7 Tht STiHCiRD. 1, koemii:u 7, liSSS. J I AllLUI ...11. ',; ; . II vira.-. j l'roprietors. Town Directoty. ! PASTORS. Ho v. J. D. Newton. k; Uov. U.K. Euhanks. ,m . ibv. W. O. Campbell. : j ...Hew II. F. liinnpHss. , , ui....Kov. C. M. Payee , 1 lb v. 1'. M. Trexlcr. , : ASH COVNTKY KOl'TSS. ', :' r tho Southbound traius ! i i. n. and cn'W p. in. :'..r the Northbound tvaius r . r a. in. aud 8.00 p. in. , v Order and lteristei el Let .n iuuiit open from S) u. m. to J' i' : j. , : iv M .-..1 TVi I v vv nnon fY.-i?.i 7 Ml i' 'I'M.' a . v.j, . li . in. .viso nan nour at i v unity pen oral delivery from V' :i. in., and V) minutes after - t ho noon mail. 1. i,!,vvos on Sunday from 7.30 A l V N firm Mt. riMMPt every day '.. - ' ..TYi" f n. amMl,Sar Ulf0 11,3 ,n0Uth M lit T.!' t'.n- Snrincsvillp. Tulin, Cod i n. tk and Mill Hill, leave, on KV d.i.vs, Thursdays and JSatur Af .iN for Flow's Store, Fuir'si ,. ... Smiths torii und s I leave on Wednesdays and M,i iv at vS ;. m. :,I for Piimtrs leave Fridaj s. - " tkain schepvle. .i . ... 1 ::v:utin'.oi'iiiat,. i.io a. m . in m the N-mtli at., o 43 a. m. fr.iu the South at.. m. ;:!. h ave town 'M minutes be-: r i tin time. open from 9 to 3. I.Ot AI. AI I AIHS. N w moon. ii. otton comes iuat a lively ; ,i ,. ...ti' ,n.. ,i ,.. weaMu-r bvajutfullv clear t ,,.:,., .,;,., ! l-ivuv , :,lthe..r;t .lung ci kiuu ; lure. - I i." best hiidrens "hots in the r:.-t are at Cannons & 1-VtzerV. io to CorPs for Texas Horses a ill atonish you on the prices.; now fell for twenty minutes lav ni-rht For the Pearl and Diamond ; o to Cannons & Fet.er. i ft i III Thomas. Monday night, in jin it's Hall. For '.he b.nelit of! W. ( T. P. i l'ho regular cx:;i.iin:it:in f ' .... . 'I I Mr. Jas. McFiahern tays the t.-.in taxes must be aid. lie can always be found at Correli Pro's. A nunibei' of subscribers and ru'iy a good word for The Staxd- ::; this week. W e appreciate both. .1 M ii ... - .....i -- i have some lexas Horses and , :. v must go. inside of the next - r'-y days. M- J. Corl. Tho hall was crowded and Mr. ! . ii is was voted a success " Xash- banner. -D.n't bay a hat before ' se- ll.Mver, Lore & ( o's elegant line :;..; and caps for m.'ii and boys. .; . s-ire and go to Cabin's Hall V,,::hiv night. Cill Thoma', the "i i-'.ca! Prodigy, is to be there. It is rumored that another .-...iiv U to be started in Charlotte .a. This will make three for i;;trl.ito!. Pud. -rwear, underwear.. bar gia.H wool underwear 6t -an-1 l!,Ktz'-r Fo..t hall is the crr.zc now m .-'me eetioni and at somo schools, j n;i nl should be trained as well i '."'.'" ! th-.' oil Dress roods and new style i :ni:niiio-s to suit all the varied of the female mind can he ' '.Hid at Hoover, Lore & Co s. ! Last Thursday morning si ..oinan and her daughter were re leased from prison. Suppose they :;avt- thanks. Clothing sales fotilmue to in-c-e ise at Hoover, Lore & (Vs., be-raus.- prices and ualiry are satis factory to purchtuii's. We regret to.learu th:it Mr. Jno. A. P.lackwelder, member of the Si tii..;- class of North Carolina Col siC boots. ? l boot for 1.V; S:k?- boot for 2.00; S .." booffor tl.T.'s at Cannons oi t 1.' f Il.ivU. r,f Vii. 1. ! i ' i c.un : in and paid f...r a subscription to Thi Standard, remarking: "I he d iid is one of the best PP"15 ! :.. r " i i ever puuiisuvju in eu.ienu, , ,r r. At.... ir 1,41,1. ih I nii.forUnoof losing his gin Wed, i nesdav night bv lire. It began i buhig late in' the night. Ib h j ,nIVo:sed that several bale, were re- ,J...i ... no tracer of the' bales 1 eould be found in the debris. It is ' vidcntly the work of i uceadiarj. ' 1 " ;.- :-s will tieg.n !!et i uurso iv ; iiheral re.va.d tor the return or uie. .dvoutiauc through tl.rvcd.ns. "dog. M. L. Pn)vK & lb:;.. i ge,, sat his home in Xo. 4 quite U:im Vads- j YemgP attendance, u Into, l!ke,U Mrfjolm VV. Faggart "and f nS m k lmv den U l,,m,a,0. IK W.ull level. I . . ..t fl ! .t... i.r.rn viOtlH"1 i j. li j., ,1 ....... 