page four/the journal/april 11, 1973 The Journal encourages its readers to write In response to items appearing in its pages. The Journal accepts all letters to the editor, provided they are typed or legibly printed. Your name will be withheld upon your request, but the editor must know the identity of the author and how to reach him. The letters section of the Journal is an open forum for all members of the Eaker backs Gantt To The Editor: Last year when Tom Alsop ran for the Editorship of the Rogues 'n Rascals he had my fullest support ■ he was the only one running. Since that time Mr. Alsop and I have been somewhat estranged. Working with him on the Student Media Board has really been a pain in the ass. I found him to be irrational, short sighted and stubborn. This is not to imply anything against Mr. Alsop personally - he very well may be a fine person. It's just that in his role as the annual editor, in my opinion, he leaves very much to be desired. But ultimately an editor must be judged on the product he produces. While no one has seen anything Mr. Alsop has produced- a yearbook by its very nature precludes this - it is my opinion that the yearbook Mr. Alsop will produce will be little better than previous books this school has seen. Fortunately there is another candidate who shows greater promise: Richard Gantt. If there is any one person who can give UNCC an artistic, competent yearbook it is Richard Gantt. Why don't you vote for him, April 11 and 12? Jay Eaker Yates To The Editor: Well, the first elections didn't count, so here I am again. However, this time 1 have something different to say. During my three years working on WVFN radio my major concern has been the welfare of the station, in hopes that it would be a true service to the students of UNCC. On April 11 and 12, you, the students, will have the opportunity to elect the next station manager of WVFN. I hope you will exercise your right to vote and cast your vote for Jim Yates. The reason I'm asking you to do this is in light of the previous election where Jim showed an impressive margin of votes and campus support. Since that time Jim has moved right in toward preparing for next year's FM. I will continue working with WVFN and Jim as Music Director, and with the possibility of FM looming in the future my job becomes twice as important. Also at this time I wish to thank all those who did support me in the previous elections and stay tuned to WVFN with bigger and better things to come for you. Sincerely Chuck Gross Yearbook To The Editor: April 11 and 12 begins the second attempt at electing a 1974 ROGUES 'N RASCALS yearbook editor. The two contestants in this election are Richard Gantt, a BCA major, and Tom Alsop, another BCA major. This letter deals with the latter. As you know, the March 21-22 election was nullified because someone voted more than 30 times therefore making it much more of a hassle to get you to go to the booths again and vote for your favorite candidate -—if you have one. I am Tom Alsop, present editor of ROGUES 'N RASCALS yearbook. It is my feeling that I should clear something up immediately: just because I am y-iarbook editor this year does not mean that I had anything to do with last years' yearbook, i.e. the "hot pink" issue. That was totally the decision of the '72 yearbook editors and theirs alone. Being involved in the media, I don't know how to run a campaign. I don't know how to because I'm not a politician. Furthermore, I despise a lot of the unnecessary "monkey-politiks" on this campus. On the other hand, politics is a necessary profession here: one that' brings that balance of power to all branches of student government. Not being Involved too liberally in campus politics, I bring to mind my work on the yearbook. This has been my major pre-occupation for the past 10 months. Unfortunately, I have nothing to show for my work because the book that I am presently gathering raw materials on will not be distributed until well after this April 11-12 election. Therefore, you must make a judgement some toher way. But how? You have no other way to judge. (Perhaps I can be of some help). I have been a photographer for three years working for the JOURNAL, SANSKRIT as well as ROGUES 'N RASCALS. I hope that the posters you see around campus would indicate my ability. I am also gathering strength in the graphic medium of silk-skreening. Already this year you may have become aware of the progress ROGUES 'N RASCALS has made. We increased the class section by 67% over last year; we've increased the overall size of the book from 272 pages to 400; we've increased color from two pages to 32 and furthermore, we've improved layout and overall design. But most important of all, we've increased student awareness of having a yearbook. We've taken opinion polls, sent out various Information about the yearbook, produced pamphlets at registration and have gotten the entire university more interested in the year book. Taking this in mind, I hope you will abort any bad thoughts you have concerning past yearbooks and look at the 1973 and 1974 ROGUES'N RASCALS yearbook at one which you will be, in the least, not embarassed to receive. Tom Alsop Strike ABORTION QUESTIONS? For details on how to obtain a safe, legal, low-cost abortion contact Pregnancy Counseling Service, Inc. Dial Toll Free 1-800-327-4320 A non-profit Organization BLOOD DONORS NEEDED CASH PAID FOR SERVICE CENTRAL BLOOD SERVICE 401 N. TRYON ST. Open Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 a.m.