiirKtcn .let lion as K.a.i commission from v. ill merely observe the frieudly and impartial tudav Ml END U'. . :! . it v-rv c" Ct; v.-.,? t'.V! way President Wilson ;:i;:ia.-u iuJurmaiiy the mission e ii i-tT'tiit oilicials now on Uommgo. il-.-,. va made it clear that :.,?s used its good oHices ding the revolutionists a .fir arms on the prom iiin.; possible within in- r:at:or.s. nnt ouia ue aoas u iub vred .y.2'-.-A to iiisure fair tlecticns. T'r." i'ritei States government de lul to ? r.d same observers speak , uic luLuav't of San Domingo to : iai; artia : v-ituesses but not as !.h5 t.r c::::iaij, so that in case of ;:;::; v.o-iiu hare persons to turn for .; ial tcstiTaony. :-. .;!...; L.;it thai the comrais- ;a. uacuicia!, even to the ex :r. o; iliirir:t? recognition from .::r..-;U. :.a;aorities of the is- aroteal nom can uomiuu ain-al at tho white house loundri! on the belief that i.'taic-s nitenas a supervi- c-.i ft!c as i-.r,1 now that the .. a '.iisi.-c:'; a by the state :a:ae U confident there action to the presence ri'-ar. ( b.;ervtrs. ig f'ass Keating. .T: ;. o, ixur.inican Republic, r:.-"rr, a.; well as men were v'-s: a: an immense mass favor ''f -Free and L.eg;al ia t!i" Dominican KepuO-a"-;ii.a was held id the it' V: ae iniot-r the auspices ;r-.;, aiueiire party. .Perfect By Associated Press. Shelbyville, Ind., Dec. 8. When the lege trial of Dr. William B. Craig, cnaigeu Much of the time at the luncmtcm with the murder ot Dr. tieten Mdue today was spent in reviewing the was resumed here today the state success 0f the campaign and the pros expected to complete its case before pectg for tne futUre of the college with nishtfall. Attorney Ephriam Inman th nrpSATit status nf affairs Several said it would take about two hours propositions were submitted to those to complete, the direct testimony, ot assembied that may have a great deal Miss Augusta Knabe, cousin ot m to do witn the futUre of the college dead physician, who was on tne siauu They will be diYUiged to the mass meet when court adjourned Saturday and ing tonight, the propositions having that two or three other witnesses been merel broached and not ready would be called. for submission to the public. The defense planned to asK juuge . xr-oiiowins is the result of the can Blair to dismiss the case as soon as i,ass tQ date in the. Queen's College the state rested on uie tui0nvu--" campaign: no case had been made against ur. c mittee A Crais. The defense has about ntty wit- Cantain W. S. Alexander.. 700 nesses ready to testuy m committe B Brazos Floods Take Further ?Vhe First Presbyteri church Toll nf Hum 1 Ifo OM yebteraay was a note, written I u VI JIUiiLClll I.IIC UUIU Mjy the Weather Adds to The Dis comfort of Flood Victims. ijjragelies Aie ecewed T oday By President Wilson OOITBI Hi 01 Braving Wintry Blasts One Hundred Members Venture ' ji in iu nouol laill I ItC views I of the President on The Suffrage Question. He Favors A Standing Commit tee in Congress But Refused to Agrre to Send Conaress A IViesage cn Equal Suffrage uuestion. pastor, which read thus: YOUR FAILURE to be present at a mass meeting of Presbyterians at illany Persons Wait in Trees To day evening at 8 o'clock will go a long DO ReSCUed Latest Esti- way t0 SiviQS a negative answer to the lle, ?M Nber Drown- s '0LJS hc-TIN'gIA eu riavm luiai ai so. 1 live"? The trustees have done the best &t XXXXXXXXXX i'fi'sM'ft'''f -::-:: that human ingenuity could do in this i? matter. They declare that the college ntNUUNCED FAITH IN ;? cannot continue to onerate at its nres CATHOLIC CHURCH. -X- ent site and carry a debt of $04,000.00 They set before the Presbyterians of By Associated Press. Charlotte an opportunity to make it boutn tsena, ind., Uec. 8. Re- --.- possible by combining to contribute w nouncmg his faith m the Roman $50,000.00, to liquidate the $64,000.00 catnoiic church and also his title debt and remove the college to such a as bishop in the National Catholic i'? site, and rebuild on such lines as will Church of America, which he had i'? in their judgment, make its success for -.