Page 4 May 28, 1948 SUMMER SUITS Gaberdines Tropicals Flannels Bur-Mil Linens $32.50 up 3Jark JlKmii, 102 E. 4th St. Telephone 6178 THACKER'S INC. "A GOOD PLACE TO EAT" 221 S. Tryon St. Opposite The Johnston Building Private Dining Rooms for Parties and Banquets PLANTATION GRILL SPECIALIZING IN FRIED CHICKEN •_PH0NE 4-5978—• Wilkinson Boulevard Remember This Seal vSWINSON Fooo Prcoicis> CHA>UITn.MC It's Your Assurance Of The Best! ARMSTRONG ANIMAL CLINIC 121 N. Cecil St. MERCURY SANDWICH SHOP 1619 Elizabeth Ave. THOMPSON'S CLEANERS "A DISTINCTIVE CLEANING SERVICE" 1514 Centroi Avenue CHARLOTTE, N. C Phone 6955 For Better Service LEE THOMPSON Wheel Aligning Brake Service 110 N. Brevard St. Phone 3-4448 SMITH'S BOOK and ART STORE 402 W. Trade Phone 2-0070 The South's Predominating Store Charlotte Owned — Charlotte Manned / N. O. CHARLOTTE, Like So— AS TOLD TO GEORGE STOCKBRIDGE GERMANY. As a preliminary step in the making of schnapps, the German national drink, Irish potatoes are spread on a long shallow trough, and are crushed by horses treading back and forth in the trough ... all day . . . No 10-minute rest periods. Thus it is that schnapps makes a pretty potent potion, but also serves nicely as lighter fluid and anti freeze. Authority: Buddy Drum mond. * * * FRANCE. An innovation of the French has enabled them to get where they want to go, despite a shortage of gasoline. Their auto mobiles carry a firebox on the side which is stoked with coke. Works pretty good, too, except when a hill is approached. It then becomes necessary to get out and chunk up the fire. The motor is run by hot air, which gives you an idea how far behind the U. S. they are: over here, our national goveinment is run by the same stuff! Authority: B. Hendrix. * * * JAPAN. There is a delightful bit of practicality in the Japanese ship-launching ceremony. They don’t build a platform, beat the drums, ?platter the champagne, and then cross their fingers and hope she floats. Instead, the cele brities take up their position in a mall boat a short distance out in the water, the ship slides down the ways, and only if she floats does she rate the champagne bath. Authority: Neal Forney. * * * CHINA. Further evidence of the irrefutable Oriental logic is found in the story told by an American who hapened to obsei"ve a Chinese burial ceremony. He was struck by the fact that a bowl of rice was placed on the casket before the grave was covered. Somewhat amused, he asked the Chinese un dertaker when he thought the de ceased would get up and eat the rice. “That’s easy,” the Chinaman replied. “He will get up and eat the rice at the same time as men buried in your country get up and smell all those flowers.” Authority: Dr. Roy E. Hoke. * * * LONDON. You think you got troubles. Take a look at a copy of an actual order, issued by the Ministry of Fuel, back during the war: “The Minister of Fuel and Power”, it reads, “in pursuance of Article B2 of the Coal Distribution Order, 1943, hereby directs every Local Fuel Overseer to use as from the 12th day of June, 1944, the forms, the number of which is specified in the first column of the schedule hereto for the purpose of the article specified in relation to such form in the second column of such schedule for the instrument specified in relation thereto in the third column of such schedule, a copy of each of such forms being annexed thereto.” Authority: Bill Mills. OBSERVER HERE IS A SAMPLE OF THE GREAT SHOWS BROUGHT TO YOU BY - - - - WBT SWING MUSIC Vaughn Munroe Rhapsody in Rhythm Club 15 SERIOUS MUSIC N. Y. Philharmonic Family Hour Longine Symphoncttc DRAMA Adventures of Sam Spade Lux Radio Theotre Escape WBT FOR THE BEST 1110 ON YOUR DIAL WBT BRYAN WENTZ CO. 'Clothing For The Man" 205 South Tryon Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. RADIO SERVICE Automobile Radios A Specialty Radio Television & Appliance Co. 1300 East Fourth Street BE READY FOR SUMMER Have your skin all evenly tanned when those first warm days arrive. Then you can enjoy every precious outdoor minute, without fear of painful burns. Drop by our sales floor for 0 look at the G-E sunlamps so easy to use Now Only $9.95 DUKE POWER COMPANY QUEEN'S SODA GRILL "MEET YOUR FRIEND'S HERE" 1011 Providence Rood Phone 9585 Kale - Lawing Office Equipment 229 South Tryon St. Telephone 6185 CHARLOTTE, N. C. PAUL & CRYMES, INC. SPORTING GOODS 415 South Tryon St. Phone 2-4517 Qi!)4j(UlX Ice Cream Sundaes Sodas 'TAKE HOME A FAMILY PACKAGE" 800 East Moreheod St.