T G R IN-'NORTH CAROLINA N IG HT EDITION Gie after C ha riot teJs Home News pa per iODAY 91 toily, 188S Sunday 1910., CHARLOTTE, N. C. , TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 17, 1914. Price: Daily 2c: Sunday rc. FAST ROWING NEWS PAP r ' ' L"" ' 111 pp r-i-i in ii i m i i i, ., , i mi m' hp mi' i i - rn-m m itwim - B MMMMM T-i" TTTR CM A TOT ilTTTT! WW.WR Pleads Not a When A oi e Judge rrawn Ad ams rnihsciay. en're of - Which to : v k m or as m Box! iiiro was tak-j ii- and Self: .i! tjom Con-1 EREITCITHERIBG . nr i iiTiir nsssn ISHIBET PRYSi BACKBONE OF ! I RHT TP jit Tn! nir mm n umir Rflrnir . nr nann&r -rn nr nnmrBil Mtiviuii or mm UHtiHira- ! i i By Associate. Press " Washington. Fe'n. 17. Congress and the nation paid final tdbuty today n the laic Senator A. O. Bacon of Geor-j gia. While his body lay in state in j the senate chamber- si rare honor j both houses of congress veeossed for ; ill.1 funeral service;-; which cabinet j officers, numbers of the diplomatic I corps, aud many promio- nt figures in "A Depression" Pushing South eastward Has Already Caus ed Rising Temperature in Sections Will Chase Jack Frost to Sea Off Atlantic Coast- VIOLBIT STORMS E SHIPS BACK 10 PORT 0 Leo Fmnk Doomed Jo Die For Murder Oj Mary Phagan H I S? 1 1 ft n fl I M national life atteuded. , If K lU I'-tt Wilson c UULUIVBiJInle fuuevai became ., L5v Associated Press. i Columbia, S. 0.. Feb. 17. Nearly 1, ;!! -hot andjnoo delegates have registered or the ' 1 "' lavif,sonj l.iiiiivran Laymen's Missionary Move-MM'i-iui on thejm(M1t Convention of the Lutherau '.!: VV;k;; tOl'llKl'- eliiivi'h in lliu Siriuth virhir.h nimnuil He second bi-eimial session here today. -tat-- and the avraisTfuueMf I tiioniing at k defendant mi. ,s aiiouier -t at the mo- t . i.-'i in the'. ,i:r -i!:ilHs (hi: -htiial venire i eorge x. vroiuer, uu. u., oi xsew .m) tnvm vvhichlberry- s- c- is Presiding. Registra Itions have been received principally j :ry. Thursday , t-ron, ortll alu) Soulli Carolina, Vir- 11 t IMU tiH j o-t?n Trmiocoo P-firn'o-i-i wUl j fair tT' v t , V( VI ft'Uj lilt 11 H. J- V' T from Pennsylvania. New York and Ohio. Included in the list of speakers for the com cation are: J. Campbell White 11 n. hul,Sfby!the Laymen's' Missionary Moverient of the United -States and Canada: W. K. Doughty, educational secretary of :" "ntl1 afce adelphia. chairman of the foreign mis- i.vn to t.ie jurj. giou board collferem;e and others. - , -nnc n oc)ock: . The ygggjoj wiU t.ontuue through , ln.3 case on xhursda Febniarv 10. v bo. The detend- . i oart room, was t iii n i he bar he ox Judge Osborne i ... r t --sed. as a man ' :!, a great mental ': ivla-d liis min! 1 i.i -v ev is in store I i i little more wan pk'ced in jail, buL I'.rits ana took nil-1 .1 t lT. ' rillUli p men, etc. i 'ill t ' ' I .' arraignment in :!.-' through with. i ' was seated im h's counsel and them. Solicitor Wil- il that cae No. 11 court docket was thai against R. M. or then said" stand tip, hold tip J pesur aUer-nis recent, hard com, but ! Mrs. Wilson aud some of the family occupied places in the gallery. large wreath bearing the cards of the president and Mrs. Wilson was placed oil the casket, the only floral tribute in the chamber beside one from the senate. Two guards of honor, one a union soldier and the other a Confederate veteran, stood beside the coffin as it lay in the marble room. The ceremonies were marked by simplicity. There were no eulogies only praper and funeral service hy the senate chaplain and Bishop Hard ing ol tne Linscopai umirch. A) rangements were made to lake the body from Washington at 4:4Z p. m. for Atlanta where it will lie in state in' ihe Georgia capitol before be ing taken to Macon for burial: i Over 14 Inches of Snow in ;outd sot go to! Mn.,, Ynr-L- Makf: VWnrL- nf the risk of 'X ; !vv um Mm