T G I S PAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA Ed nn EW SUNDAY EDITION re at a r' Charlotte Home Newspaper 39 Daily, 18SS Sunday 1910. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22. 1911. Price: Daily 2c: Smifby Tc. w W II . IM 61 a PAGES TODAY I!,. - ... 0m r"r" " liii across llllNutb nnf I! fFFill GRftVE REPEAL CERTft TREATY SUBJff OF GONFE NOT GUILTY"' VERDICT hcNCE cm Efforts of ! ration Officials NiViiistjn Outlook rs in Mexico i be Dccirlcclly hrP,q!Pii-r:. I All .Limes cio !Moi v.nniion but Hint Britain Refrains! uiinu Saisfac- Repeal of Talk r TM Or (inn !H HOP'4 Canal To-:;--:.. OF JURY IN JETTON CA J SENTENCED TO Pr r, K NF VIN. ; Despite a ,o force optim ,i:sii adniluistra -in situation The danger i o much from ' ;. r.'.r. thai the !!'!, William . i tu- crisis, but ... .-. v'i'Hl feel hi g ui' i :i i iit chancellories ,: Mi-ii-iii !y the sum- , i -i ial ; 1 1 1 I ev . m ."in j . of y. fev I. uitcd Slates ' v HPl knOv'il!g -i "''" !! -'H ri'ested. 1.U i--mi it.t 1 1 m might ,. I'iii.'l" K'l'i'" of i.'UH ,:'i:.i: i miMJi'h a! jutU i., !;. tt w diapered : i.jn I i i a i. i 'it- oiliy j -.-'ii! had not alreadj i:i't4-H L-atifi4oliou at : ! as I ha t political .'i'iim o!" ;!! repeal ' n-.i : m ii i. ifi.,r'rcu,,c :i';'im. hung in' the MI'l'I'O' a! i this "OV- ;i hi rsi--; eijee M p. a i i ar i it'S I o not : i''.i. Hut I ii'Tc as Ho a'.iii'idi. of the vai'- " '.Mia -iv:- h iiu were ' U. arid tilth- home -' ' IHi.T'.' i I M 1 i COll- '- 'nn- v. it!i 1 1 1 ! " I'io (irandc- li i i u:a : iiiji mi M('. "' 'l-'i'ari ni'-'in waH i " ''iiiiiiiaticaUy, ' i-'".d Hi at the i in.; a-suait'd through to; i.j!ic . a protcctiu;; dm- ih'iicosv; i" la" rcpreseiitn- iii t.iiouim; . a: l';aHi. x ainf.T ;:li:.ia; ' era ui 'a:; i-rtn an i:i . Ill ,f i In Mi.l ri r. -.vy.- obtainable -'.'ii'i-ii lor .loliii " ('nrli-. 1 1 mj n ri I. -, 'i'I-ihi .('aiicli, t!lO 'oiisiu.la.i' re oresE nd tltiiiuahna Cicv fi'dunu tor them. But he iiiw mT ni'd rnMrding ''"'';' s-j. old'aiuablc " ii ti- don in i hat. they !' -h-yigh priouers, l":!;'.l!ta them it was ei ':'inm: the gravest crisis I ia 3Ievicau situn- 'I " ;i -'!! and Sveretary of :!th'."!:;!i doing every- !mv"-- ' idnialy worried -( '.'td reeeied ai. the "")!rt,v!l' ' d.. hurried)- trativ ! :..!! t rr. ihe secretary . i n rj H single word ''' "V! ,: ' ifua.tioir-,va'i ob-rej;ponh-ible otlicial. "!" '.' 'M il ieisni of the ';'':" -aator Fall of New I :-'t :i'J0' "t the cenaie waa - yrt -iderj a., not aeces '"iar; On an . declined iae ;e', Colons .' '" -. 'd. And the v " -'""-""-l eu oing ;J :;u.u'-! 'Ml ou!d kee;- iu ' n'sar iu han- 1! "r "' 'i' 1 !' I'aieai.- that State of Louisiana is Consider ing Bringing Suit as Original Proceeding to Test Repeal of Reciprocity Treaty With Cuba in Wilson-Underwood Tariff Law, !f Suit Should be Brought it Would Be Filed Against the Government Directly Making Uhe of the Seldom Used Right of State to Sue Na tion, Washington. Feb. '11. A conference regarding a suit in the United States; supreme court to test the repeal of the Cuban reciprocity treaty in the Wilton-Underwood tariff law so far take a L'O per cent differential off Cuban saiga r was? held today at the department of justice. The state of Louisiana is considering bring the suit, as' an original proceeding in theh igh court on behalf of Louisiana's- big su gar interests. Attorney K, j. rjeasants; of Louis iana: .Jau! r'lirisiiHn, yttorney for the American Cane Growers' Association and Representative Rrousard of Louisiana met Attorney General Mc He nolds regarding the 'juestiou. The stale of Louisiana, is dricely effected because of its snsar cane t reduction on its penal farm. The Wilson Underwood act provides I hat the Cuban treaty shall be iu force, but that tiie clause giving Cuba the per .