the swidmd. PUBLISHED EVERY FBIDAY BY f W. D. ANTHONY & J. M. CROSS V Til STJBKD. H Rate of Advertising- ... One square, one. insertion, $ 00 One square, one month, . 1 OS One square, two months, , 2 00 Standard. TEEMS : ' ONE YEAR, CASH IN ADVANCE, - $1-23. SIX MONTHS, - " - .75 une square, three months, 2 5(J VOLUME I. N. C, AUGUST 10, 1888. NUMBER 31. une square, six months, 6 00 One square, one jear, 9 00 GREAT VICTORY OVER HIGH VBIGES1 IE 1ST BIG DEAL DF THE SPEIN The undersigned once more comes to tha to lead all competitors in the good work of plying them with a superior quality 01 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. We are 4loaded to the muzzle," and there is danger of an explosion when we must "stand from under," for the bottom and if an body gets caught when it falls, Open your eyes, bargain hunters, and know a gocd thing when you see it, come by buying yonr Dry Goods, Ms, Groceries, provisions and other articles which cannot be purchasod elsewhere of Don t sell jour country produce before calling on P. S. Thanking you for past favors, I pices to merit a continuance of the same. NEW win STORE. I would inform the ladies of Con cord and surrounding country that I have opened a new Millinery Store At ALLISON'S CORNER, where they will find a woll selected stock of Hats and Bonnets Ribbons, Co'lars, Corsets, Bustles, Ruchinir. Veiling, &c, which will be fold cheap for CASH. Give me a call. Respect fuliy, Mrs. MOLLIE ELLIOT. 6 3m FUNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH AT M. E. CASTOR'S 1 Li JJO MADE COFFINS, ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. I do not sell for cost, but for a small profit. Come and examine my line of goods. Old furniture repaired. 12 M. E. CASTOR. s 0 1 TToir, f nunlifipfl ns administrator nt pVwiTi AllTTiftn. d Acfiftspd. all rer- sons owing said estate are hereby notified that they must make imme diate payment or suit will be brought Alt rtarsmifl haviner claims against said estate must present them to the 1 -l ..11 i.: 4 1 unaersijneci, aujy auiutjmictneu, th a 15th dav of June. 1889. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. ttF.O T HEGLER. Adm'r By W. M. Smith, Atto. f22 6w CHAMPION . MOWER-REPAIRS. T rii'iru 111; rUlllUlUll Room Bureaus Buna sic, 11 ' ' 1 Mm AiiKior ) ( I still keep on hand a stock of Champion Mower Repairs- My old customers will find me at the old stand, Allison's corner. ;n-ltf C. R. WHITE. SEASOliJ' front and avows his determination saving the people money and sop- if our btock is not speedily reduced fire off our big gun. Everybody has dropped out of LOW PRICES, somebody is sure to get hurt. Now if you are close calculators and and see me if you want to save money Boot and of home use. A specialty on flour the sama grade as cheap as I will sell DR. .A.. BZROW"nsT. hope by fair dealing and reasonable A. H. PR0PST, Architect d Contractor. Plans and specifications of build ings made in any style. Ail con tracts for buildings faithfully car ried out. Umce in Uaton s Dunaing up stairs. 13 For Sale Cheap, A SECOND HAND OMNIBUS with a capacity for twe've passengers in good running order. Call at this office. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator de bonis non of th estate of J as. o Parker, dee'd, 11 persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make prompt payment ; and all . per sons having claims against said estate must present the same ftr payment on or before the 4th day of May, 1 889, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. JOSEPH YOUNG. Adm'r de bonis non. By W. G. Means, At May 4. 1888. MOOSE'S Blood Renovator, This valuable Remedy is adapted to the following diseases arisiDg from an impure blood. Eruptive and Cutan eous diseases, St. Anthony's Fire, Pirn pies. Tetter, King worm, Rhumatism, Syphilitic, Mercurial, and all diseases of like character. It is an Alterative or Restorative of Tone and Strength to the system, it affords great protectioa from attacks that originate in changes of c limate and season. For sale at Fetzer's Drug Store FOE SALE -AT- 11 mm DRUGSTORE I will deliver at any time, and leeve your orner. Call EE ST. MICHEL THS WEIGIIEB. Stood the tall Arcangel weighing All man's dreaming, doing.'saying, All the failure andthe grain. All the triumph and the pain, n the unimagined years, Full of hopes, more full of tears, Since old Adam's conscious eyes Backward searched for Paradise, And, instead, the flame blade saw Of inexorable Law. In a dream I marked him there, With his fire-gold flickering hair. In his blinding armour stand, And the scales were in his hand; Mighty were they and full well They could poise both Heaven and hell. ''Angel," asked I humbly then, "Weighest thou the souls of men? That thine office is, I know." Nay," he answered me, "not so, But I weigh the hope of man Since the power of choice began In the world of good or ill." Then I waited and was still. In cne scale I saw him place All the glories of our race. Cups that lit belahazzar's f oast. Gems, the wonder of the Eatt, Kublai's