THE STAIIDfiRD. The NDARD. rrW-lSIILD EVERY FRIDAY BY Standard Pi-bushing Co. Kates of Advertising! One square, one insertion, $ 00 One square, one month, 1 05 One square, two months, 2 00 One square, three months, 2 50 One square, six months, 5 00 One square, one year; 9 00 TK1IMS : ONE YEAR CASH IN ADVANCE, $1.25. .75 VOLUME I. CONCORD, N. C, OCTOBER 5, 188S. NUMBER 39. SIX MONTH S. AGRICULTURAL & HSQHM'iGAL low Mkic: A Breezy Beir Ntory. Jist feci right at home. All we've :0: One afternoon in September, I was ; belongs to vou." toiling over iv roekv trail in the DOUBTED THE CENSUS FIGURES. In the evening three or four moiin- CONCORD, N. C OCTOBER 9, 10, il and 12; 1888. THE ITikXiIy TRiLDE Will soon open, and )t. A. BROWN, as usual, is fully pre pared to sell every thim? in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, AND General Merchandise ATf- EOCK BOTTOM PBICES :0:- Smoky mountains, which rangf of ii. - In j ,i, I ine .nine -Uiu-'o seiJiuaua. u oM,l . T- r i i taineers dropped in, one of whom about -thirteen vears of age, bare- . , , , . , r, j was acconipameu uy ins wiie. j ne j woman used their snuff eticks as the and a3 a headed and barefooted, and having si sin-de farmonh made of cheat) stuff. ii i l m , i , i men lighted their pipes, sii.IjIoii 1 v 1111)111., I into rht vo:lil :1 : o I i few feet from me. fell down and j barter the host turned to me with rolled oer and lost her hold on a bundle of roots and barks, and was up and off like a shot. She passed me without seeming to see me, and next minute a bear came rolling out of the hushes upon the spot she had covered. I had a big re vol ver h .1 tidy, and Rruin was dead before he could suspect how my hair stood on end and my legs wobbled, lie wasn't fifteen feet away, and he looked as big as a yearling calf, and even if 1 1 did tihoot him with my eyes shut he 1 I would have been ashamed of me if I "Stranger, whar is that Michi- i i '' . .1 k".i i ,.:n ir.. ;n i. i i had failed to kill him with six bul- j j sold, and takes for his motto LOtV PRICES. His line of Dry ! Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes are no Shoddy Articles or sec iond hand purchases, hut the Price will raise a regular I RACKET in the Market. EBIES: of the very lest quality irrades of every customer. The very 1 est A larjje and varied exhibit of Stock. Poultry, Farm and FLOUR A SPECIALTY, and always in Stock. He sure to call on him it you want Bargains. Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange '. for goods, at ('ash Prices. Do not sell before you see hini. : And now thanking you for the very liberal patronage so freely bestowed heretofore, and asking a continuance of the same. 1 I am Verv Rest tectf nil v. FUN ITU RE' North of Ohio. "Many people up thar?" Plenty. "Twenty thousand ?" "Detroit alone has ten times that many." He winked at each man in turn, ! itwl lmti ril tViti vlcitlnrr funi'iln ov-! claim to herself : "Oh, Lord! please forgive him for lyinv' "been on a steamboat?"' Yes. "More'n one ?" ! Fifty, I presume, j He winktd again, and the visiting female sighed: "Oh, my soul! I what a dreadful liar!"' -: "3Iebbe yiu hev seen the ocean?" ! remarked one of the men after a 1 Mgnal to all the rest that he would ; draw me out. j I have. "Keg'lar ocean ?"' i Yes. There was three whistles of aston ishment, and the female Sale of Valuable Land! liv virtuio of a decree of the Su- Dairv Products, Fruits, Flowers, Ladies' Fancy Work, 31a-; !isnw vrllpTiiViirorK o! A well-constructed track for the trials ot i speed. One or more trotting matches each day. lluniiinjjr races by well-i rained hordes. ?Mule races on Friday afternoon. li win, Adu.'r of Ini A. li ik. d eeavil. vs. J, 1. Baker otlit is. I, a- Celt nrisi-ioiifi , wili st-11 at public jiuc-liou, in front of the ruurt Lcuso I doir in Co:icjm', on the M Mifej ii Mm, ISS ii ire nV'i'ik r- in-. :i tr-u-t f s tinted i N -y !'