HMiiBBiriaBg ssai ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ THE DRUG SCENE I By Mike McCulley The LSD Story.... Seventh of a Series Until more is known about the short- and long-term effects of LSD, as well as how to predict who will have a bad experience, ’’lost medical authorities will consider it a very dangerous drug. Df. Dana L. Farnsworth, writing in the JOURNAL OF am E R ICAN MEDICAL association (Sept., 1963), Approached this viewpoint. He reported that accumulating day-to-day experience with Patients suffering the consequences of the hallucinogens demonstrates that these drugs have the power to damage the individual psyche, indeed to '^ripple it for life. "There is," he stated, "as yet no basis for •dentifying persons for whom the drugs are safe or for whom the drug will take into a long, perhaps Permanent, psychosis. Indeed, the ®'rect of the drugs upon any one 'Pdividual appears to vary from °ne ingestion to the next." At the Los Angeles County General Hospital, Dr. Walter Tietz indicated that two-thirds of those treated end up in an extended Psychosis which means lengthy institutionalization. LSD is the most dangerous of illicitly available drugs, iiicluding narcotics, according to *he New York County Medical ^ciety. Bellevue hospital studies Dr. William Frosch, Professor of ^ychiatry Lin at New York iversity, has reported some ||ndies conducted at Bellevue dspital. He related that °®casional prolonged psychotic episodes have occurred despite •niination from the experiment ° psychotic or paranoid Personalities and despite the ^i^ject's knowledge of the P Vsical presence of an observer. g^|n a study conducted by “ellevue Hospital, three of eleven ^^'unts who developed extended Vchoses were felt not to have neen LSD. In psychotic before taking were underlying schizoid another fifty-two cases . udied there, only twelve Pnd to have had ^Vchoses or Personalities. are users dangerous? ^ E^eaction to the drug is ^Predictable. Some become *P99P5*iL>IP. or confused. ^ Pers may interpret a command an attempt to assist as an g^ek. The full range of human l^otions from peace to panic has en experienced by users. Most Pol Off 'ce departments caution their 'oers to use extreme care when IjPoiing into contact with a person Ppd, ®r the influence of LSD. IS ATTRACTED TO I Who LSd? -^r. Cohen of THE BEYOND PHlN stated that unfortunately who are high-risk candidates A mind-shaking drug like LSD Ij® niore likely to be attracted to j- *Lian others. These are Q^jnature, unstable people. Dr. df states, who misuse other Ejeen getting difficulties, and much of the firse publicity has concerned individuals, (according to Dr. i- Eroin Dr. Ungerleider and Dr. Of Jher' s book (THE PROBLEMS P'SO LSD AND '6e| EMOTIONAL RDER) we find that they the drug has particular ^Action to the adolescent. Most f^|®scents are struggling with 'Pgs of aggression sexuality ij the need to establish an Ptity. Many of them see LSD as offering a "magic solution" for these struggles. LSD, they report, provides an intense introspective experience to the adolescent, and enables him to deny feelings of aggression and sexuality at the same time that it gives him "membership" in the group of LSD users with a common language and dress. The doctors report that no longer is LSD just a promising psychological research tool, but that it has been taken up by a large underground cult. Starting in artistic, Bohemian, and intellectual circles, the cult has now become entrenched on many college campuses. DOES LSD ENHANCE CREATIVITY? The article mentioned earlier by Dr. Farnsworth also examined the claims of LSD as an intellectual stimulant. As far as the claim that the hallucinogens "free" the mind for creative work. Dr. Farnsworth states that up to now there has been a large amount of rhapsodical talk and writing, but no responsible proof. Another chronic difficulty with LSD is what has been termed "perceptual distortion." This refers to a subjective feeling of improvement concomitant with an objective loss of functioning. For example, a band leader reported his drummer was producing such terrible music that patrons were unable to dance to the band's music. Nevertheless, when interviewed, the drummer said he felt he was playing "like Gene Krupa" and was more than satisfied with his music. It has been found that LSD users appear to have actually suffered a loss of their ability to discriminate and to observe. SIDE EFFECTS OF LSD Drawing from Dr. Cohen's book, we find both acute and chronic side effects, whose occurrence cannot be predicted. Psychiatric interviews and psychological testing do not screen out adverse reactors. Some of the worst reactions, according to Dr. Cohen, have been in persons, often physicians and other professionals, who appeared stable by every indicator. Conversely, others who have had past histories of severe psychiatric problems and have been leading marginal existences have seemed to tolerate LSD without ill effect. Dr. Cohen reported that there is some work to show that persons who place a premium on self control, planning, caution, and impulse restriction, and who sacrifice spontaneity, do particularly poorly on LSD. ACUTE SIDE EFFECTS Four major types of acute symptoms have been seen. These include, in decreasing frequency, hallucinations, anxiety to the point of panic, severe depression with suicidal thoughts or attempts, and confusion. "These symptoms may occur in patients who have taken the drug once or sixty times," said Dr. Cohen. LASTING EFFECTS An effect of LSD that has been noticed quite frequently and is particularly striking is a dramatic shift in one's value system. Many persons after using LSD are no longer interested in working or playing what they call the "ego games" of society. (Dr. Timothy Leary in PLAYBOY, Sept., 1966, called ego games, "The tribal game.... mechanized, computerized, socialized, intellectual, televised. sanforized.") In other words, conformity, work, and organization as well as materialism are all called "ego