THE STIIDIHD. THE STAiiDAHD. ITDLIsnED VEK1 FRIDAY B W. 1 ANTHONY & J. U CROSS Rnffes of Advertising; One square, one insertion, $ (V One square, one month, I 0; One square, two months, 2 Oz One square, three months, 2 50 One square, six months, 5 00 One square, one year, 9 00 TEEMS : ONE YEAR, CASH IN ADVANCE, SIX MONTHS, JLilJbi D T AIM U AKU. " VOLUME I. CONCORD, N; C, AUGUST 188$. NUMBER 33. .., r- L. ... -,. . .-- .- -,, , ., , , .,, i - . i . . THE P&OSPEKOIS SOIT1I. Pontius Pilate. BRING YOUR WOOL TO THE Farmers' 8 And have it shipped to the Gwyn-Harkets,Wolen Mills "the best wills in the State" and have your Blankets, Cassimeres, Jcau Linsey vul Knitting Yarns made. Comes first erved first. BELL & SIMS, Agts, N. B. Highest prices paid for wool NUT TIHllTOm I1MUM r.: o- TDRHBST BIG Mil IE stjmh:bbsea.soit Tlie undersigned onte more comes to th. front and avows his detcrniinal'on f lead all competitors in the god work of saving the people monej aud sup plying them with a superior qnalicy of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. We are ''loaded to the muzzle," and if our ftock is not speedily tediioed there is danger of an explosion when we fire off our big gun. Everybody must "stand from under," for th bottom has dropped out of LOW PRICES, and ifanbody get? cnught whett it fal s. somebody is sure to get hint. Now Open your eyes, bargain hunters, and if you ar close calculators and know a go'd thing when you see it, come and see me if you want to save money by buying yonr WE'RE ALWAYS EOYSAT HOME. The beautiful lines below were written by Col. C. L. Merrill, one of the editors of the Florida Times Union, upon receiving a letter from his mother containing the following sentence. "My Desu- Boy- You are always boys at home and scattered far one in Missouri, another in Arkan sas, the third in far off Florida, till I feel lone and almost broken heart ed." A letter from the author's mother. Dear mother. I have wandered far, Far from the old root tree , And miles, by mountain, cliff and scar, Have parted you abet me. Tho' storms may drive us where the? "will - - -- - O'er land or ocean's foam, One bnppj thought may cheer U& still. We're always boys at home. Though time may s.t bis signet mark On heart, aud hand, and brow Tho' clouds niay rise and skies grow daik E'en as they'ie growing now, see, I am on the side that sees only official protectionistsaddress ns now, swindle!. When iny daughter dieci, I took home her three children. After that, when my daughter-in-law died, I adopted her two. So 1 have a family. I could nor afford it, but there was nothing else to do Kow, the cost of clothing, shoeing, and Dry Goods, Hals, Boots and Sks, Grrceiies, provisions and other articles of home use. ' A specialty on flour which cannot be purchasod elsewhere of the sama grade as cheap as I will se 1 Don't sell your country produce before calling on IR A. BROWIT, P. !S. Thanking you for past favors, I hope by fair dealing and reasonable pices to merit a continuance of the same. NEW humem store. I would inform the ladies of Con cord and surrounding country that I Lave opened a new Millinery Store At ALLISON'S CORNER, where they will find a woll selected stock of Hats and Bonnets Ribbons, C'lacs, Corsets, Bustles, Ruching, Veiling, &c., which will be rokl cheap for CASH. Give me a call. A. H. PR0PST, Arhitcct ul Contractor. furnishing hats for these little folks, so that they may not only be com fortable, bnt decent enough to at tend the common schools, makes up no small item. I calculate the five cost me, in money expended at the stores in Middleburg, some two hun dred dollars. Of this a hundred and seventy-five go on the backs of my poor children, and twenty-five into the pockets of the protection ists. All the purchases made by us fanners are at the village where a year's credit is given. When our crops come in we deliver our grain at the railroad depot, and