vi Clearing btreets uitticuit Cost is Great Pittsburg Has Rough Day Reports From Various Points. By Associated Press. Queenstown. Ireland. Keh. 17. Such violent storms have prevailed in the North Atlantic during the lust week tbat many passenger steamers j and cargo boats bound to America. have turned round and run for shel-l tcM mi l.;.. ,,r iv,.. min,,ii,. ' .i vu lute ciuc ul iut; .Miauiiv. Three, large steamers auioug thos bound tor the United Stat are re turning to Europe in a severely bat tered condition. The French liner Niagara, which left Havre ou Febru ary 7 for New York lost ber star- hoard propeller soou after she got! out and is now crawling slowly back, i The big Dutch oil tanker Rotter dam, when eight days out from Amsterdam lost her rudder and was forced to make lor Queenstogn :n tow of a steam trawler. The HnUli steamer Trintonia from Glasgow for Klobile passed Inishtrahull today al ter being seven days out. Her steer ing gear was carried away and her decks badly damaged during the gale on Friday. Another steam trawler is towing the Gritir-h steamer l.nilvig C,r-dei, bound from Barry to ialia.. I he ship lost her propeller oil' tbn Spanish coast on Thursday. The new Scanrii- STEAMER PASSEN GERS .THROWN INTO FUNIC I By Associated Press. Washington. !' t. 17. The back bone. oT the cold snap which has held the east in a grip of discomfort aud suffering for the last three days is about to he broken. The agency of relief comes from the British northwest and in the parlance oi weather sharps is known as "a depression."' Pushing southeast ward it already has caused rismg temperatures in th Missouri, upper Misissippi and lower Ohio valleys and by tomorrow its vvanmug iullu- CllCe W ilj Ije dialing jacii U-OSl OUl imvi:m--nirrir?ni liner ITroilm ir-U VIII 'o sea off the Atlantic coast. 01l her way from Copenhagen Fcb:u- At NantUCket. ! .,rv 4 for York lu-cn ir.-:illv By Associated Press. Louisville, Ky., Feb. 17. i'assengerb on the big river packet Queen City, bound from Pittsbuigh for the Mardl litas at New Orleans were tnronlion tf l-o M. Frank. ir tU mm i ----- I iT of I was whirled into a pir after a strong The Supreme Court of Georgia Affirms the Conviction of Leo M. Frank Todav Cli max to Long Legal Battle is Reached. Two Members of the Bench Dissented Date of Execu tion to be Fixed There Possessed, but Won From Confinement. By Associate! Press Atlanta, r.a.. Feh. 17. Th- i.i.t . i... ...... .i .i .... ... . . .. i ,m" T, V reamer ur of Ma ,ur currtM almost had swept her over the : factor irl- ,ui,i ws vCirml v Ohio falls. ihf t;crgia tuprenn win. There were IP) passengers aboard j The court held four io ttui tlit PRESIDENT MAY linn tuc iu. m i I ii MM I I 14. V lilt,. i J 5 1 I i MIGRATION BILL t . . , . ri i. orl lioli-l lltl I UV'U li i tiiiri UC1U J Miiihi i it'ri int Huriil il.-.. Osborne's chair. 1 W T I .-. 4- t :;';! o indictment: mi" Mdir Ui"-1!! uaui i; M. Jetton of the buru. on the luth day I'.. i:U. at and iu . . . I .4 -,. ill. 4-.-.f.n i ' ' i I fl I ! I I L '"'i-iy ami wilfully. '. i . i . i : i l.:il ' ' OT r I r.Quillll. U!U Kill H W iintpii rontrarv statute in such r Ti i id irl anil vtPHint. !,;tv of tli slat1. ' "(' W. WILSON." !!. '0. Jetton, are you - win I'fn von stann """ was the solic ' ! - red J ud ge Os- . ,.,,,1 ...!,.. : ' ' fl M l, 5tlll !" tried, K. M. Je't-i- i'cr's nest f)iKstion. ountry," Judge : Mie prisoner. ' ountry,"' repeated b-v voice after " in. mi v oi me ar By Associated Press. Washington. Feb. T7. President Wilson's veto is waiting for th Bur nett immigration hill if it passes con gress carrying the literacy test, ac cording to the best information today in circles close to the .white house. Thousands of naturalized citizens have been campaigning against the test which caused former President Taft to veto ' the