ASTE T GROWING A PER I ORTH CAROLINA Ji jl t NIGHT EDITION -3 1 (6 Gr e a t e r (j-fo.a r 1 ojt.t e s Home Newspaper TODAY PA. (A- i Uailv, 1888 Sunday 1910.. JHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13, 1914. Price: Daily 2c; Sunday 7c. TG3 W 0 rJ,-","'J' 1 NEWS 99 A The 1 - J? T 0V- p. Atlantic ion OJ btaies EE'S BROTHER HULL '. If (" -.i" "W '(("-A- .1- -. ', -,5 if Wt? TH WEATHER. & Forecast for North Carolina: Increasing cloudiness tonight. JL T 1 i . nm ritit-a in -NEW-YORK CITY" niifiiiin siipuT ' Sil l See Fires ir . Are From-! c:tovv Although Suth as Inter Carciina Will repression" .viessee-Leave? v and Ice in Its :v Cold Weather; North. E TUCHT Snow and not so cold tonight: iri Saturday, fair in west, rain o'- X X snov: in east portion, not quite so i X cold. Increasing east winds. THE GORE TRIIL ATTRACTS MUCH INTEREST ! ? ' ' J'. .' C' J'.- :J Oil! 110 St. i :.;. Winter's iu Atlantic states ; , , iort lived today . bureau predicted '.ailu continue to- a?: tho interior of w vould be elear- r x . :''ion" had moved v.,.. I'.-nnessee today and . ,i irail of snow and t ; .. . .. ca hoard. thiinic states and ; olii wave coutino i ; record of "cokl ; . .-. h iv h drove hundreds loi:is Nearly Snowbound. i-v l St. Louis was :,nv!p ; Mi today by a bliz- r , m the weather, bu- w.ortj that ten inches of i -and more tonight icsu;.: Will Make All Plans For The Disposition of the Body Check-For $10,000 in Mack endree's Note Book. Atlanta Paper Says She Was Beneficiary of insurance Policy Held by Mackendree to Amount of $17,000 "Wanted to Marry Me Two Weeks Ago" Says Miss Brinsfield. G1PT. JOHNSON IGffi TIES p..j;. ft! Deep S ;w in Kansas. M '... Feb. lo. Snow I- ' inches deep cov- - n ud western Mis-..-M- Ol-klioaia had from 1 ; Temperatures over ;, . -;,,t .. , ranged ironi two dc ;v: .u - t, :i Dodge City, Kas., v . .;: Oklahoma City. Cc'ci Waves Death Toil. V.r xn-i . ':J,. .JUL JLilL i.i-ioi-y i.s; tHo city. No liyg vgg lysi 1H Issa eagles ugsuls 3ft9kes! i:L iu IT'S ccld viik Veitinrf Ha .ti s? hd Out Vviigtlici: Ifecre Vrfeg (c-oiitriaing si ''vti'ttigU tjii.tU est&bliali uisat nad at) f&iriHrs dryra ?8 gpasi tily clad teimiiiri infQ lk eti's TU ftve its'. if wa trivial. Many Firs in Boon- 'i-QU. tVi?. Firemen vyre eail orl awny iitjin their antiuai ball early today ta fcgbt a saries oi! tuoborn !ivs, most ' gI them caused by ever h.-iUrd ltfinace. The teiayerature was ! fh e lifjew ei'Q una the hrencn sut- fe.-$d severely. The most sericus flr6 destroyEd th tannery of i.h.e Dorch C'Stev Leather Company with a loss e 1100,000 At Framingham lony girls were routed from their b&ds when flie de eiroyeS a thve-stQiy dgrmitovy &l the State normal school. Serious Fire in Mien. N- V. llion, N. Y.f Fb. 13,me feVai were rescued with, difficulty wh&si S.v destroyed th tletaliag blagk hg?s early loda.y. Qm man mh4 ft'yi 3 third sftvy widgw to thg pavgitieiit vithoid isjitfy, Firsjtisti wgi'gd iu vf.lav-i with the tfc.enomdtf at 3a WITNESS STUD rold :Ji'r 'oil grew to nine today v.. r o J.y el" au aged tailor was r 'b the streets. Human I :-.ritonunates overflowed ir t- iutioiH today. L? climbed from one be .'cvz rjto ; ! above, this forenoon ;z iH fG.-Ci-.-.ed relief was over- jUi-.?d threat of a blizzard Osntns From Cold. Feb. lo New York to In i aq grasp of its sec : oi the winter with the rising t lightly at dawn o that it would becorae r before nightfall. But viW from the zero weather sounded warningii ot ;:''v'nz !-iiow1orm from' t bo i :'i'.h is? hourly expected T" h'? eastern seaboaid. -t-nlay iiud last nignt Tfture bovered around zero, iv ; v:ar me degree above. ! - 1' -y- followed in the ! v.-a e throughout the i;5;f the country. Nine 'i .t s'ork city and vicin- :;' died and many in ,r" n ri'ical condition. 'tii.i:: ot Xew York state isi.aftgd the Jlgieheg, N. Feb. 13.A t-oiior eani5ln i? tag hasg'sitai si & tttiHi gchogl byildmg here f.arl. tady S9ta(: .g, 'll; which d jetsgy-g tias Nip Nex V;r:. tf f.