THE milDMlD. ITBLISHED EVERY FBIDAY B? W. D. ANTHONY & J. M. CROSS TEKMS : CNE YEAR, CASH IN ADVANCE, - $1,25. SIX MONTHS, - - ,75 i PRING YOUR WOOL TO THIS Ami have it shipped to the Gwyn-IIarkets,Woleu Mills "tfyc best mills ui the State" and have your Blankets, Ctssimeres, Jeans, Linspys uul Knitting Yarns made. Comes first srved first BITL&S1MS, Agts, N. B. Highest prices paid for wool GREAT VICTORY OVER. HIGH PRICES! The undersigned once mn'e comes to to lead all competitors in the pood work plying them with a superior quality if GENERAL MERCHANDISE. We are ''loaded to thp muizle," and if our s-tock is not speedilv reduced there is danger of an explosion when we fire off onr big gn". Everybody must "stand from under," for th bottom has dropped out of LOW PRICES, and if anybody gets ciught when it fal's. samelvxly is sure to get huit. Now Open your eyes, bargain hunters, and if you are close calculators and know a gord thing when you see it, come and see we if you want to f-ave money by buying yonr Dry his, Hals, Boob and Sits, Groceries, provisions and othrr articles of home use. A specialty on flour which cannot be pnrc!i!od elsewhere of f,he sama grade as cheap as I will se 1 Don't sell our country produce before calling on IB, ,A-- r. S. Thanking you for past favor, 1 hope by fair dealing arid rOasonablo pices to merit a continuance of the same. NEW M1UH STORE. I would intorm the ladies of Con cord and surrounding country that I have opened a new Miilinery Store At ALLISON'3 CORNER, where they will find a woll selecre.i ttotk of Hats and Bonnets Ribbons, Co'lars, Corsets, Bnsiles, Rnclring, Veiling, &c, which will be iold cheap for CASL1. Give me a call. Respectfully, 6 3m Mrs. MOLLIE ELLIOT FUNiTURE CHEAP FOB CASH AT M. E. CASTOR'S Burial Cases UOUADE 0OFFINS.ALL KINDS A Hl'KUIALTY. I do not (I'll for cost, tilt for n small profit. Come and examine my line of Old furniture repaired. 12 51. E. CASTOR. Atainistrata's Notice Having qualified as administrator .of Erwin Allman, deceased, all per sons owing said estate are hereby notified that they must make imme diate payment or suit will be brought AH persons having claims against isaid estate must present them to the undersigned, duly authenticated, on or before the loth day of June, 1S9, or this notice will bd plead in bar ot their recovery. GEO. C. HEGLER, Adm'r. By W. M. Smith, Atto. l'I2 6v CHAMPION 1 I still keen on hand & stock of Champion Mower Repairs. .My old customers will find meat the old stand, Allison's corner. -. nl tf - C. It. WHITE. m m TBI Room , Caslcls, kt II REPAIRS VOLUME I. J fa th. front and avows Iris deterorinal'on of saving the people mono afd sup A. H. PROPST, Mtat and Contractor. Plans and snecifications of build jngs made in any style. All con tracts tor puiiaings iaitmuuy car ried out. Ojfice in Ctou's building, up stairs. 13 For Sale Cheap, A SECOND HAND OMNIBUS with a capacity for t we've passengers, in wood ruuning order. Call at this office. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Uaving qualified as Adm:nitratr de bonis non of th otate of Jas. S. Paker, dee'd. 11 pernors indebted to paid estate are hereby notified to mak prompt payment ; and all per ns having c'anns against t-aiu estate must present the same f r payment on or befoie the 4th day of May. 18S9. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. JOSEPH YOUNG. Aiim'r de bonis non. By W.G. MEAXS, At May 4. 1888. MOOSE'S Blood Renovator, ThV valuable Remedy is adapted to the following di-ases ar sin? from an imj uie blood, Eruftive a'd Cutan eous diseases. St Anthony's Fire, Piui pies. Tetter, Idngwonn, Rhumatism, -yphilinc. Mercurial, and all di&eases of like charcn'r. . It is an Alterative or Restorative of Tone and Strenztli to the system, it nffrds t i at 1 1 medio.) 