same bill. President Wilson will give public hearing be fore he takes action. f f TO THE NEGRO OT Bv Associated Press. New York, Feb. J 7. "Chief Sam," leader of the proposed ex:i-?ditio:- of negroes to the gold coast of Africa, was today on board the old steamship Curyitaba, purchased for the voyage but he said he did not know when the vessel would get under way. It is planned to make the trip via Galves ton, where recruits will join the party. More than 60 negroes have been ouartered on the steamer for several days. Sam refused today to discuss hia expedition other than to say that the purchase of the vessel was an earnest ! of his good faith. During the cold ' i i il ' sreil the negroes on shipboard have ;.v v if ! hey O.esired j i ry tne defendant.! ; ; 'i'.t.L they aid, and ! . i'i. Sheriff Wal-j :a:. the venire. ! a out it six or seven - tand. "ir. V. M. . . - 1. . . . . r. I .- . ' j . i m a Liu cin "'ji!'- 1. 1 I I Ll LI1T UU. t!'e name and the '"''r-sriip in which the ; ppear above. N.-t(; Drawn. ' ;"'t - in the select t, vhs that of the ; :osi ;is j licked out 'f"V and called out " '' '"I that when the ; 'ounty drew the f II' rcirm fiM viilm.. iiirvnien and ' i i.iiatit's name was 'i'tnv was thrown ' .'tis mid another '' The name of one ,; ini'o ihe list Avas . . . IT. .1 . , ' .""!) ;iiiu anoiuer ' " d by the attorneys ;Jvt' use (hat they " Mill. IU1 J t" begin the case.. i '-u:tcd Sheriff Wal icia! capiases to the yirig them to be - ' mm wcion jetton " Bp. Drawn. ii L1I1C5 llUJl 11- ' i-firemen in the case ''airipbell. W. M. '-'quires, f. H. Aber ' W. O. Mood, J. Ktegall, Perry L. " ' M- P.arnhardt, D. r'-os. T. K. Hutchi- room. uwm Pin- i l l. I uii usiu LhJLL n ! BY PRESIDE .Van tucket. Mass.. Feb. 17. Ice has shut off this island from physical com munication with the mainland since Friday. Over rOf lishing boat.- were imprisoned in the harbor today. New York Snowbound. New York. Feb. FT. With an ai my of 1S.000 men the New York street cleaning department today continued its attack on the mass of snow that has blocked the streets since Sat urday, something near normal tratnc conditions were restored early today on the main lines of travel. The total snowfall Saturday and yesterday was 14.9 inches. Conditions all over the greater city yesterday caused Robert Adamson, tire commissioner, to order firemen to clear die approaches of all eugiue houses and assist the street cleaning department in uncovering wr.ter plugs. In many parts oi the city U tv as "im possible for fire apparatus to go mo,-o than a block or two from station-; and Commissioner Adamson feared that in the event of a big lire his department would be helpless. J. T. Fetherstone, street cleaning commissioner, estimated the cost to the city to remove the snow would be about $600,000. Washington. Feb. 17. Washington paid its tiual tribute to the memory ot Senator Bacon oi Georgia at a state funeral which took place today in the senate chamber. The service was impressively simple. There were no speeces of eulogy, no music and no Powers. The ceremonies were restrict ed to the reading of the Episcopal fun eral service, a prayer by the chaplain president, vice president. Seats upon ihe floor were reserved for the president, members of his cab inet, the chief justice and associate justices of the supreme court, mem bers of the diplomatic corps, members of the House of Representatives, the admiral of the navy, the chief of staff of the army and the regents and sec retary of the Smithsonian Institution Members of the dead senator's family and the officiating clergyman remained in the vice president's room until time for the services, when they were con ducted to the seats reserved for tbem on the floor. Admission to the galleries was by ca,rd, extended only to the members of the House and the more