Tl f f ajjk vV3 vl23la:t pWL -. rr.T-!.':-T. iwea'ia'ueei Ci.-. 1-"' u.t,r;.j.f.i : Bi.t Q,in. of Jfchaetoi. i. a.4 " IT" rr-!r.t f'r t.-. 1 ;::i.-.;it.rrMjouWu.k,.cooil.j. 14 V ;i A nr. 1 f,. 1 t(rir tr-eJijg Mr. Jaep : Vf.-r anil will , Ur.r'jttd R to jectiwall mb-, rU!")00-' tlltse motej. aaaMBaBMwvM A I: nrltoth-f-rcw. (alltadttrf ... . - . . ; . ... , tfetr.v i-.Te ira moro pcnuiun tt r;t tn tQ TraJ, io ttM ec C? . .i it i tL cLt. A IvtrrrT J w or?an:X-J if S..HLacUlt ftidmj tWi'. Hear, g ftl t 1-i:j S.t,I . io Sruid.ftcM, onedjrlt ak. U.a.4t aa tba llauiea wer. Tretrw ranh Jo.Mc'hJ DUtrict i-rn-P'rU oJ U.le, WjDfr lUfLrt. it! J Lirlon Coootw. 4A mfr Upi'ly Of Cbb i IOIl. tfi l t J (i. labour X Sp at.d ba f.i - !- dinner. -H.e lentfal Baow,1 bH tcM. ft itb u cet a ek. Iiw d,;;j eiglit tLrhri. ilr S. K. M-Bn, CunMy Tftarer, lt: .! ki I-'l-b-!th- Hoja Le mij kb rnt.T"U actt " v;f ow-l ailing baa been all tie go with j tire etkerof late. Soice, howerer, l,i !c"tue werid with the jort. i toti vrnt a ftrt-ci lan e . ! J un Brb-ur A Sjd, 1het i. p-tLe Ut on the market. " I J.Ltm Cor.iity Sandy School .-h ty of the M. K. C "rcb K-ulh, : in He' ui on ih fii:b 3andy . t u m xlb and Muurday before. if )a van good inolaAaea e-11 and J ho O.lUiboar A Son. Tbey keep r.-p (Jul aod Torto Ilioo ckeap ,r eih, or on tui . l;f r.,? joar bolter, rg g-, cbickena aod i tt-r ti.?- to C.ajton.and it.. t our k",j.i, ha.e mocey will parcbae tse T y are waot i and needed bj f SBV fa.u:-i ) (TC-u ri-w wfk, Thamd ay, April 2 J, Jx ..'rrTeJ a North Cro!ina Day .V Orleaaa Eapo-iUon. Toe i. r- a S 'Til.t to make cbapexoamon f :' l 'fml tot tbat oCrfi( a. A .: ! on of Ht, J, J llrprwa .-. . iri.t :rit in be ami I-nt II. ol : L- a d IrUeNoa of J C IL d. ;. wrr bird liunfa ! tb.tight , msta wi'l but t be ai.:pialed lit . I wrr tbat cin.e in Ioti frcra V. cv. l-U t tbe oLir day aod a.-keJ the ' if .h- way (; irf; to clinrcb tbi. I ,Kt. e.i rhe a kr.l biu to -iJ.a Ler t l a I t io .it op with the ick tLat j t.t. oiiu'l ba fielbad? j V.'rtiLg Id town Moody nlgnt, the ICi Tc wi!r wtra J. T. Iiich.rd miii lira Kdita ElU, II. II --iit J Mia. SallS I'anuh. Mr.'lb j Ci I . ar. t M. ywllie II. ij er ara tbe Lej i .r.e, In!t to Wilder towmhip, on the u?.t.f t,ruoi ci,afur aw.e i J F. (JriawoM; ajel aiat 3.1 Vf VVe jtopab.z with the decea a!Vfruil at.d fiieodoin ttia tLvir ud- ! a. r., E T p, fermetly of Flevatior, W tow IfH-aUd iu aiuLfi.IJ, ai d i:;ki.ife a atnall p-.ecw of win, a pieac of a ibat po:nt bn h.a.ui:e;a til. r frvT.ce w-eta He will einrki. th -c- t r.r pertain pa'-weitiota lu which t It p Liui aaccea .r iurcbanta ar lgpnnlr,g to t- trcilt Spring g-HxH. S-.veral new ftfflrtju app ar la thia iW. It - ? eterybmly to read thf-m, an J t-a the C it ocv ruerchanta. Tak. eci t-kll. ther are accommodation . . ., . I 'v K I r;Mt:.d. bx N O. Onlley, K,J ?.j lt4Sve ia John.tou ronmy, oo f-e lk b yf