the Journal Volume 10, Number 17 Charlotte, North Carolina January 21, 1975 Ij ASME obtains national charter The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) received their charter from the National Organization Friday January 17 in a ceremony at Gus' 49er. Regional Vice President Jack Foster presented the charter. The ASME Club was recognized on the UNCC campus, but would not be recognized by the National by susan sluss Organization until a charter was obtained. The ASME is composed of those people interested in engineering or are engineers to exchange information and find out what's happening in the engineering field. Now that the club has obtained the charter, UN.CCwill be represented at National and Regional conferences. Hall assumes H vice presidency Left to right: Mr. Jack W. Foster, Vice-President Region IV, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); Andrew T. Varszegi, Chairman of UNCC Student Section, ASME; Norman A. Cope, Secretary-Treasurer; W. Gary Sparks, Vice Chairman Birnbraven speaks On January 16, the first of the spring semester psychology colloquia was held in the Rowe Building Recital Hall. Dr. Jay Birnbrauer, Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Western Australia in Nedlands was the guest speaker. Dr. Birnbrauer spoke of advances in self-control programs used to cure stutterers and people with weight problems. He then discussed using similar applications to help deliquent adolescent girls. By using the self observation and recording methods in classes it was hoped that these girls would learn self managment and spend less time in reform institutions. The girls improved in basic skills yet little improvement was shown in English. It is hoped that self management principles can be adapted to younger problem children to help eliminate the necessity of reform institutions. on self-control r-by susan sluss Following the presentation, the UNCC Psychology Club sponsored an informal coffee hour in the Northwest Lounge of the Cone University Center. The speaker was available for conversation and questions at the reception. All sessions of the spring psychology colloquia are free and open to the public. Topics of future colloquia will include "Transexualism", "Social Rehabilitation of Psychopathology in Monkeys", and "Babies have Fathers Too". Other speakers are Dr. David Barlow of the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior of the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, on January 23; Dr. Steven Svomi, acting associate director of the primate laboratory at the University of Wisconsin, on January 30; and Dr. Ross Parke, chief of social development section Of Fels Research Institute (Ohio), on March 6. The UNCC student body now has a new Vice President. Due to the resignation of former Vice President' Jane Sigmon December 10, the office of Vice Presidency was left vacant until Tuesday, January 14 when Dennis Hal! assumed the duties of that position. In an interview with Hall Friday, the Vice President related that one of the most important projects that he is now working with is the revision of the student body constitution. Hall also stated he would like to see the student journal photo by dean hubbard by tamara sane government "working in a systematic fashion" and for each representative to put their interests to work for the students. Hall, a senior architecture and geography major from Kannapolis, will serve as speaker of the Student Legislature and work closely with President Ed Hendricks. The Vice President has twice been elected chairman of Judicial Committee, has served on Media and Elections Boards, and is now working in his third year with the Legislature.