scepter, Caasar's sword, Many a skill of science, vain To Make men as gods again. In the other scale he threw Things regardless, outcast, few, Maityrash, arena-sand, Of St. Francis cord a stand. Beechen cups of men. whose ne'ed Fasted that the poor might feed, Dis-illusions and despair Of young saints with grief-grayed hairs, - Broken hearts that break for man. Marvel through my pulses ran Seeing them the beam divine Swiftly on this hand decline, While earth's splendor and renown Mounted light as thistle.down. James Russell Lowell, in America. Choice of Weapons. Two years previous to the war business of a legal nature called me to Charleston. There was litigation over a legacy,and the feeliug between the heirs was anything but pleasant The leader of those seeking to break the will was a middle aged South Carolinian of fiery temper, while the leader of those inheriting was a man from Ohio. It was made plain me before I had been in Charleston two days that the contestants were determined to go to any length. The iud?e of the court was an old man who could be brow beaten and bluff ed, their two lawyers were noted for the number of duels they had fought, and the heirs had no friend; in or out of the court. I was at once approached with a direct offer to sell out. A person was sent my room at the hotel to make me the offer, and within an hour after he was kicked out the enemy tried another move. The following note was sent to me through thepffice 0 the hotel: Mr. Blank : I beer vou to heed - w the warning of a friend. Withdraw from the case of Crane agt. Cox and save your life. You will surely killed if you don't. be I laughed at the idea. Had 1 ar rived in Charleston to stir up trouble among the slaves I should have ex pected to take my chances of beiu knifed, shot or lynched, but if the contestants in a will case could driv me off by threats, or dared attempt nr life, the times had come to pretty pass. As I did not know who had sent the note I could not reply to it, nor did I let its contents both er my mind. It might have come from a friend, or it might be a ruse on the party of the enemy. I had about four days to prepare for the oDeninsr of mv case. It was n j on call for Tuesday. On Monday afternoon I had occasion to go to the public library to hunt up some dates and to look through the hie of the Mercury. I was engaged in this work when a tall, slim repre tntivfi southerner entered the room. He had Ion? black hair. black eyes, dark complexion, and nervous movement. After making a turu or two aroutnd the room approached the table at which stood and said: "You have taken an unwarrant ed liberty, sir." "In what respect ?" "I alwavs come here at this hour to consult the files, and you hav thrust yourself in to insult me." "My dear sir, I was never in this room before today, and so far from being aware of your habit, I did not even know of your existence. I am through with the file, and am also about ready to vacate the room, which I suppose is public." "There's my card, sir," he ex claimed, as he jerked a pasteboard rom his vest pocket and extended it. The card bore the address "A. McKnight," New ,- Orleans." It wasn't a bit singular that he had it handy to throw at me, for he liad come prepared. "Glad to meet you, sir," I said, as I read the address. "You have insulted me and I de mand satisfaction.. A friend of mine will wait on yon this afternoon." With that he turned and walked off, leaving me completely upset. I sat down to think it over, and it did not take me long to come to the con clusion that it was the work of the contestants. TheyhadJimported a man, probably a professional duelist, to force me into a duel and have me killed off. He had entered the li brary for no other purpose than to force a quarrel, and a flimsier pre text for a duel I never heard of. I was a man of peace, and would have sacrificed much to keep out of trou ble, but this thing fired my blood, and seized my hat and ran out on the street, determined if I could find McKnight to give him a better excuse for calling me out. As luck would have it, I encoun tered him within a hundred steps. He was coming toward me, aud as we met I gave him a vigorous slap across the mouth with my open hnd. He reached for his pistol to shoot me down there, but I seized him by the shoulders and flung him against a dead .. wall with such a force that he was stunned. I walk ed off and left him lying there in a heap, and although I now realize that it was impossible for me to re fuse a challenge, I was much better satisfied than before. If I must fight there was some excuse for it. In about two hours the leader of the contestants called upon me as the f riend'and second of McKnight. He was in an exultant mood. Mc Knight was a professional duelist, and 1 must hsrht at great odds or sneak out of the city and abandon the case. I think he counted on my making an abject apology and agree in j? to leave the citv. tor ne was O W ' greatly cast down when I said: "I believe that dueling is another name for murder, but under present