March, lre.1, Mr. J3Mpb 'rtr aad Miaa lia Hill. icoicmo f tr the at'ndaDU l'li m a ri-oCliOWrr; J" N LUlJ ta enee Galley t r.uo.rge n . Ellis was oca rP7 j till fw ai Mr ii ibA, J i riDP at Mr. II. A ItRer. lower . lew ti.ta b. 11a 14 At Wltlt . & -an rtttm. and I-t Taar.y morning, j l -eda Hoe gobbler. Happy was do tX fr it hm m ml !.! wb.t . ' " oKltceat ornirg. f Ittrlrjj tb tncnth of February laat, ' tler.w n marriage hecae. wuadj fc"--- wwDMCa, iloctcf thallocly threa wereUsued . , , . colored couphia. Sorely, February f m a pxj- tocB'b far x;egro -taarriagta h ocx ooaty. 1 There was a biby bora in Pi.nmt jOroretow::Iiip, the 4:b of March t'.at Hk;o aro-. Ti on ler'a: , Tne wttU 4 w JH.t i ok d a.i i'g. r oo p.roT d r'J i,J""1!, . ' - i eu rairu ivr. if. in a MiTr 111 .... . ii i.i. . .. . t iLuwij cr. p our r,cU Try! it. .t-J mk i i - i.i- l.i . .v. ir.i...i. ... t t - w.:ri..r. ifli:..T .r.1r1Tv rarT 'i nte MiJU' dNXC. lI.ilroT. WoJo ,o metiluiu lku as fu-tjxy v i.S nt tt anr- ;.rucd to larn tp a a ih a s-! brA teL fUd. aid if Ibf) in.-i.or piove to be- c fctt t! ere i kLn?j thm to doubt lh b irew prcpit-tcri w.ll'X'trcd the T jI ttvui Snyttn!d to Fajti.::ie ilr. A ji. N. b ''- t Jeilsr ia fjoucr trreLanria( ru iai;:.fli-!tt, h s cid. j--nnietit to J.T. LuiiU l.T E-'J b ei.tared o-fi bis doty i tratee, ar.t ti been aoi!ns tc 8'ork at rt at fr tir d .t Kn'f crd:tjrtc large iru:ai.lbN tkfn ont an altscb tfat, and :he vsu Lao Itcu taktn it. cLrg f by th- Stir fL The Li'.I ef tkbliihius a Graded Scbo; fcr auiitt.V.ld pa-rd ibe Ltg:latare,ttuu lit tow a law; bat lb t votcri there wil' fiil Tote oil the qnwtion an to whc'be tax rh!i b ly d to ran SaM cl ool We pr--nme there will ba ery few to tot-, against tbehoolf for it will d SmitbfivM ruoreg- odtbati anjlhicc ever otarted there, aaie n.e eLtry of the wy bore. Mr. II. J. Biricklacd, of SojiKfied t )w: ship, hf m jvyl t Mlscx Cre-k, Uil-on cwwitv . Ilia nne'e, Mr. Joseph Illt, who ia r lrond aci-nt at iJlack Creek, wa trickn with partly a; s a few daja ac, aud Mr. S:rik'ai.d ht.TiD l.ved in li'ack Cretk, ar d SR-intt-d a agent Iaat year, understood hia undo'i. hnsicea, and hence indae J t- c rept tia rcrtouab. While making iniproTements on The Bcd w bad - i-l gentlemen to girt q pieaaant cal's. Acuocg tbria were: X. Y. Onllry. E-q ed,tor of "The FiajAlinton Veek';. N. K. Klchaid on, Ei. of HmithaJ ; W. A. 8car boroaab, l'.terknown a Co rjslu Wai ter," fiomEgie Uock.WVeo-uory;Mr. J. II. R:chaidon, f Cfc'i liT Naab ooutity. fMr. Kicbardwu groK tobaocj, n I n-jn he wi'.l coltia iare thi-yeat than be dtd It yer. lis famrt-d u bj tJdii'g tao Lew aabcrdrrto tar !