'rom at lack? that originate in cuanges of climate and season. For t-al at Fitzcr'ti Dru Stoie FOB SALE -AT DRUGSTORE I will deliver at any time, andleeveyou rorner. Call D. D. JOHfJSUN S 1 PIEDMONT AIR-LINE ROUTE RICHMOND AND DANVILE RAILROAD. Condensed schedule in effect June 24th, 1837. Trains run by 75" .su.enaian im. Dad.. Na. 50. SOUTHBOUND. Diily Nj.52 Leave N-w York 12 15 pm Philadelphia 7 20 am Baltimore 9 45 am Washington 1124 am Charlottesville 3 40 m Lynchburg 5 50 pra Ar. Danviila 3 30 pm Lv. Richmond 3 10 pm Burkeville 5 17 pm Iveysville 5 57 pin Drak- s Branch 6 13 pm Danville g 50 pm Ar. Jreensboro 10 zQ pm 4 30 pra 6 57 pm 9 42 pm 1100 pm 3 CO am 5 10 am 7 45 am 2 30 am 4 24 am 5 5 am 5 2(1 am 8 "5 am 9 42 am fS 10 jm tl 43 am 3 12 am 4 nG'm 7 40 am C 30 am 9 50 am 10 16 am 11 18 ata 12 12 pm 4 31 pm 0 I 1 in II 23 pm I-' pin 12 40 pm 3 37 pin 4 4H pm 9 40 pm Lv. Coldsboro 2 40 pm Kaleigh Durham cip,i m Dih'sboro Ar. Greensboro 5 00 p in 6 04 pm t 20 pm 6 37 rm 8 35 pm 7 iO 1 in 10 45pm 11 15 pin 12 01 am 1 51 am 7 28 am 9 15 am 12 2(j am I 10 am 1 55 a n 4 40 am 5 50 a n 11 00 pm Ly Salem Greensboro High Point A r Salisbury iStatesville Ash evil !e Dot Springs Ly Salisbury Ar Co cord Charlotte pnrtanbug (ireeuville Atlanta Daily. No. 51. Daily. No. 53. KOKTHBOCNO. Leave Atlanta Arrive Greenville Spartanburg Charlotte Concord 6 00 pm 7 40 am 1 06 am 213 am 4 50 am 1 51 pm 2 53ptu 5 30 pm 6 30 pm 7 05 pm 11 40 am 1 25 pm 5 56 pm 6 38 pm 5 43 am 6 22 am Salisbury Lv. tHot Springs 8 C5 pm Asheville 9 55 pm Statesville Ar. Salisbury Lv, Salisbury Ar. High Point Greensboro Salem Lv Greensboro Ar Hillsboro Chapel Hdl Durham Raleigh Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro 3 30 am 4 37 am 6 27 am 7 32 am 8 00 am 11 40 am 9 50 am 11 55 am tl 15 am 12 35 am 1 15 pm 4 10 pm 8 05 am 7 15 pm 8 15 pm 8 40 pm 12 34 am 10 50 p-n 3 10 pin t4 30 am t6 53'aru til 45 am 9 50 pin Danville 9 47 am 10 20 pm 1 23 am 1 45 am 1 45 am 5 00 am Drake's Branch 12 25 pm Kevsviile 12 40 pm Burkeville 1 25 pm Richmond 3 30 pm Lyncnburg 11 40 p:u Charlottesville 2 25 pm Washington 7 35 pm 12 55 am 3 05 am 7 00 am 20 an. 10 47 pm 1 20 pm Baltimore o 50 am Philadelphia 3 00 am New York 1 6 20 am Daily. tDaily, except Sunday. SLEEPING CAB SEBVICE. On trains 50 and 51 Pullman Buffet sleeper between Atlanta and New York. On trains 52 an ! 53 Pullman Buffet Sleeper between Washington and llontsomery : Washington ana Au crusta. Pullman sleeper between Richmond and Greensboro. Pull man sleeper between Greensboro, and Ralaiffo. PullJian parlor car between Salisbury and Knoxville. Through tickets on sale at piicipa stations to ail points. For rates and information apply to any agent of the company, or to Sol Ua83, J. fc. 1'otth, Traffic Man'r. Div. Pass. Ag't, W. A Tckk, R chmond, Va Div. Pass. Ag't, Jas. L. Taylor, Raleigh, N. C. Gen. Pass. Ag't The Weekly News-Observer. The W.ekly News and Observer is a long wars the best paper evr pub i-hod in North 1 'arolina. ! is a cred it to 1 ik oeoi, and to the mate. 1 n people thould take a pride i i. it. I should he m every family- It is an eight page paper, chock full of the he' sorf of reading matter, news, markei rej orts, and all that. You oai.n' t af ford to be without it. Price 81 25 a year. We will furnish the WeiWy News and Observer until January 1st, 1889, forfl. Seud for sample copy Address, News akd Observer Co., Raleigh. N C. par. THE ONLY SHOE'PDLISH COHTAKQGi FOtt SALE BY Cannons & Fetzer. M. J. CORL'S CONCORD, N. C I have moved into the stable late ly occupied by Brown Bros., near the courthouse. The best accommo dations for drovers. Leave your orders at the stable or with J. It. Brown Pcrier for omnibus. Horses and mules for tale. r . . - JI. J. CORL, , ' " ' Proprietor. T IT H "IE St CONCORD, N. C, AW OLD MAX'S ADAGE. When but a boy a man I met, Who one good lesson taught me, That has through all succeeding years Sweet consolation brought me: This was the maxim which he gave (You'll smile when I df clare it): The pinching shoe grows easier The longer that you wear it." A homely proverb, I confess. Yet priceless truth explaining, And one that gives in trouble's hour 1'he strength for calm sustaining; For every ill doth lighter 6eem As more we learn to bea it "The pinching shoe grows easier The longer that you wear it.'' The care that is at first so great, The onco overwhelming sorrow, Will lesson ad the days go by And morrow follows morrow: Though great the force of rief may bo, Time will in part impair it "The pinching choe grows easier The longer that you'wear it." Did time not bring thjs sure decrease To bitterness and anguish. How many, iany hopeJess hearts In helpless woe would languish; Ah, well it is we find it true, How e'er with us may fare it. "The pinching shoe grows easier The longer that you wear it."' Rev.Phiiip Burroughs Strong, in Youth's Coloration. ABOUT A TIDY. An Old Ldy Faith and a Rich Wo man Whim." Mrs. Van Arsdale had always ap peared to be a very frivolous woman. She dressed so expensively, and, so