-Miii differential shall be repealed. I he Louisiana authorities are contemplating the suit to test whether the attempted partial repeal of (he Irealy is valid. The repeal would practically remove all duty on cane sugar from Cuba and, it is al leged mean ruin to Louisiana sugar producers. If Louisiana should lile s the suit, it would bo brought directly against the- government. lunJer the extraordinary constitutional power, seldom invoked, by which a sovereign state may sue the. government. McReynolds told the L.ouisianans to day that lie had not. yet reached a. de cision. ' but would give a formal opin ion to Secretary MeAdoo before March I. Upon that decision depends wheth er Louisiana will rile suit or not. Attorney General Pleasants stated today that h' vull remain here until the department's opinion, which will be forwarded to him, and also the Louisiana, officials, is made known. I "If the attorney general decided that tlie twenty per cent clause is not repealed, of course il will not be nec essary to bring suit,'' said Represen tative Drousard tonight. "But if the decision is unravoraoie, l oeiieve a suit should and will be brought. That is a matter for Attorney General Pleasants and other states ofheiais. after consulting the growers and their counsel to determine."' VINCENT 1ST00 WILL STUD! PUR FOOD AfJ ' New York. Feb. UI. Vincent As for l is thee hairmau of a. committee an- nounced today by Seth Low, president j of the national commission to make a i nation-wide study of the national pure food and drugs act. Other members of the committee are Dr. Carl L. Asbers.J chief of the bureau of chemistry, de- J partment of agriculture, Washington: S. S. Goldwatfr commissioner of the city of New York: Miss Maude We.- more, chairman of the woman's d3-i partment of the national civic feder.i-j tion of New York; Mrs. S. C. Crock-; ett.. chairman of the food and drug! department of the general federation ;; of women's dubs, Nashville, Tenn,;IC Samuel Gorapers, president of t!iov! American Federation of Labor, Wash-:X ingion: John M. blahl. or the tarme'V ! national congress, Chicago. j O The committee after a. sw eeping in vestigation will make a report n j O w hich the. federation will demand uni-;:'.'.-forni food and drug laws. C Verdict Received With Great! Demonstration Notwithstand ing Judge's Admonition to Refrain From Such Spon- ! taneous Outburst When Ver- diet Announced. I Jetton and Wife Fell on Each Others Neck and Wept, Shook Hands With Judge and Jury Jetton Showed First Emotion When Jury Opened Door to Re-enter Court Room. MEXICAN P0IEST5 G U ST A V E BAUGH WHO DISAPPEARED DIE IN THE CHAIIIj IN CHIHUAHUA 1 i nwmm AGAINST REBELS! 1 Mexico City, Feb. ri.Thc CRONC FOR B ON RESS RES "Not guilty." as the ver diet returned at ll:t5 last night by th jury in the Jetton case, after being out ?C min- O ntes. When the words acquit ting the nettled fell Horn the :;' lips of lite Foreman a spontane ous cdioui went up from the ,'.r court room, in spite uf the fact that Judge Adams aeked that no demonstration b" mad 'or oi the heroic, defense of Japalo iu Hie! state of Zacateas by a priept brought here bya courier. Father Mar-' tin Lara, heading hit detcrmin-it parishioners', fought the rebels for two weeks, finally HofVating them and put ting them to rout. In one battle efrbty rebek were killed and the fighting Driefct taid ruasb over their bc-Jict they lay on the field. The American colony tonight were excited and uneasy over a iid rumor covering over the govrrnn)ent railroad telegraph that, two thousand