.wulii. slid -i. nii v. ceu'iiuiinjr fifty ;, r. im-ie i . ft d j i'sii i lie hind- f ' A Kiirnl.anlt, A', i- Ci i ii':in 't' i-i, it U'iii" a .-r ef vv m t!u li me place "tif s:iid .luhi. A ii.ik-!. I iil al-o m-1i il t iev.iii i in thu iiA( r i.t Sural i A. l!aki-i. s-m d h-w r fi s'-f-ii L'4 so i os and Ui.:tr a pait nf iiiUiel!lt I'l.U'". 'linns itf Mile ''nr-i'inl e-i-li iK.lnrCf ell s:X inolilli.- t'nre wn'iS jioi 'ent iuieiot. er aumrr ln.'.n d -") "f .-ale. M'eured lV ijeml li nn! it'e l ! served lunil pinch. it: iumie is i lid in j .ull E (i IKVIX, M'rer I5y W. (J. Mcms, A:ty CHEAP FOU CASH AT M. E. CASTOR'S lets. He was kicking his last when the girl came back regarded him a moment with bulging eyes, and then said : "Lordv ! but I thought I was a goner! Who be yu'un ?'' 'Oh, I happened along here. j Why didn't you scream ?' I 'Couldn't. Hadn't wind 'nuff.' 'How far did he chase you :' i "A right smart."' 'Who are you ':' ! "Si s .n. Come up to niv house."' i i She picked up the lost bundle and I f-ivfoil mi ilx'uil ;iiiil ;i ii n:irtvr of ;l i ., , , ; clapped hands and appealed i mile awav we came to a cove and the i , . l . . inevitable mountaineer-s cabin. The ! cove was the same, surroundings the ; same a- a score of others. Aye! : The gaunt, miserably dressed woman i "ttood in the door, two chihlren roll jedonthe irrouud and a bis: dog j slouched out of the cabin and growl-1 the strictest silence. He cleared his jed fiercely at the approach of a throat, uncrossed his legs and ob I stranger. Susan led me straight to served: the door, and as we halted at the i 'And I reckon you may hev saw ; threshuld she exclaimed: the President ?' ' HE KILLKI) THE Ij'aII. ; "I'ar was chasin' me. He'tin kill- j ed it with his popper." ! As soon as the matter was under ! stood the three of us went back and i with hi'r-' j made a litter, and after a hard tug! 'Oh, Lordy ! Oh, my soul! hut ! we irot the bear to the cabin. We ! how has he Sot tile ,,!'rve to lie 80 whispered the woman while the "Uii, J-ioruj uon t lay it up agin him this time, fur he killed the bar." ! HE'D SKKX THE PUK.SIPKXT. It was now the turn for the old man who had thus far preserved Yes, sir. 'What, you hev ?' exclaimed all in chorus, 'Certainlv, and shaken hands STORE hi lik to, ! had just arrived when the husband ' c line home, having been oft' on a ; hunt, and the girl braced up, got a rest for her back against the house and told the story as follows : "(!ot Hiy roots tied up. li'arcome for me. Took a run. Met he'un, Ile'un never run 'tall. Heard him shoot pop! pop! Went back, li'ar dead. Told he'un to come and see we'nn. (live him yer paw, pop." "Stranger," said the nnv.i as he came to me with outstretched hand, "put it thar! Keckon you saved the gal s lite, lor shuali. 31am, give i HO I iDECOKFTN'S.AI.L KINDS ! - P'1"' A SI iv IALI Y. D ii ill 0 1 i npinn in UU d It n i Weokly Mews-Obsever. The Weekly News and Observer is a long ways the, liest paper ever pub lished in North Chj ina. It is a credit to 1 lu; people ami to t he State The people should lake a pride in if. It bhoa.d be in every family. It is aa fifjht page paper, chock fiiil of I do n'i sell fcr co-sr, but for small ln tir. ( une and cx-imiiiri my line oi r-Kb. Old furniture lepaired. 12 M. E. CASTOR. Sale of Land. slu "1'se thankful, shore I am, said as we shook hands. I wanted to go five miles further up the trail to Uncle Joe Polling's place, but there was a general protest on the instant, and the mountaineer exclaimed : "Stranger, do yu'un think we'uns are heathen ? We's poor, and for- 1 1 1.1.