--r.: M irii l iiin I ii i i p ti in m s i . 1 1 I I ! t! KB I fit EH It ""III "B Kill. The body of Mr. S. M. Macke.ndree, who was found in room T." of the Buford hotel yesterday morning with a bullet hole in his right temple, lies tndav at the undertaking: establish ment of Z. a. Hovis . & Co., await ing the arrival from Augusta tonight of Mr. William T. Mackendree. broth-i er of the. deceased who wired Coroner Hovis and Proprietor Harris, of the Buford, that he would be here io niaht to take charge of the remains. The telegram did not announce where the body would be sent for burial. V telearram ent by Coroner Hovis yesterday to the R. O. Campbell Coal Company, of Atlanta, brought the request that the papers of tbe dead man be sent to them, or those papers in which business dealings with them were concerned. He had order books of that company and letters from them quoting prices ot coal. A5 stated in The News yesterday, the deceased had been manager of the Stonega Coke & Coal Company for South Carolina, with headquarters in Spartanburg, but severed his con nection with that company early last December. He left that city 10 or ganize the Stocks Coal & Ice Com pany of Atlanta, incorporated at $l,000,00i.'; of which he was secretary and general manager. Check for $10,000. A check for $10,000 was found in Mr. Mackendree, card cape- It was made by Mise Roas Brinsfield, of Rockmart, Ga.f on the American Na tional Bank of Atlanta, and was drawn in favor of Mr. McKendree. It. was dated December 24 and from the tone of letters found it was evi dent that the check was intended to be a part of the capital for the new corporation, which Mr. Macken dree had formed. From the statements of business men here who knew the deceased and from the tone of letters among hi Bv Associated Press. "Oklahoma City. Okla.. Feb. 13. Counsel for Mrs. Minnie Bond who is buing Senator TITomas P. 'Gore lor $30,000 . damages a the result ot an alleged assault in a Va-hinmon ho tel, rested thew case today. James ll Jacobs, who was expected to be o le of th-? principal witnesses, will be used in rebuttal, it is announced. Application For Writ Oj Habeas G pus Made Fo? Jetton TO B T By Associated Press. Philadelphia. Feb. 13. Captain Ed ward E. Johnson, commander of the Old Dominion liner Monroe tunk in collision with the Merchants & Miners' Steamship Nantucket, again took the witness stand today m the trial of Captain Osmyn Berry ot the IJantucket who is charged with negligenc2. The master of the Monroe has Leen on the stand two days during which ne has gone over the derails of ihe accident in which .11 persons lost theif lives. Much of the time of the inquiry is be ing taken up in an effort to learn les sons from the disaster with the of drawing amendments to present regu lations that will assist in preventing similar accidents. So far Captain Johnson has made no criticism of the- conduct of Captain Berry but has commended him for the efforts he made to rescue passengers and members of the Monroe's crew. One of the mysteries of the disaster. Captain Johnson said, was win- the Monroe sank by the stem when the hole was forward. The only way he could account for this he said was that the water probably ran to the stern Captain Johnson wanted to impress upon the board of inspectors that th list of tbe Monore was so great that it was impossible to walk on the decks to get to the port side of the vessel to launch boat The board complimented Captain Johnson for the "manly manner" in which he had answered their ques tiens for two aud a hah. days Under cross-xamiaation by counsel for Captain Berry, the witness said he did not regard the Monroe as jy.r v ! r ! : Oklahoma City. Okla., Feb. 13. T. E. Robertson was recalled as a wit-' ness today in the hearing of the JC-O.