i " I- ') ,1 THE STEHQ&RD. Tin: vkky hf.st 1 AUVKKTIINC J1EP1UM. i TEmis : 3SEYEW,CAS1IIIIMVAIIICE, -SHMCKTfiS, i '.niv No. ."'- 4 :0 pm 0 ."7 cm '. V pin i ' $ ..:,ve 2f.v Y.mU 1- 1" ' i'l.il i 7 -0 ;iu lial-.im -iv t" AV.-1-hiit..ii 11-1 am Cli irlot tf -viilo 1 1 ! r-i Jjvmlil.urjr I"" ,V. Panxiile S 30 ui Lv. Kii-liracnd 1" r' r.mkeville, . ") 17 yn Kys.ville r r7 eni Dr.ik-'s Hraiuh o' b eui Danville i"" 4 Ar. Greensboro K 3( iu l.v. Uol isboio - 10 pin Durham (I 01 .m J n !n. ! II.II t" - I HiiU.ro ! :57 in Or. Giee'isboro S ; j. n 11 CO I'd mi S T am V2 am ts T ; 1L' am i 7 -0 ! Hi I' 3 !Ull I I I.v .a:ein ; I ivv ii) no 10 45im 11 15 tun 12 "1 :i:a 1 51 Mill 7 TUl 0 15 :i:i; V2 L; mn 1 Pi am 1 55 : u 4 40 :iin 5 5 ) nn 1 1 (id '.in D.iiiv. No. 51. l Ml mn V ! ' " : 1!) It .nn 1 1 IS a-,i V ;U i:',n 1 i ! I!' ! fJIi.l, I'.iint r ilis!,ury ?h.te.vilU. '. f A-iie i:ie H i! JM- O It i ' I lLv fcSali-tnirv li 23 i in it .. .. i 12 ,.m 12 40 pin j 11 I'MU t. ir.iio-:.' Sji-.iM..nl.ir g t in i'iivi.1 -!l:U t 1 . . im '. t'l mi N KTllI-.i Nr. I t'ave & Atlanta I Arrive I Green vil G I Sii.irtaulniig I t'ii.irlotte ton.-.. id I S:i!is!iny C 00 pm 7 40 a;n I Oil am J 13 am 4 .".D i:n 5 J:l am 0 'J2 am s s e." i u i ; .""i pui ;; :"o am 4 37 am 0 27 am 7 32 an: 5 () am II 41 am '.I ."ill am 11 .V. am tl 1") am 12 :'" am 1 l.- pm 1 .d pm 2 53 pm 30 pm 0 3! pm 7 05 pm 11 40 am : 1 25 pm 5 .Vi pm i ; :S pm i 7 1" tm ! s ." pm S t'l em i 12 3J a:a : 10 5'l p u i o P pm tt 30 am : til .V) am Ml 4-" am ; 0 "iO um : 10 20 pm 1 23 am 1 mi 1 45 am nf) -ii n 12 55 am 0 "5 am 7 Oil am 20 an. 10 J7 pm 1 20 i.e. ' ,,m(0vT Ui ', iviMlOUTEi 1 I W r TMUVFT J J ,'"KMOS a xrKEKATE xote. ,"twnMnfK1"'' inrehiii. I corner W a moment, and ! hen (kish-l a .,.. lflnifim, fl ' flAI liilV' piiMONTATK:LlNl-MllII. LLL MM 1, L, , Mrs. Cleveland laugh! a inerrv, i ed at Kmpress yvith wild furv. He' A writer in Women at Work ad- M lat'lIMOXDAXl) PAX VILE j , TTOUXK Y A T I- I H , '. kittin oRTCisALi.Y on the back o , j he late fcmpcror ull.am i cr,l-; gi.,ish tiS the flluuvne ;,f ,, )C1 ,ll(J rU allJ j ,i,cs girls, ifthev would be happv lLnlllLIW tUUUJll IUILKOAP. ! (,,N,,)UI, - - X. iS ,ifed v.th lumng Saved 12 ,000,000 ; , ,)e yf ..ne land the deplu.U tr..nM ct d wir!ne:n1d ! i .nam,d life, to marrv a gentle! f ;w,T,Mv' ln ,l1(,r(.irNoftKenresenth1" nothing on God's iUtf h,s P'",vauce. , holding a basket of lavemhr seeds on i pal,, SIS .he feit. . he lion's claws ! , " hat he n-v W.rfc. Condensed eebedul, in effect June . " lv - i ' Jih , , J The presidentof