-organized nere alter nis contro- ?? the future sure versy with Bishop H. J. Alerding. "What, shall thft trustees do? The I of Fort Wayne, Rev. Victor Ku- time is short. This opportunity will inj bmyi and his entire congregation a few days be gone forever. Bring your s ot more than 200 marched bare- hs answer to the meeting tomorrow headed into St. James Episcopal night. church of thic city, and embrac- Today Dr. Rblston hands The News X ed the Episcopal faith. Kubinyi the following article which is of vital X was immediately ordained an interest to the public and especially Episcopalian rector. the Presbyterian public. The article w I follows: Houston, Tex., Dec. 8. Ninety-six QUEENS COLLEGE persons were Known to nave perisnea i MEETING TONIGHT up to noon toaay in iicoas tnat nave swept through several sections of Tex- og T'-vuronf T7.ri-tro tlinco A-m-ntrnari lnct night or-early today' were in territory tnat small company or men wno nae where warnings have been posted for been pushing the matter of solicitig several days. The. crest of the flood the financial assistance of the people By Associated Press. wasnington, Dec. 8. The storm iiinr was nvcr t n o or-on f i lm. i has nassert t vQW n 1 "J nissutidieu rress. dav leaving shifting sales on thf lakss and the Atlantic coast, rains in the Atlantic states and snow fn the Ohio valley and the lake region. Tempera tures have fallen decidedly over the ea-st and the south and it is freezing today as far south as the interior ot the gulf states. Predictions are that the weather will be generally fair tonight and Tuesday east of the Mississippi river cAtepi mat snows ere prooable to night in northern New England, the interior of New York and on the low er lakes. Temperature will be lower tonight in New England and it will rii?e Tuesday in the region of the great lakes and the Ohio valley. Frost is expected tonight as far soath as northern Florida. Storm warnings are displayed on the Atlantic coast from Eastport to Hatteras and on' the great lakes. judge ordered the trial to proceed. Captain F. C. Abbott .... 100 Committee C Captain J. M. Scott .. .. Committee D- Captain J. A. Henderson .. , Committee E Captain P. S. Gilchrist .. Committee F Captain E. R. Smith .. .. Committee G Captain Wm. Anderson .... ! Committee H Captain Jno. R. Pharr . . . Committee I Captain O. J. Thies .. .. Total for the day $ 1,675 500 340 35 As the end of last week came on and today was nearing the gulf in the Braz os and Colorado rivers. By Associated Press. of Charlotte for the removal and re building of Queens College on the am ple site offered the trustees in Myers ('" th" sicr.rr;, ra'uror. tne ainst the supervision by American comrais iu rircuration for sig- a "dionce. Mm IS ! in ! n 1 iiili T SIT P LHH U u i n flit! OFF'TDR I Previously reported 4J,al Grand total to date .. . .$44,956 Houston, Tex., Dec. 8. Twenty per- ' . tmnnnnn f i.tt. i- t ,T -j a i i aitv iuuuu; mat uuij f u,v w.w v. r, r,. w,i uiuwneu u?i ft ne8ded $i50,000,00 was in sight SS'XSS&S1; nara.lr disheartened and 6?. mi!?Lln .an, air 'in.e lr'e.S: S noteof discontentment reached .-x, i,.- .r.-.., L ..-j--. the ears of the city and of the public tne Position ot t ie nouu crest touay. through the columns- of Cold weather that set m during the 1 ,5i, Cnfh night added to the discomfort of ?u.r erpap 'SuSl th. exact thousands of refugees in the south fhfuL! Texas flood territory. Throughout the rJZ SUFFRAGETTES IlfiliT -WIIQnH MI fill I SLUUiM TO TELL THEM EM rnnn ruuu By Associated Press. Washington, Dec 8. A large delega tion of woman suffragists marched on a.i '!' A S ( K a v. , Ti:r. v,,. h a , - a, m:-c- t'i'!'! : ! 'I hf. y pr'f:.,.,j 3f bi;;,:;. Of ;i, , l" I',;;,,. Th.. ; torn (;, i 'r'an X, "a - Fnited States Battle t Soa, by wireless tel ; Mi-'iH'l, Azores, Dec. 8. a tlif Atlantic fleet which 1 a;i;i- European ports, 1 a at noon today in lati- Ohio and Connecticut t 'rnz. Vloxien hv wa.v , w, j w DEAT H OF X- ( 'v As,,,,! St I pv Assnriated Press. , vrir Dec 8. Every police- 4 r.rpstpr New York had in man vj. - Mica structions today to iook out t.,c;q Hi(:iiTiTi. the J'" Hci-,t0r nf Robert ivicv.aiiix, ! wealthy wholesale grocer who disap Pnred on Thursday last as myste na riirl Dorothy Arnold. Mta MCann left home Thursday morning ostensibly to go -to for destitute children, where she did volunteer work as an muu. that time all trace of her has been lost although a friend ot the tarn lj tA tnv having seen a gin : rfosnrintion m Wall answering wriHav niKht. To him she ap neared dazed. The girl's father is a peaitju u Mnvnr Kline and pereonai . - has appealed to the mayor to expe t am nositive that there is no the White House at noon today to ask romantic reason back of Jessie's dis- President Wilson for a definite ex larllce he said today. "Had pression of his views on votes for there been she certainly would Have women tneie "ccu hpfnrp this be- Tn a. sent us borne tnwn our their banners and played havoc with CaUS!tv it certainly would not feminine finery about 100 leaders of ,anxty'ictnfmv daughter to the cause, who had remained here af ter their last week's, convention, as sembled at suffrage headquarters near the Treasury for the march to the White House offices. Between lines of police and bear ing banners representing nearly every state the women tramped off headed by Dr Anna Howard Shaw. Mrs. Medill