THE YEEKLY CLAYTON BUD. i 2:.. :. 1 Miur door, from r-im 10 cs;, V!l?t':J!Liitom North to South, come m ae, wmI try fk.4..wi.Mr rj'v w. i -n atari u,ilmf . a a 1 a apt iftrtLt (lliinl fl! A" lV;.T:,rV':?r the harJ timed vnU. begone. ... ..w croT--Kif ih, Htoi ;ut"gav;, the doubter "re- teaeaa. I ' .... OCTORKR 1V wrDjrttLiT.... in cenain lines. iina.s-j i wivuiru THE II CM HEM nCVIVAL.jME yeLn FoolUb man, it is be- AT OUR DOOn$. The indications of a bu?ine5. revival that come from all jarts of the co'intrr are cheering. The iron industry hategun to boom., jn 4,f t,e wave of j rof eiitv; The Southern mills and furnacf iear.eiJ.y they embark, and ride are running on full time, and,on crcsl to fortune. Hi who niakini: money. The mills off ,.3 j;es wallowing in the the Pittsburgh region arc not o dyatartinj up. one ofte the other, but they are tginnin to xun on double turn two shifu . a. ol me n working, Keepinp thin(icprKS condition of things nine both dy &nl night.1 rfk . tilt,nni. Kvrv oummiiiir XAmj - This makes work for the miner and the railroad men. Then frorn all poinu come reorU oJ cotton mil's, and g!as f am teas, and the thousand and one hives ol industry, starting on full time, or increasing their output. Nor arc the producU of mills' and factories stored up wailing for purchasers They are going out rapidly to supply the new demand which has suddenly iprun up from all sections ol ihe country. The wboL-salci ' and jobbers report unexpectedly got, sales. The reaail dealer in all kir.ds of goods find that the people come to buy instead of to chaffer, are liberal in their order and prompt i& their pay ment. Manufacturers in many diverse lines are astonished at the in c ease in their orders. Their customers are buying much more heavily than for the past twoor three years, and repeating their orders freely, ahoing that the people have begun to buy again. The fact teems to be that the longheaded tfnes the portion ' o! the public who can sec beyond the cads of their noaes realize that values have struck rock lottom. They see that it is not in the natur of things that prices should go any lower, at.d they aro taking advantage of what ihey know to be the cheapen rate at which they can obtain goods for long time in the future. All these cheering facts are but the commencement of better times. The only thing that i? now needed is for the masses cf the people to realize that the good times are not only coiling but are actually here. There is a vast dsal of idle money in the 'country. Not only ia it pitted in the banks of the great cities, hut the total of small accurnula m ' . V ...1... . l tions ci savings in iuc jvckuw ui n,aa conference is tne division the torle is extremely la rcel,,r;t- tnrritj-rv inti two eonferen ( 4 , -w Let the masse unuerwana io . . . t r -1 I now is tne luce vo ouy u mey wish to buy cheaply, and this idlo rx.oncV will be spent for ariicles that arc needed, and the golden atrcarn will at once set all lbs wheels of trade into active revolutiou. Let every man have conddencc, and act up to it, and presto the stagnation is gone, and the hum o! industry at once f fills the land. In this raatUTthe tiithv advice of Horace Urec'.ey is very applicable: lhe way to . . . i resume is to resume. The man i rbofC overcautioa leads bim to bang back and wait for a better . . i f ' chance to buy, to bcj.e tor a bci- lo k ill i er only kip, has compro tcr price, isfooliL He ill ry mbed the farr ous suit in which six rxoLtbs from now n.uth Liorcj ur (jamCi v as lon engaged be will tc-iiay. ThecoLiii-1 u ltn c,iicns vt New Ork-tia