1 7' I : M Kimil'l I i. .11.11:110. hot 11 or;"01'"-" "- T.i.n..nrn I A ou.sme-s leite auire..a - 1 1. 1 1 -4 1 brother, .Mr. ono. "uuw.w.., Average lcngT.u oi srcuooi, i killed one rabbit audi A largo hat dealer of Dan- Col. 1 . 1L. Kobmsou. of Snnmrsville, i i.1cl c.,,,,-(1.iv and Sunday. . ir. ; - i ' .. i ,.:ii oir;n.l Li'ihili. ! , -, ,r ., , j - - I " , . , , , i i ivi;aths. i caught a verv lartre catdisii. Harris i v ' 'S'',' i jVfl wa mailed in liay ls7 and reach-, !.,iv...l- b-fk Tm.-dav Avera-e length of school, coloied. , , - - ! ties S 10. 000, assets ).0(0, ... , ,t , .... J-c lu ' " - : IMeii, ar. me re.-niefiee oi -n. . ; nas neon living ni.uu mis jev. . , -. v.. ed him a Jew davs a It has been , ... ... 1:. e.. ...... f;.,l,1 ,,f : i ?A uvfks. I ... . ' .. . i.:.. v.. r. v ,. I J (alhlllior Dros., Au-i ,,nai.,i,iorn,;. for 1 "1 VZ. 7 , 1 V of Public School prop- I V A ! , ' V.fi have another happy man i" Uust, U.,., failed for 1T,O0O. i nr. jiaoui. i,k . cnrr.OiAf ..i if n..,i ,f Vov-'eur pace. J his fine it is liov. j Oreeiivil e SC. IS to -Creat reduction iu fine calfskin Tub StaNMUUI, will visit h,n, ivg- -ty win,. j; "l Wv,.e Darin, his absence Iasth,nv. f i Ahv. Mr. Marion NeisW f v.. died Sunday night He had been an invalid for several years- Thoy say that the Stanly farmer comes in, soils his cotton, chickens, &c, trades but little and goes home. Secret: They are coming back next spnng and make their purchases for summer with cash. . Yorke & AVadsworth are offer ing some nice road carts for $0 ami serious ilhiess was noted in our last. :s rapidly convalescing. He will probably be able to look after his work in a few days. Just received a handsome line of collar ami cuff buttons, cheaper . ( f .iiuuiia r eizer s. Mighty unhealthy thanks came from a certain boy on Thanksgiving dav. II e Was sniokincr. An. I cr.i, poople I i. 1.1. . .... 1 ... yi me wrong enu or tne tor "Hats rememier Cannoni i betzer leads the st vks in quality I antl l,riws' Mr. 1). M. llarkev, of Mt. ( Pleasant, who has been out Wtt j , , ... ; about 12 y ars, called on m a few ! lls ago. lie was wearing a Coat jand a good oie.-.too, which he bought j 11 Baltimore in lSf.7. lie also 1 . . .. .. ... . carries in Ins side a ball rccei ved in 1 ,tn , ..,.. ..- - , .SoihIi. 'nr.isTMAs flooDiizs: Pe nre t.. consult us before buying, we w ill : not be undersold. , J0h, OUST OL 1 INK. i Jay Sims, son of our Mr. John j . im--, is a smart lov. He is oulv v, veai lut at hU Yollthfu' he has shown decided abilitv. ; i i , ,. .,;,.; ..,.,i)f,. b-, u . ' lu-Mdes ivpamng watclio, he has , i made j "sounder" almost perfect with which he is studvim "nu " 11,1 " ia fflull.'"lo i ,,,,,.1,,,,;,,.,! A-ill 1 T . v - . is certainly remarkable. The Firemen's . festival, begun ; on 1 hanksaivina nii:ht, was con- tinned through Friday and Friday . ' . I.. T. . ...... .-,....: ..' 1 ..o jlillll. 11 5 UI 1 tliaVHUII, 111 .,,.. lil, ,i the P'eds;. I i 'IV I IV. Ill VVI : amounted to f'140. ' They presented Mrs. Mattie 'ibson, who superni- i teiu.cd the tesiival, a nice China set, appreciation ot iiit.-hij:. Tost. Strayed oi: Stolen- About three weeks ngo a black ami ! -. . . i . i ' . i 1 ' wnne snoireu roaen i .? usa noearevi ""lie spi'iieu l"lL" . c i i s,. j j'. i c. rrom our Maoies. e .u j;ne . ... . . A . J. 1 are certainly cheap. ' rnhanlt is the superintend- are, as u general thing, rendered of a large cotton mill in Durham, better by good buildings for man, are glad to learn that Mr. though quite a young man. Hav- beast anVinachincrv. 'The 11 & 1). 