circumstances I shall sink my scru ples and accept the challenge. Un der the rules of the code I have the choice of weapons. Return here at nine o'clock in the morning and will name the weapons aud I will also be ready to proceed to the field' Me urged that no true would ask for any more thau pistols at ten paces, but I was firm. The meeting was settled for the second morning at 8 o'clock, and the second went away to await my decision. Was 1 upset r 1 es. Did 1 have a cow ardly fear ? No. It was a night mare. My feelings were something like those of the man who knows he is to be led out to death at a certain date. I was just as firmly resolved to fight that man as I could resolve on anything, but the burden on my mind was enough to unstring every nerve. I was no shot with pistol or rsfle,and I had never handled sword. He had every advantage in that respect. Two thirds of the day had passed before I made up my miud how we should fight. It would be certain death to both, but it was the only way to even up our chances. We should stand foot to foot, with the muzzle of the pistols at each others hearts. When McKnight s second came for the decision, and I give it to him he turned whiter than snow. He offered to accept any sort of an apol ogy, and he finally offered to let the matter drop, but I refused in each and every instance. It was my turn to force things. The matter got out, somehow, a3 those things will. I had arrauged the affair without a second, which was irregular, and gave them a loophole of escape. Then half a dozen different parties came forward with offers to act, and the duel had to go on, though it was twenty six hours later than the time originally agreed upon. While I was forcing the issue all this time, I was suffering in a mental way as a man would who saw a cannon being loaded to send a shell after him. I drew up my will, wrote farewell let ters and said good bye to the world, and when I at last stood face to face with mv adversary I had been tortured into a determination to kill w and be killed. Nothing he could have offered me would have induced me to change my mind. McKnight had. fought seven duels and killed five of his men, but the terms of this one shook his nerves. He toed the mark on brandy instead of courage. His seconds had to fairly push him to the mark, and it was only at the the last moment he showed anything like grit. We stood foot to foot, each pistol held against the other" man, and then the seconds stepped back aud we waited for the word. It came in a few sec onds, but during that brief interval I suffered more than any soldier did in half a dozen battles. It was good bye to the world forever. It was death as soon as a trigger was pull ed. "Gentlemen, are you ready 2" ex claimed the man w ho was to give the word, but the word did not come. McKnight sudnenly dropped his pistoi, threw up his hands, and then fell down in a fit that kept him un conscious f6r three hours and in bed for a month. The torture had been too great. Within ten seconds of death he broke down, not to save his life, but because the limit of human endurance had been reached. Tbe Inequalities of Men. M. Lapouge of Montpelier, has re cently delivered before the Faculty of Natmal Sciences in that town series of lectures on inequalities amone men, in tbe course of which he said that the political dogma of equality rests on hypotheses which are utterly false. He distinguished four social types among mankind: 1. The initators, who show man kind the way into the region of the unknown, and who go in front Restless and daring, with an intel ligence which is at least equal to the of this tvoe do not travel readily along beaten tracks New ideas are the breath of life to them. They spend their lives new creations, they are often wreck A Imt the true genius represents the most perfect form of tins type 2. Men of spirit, of intelligence, who. Dossessing no creative power them selves, yet carry out and periect tne ideas and discoveries of the hrst type, to which they are really the complement. 3. Men who, with much or little intelligence, can work only with others, who mistrust every new idea not accepted by all the others, but who seize it with avidity when their neighbors adopt it. If intelligent, these men are docile, but they dislike every change in routine. and they vepresent the dull ness of the mass in the face of every reform. 