getting checks for same, go around and set- in our distress, as their dearly-beloved farmers, I suppose when iu our misery dying, as their miners and mill operatives die, of want, they will still give us this taffy. And why ? Because we vote. They treat their own laborers rough be cause they know there are so few of them it can make no difference. But if we farmers were t5 gtt up in our wrath, we would make short work of them at the polls. I don't know whether this will ever occur, for w e are ignorant and stupid, preferring the right honorable protectionists' taffy to common sense; Let our agriculturists comprehend the t'rtie working of this protective svstem and its region will be short Let us look at it. I have a few hogs, a bunch of sheep, some corn,' Indications of a Season of Siieh Ac tivity, ns IinS Never been Known Before. iZalryoii Days; The share which Pontius Pilate took in the greatest crime that has been committed since the world be- Manufacturers Record; The indications for a season of great activity in the trade and man ufacturing interests of the South are exceedingly favorable. Rarely, if ever before, lias the prospect been so promising; The corn aud cotton crops of 1887 were the: largest ever' produced in the South', and, as good prices were realized, the fanners fonnd themselves at the beginning of 18S8 in a much better financial condition than for many years. Blessed as the farmers of the South were last year with abundant crops, piesent indications point to a reason of still greater agricultural prosper ed more wheat. How I have,"?- i he yield oi Irmt ana vege ploughed, planted, fattened, and) tables has been unprecedeiitly cured for these tells a story of hard j hvy, and the shipments North ' labor and exposure scarcely known ! nave taxed the carrying . capacity ol Ob, mothers, do not fold your hands across your empty lap and st at fifty : "Tim storv i a1,1 V gan, has given him an unenviable i home ha3 bcen gQ all-absorbing that awav 1 1-r .1,1 man legneu lniorms us that he was I ,, :,i xK t. .i , c m -.r-. ,r imj,uua my orosen enreaa. - ' o j oi take upn new one, and you wilT soon find yourselves among tlu :idu uiai ne was sent ro come as a hostage, and became guilty bt mur der. He was then sent to Pontius, where he subdued the barbarous tribes, receiving in consequence the new name of Pontius, and after- to giiy other pursuit. Now, why Far from a mother's love and pride j tie that is, so far as the money j HaVi? I thus toiled thfoiigh the year? Plans and specifications of build' ings made in any style: All con tracts for buildings faithfully ear ned out. Office in Caton's building, up stairs. 13 For Sale Cfcesp, A SE OND HANI! OMNIBUS with a capacity for twe've pnssengors, in good running order. Call at this office. Our steps can never roam : Though men to all the world beside, We're alwaj's boys at home. You're sitting by the dear old health To-night with all its joys $ Our mother, 'niid those scenes of mirth Is talking of "her bots!" A'?d oh, no happier spot is ours, Beneath heaven's sheltering dome$ Where youtn renews its golden hours!; We're always bo$-s at hom The fabled fount by Leon cought, .This side the stormy mom. Lay, like a found dream fairy wrought, In his own Isle of Spain ! Iu vain the dreaming chemiat turns The leaves of many a tome ; The alembic, were the yule-log burns, Is ouly found at home, t)ear mother, in this world of woe; Though fickle friends may flee. And though thy children's children grow Iu clusters round thy knee. Safe anchored in thy tendei heart, Thy grown up boys maj come, And claiming childhood's deareet part May still be boys at home. A mothers homely sunshine spread, A bister's trust and truth ; A father's benediction shed, Renews immortal youth. There, safe fiotn every toil and care, A selfish world and cold, We'll meet in other years, for there We nevermore grow old. from our products' enables ns to do Certainly from no philanthropic so. Every year the sum t in? t remains j motive. I have done so simply to the railroaOi. The yield of wheat in most of the Southern States, especially in these in which it is a leading crop, such as Maryland; unpaid grows larger. We haw theii j EWmre a market : no more, no less. J Virginia, Tennessee, &c, has been t ,1 i ii i ,.,n l - i A i i ... , . ii)iiiiimiPii;illv Imvcp !)