the Aintme jlhe ,idc1PlIk of Pennsylvania avenue 1 scratching le, thick skin, lint the ' T"" , This piiddem ofhovv to keep 14th. 17. Trains run by 75M ;n contrives to pass his tunc , s(nick j,,r ami passnl into the big ! lion was p,icklv muted from his! A rue gent eman ,s generous ami clnhl.vn at work in an Ul - Meridian Time. , " ' A" v l i lte nicely on .30,0UU a year. j stoiv and out of si-htof half a hnn-1 n.wiil.m nui... .,r , ur..rli"M' IU' unolher'. i graded sch.xd is nn exwli?,: . I .) Hill Lv. libit Sprii:;. A-iltVllk' I .Statesvdle Ar. Siilislniry 1 liV. S.iiibury . I Ar. lli-h P.'int I Gie :isboro Silielll Lv (ireensb.iro Ar lliMboro I'uipel Hill ihu iiam lialeiudi (ioldboro 4 H pm Lv Greensboro su5:im Dam ill- '.147-un Drake's li audi 12 2-" pm 12 4 pm j i.y Lie f .'I.lfl.eVl!!-' 1 25 pm 3 : pm 11 40 p n 2 2-5 ten 7 35 pm S :o it m 3 ml am i; -!t a?.i llic'.imoi.d j, n id ur ('eitllottrsville V;ihintoii Palriiiioi-e Pbihcb-lphi I N'eu Voi'k . 'Daily. tPidty. esecpi Sunday, si.rr.WNo car si livnr. t. i -.11 .. 11,1 ." 1 i'ni ina'i linnet ,',,.,., l.etweeu Alloita ami '-w Y ) Vh tl iins-V ail 53 P.dlm.iu TJiifiVt S1..,.,K..-' l..-tveeii Wa-iiimi-oa and Monfji.ui.-rv ; Wliim.'ton ami An- , , p ,li,ein s'.icoer bavci-n on u,.u, - . . x- i:i.-i,ei id -Ml ' (ili elislHlVO. IUI.- 1. i- between (fieeiislion .1.111. ..'id Kiiri-.L-.i. Pull. nan parlor car between Sa i is oli 1 V" H!e I iv:e. inc. aun pn.- s ii oe. aVViUMe.' I.-r pio Tnroiigh tickets -n sale at prieipal t-eieiiey in studies, and for piimtu Oions to ail P aids. ; a'itv : n 1 beletvior. I 'or rates ami iiifo.-maii t: app.y P. nd, im-bi. ling room, lights .c, i .,,.. ..f the coiiipa i.v. o to c in be had in private homes at ? 10 S .1. Ha-"". .1. S. P..Tts Traliie M 11. r. 1 1 .1'-' V. v Tfl.K, 11 ehm cel. ii. D i I'.,- - A-jr't. .1 vs. L. l .Wl.oi:. If il, i:'s:. N. C (i-u. Pass. Au't. I ' Tho Weekly Nevvs-O bseive. j Te.e W'e-'.l.v X"v.s and Ohsenens 1 n bin : w.ivs i'lie best pip- r ev. r pah- li- i. d in X it a Ciroin.t. It is a , r , 1 :- --..i.,-- I ro tb,. State .'I 1.. pic m. mi l lake a pri ie in it. ! si. :)..! 1"' :u . iy !:-i:;i!y P is In ., ii,.-!. 1 i..e. i j i s .er. ee fa:! of ii: JV Pest sort ol reading ma! :!'. . market r. po.ts, an-l all that, e unio: al'i-n -i to In- wit lent it. .-1 .'.'5 a v -ar. We wi.l turiiish Weekly X, ws aril Oi.-eivvr -IrlliU.ll V 1 st . lS-'J. for -'I- -si CI am p! py. Allies-, Xi w.s :,s; Oa-n.vi-.it Co. l;iiei;!i, X. C. ! Pl ie j t lie 1 M:li It or - fed Foi kini "I'll ie. t S.