IMHIil J Page 4 The Carolina Journal, October 8, 1969 Letters— (Continued From Page 2) withdrawn in the near future. This will being the total to 60,000. Mr. Owen next states that this is not true de-escalation. Perhaps this is not true de-escalation; but this is" 60,000 more troops than the Republic of North Viet Nam has withdrawn. It is a proven fact that the North Viet Namese are in South Viet Nam in force. I say that we must let the North Viet Namese and the Viet Cong give Peace a chance. We have tried reasoning and it does but little good with a force that recognizes but one thing: a more powerful force than they. They sec the seeking of peace and trying to reason as a sign of weakness. Have those who gave up their lives in a little known country died in vain? Do not let Viet Nam become another Korea, a cemetery of U. S. lives with no meaning. Let us make it a place to show that the greatest nation in the world shall tolerate no agression, as we have showed in the past that “we shall not be tread upon.” Wlien you are called upon to make a choice, let no one or anything influence you. Let your conscience and the tme facts be your guide. educational process. But, that is little help to those of us who have devoted our lives to education. We are not always sure when, or when not, the educational process is functioning. It sometimes works in mysterious ways. Nevertheless, I have come across an example which surely must be considered disruption of the education process by anyone’s standards: - a professor and one of his students are unable to meet a scheduled appointment because each must attend different committee meetings convening for the purpose of clarifying the meaning of disruptive conduct. Yours truly, James R. Kuppers We’re Their Only Chance Dear Editor, Robert Rhyne Clarification Needed Dear Editor, The Board of Trustees has offered much advice on how to handle disruptive conduct on the campus, but they meanwhile have done little to clarify what constitutes disruptive conduct. It appears to have something to do with the interruption of the Mr. Owen in last week’s CAROLINA JOURNAL asked that peace be given a chance in referring to the Vietnam War. I too wish for peace, but I also see our involvement as the only chance the Vietnamese people have against Communist oppression. On October 15, one week from today, a “Vietnam Moratorium” is scheduled for this campus and other campuses across the nation. I call not for a protest against our action in Vietnam, but for a “Vietnam Class Attendance Day” to demonstrate to the Vietnamese people that we do care and that we want them to have a chance at freedom-not opression. War is hell! With this, no one will disagree. But so is life if lived under the oppresion of another. Ask a Hungarian about the brutality with which the Hungarian freedom revolt of 1958 was suppressed. Ask a Biafran about life in his country today. Check the number of refugees that flee Czechoslovakia daily. These people can tell you what peace is in an oppressed state. Does anyone honestly feel that Vietnam would be an exception to these? Your editorial stated that “the majority of the public does not support the Administration’s Vietnam policy.” I say that 99.9999% of the public does not support any policy in which people are maimed, killed; families uprooted; or where many starve to death. On this question, it would be most difficult to find disagreement. However, you next state that “the majority of the public says,” ‘Pull out, now!’ ” I challenge this statement. There is no reliable evidence available to support this statement. Sure, all of us want out, but what would happen to the people of South Vietnam if we pulled out? You next discuss the withdrawal of 25,000 troops and the proposed withdrawal of another 35,000. You refute this as meaningless and not as true deescalation. But, on whom do you base the fact that it is meanin^ess? None other than L.B.J. Whom, may I ask, do you think sent the majority of the troops there to begin with? And pray tell, how many troops were brouglit home by Mr. Johnson? I want peace, and I want to see an end to the war; but I also want the Vietnamese people to rule themselves without being forced into a Czechoslavokian, a Biafran, or a Hungarian situation. I support the ‘‘Vietnam Class attendance Day” for Wednesday, October 15. Are there others? Defines Progress Dear Editor, To many of us on today’s campuses, there is a feeling of dissatisfaction. This feeling can be termed as a hang-up, a frustration, or whatever. What we see in the outside world changes very little if we take the time to think about it. The same buildings that surround us are seemingly constant. Bennett Cox One Appreciates Dear Editor, YOU CAN'T BUY LOVE BUT A CHILD'S SMILE IS A START. 50^3 day won't buy much in this country anymore, but it may buy the life of a child in Biafra. You, your school, or club, can adopt a Biafran child. It's a small price to pay to give a child hofje and end his suffering. $15 a month will provide your foster child with food, medical attention, shelter and clothing. This year the Sisters of Mercy took in 200 homeless children from war-torn Biafra. The saddest part of all was that they had to turn away 800 more from the orphanage because of a lack of funds. How do you say no to a starving and homeless child? Adopting a Biafran child is easy; all that is required is that you care enough to save a child's life. In return, your child will write to you and we will send you his picture. To help, call or write today: Miss Karen Mercer BIAFRA RELIEF SERVICES FOUNDATION 777 United Nations Plaza New York, N.Y. 10021 I wish to sponsor a Dboyngirl. I will pay $15 a month, and enclosed is my first payment of $ . I cannot sponsor a child but would like to contribute $ Name. Address. City- -State. -Zip- All contributions are tax-deductible. I just can’t comprehend all the complaints that