intimate friends of the dead statesman. One gallery was reserved for the use of those invited by the president and the vice president. Hundreds of those who came to pay homage to the dead statesman's memory were turned away. When Vice President Marshall walk- Lexington, Feb. 17. News reached ed to his seat and called the senate to j here of the suicide of John M. Koontz, delayed by the gale. She scut a wiroles message today saying sa' ir5 proceeding to Fayal to replenish her coal bunkers. Several bis cargo boats have put into St. Michaels for repairs or to obtain fuel. Ship Had Rough Trip. Boston, Feb. 17. How a hue sea which boarded the German steamer AVartenlels wrecked the chart luue. smashed a powerful I-ctric signal lamp, short circuited the wirn and i"or a lime charged the ship wuii electricity was related today by Capl. Schov upon arrival from Calcutta. The sea broke over hr whil she was off the coast last Saturday. Chief Officer Verght was thrown from the bridge and a beam from the demolished chart house pinned the Malay quartermaster to the deck. The. . vessel was rolling heavy and a human chain was formed to pull away the beam. When the end man in the chain took hold of a steel stanchion he and all the other were knocked down by an electric shock. with a crew of 75 When life savers reached th su-ani-c- they found the rails lined with half diessed friuhtened passengers, several of whom threatened to leap In the icy water. All were taken off and car ried to rhe life saving station. The Queen City was (aught by the. current while trying to land at the wharf ntre. Fflorts of h'r crew to swing her away front the pir eie iieffectual and a -tow boat will attempt to pull her off today. 0 :ic conviction last August ol ti. young faciorx siienntMidett t..J been iu every way r g;ilar ;m .. cording ;o the Tiuiu:al Miquief. : G-rgij. Chief Justice I'lrh and iate .I'utice !! k dir-' m.i It is "XiKfteil lhal d;i nxin set for the xeculivb .f the in oner, .oi-ii.n-i ind finil l oi,. i'i filiii of a uiot.oii lur a u- irui. i was en the denial of this moivi mat Juii apical w;is iakn. I Mor than a hundred (niniu ih contained in appeal. Strv v.a .aid "n allegations oi pi jiidi- ve the i-art ot to juror and -ar?-thai iOpular rada! leehng .ai:.M ih- ;oung tacvory uMniii-nlni. WftfJT TO KEEP lR"T"fr"l I IBirO V IS a '4' 1li"b- Hull t-u Inen I L LI 1 ImUU 11,0 i"our1 w' iniiu. uo-J ib- wllH 1 ril I I li I II 1,rtiicl- siisuiheauce wut 1mj attacli iyillL.ll UllILU, ,j ttatemeLt of liic Ina JOHN ' M. KOONTZ OF DAVIDSON A SUICIDE. Mil PERSONS INJURED IN WRECK order the services began. Departing IE T Bv Associated Press. Charleston, S. C, Feb. 17. United States Marchal J. Duncan Adams received-a telegram from Attorney Gen eral McReynolds ordering him to re lease Milton A. Carlysle, of Newberry, r. at once as he had been pardoned by thep resident, cariysie, presiueut of a Newberry bank, had been sentenc ed for a violation of the national bank ing Jaws and was serving his sentence in the Newberry jail He was released soon after the order arrived nere. sentence had been commuted from five to one year by President wnson. CHILD STRANGLED TO DEATH i'; Rv Associated Press. Charleston, W. Va Feb. 17. e Hanging by the cord -hich tied his milk bottle to his high chair, w eight-months-old Clarence Hisson h was found dead by his mother here today. The little fellow had fallen from the chair and the -7? cord, twisting around his neck, f had strangled him to death. from the customary form, Mr. Mar- shall in a voice lowered almost to a.' whisper said: i "'Senators, the hour has arrived at which in accordance with the orders of the Senate, the final ceremonies over the body of Augustus Octavious Bacon, late a senator from Georgia, and an unusually distinguished mem ber of this body, are to be observed. In