far as I could see, never did anv thing useful with her life, not even, as many other rich women do, taking an interest in charities. Itsdoed, I i heard her say once that she was pot fitted for such work; that she was not used to business, and that visit ing very poor people made her ill. I remember thinking, when I 'heard this remark, that it was a more snb terf use for laziness and unwilling ness to do good. It is a habit of mine to say nothing about such thoughts to any one It certainly does no good to speak of them, even if what I think is true, and it may do a geeat deal of harm. Thtre is another woman who attends our church. She is very old ar.d feeble and poor. Her name is Mrs. Rich mond. Until her only sou died, about a year ago, she lived very comfortable, lie was a clerk in a large store down town, and when ho died, that took away all the living this poor woman had. I knew that this was the cause, and, having Ten little time, and 1 am not too proud to admit it very little money, I spoke to our clergyman about her. "Mrs. Richmond," said he, "is a very eccentric and peculiar woman. I knew, of course, that her sou's death had left her entirely destitute, and I went to her with offers of assistance. She is over eighty, and too feeble to doauy thing to support herself, but I found that 6he was perversely bent upon refusing all help. She said she had never liv ed on charity yet, and that the Lord would provide for hex somehow in her old age. I replied, in substance, that while this was so, and that 1 was glad to find her faith so strong, she must remember that God used human means to accomplish His purposes, and that lie had sent me to relieve her necessities. But she was very obstinate. Her besetting sin appeared to be pride, and she persisted in declaring that she could earn her own living, and that she was determined to be a burden upon nobody. As for goii.g into the Old Ladies' Home, she wouldn't listen to it. She had a room, she said, where she was It was very com- fortable, respectable and cheap. She required very little to live upon, and that she proposed to tarn. I asked her how, and she told me by knit ting and making fancy articles. 1 1 asked where her customers were to! good ! the customers. I could do nothing! further. I left her, commending !. . , . -i , 1 ner iaitu w-nrju um, iuuccu, sci-m be very sincere, but uepionu. nei Pnde- "Aud since then?" said I. Since then" he replied evident Csinceinen, nc tepiau, iuuim ly a trifle chagrined that his tears L b iH-foun-W, she has eon. trived to get on, rts she declared she would, has been She tells me thtt Mrs. Richmond is always busy and always happy ; but that, while she does certainly man age to support herself, and eren to have something over she pays for a half pew and contributes a small amount regularlvr-i$ ii a miracle but, as I say, her besetting sin is!WOJ1,an had, to sell on commission. in the field east of tlia house, about lws is cspemm in. cte m oui in-:fite SLemust tudy never to pride, and, perhaps sme temper j t t,jld htr tbere woud ie n0 mar three hundred yards distant, puilirc nune.3. draw largely upon the small stock milled with it. She answered aj rk v,e B.l5(1 clie there will be a corn, when "Red Cap" tnad his ap- Houses in tenement that a on- cf patience iu man's nature; nor to lTHu trrlvth.-t.he pronged to Pro- , ? V c 1 1 l at the head of h;S blood mane heart would hesitate to give a increase his obstinancy by trying to little not sell 1 hamL .Tney came ,)tLiDa if possible, to vide the fancy articles, and that.-the wjn take and for injEelf. There some hills south of the house, and bl ' hlJ..raVe have wencr. I dtubt much if a Lord had promised to take care of , -3 anv accounting for a rich were comir.g into the field bet'oiv j ' ' ' . J f ' " , n,iarrfc. even if made up. does withou 1 assistance. My wife made, cushions and three little rulic-1 ycUJug saT0 the first intimation the 1 anJ a ,o;.er & o ,abor h brought ! j"??, !J Zdo Men: to son her several times, uious mats, ai a uonar. lu j-'imumtHOl tne dou cau 01 wuai . . . pi.,...i u,,n r,r Tralv: n.ontlv fort what thev . ANDARD. AUGUST 17, 1888. how she does it, for the fancy arti cles, my wife tells me, are so poorly made that it was hardly possible they would sell. Soon after this I made time one afternoon to go and see the widow. It was as the minister had said. Poor old woman. It made me sad to see her, with