McCormick, Mrs. Susan 1 W. Fitzgerald and others appointed to the commit tee of 55 by the convention to ar range for the meeting with the presi dent The march on the White House was caused principally by President WU son omission in his annual mes sage of any reference to the suffrage question. Last week the president was suffering from a bad cold and could not see the suffragists and after two attempts to make an engagement the suffrage leaders were instructed to wait in Washington until Mr. Wilson could see them The White House engagement list was cleared for the reception of the women. water bound districts of the Brazos and Colorado rivers flood victims waited in gin houses and trees for res cue boats to take them to concentra tion camps on the levees that remain ed above the tide and for which service every trustee and every other person interested m Charlotte" and the college must feel indebted to them. However after more calm and ma ture reflection I believe that in some VhSrthe Brizos crest reached the JMngs we have been JlStrntBt .if ,trnM v,t ia fail nAaTr facts to make hasty statements ot gulf on Saturday, yet its fall today was slow and the territory along the river 100 miles up from the gulf ex perienced a recorQ overflew. Thi3 se riously delayed rescue work. Addi- i tiouai la-icntiss weiB iKpuiieu. xu-i -. tn nnrrvrt come .day's dispatches placed the estimate Pose t0 s.a r"tht I m Trc L noht c.ntv I wrong, impressions that I am sure half-truths that unless something fur ther be said will redound to the last inp- harm of our cause and our city This conviction is my apology for burdening you with what I now pro- lof the drowned at about seventy. v. .h.iroptpr ST ut ixij cause her lamily any suffering On the other hand she has never Butter ed in the least, from any mental fv nervous trouble and the idea that she became ill and wandered away unwittingly does not seem to have the slightest fact to bear it out. W0ULDG1VE RELIEF TO FLOOD SUFFERERS awvi !1: By Associated Press. St. Louis, Dec. . riaiu tut tpnrhna- relief to the flood sufferers ot TpTias were formulated at a meeting vvi :ile the remainder of the executive committee oi tuc ' '"ntinvie their voyage Business Mens' League here toaa. i "- svaters. '.The meeting was called yesterday on : were today 3,000 miles ! the receipt of a telegram by Mayor ?ay and 2,600 miles ! Henry W. Kiel from the mayor of La ": ' Grange, Texas, appealing for aid. The telegram stated that the vicinity was THE in urgent need of immediate finan- fiST WOMAN LAWYER. cial assistance. It is estimated the damage to LaGrange and the vicinity ' ' ''ress. j at $500,000 and said the city had no '-' -:. S Miss Phoebe railroad communication. " was the first woman ; Uiiitorl States, the tirstjTHE PRESIDENT d Hie office of United PRACTICALLY WELL. 1 v, Stat,., I,,;.. """f-,.t Wit!. fr;u ... ' r wa:s lowered into the ' SOn had a cough today but otherwise I'uit, " n' l)rid possession the ! seemed to be recovered from his vr rnar.shal's badge of sil- cold. He has not finally determined hM ,') ' ":U'n President Cleve- i upon appointments to the interstate to !(0r ""' '"''her and upon his death ! commerce commission, where there I are about to be three vacancies. 11 raid the firfit. woman ;,,'d from Washinsrtnn ,.. - i xjy A.icuia uv. v. iiiiiori hmr, f n i m i,, t- q "PT-oeirlent. W 11- I -"v-u iil tuuaj. ( yv ilSlliilo tJll, tcv, u. j..- THE SAYRES REACH LONDON. Bv Associated Press. London, Dec. S. Francis Bowes Sayre and his wife, who was Miss Jessie Wroodrow Wilson, spent their first day in London making a sight seeing trip around the city. Mr. Sayre tomorrow will accompany WTalter H. Page, the American ambas sador to Cambridge "University to par ticipate in the commemoration feast at Trinity College. . " VILLA ORDERS I0D SOLO AT have been created. One of the wrong impressions which we are responsible for is that the peo ple nf Charlotte as a whole and par ticularly the Presbyterian people who compose so large and influential a part of the population are not interested in Christian education and that they are niggardly and mean in the- matter of giving to enterprises for the public good. Whether we meant to create that imnrpcfiinn or not. the fact is we have The statements by which this impression has been produced emanat ed from us and are only half-truths. The whole truth is that as toucning ELIZABETH HIT! GETS SOME RELIEF Special to The News. Raleigh, Dec. S.The Elizabeth Citv zone is to have after January 19th a reduction on interstate freight rates amounting to 15 cents first class, with proportional reductions m other class es of freights from Ohio and Missis sippi river crossings through Norfolk to territory north of Albemarle