Vol. 7, No. 7 THE CHARLOTTE COLLEGIAN •rS» 'I. OFFICERS On April 12, Chai'lotte College had one of the best and largest turnouts for elections of Student Council Officers that has ever been exjierienced at the school. The vot- inR seemed to be very close and both of the two parties enjoyed membership in the list of officers elected. The f:nKineerinp: party elected three officers and their op ponents came up with the final ad dition. LeadinK the Student Council for the ’5(>-’57 school year will be Mr. \V. G. Hinson Jr. as president and Mr. M. C. Love Jr. as vice- president. The new treasurer will be Mr. F. Marks Arnold and Miss Pat Kendrick will continue her job as secretary. The outcome of the election for pulilications officers has been par tially fjiven to us at the present time. The co-editois of the Colle gian for the coming year will be Bobby Joe Butler and W. M. Drink- ard. Guy Wallace was elected as their business manager. This is the first year that co-editors have been ELECTED elected to the paper staff and we think it is a wonderful idea. Chairman of the Elections Com mittee, Bill Foust, reported that there was an outstanding partici pation in the elections and that they were very close. The students displayed very much school spirit in tui-ning out at the polls and there seemed to be an unusually widespread interest in the election. The reason for the great interest was probat)ly because of the more- than-average (jualifications of the candidates which formed the par ties. The students had a very rough time in making their choice be tween the candidates. The Elections Committee is to be congratulated on the success of this fine election. The committee has done a wonderful job all year in successfully planning and initiat ing the school elections. We would also like to congratu late the new officers and wish them success in the coming year. 1955 ANNUALS IN THE OWL'S ROOST For anyone who wishes to be the owner of a 1955 (last year’s) an nual, you can get one in the Owl’s Roost. There were quite a few an nuals left from last year and they are collecting dust and taking up space in the Roost. If you desire to be the possessor of one of these books, inquire at the Roost and they will fix you up. PRE-ENGINEERING STUDENTS TOUR SCHOOLS Twenty-five of Charlotte Col lege’s pre-engineering students put on their traveling shoes Saturday, April 28 to take a tour of North Carolina’s engineering schools. The purpose of the trip was to acquaint these students with the schools they are likely to attend after graduating from Charlotte College. The group consisted of members fi'om Miss Cone’s analytical geome try class. They visited Duke, N.C. State, and then went to Chapel Hill and U.N.C. to tour the school and campus. .4t State College they were ad- diessed by Dr. R. 0. Bullock of the mathematics department and Pro fessor W. E. Adams of the en gineering staff. At Raleigh the group took a look at two new IBM computers W'hich solve problems by the millions for the faculty and graduate student researchers. At the invitation of Dean Walter Seeley the students made a tour of Duke’s engineering school. The group had a very enjoyable and interesting trip. SPANISH CLUB HOLDS MEETING The Chailotte College Spanish Club held their last meeting Satur day, Aiii'il 28 at the home of Patsy Hartsell. This particular meeting was somewhat of an off-beat to the regular meetings which have been held dui'ing the year. The members of the club thought that it might be a good idea and also a lot of fun to tiy some of the famous Spanish foods such as tortillas and other concoctions from our neighboring country. So, with this idea in mind the girls started cooking Satuiday afternoon. With information ob tained from Mrs. Hoyle, who hadn’t eaten any of these enjoyable dishes for quite some time, the girls prepared some heart-warming concoctions. Well, the meeting time rolled around and as usual there was a crowd on hand. The dinner bell was sounded and everyone dug in at the table. Some people ate and others admired their courage. There was only one member ab sent and later he was glad of it. It was probably for the best any way. May, 1956 DR. HECHENBLEIKNER ATTENDS MEETING Dr. Heck was one of the mem bers at the seventeenth annual meeting of the Association for Southeastern Biologists held at Durham, North Carolina, April l'.»-21. Dr. Heck presented a paper which was published in the ASB bulletin. The paper was on the sub ject of Ceratiola ericoides Michx. in Lexington County, South Carolina. The abstract version is as follows: Several years ago the author, during frequent field trips in the vicinity of Columbia, S. C., noticed that Ceratiola ericoides Michx. was very localized in its distribution. In fact, it appeared only in a limit ed portion of one county. This dioe cious plant is apparently very ex acting in its growth reciuirements. It appears that this evergreen shrub must have pure sand w'ith some organic material, but no clay, as a growth medium. After three attempts, the author was finally successful in growing several speci mens at Charlotte, North Carolina. Efforts have been made to interest Columbia gaiden clubs in setting aside a portion of the range of this interesting plant as a permanent sanctuary. Some of the comments went like this. “Well, it was different any way.” “I didn’t eat any of the stuff.” Even though there was plenty of food left over, the group had a lot of fun and everyone ad mitted that. Aftei’ the supper the members settled down and had a good old fashion sing. This is one thing you don’t see much anymore but which has become a custom with the Spanish Club. The club is planning one more meeting before the conclusion of the year. The group is planning to present a play as they did last year. Practice has already begun and if you would like to see some of your fellow students as actors, you will have to make arrange ments to be on hand at their next meeting. All Spanish Club mem bers, old and new, are invited to attend. The best things in life are fi-ee, of course, but isn’t it a pity that most of the next best th'ngs are so expensive?