her white face and spectacles and shaking hands, hard at word trying to crochet. When I went there she was at work npon a tidy, a sort of thing that was fashion able once, but must be, I thought, quite unsalable nowadays. Besides that, because of her age and her trembling fingers, she had done the work all crooked. I couldn't imag ine any one buying such a thing. I askid no(questione (another habit I have h never to ask a question that may by any possibility wound, even if t be another' pride or self-love, unless, indeed, I am sure that the wound will be of the friendly, faith ful sort),bnt before I left, Mrs. Rich mond told me how she spld her things. I am getting along so nicely, she said, looking up from her work and the tears starting to her eyes. The minister didn't think I could get along, she added, proudly, but I have. I have as much as I can do all the time, and sometimes even have orders ahead. All I make I leave at Mr. Pritehard's fancy store, and he Jells them for me. I told the minister that the Lord would provide customers, and He has. You see I knew the Lord better than he did. I went away wondering, for Priteh ard's was a very fashionable and ex clusive establishment indeed, where nothing, I supposed, was ever sold that was not of th? very best. He made a specialty of "high art'' nee dlework and such matters; so I was not a little surprised a few days af ter happening that way to see in his elegant window, among the beau tiful placqnes and panels and em broidered fabrics, the identical tidy all askew as it was, and labeled with t lie price. I hardly know what impelled me, but I had the curiosity to go in. Not being able to afford much in the way of "high art," I seldom purchased any thing of Mr. Pritch- j ard but I go there very often with frieuds who do, and" Mr. Pritchard is always exceedingly civil. Oh, that! that tidy in the window do you mean? Then he began to smile. I don't suppose you want to buy it, do you? "No." "I thought not. Very often peo ple inquire about the things in that corner of the window. The fact is his voice fell, there is a story about rtiat tidy and a lot more of similar things. It isn't known, and I shouldn't like it to get out it might lose my custom you know but I will tell j'on in confidence how it happened. "Of course" Mr, Pritch ard's tone was a little contemptuous 1:0 one in hers senses would pay three dollars for a thing like that, unless perhaps in this case for a whim. Well, over six months ago an old woman came in here one day with some things to sell. I was waiting npon a lady, one of my best customers, and it annoyed me to be interrupted. The old man stuck and and hung; as they say, wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. After awhile the lady began to take an in terest. She looked over what ths woman had in her basket the queerest things you ever saw and actually insisted upon buying a piu- ! cushion and a white rabbit made A j flaunei with bead eves. She made out to the old woman they were just what she wanted for her children. Then Mrs. Van Arsdale I started, there I" I didnt mean to tell her name ? please don't mention, it Mrs Van Arsdale took me aside, and womans whims, continued j pochard, ruefully. Eery body , ,vom pr, ... 1V 1 iet mv window ! - . . , th;ttertd p witn such stuff; but the fact is I can not anord to affront (Mrs. Van Arsdale. It's amazing - how much that old woman contrives j . . x. , ...I woman, ! v, , .-,;i,,. f-A-o nlmf th. l.n. r,f "R ilV nnrl the bov were " ! U rZ Hit; Lvy fct"V BUU-iJi-l .--..'- t " . . , i 1 1 1 . illi IliUlbV aj w . w. - - to uo, ana eue leu c tausueu aiiii(..-.. ; she g. . Pn- Ouce ; I put the price of a toilet set too, furjousjv, The firm? and a sharp watch of the window, and next day she came in very indig nant at my asking so little. You seel thought it' an imposition on Mrs. Van Arsdaie. The price for the set, said the old woman, ought pot to be a cent Ies3 than four dol- lars. They took me every bit of four days to make.. Now you put up the price, said she, independent as you please, or I'll go to some other place! That was cool, wasn't it? I told Mrs. Van Arsdale, but all she had to say was: Let her fix the price to suit herself. I'll make it good. Send the things to my house, but be careful she never knows. I have thought of this story many times since I heard it, and perhaps, in its way, it is worthy of being jot ted down. I have