sound ESCUE AT SEA SURROUNDED BY PlfSTER By Associated Press. Norfolk, Va., Dec. 8. Mystery sur rounding the reported rescue of 137 passengers from the Mallory liner Rio Grande during a fire at sea north of the Diamond shoals early yesterday remained unsolved today and though the wireless of the South Atlantic coast was reaching out for information none was obtained to clear up several conflicting reports. Although a wireless from Virginia Beach to New York late last night re ported Captain Dodge of the British steamer Swanmore having made the rescue, the Swanmore is at her wharf at Baltimore. The captain of the Merchants & Miners' liner Suwanee which was in the vicinity was spoken late last night by the Charleston, S. C, wireless and knew nothing of the affair. Agents of the Mallory line say the Rio Grande was not licensed to carry passengers and therefore the passen gers could not have been taken from that ship. The Rio Grande today was Washington, Dec. 8. President Wil son today told a delegation from the National American Woman's Suffrage Association that he favored a standing woman's suffrage committee in the house cf Representatives but he de nied their request that he send a spe cial mesagj to congress urging the re form. Marching by twos and fours witt tanners afloat the suffragists braved emu winds of a raw day to storm the white house offices. They were sooi ushered into the esident's private office and formed in a circle about tht president. Dr. Ann-. Howard Shaw, president o' the association, summarized brieflj their appeal to the president to as sist the movement either by semLng special message to congress by iuclud ng reference to suffrage in anv sen eral message he might deliver or by using his influence to have a spocia committee of the house appointed tc consider the subject. T want you ladies, if possible, and f I can make it clear to you, to realize just what my present ?iiuaticn is." aid the president to the delegation. Whenever I walk abroad I realize that I am not a free man; I am undei arrest, i am so carefully ?id admir ably guarded that I : ave not ever the privilege of walking the streets. "That is. as it were, typical of mj recent transference, from being an in dividual with his mind on any and ev ery subject, to being an official ot a great government and incidentally, oi so if it fa.ls out under our system ol government, the spokesman of a party. T set myself this very strict rule when I was governor of New Jersey and have followed it as president anc shall follow it as president that I air not at liberty to urge upon confeierss in messages, policies which Lave not had the organic consideration of those for whom " am spokesman. "In other words I have not yet pre senled-to any legislature my private views on any subject and I never saaL because I conceive that to be part oJ the whole process of government, thai I shall be spokesman for somebody: not for myself, I am an Individual; when I am spokesma nof an organic body, I am a representative. "For the reason, you see, I am by my own principles, shut out, in the language of the street from "starting anything.' I have to confine myself tc these thmg3 which have been em bodied as promises to the people at an election. That is the strict rule I set for myself. I want to say that with regard to so Juarez, Mexico. Dec. 8. As a means of placing 'he Mexican rebel territory on a normal basis, General Francis co Villa today issued an order that all focdstucs shall be sold at prices usually obtained in times of peace. Stores in Chihuahua and other rebel ! lanthropic enterprises, AJl7r"ir. her way to Brunswick, Ga., with fn, v.oo nnt hpem as tiroiiiut aim " " iai ii"-- aw - i less. cities are required to sell goods at prices named by Villa. The rebel leader said that if mer chants attempted to advance his prices he would confiscate their property. Train loads of provisions are t be shipped from Juarez to the most fam ished citizens of Chihuahua. Unless the federal troops who de serted Chihuahua unexpectedly turn up and resort to guerrilla warfare the northern part of Mexico will assume a semblance of peace through the open ing of the railroads. Villa has been on the alert for a possible attack by federals and his patrol o! the 225 miles from Juarez to Chihuahua has been in the nature of precaution. It was reported that Luis Terrazas, the wrealthy land owner, had paid to have the federal -army escort himself and other civilians to the border and that the federals after reaching the border might attempt to retreat to the state of Nuevo Leon stomed to see from these people, whatever the One possible solution appeared to ff?.!l 1 t f w ihY in interest in be in the British steamer Quernmore