and On The the stop take the wth teep I or our s to orts this II as 'Ives nces oon of pies k to ist The Carolina Joernal Of Th» Vairtfitf Of Cmniktm At CAmrhtt» Vol. IV Wednesday, January 15, 1969 No. 14 Anthony, Basinger Star Basketball Team Wins Two More Games, Seizes Conference Lead Hold 5-2 DIAC Record Applications for Dormitory Personnel Assistants Available Applications are now being taken in the Office of the Dean of Students for the positions of Personnel Assistant in the residence halls, for the academic year 1969-1970. Ten men and ten women will be selected during the spring semester for these positions. Those selected will spend several meetings together with Dean MacKay and others in training for their work in the residence halls. The Personnel Assistant will be concerned with individual students living on his floor and will be available to assist them in their effort to achieve individual potential. He will be concerned to foster the development among the students on his floor such attributes as self-discipline, concern for the rights of others, and respect for public and private property. He will promote an atmosphere of friendliness, cooperation, and good scholarship. He will help the new Competion Commences for Graduate Grants Dr. Robert Rieke, chairman of the History Department, announced the opening of competition on this campus for a graduate study scholarship. The stipend, known as theChan Gordon Memorial Scholarship, is sponsored by the Rotary Club district number 767, which covers the western half of North I Carolina. The winner, chosen from the campus of one school within the ,BSU Meets Baptist Student Union will hold its regular monthly meeting this Wednesday, Jan. 15, 15 11:30 ^ a.m. in C-122. Gordon Lawrence ( will give a report of his I experiences at the Social Action 4 Seminar held in Washington, D. C., Dec. 27-31. Those wishing to attempt the Missions Conference to be held at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary at Wake ; 4 Forest, February 8-10 will have an opportunity to sign up at the meeting. Plans for a possible social action project will also be presented. district, is awarded $2500, which is to be used for one year oi graduate study in a foreign country. Male students, who will graduate not later than June of 1969 are eligable. It is assumed that this student will plan to continue his studies beyond the oneyear term of the grant. Preference is given to students planning to study in a non-English speaking country, although this is not a prerequisite. The original program, begun in 1949, was designed to, bring foreign students to area colleges for one year. In 1954, it was expanded to include sending local students to foreign countries for study. Since its inception, this university has had one winner, Earl L. Parks, an engineering major, who won the honor in 1967. Rieke, who is the campus representitive of the selection committee, called for all interested persons to apply to him for the opportunity to represent this campus in the stiff competition for the grant. Application must be made by Eebuary 1, 1969. The UNC-C 49ers brought their record to an even 5-5 last week with at-home wins over UNC-G and N.C. Wesleyan. The Charlotte netters topped Greensboro Wednesday night by a 74-60 count in a game thrt was hotly contested in the first half. Led by Jerry Anthony’s twenty-three points, the Forty Niners outscored the Spartans 43-30 in the second half, after posting a 31-30 half-time lead. The first half was something of a paradox in that the Charlotte second to UNC-C this year, left the Spartans with a 0-8 record. North Carolina Wesleyan, out to avenge an earlier defeat at the hands of the Forty Niners, grabbed a quick lead in Harrisburg gymnasium Saturday night. The first half of the game, was an uphill battle for Charlotte until guard Jerry Anthony scored four quick points with six minutes left in the first half. UNC-C, holding a 24-23 lead, never let up again, as the Charlotte boys went on to students, particularly, to get acquainted with our University and to become involved in residence hall and campus activities. He will interpret the needs of students to the housing administrator and in turn explain the rationale and need for administrative regulations. According to present plans, and 1969-1970 budget requests, the Personnel Assistant will receive a salary almost equal, if not equal, to the room rental charge for the year; charges for meals will not be included in his remuneration. Students interested are invited to fill out an application form in the Dean’s office and file it by February 15th. Spring Registration Registration for the spring semester will be held in the “C” classroom building. Please report on the following schedule. Wednesday, Jan. 29, 9:00 A.M. -10:30 A. M. Con’t Seniors 10:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. Con’t Juniors 1:00 P.M, - 2:00 P.M. Lunch Break 2:00 - 5:00 Con’t Sophomores 5:00 - 6:00 Dinner Break 6:00 - 8:00 Evening Students Thursday, Jan. 30 9:00 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. Con’t Freshman 12:30 P.M. - 1:30 P.M. Lunch Break 1:30 - 5:00 New Freshman and transfer and all non-degree and special students Late registration will be held in the Records Office, room 136 Administration Building Monday - Friday February 3-7, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Late registration for Evening Students wilt be in Records office Monday and Tuesday, Eebruary 3 and 4, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. A $10.00 late fee is charged. team jumped into an early 18-4 lead only to find themselves at the mercy of a Greensboro surge. The second half was close most of the way, but the Eorty Niners reeled off eleven straight points to bring the score to 59^8. The game was never in question after that. Four of Greensboro’s players, including their star Bruce Shaw, fouled out, and the team committed a total of 33 fouls. UNC-C was, therefore, allowed forty charity tosses, thirty-two of which they sank. The dogging defense of Charlotte held Bruce Shaw to twenty points. Joining Anthony in double figures were Donahue (14) and Dae (13). This loss, Greensboro’s achieve a 76-68 victory. Plagued by consistently poor foul shooting (they hit only 12 of 24) the 49ers outscored their opponents by four shots from the floor. Ben Basinger was high scorer with twenty-two points. He and Pete Donahue (17) both sank eight field goals. Freshman Dick Turpin had fourteen points, and Senior Anthony added eleven. Taylor had twenty-one for the losers. The win was the third in a row for the Charlotte squad. Their overall record is only 5-5, but they hold a conference-leading 5-2 record in the D.l.A.C. University Announces Fourth Speaker for University Forum The University of North Carolina at Charlotte has obtained the president of the National Association of Broadcasters as the fourth speaker for its annual University Forum. Vincent T. Wasilewski will speak on “The Public’s Interest in Free Broadcasting” at the March 3 Forum. He will be participating with Carl T. Rowan, nationally syndicated newspaper columnist; Mario Pei, a leading authority on linguistics; and Dr. Kenneth G. McKay, vice president, engineering, of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, The participants will deal with the broad area of communications in an advanced technological society. The University Forum is one of the highlights of the school year at UNC-C. The date marks the fourth anniversary of the passage of legislation to create the University from Charlotte College. Mr. Wasilewski, 18th president of the NAB, is the first chief executive to be promoted from within the ranks. He joined the association’s legal staff in 1949, immediately upon his graduation from the University of Illinois with a degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence. He moved up as chief counsel, manager of government relations, vice president of government affairs, and executive vice president. He has been president since January, 1965.