been careful nev er to speak of it and the names are of course changed, but the story it self is true. It does seem, after all," as if Mrs. Richmond was right in the faith she had that, m hile her own fingers pro vided the fancy work, the Lord would see about the customers. First and last, by this time Mrs. Van Ars dale must have paid several hundred dollars for what some might consid er a foolish whim ; but when I hear of her at Newport and Saratoga, and people say she is fond of society and frivolous, I can not help remember ing Mrs. Richmond G.I. Crevus, in Chicago Advance. m 11 in Tlxas Pioneers The Fight at Bali's Ranch. In 1871, there lived near the western boundary ofWise county aranebman named Ball. His ranch was on the extreme froLticr, and was often harassed by roving bands of hostile Indians. He was a kind and hospi table settlev, and Baker's weary scouts (the writer being one of the num'cei) often rested ar.d feasted beneath his roof. Fifty-two of us had more than one hundred miles of frontier to protect, and were wel come guests to the these insolated settlers. On r.i.e occasion, before the couts, or Texas Rpugers, as we were callei, we;e sent into that country, a raiding band of Coman- chies carried off on of Mr, Ball's .1 11 i i. r souh, a lau auout iweive jeius ui age. He was only a ohort distance from the house when captured, and the father was unable to rescue him. Mr. Ball knew from the waviig red o'.ume in the chiefs head-dress that it was "Red Cap," the terror of the North wes', and after the Indians left, mounted his horse and jjaye the alarm. Clark Bailey and Shira re sponded to thv call, and were soon on the trail of the now retreating Iudiaus, who had just taken a north west course toward the "Wichita Mountains. There were not enough settlers to successfully fight "Red Cap"' and his baLd, aud all that they could do was to see if they had left the country, in ordr to quiet the fears of the people. For twelve long months the parents heard noth ing of their captive boy, and had kbout given him up for lost, when one day he walked into his father's yard. His hair had grown long, and his face was ko sunburnt that they hardly knew him. He had a sad ex- peii ence to :elate of 1 ai dhips which had befallen bini wuiio a captive, ne said the Indians traveled rapidly at first, expecting pursuit, but after crossing Red River traveled slowly across mountnii-s and beautiful prai lies, killing game as they journeyed, until they reached a largo Iruian village at the head of the Canadian River, where they spent the winter, The chief, "Red Crp," treated him kindly, but the other Iodians abused him very much, especially in the ab sence or the great chief. He seemed restless, and was constantly on the war path, either flgairst the whites or ether Indians who were hostile to his tribe. While on one of these raids some white traders entered the Indian camp. They offered to buy the white boy; and the Indians readily consented, exchanging him for such articles as suited their fancy. When the chief returned the traders and the boy were far. on their way 1 the frontier of Texas. "Red Cap"' was furious, and threatened vengeance on luose wno uau soia the boy, and parley in the fall set out with a large band to recapture him. About 3 o'lock one evening they arrived at Ball's ranch. So rspid and secret had been their movements after the Texas line that they were not discovered until ey urriWd at the ranch. Baiif-y, the they were discovered by limey and the lad. Bailey was a brave mar, . 1 1' laud took the situation at a g an ! TTo bhw that thev weie ne.-u;ey cut off from be aca tolil tht. boy tQ rull) aj Le WOuld fight the Indi- j aijS. The lad started on a run, aid Bailey, draw itg his six-shooter, fol , . of tll P1rpst f .uliai s was transpiring in the field It happened that two neighbors, Clark and Shira, were at the house, and when the firing commenced they ran into the yard, and were almost struck dumb to tee the field literally swarminj T.iih'Indians. They ti NUMBER 32. Bailey fighting in their mi 1st. and the boy ruuning, pursued by the dreaded chief, "Red Cap." Seizing their rifles, the three men advanced as near as they dared in the face of such a yelling host of demons, and opened fire on them. Failey, after firing all his shots but one, retreat ed toward the fence nearest the house, and could have escaped; but seeing "Red Cap" seize his little