!ld iho nirfrrp. to Hustle rounu, sen woo:, mmi iz, noes mis purernai suvt 1 tui:i-ul swu-;i-"" - j a cs-- l nm.ili i,,fn.. .i,;i, u ' .....i , a.,n ,,vl,?nr trt ,i,s,k0 nn ihU differ-! rhi with ? mnch! ('on- i Sate yield for the SontU mil tloubU . 1 . , : ';!'. . ! tuus covered are cured without Stii llU VUilij, " " I I'UUMfV world's creatures. The Summe. sunshine went with the children, but your Autumn may be long and bright, and with real "halcyon days' here and tliprf tin" Mr i-nm- emmnt wards went to Sudea as the resident ; Do kaow wh ne; hboi. Governor of that provnice His Mrs. Gray, is liked by everybod---. residence w as at Csarea but during aud lap J ; tliegrea feast a t Jernealcli, tie took) Itecan80 ghe ncTep takg k.. y u xu m ox iierou, ; trouble,f et better stn, denies ih. in the northwestern part of the city, t ,,,, 1:;as an N othi .g , This palace was adorned with twd teiiii;2 V0U1. lcf to otheiJ Tm colossal marble wings, facing east- k it to ;irwlf, A BmonMepi ward toward tno temple and the nre can be founJ Md extinffuihe(T Mouht of Olives. One of these i.f .V . i , , w , ' but when coals are scattered, ye wings was the entrance of the Pra?-! ,in u ..." i,.. . sorrofr. The place for sad and di- gusting things is under the gTonu:' is unf. bpnpfifpd 1, the Cyclorama of Jerusalem on the j ii;. tu j " Charity cove Thim i. .: il. -1 1 T luiium, me piace wnere Jesus was before Pilate. This historic build ing is one of tlie jji-eai auractions at a Cl! fir day of Crucifixion. The observer is ; it w ms eye. near tne marble wiug,andcan see the ferine-?. The worst of are the township, county and State tnxes. These hate to be paid, and two-thirds gress is in session the larger part of Xct pinch ! Con-! S lcii be tn ttest on record. More- etn a muitituuc ot sins, tli j sembled and called for Pilate, who 1 cr. u C'.rrvrm e, onv-1 oer, me in ae ) t,tll I'VV. O V. 1 V. J thiu"' for the farmer? Somtimes wheat crop has enhanced values, and tl.,r,.f,,l,.- nf tl1. 'mr,i't.r!iff, ., ,vmlu.r n enroll in whlVh i OlUllCni iamitlS ai 0 - . ...... " 4,: a .. . 1 1 on farms originates in these. j he bespatters us witn ilattery. Ana Now, if I eouht have the two hun- ! every year the President sends in a dred and odd dollars extorted from message in which he speaks of farm nlv poor little farm of one hundred ing being the great underlying pros an! sixtv acres, 1 could about make' purity of the land. Do any of them the Western both ends meet. And what an iu-1 concern themselves about biif mar- fernal outrage it is that I, and other ' kei-s ? Again I say, not much! And farmers like nlvself, should have i vet the most influential committee for of the House, that of the Ways and Mean. Its in almost peipetiial ses- much better prices than a year ago appealed to consider tions their transient ; and, when a sorrow i car; but, once published and coi .CCUs.X j fi.lj.l fn inuKllJ-inr friiMifla 4-ViorA la 1 The Celoraina portrays the !., i i . i i i? ai I ' cm m I h. trim lilna Hinir moil none iU.. c-,n,.:. l, 1 j xl. J J obtaininff i',tt" ot . 