&. Mr. T. A. ll.i'fchairof G-intr'aSiitiou; lief. E To e, who h recently located m unr conn'y-Rt-nt, and wa -ttttd;r.g the atn iid qn-rterlr DfeMtpcf this tricUff ibeM E. Church S- u h. O h- n:.i!ruief. rnUi ltste nr nr we rctij lot to Hi?Dtl U Canirfl. AH f Lhetn left u gootl in ibo uav!eitiJiirgM toecUrgs a p per without rap'tal, afcd fed onrself ar.d othsra dt-l-er.dect upoo ur x-rion oMy. Mrs. M. A. Stone, of Smithfield, was iiiii.' Chtyton last week. V. Iuti Foiirnl 111 a Potkci. A mother, whose jii wb nick a bed, t..k not Li- pantn to dnt. Tby b-vy, alie frit t bis pfnkot b i-Pe h I a.s in. She to k rr.t the following ar leifii r S-.uift lui'bUs. a t r ko blad-d broktn citftor, a anarl oi tice, a bit of c-lored 1J, a si nv--ot, aome fpeck-.tdb-n. a lot of bat ru, fish t.ot.k, ihrte ball.- s htde pper of powder, wad of a bat.dkerctlf the c lorof .U,Lt pieee of ui lu.os candy, a lot t white OKar atd c- k crcoahf, some malt be, a piece of a " fale mus Iiacre.uioui or m i bii nn" n jmuu; . nece of chalk, a lamp of i- , a dsor : tache ut oat of a t bC"Io robe, a Mab . . . , : I Ktoo, a waicn-aey, luur oaius oi j r.tato. an J some j .ek-t't . - - MirgHg tnrreif. W rvrt to laarn that the nomlvr f .v.. ir.rt earl tn I . ,nnl A rriorlor Al!d nrr 1 jtbecfefkiu SittneM on the 12th of i M4tcU to aacwr ain the nomtr of mort-l g.g ,r.d uWa ttai bad been prtbat-d . ! lo OMM "U'J" Jf , prtthUf d , ffom reember 1-t, 1W2 to Ma .... ..d fn. Decemb-r lat. rca i. n, i . 1 .-a. a. lf$4, lo . March 1-re were 1 ;vk po- bated. An iucrea.a of ISO iu the apace of a Utile OTertbre nK.niba. Cl.iton M. E. ; Oharth freaidisg Elder Wilon prh - L,tBthu " mUch was Tere ed- i el as ate aermob, wtlco was very eut-!. ; T , , , . , The weaih-r was ao verv inclement oa I Sunday there war no service. 1 ltd She !. ' , ' ' .7 . " ! ' riw iira t r'lit hf bCS'.tOOU: i..txri. .uj lM fit.- WM.riooa. i; u ui;;u u: tJ?-. . a am.i , ... . r . v - .- i . . . i i j i : i , . . - . . , . i . j.'iC rosctrco. s:i,-trir.x up : tt: I f l.u. .t.'..-.. .Itl. tl .. & t . r i'hr..'. wwi, - , cliarai-teiiMJ. a'l tatku nuu, lis awaited th- ptaiacto cf h.-r li-lytbip the i -;rtr. Io a tloTuent lut Jsdjl.i. ; pcirtd wi"b t!iiit Sf-OJ Si: 1 d 'Ll ,ci::rto uoccabi Lt rc 1', aci si -r aJicvi z a pair of t icAf.dc? t!i - u!-1 b nail:! rc?i:icj.iu n ; pri . f Ii:.-pe ty a Clay:( tie. "C I dsonihit; f oryo'jr-:r?r' ht fa I j ri?r? tciiu i.fa sweet-fcistten. 1 .here hi.- ai.r letter here fhic (!..t) ironj Li ( .ic) IIj-' ?'.' Afie i car fol seirch tliM-ujh a. leder L.-., r hCLor k told "there wasnjktt :oia his . d"fy." "12C ihe daisv. nd evr rb)if c'se,"iaiJ he. AtiJ i. I uiclc iy as his reakecit lisitb permit, ho, At the po.-rtoSc, f tsggcr irg Jovn the street aaiu, tteppii g u the iun6 cf '4IIickuan'8 March n-vsid? (! the ftrpet and then o& th otLer. Her Udjbhrp watched his fa! t ri i'g bteps, over her tcar-tLoistcnrd pectacles, for a few moment?, ther :d, '0h, my I Aint it so cspminx. Iut youDz mm will drank, Tvlietithry intw iis jo perjurious to their intitu ! d. I'd rath.r that one of ni Jiuhters would go to partadise thai marry a driukirg man; for they havt ao huryallity at all. ac4 I'm a lady