brother-in-law while attempting to scale the fenco, and drag him back, although badly wounded, he deter mined to rescue him or perish in Bailey made a rapid charge, aiming his pistol at "Red Cap's head as he came up. The chief Was compelled to let go the boy, and defend himself against this fearless and dangerous foe. He quickly placed an arrow, aud, draw ing it to the head, discharged it full in Bailey's breast. At the same in stant there was a flash of a pistol, and the chief fell dead in his tracks, shot thpough the brain. Bailey was determaned that this last shot should find a victom, and at the same time rid the country of a terrible scourge. That shot was indeed his last. His empty weapon dropped from his re laxing grasp; he staggered forward a few steps, and fell near the body of the chsef. The lad, finding himself again free, bounded off, and succeed ed in gaining the spot where his father and neighbors were loading and firing upon the Indians. The savages closed around the body of Bailey, and took on! his scalp, and then commenced their retreat carry ing off the body of their chief. The wife of Bailey was standing in the the yard watching her husband's desperate fight, and when he fell, fainted away, and her life was almost despaired of before she recovered from the terrible shock. "Red Cap" was buried at the head of a ravine about a mile from the house, and his horse killed by the grave. Aiter the Indians left he was taken np by the whites, and his accoutrements divided anions: them. While at Ball's ranch the writer saw the blanket and pipe of "Red Cap." His blood was still upon the blanket. The pipe vvas made of stone and would weigh more than a pound. A. J. Sowell in Nashville Advocate. Tariff Kpform. The object of a protective tariff is to augment prices of a certain class of goods that the government has undertaken to protect by insuring to the maker of such goods a profit on his work. It means this or it means nothing. If, as some wild advocates of the system assert, Such protection cheap ens the goods it was meant to pro tect, the whole projeot is as insane as any dream of a lunatic. Of course the interests protected form only part of our great indus tries. As the system is based on the government to take from one class and give to another, it is im possible to protect all. The benefits A apply only to those engaged iu pro ducing articles t home that come in competition with like articles abroad. This of course leaves out all agricultural product, for these we export. It omits from its list the labor of nearly all mechanics, for we do not import blacksmith's work nor can wo purchase houses. It leaves unprotected the profes sions, male and female labor, and even the workmen employed by the very interests the government has taken such extraordinary steps to sustain. On the contrary,the wage workers jn niiue3 and manufactories have felt the protective tariff only in their increased cost of living," while their compensation has kept no pace with tue increased profit pocketed hy cap ital. To those who h ive fairy investi gated his condition of so-called pro tection the results have been to the last extent startling. The operatives, men and children, are reduced to an extremity that sickens the heart to I know and appreciate. euuiwr.i un. There is no exaggeration in this. i 1 1 ... 1 r 1 u lien necessny urnea iewm - ' .Ml.TrMi with tht-ir unformed tnns ; t0 bard kUr, poverty and rri - j .'on are not ut the Joor' but upo!l 1 ' VM ', - ;in; " . , , ! laborers, finding life into.erab.e , ., f tt . t.V f" thev are driven ont like boasts, for it is a strange fact that while this entire system is based on a plea of protection to American labor against the pauper labor of Europe, enr ports are left open to the intro 7 action of that same pauper labor to Ill V.., -,-0 J . ME STANDARD. Kate f AdVrttaifff One square, one insertion, $ 01 One square, one month, I OS One square, two months, " 2 00 One square, three months. . 