The Journal cover this week features an original photograph by John Bavnard. This particular exposure was made at the UNCC wildlife refuge on the Rocky River in Stanley County i lOVRHAL volume ix^ number 13^ december 6. 1973 Alsop Removed from office by Court; new editors put into position After almost a semester of assorted court cases, hearings, 'nnuendo, and ill-feelings among parties concerned, the Alsop case has been resolved. Top Alsop, editor of Rogues 'n Rascals, was removed from office y the Student Superior Court ^uoday night, and new editors ave been installed in his position. Alsop had been removed by Student Media Board in early ctober, after an investigating committee had uncovered due ^ose so bring action against him. . ’sop was charged with fiscal lai vviiii ii^cii ^^esponsibility, mismanagement of staff, and failure to put out a yearbook within a reasonable length of time. After the SMB action, new candidates were interviewed for the R'n R editorship, an election was held, and Steve Morris and Anne Slaughter were elected as CO-editors. Meanwhile, Gary Brown, the attorney general, placed an injunction on the media action and the election in order to study the situation and to determine if due process has been carried out. Brown resigned from office, and in so doing, lifted the fact that seemingly the injunction, a went unnoticed. Also at the same time, Student Superior Court considered the fact that Alsop had blatantly refused to pay a $10 fine levied on him by the Elections Committee after he violated the Elections Code when running for reelection last April. The court then pronounced Alsop guilty and told him that he could not run for nor hold an elected office during the 73-74 academic year. Alsop decided to appeal this to the University Court. As he was petitioning the court for a hearing, the student legislature impeached him and tried him for various offenses. After three weeks of the trial, the legislature lacked the votes necessary to remove him from office. Alsop petitioned twice for an appeal to the University Court, and both times the court rejected his petition due to inaccuracies in fact and form. The court gave him until noon Tuesday to file a third petition, but Alsop failed to do so. Thus ending the case. Also, Sunday night the Student Superior Court ruled that since the injunction has been lifted, Alsop was in office illegally. He was ordered to clear out of his office by noon Tuesday so that the new editors could take office. He did so. Anne Slaughter and Steve Morris are now installed in their office and are beginning the work of putting out the 73-74 yearbook. Alsop was not available for comment. til