ot "rong cjm pad unction, and when 1 get oiy compinion to anything I'm hard to colAucdcc, so I am." Quite u Slip-ITp. Ooe of oar Wake couDty friends, a a few Sundays ago, was left alone a. home, with the exception of his tides daughter, his good lady Laving gone ,ff to visit a friend. He ihhed. t surpiiae his wife when she returned xiih some Dice deli:ry. So he CLrjuir ti ot his daughter if sdic thought 25 3Kd shi eats cf coin vould make t not full of hominy? II cr rcplr vra.. hc "reckoned it wculd." This frien.J -epairtd oth: crihav shelled 251aig tar.s cf core and h: tux lit the grain h ih': haue, -lid had the pet put ot; th fi.v. The contents of tho pbt fjuf't ,-)mmenced to hoi', acl thc (hither and daughter) could drsv-uvci tiie hv i.iog, the j-ov was fuli and ov r Jii:g vtith corn. T'uy b.-i.It Irou. he p..i a tiay full fS corp. Suti ftera:d the pot full ajiin. Th aud the dish il, iratci-pai!, ih! adi-Sor per, acd m-iie hure that wvjI:; :o; bui alter awhile, they soon f.iund out that they had not taken ' ut rn, uh from the pot, and it wis full again. S tVydid net know .what to do with the growinc eupply of corn, an 1 on el ided to ca'1 up his ho, atd ftcd it to then. The surplus corn got avvav with them somewhat, aod they con eluded ti fiil up the horhC trcah ir. he stabl- in order to keep the vi-iiint 'a ly'a tyc! f;om s eii g it when i-he re turn--d. Atttr the orn had boiled turn cieritly. they commrnccd to wash (he ly e from it, which they did -acess'ul 'y got it perftctjy clean and clear of the lye Then they brought in the pes tie to break the grains when, to ther surrriM;. the hak did not come ofT!"'ce' " other trouble, and the mei dih thej nvi.u .vui, mis, iuu, his iiu j u-A nnmr.url tn h, u i -..juci w , ' ivintrirr. A gf otlctrsaD from Chvton was pass iDa". abd alter ih uiul .a!etitli ls, he was aske-1 to alizht and come h Thr irentL'man he7rfed to le earn,od that lim T bn sail that hf v.inll " c.ifr n t . acme Snnday and etpy a dih of "big hominy ' with him. This Wake ccrnty frit ed told him that be cmld eomeuf. any sapp:y oi nomicy ; jDClhjUSliMcaDy dajr Ulircc1 r- i . . - . . J that time ana next June wou d answer. w . W . 4 Ajer' Hair Vicor tiIu'ate.s the hat' eelU to healthy action, atd promotes a vigorous growthl It cc at lies all tha can be supplied to cake the natural hair beautiful n-I atucdaDt; keeps the t-calp '" .f V 7 V T l V T i beautiful n-l atucdant; keeps the t-calp e , . . . tree from dandruff, prevents the haiy becoming dry and hxrih, and makes it flexible and gtasey. "liTn"frtui E ;jj:c Hack. i .!. j T 11 -V sorg i O !o th a J5-? is , i l:,T Uen mitm I I r pub ic .u ,n: i ,b, fm;o E -1. K.i. ' : W'il t l n 1 LI rt' uU it'. T a I t .-. k nwv I 1M 1 I'll . iTi i i.v - v-f ....... . , I ..K. Ttl3 pi) io: ja piv It .a 11 I- tr.