11,11,1 lo lue Keep cross, gnu an tne ouiuunrs tnat are The acreage of corn, and cotton iS" memioncu in coiinec-; hc.:llod aud p;lsseeJ) what ft comfor uuu iMiu tue una oi our oavioitr. : :. :, . , . . H i lj - one eer Iradition informs us that Pilate an u i mi it Husuvci . xAuuauge. sought to nide his sorrow ;u the! . mountain by the lake of Lucera; j a sy,,,,,athiin Brother. and that after spending years of re-j The congregation of a church at A 1-ARJIEir.N VIEWOF IT. this extortion fastened on us, which we get absol u tel v notliin; return . We are told m of a luma ni irket. We have heard of that home market j terests iirt to secure a profit therefor for twentv-five veurs, but have never : 'through law of Congress, instead of unusually heavy, greater evbn than 1887, when the largest crops ever raised iu the South were produced, and so far in the season the indica tions point to larger yields also than last year. The corn crop is almost made and" this .year the Southern fanners will have less Western corn Tn 5 3m Respect rnliy, Mks. MOLLIE ELLIOT FUNiTURE CHEAP FOR C1SH AT M. E. CASTOR'S III ai FIMITUM 1 UlllUlUULI U1UU Buna Cases. Caske s, 110 il A DE COFFINS, ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. I do not sell for cost, but for a small profit. Come and examine my line of gods. Old furniture repaired. 12 M. E. CASTOR. Mministiator s ISotico. PMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adm:ni(-tratr de bonis non of tho estate of Jas. S. P.nker, dee'd, JI peisoi's indebted lo said estate are hereby notified to makp prompt pnymetit ; and all per i-ons having claims against said estate nnut ptent the sanie f t payment on or hefoie the 4th day of May. 1880. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. JOSEPH YOUNG. Adm'r de bonis non. By W. G. Means. At May 4. 18SS. MOOSE'S Blood Keaovator, Th's valuable Remedy is adapted to ihe following diases arming from an impure blood. Eruptive and Cutan eous diseases. St. Anthony's Fife, Pim ples. Tetter, I ingwonn, Rhumntisin, .Vhilitic, Mercurial, and all diseases of like character. It is an Alterative or Restorative of Tone and Strength to the system, it affords neat rotectio.i 'rotn attacks i hat originate in changes of climate, and season. For sale at Fttzer's Drug More seen it. Small wonder ! for all tin; people taken,- tlwy tell us from ag ricultural pur-uits, theie is not one who eats more or less than he did be fore. And its for lessening the number of producers, the emigration from Europe putsjn three men for every man takPn out. It Is an oe?4 sort of a protection that pi'oteets hi bor against the pauper in Europe, but not from the thousands pouring in upon our shores every year. The home market don't werfc It costs me, as it does any other fanned in this locality, ontj dollar to plant, grow, cutj thrash, and get into the granery one bushel of wheat The home market, as the thing is called, gave hie last harvest sixty cents a bushel. This coming harvest I ex pact fifty cents far this is tlie rale of decline; aud all an other products suffer the same loss. This sort of thing Hirer occurred with the foreign market. This, however, is all fudge. There is no more market today than there was fifty j-ws pg? and .here can't be. After the people at home have consumed our products to their tit- most capacity, there remains a heavy ' i 1 11.... .In,, h, h,,H-rnider. and dev seliow ".v J11'1 im lllul Jwus 7 ' r .1 .1 o. .. 1 1 K I....' 1. 1 , - It ! the mining and manufacturing in- w supporting in. the corn line. While the cotton crop has many dangers trade I V(t t0 nicer, its conuuions up to tne i 1 n)innt. tliiit. ponl"! lif i leavinff these interests to the law of supply and demand. If a delegation of farmers w ere to go be fore that committee and say, "We rp losing, not money, but our labor, and we cannot live on tilts prices' of this market of your making;" the nVlegatiou wouM te toll tlv great American systen of protection whs devoted to fostering mining and manufacturing industries, and w hen that was done the farmers would reap a consequential good which the committee hoped they would be pa triotic enough to accept. And when the door closed on the disgusted del egation, a.roar of laughter would go up over the "hjiy-seeders." Now, let us see how the system works as to the farmer ? His mar ket is a foreign