angered Tcxans were preparing to th Piio Grande and reenr' '.' dath cf William S. Henton at the hands vf Villa. On April 24th. Between the Hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. Boleiack Will be Electro cute! in Raleiqh Penitentiary for the Murder of His Wife. Sentence Read by Judge Adams; at 11:20 Last Niqhl to the Gray Haired Man Who Was Convictcl Last Week of Mur der in the First cDgrec. ATTLE ROYftL CONSERA Judge Adams finished his charge to .the jur and I he jury filed out of the court room to make up their decision at 10: 15 o'clock. They had hardl i reached the jury jler Washington, lining up for Feb. L'L a battle Con ro a 1 room when Mr. Cans- called attention to what he con sidered an error in the charge. The jury was called back into the ;room and the point explained to them ress isjaluj directions given as to how they iu I'1 should consider it. This look only a conservation proulcm. With the letter i minute and the jury reined again, iu of Secretary Garrison before the inter- tnc interim of the jury's absence from state commerce ouimittee for cousid- ,.om.t mom., So'i-.tor Wilson took iYP emtio ii federal and state rigiit'-repre- sentatnes tonight" stood divided for the light. Representative Covington of the interstate commerce committee to night declared, bis belief that, the Gar rison proposaL will receive favorable action from the committee, lie be lieves this policy represents the views o: uotn Garrison ami secretary tine. but the nationalistic group bold that Lane would endorse only a policy which turned receipts to the national government. Although the Garrison policy was regarded as a compromise between the nation and states rights advocates many nationalists believed congress will stand only for rendering the nation's natural wealth direct tc the federal government. court room,, bo Hie- 'docket an went over I dispose of several cases that had not been finished. During this period the defendant sat with his head bowed and motionless. Mrs. Jetton sal most of the time with her arm on the back of her husband's chair, with her face buried in the foldsof her sleeve. Miss Kssie Jetton, sister of the defendant, who was at the trial all day yesterday and during the argument yesterday, also sat. while the jury was out with her face buried iu her handkerchief and displaced, possibly, more emotion outwardly than the defendant or his wife. v' Jetton Shows First Emotion. The defendant maintained hi.-; com LETTERSOFALLEGED LEGISLATOR ARE DISCLOSED BHI.C.C. Amcrian Citizen Who Dinn pcared From Juarez Ann Having Been Cct'rl Marital cd as a Spy by Rebels Saft in Chihuahua City Sayr. Gloria. Gloria Makes Further Stale mcnt That Bauch Wa Rp moved from Juarez and Tak en to Interior, as Miliiarv Commission Desired Time fof Further Deliberation. Aim iH .iu ilteta ! h- r"? fro. ii Jti,-r,-- i;..r luuii t( ,--. lotiiht ! M.ij'r !atiii.J i:t. .ii tiM I'ary p.t---;j-.r ft , Tjrt ii tfd linn Tie- Auin,aii i - 1. l'. Jatr.es ,. Uolcjack liitc. ho . n New Year's Day tUM and killed hie wife. Minta HolejacK. ami v. fu onictcd of munW In Hie firB ' zrtv. U a jury vho-ii lrtri -:.1 veuire of T-u nieu, wu 8hi u-iMj'. jt tsentenced bj Judgv H'. J. Adams to die In th elwtrk chutr April "JL Im-!h ecu th- lto'iri ! a. m. and I p. m. ColejacK HF in the prifconvo' rem in Ihp court hoii-- im:iititi-- kvniMin- ----- ..... . .,. . .... -. . . , . . i-" v tiiv ;h-:i' csi i?r ji-h-r.c- floor. He did not up. and tboed Gloija --lid n.-iu u no emotion, having apparently nervd I 'r,,m J'"" "liiirj -.-j rl d himself for the ordeal. Judge Adais MtXJ t' J li'-'Tjir ,41 srnur !iift'v K flu I tl.f.ra. ...it.1i- 1... - . r.14 U . . - J .... I --.