T GROWING NEW PAPER IN ORTH CAROLINA i ji y. ' MEW NIGHT EDITION L TODAY reater Charlotte's H o nr e Newspaper 99 )iiily," 1888 Sunday 1910.. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TURD AY EVENING, FEBRUARY 14, 1914. . o. . . Price: Daily 2c; Sunday 3c. FAST KL.. Li llCtllPf SENATOR A. 0. 1 1 1 fr BAGON Q i j GEORGIA DIES! By Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 14. Senator A. O. Bacon, of Georgia, died in a hospital here today. He hal liwii .- fferina; from a kidney afl'euiou f; -exerul weeks. Winter's First Big Snowstorm Reaches Bhzzaid Proportions enator Hacow's jf.itii was- au- 1 ft u A 2i it :iona arses r viaae Ag amst Dr. Wooten By Wife of the D efendant. Stand this At tn. Mrs. Jetton stated that Dr. Woot- on had heen to her house two times before the night of the homicide. ! I while her VmahnnH bs nhs;etiL Mllil . Tit 2 30 " PrGSidBFlt once while he was present. He came every time about 7 o clock m the evening:. He was there first on Jan-t '!:nn tMiri -or t a 1 1 citor it Davidson College, Sloan, and Other Citiens ot Davidson : i r Witnesses tor uary 22 when her husband was prec SFNATflR RI1RF w mm skip -w i mm c nm imT Tflir UIU Ml Ml pTHRin Tnnsv I fiilill 9 1 1 1 i 11 W uin iu - uun ENTIRE VILLAGE EXTERMINATED. ent, Mrs. .letton said. "T was in bed ! sick at the time. He said he' heard j I was sick and merely called in to e hiw I was setting along ft was ten days later, according to S Mrs. Jetton's statement, that Dr, Wooten came back and walked in; the door, which was unopened. He'jy Associated Press, stood at the sittin room ' "l ' t door, she said. a few min-i Uoma, City, Okla., eo. 14.-ln-utes. '.'Presently he asked how 1 stead of calling Senator Gore to the was feeling, and what I was taking witness stand when court opened for for my cold," she said. "I told him the third clav-s session of. the trial that I had been taking quinine, .. ,. -AriAl . . . . ...-w, iw. ni r,-A rl ot the $,.0,000 damage suit brought ' lir-J C U 1 IJIX 11 V LULU Hit JLV UUIU J V.- r x Dnnm Malk 'scribe something for me, as quinine against Gore by Mrs. Minnie Bond, de vullri nOOlTl. nallo was no good. 1 asked him to leave, jfensive counsel decided to call other r. ,,., An ', saii Irs- Jetton. witnesses in the effort to lay grounds Sta.. Way JettOn Ap-. "What did he say to that?" a,ked'for impeacliment of geveral oE the Mr. Cansler, who was examining her. 1 $ p0Q! i -He said he wasn't going to do plaintiff's witnesses. The first witness j anything," was ber reply. j today was W. F. Fisher, an Oklahoma "He caught hold of me," she slat-; city lawyer. ej rurtner, and Kissed me. l toiuj him if he didn't go I would telephone MsRae to Assist M i i c n n P r nA ; rl I V. 11. Wooten at-. her, had made im- to her three times ,! .--lie h.ad been ima'aSe "nelp on lei-' Tuesday . r honh' in Davidson, -.-bisnd. Robert Monroe in tuid .hot Dr. Woot . .-enstiotial statement .. . wife tl' the prisoner, uuiii iii habeas cor-ina- i.foVe Judge r- ' .uorr.iiu: in Mecklenburg I5y Associated Press. -.r Nairobi. British Bust African -'.'t Protectorate, Feb. 14. Boran Tribesmen exterminated recently an entire village of 200 men, wo- men and children of the F.endile -A-tribe in the l,orian swamp in the .'t northern part of the protectorate, -.r according to an, explorer who reached here today. O 'r The Borahs, who are a peaceful C: people engaged in pastoral occu pations, have been incessantly O harrassed by the Rendiles. This so exasperated the Borans that -"' ;.. they retaliated iy killing every one of the Rendile tribe they could find. Fisher testified that he had lent T. my husband. He said he would leave E- Robertson, the lawyer, who wit a prescription at the drug store for nessed the alleged attack on Mrs. rl.- I HI an hour. She related, hi'.-idcnts lead.me up the witness ir;-untti: homicide at David '! ' f-rjnv -vening. The hear 'vntln until 2:3 o'clock, ; . was announced, the - i.Mof, will be put on the Character Witnesses. .1, .. innff,ei; ior jcllou oa- in'.