-j 000 dainace suit brought by Mrs. Miu- nie E. Bond against United States Senator Thomas P. Gore. Robertson was under question by Gore's attorneys when court adjorn ed yesterday. He admitted enmity to ward the senator, because, the wit ness asserted. Gore had promised to use his influence in behalf of H. A. Rogers, of Oklahoma, mentioned as a candidate for secretary of the intrioj but had failed to do so. Robertson was called as an eye witness o indignities- which Mrs. Bond alleged were offered ber by Senator Gore in Washington last March and on which h-r .-uit is based. The witness gave- practically tbe same testimony as Klrby Htzpatrici. who preceded liini on th wimess fctand relating that he witnessed ?h alleged attack on the woman -vlnrii was t-aid to have occurred in a "Washington hotel. Robertson. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Bor.d an dUr. J. H. Earn and another wit ness for the plaintiff jesterday ail declared that they were in Washing ton on political "missions to bt-cur appointments to federal positions and! all failed. It Js the contention ot sen ator Gore's attorneys that the pres ent suit is a result of political in trigue. As on the two preceding days ot the trial the court room was crowded today and within an hour after court met even standing room was at a premium. Mrs. Gore accompanied the senator to the court room aud at beside him throughout the day. Shortly after Robertson took tbe he was -. xensed v temporarily EIS AFFAIRS L. i I OF 0 Hearing Will be Held Tomor row Morning at 10:30 Be fore Judge Adams When First Evidence Will be Pre sented. Solicitor Wilson For the State ' ! Judge Osborne and Cr,n ser Reprsent Defendant Great Interest in Tomorrow's. Hearing. Judse t I. Osborx Mr. 1". T. vestlgatin? affairs ot th IuisiriH-cohiiiwi ior Jiuarcw jt-rmi. and Nashville milroad, aijiboriztd' who bot and killed Dr. W. H. Vcw". today In a report of the hennte cora Vn at DavWan T..esday etcniur rbof SlulJrXWU D re,i0,,,Uon byjly afur 7 o'clock tody t Promj.t action was takn by ti e com-; JU(Jg w- J- Adams, at hlc mittee upon receipt or rharK from'ir.g Kebiuary ttrm civil corn. '.r. the commifvion tbat cPicer of thl hi city lor write of ha-a rr.rj.i- i-ouisviue anu Aasiiviiie were neiyjnK, its cKt-nts. withdrawing iinortant in formation and threatening to destroy: By A-fociated Press. Washington. Jb. 13. A special sen ate committer to co-oprr&te with th? interstate commerce cn.miFJ-!on in in- reeordt. With a e:i? to coin mil iMtthonxr ! ' rovornnient :mthority can 1h b ! for th iTisoar. The cie is set for hArl&c !' Judge Adams tomorrow morcis at 110:20 In :I kienharir court aou- SoHcitor G-rg Wilson has notiS! in contempt. ; Sheriff Wallace, m Th COElTOOBEIlTILLOfliH-H SYSTEM DIES'- , It- 111. J 1 4 n. V r.n I OlOUU craux .. smp, "Vi"", ana Deputy Sheriff Ezeli was called. R.J UUl i..i!JI. , i!.-i V, 1 rnitnil He testified tliat Gore had evaded service of the papers in Mrs. Bonds she was new sne was "cran after extensive alterations this disap peareu. suit and that he Mas prevented from Captain Johnson said the two shis uan the aenator bTVa uumor ot ivero InrlfFfl tOBPther Olllv ahotlt tWOl" . - . . " . By Associated Press. ! Pans eb. 13. Aiphoni 5rriuioc. creator of the system of criminal iden tification which made name known throughout th- orld. died here tolay aged ti. He hid suffered from aiKima compli cated with other maladies. furm-d. of tbe :pu:U'klica lly ir xa.s corj'if. M.m will rvjTfMrct t-. CanshT ihe pri)onr. Th vj-nce im ioh n1- A at the conrt cou umorTo- mr-minfc at 1J:CU. Prisoner Retted WHl. seconds' at the time of the collision. the latter's friends who barred tnej rh Kr,t,Kket rebounded ouicklv aud 49l to Coie room in a ,OCal ll fell in alongside and struck the Mon- tifirf tht h roe again broadsides on. The Seconal shock appeared to be greater than the VXl first. When the vessels parted again ITLITI'S ELMS ' FOR' RES BUR EE URGED after an interval of 2o seconds the 7Cant.ucket floated astern and the oMn- roe forwai-d. Captain Johnson said he believed it would have been impossi. Late at night, however, no caugni sight' of the senator and served the papers. itgsB &nSS;-hig fe! 2&i 111 this hi 8! goiuiilbli, 