-t evt-r e?r f .f. i intf-ion J nnrjfh. cf M4ikrM Creek ..U:.r., ,lC .h of Juurv 0tA b.inee-jt fidto K.a bd for Ti - -- - - , , - e'evK njocths. Jlo told l;8 wife ari di i.2eLi ihat h w&a prepared to meet iisa i-xnc , aiid for thiu' not to tp'iefej fter Liui. (lood-je r , - yir 4wsih Mtdlin h&s rnftd a f-rtu i.rarll . d Ml?. H ii feiiTni hi- t-e-r- cDfinei Lis Leaf r i nt justice tiv ta "JiaMil mwii . um emarctni Pinion o. me wru- iia,e i-i vet ulTricg. ;dtr bia qtient, :mi1 ta lus irr.uul Ilienies. j Known liuwees ontv vftrota ! fences pod U ploning lie U a adirifg.tiou, his i;npaHioue(l ei:foceir.ent jonTiguiAa. of-1!!1 .iT j':tn'SH,)ns in his brilliant There ha been tcbii") feed enou o'wtnl in our townfbip tbin yr v plai.i uLb hnndred acres of !ind. I iU le joa btnr from me ;r-iin on isis tant scnlture. 1 ihiai the tcb icco teds will brcvo sacvevfeffil, acd thereby jield an 6nnJ-nt scpply of plants, i ' la! the of December lnit there ws a ftver broke out in Marks Creek nwufdiip. I has tran, name Tn' phjficisr.a ch.'I it lde i. T ver. I aoTe l Andrew Tcckar, AW:n Hroud w 11. Tavlor E.rp and' Dii& MaitshDam, fr('m!onr mi.lst to D'irnam. O.i lb" 13th and lttb of 'laat month our w.ction waa ri. ited by the heavieH ic ppe'l Ibat has been iu 25 yeitr. L. jj. Dowd is '--king the etwijps from his fritff i.esr Sn, taell. Mr. Dowd in nse impurtd implements here nfteri Wi'llicu Ecnis has rente1 a firm from Stanley Banch, of" Wilder'a townLip, Johceton couuty, Mri. Paal Ii. Lee ia making arrange ments to plaut UO acr. s in tobe:o ibw year. We ope Mr. L-ehQCcecs. Mr J. U. 1' is doicg a g-tol drj gooda and grorery busiuKjs at Sbof 1!. tl hid one price and offers fair bargains Mr A. It. Mtdlin has three cs of oieasels at Lis houe, Mr. L. W. llou eycutt ha-s seven cas,ep. Mr.i W. H. llo' dhas two very fiefc children. Ifepaibab Sundty School has moved back to Eagle It ck Lode, the plaoe of its birth. 8siil J.. Banchg personal estate will be exposed t public sale on the 28th of March, J S8.". -, 8r-CK UVIS "tt-AKE OOTTNTT. Mr4 6omebo?y Buys that the oommie sioneTJt must (?J not enforoe the ltw. Mr Goodmnny Folks aj enforce the !aw as toon e you can. 1 will say for the benefit of (the Johnston eonnty f. lka that they can ' gnt fetco rails for 10 toll oeotpev hundred, alovg ibe county line after the feoae is hui. We would be glad if the "peopla of Joh .tou dounty would join ns in the stock law., We do n4 wanfio have the sd vantnga of auj eop"e. " Jiiiei Sieoce, CJ'isrlie Kbtdts acd JaLoetf JoLuaon rolldoji1af.t S.uxd.y. (t wa- uiy pieisuie to trvipachof tinru the KjlTr.ed:y Mr. W. Ii Hinnant aud Lrm thipp.s was tLe younr-st m.-n we" mti' at lue It g-roil ng. . Hiunant nd I'jip p aie g jey-bMide.1 at ptetnt. (?) lbei q:ieuor,is b-I io the church aDd c nunit jilr. tohuild un Academy on the Hud of Hej.2'hsh churcb. Saccs to he mtmigcrs or building ODitmilee. BAD SAM. Letter rrctti Clily Satks. Mr IQ 'ri i Elitor: You raut not thitik m- ' I write a letter acd tell our vi-p- u:g f rietid-, who are now with usr how e dolact -nd et along. Clayton, sine--the Sprirg days hva cirac, has been en j.j ir;g a lively crod. Tbe boys hav he-n ghiyirg ba e-'ail s -uie. Some wih i heir kites, and sme, we were surprise! to see ith their fishing ta kls. So, all of us f egin ro ihe warm weather. ' I wl begin at ihe potoffi se, as that is !