-Sp.m. Open Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 372-3337 University community, and in respect to this, letters will, except in extreme instances, be printed as they are received. Any editing that must be done will be done with fairness, and respect for the integrity of the author. Signed letters will receive first priority: unsigned letters are printed at the discretion of the Editorial Board. 1 Classifieds: To The Editor: There are 165 courageous people at the Dow Chemical plant in Bay City which has been on strike for 14 months. They would like to enlist the aid of your newspaper and members of the student body so that we may survive. Dow Chemical is using its unlimited resources in an attempt to destroy us economically and eliminate the collective bargaining process of our Local Union which is 14055 of the United Steel-workers. Many workers and their families have suffered unlimited hardships in the loss of Income and personal property which they have had to sell in order to feed their families because Dow Chemical refuses to resolve an unjust labor dispute provoked by Dow Chemical and its local management. In the interest of humanity we ask that you print this letter in your college paper and that the student body aid us by refusing to buy Handi-wrap plastic food wrap and Ziploc bags which are made at the Bay City plant. If there are individuals or groups on campus who would like to aid us in this humane endeavor, please contact me at the address which is given below. We request that they boycott the above mentioned products which are produced by Dow Chemical in Bay City and by any other aid or activities which may aid our cause. Please print this letter in your student newspaper and if possible send me a copy. Martin Schwerin Journal Classifieds are FREE to all members of the University community, regardless of status - or lack of it. Anything you want to buy, sell, trade, and/or locate - just write up the item and drop it by the Journal office or leave it in the box at the University Center desk. Ail ads will be run once, space permitting, and the editor reserves the right to edit ads for clarity and conciseness of style - where free speech isn't involved. $68.10. It is important that all students be measured on April 11. If you are not prepared to pay the total on this date, please stop by for measurement and to arrange payment with the uniform company representative. For sale: Small puppy, looks like a beagle — white with black spot, patch over one eye, black and brown patched ears. One dollar and new owner must get him his shots — soon. Call Tom' Cassidy at 597-3622 after 6:00 p.m. HELP! Have just been deserted by girlfriend. Need a lay. Please, if interested, leave your name, number, etc. with the security guard in Dorm '72 in an envelope addressed to "Tiger". Thank you very much. Will get In touch with you immediately. No questions asked. Complete confidentiality assured. Wanted: Person trained In accounting for full time work as junior accountant. Posting machine knowledge helpful. Call David at Ext. 2340 after 8:30 p.m. Leave name and number if necessary. Dear Tiger: I too have just been deserted by my girlfriend. Perhaps we could correspond. If you know of any girls who still believe in courtly love - in the neoplatonist sense, please get them in touch with me. I'll meet them in the lobby. Typing Service: 70 per page. No charge for title page. Accuracy guaranteed. Contact Harvey Morrow in room 315, Dorm '72 or phone 3646. For Sale: '65 Volkswagon. New battery and generator installed within last 6 months. Call: 597-3816. Two sublime males in dire need of two stimulating females for pleasant evening of entertainment. Available most evenings. Call Win — 596-6382 and Freddie — 535-2852. Nursing Students: A representative from the Nightingale Uniform Company will be on campus Wednesday, April 11 to measure nursing students for uniforms. All students who expect to enroll in their first clinical nursing course — particularly freshmen who will register for Nur. 201-202 — either this summer or in the fall, should come by room 226 in the Gym between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to be measured for uniforms. The total amount per female student order is $88 and the male, student order is Two striving young students in need of financial donations to support a project involving social betterment. Send money to Win and Freddie - 2601 Apt. 8, Milton Rd., Charlotte N.C. This year, the University Forum Council Is giving students the opportunity to suggest a theme and possible speakers for next year's Forum. The theme this year was Imagination and the Quality of Life with the main speakers being Charles Kuralt and Elizabeth Sewell. Send or call in ideas for a theme and speakers to Christine Amen — 597-3510. Texas Instruments electronic slide rule colculotor SR-10 *149*' A F DANCY CO. 1443 S. Boulevard Phone 332-7727 CHARLOTTE, N.C. MONROE 111 Winchester Ave 289-2215