'John 11 Patterson, whose sudden ig reached the roal of his ambition. Railroad r.mnimr n,..!. tu.. wrv' ? pin itii i,.f mm. ... t. I . : i'.arnnger. A M Biackwelder, u .1 A man cyme very near passin?.,, .. T . ,. ., , ,. , , " I roil. Luther S beaver. J Pove, ( a copper cent on Mr. Motley last i T ... ' .... , , 11 . , , , , , , ! Ii Jwissnian, U M idenhouse, Tuesday niirlit. for a tive dollar gold . , , c ' , . ..... ... , ; piece. I lie wo.us -one ceni nan Won removed and a figure the made. , i -..:.i 4 !... i... f....i .1 l tie mail saiu ui.u iu nan ..v.. cJoivil man . . two dollars -for it. I op per is proaou- Men mav come and men may go, but the town goes on forever. Mr. Caleb Pitts has moved back to his plantation iu Poplar Tent, and, Mr. Will Johusto i of Poplar Tent : has moved to town; also Mr. Ceo. Fisher, "from the same neighborhood, iias located near town, and is in the, dairy business. ; The town commissioners have signed the contract with the SlchevU L j Star v. Stanly circuit. "V r ' -m .;il ,o,,one,H.e work ; ' . , 'id H.o,e of.any section. i he wi:h in davs irom ov. 't .. i net ..;"' tt niiive their liancis irom v nai-. . tanooga, lean. Ibe gas compa.i i,h..1.rf. t lionise ves not to char''t in - . j thun r,r thousand feet-less than iu many j . 1(i.lf.r., ! ..... ; Perwinai inh uns. ' . . r e;i..,,-,u, -,,! .IIP . 1 UlhVl. o i.'..-....v, town Wednesday. : m.. m r. i,...f... ,.,.! i-iw.a from .VI I . .'I . 1 V.4I I J V . ... ; , v ; . , UVdnesdav Mr. Caleb cwink is at home from fJreenville. Capt. ,. Thies, Supt. of Phoenix Mine, was in town on Wednesday, j Fsq. Wilhford and wife, with lit- tie Hiuton. spent 1 hanksgiviug with friends in Chester.S. C. Miss I'elle Post, of Post's Mills, .pent Saturday and Sunday here j visitm her sister, 31 rs. .r.ia m. i.aanon r PrnrSerH t C ome - I '1 ho X. C. Confereuc- has sent to .1. . ,...,t,.v.t(. r.f ihe Metli 'idist 1 " - t thurch in this place Kev. .k. II; P;'g1, .,,iU i?.jV. M. V. ShcirdI to tho Con- cord circuit. We do hot know Mi ..... i...i at .. i ...rr is not a- i age, out drnier to the people ot this coiinry. having served most acceptab y tho MthuJi-t church in At . Heasant for-several years. He is the father of Mr. J...IJ. Sliemll,of the Times. lie. Pun.pass ge3 U Main, street ciinrch, Durfcam, and Pe.v. Ori.som to Moxa ille.. worm, ii v. -ii.ii unu , o! vuivivv., i'i jiim j. ........ --. - j i 7 ---- -1. . i i- ' i-.'i oi.ii -i . i 4.. i . . .' . , ...u ! , ... .1 !, i..,r,-,. and killed a wild turkey weighing notI ..i ...... aiti mini j. j The ladies will give a dime concert at Mr. M. O. Beattie's to night. Mr. Dan Summey, of har lotte, will assist them. Begins at 8 o'clock,. A Cabnrrus Boy. Mr. Eugene C. liarnhardt, son of Col. J. C. Barnhardt, of Pioneer Mills, came in Wednesday to see ns. e are sorry we faile d to meet our -It i oiu schoolmate and warm friend a worthy and prominent one, Mr. B. can look back with just pride at the work he has accomplished in so shcrt a time. Ho is on a vacation now, and before returning will visit a number of points in the South. Ir. I.obhit Arouitlrtl. From a telegram received' from New Bern this morning we learn that Hew Dr. J. B. Bobbitt, who was arraigned before the Conference up- on a charge of deception and crook - Hes.s in a business transaction, has l'ton acojimteii. I he trouble arose t from the sale of the Methodist Ad- jvance to Mr. Potter, of lVau fort, ! wll charged that Dr. Bobbitt made : "representations conceriiiiii; the r, f (i m- biismes affairs, of the paper. lo- lnuco ?!aur- l''ht has a host of friends in tms section that- will rejoice to ! ffi.r t . . VL iUs compie.e vina cation. - ... Tlinnkvivlns Svrvlrc. union service w;v held Thanksgiving day at the (Jennan lfo- ! formed church, conducted !v the! .. .,.,,,, u , ! ie. .n. ' a nniKli. His text was . -Ir U a good t liing to give thank unto the Lord" It was a irooi. Strmon 11 ! u in tin- dilTi'i'i-nt 1. 