-,e'-dpr-rtets for everylMr.g and ev ry-b- dy. j. If you want to fi d oat what in .ji:igpr, gtbe:e aiout mail t me acd ke-p addict and lister., and you' 1. he sure ti Lear it. I go to lhf potofne my elf not fiolruucu to g-t my mail, tu' to s-e nd r H.eo, hh the girls aay) hea and b- ht Sid, listen and be list-red to. I can e' 3 v m8-lf better kitting in a low epbt tst:ou ts'kingof the cfim ir.g j le-u'es of br many pa'-Mcs. axd th lircea we had lat jear. Yes, Icu m j y njHilf better at that than if I ere larried. and me and my wife h?d p'enyof money to live on all the bal- nr dp. without working a lick lis good to Le lazy aud have some- w bere wnere fo r at,: n,nr tk. rtli th'd!ra Po r ft,: Llk bollt ician. wenr hats. AlU w win g.Q to stona aad Darham'aplc- nic .April tbe tnth.on Penny's fUta. I ca not rite any rore, as J wih to be ffcru lung to ay in eveTy is-oe of 'TLe Bad," to let the cone try people know what we town folks a rs doicg. If I Lavecaid arylhing personal, lark par d -r, acd remain aa tfeer. Yars, truly, BILLY DECKS. TheiLeglature ba passed a bill i r forbiog men practicing oedicioc it, fnJnrw th HmrflWn .m. -1 w iocd acd received a certificate from tLe State I Hoard of Medical Examinera This i-i well; for if there ia anything that ehonld be stepped it is quackery iu medicine. There are txn who aa sume the tule of doctor aad start out with trieir pill-bags, to ccgage, ia tbe damnable work ot killing men wcaen, and children; who are ignorant of what they.aie dealicc with. Chad. Tuses. II 4: lll.TX. Dr. W' It iliitMtini the notel or.itr, will Ictrii re tit- SuUadehi oa j . FJ . w . or . tlte "KJmsII , -if-.k h.,uu. ii 1 iMr f i Titnt in Mi,stsinpt." and on Tues - Man s-iw in-Pari.." ., . . . AltiT uJt reticiifHr fxir lanvrt"-1 inTtn " t:i:;c'riit -inti-Hij'n amU : s'.rscoiitiui iiv t.i ' main1 of th -rr nirr- - , itsit ui Si a- t!iese leutnrM without :HJi!i? M-ft-sit-ie ot a iws oi wors ; to-do them juitiee. The onlinarv adjectives do not atify us. vxl oiuTptnu. his woadei Iiilcoin- f inaid of Ltngiiai;, ..his mativelous ! voicf, his nice awl yropviidv of climax utterlv dtfv descrintioin. It matters iKithiin; whether the intel ligent hcinu-'has ever heard jltofore i0f or Prentiss, (n:e lhlil is I sure 1!