one. All the sur plus that is over the home demand goes to Ihi rope, where our Congress has no jurisdiction, and where the price ?s fixed, not only for w hat is sold there, but for all that is sold at home. This is free trade, ltd is free to sell, without tax or charge, ii morse in its recesses he plunged into ' Elk Rock where much (shocked upon asked, and it is ontv reason look for a good crop, with ii strong probability of a yield equaling even the splendid outturn of 1887. The cotton manufacturing interests of the entire worltl ai'e in such flour ing condition that the heavy crop of 1887 has been absorbed at good prices and stocks are smaller than even a year ago L naer inese cir cumstances it i.s but fair to look for a continued active demand at profit able prices for all the cotton' which the South will produce this year, even if Ave should again have a 7,000,000-bale crop. The prosperous condition of the agricultural interests is, howcterj only one of th? features of the bril liant promise of the south. Two years ago millions of dollars were invested in tlie building of new fur naces, foundries, rolling, niills and kindred enterprises. Many t;f these great enterprises have been under' construction, yielding no profits, but virtually locking hp all the thus invested. .Now they are all getting iiho opeiaiiuii, uuu before 1888 ends there will be such an enormous production of manh- thelakeon the summit, thus endin his despair. According to the popu lar belief, 'J;i form is often seen tl emerge from the gloomy waters, and go through the action.of one wash ing his hands; and when he does so dark clouds of mist gather first round the besom of th'ei Infernal 'ibie td ' ja'ie pn then, wrapping the whole upper part or the mountain in dark ness, presage a tempest or hurricane; which is sure to follow iu a short space," Having qualified as administrator of Erwin Allman, deceased, all per sons owing said estate are hereby notified that they must make imme diate payment or suit will be brought All persona having claims against said estate must present them to the undersigned, duly authenticated, on or before the 15th day of June. or this notice will brf plead in bar of their recovery. GEO. C. HEGLER, Adm'r. By W. M. Smith, At to. f22 Gw CHAMPION id ) .( no mil 1 slid keep on hand a stock of Champion Mower Repairs. My old customers will find meat the old -land, Allison's corner. i.l tf C. R. WHITE. FOE SLIjIE AT, I D. JOHNSONS DRUGSTORE rmrsilit?. thev don't help us, for these same consumers were consum ers before. As for lessening the number of producers, as I have said, these people get pauper labor from Europe for has than thev would have to pay native farmers; and get. them they do. These, miners and manufacturers, fter squeezing all they can out of us by law, proceed to squeeze labor ; and they do that by draw ing on the labor of Europe. I am bnt a short distance, as a crow flies, from the Hocking Valley coal mines. I saw the natife Americans driven out by Welsh and Irish. These in turn were crowded out by Poles, Bohemians, and Italians. These in turn, as thev obieet to he- works, cotton mills, wood working establishments and indus trial enterprises of almost every variety, millions of dollars' worth of manufactured goods are being turned out to help swell the tide of South ern prosperity. A1 .of this is cre ating a vast amount f profitable em ployment for laborers, and the I will deliver at any time, aud leave your ordeis. Call Belford's Magazine. j Now, to begin with, my house, a frame one, may be valued at eight hundied dollars. This, if I were building, would be the price; but when I had deducted the protective tax on lumber, glass, shingles, hard ware, and paint, I found the real cost of my house was only five hun dred dollars. Here is a dead loss td me of three hundred dollars. I had paid three hundred dollars to the Carnegie set to keep up their palaces