i December 10, 1970 X^OCTOfi’^ X>AG S(o by Arnold Werner, M.D. Column No. 1, December 1970 QUESTION: How is a person's left-handedness or right handedness determined? Both my fiance, 20, and I are left-handed and I was wondering if there are probability ratios for our children also being left-handed. What are the physical characteristics or quirks known to be associated with left-handed people? ANSWER: Handedness is a fairly complex matter which probably has a greater number of social determinants than genetic determinants. Left-handedness does seem to run in families to a mild degree but after extensive inquiry, including consultation with a genetics expert, I was unable to turn up any studies of the offspring of left-handed parentss. If left-handedness were solely genetic, it would be correlated with cerebral dominance which refers to the phenomenon of one half of the brain controlling speech and certain complex psychomotor activities. In the vast majority of individuals only one half of the brain performs these functions of "dominates". While 99 percent of right-handed people have left hemisphere dominance, 90 per cent of left-handed people also have dominant left hemispheres. Thus, it seems that in only a small percent of left-handed people are the controlling factors based on neurologic structure and therefore probably genetic. In a world designed for right-handed people sinistrodextrality can be inconvenient but so far as I know does not carry with it any physical characteristics or quirks. QUESTION: What are the hazards, if any, of oral-genital intercourse between husband and wife? ANSWER;,The/e are,no,,k,npwn.hazards,,Specifically, no.poisonings or pregnancies have been reported. This form of sexual activity is probably practiced to a much greater extent than is commonly realized, but people are understandably reluctant to discuss such activities. Most authorities in the field of sexual behavior consider oral-genital intercourse as part of the normative range of sexual expression. Philip Roth's "Portnoy's Complaint" presents some humorous vignettes on the subject. ^^QESTK)N: Why do I have tapeworms? I am 24 years old and a single woman. I am extremely clean, and my diet is good; my weight is iMrfoct. I've taken tapeworm tablets to get rid of them which works just fine for about three months only then they come back again. What can I do to gat rid of them forever? ANSWER: Tapeworm infections are not very common in the United States although a variety of other types of intestinal parasites peacefully make their home in the bowds of millions of our fellow citizens. In some parts of the world, intestinal parasites are found in nearly everyone. Tapeworms usually come from infected beef, pork or fish. Humans ingesting, infected food provide a place for the embryonic worm to hatch. After setting up housekeeping in the small intestine, the tapeworms can grow to a length of thirty feet (in some species) but commonly are a more reasonable size...such as nine or ten feet. Most of the symptoms they produce are related to digestive tract function and include diarrhea, cramps, bleeding, and a sense of fullness. The person is often aware of the infection because they excrete parts of the worm. Many of the sources of tapeworms in this country have been reduced or eliminated over a period of years. Fish tapeworms were not uncommon in the Great Lakes region but pollution and a declining interest in raw fish took care of the problem. Inspection of beef and pork has greatly reduced these sources, although raw beef fanciers (steak tartars is great stuff) occasionally come down with a case. If your eating habits run to the unusual, you may be reinfecting yourself in spite of successful treatment. Thorough evaluation by a gastroenterologist is recommended for you and your helminthic friends. THE CAROLINA JOURNAL SGA president speaks 1970 College Press Service 48823^ letters to Dr. Arnold Werner, Box 974, East Lansing, Mi. Continued from page 3 proposed a plan very similar to our’s - unlimited hours for all students, locking hours for residence halls with someone available to let students in, and a voluntary sign-in, sign-out program. I hope that the Administrative Council will heed this sound advice. If you have wondered what happened to 7-day visitation, the hold up has been over a failure of House Presidents to turn in Housing Acts votes and management procedures for