4. Men of this type are not fit to attain even the smallest step in culture. Evidently every man cannot be classed under one or other of these divisions. In human societies clear lines of demarkation do not exist, but for general purposes the distinc tion is sufficiently evident. The su periority of a race or nation depends on the greater or smaller number of men of the first two classes. The race which is richest in the first type is the blood dolichocephalic, aDd this has been the case even when the people among whom he lived wrere not of this kind. In Egypt, Cbaldea, Assyria, Persia, India, and even in Chinamen of this type ruled. In the Greek and Roman world it wast the same, and it is so still. In our own day the rank of a nation corres ponds with the strength of the blond dolichocephalic element. The Gal lic and Frank elements which made France great were of this type. " and it plays the same part in England, Germany, and America. Near these come the Semitic and Mediterranean races, who had reached a high grade of civilization when the blond doli chocephalic peoples were still sava ges. The remainder of mankind must be beckoned the passive races. The bracbycephalic races of Eurnpe, the Celto-Slaves rarely produce men of the first intellectual type. In the social changes of recent years brac hycephalic men, who form the lower classes, have been elevated and brought forward, and herein, the lecturer thought, lies the great dan ger of the future deterioration of the French nation. Scientific Amer ican. Like master like man. When Candidate Harrison was in the Uni ted States Senate he voted against putting cotton ties sn the free li3t. The Republicans in the house of Congress, following his example, did the same thing week before last. The farmers in the cotton States have very fine memories aim they will be apt to remember not to vote for Candidate Harrison in Novem- er, nor for anybody else who is tar- j with the same stick.-Lannmark "Leaving His Party." One of the most encouraging 'signs of the times" in political mat ters is to be found in the daily re ports in journals of both praties of men who are "leaving their party.' A Democratic high protectionist in Brooklyn, in Cleveland or else where announces that hencef ortn he will vote the Republican tiket. A Republican tariff reformer Chicago, New iork or elsewhere announces that henceforth he will vote the Democratic ticket. That is in every case a good thing for the man and he country. Our politcal enmtroversis nave been for too many years carried on personalities or prejudices; uow they are to rest on policies and principles as they ougt. High tax or low tax, high protection or law protection, surplus revenue these are the is sues. When a citizen declares that on these issues he will no longer adhere to the party with which he has been voting, but will join the order side, he does what h6 has a right to do and sets an example for all others. The people of the United States are to decide in November whether they pref ere high and needless taxes and a large and growing surplus reveue, or whether they .prefer lower taxes, free raw materials for such languishing and almost ruined industries as. that of the woolen manufacture, and cheaper clothing blankets, houses, furniture and tools. It is for the people to decide and the party leaders of both sides will do well to instruct the voters thoroughly on this question. It is a question in which every voter may rightly take a selfish interest, for it affects his individual pocket. When a prominen soap manufacturer in Brooklyn the other day abandoned the Democratic party and joined the Republicans he took very Jproperlyt we hold just this view. The Mills bill reduces the duty on the cDmmon washin soap universally used, lnat is an undoubted benefit to almost every man, woman and child in the coun try. But this wealthy soap manu facturer saw that the reduction would cut off some of .his profits, and so he went over to the high tariff to the Republican party. That's all right. This campaign is to be worked out in the pockets of the voters. Whoever is iuterested in dear soap, in dear lumber, in dear clothing, in doai tools, in dear neces saries of life generally, will and ought to vote with the Republicans. Those who would like their earnings to buy more of the comforts of life will vote with the Democrats. That is the issue. New York Herald. A Witty Lawyer. I heard two stories of Pettigrew, of South Carolina, the great lawyer and unionist, which I have never beard before. He was practicing at one time betore a judge wno was a presbyterian of the straiteet sect and a very hard -working officer. It came to the M&unday Thursday, and Pet tigrew and the episcopalian and Ro man catholics thought they would like an adjournment of court over Good Friday. Pettigrew was selec ted to make the motion. "Your honor," he said,. "I desire to move that the court adjourn over to-morrow. '"Why should the court ad journ over to-morrow, when the docket is so crowded ?" asked the judge. "Because," said Pettigrew, "to-morrow i3 Good Eriday, and some of us would like to go to church." "No." said the judge, de cidedly, after a moment's thought, the court will sit to-morrow, as usual." "Very well your honor re plied Pettigrew, adding, as he turn ed away, "I know there is a prece dent, for Pontius Pilate held court on the fiist Good Friday.' The same judge was a great stick ler for etiquette, and when one hot July day Pettigrew came into the court room in a black coat and yel low nankeen trousers the judge took him sternly to task, asking him whether he did not know that the rules of that court required the counselers to appear in "black coat and