and tally-hos at home and in Scotland. My stable, also a frame one, cost mo four hundred dollars. Calcula ting as before, I found the same pro portion held good, and I am skinned to keep up the protectionists to the tune of one hundred and fifty dollars another loss to me of that amount. I have a pair of old work horses. The harness on these cost me forty dollars; the unnecessary tax is four teen dollars surely a loss. Mv three ploughs cost ma thirty dollars. The tax on these j,ltl steel, iron, and lumber, the neat little sum of, as near as I can calculate, twelve dollars. Four years since I bought a bind er; I paid, in instalments, .$225 An agent, who had quarreled with his manufacturing company, told me that the binder cost fiftv dollars. Twenty-five dollars went to adver tising, and when the agent sold one he was allowed twenty-five dollars. Of the rein.ninjng hundred and iwentv-iive, seventy-five Went in as profit to the company, and fiftv to the protectionists. This is on)y a beginning, "There is nothing a farmer purchases that does not pay toll to these protection ists. I take my two horses to the , . ii. i i r,... niacKsmun s io oe siiou, iui- e.cim- Was pie. The blacksmith charges me, improvements for all-round shoeing, one dollar and i factn twenty cents. Of this, forty cents j SOrt. Even a gii i or child can stand U rphiirert for nrdtection. To have I hv and regulate the machine. a new roof on a shed leaves two dol- " I said the protected labor was the i fording him an . . . - . under the law. lars in tlie hands ot 31 r. I arnegie j poorest paid. 1 must quality tnat. j am vvritiilg tfais as any other old ! and such,- to keep up payees in j There is very little difference be j iiml .rfd wTo suffers in himself a j 'uoyil SnnM.nwl !t.ul ;it hoiiic. Mr. Blame Uwn th:it and farm labor. At the' ! m;blic wromr, while 1 know t Here vwection is a Republican prin-! raf v c have been sinking in the 1 are thousands of abler pens engaged ; ., , , t . i.:..,.,i itJ, . , ... , ;., flvt i in exr; ciple, anu must ne m,, u,,m twenty -me ... . , worthy of publication, I was roUmg along over English pikes, j twenty-hve we shall see tauoi uu. , win Lvn,ct the sentences, so as to ! g0 louj tt,at I can hear it, l;n.l fmir blooded horses, and sit- i hotter than the old sertuom or iais-i til(.m readab e. ior .mv stur tin I beauties in the system. But, youj wherever he finds a demand. And in this market he copies in contact money with the lowest form of pauper la- surplus that has to find its market j bor known to the world. How is it abroad or rot on our hands. This j w hen In conies to buy? It is pro market abroad fixes the prit'es atteclion. Every article of clothing, home, so that no law of Congress every material that goes to give him can le&sen or add one cent. When a shelter, all that is necessary to car thev talk about taking laborers from rv on his work, is increased, as to f..,;., .m,! miHiii'T HiNii itt. other I ti-"oi rr fuiee or thrice its value. ilnl)L I l I I I I 1 1 1 1 (lllll rill.l.. . . . - - ll v. o i 1 . , Ilc then buys under protection ami sells under free trade. Small wonder the poor man stands airhast in the midst of his overtilled fields, and sees the very ground slip ping from beneath him; as, year by year, this fearful abuse goes on. To meet hjs loans he borrows money on mortgage, in the vain hope that the next season's crop may prove more nrnsnerous. nav him out, and save r -x . ' his poor home and few acres to fomiit That-, sojison never come 1 ,1 I story once of a man confined j ment could not be had Tlife (ii-ohlilst Ealer on Ilei-wrS. In the 'Dictiofuilre. 