students on this campus have. I think that they all are being very unreasonable. Charlie Complaint was made because on September 21, 1969, the cafeteria was out of carbonated beverages. Doesn’t he know that these drinks are had for his teeth? Concerning the absence of breakfast meat, he should be happy that Saga is protecting him from the perservatives that contaminate meat. Why worry about understanding the hourly tax rate? Even if you knew how it works, the fact still remains that you wouldn’t know what happens to the money once it has been collected. Pertaining to the $.80 a meal that dorm students are parying, I don’t think you could find anywhere in Charlotte that serves at any price food (?) that comes close to the taste of Saga’s will. I find the pictorial on the beauty of an expanding campus encouraging. I’m glad to see students, faculty, and administrators displaying their artistic talents by adding their own touch to the mod and weeds on campus. Why all tliis confusion about demonstrations peaceful or otherwise? It should be quite clear that these laws were made for your own good. Demonstrations are bad! We all know that. I think it is really considerate of the power structure to help us protect “our” values and beliefs by imposing such laws. What are Red Foots anyway? From the sounds of it, they are a very deprived bunch. Maybe the ASPCA could remendy their situation. Why not give them a try? Oh, well. It’s time to rest my What we want to know now is wdiat do we use as the rules for our word progress if we are baffled by our environment. The answer is that temple of thought, the brain. Our brains, in particular, seem to be needing progress. The thought of the dorms springing up from a field that was a forest, then leveled and then made into high rise buildings means nothing to us. What is important, however, is our progress that we from experience feel. If we seek nothing more than to let our brains see, hear, and touch these experiences, we have a ruler. The rate of progress in our minds seems to certainly exceed that of our world. Then, it seems to follow that we certainly find the answers to our problems through the use of ur idealistic souls. We have needed a definition for progress and it appears to be that action and development within the soul. Bill Hughes Scholarships Available The South Carolina State Library will offer five scholarships of $2,500 each for graduate study in during 1969-70. Awarded under a program to extend and improve library service to South Carolina, these scholarships enable qualified young people to obtain a year of professional library training. The scholarships are open to recent college graduates and young teachers. In addition to being graduates of a four year college or university and acceptable to a graduate school, scholarship recipients must have a specid interst in libraries. Information on scholarships and other programs is available on request from the. State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201, or from your local public library. weary bones for another day of intellectual stimulation at the think factory. I hope I’ve made everything crystal clear. A Most Appreciative Student Dear Aggie The area that the definition of progress should come from is the mind. Everything we see and feel is defined by it. The environment is man’s piece of clay, and it changes only when man decides in his mind to change it. We as college students of today are very keen on the concept of change. However, when we see a bare field which suddenly becomes an area on which dorms, cafeterias are suddenly built, we immediately conceive this happening as it exists in the present. We accept this area, live in it and possess it as a “now” piece of reality. Our need is to see progress, but another one of our needs is to realize it today. Freshman girl. Just because you are a girl doesn’t mean you can’t go around introducing yourself to people. In this day and time sex doesn’t really matter. If you see someone you would like to become acquainted with, a friendly smile and my name is ....... ^nd I’m from , what’s yours? is an O.K. approach. If you are too shy for this approach, try joining some of the various clubs and organizations on campus. This is one of the best ways to meet people. Get involved. Dear Aggie, I am a transfer student from N. C. State. I am now living in the dorm and have a problem. I really don’t want an answer, but just some advice. I have dated this girl for about a year at State. We plan on getting married when I graduate. My problem is I am very lonely. I want to date some girls at school at UNC-C, but I feel guilty about asking someone out. What should I do? Lonely Lonely, If I were you, I wouldn’t sit around and worry myself to death. Go ahead and ask someone out. One of the greatest feelings to have is to know you have a love somewhere who really cares about you, and at the same time be able to have fun with other girls. I wouldn’t recommend dating the same girl over and over. Date around. Since you didn’t say whether you are engaged, I assumed that you aren’t. If there are close ties or an agreement of some type you didn’t mention, ignore my advice. Flick On Monday, October 13, the Fine Arts Committee will present another of its fine films for this semester. The film will be ‘‘WHAT’S NEW PUSSYCAT”, starring Peter Sellers, Paula Prentiss, Capucine, Woody Allen and Elke Sommer. It will be shown in the Parquet Room at 2:00 pan. and 7:30 pan. Other films scheduled for the semester are “THE MOUSE THAT ROARED”, “FAIL-SAFE”, and “TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.” October 10 is the last day to drop courses without grade evaluation Dear Aggie, I’m a new student on campus from out of town. Since I am a girl and can’t just walk up to someone and say “Hi”, I have met only a few people. I would like your advice or method for meeting people. Freshman Girl