(, will never furgrt j them. But it is useless for us to multiply words. Ttiose w ho have never heard Iiirn will form no adequate Djiieep t ion of wlrit aw are trying to de s"rihe until they hear him; and those 'vlio have heard him will s:ty that no one can l-e more conscious than we are. - Admisaion 50 cents. Doo't fail to hear.hin. ' I Smtllifielct Aiiead: Mr. Klitor: 1 uotico in Tni Bud that a Clayton lady vras oslj setcn hours and twentv minutes, making a bed q lilt. Well, that is fast work, bui a Smithfield lady beats that by twentj minuet". She puts in the quilt at one o'clock P. M., and finished it at 8 'clock P. M., with only one hand to hplp a part of the tiiae, and Sve child ea to attend to too, 1 eikles. Tliis took plice several days ago.j She call ed her husband's attention to the fact at the time, but he was so stapidin re gard to the work that he searcely be stowed a pasiDg commendation KB L. Smithfield, N: C, Feb, 15th, '85. q aw TO OUR PATRONS. Ready, and ready now. This ex presses our condition exactly. Anti i patiog the wants of the people of tbi place and vieiaity, we have purchased a large and complete stock of Spring and Summer Goods, embracing every thing in our line, including all tbanov eltieff, and" now await the opportunity of exl il-itbgthe fioest assortment ever shown in this place. Reiaembcr, wa are three , point? abtad of ALLCOMPETirORS. Point No 1 The Style Point No 2 The Goods. Point Nj. 5 -The Pnce. Resrec'fullv, D. T. HONEYClJiT. Stihscribe for The Btlv i - . ': " Hext week is court week. Sheriff Ellington I. How does that sound ? . ' Show Tin:. Him to vgmif neighbor L ami get him to subscribe. - Re sun? and see our Agent at emirt next week and p.ty him wlmt you own ns, we very much neeil it. ! The prettiest line , of Gent'emen'a Cravatsr we have ever seen are at Jco. G. Barbour & Son. Our contributors will have to exer cise pauenee. We will let their pro ductions appear soon. Q-ingtathe weather turnip tallad is right mnch backward. It ia exceedingly scarce and in great 1eman J. Goto W. A. Barnrs, successor to Barnes & Hicton, and look at the pre t i y stock of goods be is jut openiag. It will pay yon, ladies. a We hear there will be a weddieg near Garner's Station, that will take place cn or about the 25th of (hia month: Young men look out. j Don't get in trouble. i Mrs. J. D. Adami has placed us urjder obligations to her. The miik sent: us was fresh and nice and we enjoyed it. We appreciate such kind rcmem" renccs from our- noble and goeroaa 'sdies. j Mr. 31 Durhtm presentf df as, from his excellent lady, a cake af nice butter, j eterday. For sueh a present we are very thank fal, acd can say, and tell 'he truth, that it's flavor Is aa good at any we ever spread on a biscuit. The resignation of Sheriff William Flinnant was a surprise to tbe people of Johnston county. Tbe Board of County Cotsmissionera convened in ixtra session on Monday laat, and elec ted Capt. Jesse T. Ellington, in bis tead, and thia was another earpriie to our people. We think the aelcetion a wise eoe, and, if tbe Comminiooera were to try again they could not find a better one for this important o5ce of tbe county. ci un Ision ith tt tin iifwr.ip:uH?rs cimiot. Hkalrtli, J,aC Ui press npt'W.reTlaMi ...... I - 1 . . I. I, . .... . V .. I tlwT irn -lllil I. iirtn . IfAaT .Klit fat ut afresh lrrecQ the 'CotitUtitioo,r thrair wwd mroand ! litel 6 it thj ar odIt wcras aod Ten ana . .... a a I ctaa t i Lit. inv ttiir rtsta fhia that he ehwore arc boit&i la ct-i-ta: ? 