-v ""Sill 1-V 'J l w. vut ti ulLu. vuv rninr at the nri-onirV mli compelled to read the death i?cntetce. po,- nce. It i nJt. xar.mT e' twrlvo of bin coutnr men livlng fo'ind I 'nbunl irrH th amLativn rt him guilt of murder in the flrt d APPEAL TESTING IN 1 TO EBB i INTERVENTION BOUND TO GOME ! SAYS SENATOR 1 '-; ill Cjiy -' "ie defense of u !ii'-iii. elenJii.-g euurely within the ;;r; law, ' But even ,:Jcr"iit W, as j d " ;,i !,etii i. eersouui 'illa and the stal- 1 " inch the lat-I u" rebel ehieftaiu. ! '-i.l Denton drew "'''ned Villa. On " -1 ;".. hinge Great i''!''ji est the subse 11 f-nton went to " Hiau'aiu interna--'jt net ion court " 1 bis execution. '"' contentioo, 'bait, n.;it they !" version of the . Washington, Feb. 21. An appeal squarely and unequivocally testing the validity of the "Webb law" pro viding for seizure and destruction of liquor shipped from "wet" to "dry" states, will be tiled from loda, Repre sentative Webb of iorth Carolina, au thor of the law, stated tonight. George L. Gillies, an attorney of Ottumwa, Iowa, has written Webb thta such an appeal will be hied in a case involv ing the United States Express Com pany decided February 17, by the Iowa supreme court. Washington, Feb. 21. "Intervention . . -i -t i . i : i m Mexico is oouna to come anu ii might as well come soon, before m-re Americans are butchered and depnved of their property," Senator X. Fall told the senate late this afternoon. He drew a contrast between the attitude of President Wilson and that of Pres idents Cleveland and McKinley, ore ceding the Spanish trouble. He 0c elnrerl Hiat nn the theory that con gress alone bad the power to declare war, Cleveland and McKinley kept its members in constant touch with ire situation and that only one resolution of ' inquiry was oyer drafted dnriug the entire period. The senator execra ted the administration's "watclrol waiting" in the Mexican situation. Villa was described fy tan as a Iposure until the clicking of the jury room door w as heard, showing the jury was ready to return. Then he compressed his lips as if making a reat effort to contain his agitation. iWhen the jurv reached the. box and while the roll of jurors was being call ed 'the defendant tat with his eyes intent upon' them. Jury Assumes Ro!!. When the roll had been called and the twelve men stood up. Deputy of the Court James Yandle asked, in the for mal language prescribed in capital cases, "gentlemen who shall speak "Our foreman. Mr. Campbell," they answered in chorus, after being prompted by the deputy clerk. "R. M. Jetton, stand up and hold up your right baud." said the deputy clerk. The prison stood up and heltf up his hand, as directed, hia left hand Washington, Feb. 21. Correspond-1 ence between "John T. Deuvler," who represented himself as a member of the Illinois legislature, and the Chica go. Rurlington Onincy Railroad in which Dcnvier 'demanded from the railroad a personal pass and thn-aten- tf,"jed legislative action because it was hot supplied, was disclosed by the in terstate commerce commission today in a supplemental report upon the ju e.uirv into the issue of free transpor tation by Western railroads. There was a John T. Dcnvier iu the Illinois legislature, lie informed Ibe commission that he did not sign the letter and that it was not snt ly hb authority. Denvser rcnuestPd an annual pass for himself on account of th" "legisla tive public Utilities coniniivdon."' Tb: burlington road declined. A letter sub fieuuent.lv was received by the general counsel of the road written on tin official letter beau the commission and simd "John T. Dcnvier." SHILLY-SHALLY gree. Ihe heutence cam immediately jf- tcr the demonstration over the acquit tal of Jettou. Tbe crowd as bu-hed from cheers into an intense KiHoer is lh- death tentene wan read. sn nig to the chair a man ho?