-rnins; were: i i, Sl'-ati. of Davidson; '. .1 Mania, of Davidson i 'irf ,F. i). Brown. Rc-v. : :. ). j,;i.-()r of t he Pres :.;!'',: Town Marshal ;; '' !;;nidson: Dr. Withers, Mid V. J. Summer, ot ,! Jptton an excel- me. "Well, did he leave it?" Mr. Cans' ler asked. Mrs. Jetton said that later her hus- 1 J J. . I i ' j t en i uau seuL a .rebcripiion ro oe nnea m excused on this point untn Robert -and she to d him Dr. Wooten had said fi(m could be lecalled and foundation he would leave a prescription at the laid for the examination, drug store to be filled tor her. j nf.nmv sheriff Kzel tstifie.! abnut a conversation he had with Robertson JULESVEDRIHE5 TO FIGHT DUEL nounced to the senate vhile it wasj ill eYffllt iH C.ci.,ll -jnl 'net l,rninl it adjourned for the day. The crd came unexpectedly, it having been an nounced earlier In the day that he was doing better and that an opera tion which it had been thought neces sary to perform for an affection of the kidneys would be avoided. The. Georgia senator had b-vn ft) a little less than a month. At first it was thought he had fractured r rib by a fall, an illness attended by a high temperature set in. Later examinations and X-ray phoiographs disclosed, how ever, that an affection of the kidneys the exact nature of which it was im possible to determine was the cause. Two days ago,' the senator was taken to a hospital where he sot along favor ably and with a recession in temper ature all thought of an operation weie abandoned. News of Senator Bacon's d ui'i o .startled the senate that members scarcely could credit the first informa tion which was sent to the cloak rooms by telephone. Senator Overman- who first goi the word, soou verified it and communicated it to his col leagues. Ho immediately drew a bri-;: resolution which was adopted and the senate adjourned. As soon as Vice President Marshal' gavel had tapped the desk in signal of adjournment senators remained in the. chamber condoning the loss of their colleague. The shock affected many of them deeply. The scene on the floor for several minutes after th9 announcement was an ur. :sual one. Senators paced nervously from one group to another. Many of them Were- so affected that they s'-.ircely could speak. CHRTTAMQOGft ! PRFCCFC Rl IIMi; I If L.UUL.U ULZiill U FOR RESERVE BAI The Northwest Section of the Country Clad in Deep Mantle of Snow, in Many Places 20 inches Deep. ! Storm Warnings Displayed . Along Atlantic Coast Fair and Warmer Weather is Scheduled for the South Report from Points. By Associated Prets. Atlanta. Ga.. Feb. 14. Additional ly By .UtorLktrd Pre- arguments in la vor of the regional I Washington. Ftb. II. Th- wjr.ii reerv bank for CbattaiHH:i wetej firft vnovstorm .ii. U.i.hl1 .rsent:'d here ttnl.iy when file hcHr-j'be r.otihccstcrn .:it f ij,.. -ji.tr which bciir.li .e.terda b.-toro J today, and .n ionic ;!a - ;t i.-a b.-t ms-i the organization onimittv uf the federal committee federal reserve rtell were resuin i. Ielesation. from Columbia. Bfr i.iuiciiai i i!'d Savannah wer uu .iaud to pre i-t later today the cl.tim ol'a mile a-nnnufe their resiectlve cities. It a ex pected that the visions here oiiJ be.emled late this afternoon. Kdcar Walkiiit, of Chattanooca. i-h-posd an Atlanti- ;caloard reer district. conipriNinz Viieiuia and! a 1'iizzara propnrtlonK. Jtailruad irt li va, dH.ed a id v-' txS.W lce in a mruW 'f cities wa- : m I ered. Oft" It.- .southern N.