-, By authority vested in me as i iU'" ilu u.a e., Sui Coiiiinissionpr, by a decree io sell ! feelings. o..'sgot to stop light laud fcr partition, tiled in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cabarrus county, on the lGth day of August, 1888, in n Special Plo ceeding. wherein Paul Barnhardt and others are Plain tifts and Paul nte& apeiietl eacEi day sat S o'clock a. E3s.9 assd closed' at S o'clock p. i. IPrcisiiiim lint turiillBeal osi applicatftcB. TEie raiEroael will give the lasnal low irate. Come eacii day and hriag your families. A eiiBsliie Agricultural Fair. W$e Much to &ee assd mucli to please Everybody cosue. me ur si soi i oi leaning matter. Jiirnhardt, Guar Han, J. W. Ui v, news, market reports and all that .Guardian, and others are Hefend ou cannot aflord to be without it uut x will sel j)V )llb;ic lluclion l uce l,2o a year. e will li.rmsh llt , he Couvt House door in Concord, the Weekly News i ami Observer X. C., on Monday, Ihe 1st dav of until Jamiaiy 1 st. 18s(, for 31. send o,.ti,. ,. f i....,i i,.;.,.,. 1 V V 1 VHV M I IX lV V V' 11V1IM. I1IIV IJ I or saiupie copy. Adures, News axd Oa-EKVEu ('o, ltaleigh, N. C GREAT 1 In order to close out my stock of Hat?. Uonnets, Ribbons. Flowers. &c, I will offer great inducements to purchasers until tbe eame is dis posed of. Call and see me. I mean just what I say. Mrs. J. M. CRSS. a frooi f sssse ill arousace j&&ifSfei?Msay foe expected. hy a well-i'fi'ainefl band eacJ lay Miaic The undersigned having taken out ' letters nf Hdniinisiratioii ii the es ; tate of Aaron ltitchie, dee'd, all per- i sons who are indebted to said estate ! are hereby notified to come foi war I : and settle, and all persons holding' claims against tbe said estate will press it them for payment within twelve months of this notice, or the same will be pleaded in bar of their ; recovery. S. M. Ritchie and Luther Ritchie, Admr's of Aaron Ritchie, dee'd Aug. 2t. 18&8. a the home pmce of Daniel Baru- I harcit, deceased, in No. 9 townshi), ! Cabarrus county, containing 2ii0 j acres; the description and bounda- lies whereof are fully set orth in a deed, for said tract of land, from Daniel Barnhardt to Eveline Barn hardt, recorded ir. Book No. 28 page 399, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ca an us county. Tenns of Sale: One fourth of the purchase money in cash, balance payable twelve months after date of sale, secured by note, at tight per cent interest, with good sureties and title reserved till purchase money is paid in full. Title to this land is perfect. GEORGE L. PATiEHSON. Cmtuissiouer August 16th., 18S8. here till tomorrow." "'Deed he lias !" added his wife. "Nobody as saves our Sue from a b'ar, is gwine to walk off like that." "I thought I was done gone when I heard him go pop! pop!" said Susan, "and the b'ar fell down in a heap." Then th&re came. a period of si lence, with every one looking full at me. 1 knew what was coming. Itj had come a dozen times in a fort night. The man was uneasy, while the wife looked puzzled. By and by the husband hesitatingly began : 'Who are you, anyhow ?' "Stranger, we'uns is thankful to vou uns, out but others uttered a sort of a groan over my wickedness. There was a dee) silence for sev eral minutes, and then the visiting female leaned forward and said to her husband across the room : 'Joseph, ax him about baMoons and telephones.' 'I have seen a balloon,' 1 replied. 'Lands! but listen to him !' 'And I have talkul through a telephone.' 