-e head and beard arc white ifh the burjeu of years and troubles. ino scene was one not to be I er got ten. Life was gUeii lo one man: death to another, and it look but -t few minutes tor 1u- scales of ju;ti- In weigh the porliou of eacli. C. V. Tillett. Jr.. of "incl lor he uooutcu man. made ip; usual niol un for a new trial on the ground of er lor in submission of testimony. Yo tion was overruled by tin juk-e. Coun set then gate Doli- uf ap(val. Th judge sine liini 2l days in whii-h In file appeal. juoge .vuams .-h ij uniortuuatel a verdict of mudr in the firtt drr ?lvs 1b' eouri no oplioii iu regard In Ibe piMiU"iii-. Yir only hop: tier- n an appeal to the chief cxccu'.hc -l he state." HoieiacK w?. remamieu t; she rir- tody of the sheriff with orders lo lh latter to safel ie'Jer hmi to tn warden or deputy warden f I'm r-" itcutiar ai liabdh. "Uiai le'triclfy niipht pa.s thru'igh Ills tod mitil i i.- dead." FEDERAL JUDGE ALLOWS ISSUANCE OF $500,000 CERTIFICATES Meridian, Miss., Feb. 21. Federal Judge H. C. Niles has allowed the re quest of W. F. Owen, receiver of the New Orleans, Mobile and Chicago Railroad to issue $500,000 certificates to care for the property of the road. The order is similar in character as that issued by. Judge Toulmin of Mo bile before whom the same application was made for the Alabama interests of the road. ur-of V 6ATHER. l ! !' IIU' : air. "'.'h.iia . 'JL Virginia, hiridoty, Mon in southeast fair and warm-. tair Muvjdav 'VI. Sunday and Mon ('loudin ess THREE MEN ARRESTED FOR TRAIN ROBBERY RELEASED IN ALABAMA Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 21. The three men arrested at Tuscaloosa, Ala., yesterday afternoon charged with the robbery of the Queen & Crescent train near Birmingham Thursday night were released. Po&tal authorities in Birming ham say they have no clue' as to the identity" or whereabouts of the rob bers, but believe they are of the same gang, if not the same men who robbed (iueen & Crescent train at Bibbsville, Ala., in December resting on the back of hia chair, his eyes fixed on the floor. "What say you as to the prisoner, is be guilty or not guilty? asked the clerk, turning to the foreman of tha jury. "Not guilty," auswered Foreman J. Lee Campbell in a voice that carried to every corner of the room, packed with humanity but till an death at that moment, as every eye was glued on the gray-haired foreman. With the spontaneity of the crr.ck of a pistol at the fall of the hammer a shout went up that lasted several seconds. Judge Adams rapped vigor ously on the table with his gavel for order and Sheriff Wallace, mounting tOj the table around which the attor neys usually sit. called out at the top of his voice "order."' AI OUT flP 7 RflR Jetton And Wife Kiss. ' UU,HT..;W niii-sr Ur. and Mrs. Jetton fell on each NATIONAL BANKS others neck and kissed. Mrs. Jetton STILL HOLD 0UTiweePin fendant, then threw her arms around her brother's neck and wept. Mr. and Mrs. Jetton stepped forward and grasped the hand of Judge Adams. Thev then started forward to shake train robbing murderous bandit" der whom any permanent plan government would be "absurd.' All tbe 'constitutionalist mean?: with him is his demand for his cou- stitutional right to burn, murder. rap and rob," he declared. SAY BRITONS OF WILSON POLICY london. Teh. 21. The nritnh lor eign office tonight wes stirred o deepest resentment over what it re.