1 ti ! j of I 1 " ' . "-rMiitiiil.. ;i l n t .,., t , , ., , .. . ',' ha v stvh1. I lie pulpit was mcelv i . , i iruits, iiowers and i, , i , I grain . wen caieuiaiiu loinstMie' 1.. ,.u.u ;.. -n... . .1 ... .u, lection was fur the Oxford Orphan Asylum and amounted to the snug sum of Mi. I'rorrrilinu ' miiiislo.ier. The commissioners for the next follows: P. W Allison, chaitman. J. I. Stafford n v ittw.L .1,5..,. t,, ici,,it, . "--'iio mjsu: s., . llle S"lil b" sonow w"' - are : . i' lnvn ni;.l f.. as to oust ade ri.... v A Misenh.-in-.er. Josenhcs Honevei.tt. x K Smith, Victor L Spears. Jas 1 ii ,r . . i j.i- ' ' Kedcmus Cox. W 11 Fisher. Watt li I . . S . I I J . t I t'. .'"iinsion Orders on the treasurer, aggre gating T5m.:V were g'r en for ex- . , , , . ;if l..n.? 111! lilllll "I tl..il"ll, 1(111 1.', 1 ' ..... court cost, poor house, bridges, ic vi ui 11 IVUU. ji;l i:tmc:it lor Kniisbury liHlrlcl. f..nns a repiired by regulations. J. T. Cilibs. P. F. Salisbury! A meeting was held Tuesday night station. C X Uyrd ; Salisbury cir-jaud the r.'salfs are cucou raging, cuit. it Y Fisher. Moxsville cir- j No douid brass litittoii.s w ill be seen cult, V L Crissoin. liowan circuit, in great nuinheisai no distant day. PAlork; ilowan misfiot?, (sup-! plied ) 1-anniiigton circuit. It M lilair. . ..l ...:.. i II l , I t'lill.'l'l riiiiivn. t' ... x , i I . i .. ami i c. . nuiii. si ;;i . v on- ' ' 1 f. r, 1 1" - C' .'.l. ... coiu ciM-un, .i v .m.Mu. " Pleasant. A C Cantt. Albemarle c r: v .,..!. V, Mi 7iia supplied, S r; Fran!- ...... x ,:.i. r,, u.,r ,i , . s ,j p.o.t Hill an 1 - . ,;n.. i i I ' :.riV ; muu.i w-.u,.,. , Vt'ith the 3uh of Xi.vember the schoul year cio.-c.i. In pursuance, f u Fectif;ii of tin; law. lepiiring .. . t.. . . .. ... ,. l.omilV ' 1' Pel inieni.e.n.. iy m. - n-ort the number of tcacuers cxani- i i.e.!. li umber ot children enrotleu, i average attendance, ic, said report was made and forwarded. ' We herewith the irist of it : dve to our readers Whole number of tchers oxam - jvd and approved (white), 0" "('); mal f A n for CiAi No. white children enrolled d . r. . n X OI iJ i .1, c,.l..r,.l inc. CO iii rove, ami eau; uiuinuii muuio. . ... ........ . - e, 46 female. Colo.td, 100 (A) ? Matthew Cook has killed the largest: j bush insane asylum. The IllM. V """ " I IT.. ,.1...,1.4j.. 1 4 ..-j-. .i-i.i rr I-. i tnr in. I t Si utO'ltllPT t Mill"'! VV 1 I VS1 i graiitcl is Mi. .,.!hy ihc l:.-.: 1.. Kellw, Mr. Wil-jwv. r.lity of meat fur its own nround the world I lie e oi l none ouiiooi i''-!' i ion. '-" ertv colored f i42r.. ! Kvrf- ..v.m'v r tWr thi-'-s in! "It is veil! We cannot our baby tlc!iof fort.a.4 .iBat',T'&ft... on Hi. ,o.U ication. ev'sbivnfit .. , , T tne ro ; but tl publication In acknowledging the receipt of t he report, Maj. S. M, Finger, Slate : . i , .i Mineniucnutui. e.. i . . , -..-It 1. i nnwess vour i pieatu ni l. v .. f - -a , . .,.t.r ; nvibin. It is uue to the u.i...... w o intelligent nd liberal cffoits of yourself, the Hoard of Education and the Poard of County Commis sioners. Your county is as far ad- as auv. in. the State,. . .. .-. . . . ' THE WEALTH OFTHEC91XTV. Number r Ilorte Uwi, de.-Tftxea for (be Several I'urpwci. Cabarrus county, while not large in territory, is comparatively a wealthy one. Our lands are more than an average of tliose found in the Piedmont section of the State. We have many water courses, .along which broad and excellent bottom lands are situated ; the plantations county, together with three cotton mills, adds much to the taxable wealth of the county. ' The returns show these facts among others : Value of lands t, S3 1,71 8. Personal Proberty 1,304,22U. Total. $2,835,9-17. Of this amount the whites own ' 2,:9-l,8SS. Of this amount the color ed race own $4,040. 200,010. Acres of laud Town lots 535. 1 IIcrse Mules, Jacks and jennies i Coats, In i.i j Cattle, lllogs, : Sluep, i Taxes in the following .'l.ODS, . mounts . ... . lamt for the tollowinsr purposes : State tae j School St:iti m.. o rt-i s r,(;r l.ss. i o.r:?.or. .