8. C., yob. iS.. M1 X- i as far down tfce 1 '"I'M ' f.r : . Vy. N. Y.. the tem- '!:.;. dropped to 20 de '' ynd in many other reports of 20 and ;vc;. common. V?t o its auiijov tallytVihs Ihc lhz ii 'H'.ik intense cold le re- ipSsF h&'M 8f Hts sfeitstftl ftSSSttlbly mm Ti SILL Wtmrmm n oi it order to rescue all passengers anai crew. Captain Johnson testified h did not signal the chief engineer to start the pumps as he regarded it as useless. . U in FIRM SUSPEIS By Associated Press. v.,-. fr, I -'11 T 1 1 f J ... ''. ''ook. i I; W:.:. vi'-o Feb. 13- i ' v.."'0 Feb. 13. The at '-umion fjf Lieut. Arthur ! r- s. battleship Con " -to.'.e its occurrence !''gh'. had been kept ' -;c-ni;rnlly known in ! ' Ify today and caused 'y.eut. lie bullet struck ' i; htf). The police are ne asasilant "ilLU A ivU call r.3t ui: ii",iii.. .-v iUu ...i. u'Ji y? J 1 . i i U'jll. Senator Stuckey, the author of the bill, addressed the senate, empnasiz ing his theory "that to permit peopie to own land and. yet deny them citizen ship is contrary to the fundamentals of our government." He made frequent reference to Jap anese invasions into Florida and Cal-T-nin anH Tvointed out that other states have adopted measures similar to this bill. He said the Japanese are incompatible with our people. Disclaiming any intention to embar rass the national administration, ha nointed out that there is no treaty ft! !'f MS Ctrl ! RF effects from business men, it is evr . j. i - 1 1 ', 'JrttZTJ,ule to keep the two ships together in letters to him from business asso ciates and from others indicated that the man addressed was one that had many strong friendships. A letter of interest among his ef fects indicates that the check of ten thousand dollars referred to was ex pected to be a part of the capital of the new company Mr. Mackendree had organized. Deceased Was 43 Yers of Age. A telegram to The News yesterday afternoon which came too late for publication, was as follows: Spartanburg, Feb. 13. Seaborn M. Mackendree, who committed sui cide in Charlotte until six weeks ago was sales manager of the Stonega Coal & Coke Company with headquart ers in this city. He was 43 ; :ars of age and is survived by two brothers and one sister. One of the brothers' is in Macon and the other brother and the sister live in Macon. He is sur vived by three children who live in Savannah, Ga.: Elizabeth, aged 13, S. M. Jr., aged 8. and Ray or-, aged 4. He married Miss Daisy Sheffield of this city who died here April 7, "912. After severing his connection with the Stonega Coal & Coke Company, th late Mr. Mackendree a-ssisted in the organization of the Stocks Coal &ly Coke Company of Atlanta, Ga., on the first of the year, becoming vice president and general manager ot.tne SIX IIS OF I. C. E. TRffl DERIILE D Bv Associated Press Tamna. Fla.. Feb. 13. isix cars or train number 3S. Atlantic Coast Line were derailed at Cainesville shortly before 4 o'clock this morning. Four New York, Feb. 13. The suspension passengers" were hurt, none fatally was announced toaay oi me Danisms Th inlured: lirm of A Bolosuesi & Co., one of the p small. Jacksonville, back oldest concerns of its kind in the .1, city. It did a large business in foreign iIrg Florence P. Humphreys, Balti exchange and represented - Italian more steamship lines. I m. I. Green. Jamestown, .New York Annie, fiav. colored. St. Petersburg, JOHN HARJES CHlllliALLY Flj Tho hae-easm and mail car turned Grasse France. Feb. 13. John 11. Vftr nn jt KidP and two day coaches Harles. a nartnerr m tne panning nrm irt,lMl(,i itlto It. Two Pullman car " ' o i I . - . . of Morgan, tiarjes t v.u.. ts muwuj also left tne traCK ana two regamea 1i v Associated Press. Atlanta. Ga,. Feb. 13. r or ine first time the complete personnel or he organization commute? or me federal reserve currency system war. brought together at a regional bank hearing here toaay. jonn j-v-h- Williams, recently appointed comp troller of the currency, arrived in At- anta earlv today to take tils