- gards as Trebideni Wilson's shilly shally policy in Mexico. U us 411 government Hrcb- that sra i'l Hfinl OMtemcnt will inot likely I'" irlvrn in the hou--? of commous on 0 - Monday. The government if undoubtedly mor" agitated by the allege killing of William S. Peutnn. a Ihilish sub ject in Mexico by Francisco Villa than today's formal statement ' the foreign office indicated on it--surface. But all officials nbvioucly are 'under strict orders not to com ment on the sjfi.uatiou and it was impossible to obtain from Sir Edward C.rav or anv of the under secreta ries sniv further information than that Sir Cecil Springlike, British ambassador at Warhingtou, had ask ed the United states; government investigate Benton's death tain satisfaction Despite the MERCHANTS FOLLOW i ENTERPRISE BANK INTO BANKRUPTCY tin- fXer-ijtitiii of . J. IVnk.ti i.,i-1,- vrea'c t-eiiintic-ni iliat oiM fo;r. Ibeni to tft lU'f.b fr-v. GJoiia rdi't b I uc"' i.'t"lutj,: cf 1h wh:rea bouts of Jmf Curti ats John ljirei-r. Knrli;!itii?i'i. sjt r a.- et-rtain Ih-y were not l.ini hi Jiiarn. Other Juarez oii(itit icimIi t o cihIs made (be mdh- .tjltiiitrL u added thai ibe fo ni'.n hid not lit-e fa'.f-n to Chihuahua The m-i ha iit p -ported t llKir frinid i b. Id f lb Kin liunih-, ier t. h Sf-ll (-ilieo 1iv -'nl Jiiari r WVd II !' VI j ill J .ll.UOito i -.1 li tion seeim- ;.jh ra! 'il t-r u and int er-ed ing for Lien ton. tT-rstcb Cs frmn uma.. AnVciM. hfr- Vo l men were inip?oel tint nrb er had apiMH-l 'itH-j-- 111. i lenir'jl. t liill States lj-il lliard- n d.ij. be,-ide veareluav Li- cut- M Jtlarcz lor Ibe lltree mi- itiL. im.11. '. made a -p-h fei ibe ft,u ib'p Hefitnn's IkhI l.nj-j.-. H- lo fuel il nor did he linl (- -: Viiew anything in.- irm: burial. Hef"re he !- t i"hi)einii- i-ii f L-abil 1 !3f.. Mr.i4' nmtf.d i hi ro-ps in th livid. Villa vnt .irkf'1 by an Amerieaii nrn,ii-i nie kIhv" Ilenlmi's laic. The r-tw lpliJ t1it hi: lil n' aui in ' in"-1 -1 iiewhMM-r in' n :m .ii.v'i .--. ton. '1 ItaM nude Uii,mr'nt to 1t consul t J'i;ti. ii:b k lie Ijm " Ord I will s;iy in ihe mm-. It o wjt'i further information m'ift of1o-'.il of Sh miii:ai "mil -t Meridian, Mi.. 1 eb 2 1 . M W Buckley A. front, of Enterprise. Clark county, ore of lb elder t metcantll establi bm nt in that sm-H-ii tiled voluptarv n titiou in laiiknutcy ber Saturday. Liabilities are ien at fi. ?'.") and afsets fl3.S.1n Boll il con dition.- and inability lo p-alu- o tts given aw can-.- of Inijure "Ho :Oticerii ns Involved in fh" failure of the bank of EnterprLc a few ago Washington, Feb. 21. Only 17 or the 7,505 national .banks in the Unit ed State have refused to take advan tage of the participation plan of the federal reserve provision of the new currency law. And some at least 01 the absentees are expected to come in. Comptroller of the Currenck John Skelton Williams said tonight that all applications hearing postmarks up to February 23, will be accepted. Eleven banks, most of then comparatively unimportant instead of participating will liquidate their assets. Secretary MeAdoo reported to the president that the various cities to be designated are already decided ou although their identity will not be made public for two weeks. And it was reported tonight that the presi dent has already decided almost com pletely on the personnel of the fed eral reserve board. hands with the jurors, but by thin time the throng in the court room had ceased its applause and order was somewhat restored. Judge xVdauis call ed to the defendant and his wife to be seated for a moment. They were given seats by a spectator near the jury box. Jetton could not refraiu from reaching over and shaking ihe hand 01 tne nearest juror, iur. uii- It amounts to J11.170 to and ob- therefor. strained attitude ot the sovernmeut tonight