-. .v-- .. Total o,u.,..n,. '3,791.00. Bonds I'nipnlrditnl Arrcntrd. Iast Monday ias a tield d iy f r talking and being obligated for big sums. The Sheriff, Capr. 'urn. Propst. who entered upon his second term. . . ' . ; jireseiueo inree oouus nirrej;aiinir w. - - T'Ji'.ooo. T . , ,. Jno. A. (.line, Treasurer, bond in ! the sum of $:K.0(t(. ; J:s. C. (iibson. Clerk of Court. i bond in the sum of .f'lO.l.'OO. "-..i... ,.f ftaoonn j Jno. K. !ittcrsin, Pcgister of ! ... i . l l ... . t. . r j-. -. ,... . . ,-eeus, u , ,t. .MUM ui .T...h.o. : Jas. X. brown, Coroner, bond in the sum of .,000. P. S. Harris Cotton' Weigher.' bond in the sum of.vl.ooo. ; ! J no. lb I.mi" Snrvevi.r. hon.l in tho sum )i sl.0(0. .... . . . j lie ts1s were unanimous v ac- ' ces. ted bv the board ot l omniis- , sioners. V.x.,- A. i. .1 ii ...... l..w reiitleUien , are ready. 1 ...... '.'... :.irrcii ninrk itoj. , j 1 lie military companv ( a!ar- 1 ,,,,,,.,. . , ras lilac k bova is again to the front, ("apt. Peed received a letter from Cell. Jones staling that the comja!:y had been accepted and ... . .1 ; wouul be arna d as as E ! woui.t lie am. id as sci n as the com panv procured tiie necessary uni- There arc many jicople who still' believe in Civelev s. words '-.io , ... .. , , ... . , West, sin-ken long ago. I l.tt mav ! West," spoken long g ii.tve beeii go.)d advice then, hut r.ot ,. .'.i... c . ...... . a, ,a , ; lo lowing prrsons hit Cabarrus nist ... ... . , . m-siiMV : " 10 seeiv I e u i's ; . .Madison countv. Ark., mav liiev , , ... " . ,r i. i" C . 1 . . . W ,bon LataKer ,nd tann, .,aft , shive and family und V. 1. Nai- ''-- m kki irs " i- i i . A few friends j.ss.mLud but ....... , .. x- ... -.1 r m,. . L. Ufown tc witness one of those events v. inch are always . . I ; interest ins to eve. v .one, aim esjiee- laliy 10 xo a jinn i ius.-. .mi. Tho-. I-, llavnes was married to LMiss Anna L. Kimball, Pevs. amp - ibell and iMilanks peri-. l ining tne . . i . , i r. ! cereiiiony. 'he happy, couple left for' their futu.-e home in China ; Saunders, both of-No. 11 township.! i f sif .T..h if's T.ii theran Parsonage. . .... ' . ' 0 ' 1 ... 1:.. 1.,,,,. Zi.i!Cl " - - - w , i 1 I.: Iltll J fHV ill I i II' r st, Ere the wor ,,. lit its snares around htm threw. Or its sins and its cares 1.0 ever knew." . c. m. p. ' . 4 . 1 ..'i V1 l.,r T Vi.t7i'V tiulcca jiuu 0U41 vj- 4j. . :.. 1 .1 1 1 L-i ... 11: iu 11 :in. nil Sfi tin ! r I n.m 1 .. . f lin -lo.-iir.iic. !. I r. 7 nini v.. iaiaKerr.ua jiiss i;r.iia , ; ,..,,,,,,,,,t, mi.,i cmin tu ii:iri ,v,w' J - 'i ' " i'.'in ,v o i too a 1... tu !?-.- S I 10 lixxju i v.... . j r-,c: syrup. "''"r.' ; p'ope tottiaKe tnac couniv ui-j Notifj-ougothromrb lie woO.1 a. i-HM" '''"hoL A stream of water TO T T171T lVODTlf. . V 'rl r rnoJI DIFFER EXT TOWNSHIPS. rjirr'i Store. Corn shuckings are about over for this season. Sociables will be the next on programme. The fiee public schools are be ginning. The health of the community at present is very good. The weather has moderated and the fi'mers are whe-af. erv bnsv sowing ' L. B. Poplnr Tent. Mr. Moone- has been oil on a visit for a few days, here ? Mr. Jno. N. Flanigan h;is dis covered a gold mine on his planta tion. He is working it: Poplar Tent people have quieted down after our recent defeat and are getting ready for Christmas. Poplar 'enters had a big rabbit j p,, Universit v. hunt on i hanksgiving, mid they j Capt y E Ward, a Meck have been feasting on the cotton-! Whnvo- fnrvrwn- vtird IT lims vui ftixit-f. ; Our new pastor, Mr. Cilland, did uak Pnil bwf. w,...v u- ,.v,.Pfi J'105'i being detained bv the sickness and 1 iK i i V. l., , To . i ... , 'c i ; , ' iiieatiitOii lat 1 nes' a or is w v; :,!,.,, ..,., . ' v .' t 1 1 1 K I . W ill be here m.-xt: .-uiidav. TS . ,.'