piaco as a member of the committee. IBs ar rival preceded by several nours inai of Secretaries McAdoo ana noumn, his colleagues who yestcraay con eluded a hearine in New Orleans. riaimt of Atlanta to a regional bank were first to come before th committee. Representatives, oi iir mineham. Chattanooga. Savannas . m . . and' Columbia wm also oe neara dur ing the committee s two day Region here. Jetton wat t-ren In tho jr.d tlu iiiorniiii: by a N't rrortr. H v Kcu,i)'iii? ihe odl in !. oin ! on the M-cond floc r. Two of hi 'iO'-I r wre with Mm. and fcsvc t c-n l most contiantly Piure hi incu-r--t'.on Tuesday niphu Wlicn ask-d if h bad "ny incut to n.?.ke. Jtion n-jlic-d: " . I hav; nolhinc to K2J. row. My 1a'' yen- ntuive any iB;cinmi ifcsary, but 1 have totLirg: to V-ked a to nib comfort, etc. be plied: "I am very comfcrubl". it' sheriff and Deputy Sherifl Fc-r n:an arc a? kind a po?iib1." Mr. Jetu-n had a masatin :n ht Yuuu .id tl.c- ter: t-c-veral cth'-tMi in the cell; also fmu and -diiN proviued by hir family. He I a feJeit der man, Uiyi.h In look, hie man ner and becrinc Indicatlrg a tn;.n'oi juiet, mv!j!t dcmaniT". H" -ea tins?, and had cn a .rown pvi-air as th? jail U t.ot any too warm lu justice to U;h ld., a -!! itlng that no cate mtil i" vr--Judged until tb evidence Ik ta:d. The N!wg bas refrained from jLliih Injt the rumor? and report of o" kind and arothtT Tor and a:anT cither priuclpAl in the dStrcxlnu tragedy. Tbe vMcnc in. tto jur will render verdict n tb lacti a" given in ihe -vid',nc. The affair has Un difCiiSl in a'l s ra' "d larin?5 by this wtole red inn The h j run tomorrow nonir.? IU bring out evry fact n lh -. MJOTHER ROBBERY Hi PITTSBURG FIRE IHSURAHCE RITE IIUIM- ill here. existing between the unitea oiaxet. - mttanv He was considered a man of oner countries wmycue, jlo. ovomitive ahilitv. to permit aliens to acquire land here. Referring to himself as a areamei, he stated he advocated this bill in an effort to upbuild tne unriBuam-seu white race, and eliminate the possibil ity of its contamination. "tl ' ""t'l VI ". " 13. The mine ; "i the labor war in -1 '''tin C. Osgood, chair '!ru of Vic-tor-Ame:ican (he narrator, was previously had tes '.Hh inception of the d; i;i tho earlier disor--ik.e zoiui. H assumed "-i responsibility for the guaros and .he im inachine KUns. He ex M MEANS S FJ PLDDINGTOBPEDOES ":cinrciiP? Tialv Feb. 18.a Riieeess ?6m a igiig giitance by means . ot th ultta-vioipt r.Ayg yi?5;iss k-t UHvi waV carried out here tgday. Sig-. given nis tgejee w UGB Tiiivi has Italian "government. "''Although "today's gJSgifflefe Xa-!3er -f" "r.rr- inm tliat Admiral cret it nfcaiiig i?ya rttas ?,sv-sr WTa.'V.Tad'ulaced in the .Riy: Ir A'rnoio iogfloes charged. Avith smokelesg gunpov.aci euu with blae-K guupuyyuci. " The ultratviolct ray ash,aiMg Tr;3 ,;nr:M from" "the tower of the Balaz-. zo""Capponirtwo miles away. Less a an three miaute was rguirga iQ ex. v!laree executive ability a,uu uum He was recently in a hospital in At- Well Thought of in Spartanburg. The Spartanburg Journal of yester day afternoon says: "Seaborn Marshall Mackendree, who committed suicide in his room at the Buford hotel in Charlotte this morning, was until eix weeks ago as- ! sistant salesmanager or tne oxonega 89 ' Coal and Coke Company, with head quarters in Spartanburg. He is pieas-, antly rememoerea nere uy many : "le vho had business and social deal-: fngs with him and only the highest ; tributes ot respect were paid Eim j flnshftd to J wnen tue ou " ... Spartanburg that he had committed suicide. ' . - Tif Mackendree was forty-three years of age and is survived by two j brothers, one m Auguoia au. iuC in TVTneon. and by one sister, who lives in Macon. One of his brothers, William Mackendree, is connected with the Augusta Herald. He leaves three children, Miss Elizabeth Mack endree age thirteeq years; S. Mar shall Mackendree, Jr., age 8 years, and Raymond, age 4. The children are 'living with relatives in Savan- MrsMackendree, who