Dr. Silly Lines, relaxing at home, looks almost invisible.. Mi Excise; by Charles fourier Dr. Silly Lines has been arrested for obscenity in connection with his course "Kama Sutra and Political Science." The course deals with the various positions that political scientists can take with other professors and students, and discuss« the relationships common in their Work. Students have alleged the course had "no plot," and that "more people than not" found it offensive. They also objected to the intimate tete-a-tetes with departmental professors, ostensibly for advice in Writing papers. "I am only trying to bring this repressed information out into the open," Lines said. He claims that this information hidden from impressionable young minds by non^jehaviorists, must be discussed in the interests of freedom. The course deals in sordid detail with the games that political scientists play. Lines has made a deliberate attempt to initiate his students into the rites of the computer center, and has forced them to engage in perverted behavior with various data. Five independent witnesses sat in on a recent class and will be witnesses for fhe prosecution. They include a minister, a housewife, two newspaper reporters, and a distributor of pornographic movies. "I have seen enough pornography to know what is obscene," the movie distributor said, "and this is the worst. His random sampling certainly appealed to my purrient interests. And the way he forced relationships on unwilling variables was disgusting." Angus Campbell, a Scottish Presbyterian minister, had this to say: I heard of a similar case at the Survey Research Center and the University of Michi^n. As a result of this type of behavior, several professors went blind, and their minds ceased to function." "I don't like the way he insisted on manipulating data in public," newspaper reporter Henry Wishful said. L-ines, an admitted manipulator during his early years, usually prefers to manipulate in private. But, he says, manipulating makes me happy and releases inner tensions. I want to bring this useful form of investigation into the open.” A news team from WBVD filmed the cIms, but station management, blowing its policy of prohibiting w-rated material, refused to run it. Two reporters have enrolled in the class. Haze Bruied, local columnist, first heard of the case over his ' ell-lt-To-Haze line. He is asking readers to contribute to a fund for a used straightjacket, he said, "to get this so-called expert out of our lovely community and into a place where they can treat him." WASHINGTON - (CPS) - In an unprecedented maneuver yesterday, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission issued orders to all radio and television stations to forbid the performing of three of the most popular songs in the history of American popular music. The songs are; "Blow," by Cole Porter and "Cruising Down the River," and "Keep it Gay, Keep it Gay" by Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein, II. The songs were banned because they were rated No. 1, NO. 2, and No. 3 respectively on the "AII-TimeHomosexual Hit Parade" in a poll conducted by the Gay Liberation Front. Failure to comply with the ruling will result in a revocation of the broadcaster's license and a $5,(KX) fine and/or ten years in federal prison. In light of this decision, various grievance committees have filed complaints with the Federal Communications Commission for the following songs to be banned: "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord" —American Society for the Blind. "Puff the Magic Dragon" —American Cancer Society. "From Russia With Love" -Daughters of the American Revolution. . „ „ . , "Burning Bridges" -The Bank of America. news crap page three/the Carolina enquirer/december 7, 1941 COME The University has tightened its policy on the distribution of Catalogs. The reasons cited were rising printing costs, an expanded Catalog, and lack of increased State support Distribution in the future will be restricted to new students and to transfer applicants. Admissions' officers state that changes in the Catalog are minimal and do not require a currently-enrolled student to have a copy. Replacement Catalogs may be purchased from the University Bookstore for $1.00 per copy. Requests by mail accompanied by the $1.00 fee will be handled by the Office of Admissions. BACK by mazola party With tears dripping from his eyes, a spokesman for the Biology Department announced today at an impromptu news conference the mysterious disappearance of Dr. Herbert Hechenbleikner. The illustrious biologist, well-known around campus for his best-seller "Pollination Can Be Erotic," was noticed missing by his classes for about two weeks before anyone notified the Department. Commented one student, "We just used the class time playing tic-tac-toe and one guy gave a lecture on his hybrid marijuana seed farm." The spokesman reported that "due to circumstances beyond