-w i:h-3.u, pb wa- b,i:r' b 51 Bond, $245 "and when Robertson came back from Washington after the al-; leged Gore incident, he demanded; Paris, Feb. 14. Jules Vedrines, who band brought some medicines from that it be. repaid. Objections by coun-. recently flew from Paris to Cairo, ar- the drug store and asked her if she ,sel for Mrs. Bond caused Fisher to '.rived from Egypt today and telephon ed to two friends asking them to act as seconds in his duel with ltene Quin ton, president of the French Aerial League. Vedrines will demand a fight with revolvers. The quarrel arose out of the refusal 1 of Vedrines to give satisfaction to Henry Roux. a rival French aviator who also had flown from Paris to Cairo and who challenged Vedrines to fight after the latter had struck him iu the face. Quinton ordered Vedrines to fight Roux and Vedrines replied "I will not fight Roux but will light you as soon as 1 return to Paris." "Had you eyer told your husband about the improper proposals Dr. tne d before the guit wag med vvooten nan maae to you; asKoa iur. agaiust Gore. He said Robertson told LanSler, I v.;-. ,r V, n -,7 inar T n-onf Tfil I 1 1 serve tomorrow. . Fzel'l asked about it and he said Robertson replied: "Never mind you. You'll know what it is about when you see the headlines in the newspapers tomorrow. I want you to serve the papers on a man who has done me dirty. It will be sweet revenge for me."' The next, day suit against Senator 1 Gore was filed. "I never did," she said. "Why did you not?" asked Mr. Cans ler. "Because Dr. Wooten's wife and my husband were first cousins and Dr. Wooten was a business partner of my husband's, and I was afraid it would cause trouble that way. Mr. Jetton dir not. know he was visiting me and 1 was afraid to tell him for that reason." ! T r ' . V. he 1 ' v 'in 'Mil" into court room 'h-r iii-l:w. Dr. McCoy, r'"!n was crowded 10 ity. the crowd extend- '' half wav down Dr Wooten came to ner house next R R D Licklider past0r of the on the Saturday following Mrs. Jet- u Baptist church, testified that ton said, and same 011 in the house Mrs Bond and her bllsband aud James the door not being locked She asked jn(Juce h minis. nai ue waiiieu. tu sue sam, oil;,, tn t t,o r Uc. r , .i , ;! - dressed in a coat ! ' 1 tiue run ana ve. ' '' '.!' e glasses, had on r ;i-d was most neatly 'a:- 'tir'-o. ne is atuac '! rated anywhere a i'liiii. sue mainTainea 1 : -viiib on the Ltand, ' that, she was the ' "';i"'!x 0f eyes and the '".'' ". iii room. ' 1 ':"np to my door and - ''rr. Jetton on the " ' ' ile I was in the tlie sopper dishes !;-i Tiiesday evening ' i ut. to the door, i -fiw it was Dr. Woot '' - r m into the house 'ii bat. he wanted. ' 1 med tt) see me. I ' once, that I had ' -: wunt to see him 1 ' ! me on back to '' ' ;-''i ".tight me by the " !-'u again to go away. ! "' '' the wrist tltrough Mi'i the front room and ' " bed. in spite of all He bad his hand, over : r i U), jf. Shut UP, ' '- ' '""'jd hear mo. I heard : ' a l;"" in the front door ' ' ' oraeone wati coming t hr-m come." My hus "" iii'.o ihe room. -; said: 'So you 'are ' 1 you.' Dr. Woot- . ' ' '' '1 hit my husband and ;"!'" 1 ran out into the V. ' :-:-nx.y I heard a pistol - -eniPnt my husband came J "he pistol in his hand." ?r in fc'h,jstance the story :;,.f' 'r"t,on this morning on Dr. Wooten is quoted by her as reply ing, "i only wanted to see you before you go away." This referred, Mrs. Jetton said, to her contemplated visit to her former home in Mississippi on the follow'ng week. He was not back any more until the night of the homi cide, she scaid, or last Tuesday even ing. She ;aid she went to tne uuyi, atfer hearing some one knock and did not know who was there until she op ened the door, when he followed her to the kitchen, as already staged. Stewart & McRae for State. Messrs. Stewart & McRae have been enmloved to ' assist the solicitor in the case and sat with him in the hear ing of the case this morning. Solici tor Wilson questioned Mrs. Jetton closely as to many of the statements she made, but in the main she stuck to her original statements. ANNIVERSARY DAY AT 1 WAKE FOREST IS HELD fore the United States senate. The witness said that Mrs. Bond accom panied her husband and Jacobs at tended a meeting of the ministers shortly after the episode in Washing ton and that Mrs. Bond told details of the alleged attack. The alliance, he said, after hearing the statements, voted to have nothing to do with the case. Rev. Mr. Licklider said Mrs. Bond was a member of his church but that she had not attended it during the past two yrears. TESTIMONY IT t STRIKE THE DAY IN CONGRESS. By Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 14. senate: Continued discussion of a resolution to compel the Louisville & Nashville Railroad to furnish certain informa tion to the interstate commerce com mission. Rreatly -ndangertr.? fhippinc. Sft-n vessels were reported In dhtrcs alutic. the coa-t from Cs- Henry, 'a north ward. Th- Mo: in d iuMx.i S'Hrta. -Ci... .4...... .1. II. ....... . I .1... I " ''. tanoooga was th- loi.