Run-Off Election Results PRESIDENT Braswell Slemple* VICE PRESIDENT Kincaid Trotter* JOURNAL EDITOR Eaker I'ivans''’ DORM COMMUTER ABSENTEE 195 349 231 282 220 289 61 101 72 67 93 62 TOTAL 263 450 304 354 317 354 ^Winner Declared Total voting - 723 Dorm Total - 553 Commuter - 174 Absentee — 7 Patricia Rose Chairman of the Election & Publicity Staff Media Board reverses Sanskrit decision Student Media Board reversed their decision on the Sanskrit funds and constitution in the meeting of March 18. The Board also decided to approve further spending for WVFN for equipment needed for the FM station. The Board's most crucial decision of the meeting concerned Sanskrit. Joe McCorkle moved "that the Sanskrit constitution be approved, and all Sanskrit funds be returned to the Sanskrit account so that issues two and three can be printed before the end of this semester". Michael Evans, proxy for Jane Ross, seconded the motion. A long discussion followed the proposal. McCorkle read a letter from H. Joseph Beard, a lawyer working for Sanskrit, concerning the situation. The letter in its entirety, which was originally sent to Betty Chafin, follows; Dear Ms. Chafin, Miss Beth Griffith and Mr. Joe McCorkle have consulted me with regard to a somewhat involved situation connected with the student literary magazine, Sanskrit. From the information given me, there appears to be an effort upon the behalf of the Student Government to exercise control and direction over the magazine, thereby violating the First Amendment rights of not only Miss Griffith and Mr. McCorkle but also the generality of the student body. I should very much appreciate your informing me of internal administrative means of appeal within the University community by which Miss Griffith and Mr. McCorkle might seek immediate relief from the confiscation of the financial and physical properties of Sanskrit until- some final adminstrative decision, properly subject to judicial appeal, is made by the University. At the present time, issues of the Sanskrit planned for this semester are delayed indefinitely because of this confiscation. With best regards, I am, Ma'am, Very Truly Yours, Hugh J. Beard, Jr. McCorkle added, "Going to an outside court sure wouldn't help things". Dick Wyzanski was the first member of the Board to respond. "I first of all think that the motion and documentation of charges have served their purpose. The purpose of these whole proceedings was not to screw anybody, its to make it so the student organization, in this case Sanskrit, can pull together and put out a good literary magazine and have everything run as efficiently as possible". Bill Strieker said, "I think ^by michael evans the charges have been brought up and a lot of attention has been brought toward Sanskrit. I kind of feel like that things are beginning to pull together and are going to work out next year." Michael Aldridge, the presenter of the original motion, also spoke on the matter. "The reason I made the motion was to make the media aware that the Media Board is responsible for $60,000 and next year it's going to be more. That's a lot of money. There needs to be a lot tighter control." Davis Trotter added, "I think a lesson has been learned and I am sorry, I guess, Sanskrit had to be the one". The motion passed 7-0 with two absentions. Steve Morris provided the Chairman's report. Morris read a letter from Vice Chancellor Louis Moelchert concerning the internal audits of each medium which should be taking place soon. Morris told the Board that the locks on the Sanskrit office had been changed by the Student Superior Court but if the Board had no objections, he would have the original locks returned. The Board had no objections. The committee to document the charges against Sanskrit, consisting of Michael Aldridge, Steve Morris and Bill Strieker, presented a report Ford on campus for conference Dr. Nick Aaron Ford, who was the head of the Department of English at Morgan State University in Baltimore Maryland for 23 years, gave the keynote address for the Black Studies Conference held at UNCC. Dr. Ford had an autobiography session in the bookstore for his book Black Studies: Threat or Challenge? which is an evaluative study of Black Studies in American colleges. In the two years of reserach study at over 100 campuses all over America, Dr. Ford found that there is approximately 200 ^ by susan sluss organized programs in Black Studies. Dr. Ford also found that only about 10% of Black Studies students major in that field. Ironically enough. Ford said, a larger number of white students enroll in Black Studies. More so than black students. Dr. Ford said he felt there was a definite need for the Black Studies program because "it gives the opportunities for a student to get a better understanding of the culture, history, and achievement in Black America." Ford added, "Blacks helped build this country, they were the first (continued on page five) , BLACK Dr. Nick Aaron Ford which follows: Apparent Uncooperativeness: 1) falsely reporting the progress and publication dates of the literary magazine to the Student Media Board. 2) circumventing the Board on approval and payment of salaries. 3) expenditure on stipends not approved by the Student Media Board. 4) payment of a "commission" from an account designated as an Arts Council award account without Student Media Board approval. 5} falsely reporting the amount of material available for the literary magazine to the Student Media Board (i.e. the W.F. Frye material and the Jan Cadwallader material both submitted during the 1973-74 academic year.} Blatant Irresponsibility: 1) no issue first semester. 2) disregard for the Student Media Board restrictions. 3} procrastination on last two issues of magazine. 4) unethical distribution of campaign material with a student publication. 5) disregard for agreements made with students as to publication and placement of contributions. Bill Keith moved that the committee charges be acccepted by the Board. Strieker seconded. The motion passed 4-1 with four abstentions. In the only other major matter of business, Wyzanski moved that the Board "approve WVFN's necessary expenditures in regard to equipment and services needed for the FM station". The motion carried 3-0 with six abstentions. the Journal 'oliime X, iiutiiber 25 "The Sliideiil newspaper of the Uiiiversily of North Carolina at Charlotte, eliarlotte, north earolina march 25, 1975