.v I.'iisl l.ovcl. Married, at the residence of P. II i r:,.;iif;., i.v,. d... o,..i .,p n, , .' """" "c i' 1,1 j'i.i- 1 t V T II . . i: .. ",- to Miss;. 1 Ida IVUe liatbeoek We were pleased to receive rails .1: I. e. yt .. t. i - r ..u i.u, .ui. ,tv.n. iM.g, m : Cabarrus, liev. .1. h. llartsel!, ot (V,.ff.l!.n,J. sb..,-5flf V.!.il,.,-.k- ,.f . " ' Stanly. ... ,0,i. f i i . , , V' - four.d in ' abarrus c.onntv whu-li . weighed M-venty-cight iK.unds." 'I he ;.'ve quotation ajp-.vd in The. Nashville American. Nov. x7. inst. . . . ' " 11 ' 11 . .i irh, jm-.i'i.- v .i. n .. . i in- i ui ire uni; in-. nn.ft. ; .... ... . , . .. ' vevM;l give an a.vount of tins next wees. hthtors. ir.mn. ii-.s Anna Lentz is sick with th next week.-Kdi tor. 1 fver. ryhm j . ;) ( ..;,.::,.. Mr. James Moo.se, v'..o lias been sick forsev nal v.ces is improving, j Our fanners are all done seeding! and are busy hauling their cotton to j market. There will be communion services at Bethel Reformed church next Sunday, conducted by the pastor, llv. C. 15. Heller. ' '1 he farmers in this section are not behind the times. They have a ivg-' .,1.,ro,-.r.,5v...l Mlio.-... uhle!. ,....tJ everv two weeks at this '-burgh." The missionary sale at. P.ethel be- e i i i fri.. lornieu cnu.eii ns :i sm;ees. noceeds amounted to sr.-.CS. One feature of the sale was the various ... ... i-i ..ii Kiiid or eaKes w men was oaKeu nv the ladies lor the occasion. Mis Anna Lentz's cake brought the most, hich was fl.)!. II. W. Ml. IM ns..m. Miss (Jarrie Fliid, of Winston, is viciting Miss Jennie Skcen. Miss Alice Freesc, of Salisbury, is visiting the Misses blackwelder. j : ..." - ' U '" r""rilUi f a lt) v;,it to h. aul!t, Mrs. : (.awford, of Salisbury. Miss Nona: ' ' r l ..,.1 .. ....... .t . Mio -i-.- v .......... ... ..v ; and will spend some tune m Mt. mont LegislatuiH1. rA coast Pleasant. ; ing- steamer with (.K0 natives on Married, in Xo. s Township, on board" has been lost oft the December (", lS-Ss, at the residence cf Mrs. Margaret Fisher, by b'ev. , , . . i p , i am a. i.arnnger, . i. . n. i mi and Miss -flattie Fisher We wish. them much happiness. On last Thursday Pov. David; Alston (col.) delivered his annual ti.Xjd Thanksgiving .sermon elevated point on ; I his time it was principally .,0lities. 1 nun her of line hogs have been ipti ui and some to sp;i Wl, .. U t.,. .r... i.l.. .,li n eilli ! ,.i 1 1. fvn,...,ll n-nnrnni I ii'.iin.i i,iet. j ...i i ic v.-1 u 'h 1 1 ii . ii v vii - " ' week the ladies of Holy Trinity j Church procured and fitted to his ir,' ; ' 1r ' " V -;V" ' J, . l'!... 1...1 h.c. v. ,..n t tev nml. - r - IfiWJ L III." HIUii.. . I take to do anything tlnv general iy ; - 9 n (.si'ccecu. iy j CHILalcLLLED. Another child knled by the 113 of j or-kt'p piveii in ihe fona of Sooth - - 1 ... . 1 1...-' O0...I. ui .LA,X,ei;tl.. , . - HEWS OF THE WEEK. Boiled jnown Iiiterextlusr New and Teleerapb'e Oispatches from all 1'arU of the World. XOYfeMBKK 29. The President and Mrs. Cleveland attended church on Thanksgiving and dined at Oak View. A Socialist out break is . feared in Belgium. A boy in London, wishing to imitate the White Chapel fiend, hewed another boy to pieces. - Father Mahme, of New York, lias been fiilenced for sympathizing with Dr. McUlynn. -The jute ki- gini; trust is &oin; to pieces. A condemned murderer was released from jail in Wytheville, Va.,- by a party of masked men. .novi:mi5t:i: ?0. Atlanta offers $7."),o:)() and a ' lwiilil Jin ciln Pur flio Sirn t burn rs. iirmv oinrpr. cm m I - - - - i i ; salary, makes an assignment. ; ? A Duitlin county negro! S('lo1 teacher has been turned ; -r-HE fax's are due and must be ; oft' for voting The Democratic: I I paid at once. The time, when . , " , , (i,, in.... ...t ' i l . i ! .i, , .i .ticket.