rBTnnro-raw»Trnnnnnnrd-5 a 5 a m a a a a a g-ynm-d-d-g 1 A"^Aani?in(? by mike mcculley aSJLiSSJLSMAXSLa. gaB98BQB8flOI>OQOOooooQOQooeo Legislature Legislature meets: Monday, 11:45 A.M. Oct. 19, U-209-210 Students are invited to attend. BUS’S Wide variety of delicious foods PIZZA Choice selection of beverages One mile north UNCC, Highway 49 Phone: 596-0256 Wednesday, October 14, 1970 No more shame Page 3 What is gay lib? Headliners...! saw a blue movie the other day in black and white but I didn't notice... love is the answer.... SAGA food is 99.44/100% purely free of salt peter; however, .66% we're not sure of.... Memorabilia...."People should be taught what is, not what should be. All. my humor is based on destruction and despair. If the whole world were tranquil, without disease and violence. I'd be standing in the breadline-right back of J. Edgar Hoover." — Lenny Bruce.... Graffiti.... scrawled on a blackboard: "sacred cows make great hamburgers"....now, when someone says, "I'll be there with bells on," the meaning has evolved anew.... remembered line: "old soldiers never die." Maybe, but young ones still do.... Problem Probe.... "I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it the right way, did not become still more complicated." — Paul Anderson. Note from a groupie: three's a blast; four's partners. Reflections in a bloodshot eye.... too many stewed cooks are spoiled.... To the fair sex.... lie now, pay later.... dishonesty is false.... sincere condolences to the misguided soul who could only put in her window "Sex ^ Love." 'Tis sad but the reverse is also true. The equation imbalances either way without the x factor of self-giving For sensitive people: check out the Soft Touch cards on the rack in the bookstore. TTiese true bookstore gems reach inside you.... From Me To You... whatever it will be/is.... Undie-Fundie.... BVDs are up tight.... remember when boxers went down for the count? .... briefs can be relief.... Fruit of the Loom makes good fruit cake.... in the Lib movement, women are becoming less mountains and more molehills; that's not to say I don't grasp the obvious significance of their movement.... some people say the braless trend is a flop.... Truth and Wisdom Department.... "By changing what he knows about the world, man changes the world he knows; and by changing the world in which he lives, man changes himself." —Theodosius Dobzhansky/"Man Evolving" Have You Heard?.... that late to bed, late to rise makes a woman look for a wiser, healthier man?.... On Spaceship Earth.... according to legend.... the Worm Ouroboros ate its own tail, and thus was a symbol of a world that survives by endlessly devouring itself, this closed system is real, people, and we'd better take note.... Commentary: Rock star deaths....after the death of Janis Joplin and recalling the recent end of Jimi Hendrix, one friend profoundly stated: "somebody's startin' a band up there." There'll be music 'waitin' on us, children.... The Actus Supremus: classic position...."this is the simplest, most widely used position for beginners. In this position the female partner lies on her back, stretched out on the floor, with her legs under the bed. The male partner lies on the bed, either on his right or left side, and reads selections from Greek or Roman literature." —excerpt from THE OFFICIAL SEX MANUAL published by Dell Paperbacks for $.75; it's everything you wanted to know about sex but never heard of before.... On Happiness.... before you can erect earthly towers, you must pour out yourself as the foundation for love... Parting Shots.... dream the impossible dream: then try it in a Volkswagon.... if I'm not jailed or burned at the stake, see you friends next week....je t'aime by Charlie peek first of a series “Homosexuals are an oppressed minority in American society. America has forced up into urban ghettos, almost the only place where we can find one another, and into the few jobs and professions where we can get by.” Guy Nassberg, professing homosexual and national leader of the Gay Liberation Front, summed up the plight of himself and those Uke him in those words. This article is the first of a series which will attempt to explore this newest of social movemen^. What is Gay Liberation? Why is Gay Liberation? What’s happening to it in Charlotte? Are homosexuals really oppressed? These are some of the questions which seem to be finally rising to the surface even in this, the Bible belt. Isn’t there a law? ‘Crime against nature’ While wading through the North Carolina law books, only one thing becomes crystal clear. The statutes concerning homosexuality in this state are notorious both for their foggy mountain ambiguity and their underlying and even overlying moral phrases. Listed under the subtitle OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC MORALITY AND DECENCY is the only statute which is in any way, shape, or form relevant to the offense of homosexuality. State Statute 4336 titled CRIME AGAINST NATURE reads “If any person shall commit the abominable and detestable crime aginst nature, with mankind or beast, he shall be imprisoned in the state’s prison not less than five nor more than sixty years”. Now any term such as this in a law book must be qualified by a definition usually arrived at when the first case concerning such a law is brought before the court. The language used in the precedent-setting cases was just as slippery. The nearest thing to a definition your reporter could find was made by the presiding judge in case of State vs. Fenner. He referred to “it” as “the abominable crime not fit to be named among Christians”. The question then is can the public know what is