conformity to custom and in token of our common faith, the chaplain of the Senate will offer a prayer to God, the Father: God, the Redeemer; and God the Comforter." The Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, chap lain of the Senate, said this prayer: "We bless Thee for the life and wrork of this great man. "We praise Thee that the hand of Death was not laid upon him until he had spoken his message to the world, and had sent forth the influence of a devoted life into the sou! of our nation. "Blest with a physical form which was animated hy a presence full of ! the repose of self mastery, confident through a rich and varied scholarship, inflexible by reason of a consecrated will, dominant with a purpose of lotty aim, he faced and fulfilled the great demands of a faithful senator." I I The Episcopal service was pro- j I nounced by Bishop Alfred Harding and a benediction followed by the chaplain, then the vice president spoke again: "Into the loving hands of the com mittees of congress and the officers of the senate," he said, "we consign the. mortal body of our well beloved sen-! ator, to be by them conveyed to his i home in the state ot Georgia, there to be deposited in its final resting place. Mav his labors in the cause ot consti-i tutional liberty long bless the repub-j lie." ! The body was borne back to thei Marble room where it remained until 1 escorted to the railway station for the , journey to Atlanta, where it will lie! in state at the Georgia siaie capnoi until taken to Macon for interment. The funeral party that accompanied the body south incltded Senators Smith of Georgia, Tillman, Overman, Ghilton. Fletcher, Pomerene, Thomas, O'Gorman, Vardaman, Gallinger, Root,j Nelson, Brandegee, and rage, itepie-j senatives Ferris, Willis, Mann, Payne, Gardner, Anthony, Dyer and Prouty and the Georgia delegation, including Representatives Kdwaras, rars v,nsp, Adamson, Howard, Bartlett, Lee, Tnh ble, Bell, Hardwick, Walker and Hughes. ,, , . The body was taken from the Hotel Netherlands to the capitol early this forenoon and placed m the senate marble room in charge of a detail of capitol police. It was decided not to open the coffin either in the marble room or in the senate chamber. (Continued on Page Nine.). P.y Associat-d Press. Washington. Feb. 17. Six more rail roads applied to the interstate com merce commission today to u- permit ted to keep thei'- water lin.; uf.cr July l. The Panama caual act forbids such ownership unless the lines are non-competitive or the commission should rulp that they are a benefit to commerce. Among the applicants were the At lantic Coast Line Railroad owing 1,200 of the 10,000 shares of the Old Dominion Steamship Company .and 2.000 ot the fi.Oon shares of the Chesa- pak Steamship Compauy; tin Nor folk & Western Railroad, owning J.100 shares of the Old Dominion Steamship Company: the Seaboard Air Line Railway owniug "JJuii bbares of the Old Dominion Steamship Com pany and the whole of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, the stock of the latter being pledged as security cuts in his frantic efforts to destroy suns were seriously injured and nearly j for obligations: and the Chesapeake nimseii. ; o0 slight v hurt u a collision between uuio nan way ow..iu .j.i.Ur- He had been mentally unbalanced ; two passenger trains on the St. Louis ! l,-0u shares of the Old Dominion for two months aud an unsuccessful ; and San Francisco Railroad uear here Steamship Company. effort was made two weeks .