- Sevcmteen boxes ()f tli5 tJem nt of St.t and henoo , . . Xt tl niont-ys must be p:iid, is near at !v?n peas weivshiportiiji,.,,.,!. IlemomWr. the law cou.nelfe trom JNevv Jierne tills week. The IMehmond and Dan- 'i-ill,. T..il;.,..,,l will lmil.l o branch road from High Point High Point! -The Irish 1 A v 1, l,i. , ' i ... , " ' , jnno i-urcnase ini nas passed i the English House of Com ; niii V.Iulwut l1,-,! ..r -Bishop Ooxe, : -n' a- i i - . vw l oik, preuciit s ii s riiioii I condemning otn ilepllhlicans isind Democrats for enrrvimr Li,a..f:,w ,r .tj.o!,: , h '1 1,K 1 A i Micliigan lady is awarded a tjudument for .),(Mi() against .v. ' ,.fi,f , i,,.,. r..i,-.,. i. i..,.- j,v th(1 Supremp court of that I lit rniiili n tlx L i.i i iiui -i it icl state. Florida refugees are , indignant at not vet being; ' i . , S ui.o.irii n n imu mim-. (i.lt.n,t li.o. .1 i..,r,.fwl in ; in' 1 mi.-- 'vn mih-.v-h jir : Ulpnl 'iiv nmntv 'mil hvpiv.v . A llegt an. countv .inl nt p.u - ; nons are oeing maoe io mine It. ii:ci::.iiu:i: 1. ! The Anarchists of Chicago' j are perfecting their organiza i tion, and trouble mav be ex- oeciei. Kngland and (xer - 1 ninn v :it lore.i ho:ids iibont :!lWr,v:iv'. the colonization of Zanzirba. The murderer of Philbeck J'Mi arrested. A. L. Williams, Mar loure mail: carrier, was sljot and killed ! by a highway-man, and the ; niail robbed of sioo. 0 I 1IC EM HE1! 2. Congiessman Oats, of Ala-i liama, favors the disfranchise nieilt of Southern negroes. TllO CollSt j tlltiontll I Amendment was eai'l'lOd 111 ; this State bv Jr2,r(S majority n .itni..l.. v- nw.mlu.r i".f ... ! he rjligi istl House of Commons Kve 11CI.0S? nmreor less adjoin- : was , -ailed bv name bv rh&jir.j' the lands of S. afford i Si... '.u-o:- mul lixiiipf ol r: . t-o "..I 1 i" 1.".. ii, : wiinuow lor i-jj-i : m ug iik government leaders with eon - j Hiving ar a oisnonoraoie rriCK. i . I - IT . 1 1 UI- VU i II li jMnjieror s health N giving him mmvi i ! trouble. The negro. arrested 1 for the murder of .lames Phil-' beck confesses to laving com-j jmittcd three burglaries and; inn attempt to wreck a train on; I the Carolina Central Railroad. I !".(.' KM I'.Klt Prookl vn The street-car strike carried 1-1 miles of rail- ;wav. 1 lie woiuan stillra.o-i . . . j.- ji . .. imi urn ;i uii'- in .u in im- i ci coast of Jndia.- A lifetime convict has committed suicide in the Coiineticut State prison. ill nil V'i'jmviii.iii i.iiiiv , jinc niak(l (.enrro i)oan schooner, the lirst of the kind, has been launched at a Maine port. The jubilee of tin A nstrian Emperor is being eel-1 and Silver Watches ; made a coiner on liutter and j the price up 30 per cent in o j 1 MM. . 11.. 1. 1 - I Ui vs. i ne m oo ivi n 1:1,1 ini-1 . 1,. Ve nirsented the An - last week after beinir open sev en weeks.- An Ex-Chief Justice of Utah died recently . - - - ,Jno. Pallev, of (ircenville, s- ;C, shot his brother and broth- ' been arrested in. Chieniro for . -'" .cliv-oi.i x.m v....v . - : -Lier-f oline, of - - , 11. M'na!.weii .uMuum R""pfirilv new verinechilbjvtheU. S. Gov- euU ne'' . ernment for saving a woman r from drowning in Charleston,! 1 (j.- France wants the i 1 . . , . j. t 1 Business locals. ETEPwSON'S GALLEIlY Is the place to ffet the tiutst Pho- togrfiphs. Ferrotypes. Crayon and Oil Portraits, ov tbfi very best copy ing done. Call and see specimens. ALL persons wanting cane Peed threshed, will find it to their ;i...i t uAUft o, wij.j. nv.iaj, jcv, j v SHUT DOWN. C WILL stop my mills on the 15th . ! oi . Deer niber for n mdimifed j tir.ne. Customers will note the fact and not bo disnpnoiiited. li. M.. Black wfleee. DR. R. P. BESSENT IS NOW in h"s office in Cor cord, where ho would lie pleased to fp at once a!l who wish Li professional services; also all who are iudobtful to him for work already done. t8. I A fVrYVVV VI i 1. V. J VXJaS IN Ult , TATLOE. LADIES i.ud Gents' own mitu:l cut. and made, to lit. Alterinjr, clraninjj and repaiiiiii; neatly