meant? It is assumed by the courts that the pubhc can, evidently, since the North Carohna Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that the law is not ambiguous. It has been observed that, even today, people are not quite ready to talk absolutely freely about homosexuality. This is another handicap that the Gay Liberationists face. Vice squad has more to do... Gay Liberation, having been patterened after both the Third World and Women’s Liberation Movements, is an effort by homosexuals and for homosexuals to shed the stereotypes and prejudices which they feel have been forced onto them by a chauvinist society. It is NOT a bootstrap attempt to reform. In their own words, “Beyond all the Freudian rot about our mothers and fathers, and the phony masculine myths of our inadequacies, lies something that bullshit theories can’t explain away: we LIKE making love with people of the same sex. We feel good and whole making love. We want to remain homosexual.” However, to understand a movement, and more particularly the members of the movement, one must first understand the environment in which the movement lives. Isn’t homosexuality against the law or something hke that? Have you ever wondered just what the laws say about two members of the same sex engaging in any sexual activity? And if there’s a law how is it enforced, particularly around Charlotte? Plainclothes vice squad members regularly patrol known homosexual bars, but are primarily interested in apprehending a thief rather than a homosexual. Most trouble at gay bars is caused by outsiders usually just looking for a brawl. Police may be called by the bar owner when a “straight” troublemaker starts making noise. A plainclothes policeman can, however, make an arrest if he is soUcited or witnesses solicitation for homosexuahty. There have been recent convictions for solicitation but this is only a rmsdemeanor and does not carry with it a stiff prison sentence. There have been no local convictions for homosexuality itself in recent years; thus, no person is serving time now for committing acts of homosexuality. Want You To Join Our Church At An Ordained Minister And Hav* Th* Rank Of Doctor of Divinity « «on-stfuctur#df*»th, undtnominatiooal, with no traditional doctrint or dogma. Our fan growing church it activaly taaking now mininart who btliavt what wa baiiavt; AH man art antitlad to thair own c^ictioni; To aaak truth thair own w^, w^vatavar it may ba, no quaationa aakad. At a minittar of tha church, you may; t. Sun your own church ml apply lor tK- tmption from propwty and othar taxaa. 2. Perform marriagat, baptilm, funarala and all otiwr minictarjal functions 3. Cnjoy rwlucad rataa from loma modaa of traniponation. lorn. Ilwatarl. itoraa. hotala. ale. 4. Saak draft axamption aa on. of our work ing mMonariaa. Wa will tall you how. Encloaa a fra. will donation lor tha Minimr'i wtdantiali and licanaa. Wa alio iwua Doaor of Divinity Oagrwt. Wa ara Slata Chartarad and your ordination la racogniiad in all 60 atata. and moat foreign countrin. FREE LIFE CHURCH- BOX 4039, HOLLVWCX3D, FLORIDA 33023 Few of the tights in the gay bars are between homosexuals. Most of the patrons seem to keep to themselves. The police department, in fact stresses them to get out of the dark areas for their own protection. The vice squad feels that it has more important things to attend to than to arrest someone just for being a homosexual. This is the official position of a law enforcement agency of a society but what about the unofficial and often uncomfortable feelings about homosexuals held by the members of that society? What makes a homosexual and what produces all the jirejudices and abhorrations which are thrown at them? Maybe next week. A talk with lieutinant Vernon Shuler of the Charlotte Vice Squad revealed an interesting new angle. Despite popular notion that police round up homosexuals much the same as they herd drunks downtown, Lieutinant Shuler stated that the main concern of the Vice Squad is to protect the gay bar patrons against those of the criminal element who might victimize them. A popular procedure is for a male to dress as a female (not masquerade, just imitation), go into a gay bar, and wait for a pick-up. Once the pick-up is made the victim is persuaded to accompany the imposter to another part of town where several of the latter’s friends are waiting. There they promptly “roll” the victim for money and jewelry and perhaps even assault or murder him. BUCI IMAGE Saga wants them out by fames cuthbertson Early in the summer, when it became apparent that Saga Foods was preparing to initiate action to keep the commuters out of the dorm cafeteria, the Student Legislature pass^ a resolution condemning the action because we felt that it was unjust to 75% of our student body and would lend to further dorm-commuter polarization. After discussions with Dr. Cone and Mr.Vaughn, I understood that no policy had been established at that time and that no action had been taken to keep commuters out of the cafeteria. When school opened, I was surprised that Saga's doorchecker would not admit commuters. To rny dismay, after another discussion with Mr. Vaughn, I learned that he had never told me that commuters could come in the cafeteria to sit down and talk to dorm students. Saga wants them out because they feel that commuters will steal food. In other words, they are punishing the whole student body for their ineptness at catching pilferers. Evidently, Saga does not know that the residence hall courts have jurisdiction over these offenses. Will the student body of UNCC stand by and let Saga and the Administration do this. NO SAGA, We've just begun to fight.