3es Sciences Medicles," Dr. Percy tells of a sol dier named Tararc. This man was born near Lyons, and came up' to Paris, where his first exploit was to eat a basket Gf ipples at a frjend's expense. On various iJccasions he swallowed a series of coiks and other indigestible materials, Avhich produ ced such violent colic that he was obliged to attend the Hotel Dieu, aud while being examined ajiposj managed to swaUow the wrttchfc'hain and seals of the surg:-on in attend ance, M. Giraud. Ou the occasion of one of these attacks of colic it was tried to frighten him out of gross habits by declaring that it would be necessary to- open his stomach, and j the doctor proceeded to arrange his instruments accordingly. Tarare, however, found an opportunity to run away, and releived himself by taking copius draughts of warm water Soon after he found that his appetite had really increased to an excessive amount,' probably owing to the ir ritation produced by these absurd tricks. At sev heal ing that their preacher had de parted undtr inost discreditable cir cumstance,'?. On the following Sun day it seemed to hush up the scan dal, and under great restraint, many uuinteresliug courersations were held, merely to prove that the mem bers of the church could rise above seusational gossip. Just before the services were closed Brother Elijah P. Brookrpd and said : '"Brethren and sisters, since wo last met in this house something which seems to cast a gloom over this congregation has occurred. Wo were all much attached to our minis I : fi i j i j t propose that we offer up a prayer for the wanderer-" A sensational wave swept over tho audience; Another brother arose and, turning to Elijah P. BroOkrod, said i j '-'I am astonished that you should dosire this congregation to pray for our erring minister you, above all oters." "Why!-" "Because he ran away with your wife.'' "Yes, I know," Elijah replied, "and that is the reason why I think that he will need our prayers.'. A 'nt"f Memory. P. J. Beals, has a at which weighed 14 pounds. When a little kitten he was carried from .the store, tft the house iu a basket. When ready to start all that was required was to open the lid pf the basket and kitty was always on hand. After a time this method of trans- enteen years of age, ! portation was abandoued, but the factnres ih the South as vvb'uia have j when only wigying one hundied other nay it occurred to Mr. ueais seemed impossible 'five years ao. pounds, he could eat twenty Jour j as he picked up the basket, to try From mines and furnaces, rolling Punds of beef in as many hours. , the cut and see if two years or more mills and foundries, car works and He '.'r he 1,aa fWtt the method of reCCgmzea Oy DUlgeou MUJUI ' tr.nn.iiorh.nn'n. Onein-no- iho lul Courie e, of the Ninth Regiment of . v h. ' , . . v.a of the basket he was soon convinced Hussars, was detained for tlie fcake . . ilu a '., T. ,ii r i that cats have a good memory, for, of curiosity, From the day of his' - admission he was ordered quadruple itliough a tight squeeze, Lion was i i.:.-. ,i .,...t...i rations, with pickings and waste meat " r"'" but often" sliptJed into the dispensary j down as ready to be carried as ui his and laid hands on anything eatjble. One day he was observed to geiie a large cat, and after sucking his bl ood left in a Toy short time only cleanly voting davs. -Belfast Journal. If. South is rapidly becoming a hive of j ked boues tieuair beins rejected industry, Heretofore thousands and ; in the course of half an hour like tens of thousands were idle for a tlmt cf other carrmora. He. was i" ii . . . . l : r 1 t , .,w1 oJc etva11r.u- i greater part oi me year, urani!i; i juuu ui s.uii;ma uu !;i ui 'a .....w J incr them whole. On another occa- ineie as uu tium w , . ' . , i. . u-f.iv Xow there I 610,1 he consumeu in a .ew j". Mr A. was a very timid man, but was accustomed to ask a blessing at meals in a mumbling sort of way when onley his own family were, present. He always omitted the ceremony, however, if any visitors at the table. One day, when a a repast spread for fifteen German ! friend was dining with the family, , . -i it. il i ,1 ! p 1 ill! ..f l.isf fliii nivjtn. incr Starveu TO cie-ain, are i lnettieueu i or a wimiov . , uu, at ia;i, im. by negroes; and we should have j rious walls of death closed in on Chinese did not the law forbid. So j him. '1 h.s is the farmer ; and the .. . "l.Tit oa T non find on -. i ft't nor.r-! noof f fl ow cannot unuersranu in est p protected labor I i ir 11 . . - tk! to solitary imprisonment in a round j work ior an i. u .n y - j work pple, i ;-!