done, t... " t .u... v. .ui lu'uiii m ri j unv.tii n ji ur oi Ui t. - - l) cj 1AA 1 A 1 rjlvo. I nnr t)adveitise the property for j tilX0s ii:tt;1' tlj.stT0f J;",,mr.v. ISS'J. n si-PitorsT, Shenil. rNOOK STOVES, H EATING Stoves, Grates. It yen want i to buy a Cook Stove or IIntnr istovf. und see York & Wh.Ih ! worth. They have reedved n C-.'v Loail : Tl... .1. i"..x Lx t' 4 uic uurini; iue wsi suives lor ; j ,Ij011pV ,.vt3V brought to this . i loee. nethfi- yon want to buv ; ,.ooS? ovp or ""N .u'o and examine ; their New South Stove. They will sell you a -ood No. 7 Steve for 10, I with the ware. cotton mai;ivi:t. Corrected weekly by i. r. can:ont. funeii Low JriJJlilJ 7H 9i 91 Middling . . Good MiJ.llinjr P-JODl'C i; 5) AKKET. Coneeted weekly by LOVE, EOST .: FIXE. Bacon, r ,.i u 1 Hllik llle:.t siJt.8 ffittl' : CornT"..'.' i J-W 5J 73 ljT:"';-- M;; "r;; iva,' . . . . . . ()ats Tallow, Salt...! )"(' 70 a WT1??; v. As aoininistrator of John J. Ab- I i.ni .lj.,..!....! T ii!t toll o r.:ii,!i khIp coin I. lii-via.. "In iv.-. in Pnncnril tin . tirsL Monday in Jar. "89. for assets to ; ly debts of said dea-eased, a valu - i able tract of land, contaumirr six v - VTOodman, ianu T. Alusou audi i jiiiui.i. j.u iijn ui nii.ir, iini'. third rush. b:.!;vnrfi of iinrehasii i ( money to bo secnunl by good notel ... L . - - 1 .4 1.1,. , " rl F. Davis Buumly, AJmr. of J. J. Allison, deed. Anir. 31, 1S8S. it. CHAMPION ) f ! I still keep on hand a s;tock of j : Champion Mowr llepairs. My ' old eustomers will find meat the old j i stand, Allison's corner. ' ! i.l-tf C. P. "WHITE. ! "We have a big stock of Christmas Goods,, and - ask all to , ii i, Jin " t. " ' 'D - v' -- "J. : (iX!UT1ine 0(U- stock before making vour selections, as we have big stock to select from. Largest ! rt. have ever had. and i inr: nCK or f:oi.f) IR'S. PFA'CILS. (HIAPMS. Sl Lace Pins, Ear Drops, Bracelets, Hair Ornaments, Diamonds. Silverware of oil X'vincls. liful Silver Tea Set for Good Castor for J-50, Line of, U0.VD SCI!, IF PLYS, i BIG LLXE OF GUFF , j Largest Stock of Spe-datiex ' ' .V0 doil'tfoH We ! girl that will call and get one. tv-. - 44.Mir w-fsluvi't'-wincl "Waterburv.. something i i;ii t inn iw r-1-1- Concord, N.. L IE! New Goods OX ALMOST EVERY TRAIN. And you might as well try to stop a 'Cyclone" as io ston rufon-,.., ironi 5;0ipg to t!io "mm store." cause there the Ladies find a F'acs complete hue oi ICrsss food's (WITH TBIlfHINGS TO M.VTCH) and at the most reasonable prices of ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. The nif n en find Jeans and Gassi- meres, Hats and Caps, and SUCH a ! stock of Boots ard Shoes. Corns and See, llcny up, only a little of that '"TICK COFFEE" left. nd nnr i NEW. ORLEANS MOLASSES. new crop, cheapest ever sold iu Concord. BELL & SIMS, Agents. .IlEGULATORS OP PRICES. COOK & IIEATINC STOVES ! THE Are the heaviest and lest Stoves that you ran buy, and I am selling them cheaper than ever before. A Good No. 7 Cook Stove Fob $9.99. . FIRE CLAY FLUE PIPE, for building flues, makes the safest and b;st Hue, and is . cheaper than brick. HOME MADE TINWAKE, .POT AVAHE, STOVE PIPE, STOVE SELS, STOVE POL IOSIS j ISH, FIRE-PLACE l GHATES, TIN FOR VALLEYS, &C, &C. m u eta 7 A Specialty TT.wn ArTlV. jSaddles & Harness, 7 ir.i.ln nf Ilia l.iol .'V.,l-.rT TT... iws.s T.i'.-it lif-r. il mi- mrn moniirni.. ture. kent on barui mirl snlii rlionn l TTf.rlioef Hocl. v.vtj.o ti ' , Hles. I Come Come and see me. W. J. HILL. CONCORD, N. C. F0H SALE 15Y - Cannons & Fetzer Stock of at prices lower than ever. $lo. 00. and lois of other things: Genta' Xmolxy SHIRT BUTTONS, JXB py COLLAR BUTTONS'. , ill town. Can Slllt fo !ire US a CCdL .FREE . every litll, any one,. little bov and! - vi- - o- . . ftfv' A ' CM Main St ill 1 LADIES -rfi wsrtjs-ai: ..v..-"-. -tti - . . 'I f, 'i i j 1 i! hi i I t i t if i : i ar-om r