-.go to get ; early today. Both trains No. 8, bound j him into the insane asylum at Mor- from Joplin and the West to Spring- ganion. The death of a son followed by that of his wife caused the overthrow of his reason. which occurred at his home iu Tyro township Sunday night. He slashed hjy Associated Press. uis uiroai. witn a razor, inaning jo Springfield, Mo.. Feb. 17. Fight per- field, and No. 14. bound from Spring field to Kansas City were proceeding slowlv when the accident occurred and the crew of each train disclaims; He was a good farmer, 62 years old, 1 blame and is survived by five children. j No. 8 struck No. 14 sidewise as the ; ii i i . i. i , r - I laiier was leaving a. swucn. uumnsj the engine and baggage car off the Kansas City train off the track and Its ! chair car and sleeper down a iz toot THE STEAMER ROMA REACHES PORT Providence, R. I., Feb. 17. The Fa ble line passenger steamer Roma v-hich freod herself from a ledge off No Man's Land on which she struck during a blizzard last night, arrived at quarantine at. to a. m. today list ing heavily to port. WE TAKE OUR OWN MEDICINE. When The News Printing House purchased the Charlotte Printing Co.'s plant it gave tho office a surplus of printing presses. How to dispose of these presses quickly did not worry this office. We know the value of NEWS ADVERTISING we sold these presses through "The Want Ad Way" and after the ads had appeared only a small number of times. Mr. W. A. Westmoreland, of Bessemer City, bought a press and paper cutter, and the other press was sold to The Methodist Protestant Herald at Greens boro. Enquiries came from "Wadesboro, Spartanburg, Lan caster, Lincolnton and Gastonia. judge, who in tk-ioiiig a motion !. a new trial id lhal a'thmvli Lad heard all the vid-!ic. h not convinced cither of ihe :;uu o. Innocence of the dfud; nt. Today's d'.-cirjou utid- .nolbv1 chapter to a cart whoae iecord a;r alreadv said to be inort: voluniiav'ii than any other in Gwrgia annul-. iZn-ry Mep of li.e protfUtufi t in Frank ti arrest on stnMiicioi! on Apni has i.eci. tuhoornl 4xutsj ed. Mi.cb i io pillar 1-cling h:v l-v-u manifest both for and acaiu I lb defendant. 1 Yank's arreM came two da aij-t the uedy of Mary I'haran es jynnJ 'J' a uight ;tc!nnaii li1' -nient of the National IVn-iI la-iij. vhere t-.be had been eiuiilojed. ami o" which Frank was fcUeiujt-ndc!t. Oi May N a coroner's jury ordcr-d th.i' Frank and Newt the iv:.t, watchmau who discovered tt- 11 te held for grand jury iiiwt-liva'ir v Frank ar indi'd for murder ; May Zi. Charges aiabt I-c were dlfemissed. TIim trial began July rv. It a featured : me sensational l'rtiiuv". of Jemcs Cotlj, a negro sweeper ai lit factory. He dckm-d he l'elpd Frank dLsjose of the Poaran ciris body alter the uperintcudeiil tu: killed her. and add'-d charges of de generacy on Frank'h rt. Tbc cr ditt of guilty was relunnvt Augut Z' and on the next day Frank sentenced to be haused October 1" embankment. These two coaches turn ed over, pinioning occupants between seats and sending a shower of broken glass into their faces. Passengers on the train from Joplin suffered little beyond a severe shake up. A relief train from Springneld brought the injured to this city where 15 were taken to hospitals. In the wide territory covered by THE NEWS is any number of shop-worn and second-hand machines, and various 'articles, that could be sold promptly, and at small cost by "Using THE NEWS Want Ad Way." 78 "WANTS" PRINTED YESTERDAY 1564 to date in February not including today 2651 in Janu ary 421. j since New Year lots of new ones in today read 'em every day may pick up a bar gain" "Nuf "Ced. ITI01E PUH TO nnriirilT ri finnn Execution was indefinitely ttayer UKMiI-M I hi IIIIIIS' 0,1 h n,:il5 r Motion tor & dw I 111 VI IV I I I UUUlJ ,rial JuJSe U S. Roan, vh-j haft I IIUI UII I ww Vf w . prw,5dod at (na, fcoard arE.,. Bv Associated Press. "Waahinaton. Feb. 17. Urging a na tional plan to prevent floodu in the nient also on the motion. II din'ai of a new trial irauidiately via Ivl lowed by the tiling if ao apneal. Tbe dissenting opinion of (Jbief Ju. SHARP FIGHTING IT POST ftO PO E Bv . Associated