r volume ix number 26 JMKSAL april 23, 1974 Media Board Notes A recent move by the UNCC Board of Trustees forced an emergency Student Media Board meeting Monday, April 8. 1974. Chairman Michael Aldridge called the meeting to order and turned the floor over to Ed Hendricks, Student Body President. Hendricks, in his capacity as SBG President also serves as a member of ,the Board of Trustees. Hendricks began by stating the recent issues that have arrisen concerning the media, in specific the controversy surrounding thee Sanskrit and the 1973 Rogues 'n Rascals. He also pointed out the Carolina Journals use of specific words which may have offended the members of the University community as well as the Board of Trustees. Hendricks said some felt the media at' UNCC was in bad taste detrimental to the students as well as the individuals who may read the publications outside of the University community. Is is with this in mind that a member of the Board of Trustees proposed a faculty review board to censor all future publications. It was p o i n ted out by Hendricks that the Student Media Board was currently the review board for all publicationsadn that the Chancellor was allowed appointments of two faculty members to the voting membership of the Media Board. Ail student gripes and greviances are reviewed by the Media Board as well.. Since this move for a faculty review board did not gain unity among the Trustees, it was then proposed that all student fees ^cijnjejnl^min^oth^tudent publications on a subscription basis and probably eliminate several aspects of the media. Several members of the Board of Trustees then suggested that instead of taking such drastic action, student publications should be warned that improvement would be necessary within one year. This was to be conveyed to the members of the Student Media Board by Ed Hendricks. Hendricks clearly stated that his relaying the message to the Media Board was in no way by jane ross reflective of his personal judgement of the student publications. His suggestion to the individual members of the media was to use more discretion in choosing articles to be published. He also suggested that the Media Board send a letter tp the Chancellor defining the Board's position on the matter. Hendricks left the meeting after stating, "It is my firm belief that students are capable of taking care of student matters and that outside influence is neither needed International Studies Program Elections - Over by mike evans aa t)y Susan cole The International Studies Program can best be explained by excerpts from the senate's International Studies Committee’s philosophy, "Our first purpose should be the determination of easily achieved goals which do not lock in our program- to a future course of action dictated by early decisions." The committee endorses the concept of a flexible, varied and evolvong plan to the goals of promoting individual intellectual sensitivity to foreign and cross-national cultures and values. Our program should afford opportunities for the development of attitudes unencumbered by the limitatu limitations of our own social and cultural condition. The objective of such study should be a basic understanding of man, his human condition, his potential, his privilege and his obligation.. The committee a concentration in international studies as oposed to a major. It can, however, be used 3s related work. Students taking part in the program will plan their activities with department advisors and the International Studies Director. A proposal was put before the senate calling for a Director of International Studies to be hired and that an advisory committee be provided also. After a slight alteration, the proposal was unanimously passed. A petition from the Support Employees Association of the library requested that their organization be allowed one seat on the University Senate. Each of the group's 25 members signed a petition. The senate constitution states that only a "duly organized" group may be represented in the senate. Members of the senate searched for a clear definition of "duly organized" group without great success. One senator questioned the number of members required to form a group eligable for representation in the senate. He stated that if ail groups of 25 persons were accepted, the senate would be overflowing with members. The senate did not wish to set a precedense in voting on such groups, and thus chose to vote according to the character of each group. This should serve to prevent any group which considers themselves "duly organized" from trying to obtain a representative on the senate. Discussion of the HDL degree was postponed until April 3rd. At that time, a member of the HDL Department is scheduled to speak to the senate. In the second spring elections student participation was low. Of the 438 students who voted, 338 were from the dorms. Robin Greenwald, Chairperson of the Elections Board, was disappoitned with the turnout and stated. Apathy is so great that peopel arent wilting to take five minutes to vote for leaders, but then complain for the next year about those leaders. Even so, psoitions on campus for next fall have been filled including SUB involvement, class presidents, and college representatives. In addition two constitutional questions were approved, the first regarded two separate positions as dorm president and legislature in lieu of both duties being included in the presidental office. The second question to be approved was the SUB constitutional setting new guidelines for the program board. In the runoff for SUB' Chairman, Hugh Prather emerged victorious over Sherry Williams ina 180*172 vote. Several committee chairmanships were filled including Myra Martin, Chairman of RAthskeller Committee, Barbara Summey, Chairman of the Lectures Committee, J.C. Campbell, Chairman of the Social Committee, and Claudia Jordan, Chairman of the Social Activities Committee. In the Fine Arts Committee election, there will be a runoff between Avis Housten and Linda Shipp. The new class presidents for the fal are Susan Buell, Senior class president, Bill Kincaid, junior class president, and Tom Leiendecker, sp sophmore class president. From the colleges, Jim Guess was approved as representative for the college of architecture, and Ailex Berkely was approved for the Colege of Engineering. Voted for the College of Business Administration were Alan Lovette, Tim Luckadoo, Kenneth Swann, and F Davis Trother. Ester Bruce, Nell Cochran, Mark Cox, Fish Foster were elected to represent the College of Humanities. From the College of Nursing, Joan Austin and Bobbie McLaughlin were approved, and from the College of Math and Science Clyde Howell, Lyndle Schenk, and Ernie Wilson were elected. Representing the College of Social and Behavorial Sciences will be Jack Dunne, Dennis Hall, Jeff Mitchell, and Trina Stowe.. The Commuters will be represented in 74-75 by Kat Braswell, David Brown, David Freeman, and Diane Williams. It was noted by Robin Greenwald that the majority of those elected into office for the upcoming year are in fraternal organizations. When asked her opinion of this result Ms. C c Greenwald said that it could result in unfair representation fro those not in Greek Organizations, but she added that there were a lot of people elected who will be working hard to support both the school and their respective organizations. Anyway elections are over for this semester and a welcom relief for all of us Anyway elections are over for this semester and a welcome relief for the Elections Board which operated with a small number of volunteers during this entire period.. skija CootJtje.