[wfjo 10 Ihe curolin^j journal ;j[jril 22,1970 Times, They Are A’ ★★★ This Week ★★★ by mike mcculley Changing.... Lead Leaders.... women use charge accounts on the spree ot the moment.... next week, food buffs, SAGA will offer your choice of Chicken Grease (called Greece) or Braised Beef Stake (called steak). More dum-dum for your tum-tum.... the attempt to establish a Sexual Freedom League branch at UNCC has failed. An organizer said he attributed the demise of the fledgling branch to a "lack of group participation." Somebody is a dirty old man.... Another "Me-Too" Drug.... EVERYBODY'S MONEY (Spring '70), a consumer guide, has exposed another sham in the drug business. A new analgesic-stimulant (translation: pain-reliever plus pick-me-up) is on the market promising, in $3 million worth of advertising, that it "helps soothe away headaches; brightens your spirits; lifts your mood." It'll lift your money too, says E. M. For more than 4c a piece, they're offering tablets consisting of aspirin and caffeine. I'll stick with Bayer and a cup of coffee myself,... Hindsight.... a slight correction about those unmentionables in Sanford Hall: they don't wear panties still, but they do throw 'em.... actually, it was nice to see there's life in Moore boys after all, but sorry ‘bout that one fella's broken toe. Hope it was worth it.... Confetti.... no advice is all bad. Even a broken watch has the right time twice a day.... Remarked Tom Edison on his phonograph invention: "God invented the talking machine. I only invented the first one that can be shut off." Musical Messages.... a new group releasing an album on April 15 for Roulette is MorganMasonDowns and one-third is local boy, Joe Mason. Their sounds are mellow, folk-like and soft; MMD should be big.... Reminder: Don't miss this weekend's UNCC Folk Festival; everybody and their bird will be there.... Tower Topics.... suggestion overheard for the Belk Tower that didn't make it into the suggestion box: Play on the bells "Belk In The Sky" and see what the spirit savs; or, make picture i postcards and ship them to Borneo and Africa for use in fertility rites. The symbolism should do the trick.... Most-oft asked question: What's it good for?.... Least-oft asked question: Who built that thing?.... Some enterprising brave soul will certainly scale, the tower in the days ahead and place a sign at the top or some such memorable action. Some things are inevitable.... A Life In The Day Of.... Overheard two coeds, as usual, discussing men. One stated, "Men are all alike." The other coed, from the deep South, replied, "Men are all Ah like too.".... After Apollo XIII, it's clear if man were meant to fly he'd been born with wings.... divorce is just an expensive method of birth control.... What if "Midnight Cowboy" had been titled "Nighttime Horserider?" Not the same thought, is it? Sign of the Times.... remarked a noted fashion observer: "The lingerie business is fairly stable. Women are wearing the same thing in brassieres! this year.".... Tid Bits To Dawdle Wits With.... Before a woman says "I do" she often says "I won't." After she says "| do," she has a headache.... American Section.... Governor Maddox, your ax handles are ready.... Martha Mitchell, your mouthwash is ready... Judge Blackmun, your number is up.... Incidental Intelligence, Campus Division.... a group of UNCC students are planning to revive the old practice of seeingi how many they can stuff into a telephone booth. The problem? How do you stuff people into a wall phone? That's all we got out here.... Pollution Particles.... R. Dumalski, Jr.: "When I was in Los Angeles recently, the air pollution was so thick I saw kidsl building a smog man.".... Parting.... a girl should not look expectant if she wants to get married.... do you call refusing a gay proposal a mansion?.... Toddles, gang Wednesday, April 22 *EARTH DAY — MAN AND HIS ENVIRONMENT: HOPE FOR LIFE Class Officer Nominations. Union Lobby. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Piedmont Urban Policy Conference. U-209-210. 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Fencing Club. U-233. 11:30 a.m. Voting for UNCC Flag. Cafeteria Lobby. 11:30 a.m. -1 p.m. Lecture: Carl L. Klein, Assistant Secretary of the Interior: "Everyone Has a Roll in Cleaning Up the Environment." Parquet Room. 11:30 a.m. Enviromental Teach-In Luncheon. U-231-232. 12:30 p.m. "The Human Environment." Room C-120. 2 p.m. "The Visual Environment." Room C-122. 2 p.m. "The Physical Enviroment." Room C-120. 3:30 p.m. "The Technological Environment." Room C-122. 3:30 p.m. Delta Phi Zeta. U-233. 4 p.m. Lecture and Slide Presentation by Crutcher Ross, Chief Designer of Sugar Creek Renewal Project: "The Sugar Creek Renewal Project." Parquet Room. 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 23 Class Nominations. Union Lobby. 9a.m. -3p.m. Student Advisory Committee. U-209-210. 11:30 a.m. Russian Embassy Lecture by Yri Babenka. U-231-232. 11:30 a.m. Retreat Committee. N.W. Lounge. 3:30 p.m. Friday, April 24 Class Nominations. Union Lobby. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. South Vietnam Embassy Lecture. U-209-210. 11:30 a.m. Student Advisory Committee. U-231-232. 11:30 a.m. Beta Pi Auction. Cafeteria. 11:30 a.m. National Association of Social Workers Spring Institute. NW Lounge and Parquet Room. 12 Noon - 5 p.m. Saturday, April 25 American College Testing. C-122. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Folk Concert: Doc Watson, Gordon Lightfoot, Tom Rush. State Fair Pavilion. U.S. 21. 6:15 p.m. Sunday, April 26 UNCC Art Society Exhibit and Sale. Parquet Room. BULLETIN BOARD Fencing Club The Fencing Club will meet today at 11:30 a.m. in U-233. Delta Delta New officers for Delta Delta Sorority were! elected last week. Julia Ginsberg was elected president. The other officers include Cathy Jonson, vice-president; Brenda Hartman, recording secretary; Melanie Wilson, corresponding secretary; Perry Anderson, treasurer; Susie Bright,, historian; La Vera Farnsworth, parliamentarian; and Vicky Rowe, chaplain. Class History Any Senior interested in writing the history of the Class of 1970 should contact Charlie A. Brown 334-243). Senior Class. Banquet The second annual Senior Class Banquet will be held in the Parquet Room at 7:30 p.m. on May 8, 1970. Dinner will be followed by a short program. Afterwards, a band will provide music for dancing. Tickets a e $3.00 per person. They are presently on sale (through May 6) at the office of the Dean of Students. There will be Spring Art Exhibit and Sale on Sunday, April 26th from 12 until 5 p.m. The exhibit, purchase awards, and public reception, will be held in the Student Union Parquet Room. All entrees will be judged on Thursday, April 23rd. For more information, contact the Art faculty, or the UNCC Art Society. MEET THE CANDIDATES The UNCC Young Democrats Club is sponsoring "Coffee with the CANDIDATES" Tuesday from 7 until 9 p.m. Democratic primary candidates have been invited. Everyone at UNCC is encouraged to come. ©KOGOMAL r University City Boulevard CHarlotte, N.C.