\ m n* m Cm i¥H]in«r fZ6l ‘6^ jCivnuvf ‘/f uaquinu ‘xi 9tun\o(i fr m m m * TVMimof ¥Mnouv3 aHx I/Osf Week’s Meeting Keeping up with the Legis — lature The president of the student body was not present at the legislature meeting of January the 21st, so no presidential report was submitted. Jack Dunne, the vice-president, did submit a written report which included mention that' a new representative is needed from the legislature to serve on the Fees Commission, a date will be announced as to when the study report of SBG's financial procedures by the Financial Services' is due, and the exception of one, to attend the National Entertainment Conference in preparation for the 74-75 academic year. Jane Sigmon, Chairperson of the Ways and Means Committee, submitted a report of the meeting of January 18th citing Investigations into: admissions information to be used as an insert in the application form of UNCC, the possibility of a gravel path behind the University Center in response to a letter from Journal editor, Mike Aldridge, and legal aid available on campus established through Peer Counseling. During new business a motion was made to inquire about the regulations at Chapel Hill concerning the cost of parking stickers and the rule that freshman are not permitted cars on campus. Two motions out of committee were voted upon and passed by the legislators officially recognizing Randy Myers as the new treasurer of the student body and Robin Greenwald as the new Elections Board Chairperson. The Judicial Committee report of January 16th was submitted by Chairman Dennis Hall and the motion discussed at that meeting was brought upon the floor and passed, causing the major spring election section of the Election Code to read,"...election to be held by the second week of March,...election to be held by the second week of April." Chairperson Debbie Maynard submitted the report of the meeting of the Finance Committee from which two motions originated. Allocated to the financial service budget was the sum of $262.00 to be placed into salaries to match work study accounts. At the present time no action has been taken on the following budgets as there were no representatives present at the Finance Committee meeting from either of them: Student Volunteers Program Budget and the Foreign by rita mccloskey- Language Drama Competition Budget. No motions came out of the Rules Committee, chaired by "Fish" Foster, however, after submission of the committee meeting report the chairman reminded the legislators that those motions, whose passage would mean a change in the bylaws and which were discussed by the Rules Committee, would be voted upon by the legislature at the next meeting. Denise Somers submitted a report of the 49er Festival Committee meeting which included discussion of the possibility of a pep rally on Thursday or Friday of Festival week at 11:30 a.m. in front of the University Center. The parade, led by the cheerleaders, is scheduled for Saturday, February 2nd at 12:00 noon. Radio spots have been obtained from WAYS and WIST and Jay Thomas will act as the Grand Marshall of the parade. David Brown, chairman of the Orientation Commission, regretted to inform the legislature that the proposed new source of income for the commission was voted down by administration officials, so future finances must be state funded. During new business three motions were passed providing for a report to be written by the Rules Committee dealing with the nature of the proposed constitutional amendments, a Ways and Means Committee investigation of the drainage problems surrounding several of the dorms, and the rescintion of a motion calling for special elections to be held this month. Two motions moving to allow dorm presidents and college representatives to the legislature the right, should the situation arise where they would not be able to perform all of their expected duties, to appoint a member of their respecitve council to act as official proxy. These motions were tabled to the Rules Committee. Tabled to the Ways and Means Committee was a motion to suggest to administration executives the need for effective signs around campus publicizing the need for carpooling. A motion was made and seconded for adjournment which the legislative assembly did at 12:50 p.m. Martin says legislature a ^"^waste of time. refuses to attend meetings At Monday's legislature meeting a significant piece of social drama took place. Myra Martin, president of Dorm 72, told the legislature that her dorm council considered her presence on the legislature to be a waste of time, and that she would no longer attend meetings. "I waste one and a half to two hours in here every week, sitting while people bicker over Robert's Rules of Order," she told the body. "I feel this is a waste of my time. I could be doing things for my dorm. I don't think this body is doing anything important, like fighting the administration and doing things for students. "Many problems in the dorm are handled better by the residence coordinator and the residence life office. "The dorm council voted unanimously that I not come to legislature any more and that I spend my time more wisely." As Ms. Martin resumed her seat, vice president Jack Dunne reminded the body of several problems it needed to overcome and several issues it needed to investigate. But soon, Ms. Martin came under attack by legislator Lyndle Schenck, who asked her why she never brought dorm problems to the attention of the legislature. Ms. Martin said that the problems that come up in the dorm are smaller ones not worth bringing to the attention of the body, or else they are problems, such as with the heat in the dorm. that need immediate action and cannot afford to be shuffled around in the legislature bureaucracy. Fish Foster supported Myra's position by making an aniaogy between the federal and state governments, asserting that state problems should not have to be taken to a federal level to be solved. But soon, the typical legislature bureaucuracy took over and a debate started as to whether by charlotte porter Ms. Martin wauld remain president of Dorm '72 if she.* resigned from legislature. Amid assertions that the legislature is an added feature of the dorm office and that Ms. Martin would indeed forfeit her position, Dunne told the Rules Committee that they would be responsible for coming up with a ruling in the case. Further details of the meeting will be available In next week's Journal. liOlIRSBAtL volume ix, number 17, January 29, 1974 The Caroliiva Journal