IVXK RUKNIMQ WILD OVER Trt^7 CtUTAIN MVTUOritTATlVE : T ^'-ITE OV2.0UP5 - A THIS 15 NOT Tk-Uir- ^Or^E /PEOTLIT DC CONNNMT ADULTERY i. I RABBITS ARE THE FRIENDS OF TOADS HIS FATHER WAS A DARK HORSE.... Stan Patterson, long-time dope addict and sexual dwiate, was finally errested and removed from office by the Administrations ®iit6 law-and-order team. Shown here, resisting arrest, Patterson was later visited in his Reese Building cell by his mother. She reportedly brought him a change of underwear and his copy of Waekly Reeder. END OF ADMINISTRATION OVERTHROWSSGA IN WELL-PLANNED COUP....future of planet earth in grave doubt... FOLLIES GOODTIMES, WONDERFULTIMES by eric aparthereid SGA Vice-President Ed Wayson called an emergency session of the Student Legislature last Monday night as the rumors of an Administration coup mounted. When the body was assembled, Wayson spoke to calm their fears, "Hell, there can't be any basis to this rumor, we've never done anything to call for that type of action. As a matter of fact, looking back, we haven't done anything at all." Just as he finished that statement, as if by cue, the legislators were startled by the appearance at all four doors of the Parquet room of a host of battle ready campus security Police. Immediate panic beset the legislators as they at once all scrambled to try to escape. Obviously having been trained to control the situation, the Campus Police quickly subdued the legislators and forced them back to their seats, and restored order -some said for the first time that year. However, the legislators protested vigorously and at the entrance of Vice-Chancellor McEniry, surrounded by a phlanx of the newly knighted storm Troopers, Wayson stood up and raised his fist and shouted, "Goddamn it, I'M the revolutionary on this campus. You can't do this you fascist pig." He was immediately pinioned and subdued by two husky guards. McEniry cooly strode to the speaker's platform, his chin at its usual cocky forty-five degree angle, surveyed the terror-stricken delegates and said, "You've done many thin^ in the past which have made me a little hot, but sending me that SAGA turkey was going just a little bit too far. From now on, I will rule this campus by decree. "You are all under arrest." From this point on pandemonium reigned. It seemed as if every legislator in the place was fighting to escape and they certainly did give the Security Police a run for their money. Legislator Charlie Herndon was apprehended trying to escape by carrying a cross on his back through the police cordon. President Pro-Tern Charlie Spriggs a mad dash through the vain attempt to reach his Judiciary Committee Bucky Winn was heard screaming at the top of his lungs, "I'm right. I'm right. My Committee's always right," before being hit over the head with a billy club. Others of our valiant representatives distingushed themselves honorably in the exchange,' but one by one the frightened solons were rounded up, handcuffed and escorted to the basement of the Reese Building where attempted lines in a bicycle. Chairman they were incarcerated in cells built specially for the occasion and interrogated. Late reports indicate that all are still alive and may be released in time for classes April 10 if they tow the line. Fortunately for the UNCC Student Body, not all of the legislators were caught in the dragnet. It seems that, fortuititously, James Cuthbertson had left the meeting early to go to his tennis practice. Several other Legislators never attend any meetings and therefore escaped arrest. They are Dave Lazenby, Aubrey Hilliard, Parks Warren, Charlie Fagan and Mike Mayberry. President Stan Patterson, who escaped capture by standing by a doorway and shaking everyone's hand as they left — finally ducking into a men's room, denounced the Administration's action on nation-wide television last night — seconds after the event. Patterson said that he would set up a government-in-exile composed of the members who escaped and those elected in the upcoming elections. A high Administration source reportedly said that after the elections all the new legislators would be rounded up and incarcerated. This would tend to discourage students to run for the vacant positions, it was believed. President Patterson himself is wanted on a fugutive warrant by Campus Police and just how long he can evade capture is uncertain. He said that a petition for redress of grievances would be circulated among the Student Body in the hope that the Administration would relent and release the jailed legislators. As of this date there is no word of their condition. The government in exile voted later that evening to release certain student funds to purchase WWI carbines to use for defense against further Administrative harrassment. Currently, they are attempting to recruit students to serve on such a force and volunteers may enlist at the Union desk. Other armament additions are expected to include an old Sherman tank from Freedom Park to use against the Campus Police's motor scooters. Administrators are uncertain as to whether or not they will call in the Ohio State National Guard, noted for its combat cool, to assist in stamping out the counterrevolution. Both Administration and the Student Government-in-exile are urging students to stay clear of any fracas because it is unknown just what weapons may have to be used. Long-haired radical Ed Wayson put up a valiant struggle against opressive police tactics in the SGA overthrow; Wayson, on his back above, is placing his foot in a strategic position of the policeman's reproductive system. BALLIN'WITH A PIG ISN'T RECOMMENDED.,.. BRUTAL FORCE OVERWHELMS POOR HAPLESS SGA LEADERS.... The Administration's coup was professionally organized and carried out. Here two of UNCC's finest search dissident hippies and anarchists Patterson and Wayson. The search produced the following: an Ace comb, two pairs of white gloves, a package of No-Doze, three stfange-looking brown cigarettes, a hairlip, one dozen lubricated Shieks, and a tube of Rosy Red Yardley Lipstick and Bubble Gum.... PAGES OF PROPAGANDA AND/OR BULLSHIT All propaganda in the Journal is expressed on its editorial pages and all unsigned editorials are the majority opinion of the editor. Letters and columns are the opinion of the bumbling idiots who wrote them. Opposing views may or may not be printed by contacting the Editor, depending on what kind of mood he's page five/the journaler/october 12, 1492