2tws and Olerver. ; T . Tr v - --- - ; J A.K r if sr r. n 4 i - 1 - c ' 3i art would t$- vhat tbf jr pretea. i .4 , - "tr" J i Mn. Alfrt-l flli.ima.fc Co., of to W-st Wk for inngistnit tar- i..kmi m the M.iu. ana it lias ....! i.i.. . . crivitl the PtnIoieinent t ine bu- pie ;hiw ui toai u jtwTHma m - Uo it gTat vain. Thr nrar rtlitim lir.sMvin uc hac on iy ixxk ot tua nuia which ccnit.-Tinsall the new lawapaas vi by Xht rtvent Ix'gisiaturp, ami therefore,, it h a perfect hand-book and guide, for wrr riKijrisfnaft.. "a ativise you to arait for tfii.T new e!iticti of ."XtitU a's JuffticK1 It ia nearly twice a Iiwge aany 9tbr Lform4Mk. is slrtniirly Wind in leatlier. and. will W sent post-paid for?2.o ! XE W A l VER TISEMEXTb. AUCTCON &ALE - Br tIt t o5auther!ty eonialaadlnaaka- Itel mertjBraae, exe'culeby i. D. Flowaea. aim (IU17 rfcowru iirnt rr-ir m via In yuir.bneld. In tKx.k Q-. No. 4. t-a t C shall. ou SJtTUIUiAV.the llaKday of April. 1685. aell at t'ubllc auetfcui. to ttva hlfhiit f i.UUUr, for cah. on twi bora Teuaaw tairm. in exeellAiif order. -- i The Kale to take ilae to Clayton. Joaa nlou county, at 13 o'clock M. Ike f alcove uaeied!. Thia March SOth. Hfi. mht5-td Attorney frr Mnrte-arwa. A FTER THE FIRST DAY Jrl Otr AFhtLlW. ! abalt prohibit i body f rota putt rF anymore boar la tmr i-oitdknow-n aa the eld Baflwlo pend. aaA the -boat tbat are on Ui- port A mut taa kept tocaed at th milk; except by asxinla nton. Ail aet nets are prohibited. axeaat one-and-half inch ruaah and larter. Hm pei son ahall fiah In the pond for the par powe of elilMa; or bartering- flah. Tbe raa tnmera and inyaelf inna' own all the boaM on the pond. ;ohtn In this notlae abali prohibit the owners of aald mill from vio lating any of tbe oblia-atlona. mMS-tf It CHHISTM JUI. 13 WJadlhwKwFlw The rOLICB GAZKTTK wU ba aaatlast pecnrHy wrapid, to any t!4reaa tn Ibe United Ptatta f r three montha oa rteetyt Liberal dlaeaunt allowed to poet maatarw. aaeuta and el iba (anipt eoptes anal 14 free. Address an ordratn 'i JtJCIIAKli K. roXf I - FkAxurraa. gT. BITS ! HATS ! .VE 1 1 AVE TfT ET JLABG EST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF Mens' and Boys Consisting of all the OF S FT WPSTIPPnATS WE WOULD BE GIAD TO 8KB AIX OF V" CUSTOMER COME IX SOON AND EXAMINE OUli New St-ock, Tf e will sell G 00D GOODS 0 Icir ah any other rhxise in the- Town. J.G. H M!' OUR A FreshBeef; Fresh Fish, Fresh Oysters, Wholesale and Retail; al ways on hand and for bj Y. K MRBOUB, Main Street. Clayton. Call al my plabo of busi ncss, and get good Meats, for your table, aqrj pleoso everybbdy arouH your house. Oyetcrpfip han3 Miuraay. J ' a 1