-al location for " " 0?T lh (,",:Mu M"M ad n)"v a rv!ml liinl- fir II. HictHrl Uol'SP"''? nOItnard. SllOW bs fai'. --c....-. ' ' --v- i. .1 , .. . . . was cross-examined by member of(u! ,,,e uri, vaiiy. ne lower !al t. ihe ro:nmitte-. Secretary Houstnu suc-'RU'u- an middle aijd South Allai testing that Chaltamxi-a as a i.iailjj1 'ates i:d i:i o'ithr3, ..,v K v. center rather than a Hade ei,er. ,?,I'V !t 'tina tutiiLt in . . Tli witness pivt-eiitfd fiuree to re '-'t4and and th" lower lake region fule this. elsewhere. t-tW bureau itrts The arcitn.eut for Columbia a by taer ill b, fair ith uH, gun bv W. F. Steenson. a member V V lo. M,;S!lU 'o'-r unijratut of the South Carolina leRislatute. ilej'J1 the middle AtUotic Sta:., aad th favored j: res-i vh district consisiinz f !"'! . the Carolinas. faMern Wen VlrRinia, rUiV: ,u fcl'I ldn: that lh U rr . eastern Georgia and Florida. He de-P1" lt x a orderrd alotg th clared thi territory jKjs.setyed com- ,.Uanl'c. rcatt frtm Eaitpoti. Me, t. nr.on mineral, lumber, grain and llvejt-ai,e Hattera!. stock interests. Columbia, he said. I . . ine et. was its louicai iirancii c-nter. - Sec.etarv of ILe Treasury. McAdoo. Uft ,Min" today reported mcmber of the committee, asked 1h l0"" to,'r targea and tm u-n vr itns whv Wusbfncton wculd not I,srl,4U Keef In lxus SoyiJ. Biographical Sketch: United States Senator A. (J. Bacon of Georgia was born in Bryan county. Ga,, October 2ft, lb3?.. lie served through the war and after the cur render began the practice of law in Macon. He was elected to the Georgia legislature in 1871, and was promiueut in public life from that time to the present, a period of forty-three years. He was declared to be one of the finest presiding officers that, the Geor gia house of representatives ever had. On the death of Alexander H. Steph ens, Bacon waa a candidate for gov- rnor, and came within a hair's readtn of being nominated. At the critical moment, a recess was taken during which the opposition combined and nominated McDaniel. Several years later he was a candidate for the gu bernatorial nomination, but was de feated by General John B. Gordon. In 1894 he was elected to the United States senate, and served bis state continuously! at Washington since that time. As chairman and member of some of the most important commit- Ltees at Washington, Senator Bacon had long been a national figure, and his post under the Wilsci adminis tration as chairman of the committ. on foreign relations was an office which carried with it recognition of the highest qualities of statman-ship. a w suit a a regional bank center lor the district be proposed. 'P.Til;a Wnclilnpfnll t u nlttfcAt center' replied Mr. Stetenson. "and tr" " wet of this iiarbor. Tt government tranjKrt General Bran n on. immedi ately ent out la aa attempt to re policits and buhks don'l mixo." Richard I. Mannlg. of Columbia, en dorsed the proposal of Mr. StevenKott andargiiedtbattherccommendeddlstrict and argued that the recommended til. trict was self-FMpporting ar.d was held ocefher bv trade interests. He fail Storm Goes to Sea. e York. Feb. li. Tbat the -rr 1 whic h hipMHl th Atliuitic kc iboar i last nl?bt had extended uL to x wan indicated ty the receipt cf !c .aj;es from seral liners feUiii r ?be had teen delayej and orjtfj not t;l,.,H V.. nuu f'fil.imhia'ii wMiml'p-r,l rtOPl Until MODdaV or Ttl-tidj . hnife :,nrt Washlnlnn and Baltlmnrr lnclud-d in Uti likl