Press. Port au Prince, Haiti. Feb. 17. Sharp fighting occurred today be tween police and the soldiers sta tioned in the capital. The repeated clashes caused a panic among the inhabitants. The authorities made strong efforts to restore order but at 10 o'clock the disturbance conunueu The troops occupied, police head nimrtors without resistance at 11 o'clock and order was restored. RUBE WADDELL IN Mississippi vallev, Miss Mabel T. juw l isti ana justice uecJ. as prtnci Boardman. president of the Arae-icau l-ally based upon tbo competency -or Red Crone, told the senate commerce the t'htlmony or Conley and J. N. Dal committee today that the Mississippi . ton as to allcped acts of immorality should not be allow ed to become oar . on me, pan oi t rans, ai me pncw Korrow." as the Ycuow river mi.v.v., H.i China with its centuries of disastrous flood history, was known. China now. Miss Boardman said, had taken steps to curb the Yellow river. The Red Cross had no specific plan to offer with respect to the Mlesissir- Boardmau said, but urged Frank's attorneys today refused to discuss the dci&loa by which their client wa denied a ouw trial. It i admitted, however, that Frank's only iiopi lies in the extension of exectjUrf cl,miicy by Covernor John M. Slatos or an appeal to the eupreme court of tho United States on tbe ground that nL Miss timid inH ii-jtirvnal movement &6 the . w V. 0..- w -. I . , , . , . . . . . onlv solution. State and community iae v nov acooruea isir protection bad proved a failure, sbo and Impartial tHal as guaranteed bio insisted. Within the last sis years the j by the constitution. Red Cross bad expended nearly JL-j 000,000 in relief work along tbe Mis sissippi and Ohio rivers sue ueciareu j and the directors felt tbat the time., 6 for checking these recurrent disaster had come. Ernest P. Dicknell. national direc tor of the Red Cross, pictured condl tious in the flood re?ious as be taw them in 1512. Human ingeurlty, be ccb one rnwniTinw 1 contended. couP prevent aaertr? SERIOUS CONDITION. th followed in the wake of floods If the resources of tbe national govern ment were employed in formulatiig a scheme of flood control. URGES no C By Associated' Press. San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 17. Rube Waddell, once a famous baseball pitch er who is in a hospital here suffering from a bronchial affection, was re ported today to be in a serious condition. MISS MARGARET QUAYLE DIES SUDDENLY. ., ,, ,, -.. .- ... .- .n. "A THE WEATHER. Forecast for North Carolina: Fair and wanner tonight and -.; ITS LEGISLATION By AfEociated Pretw. Wabington, Feb. 17. Rural erM1t legislatloa along Ihe lines f'i?ReVed by the commission whkh InvrttUrated farm finance in Kurope i urp-d be fore ibe joint rural credits t)inniitie today by Representative Mo of to dlana. ln both France and Germany. fai4 Representative Mo, who u member of th; cotnTnflon. lh mra! By Associated Press. , Chicago Feb. 17. MihS Margaret -.... a-.nfht.r nf Hishon William ! A Uuayle of'SL Paul, died at a hotpi- credit banks were privato itjKtitata lal l.er today while ber father wai fostered by tbe go.ernmnt and rushiDg to her b- dside on a last train. u special monor-ollsUc prtuWe' t Mis Opayle bad been in tbe hospital' enable them to aid farmers. He atd here for two weeks. She underwent j that Lie commiefioa had avoii' 4 ib ihe radium treatment for a growth on mononolittic fndenty In training i. 1-.. .. ,. ti.in,.. ,.;-. tin !r liill snl der!Mr-d Hut nnder lb' , - , , . .1.... .4 ' Iier OIL I'M Jt n uailiuil: 1 1 I a i , .. . . .... -- - - Wednesday. Moderate southwest "Z , ....... ... . Vn,icknn- i.lan f OHirrathe ud tO bOUtn winUS. . -l.n kl, t..i 1,10 i-rlfirallv lolnl ptork t.Jlliks wo'lld tc coi.iiMn-- 1 -z- lactvre iu farm Luauc-.

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