CHARLOTTE COLLEGE LIBRARY CHARLOTTE, N. C, CNflBLOITf coLKcmn Vol. 4, No. 1 Charlotte College, Charlotte, N. C. Sept. 23, 1952 Charlotte College Extends Welcome Tm News Staft riioio uj' (ietting together before the work of helpinjf new students at ( har- lotte Collejfe are some of the leaders of the welcominj? and orientation committees at the college. Left to right, first row, they are David Moore, head of the new Student Union lildg., vice-president of the sophomore class and a member ol the welcoming committee, and Velma Kay, co- chairman of the orientation committee; second row. Hill Bass, president of the sophomore class and co-chairman of the welcoming committee; Conrad Holmes, chairman of the social activities committee, and (iene NVilliams, a member of the welcoming committee and editor of the “( harlotte Collegian'*. We are on the threshold of a new year; a year in which we hope to see Charlotte College grow as it has never grown before. We believe that if the school is to grow' as it should, there must be a spirit of friendship and congeniality among the students. Several attempts are I'eing made in an effort to make this spirit of friendship prevalent throughout the school. Primary among these attempts are the name cards which are to be given out on Wednesday, September 24. The pur])ose of these cards is twofold. As you will notice, some of the cards are white and some of them are yellow. The difference in color is to distinguish students who are here for the first time from the older students. The purpose of this distinction is to aid freshman students in obtaining information that will be helpful to them. In procedures that are standards at the College a freshman will only need to look for the nearest white card to obtain information. The second reason for the wearing of the name cards is to allow students to associate names with faces. We hope that everyone will make a sincere effort to leai'n the names of his classmates as quickly as possible. Everyone likes friends and fiiends like to be known by their names. This first week of school will be known as friendship [CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) GREETINGS FROM FACDLTY AND STUDENTS For tile faculty and administration, I am pleased 1o extend a cordial welcome to all students of the Charlotte Colk'Ke during the 19r)2-195;! session. I sincerely hope that your experiences within the classroom and your associations with both staff and fellow students wil be i)leasant and profitable. This fall our college will begin its seventh year of 0])eration. P’or the first three years as the Charlotte C'olege Center, the Direc- toi’ate of F]xtension of the Uni\'ersity of North (’arolina was resjion- sible for its administration. Our fourth year of operation was the lirst year of Charlotte ('ollege under the direction of the Board of School Commissioners of the City of Charlotte. Our students and faculty, working hand in hand have made our first three years as an independent college, most successful ones. Let us all put our shoul ders to the wheel and make this session our best one yet. It is our sinceie hope that your days at the CJharlotte College will be happy and successful ones, and that you will come to love your cillege as you assume your part in building its future. BONNIE E. CONE, Director. I wish to extend a hearty welcome to all of the returning students and to all the new students here at Charlotte College, The entire Student Council joins me in this welcome, and we hope that we may be instrumental in making your stay here at C. C. a happy and suc cessful one. If we are to be successful in doing this, we must do the things that will be appreciated and enjoyed by the majority of the student body. Therefore I ask that you let your wishes and desires be known either to me or to the committee chairman in charge of that [larticular function. The Student Council has met repeatedly throughout the summer in an effort to get the school year off to good start. We hope that you will notice and like some of the changes that we have attempted. As you look over these pages you will notice what the different com mittees are trying to do. If you are in favor, let them know; if you are opposed, let them know. They will appreciate any suggestions that you can make. Members are needed on the various committees. I would like to urge all members of the student body who are interested in working on some committee to contact the chairman of that committee. He will be glad to use you. The need for new students on these committees is of extreme importance. I iiarticularly urge all new students to become a member of on of the committees. The greatest enjoyment in any enterprise comes from taking part ill that enterprise. Those jieople who liave the warmest memories of college life are those who actively participated in school affairs while they were in college. The school has need of you, and you have need of the school; the need is twofold, so won’t you take advantage of it? I would like to call your attention to the college handbook. Since last years handbook was printed for two years, we have revised only that part of the book which most urgently needed revising. All vital information concerning you is in the handbook. You should know your constitution, your student council officers, your calendar of events, etc. You will find all this information in the handbook. Read it well! Speaking for the Student Council, I would like to express this thought. If, at the end of the year, we have realized our aims, if you have enjoyed this school year, if the socials are well attended, if we have furthered the development of the school, then we have been a success. We hope that we will be a success. We can be a success only if we have served you well. Help us to do that, ARTHR FARLEY, Pres, of Student Council.