for ices arc r jc 'vt iiTi,'l:2iviv. w" ll'e- " lrrw-rta rf tin wrmtetl ctiritV in v erv line. The boom U here. L-t every man take hoM at onc viral of business mv have beun . ... . . V , cac.e you don': reach out and ;rvj) the opportunity. The men who make money are those who are keen enough to note the earliest indication of the setting . u - bctweeu the waves. He rn,iVcs alonr, but he has lost the grand opportunity. ;cw ig tjiC timo fur all of uto act as if the w S S J V ' W - man who puts hid busiues3ac- lively to Work now is aiding the revival by justthat much. If all do it, the. boom is an accomplish ed thing. AH it needs i.s a rea sonable degree of conGdence; and the signs of the times if read aright, will show that oVercaution just now is thrown away. The occasion is propitious. Let every man spread his sails fearlessly to the rising brteze, tiie HOOM 13 FLOATING NEWS ITEMS. Ilileigh is to have electric light Clara Louise Kellogg will be in Kaleigh the 10th of Dtcember. The cotton crop of Warren is said to be a failure' Dr. K. D. Hay, a prominent Dbybician of Winston, died at that place a few days ago. Nelson Stewart and Anderson Davi?, colored burglars, were sentenced to be hanged at ULar lotte. Mr. R. D. Boone has retired from the editorial department of the Durham Ixejyorter. lie is succeeded by II. I. McDuflie. Keubcn Campbell, 76 years old, residing near Iielvidere Perquimans county, was found dead. His wife has been arrested cs the supposed murderer. Hillsboro Observer: Mr. John Webb, two and a half miles east of town, lost a barn of fine to bacco by lire last Monday. Loss about $300. Greensboro Workman: An adjourned xneetiug was held in Lynchburg last night to consider the project of the Lynchburg, Halilax and North Carolina Hail road. A general meeting for the ame purjHX'e was announced for November 11th. Concord 1 iiut: The bicest hrfor the North dro- 1 i v.-. . ' - - - I 1 . .... . . j K, Eastern and V ester n. It is . . . . , ... being ably and freely discussed by both the ministers and lay- men. Concord litnu: Five persons have filed applications for the osteflice here. Vance and Ben nett have recommended different persons. At Troy court week Oefjre last a man by the nameol Larkins was sent to iail for six . , j!r.oalhs for disturbing public ; worship. Goldsboro 2Iesnner: James y. ( Christmas, of Warrenton, N. C., who married Mrs. Gaines' only daughter, and was forced "XEW Alt VKHTISEXIESTS E. J. & J. S. HOLT, i Smithfield, 1ST. C, Wagon "and Gum unci Leather (Belting, U WHITE LEAD. OILS, Builders Hardware Sash, t. , . ; Doors, Bmds, &c., ?c. Address ail orders to - E. J. & J. S. HOLT, . Summerfield Building, No. 8, Third Sifrcct, ' ii ti c Richmond & DanvillaR. R. n. c. DIVISION. Condensed Schedule. tiaivj nnivr. korth. Oct. 12J. IS?. Vo. 31. No. 53. LrAve hnrlKt. 5-30 ui f .:tO m Mlllury, . '-'i U1:U point. .S'J Arrlre ttrpriwro .i8 ArrlreiitHUIUra ll.M Durham 12.17 pm Leave KitlMft i-W ArrlTe mi (ioidnboro 4-'iO u. 1. IMUJ crl BunUay. AfTlToH lUlHjh 11 3U OoMMmto 11 fk) m . IS OHioe-ci t refiiMjrolth R. I. llAUr.4 for nil mIuia 'orUi. Eal nd Wri.1 ..f lMnUle. At Nnllnbunr wllh W. Jt 5. C. KAilririfl f-r Jl .iut In Wwicrn North Carolina. AUW.Hboro with W. X W. 1U11. road Uai:y. '. 51 auI Wconufctat Orcein bon with RIclimoiKl Jt Uauvllle lUUroHUaud for all Mlni!tu halm Jlraijcb. TKAINS GOING SOUTH." h i. ...... ... 95 a in". 10.05 11.10 12.35 p m. jin. 1 Ially exci-pt 8uutny. Arriu at lUiU-tgti, 9.M Ia ix Ilalotsli. 