Christian education and in other phi- which passed out the Virginia Capes SSh this city and its Satur ay night and probably would nave Deen near the scene ot the re ported fire. She has wirejess but had THE WEATHER. . Forecast for North Carolina. Fair tonight and Tuesday: i't temperature below freezing to- i't nighgt. Brisk northwest winds, :? ;; diminishing. sr . . . - ''f people of all denominations will com pare favorably with those of any other city known to us. The simple facts bear me out in this, wno ouia vw sen college, one of the very nest insti tutions for Christian education m the state, and who has from time to time come to Its rescue when faced with financial embarrassment? I happen to be in possession of facts that will show the Presbyterian manhood oi Charlotte to be some of those who have done so most nobly and with no advertisement of the tacts m tne Who endowed Union Seminary m another state but under the control of this synod and the one in which it is located? I am in possession of facts to prove that the Presbyterian man hood of Charlotte had a liberal share m Furthermore who built the college as it now is and through all these vears that have passed have fostered it? Answer again the Presbyterian peo ple of Charlotte. Again who built a splendid Y. M. L. A. building, and whose funds are pay ing for a splendid Y. W. C. A. building just now being completed? Answer, the people of Charlotte of all denomina tions and of all stations. Who pays out $3,000.00 per year In charity work in one hospital alone and Whr maintains our churches and our vast mission enterprises and orphan- (Contmuea on rase not been reached today. The following wireless report was received here early this afternoon: "Steamer Swanmore at 11:34 a. m. today reports steamer Rio Grande pro ceeding south under her own steam. Fire practically out. Doe3 not need assistance." It now appears quite certain that the steamer "Swanmore" is the steam er "Quernmore" which passed out of Cape Henry Saturday and which has been mistaken over wireless and re ported "Swanmore." The Quernmore is fitted with wireless. The Mallory line steamer Rio Gran de from New York to Brunswick, Ga., which was Sunday in distress 205 miles off Diamond shoals, with a threatening fire in her hold, is today proceeding for Brunswick under her own steam. The following wireless was today received from Hatteras: "The revenue cutter Seminole start ed to the assistance of the Rio Grande reported on fire 205 milej northwest of Diamond shoals but was advised steamer was now all right and pro ceeding oa her way south under her own steam. Fire is out." A wireless message' received at the Norfolk navy yard today said: "The Rib Grande has passed Hat teras and is proceeding south under her own steam needing no assistance." all other matters, I am not only glad to be consulted by ny colleagues in the two houses, but I hope they will often pay me the compliment of con sulting me when they want to know- my opinion on any subjecL One member of the rule3 committee did come to me and ask me what I thought about this suggestion of yours of ap pointing a special committee of the house as the senate has already ap pointed for the consideration of wo man's suffrage, and I told him that I thought it was a proper thing to do. "So that so far as my personal ad vice has been asked by a single mem ber of the committee it has beer, giv en to that effecL I wanted to tell yoS that to show that I am strictl livn up to my principles. Whei. my pri vate opinion is asked by those wno are co-operating with me 1 am most glad to giva it bu;. I am not atliberty until I speak for somebody beside my self, to urge legislation upon the con gress. There was a pause ana Dr. Anna Shaw spoke. "May I ask you a question," said she. The president nodded assent "As we are members of no political party, to whom are we to look as our spokesman unless we speak for our selves?" "You do that very admirably, re marked the president and the entire assemblage joined in a laugh. The president thanked his visitors for calling and said he would like to shake hands with them. Dr. Shaw thanked th' president for his courtesy in receiving the delegation and the members filed by the president. Conflicting comments were forth coming from the del-gates after the reception. Dr. Shaw expressed the view that the president's interview was very satisfactory. -It was all that we could ask for," "He Is in favor of a committee of the house, that was our chief purpose in coming to see him." Mr. W. T. Wilkinson fcs having his building on South Tryoii the former News officej overhauled in side and outside, in preparation to t-e occupancy by the N.-S. as an up town olfLce. The front Is bolng re