Vol. 7, No. 1 Charlotte College, Charlotte, N. C. September 30, 1955 LARGE ENROLLMENT iNDiCATES RECORD ENROLLMENT THIS YEAR The school year 1955-56 j»*ot off to a fast start Monday, September 19th, as hundreds of students, both new and old, stood patiently in the lonjT lines which eventually wound their ways to the reg'istration desks of Charlotte College in the foyer of the school auditorium. From nine o’clock Monday morn- injr until eig’ht in the evening, registrars worked feverishly to keep pace with the record numbers of persons registering for the fall term at Charlotte College. As echoes of the last student’s footsteps died aw’ay, Miss Bonnie Cone and her very able staff emerged from behind mountains of paperwork and registration data very tired but also very happy over the huge enrollment of tw'O-hun- dred and seventy students for the fall quarter here at C. C., an in crease of eighty over last year’s registration. Fifteen of the number registering this quarter are en rolled in the Distribution Program which is being offered at Charlotte College for the first time this year. A great big vote of thanks to the faculty members who so ably as sisted during registration. Among these were Mrs. Winningham, Miss Denny, Miss Raney, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle, and Mr. Williams. Joyce Dunn also labored hard over the receipt books. Also something new this year were the Student Advisers composed of members of our Stu dent Council who advised and counseled the new students in the selection of their courses and wel comed them to C. C. CHARLOTTE COLLEGE STUDENT COUNCIL HOSTS FOREIGN GUESTS The Charlotte College Student Council was host to fourteen for eign students and travellers at a picnic supper at Freedom Park on Wednesday evening, August 31. It was a real American-style sum mer picnic with hot dogs, chili, cole slaw, and all the trimmings, ending with a good American chit-chat and lots of home-made ice cream and cake. Frank Garner, social chairman, and other members of the council deserve the credit for one of the best parties Charlotte College has ever had. In spite of the fact that the visitors all spoke more French than English there seemed to be a good deal of “international under standing”. If anyone desires to get further information on how to get friendly with foreign girls they may get in contact with Ken Harri?. Charlotte College’s own specialist. Dr. and Mrs. Macy and Jacques and Nikki Macy with their fluent French helped greatly. The group included nine Belgians, three WELCOME It's been a long' summer and it has ended only too soon. Now we must settle down to the long; hard journey ahead of us. The best and most suit able thing for Charlotte College to do is to lay out the welcome mat for the old as well as the new students who are coming' to C. C. this yeai'. This year already promises to be one of the best and most prosperous that C. C. has ever had, not only in student enrollment, but also in the parti cipation in school functions. During the summer our Student Council has met three times to build a path that will lead us to a more worthwhile goal. The bridges are still shakey and the path is a little crude, but with the wholehearted support and backing of each and every student we will make the year a gala per formance. There are still many extra curricular posts unfilled and we are hoping that we will receive a large number of volunteers to do the work. If we can count on everyone doing a little the bumps ahead can be smoothed out and everyone will be able to enjoy a smooth comfortable journey. Last year it took a few' months for the student body to get into the swing of things. The first few social gatherings were a little short on attendance but with time came the throngs. The Christmas Dance was a sellout and the dance floor was hopping. By the end of the school year all the student body was hep to the rhythm. Let’s hope that everyone catches on quickly this year. Let’s not forget the main purpose of C. C. and that is to give everyone who is willing to cooperate an education. Along about this time of year we must hang up our vacation clothes and dust off our long forgotten books. There are quite a few hints one can pick up as he tours the halls and converses w'ith the students who have a year behind them. For instance, don’t ever carry a lit cigarette into Mrs. Hoyle’s Spanish class. It’s also a good idea to keep your mouth buttoned and your ears open in Miss Watson’s Math class. Above all don’t forget to take notes in any class you may attend. But why should we spend time telling you these things, you’ll learn. STUDENT COUNCIL CORNER To all of you who are here at Charlotte College for the first time, I would like to extend a most cordial welcome on behalf of the student body, faculty. Student Council, and myself. In the past Charlotte College has become a happy and exciting ex perience in the lives of hundreds of students. Throughout the summer your Student Council has been ac tively planning dances, picnics, cof fee hours, assemblies, and other special events for your enjoyment and entertainment during the com ing school year. These events will be successful only if you students French, one Swede and the Ameri can guide. The visitors ranged in ages of from 18 to .34. When asked how they liked this country the guests replied that it was a little different. The visitors also gave the city of Charlotte some wonderful comments. stir up interest and participate in them. So to you who are entering these halls of learning this year, I would like to say that there are two full and busy years ahead of us. Let’s pack a lot of fun as well as a lot learning into them. What do you say? We of your Student Council are here to serve you—the students. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about things you don’t understand or to give suggestions about things you think need improving around here. The Student Suggestion Box, located in the hall outside the of fice, has a lot of empty space in it so let’s fill that space up with a lot of good ideas and suggestions to make this year at Charlotte Col lege the best year we have ever had. Be seeing you in class, BILL REID President Student Council