d READ THE SHOCKING DETAILS OF SORDID FACULTY SWAP PARTIES....an inside report on page 31.... "HE GAVE ME A W/F AND I GAVE HIM THE CLAP" ....a true campus adventure story.... SECRET FACTS LINKING URBAN INSTITUTE WITH INTERNATIONAL COMMUNIST PLOT TO CORRUPT YOUTH'S MORALS....a scoop with full-color photos on page 43.... BLUEMOVIES AND BLUE BABIES: IS THERE SOME CONNECTION, FRENCH OR OTHER WISE? ....psychologist reveals truth.... EIGHT BASIC TEST-TAKING POSITIONS, WITH YOUR LOVER AND PENCIL....a how- to-do-it feature....page 19.... "I WAS IN WHO'S WHO BUT I DON'T KNOW WHO'S THING WAS IN MY WHATCHAMACALLIT" ....luscious young coed exposes perverted story of dorm life....page 24.... COMPUTER CENTER MATING DISCOVERED ....a pictorial essay showing 360s and 1450s in strange relationships....page 14.... "PAUL REVERE WAS A FAG"....a true story of a long-hair....history dept tells all....page 66.... THOSE BASEMENT STAFF PARTIES ARE STIFF"....confessions of a Reese Bldg swish.... page 68%.... GEOLOGIST CLAIMS DIRT BASIC FACTOR IN GETTING DIRTY.... a science report voiuminoos vii, numberd 22, april the foist, 1972 SURPASSING EVERY SAGA OF GODS AND HEROES. .THE TOWERING TRIUMPHS OF THE MOST TREMENDOUS ADVENTURER OF THEM ALL!!! The National Journaler “ail the bulhhit that’s fit to print page one/the national journaler/april 1,1792 WINTER destroys by sir thomas more STRANGE DISAPPEARANCE OF BLACKS I^N SOUTH AND LARGE QUANITIES of EASY-OFF FOUND UNDER GOVT REQUEST. Rumors are flying in Washington this week over President Nixon s new Policy on busing. At last week s conference on busing, federal funds Were reportedly donated to several southern states to implement the new plan. Last week a truck jack-knifed on Highway 58 near Selma. Alabama and 3n entire truckload of Easy-Off-Oven Cleaner was spewn all over the highway. Also near Selma, the Federal government has reportedly expropriated a large amount of land near that city and has barred access to civilians. Yesterday, Hotpoint announced the signing of a large government contract Tor 800 specially equipped range to be earmarked for delivery near Selma. In addition, Selma residents have noticed that a mysterious stench floats in from the south around eight o’clock in the evenings and have contacted air pollution authorities to investigate its source. . . Merchants in Selma have reported that mysterious men in uniforms come into town at night and get drunk, paving for their liquor with oddly shaped gold nuggets. And furthermore. Chambers of Commerce all through the South report the mysterious disappearance of large numbers of Black youths, mostly of school age. , _ The President s new plan has received enthusiastic support from a growing majority of Southerners. McCulley hangs self Former Journal editor Michael McCulley today hung a full-color portrait of himself, painted by hirn, and donated by him to the school, in the restroom of the University Center. Speaking at dedication ceremonies over the third stool, McCulley stated: I hope this brings an end to dull, drab bathrooms at this school. We need some culture and art in these special places. Nearly one-quarter of our lives IS spent in solitary communion with these cold seats, and I hope this small dropping for mankind proves to be the beginning of a trend." Me Culley, a starched, tfied-in-the-wool, radical, left-winged pervert, hung the portrait and proceeded to gracefully step into stool number three, erroneously left fnfiushed by the Sanitation Committee of the Chancellor. Further comments are unprintable, even in this rag sheet. This story, and people like this, are Tull of pure bullshit, grade A, number one type bullshit... WHY IS THIS MAN laughing? by Charles dickens The SGA announced plans at their weakly meeting that in about two weeks a Sperm Bank will be set up for students and University citizens. The committee working on the project said in a report: "We think this is a service the students have long needed. We plan open easily-accessible night depositories in Moore and Sanford Halls soon." The Sperm Bank, initially called First Sperm National, will operate around-the-clock, "just like sperm do," said one committee member. Easy withdrawals are planned, and a special feature of the Bank will be its Long-Term Lay-a-Lay Away Plan. SGA President Patterson said he would be the bank's first depositor, but plans to wait for the next full moon when he normally changes his trainino pants. "I plan to give the best of myrelf to UNCe and its future," Patterson noted, quickly leaving the meeting to check on his other pet project, a' girl by the name of Loosey Laydown, a freshman student from somewhere near the Outer Banks. THE POTTED PSALM Bulletin Read inside about this secret machine to pro cess scientific data.... the fall of BYZANTIUM ZIP, North Dakota - (CPS) - Wire ' «4Ani hfiro report the feb JourUvemudlians, The Beatl«, will four u p 2ip S crne.Ts.«.. .. Ab*,..-. “"liomer Farkle. concert chairman said%/e signed an agreement w. h them '^iPPf„ves«rd^V - Far^. We^^ h^tCe^we-ve h^ long hair music m our concert series. WASHINGTON - (CPS) - A research team from the American Medical Association (AMA) has released startling new findings which are expected to reverse the association's anti-marijuana stand. After a year of research, the AMA has announced that "only seven per cent of the brains of Amerikan pot smokers have turned to cream cheese." Earlier, the AMA had maintained the cream cheese rate was significantly higher, according to research commission chairman Dr. Pink E. Lee. "We're ready to admit we over-reacted in our original statement, and grass research will be higher on my priority list henceforth," Dr. Lee said. The AMA has estimated at least 173 million Amerikans smoke cannabis regularly. In a related development, the Kraft Dairy Co. has offered to purchase the brains of deceased pot smokers for use in their production. WASHINGTON - (CPS) - A thorough investigation has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) are in fact responsible for causing the nation's problems. SDS planted 170,000 of its top revolutionaries in offices from Bangor, Maine to Elko, Nevada to create the appearance of nationwide trouble. Government and union officials alike have been crediting SDS with the problems all along, providing they're not so dumb after all. "We're not so dumb after all,” said Vice President Agnew. "We knew good Americans wouldn't cop out on us like that. It's just those effete assinine pseudo-Panther SDSers stirring up trouble." A CPS investigation into the circular files of SDS Comrade Mark Rudd has shown that there would have been no problems were it not for a substantial effort by SDS which discovered and taught the SDS members how severely oppressed they were.