games" by LSD users. LSD users often leave their families and become quite withdrawn, devoting most of their time to thinking, writing, and talking about LSD. They take quite literally Dr. Leary's admonition to "turn on, tune in, and drop out." Dr. Cohen reports one man spent two years wandering around the desert with a pack on his back contemplating the experiences of LSD. Three years before, he had been an international lawyer in New York City. Some students, after taking LSD, became less interested in their academic work and preferred to spend their time "thinking kind thoughts." There have been formerly productive persons who have adopted the attitude that one should live merely for subjective introspective experiences and not play the various "games," (for example, work) that society demands. Since many people who experience this change of attitude are never seen by psychiatrists. Dr. Cohen states one can onely speculate as to their frequency. IS LSD ILLEGAL? LSD is classified as a dangerous drug, and its use is governed by the restrictions contained in regulations of the Food and Drug Administration. Most offenses involving LSD are felonies, although in some states mere possession in small quantities is a misdemeanor. Violations of Federal law are processed by the Bureau of Drug Abuse Control in the Food and Drug Administration and the Justice Department's Bureau of Dangerous Drugs and Narcotics. Teacher Of Excellence To Be Nominated By Marlene Whitley Which instructor here is so exceptional that he deserves special recognition and a material thank you for his dedication? Each year, the North Carolina National Bank awards the title Teacher of Excellence to an outstanding UNCC professor. Nominations for this year's recipient run from April 20 to May 1. Any student, faculty members, or administrative member may nominate. Forms will be available in each division office, in the library, and in the Union. Nominations should be placed in boxes located in the liberal arts complex. Smith Ixiilding, the library, and the Union. A committee of five students and four faculty members will choose the recipient(s). Dr. Seth Ellis will serve as chairman. Other committee members are Dr. Bonnie Cone, Dr. James Matthews, Mr. Barbara Goodnight, Bud Stewart, Charlie Brown, Mike Ridge, Tony Bassinger, and Michael Stockton. A banquet October 2 will announce the recipient and honor the entire faculty with an evening of orchestra music and dancing. Wednesday, April 15, 1970 THE CAROLINA JOURNAL Pages Times, They Are A’ >;■ by mike mcculley Changing.... those reports about LBJ swimming in the White House pool m the nude for his health? RMN is a bit more conservative. When he opened his refrigerator door and saw the salad dressing, he called the FBI and had Mrs. Filbert added to the list of subversive organizations.... Automation Problem can you imagine what would happen if Searle recalled a batch of birth control pills to replace a defective part like General Motors does? The mind reels.... Sobering Thought.... getting drunk is old-fashioned.... Jurisprudence Milestone.... so now they can tie and gag a defendant in a courtroom? Now I know why they call it being admitted to the bar... and rope... and gag. There are sure to be a lot of cases tied up in court now.... Campus Cops.... with all due respect to their heralded habits, anybody who'll stand in driving rain and direct traffic just so we can make \tto class can't be ail bad.... Veep View.... our illustrious number-two man in Washington receives a compliipentary copy of PLAYBOY marked on the outside "Hire the Handicapped — It's Good Business".... I Vault.... what do you get when you cross a lady-of-the-night and a truck? A two-ton pick-up, of course.... a virain tninks life if just a bowl of cherries.... Silver Screen Scene.... some of those movie titles from the past might be a different story today.... "BEN-HUR," a tale of a young boy who vims Denmark and becomes his own sister.... "SPLENDOR IN THE portrayal of some youngsters in a tea party (without the cream and sugar).... "FROM THE TERRACE " a story ab^out a voyeur's place of operation.... the list goes on but you get the - Angie Dickinson in the Sunday '=°'"'^ents: "A woman has to sit up straighter when she wears a mini. She also stands and walks better because more of her shows, all of it great for her posture. It's excellent tor men s health, too. Men's heads turn more often because of the mini s which also make them use their whistle muscles a lot more Mini-skirts also make men walk a lot faster - in one direction or other." I agree with her but she left one point. A mini shows a lot of pretty leg on the right person. That's important, too.... Intelligence Coup, Criminal Division.... some reliable information has It that a certain doctor and his wife attended an LSD-party the night before strange things occurred at Fort Bragg.... Two Steps Ahead, One Back.... the title of this column is suggestive of our era, the seventies, and the progressive aims our society must have to survive. On occasion, events that are evidence of this shift or change will be presented. Today, as openers, salutes to New York and Alaska on their realistic abortion legislation. Other states should follow their lead.... continued on page 7 • •• The Great Escape . • ■’y '1 slf/SS GARDEN FLATS Just 5 miles from UNCC Best Course Off Campus ... for faculty or scholars. These spacious new garden flats are nestled in a quiet place ... so secluded, so filled with trees, a swaying branch is often the only sound. Cabana pool area, resident's lounge. Indoors a bright nevy lifestyle for your way of life. Custom-decor drapes wall-to-wall carpet. Deluxe built-ins include range, refrigerator' dishwasher, disposal. ^ 1,2,3 bedrooms S115 to $145 New Furnished (Vlodel Open 2-6 P.M. Directions: Drive South on 1-85 and exit at Dirita Road, Take 1-85 access Road and follow signs. Res. Mgr. 596-4489 ^TheERVINl company' 536-5930

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