ere the Atn'-nV silso acceptable. EIRST OFFICER Of TRE STUD House: the Indian appropriation Debated bill. Naval committee considered appoint ment of a commission to investigate the- subject of a government armor plant. QUtRY Wake forest, Feb. 14 Wake Forest is crowded with visitors. Old graduates are returning to once more mingle with the wise sophomore and green freshmen. Old acquaintances are b -ing renewed and a general feeling of joy is everywhere: - At 230 the annual anniversary de bate began with W. P. Chambers pre siding over the meeting ad .rl. B. Green as secretary. The judges are: F P Hopgood, president Oxford Wo man's College; John A. Oates, judge of Favetteville, and Dr. Poteat. last night at 8 o'clock the annual orations were delivered in Wingate Me morial hall. r.. , The sneakers were: A. O. Dicltenb, McKinley Pritchard, J. A. McConrry and R. H. Taylor, and all acquitted themselves with credit. MRS. ROCKEFELLER RETURNS HOME. Bv Associated Press. "mow York Feb. 14. Mrs. John D, Rock-feller returned to her home at Pocantico Hills from Cleveland yester day. She was so feeble that she was r.rrioH frniii the train. Mr. Rockefel ler met her with a closed automobile. By Associated Press. Denver, Col., Feb. 14. Testifying today in the congressional investiga tion of the Colorado Coal strike, F. F. Welborn,T)resident of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company said his con cern was surprised that so many men remained at work after the walkout was ordered. "You realized that the strike wouid be serious did you not?" asked James Brewstr, attorney for the .strikers. "Yes," replied Welborn. "And vet you would not meet the officers tf the United Mine Workers for the sake of preventing this strike?" "No." "Do you thing this large number of men went out on imaginary griev ances or threats?" . "Many men left the state before the strike was called, others quit work because they believed what thev were, told by union agitators; a large numner weir threabs." Mr Brewster asked when the oper ators first ordered rifles for use ot the guards. . "Our first order of guns was made between September 17 and Septem ber! 20. . ' .. "Want Ads" For The Sunday Morn ing News will be receiv ed up to 11 o'clock to night. Use the 'phone 115. 110 Wants PRINTED YESTERDAY 1286 to date in Febru ary today not includ- ed 2651 in January 3937 since New Year an average of 90 daily. This week has been a very profitable one for Want Adver tisers. Wants have been sup plied: lost articles returned rooms rented, and valuable sales made, all at small cost. News "Wants" are wonder workers they reach more peo ple all the people and more people are using 'era. One-cent-a-word. Page Eight. 'Nuf 'Ced. BILLS TO REGULATE TRE SOCISL El Columbia, S. C, Feb. 14. Two bills designed to regulate the social evil in South Carolina passed third reading In the house today and were -sent to the senate for consideration by that bod! One, a measure by Representa tive Saunders, providing for injunc tion proceedings, was bitterly fought. which resulted in the Introduction and passage of the second bill, which Is very similar to the Mann white slave act. from Hiruburc: Campania (ma Uvrr looP Saroie from Havre, and tbe Hi. Louis from Southampton. New York Snowbound. .New York. Feb. II. The lniT j first bi? nowntorB! polled Yoti 'today. IWinnini; at f. oJxk fast jn!?ht. It continued t-aliJ Ibl lir noon, dHayins railway and ftrtt car traotiKruUua aud naaii-Hn shipping. J Thoueand ol the utemp'ojed t-I-! placed at ork clearing the. tr--4. vt snow. Seven Inche in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 'Feb. II. Tho "rn m' snowstorm to fcweep across this sec tion of the country Ibis wint i I -it fall of seven Inch In Philadelphia and as much as Is inches la p!! ot Pennsylvania. Sleet and rain followed STATE COR PORATIONS Philadelphia. Pa. .Feb. 14. Guy Horsley. first officer of the Old Io rainion liner Monroe, which sunk al ter collision with the steamer