1AXZ Arrive all rn-mtlwro 'J.f l l-h, i.liNtHr. KalNbury and Cliarlotte, fr all ih.IiiU South. Southwest. North aud Ym1. l'r Emirrant rates to Louisiana. Tex h, Arkntuyti and the Scuthwrw, allrcs M. trtillTi:R.en'l Paes'r A?nt. A L. K1VI-H. 2d V. P. Jc Gu'l Manager. KicUrn-'ud, Va. Th. noat rvnrtal.r Wukla MBDM dVOtd ti)KitiK. isocaanio. u.tioemog dicotr. ia- Ttottona and patcbt im pabiubed. brtry nanj ber iUauati vitta rpUsdid nrrriar- Tbia poblteaiioo farauiheacBtvalmabIacyeUpdia of lafonmatioa vhicb m ptrtoi t boa Id b withoot. Tb poDvntv cf t bctzjrrmc Ammku i inch th.l iLa tlmillliM Mart tMtlll that of all ether FPr of it elaaa eombiaad. Priea. i a r. Iie3ot to Clab. Sold by all Bwdalra. M UKN A CO.. Publwhera. Kcx SQBroadwar. N. V. T?ATENTS.Si ti, II aaiBiBBaBaa I Itba Fataat OOre and ba I I o4ra thao Ono Hundr I Jsand appxatioBaiorai J J Cattad fetaua and fra iNMtiniA If van a to. nave A I if" 1 4 I Jalo bad Thirty m-mm m m . m .r ni ra' nracttc bafora bava perpaeea drtl THOU mUiU la the r orairo eoDtri. AaHtuaraU. and all tbar aapara ror wmhac u taveators atr ninw io ua LTaataU. Caaada. Eaxlasd. rraaea. (rtraaiT aad obe toeaica aowatrtaa. m aarrd at abrt aoc a ad aa raaaaabla laforanauon aa U ebtiaia pataata Nlly ivea witbavt cbarr. Haod-t ata cheer ao4l-bka ( aformatiea aeal frea. Pataata ooaa tbmarb Hiu A ar aetia4 ta in mmhim aaa A Co. ara mXu& im iba Betas tto f raa. Tha advaataca af eoeh fttcf la wood hr an paraoM wba ab ta dia- vail TAlZriFlXM CO. 0e. BOWTXTTC AjcujcaX. JU atraaatway. 9w Yark. "77. (AcentforA. J. BAB I lO UK,) infortu tht rnblk) that h haa a first. daaa axock of New Gtxi,at his store, alxmt five imlea from Clajtor, and will be glad to see bis fiiacd and &eJbbor. II u prioM are lower Uxan uej nave ever brOQ to ths ooonli v. Air. iavrtoGr has jcut re .'creed from tt lalhtm cities, Las part Wed these gocds cheap, and Las aaUiorized tee to tell them at low fiar for the eh. t;t. l-ith, ItM. N. SO. LaTf 0liNbri li. in Arrive at luiciU.. . i 20 p ni L. HTC lUN-Uli , Arrlre hi liurbatn Ctrl Hin.-tw.r..... Ci-i irH-iui..r,. j Lave Gn nt''r 9.S5 Arrive at Iltk'ii lNlut... I.:i5 ili.ntuiry.... livipm rhnrloiu.... 1.35 ' C1ari.m tXM) ' SKW A D VERT1SEMEXTS. it ! ' A is 'J 44 fx Cart Material, Raleigh & Gaston R. R. CONDEKSED SCEDUXE. j Beptemler T, 1881. TRAINS GOING AOKTH. So. '. n. .?. Leave Baldg'h..L....5 a. . 7.0fi r. u. Wttke -.10.35 M S.37 " Kriikllntor.ll. " 9.19 KUtrell...... 11.2U 9 66 Hrnd-Moii..ll.5 " " Warreutoo..lt3a 11.41 Llttl-tou:....l.lS " H.37 " Arrlre Wrldon. 5.... 2.15 S.o5 !' TRAINS OOINO SOUTH. -Vo. 4 1.05a. m. 2.17 " 3.13 " 4.r6 " 5 3U " LeaTe Weldon... " Lltttetoii.j .3.05 r. x. .3.6 " Warreuton ...4.35 Her.deron ...5.21 Kltrcl.. ....... 5 46 M yrnltJlutou..& " Wake ....CM Arrive Rale is b... j. ... 7.33 6.U9 11 4 Dally Except Sundays. No. 1 and Ko. 3 connect at Weldon vitb Heaboard & Koauoke and Petersburg Weldon Railroad for all point North. No. t and No. 4 connect at Raleigh with Raleigh Jt Augusta Air-Line Railroad for Payettertlle, Wilmington, Charlotte, and all point South. Meepintf car vrlthout change on Trains No. 3 and No. 4 between Raleigh and rortsmouth. WILLIAM SMITH, j; Superintendent. T. R. U00I) & CO., IE . Drussioto, SMITHFIELD, N. C, 3 (XFFKRS TO THE PUBLIC J a large and '. complete stock of DltUG8iEDICLNEd, t 1AINT8, OILS, BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. Thej have purchaaed Ibis reason a nioe Soda Fonntain, ffom which they can npplj you with aa nice SODA WATEli and DEEP ROCK MINERAL WATER, aa yon can get anywhere. A good assortment of CIGARS and TOBACCO on. hand at all times. sep 2 tf The Arkaxsaw Trhilhl The mesf rtrned! and mot iepular cf all