'How many tin.ei'r' 'Five hundred.' The women dropped their snuff sticks and each man started up. They looked from one to the other and then ac me, and by and by the visiting female slipped off her chair with the words : 'Poor and needy fellow-sinners let us pray for him !' And I am writing you the solemn truth when I tell you that the prayer went clear around the room, and it was all for my benefit. Next day when I was ready to go the mountaineer gave me a hearty shake of the hand, called the chil dren up to bid me good-by, and as I started off he whispered : "If ye stop with any of the boys to-night, cut it off short whar ye saw the ocean. The hull of it is too much for one dose.' Detroit Five f Press. Shut I'p iu nn EngltMi Kitllrond Car TYit'.i n Mniliunit. Pittsburg Dispatch. On my way from Wales to London I met with one of the most exciting scenes I ever witnessed. We Mere in a railway train going at a terrific velocity. There are two or three locomotives in England celebrated ; for speed. One they call the Flying Dutchmen. Another they name the Yoikshire Devil. We were flying behind one of these locomotives sixty miles an hour. There were fivo of us four gentlemen and a lady in an English car, Avhich is a different thing, as most people know, from, the American car, the English car holding comfortably only about eight persons, four of them occupying one seat facing the four on the other. We halted at the depot. - - - A gentleman came to, the door, " and stood a moment as if not know ing whether to come in or stay out. The conductor compelling him to decide immediately, he got in. He was finely gloved and every way well dressed. Seated, he took out his kuif3 and began the attempt of splitting a sheet of paper edgewise, and at this sat intently engaged for perhaps an hour. The suspicion of all in the car was aroused ia regard to him, when suddenly he arose and looked around at his fellow passen gers, and the fact was revealed by ! his eve and manner that he was a visitor j maniac. The hidv in the car (she was unaccompanied) became frenzied with fright and rushed to the door as if about to jump out. Planting my feet against the door, I made that death leap impossible. . . A look of horror was on all the faces, and the question with each was: "What will the madman do next?" A madman unarmed is alarming, but a madman with an open knife is terrific. In the demo niac strenghth that comes to such a one he might make sad havoc in that Hying railway train, or he might spring out of the door, as once or twice he attempted. It was a ques tion between retaining the foaming fury in our company or letting him dash his life out on the rocks. Also it might be a question between his life and the life of oueor more in the train. Our own safety said, "Let him go." Our humanity, said, "Keep him back from instant death, and humanity triumphed. The bell- j rope reaching to the locomotive in England railway trains is outside of the car' and near the roof and diffi cult to reach. I gave it two or three stout pulls, but but there was no slackening of speed. Another passenger repeated the attempt without getting any recog naiion. We might as well have tried to stop a whirlwind hy pulling a boy's ki test ring. When an En glish engineer starts his train he stops for nothing short of a collision, and the bell rope on the outside edges of the car is only to make pas sengers feel comfortable at the idea, that they can stop the train if thoy want to, and as it is not once in u thousand times any one is willing to risk his arm and reach out of the window long enough to work the rope, the delusion is seldom broken. To rid ourselves of our dangerous associate seemed impossible. Then there came a struggle as to which thould have supremicy of that car, right reason or dementia.' The de moniac moved around the car as if it belonged to him and all the reet of us were intruders. Then he dropped in convulsions