2 50 One square, six months, , 5 00 One square, one year. 9 CO competfi with onr home workmen. Capital is forced to appeal to this lower form of labor abroad, for th skilled labor of Europe does not em igrate and cannot be induced to emi grate to thfc country, for it ha$ a cheaper and better condition thaa protected labor can giv it here. Thus we have seen in the coat mines of my native State the native American laborer driven ont by Irish, English and Welsh men, and these in turn forced from their work by Poles, Italians and negroes. Hon. Frank II. Hurd in Belford's Maga zine. natural iKtuiiiwj : I see frequent allusions in the pa pers to Dockery, the radical candi date for the oflice of Governor of our State. While he may poasesA mental ability to make a Governor. K - 11 1 j.' i-ti ue noma cot mase an accepisuiH one to our people, entertaining tho views he does. It is a high office, requireing political honesty as well as capacity. A man that will seek promotion by misleading the people, teaching doctraines subversive of their interests, is not the man to trust. Dockery wants a change ia the present system of county govern ment. The ignorant negroes are . not permitted to control the funds of the counties. The honest tax payers' money is properly secured and appropriated. This is one of the imaginary evils he wishes to remove. If he wants to enjoy the blessings of negro supremacy to his heart's content let him have an in competent, consenuential neero art- pointed guardian to manage his pri vate funds), without security, with vile white men inciting him. for their benefit, to misappropriate it. .' But let the 'comity finances of our State be managed by competent offi cia's, applying the funds to the pur poses for which the taxes wars lt-vied and collected. .We don t want judgment obtained in court nr.:vinuf rlofonltinrr nffiMala on1 fho!i worthless sureties. We want com petent officers with standing enough to give justified bonds and honesty enough to give their sureities no trouble. The poor negro is to be pit- -ied, misled by such men as Dockery and other rulers of the Republican party. If properly instructed he would advance mentally and mc But with Republican leaders mis leading his mind and exciting his prejudices his progress will be much impeded. Such men as Dockery are building for themselves an unenvi able reputation. While wiser and . better men will be remembered by their eratcful countrymen for bless-." ings conferred upon their race.' they ' will be rememlered as the would-be - subverters of good government. The Republicans of Brower's district ar 2 pouring hot shot into him be cause he manifested a disposition to' improve the condition of thecountry, by repealing the odious internal rev enue laws. In their estimation he 1 ii. : uus ruuiiiiiLieu ma uuiaiuuuiviu ojii, and excluded himself from their, forgivness, though he seek it "witji tears." Alas poor Browerlto think for a moment that the radical lead-, fivs wanted the internal revenue law repealed. They wanted .no suoh 11.: in. i: 1 v. 1 n i. luuj. 1 uy um ue uuii lunuvr uiu example of the illustrious Nichols, whose recorded vcte to perpetuate it in all its odious features stamps him as the game chicken of the cor rupt party ? But to our . aspiring Dockery again, doomed to fold hi3 wings in silence, wailing over his de feat, while the noble Fowlo, rising ! on majestic wings, shall serenely I float in the sunlight of heaven above turn, vviiiie wiser counsels snan prevail, with firmer hands at the helm, guiding the ship of State from off the breakers in her onward and prosperous course, such men as Dockery and his satellites will find their level in retirement, driven thither Dy an injured people unwill ing to trust them. As an old neigh bor of mine used to say of certain .hnrftftf?iH. thev can be snared." R. W. IL W ht a Wire Should Do. A wife fciust learn how to form her husband' happiness; in that direc tion the secret of hei comfort lies; she must not cherish Lis weaknesses by wording upon them; she must not rashly ruu counter to his preju- ROt loosen the bond between man I if anJ gometime,, unieS9 1 . .... i . tlie afi-tction of both be very - Um.ri - o. InKtirtrlr. Tf irritation j should occur,a woman must expect j to hear from raot men even a ! strength and vehemence of language f,r more than the occasion requires Mila ftj . veil as stern raea are 1 prone , , exaggeration of Jauguage; let not "Z&'Z 1 retaliation. The bitterest repentance an fre- have themselves said, but seldom what is uttered by their wives. They are grateful, too for forbearance in such cases, for whbst asserting most loud ly that they are (igbt, they are often conicous that they are wrong! . Oue a little time' as the greatest boon you can bestow, to, tne vutatea feelings of ycur husband,

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