the humorous journals EiGOT PAGES, 18 COLl US ! :i j : Of .the chc!cet i Original snd Selected matter evry week. - PR I CE. S2.O0 A YEAR. POST-PA I D. TO SPECIAL OFFER. m By special arrange menu with the pub lisher ofi) thl p-i-r. Tut Ark ah aw 'UavELEK will r-a rlabOed wuh Tn CuaIton 4Jci for tU 'ii. tr.a afforOiug an opportuiitjr to aecare lrth patters for littl" more than the pricf of one. This 1 a rara i-Ser. Take aTAntage cf it t once. UJIle cc-p:es of The Akiinhw IriYELU will l mailed on aj.piioit inL aVUe alao faenlsb th two larza aad spleadi l ,olorel KncraTlmr lIUAlKlSUWTKiVUU I " and , "Tuk, TtKjt or Tin TiMt" Which, ffar-ther with the original atorr cf thr "Arianaw TraTeler." aa toU t Colonel -jiajidy Kauikiter. will t mailed t4ttuy aOUreaa oil rece JM of aurts : i-csTara tui t4keu. TLtsr i-trturea are JT given a ireinlDaa, ut arc mailed, r- t- (uu, uui; (nrrt;-i i ii price. A.aireas lit AH A Uh.MlAM. JUbithers. i i Little Rfli. Ark. DR. J. A. GKIFF1N. Practic tnf Ffrjilelan. Offlee oa Frost arre. at i W-0i trf rrer tcre,'aytoB.5.C EU'ADIEMISEMVXT i i IF YOU WAST TO BUY GOODS LOW DOWN FOB CASH Ellington & Tomlinson's Store NEXT DOOR TO THE BAILBOAD DEPOT. UlOLlllilg i UlUUiili 1 PANT CLOTH FKOM TEN; CENTS TO ONE DOLLAR AND TEN CENTS PER YARD. LADIES CLOAKS, SHAWLS AND SKIRTS, SUITABLE FOR THE WKA'I'HKll. WlLIy. BAGGING AND I TIES VERY CHEAP. A (iOOD SET OF BUGGY HARNESS :FOR $11.00. i BUY A ONE-MAN CROSS-CUT SAW AND- CUT YODR STOVE WOOD EASY BEFORE BREAKFAST. SHOES!: i Just H&eceived. iaMMaaawawaaawawBwaaaaaw4ai In fact you can always find a full Stock of Goods to suit the season, uul prices to suit the times, at ELLINGTON & TOMLIXSON. BARGAINS! I i BARGAINS. i i D. T. Honeycutt, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, IS NOW SELLING HIS STOCK or ' . . - i Spring-and Summer cici n euibrftciif all tka Utest lottltiea of i " tht feason. HIS ASSORTMENT OF ML! I'll I' 5 is of the prettiest aUmpe varied oolori. MY STOCK OF HARDWARE it cximpletc, and good bargain can be fiven in thii branch of toy buaiocM. STONEWALL AND ATLAS PLO W S , ON HAND, AND THEIR CASTINGS Jl Call At No. 7, Front Street, asJ exj amine xsyStock of Goods. ! TMYTT? nnna XE1V A DVEfTISE.VEXT3. i aio at COLDEST ULiUSJ UU1 A LOT OF NEW SHOES!! i DRS. ROUEBTSOX & HUWRD, zoo. a 0treet CLAYTON, N. C. Ws ke ecattSBtlf on bat a larf aa alt stoea of DBUOV. iATBIIT M1ICIFM. T01LBT AETICLM I UARDII fflDR, DYX-tTC7rM A WD DRUGQIBT'B RVSKIM. We also kes a flaa lot of Clfcrars aaA Tobareoa and all athar articles kspt . in a rirst Ctass Drag" Stars. i Our roods are fresh and of tba varr tst quality. Havluf Increased faellitlss i arlttr irsparsd toirlvs mors pel feet satisfactian than aver befors , and while, we than -oar patrons and cant oners for puat fsVors wa bu -to merit a soutina auca of ths) s a ta . All Preasrlptloasearsfally ceaipaDdt4 f DRS. ROBERTSON & MA NARD, rractlsin; Pbjrsiclans and Drlfglals J. L H1IMT, WINES, LIQUORS, BEERS, ALES, CIGAES,&c. Mm PLRE MALT WIUSKEV. Elxxxitlxflolca., N.G. s91m. PH0T0t!RAPIIEi(7 A. A. Miller, G0LDSB0K0, N. C. Having located In fJoMstro. K. C, J desirv to solicit a part, at least, cf oar patronage. AH kinds of pfcts res talsa or enlarg-ed to any size or finish, tiooal work guaranteed. Very repetfullr, A. A. MILLER, N. R. RICHARDSON, Attorney STBICT ATTEHTIO.N tklli TO COLLEC TioNis ana frium prompUy uuada, Hega. liatea loau. . fractlc fn inaiioes" CurU la iohaataa rouiiif , in ihe Kupertor axd Kupraota Gauru Sat'Jertei.t f Xjhau-h a pajUUjr. aWOSca la iVMirt IJouae, Crt dor 0 tka Tlshl of fxr-M dcr, SaiitkQaM, W. C.