visitation. These votes and procedure proposals are now coming in, however, and Houses that vote for 7-day visitation will soon have it. To the Students in Moore Hall who have been forced into a lot of unwanted exercise, this condition was caused by one (or a few) student (s) who decided they could rewire the elevators. Their attempt was a failure and the repair bill will be costly. The Housing Office has informed me that unless the students involved in this incident are identified, the entire REsesidence Hall may be assessed for the cost. Students having any information concerning this incident are requested to report it to Attorney General Wayne Stowe, 907 Moore Hall, ext. 479. Housing Act Ratified Continued from page 1 throughout the residence hall, may be established in Official House Meetings. As stated in the executive portion of the Housing Act, each House shall elect a president and a vice-president. Elections for these officers shall be held within the first two weeks of the semester. The proposed powers and duties of the House President include calling and presiding at all Official House Meetings, serving as a liaison between his House and the administration and his House and the SGA, appointing House committees, serving on the Residence Hall Council, making sure that his House’s rules are enforced and reporting any violations of these rules to the Attorney General, and appointing a House Secretary. The vice-president shall assist the president in alt House business and shall assume the duties of the president in his absence or incapacity. Any House Officer may be impeached by a two-thirds majority vote of the residents of the House. Finally, the proposed Housing Act provides for a Residence Hall Council, consisting of the House Presidents and Chief Justice of each Residence Hall Court. Each residence hall will have its own Residence Hall Council. The purpose of the Council is to meet to discuss the problems of the Houses and to decide whether or not certain proposed rules or changes would necessitate uniform throughout the residence halls. The Housing Act may be passed .f it is ratified by a two-thirds popular vote of each residence liall. Further action will be taken concerning the act by the Student Legislature at its next meeting. Until visitation times and rules are changed according to the provisions of the act, each House shall keep its present system of visitation. Page 5 49ers sports car club holds Gymkhana Class Driver Car Best result trophy I Wally Overton Comp. Sprite 52.91 yes I Robert Home Mod. Farm Vehicle 57.51 yes I Paul Stafford Mod. Farm Vehicle 1:02.2 yes I Charles Overton Comp. Sprite 1:03.65 no II Mike Thompson Triumph GT-6+ 1:00.91 yes II Jim Comer Porsche 91 IS 1:02.95 yes II Spencer Clendenin A-H 3000 1:06.20 no III Pat Rothe Sprite 59.62 yes III Bill Aldrin Fiat 124S 59.67 yes III Lei^ Derby MG Midget 60.20 yes IV . No Entires V Combined with Class VI VI Tom Swicegood Fiat Sedan 1:00.00 yes VI Walter Dunlap Mustang 1:06.40 yes VI • Glenn Kiser Impala 1:07.44 yes VII (Ladies) VII Mary Neal McQueen Sprite 1:01.69 yes VII Jeannette Dunlap Mustang 1:05.00 yes VII Debbie Thompson Triumph GT-6+ 1:05.71 yes VII Anne Nickell Porsche 911 S 1:08.5 no One mote Gymkhana will be held on December 13, 1970. Cold weather prohibits holding events after this date.. *. ■ Walter M. Dunlap III . ■ ' ' , ■ President, 49ers SCC I WHAT WILL YOU GET HER THIS CHRISTMAS PREGNANT?? Don t. We ye made it easy for you to get men’s contraceptives privately. We re a nonprofit agency and we offer quality con doms—nationally known and luxury imports—through the privacy I of the mails. We have British brands which are superior to anv- thing at the corner drugstore. And, in keeping with the season we ve put together the world's first gift sampler of men’s con traceptives. It contains three each of seven different brands in a handsome, tasteful package for only $9.50. Give yourself a little variety or give a friend something unique: PSI’s exclusive con traceptive sampler. POPULATION SERVICES, INC. 105 N. Columbia St., Dept. GS , Chapel Hill, N. C. 27514 I Gentlemen: Please send me: gift a plain wrapper at $9.50 each (remltUnce -complete information about your services at no obligation I understand that I mav return anv PSI nmrincto t satisfied with their quality for a full refund ^ I Name- Address- C’lty_- State_ Can we send a gift In your name? Zip- iiT