tne urilisii press and public is greatly wrought up over tbe the Benton incident. The added information that two other Englishmen and a German-American have disappeared at Juarez under circumstances similar to Benton's disappearance added to public indignation. FRANK'S FRIENDS EMPLOY DETECTIVES AS LAST RESORT Atlanta. Ga.. IVb.L In a final ds peratc effort to saw, !. M. Frank, c-ont ict-l of brutally assaulting and liMfdeiing F;ear-h Mary I'liagau. iu his ce at tbe pencil factory wh-re Ibe child worked, friendfi of the con ieled man tenia announced hy have enipbj-d a prominent New York de Icrthe acenc lo hunt th- "real inur-1 tutorial ion and deier." The ih-cUioii to employ private de tectives was made after ihe htate su preme court affirmed the verdict of tbe low.tr court ngaint the lonnor Brook lyn man. IVank i 2'. ami married. His uncle is a multi-millionaire ai.d owns Ihe pencil factory of which be vas manager. I PROTECTORATE MAT BE PLACED OVER RAITIEN REPUBLIC Wabin?toii V' :M."IMMii'& ment of a protectorate 0cr the V." .iidn of Hiiti. jKiupljinp ifl!culrt-. to tin collation it ini-rnio!!il r-t eiiue and nlMoiur. m. ts tco lb" '".e" witli S;n liomitiEo I- Ix-in ''-r'O'i coiiidcp d t.y .ni a I hi rj r-riim'-nt. it wm. b-arm-d ljjn:bt. Th ln-pi'-ril rcxoln'ion changes of j:oernnK'nt in t' .ti(i IVp'lbJic b" imJc a iao f ih ldfectM v, :f class of Haitiens are arud mi r of the propose! protect or1 . ?cH1w-I r-eiiuv WROTE THREATENING NOTES TO PRES. WILSON IS ESCAPED LUNATIC QUARTER OF MILLION FOR RED RIVER IMUROVEMENT. Champion Board Bill is Philadelphia, Feb . 51. 1 'hat G-urr 1 Bernhardt. ho rnt-d iu Uv' Orange, ;. J., for sending lircacnins Ieii-rs to IMci-idem Wihon I An eajert lunatic from ib l'iiil.el-t;ii ' 1 hospiial ilevelomd here lotay. B-rnhardt killed his partner tu ou.--In'-sf In 15'n and con'eod t-j 1H instituti-jn from which he Utr e. cai"d. 14,170 ton. New York. Feb. 21. The chamuion board ibill went on record here toda. juagment was entered in the county clerk's office "When the commotion had subsided against Marie L. Slrk.wife of Saiman somewhat, the solicitor stated that there was another matter to be dis posed of. He referred to the sentenc ing of J. N. Bolejack. "While this sol- Continued on Page Three Slrk, said to be a prominent real es tate dealer of Boston for $13,0al in favor of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel Company. Of the total amount $11. 170 was for food aud lodging for K. months prior to January 15, 1913. Washington. Feb. 21. Appropria tion of $2.V.,000 for improving naviga tion in the Ited River. Louisiana and Arkansas, "as asked lu a hill Intro dned thin afternoon by Ileprcfenta live Watkin. He sought improve ments from the mouth of tbe river a.. 1.-.. 1 . at. rL l& 1 1 Vi 1 1 1 liriivlelAn that ftS'-tOO of the amount should be K U M U n b A T b ;bopnankt HARRY ACKERLAND the bank at Lousuaua. lm. nnrrmniT WILL DL rnLbiutH 1 WOULD TAX i CIGARETTE COUPONS. Washington. Feb. 21. Tobacco smokers will be deprived of the priv ilege of, emoking under "forced draft" to secure premium coupon-; with cigars and cigarettes if a houre bill introduced today by Democratic leader is enacted. The measure, pro jioses a prohibitive stamp lax r two cents ou every such coupon. Cincinnati. F-b. 21.--A 'il df cd rumor is to iw ff-t Hint Ham Ackerland. iteclhohhr of the (uj,t. will be chotcu prendenl. Coitirna tion of thi.s report could not be I s'i bv any of tb National li"arne n, n b-re tonisht. 1 1'" :' bi" ly r.-Tu-1 to lisrirS the subj'i-t. The s:eret meeiji p of th- Nathni I .mm 2 110 came o h r-i.- oiirht mlh- A o'U au thing --inp made p i'die. m 1, " s - l; 1 1 f - t I ; 1 V t. J