before mar riage was Miss Daisy Sheftall, a rela 5!e of Samuel Sheftall, who former ; in Snartanburg,. died in this r . (ContlmiaA on Va NimU Tell the Fubiic Through The Charlotte News. (Miss Margaret Morris, Gas to nl a.) If there's anything you really want, or choose, Tell the folks about it thro The Charlotte News. Sure your pleadings will be heard. It's costs is only one-cent-a-word. Everybody is reading 'em more people using em 108 Wants printed yesterday-1176 in Febru arv today not includ ed 2651 in January 3827 since New Year. "The Want Ad Way" is the only way, and, "In Charlotte It's THE NEWS" 'NUF 'CED. on the rails. The engine was net de railed. There were seventy-five pa-sen-eers on the train, which was bound from Jacksonville to St. reiersourg. Social to Tho New. nal-h. F-b. 1J Vin? Prcdtt' und General Council Ru.njv. of tho Contineotal Fire Insurance Ccmpany. end Vlc Prepident Uarw-ll. cf tt Hon Fire lnnrar.ce Company, ot New York. re wito- xatnixifcJ; durlne the morntnc fcettlon cf .i By Associated Press. Pittsburg. Feb. 12. Three men gain- ei entrance to iu" M - M-cal lerir-latlvc insurar. corarui today and binding the watchman and,31 hia us Rtnr Uipv hw onn safe. Us contents, amounting to w mm T ISE PISSES THE ENABLING ACT By Associated Press. Richmond, Va., Feb. 13. The bitter- ly contest-id "enabling a6t", backed by the Anti-Saloon League, to enable the voters to express themselves at the polls, rather than through their con stitutional representatives, upon the question ot state-wide prohlbiion, was reported by the conference committee and passed by the Senate this after noon by a vote of 20 to 19, Lieutenant Governor Ellyson breaking a tie by casting the deciding affirmative. The bill already had passed the house, stripped f its senate amena ments, by a vote of Co to 13. It now goes to Governor ctaart for action. Alcoholic liquors, unaer tne aci may be manufactured in Virginia, the entire product must be shipped beyond the state line and not into dry terri 12.000. 'were- stolen. After an lnvct! gation the police arrested Tho-nas Cuff, assistant to the watchman, hold ing him as a suspicious ;erwm. The robbery Is the laret of pn manv oi mem i. - m - wf town ousmess uisuici rests and no convictions. HEMS MUST LSI MORE EGGS! By AfraOciatd Press. i Washington, Feb. .-Investigation , of how to make hn lay more egf-'e. was authorized in the agncuitura fconrooriation bill reported today. Congressmen 'U continue to dis tribute seeds, the weather bureau ser vice will be extended to the Panama canal and insular possessions, more than 20G,000 will be spent fetudying how to eliminate the waste and prof its in foodstuffs between the produc er anJ the consumer and a general reorganization of the department ot aericuiture along lines of great em- ripnev as laid down by Secretary Houston were authorized by the bin in anrrowlations oeeregtinK S23,- Ot'O.OOo. r.-iih wr-ro examined aa science of rate making and ur.l'i writing. Both insltted rate irakir.c. should Kft to tt ctimpan?-!" wn a proper degree of publicity to m- .t- l.r a It'll Ihn l lllicd the down (Policy rnncl,,- prove. rirUrif in t-i-wit'i 'x ar- 'ration hrtvtr appiJed. that tb- f I insurance clause ihor.ld cptionii with ih Insirer, rateis to b mad t" ! accordance with hMhr 'ir not tv: coinsurance clauhe it us-d or not. BIG 1TTEIICE IT SflCIHL SERVICE I1FEBHGE Social to The News. Raleigh. Ftb. 13. Governor lxxi Craig welcome tr.e members oi Uo conference oi aerjc u-n thic morning The attendance frx m every part of tbe Mate ss surpris ingly large in vie of the very m vcre weather. The fovernor declared thl ton:, attendance ives at-surancc ol di?t interest. He prdictd the t'.u: It t. ir.g hatened now hea i -f M1 conditions a are robl a -ar U ;nay b brought sheet through dircted social erv'-e work. ' : . : . ' , . : ' v : 1 -II r.v; 4 ;;W'- r .' - i. .t ' e - ' jii.-j property. Biode the four torpedoes. AJ u., liui-cvi

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