Nan tucket two weeks a?o, was the first witness today in the trial of Capt Ommyn Berry, of the Nantucket, charged with negligence. Hurr-ley was snonr with the ueual discomfort on watch iu the pilot house wneniptrns aD( 4:igUt disarran-num the Monroe passed out to sea on lboj0f Modules, night of the accident and went off South Shivered Yesterday, watch at 11 p. The accident; Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 11. Winter e-u-r-occurred two and a half hours later. !jav nejj practically the entire Sourb Capt. Johnson was summoned wh-n ( Atlantic section in Its grip. Suo. the fog set aud be was In the pi'otisieet and high winds prevailed from house when Horsley went off duty ;N0rth Carolina to Florida, while many at 11 o'clock, the first officer te-il-.of xhc seaport cities reported svci fied. " i storms which threatened destruction !to shipping. SERVICES CHURCH HOLY j "fifr cr ;r a,nd nnupnoTrD TnMODDnui re mingled throughout the day, wji:4 COMFORTER TOMORROW -high wind, and low temperature, LAST DAY OF MISSION! "reensboro apparently register the most extreme cold In the South Services at the Church of the Holy Atlantic section, the minimum bein Comforter in Dilworth tomorrow at iuv 11 a. m.. 4 p. m.. and x p. m.. by Rev-im but two deees higher. M A Baiber, wbo is conducting ai Irom many poinU in GeorgU r"jKrn n,;ttinn in thp rhnreh The miss on i anu Birei weic reccivca. will continue through Sunday. The' Throughout the Northern and Centra! service at 4 o'clock is lor men and old er boys. Mr. Barber has been heard by large, and interseted audiences. Special to The News. Raleigh, Feb. 14. The corporation commission made an order today im posing a penalty of f.lO each on aoout 5u0 North Carolina corporations for failure to make a report to the com mission for assessment of capital stock for taxation and that action be instituted by the attorney general as nrovided by law for the recovery of the penalty and costs within 30 days. liortions of the state the mercury tlool well below the freezing point through out the day. Clearing and colder weather generally tonight was rcdi'-t-ed for tomorrow and Sunday for lb , South Atlantic States. Tre Navahoe Drifted Ashore. New York, Feb. H. The Bntica til tank barge Navaboe wbicb arnv- The usual servicers will be held injed yesterday from London, drafted ;t Peter' Enisconal church tomor-; her ancnor and drifted ashore .t row mornine at 11 o'clock, and even-1 Quarantine today. Her position ,n at 8 fi'clock. Sunday school at fcot considered dangroui. She fca-, a Rev. Hunter Davidson At Episcopal Church 3 THE WEATHER. ' X Forecast for North Carolina: -j Fair and colder tonight; Sun- O ir day fair, colder east portion. 3 i'? Brisk west winds. O Rev. Hunter Davldou. or Hot Springs, Va . will hold the services. Mr. Davidson preached to sp'endid ter'mons last Sunday, and everybody was pleased with his beautiful lan guage, and splendid oratory. He Is a vigorous and impressive pulpiteer. STEAMER FREED FROM ICE. Bv Associated Press. Chicago, Feb. 14. With the shifting of the wind today, the lake steamers Arizona and Kansas, ice bound wlthia sight of the city for the last two days, were freed today and steamed to their docks in the Chicago river. Each boat carried a crew of about 10 mu and a few passengers, none of whom experienced any discomfort. crew of 28. Seven inches of snow had f&lkn " fore rioon, and In many jp.fe drlf were 2 fet deep. Blizzard Weather. yoston, Feb. 14. There at o 4 ZL.rd weather along lb N Ensl"y toast today. At Block lland the w in i gauge registered C$ n.ilct an bc'Jr. At Nan'ucket tb velocity a t miles. Cold at Greeniboro. Greeueboro. Feb. II. Greia;Kj. yesterday -xierlencd the -cbJvt weather of the winter with an oftVn". maximum temjeraiure of IC 4d a tninlinum of 14 aVje zero. Snow and sleet fell constantly during t-i dy and tonight tbs ground is cov-r-d : a depth of nve lncl.es. Street cr t.-j.-fir wag badly interrupted. I tContinued on i'at:e. Nice.) r