our control, we have lost Dr. Hech. He was last seen working in his lab on his latest reseafch project, rumored to be funded by the CIA, which involved the training and disciplining of Venus Fly Traps." Between sobs, it was learned that a custodial staff member had been located who witnessed the "disappearance." Mr. Robert Jones, in a sworn affadavit, said: "I looked In the lab door to see if anyone was there before I began to wax the floor. I saw Dr. Hech near those wierd plants of his, petting and rubbing them near the top and saying things like, 'My little pet, come on now, open up;' he was trying to feed them things bits of beef and finally, one of them opened up. Hech reached in and I turned away to get my bucket and pail. When I turned around, I heard the plant burp and .Hech's fly came flying out of the plant. I waxed the floor and left." The Biology Department, according to the spokesman, ahs tried unsuccessfully to induce vomiting in the largest Venus plant, nicknamed affectionately, "Little Big Zipper." One colleague of Dr. Hech's reported that "Zippy sort of smiled at me when I asked him about Hech. That damn carnivorous, over-grown weed is getting a bit too cocky lately." The family of Dr. Hech have requested that donations may be made in his name to the National Slush Fund for Retarded Biologists in lieu of flowers. Members of the Biology Department have erected a life-size replica of Hech's fly (the fly remains burped out by "Zippy" were cremated in accordance with CIA instructions) on a plaque bearing this notation: "He loved plants for all mankind; they loved him, too." A tight lid of security has been clamped on the case by the CIA and the plants are under 24-hour guard. One of the Rent-a-Cops, who asked to remain anonymous, said to this reporter: "We have strict orders on this mission. If one of these things so much as twitches a blade in our direction, we are shooting first and asking questions later." The guard proceeded to finish his lunch, which consisted of a stalk of celery, two spring onions, and a turnip. He was obviously watching over his shoulder while he ate. The Washington CIA office declined to comment on the rigid security, but one reporter overheard agents being told: "Somehow someway, the Communists are behind this sinister plot. Maybe even the SDS. It's up to you guys to prove it, any way you can." This story, and others like it, are pure bullshit. SHOWN HERE, an exclusive copy of the last known photo of Dr. Hech, posing with his favorite plant, "Little Big Zipper." Zippy's parents took the photo.... mm HE SAID NEW YORK - (CPS) - The latest in the series of bootleg record albums has brought angry comments from record dealers here as well as a major recording company. "HeavyI" the hot selling bootleg double album by the Archies, was illegally produced from dub-over tapes for the Ariches' Saturday morning cartoon series. It is being distributed through drug dealers and psychedelic clubs in an inconspicuous orange jacket with the word "HeavyI" printed in Crayola on the upper left corner of the label. The bootleg double album is selling for only 79 cents, while record dealers are asking $5.95 for the latest legal Archies L.P.on the Bubble Gum label. Bubble Gum Records President Leonard P. Shyster said he is "spitting mad" about the popularity of the illegal album. Hundreds of record dealers this morning marched on Shyster's New York office demanding he find out who is responsible for the bootleg album. Shyster said it must be someone with ABD Television which produces the Archie Comedy Hour. "There's a new girl on the staff by the name of Sugar Sugar who might have something to do with this vile act," Shyster said. "I can understand young people burning their draft boards and banks, but tOyStoop so low as to sell illegal Archies records... what is this society coming to?" "Heavy!" has reportedly sold at least twelve copies so far on the underground market. THEimiillTHAT couimrr die A $5(X(X) advance tuition deposit will be required from all continuing students for next fall, by virtue of a law passed by the 1971 North Carolina General Assembly. This law applies to every student who is elegible to continue and desires to enroll in August 1972 without re-applying for admission. The deposit will be applied toward tuition and fees for the Fall Semester. The law provides that the deposit may be waived in the event of hardship. Waiver Request forms should be obtained from the Business Office prior to May 5, 1972. This information is contained in a letter which is being mailed to each currently-enrolled student. UNCC graduates of the class of '68 are shown here posing for their annual reunion. This year's event was held in the Me Lie province of South Vietnam. These fun-loving All-American boys, raised on apple pie and Mother's milk, are giving their all for flag and country. The latest "all" foreground, had no comments... M C«ll*|e Prtsi S«r