trousers." "Well, your honor," said Pettigrew inuocently, "I sub mit that I am within the rule, for I have on a black coat and trousers.." Insisted the judge; black coat and trousers means that both shall be black. "Then," said Pettigrew, "I call yuor honor's attention to the fact that the sheriff of this court is io contempt of its rules, for they re quire him to attend upon its session in a cocked hat and sword, and while his hat seems to be cocked hits sword certainly is not." The judge said no more abiiUt trousers. The chairman of the House com - mittee 011 foreign affairs in Con- gress has been authorized to report a bill prouding for a permanent ex position of the Three Americas, in honor of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America, under the joint auspices of the forty-six States and Territories and the sixteen inde pendent nations of continent. Perfume m Ancient Times. The room in which an entertain ment was given in olden times was always perfumed, either by burning incense or sprinkling the . furniture with scented waters an unnecessa ry measure, when we consider the lavish manner in which the guests were anointed. Each portion of the body had its appropriate oil or es sence. Mint was recommended for the arms; palm oil for the jaws and breast; the eyebrows and hair . were anointed with an unguent extracted from marjoram; the knees and neck with tbe essence of ground i'-y. This last beneficial at drinking parties, as also was the perfume ob- tained from roses; the quince yield ed an essence suitable to the lethar gic and dyspeptic; the perfume ex tracted from vine leaves kept the mind clear, and that from white vi olets was good for digestion. The fashion of anointing the head at bauquets is said to have arisen from an idea that the heating effects of wine would be the better borne Then the head was wet, just as a pa tient who labors under a burning fever is relieved by the application of a lotion. Aristocole proved that his habits of observation had led him to a dif ferent and truer conclusion when he attributed the frequent occurrency of grey hair to the drying natnre of the spices employed in the ungu ents. Socrates disapproved of all per fumes. "There is the same smell," he said, in a slave and a gentleman, when both are perfumed a remark that made little impression upon his pupil, iEschines, who turned per fumer, fell into debt, and attempted to borrow money upon the staength of his business. Alexander the Great was more at tentive to the rebuke of his tutor, for his wasteful expenditure of in cense in his sacrifices. It will be time for you so to wor ' ship, his master told him, when you have conquered the countries that produce the frankincense. The king remembered the lesson, and when he had taken possession of Arabia, he dispatched a cargo of frankincense and myrrh to his old tutor. Why Men Drink. Q That wonderful humorist, Tom Hood, once remarked. "There are five reasons why men drink! Good wine, a friend, because they are dry, or at least they may be bye and bye, or any other reason why." The last is perhaps the most common reason' James Parton once headed an article, "Will the coning man drink?" but as he failed to answer the query wo will express a decided opinion, that until the comirg man learns to prize home, social family ties above all others, will he learn not to abus--his own organism. In M" writer in the Medic' practical remarks up, and offered a timely bin hibition advocates would do note. He says: "As long as imperfections of humanity remaii -unfitted to its surroundings and cor -ditions so long evil and misery wiJl continue, and men seek refuge in strong drinfc. Increase the sum of human happiness by whatever means possible, lessen the burdens and ameliorate the woes of mankind, re move hunger, disease and pain by a better physical and moral education, and you will have plucked out the fangs of that dire monster intem perance." Postage Stamp. Newspaper subscribers in all parts of the country should remember that small remittances can be made with postage stamps just as well as with the money or a money order, provided the stamps you send are of small denomination (one cent or two cents in size), and are nottstuck fast to the letter paper. Every day we are obliged to tear and destroy stamps which have ben adhered to I the letter accompanying them, and ! these are a tctal loss. Just put them jato the letter loose, and they will get here all right. Do "not send stamps of larger size thas two cents. The Hon. John S. Henderson has secured the establishment of a num ber of new post offices and mail routes in his district. For the past j two weeks he has accomplished J soajething in this line every day. ! The Hou. W. H.- H. Cowleshas also j dene some. good work in this direc- tion. The latest returns of the various branches -of the- International Sun day School union make the nuber nf'Sim.lnv f-'fhnol teachers in-the the American wora t0 be 1,404,613 aud the schol iars 12,330,; G?.

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