-., n eM-elP nf win- South, and the industrial aeveiop tower in which was a Ciicie oi w.n- . , hm viMim woke even i ment ,i0W 111 V2& 13 raPld,y , .i j. i ii i. i, 1 hasteninff the day when no man i swallowed at one morning to tne iaci tiKit u.a r.iu ; , . , , , i in-f-r he i! e because oi me lac w miuumujxiu.w - o .... i;i.,. t.M- n.ifn work, The comomat.on ot great;- ' ,1 , , , . , -11(r throat that vou so fnctiines do before "rew smaller by the disappearance i of milk, etc.. after the little fonr-vear-old daughter, which he was blown out like a balloon ' af ter bowing her head a few moments n the presence of some officers he ! i he:irii!L' " hothins. innocently sitting Jhntyr . ,f t His iu- ' . r ' ' ' . . kis j make that tunny little nois in your agricultural properityr-great at least as compared with any other year since the war and vast manu red to cany a correspondence be tween General Beaubairis and a French colonel, which was inserted we btzan to eat!'". was built above him bv the patriot ic fathers for the sole purpose of afr nd his 'eiuial rights The Society Efiilor'M woe Ph ase send us the names of your frieuds visiting you, as it is trouble for us to have to aak every member of your family-, 'Who's that visit tng you and your folks?" aud the answer h. "Gieat Gbddermity, don't preaa u.ier iu-.- luhvu appect. Alter death his itomf-cn voa jcnow anything, and you in the crop during the corning mo'.tb, wo was found iu a very diseased condi-, )u.;gpaper babines, too ?" Wo don't niav look for a season of suc-h b'.iii- j lion. London Standard. , ijIi0W your cousin MoJle from your .tv5tv thti Stth has tiever n- ' o ...... r tho '. ucce Millie. before. . I .4-., am railvooi l iits ! in o 01 ( tivn fllVK : lilt iie Was ,id labor in the Lniteu Mates iSjawlu! system tnat stow j nn -e,, - . f. 1; ,r;!,r ar ) ca0J?ht aud soundly thrashed. On i 'ork never contracts about h.m with its worse j ; ? raT(i(Hv inilkl ! one occasicn be fell under suspicion skilled labor, and, owing to the Than death; tor it 13 perpetual ser-, i . ; ., . ' . . ! of having eaten a child fourteen; i in machinery, manu vitude to his children's chiiuren, ; - ; t months olo. It is alarmed that he: iMorrh-is reased to be of that ! wronThr out by a government tliati3-" ' . . ". was Ot mil a ana srent.e mauuei : ' ! .i i.: i... ii..-. 1 W. W. Scott. Jr, editor of the . I Lenoir Topic, has recovered from j ! his late attack cf sicknesi. i lie l Know merei . 1 , ,. r. , bier pens engaged j ? The Maxton Union .rime. If found said, ''because when I h my h Coast Iload for ; ion, I hope yon against your breast your heart beats ; aiftPOntinue tLe , um)j Tlie Robesoniaa says the Lumber ton Presbyterian Church is again The Maxion Union commends the ! vacant. Its preacher, Rev. Walter it resolve, to j Johnston ha? gone to Cana-ia. tin by Mr. Carnegie. . Probablvjf i sja. .-We are coming to the eighteen j fingers and dull head are not accus- j I were fixed that way, I would see dol lars a year, and the sheepskin tomed to this soit of work. .J" ea Lsf me sysL. But, you coat. And as the right houorablej coxcluded Cxh p.ok.J eart, a iiai, j (,.al;ig I gasped the poor fellow, as the truth j ned upon him. "that is not my; inuii-g of Sunday Chattanooga's new Directory that's my Waterbury watch." i shows a population o? 46,000. F. X Stiudwick, Esq, is on his feet again and is arranging to take part ia the canvass. He i3 one of the most eloquent speaker's of the State.

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