across the lap of one of the passengers. , At the moment, when we thought the horror had climactirated, the tragedy was intensified. We plun ged into midnight darkness of one CHAMPION 10. ) ( Fifteen Sew Cimcm. Fernandiaii is iu a bad shape. Fif teen new cases are reported ' this niorninsr. but it is verv hard to iret any details from the place. Fenian-1 jf thost' lonS tunnels for which Eng dian has at least been declared in- land railway tiavel is celebrated, fected with yellow fever and by j Minutes seemed hours. Can ' you the time this is read, the island city , imagine a worse position than to be "It don't make no difference, I ! will be almost depopulated, unless ;, iu a raihvav carriage, eight say !" exclaimed Susan. ! lu? c lu7" V tt u' feet bv six, in a tunnel of complete J , , ,. , ,i i safety by the cruel and unnecessary , - ' . 1 " es her do, replied the father, j q;;iarantine at certain locril po.;nt. j darkness, with a maniac i May the as he pulled a long piece of hark ; i9 more than proba'de that the j occurence never be repeated. We from the log. i refugees will find no accessible place ; knew not what moment he might "Stranger, we'uns want to know ' that great and unnecessrj suffering i dash upon r.s or what way. We if if ;' williesult- During t ho past tniity Waitel for the light, and "waited He cotildu' get it out. lV fcvc:, Tr mS -t, LaV! b'L'1? ' whi!e the hair lifted upon the scalp t "ou want to know what 1 am - , . .. , .. , ;, . and the blood run cold. hen, at ! several victims, if the reports that, . ' . , doing here' I suggested. ; rt,!U,h us havft ftliy foundation, but j the light looked in at the win- "That's it." the charter of the disease seemed to: dows, we found the afflicted man "Well, Em traveling for health j have rather been mistaken by the I lying helplessly across one of the Single admission, 50 cents; Children under 15 years of age, 25; cents; under o years, lrec. reason uckcis, un 2:th of September, $1.00. h. c. McAllister, President. II. T. J. LUDWIG, Secretary. H. A. HLACKWELDEK, Treasurer. A. H. PR0PST, I I 1 1 i I H I mm ana mmm I still keep on hand a stock of j i Champion Mower Repairs. My I old customers will find meat the old ! stand, Allison's corner. nl-tf C. R. WHITE. ! Plans and specifications of build ings made in any style. All con tracts for buildings faithfully cur ried out. Office in Caton'B building, up stairs. 13 For Sale Cheap , A S13 O.M) 1IAN 11 OMNIBUS iih' a capacity for twe ve pnfsengers, in ji nod running or$Icr. Call at this office. and to see how yon people live.' "Whar from :"' ".Michigan." "lht'ii yu'un is a Yank." "Yes." " "And you fit into the war."' "Yes." "And you walloped us!'' "Yes." "And you ain't no spy?" "Never." ! local physicians and the board of j jKissenCi's. When the train halted llleahh, or a proper announcement :u ,jt tak(J , ong) aftcr hanil. , of the facts del berat'y suppressed j f th r mifortHnate for with a view todecf ivmi: th public. ! . , A .. . . . i This forenoons report is about the j dital treatment, to disembark aud t same as yesterday's. There are only j uiovc into another car. . two deaths reported: Carl Johnson, .. i and a cleik in II. T, Boyd'd storej A youngster sat watching his : caiiea rrence joc. !.,.,.. k. i,;u ,.;tt,.,i .-.lw.--; 1 IllUklJVl iiV w. HlViliV. She inadvertently passed one withoift removing the stone. Hope ful immediatoly picked it up with the remark, Here's one you didnt unbutton, mama. Exchange. When the Republicans were i in power they gave us high ; hives free schools. "Stranger, I believe you ! Put it j yj they gave us once, we thur ! Nobody who fit into the war may expeet from them again if would be mean 'miff to pome spyin'. J they get back in power.