---SHU1 oi t.his Tu-i'tii-f t i m ope is M m lay, Air-g. l"th.. -. iiiv.':- s. lei Hi - servici s l'). e-, I-, i. le l.-ti.'l s. ti.e PilUej-ioa!-, t t. , .i-iU t.V ti.e I ii I . ;i:.i :'! . of a in ' -.- ve ii ii. ii l a;. ti id i. h i o i r . ;. eon ' i: ilalice of l ii.- same s i . illy ":tvi i, in i;,.- I ,r'io'i iu Lite -ii y 1 ' to ; ."-i. Music .-:'.u l'o. fur, ..: l int'-U' a ii ion Mi--. 1; .s-.:s 1 . ,V FrTr: J'rin NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. t! e !b-t b;-.,'i., . 1' J.'.: i.V '.I el a ii -. I rat.-,'; J s A C. S i' ID Pre 'l. L . J ' V 1 V ur I.---V-I I---, - ' "' - .-. .- ,.i , - i Mi,..; ..- ' I. ', . -.. . I I'l :l I O'. J a --,t ig J hi. : irs inrc sto;ie. -mi O -1-otN DllUJ, .U'Ulila i The Standard. II. NO. 4. Olliee over Patterson's Store. just what I nay illlS. J. M. CROSS. Against loss or damage by lire, with VOL. ,- . MM! HI IliiStl Ml iL'l mlLH u mm Id t, .-I : T.., -. IXndtoool .trangerto .or- Theczai.oflli;iiai, cmlited with :enderAr,b. 7 -1") a:niHats, Bounets, Uibbons, Floweas, I ye issued to day o ir "promise to ! receiving 150,000 and upward; "No ; gasped the lavenuer Arab. T0 .-mi i &c. I will offer Rreat inducements pay," I f .. ,irt,n..:ns. inlt .,nward is an i "re pop," said the juz?.led Ar.b. 4 24 to purchasers tintil the same is dis-' And hoped to redeem on the xu r- f.o h s d o 1 1. an., but uPard f m i anil apo m I iiit'ilii i rmv. liniuii it'll Lfi ill. ' "- sifWJ. W.Burkhead,Ag't. il, lla: t ...,.. i: nf : li , . i i (i 1 mil Olll bill O Ill rieiuii-) b -ooklvn; C ont.nental I nsi ""c i ,y k j h ira, u yaluo in New lork; Insurant to. of Jsoitlil i, ,1 .nieriea. IMiiiadeb-bi:., and t be !'?llt lir;,l,l or soldiers reci ived it ; k Ail liOunpanies. j It dit. our eyes wiih a promise Lowest Possible Katks Gives. ,.ua I'vl-ry'true s: Idier believed it. Insui :i::ee taken in any part of the County A. H. PR0PST, gklkt atd Octets? Plans an 1 pei!ieati'Vis of build ings m:ide in any style. All ed; iruel.s ft'i- buiidinirs faithfully car ried out. Othet i;: t. ton's building, up stairs. 13 Eoiril li kiw, COXCOliD. N. ('. Jami P. Conn. A. M.. !i!ti;v.ni) K. IIaisris. A. P... Priucip. CLASSES. Piimary. Pnparatoiy, Commer- ei il and Academic. The course of instruction is prac tical ind thorouvr 1. It is f 'ie aim of flir- Priii'Mpi's t -.five each pupil a thorouiru Knlisli . dueatie.ii. in;. 1 ivi part- him foi the .'rive duties of life. To compu te tic A'M letiiie co;ne, th: indents will Ik. k iii ed to take ad the br.-itieln's ne Pessary f. intei -1 f i ir the Fisliman r Si':o.noi e ' class in oar bet ("'llc.'cs i jt . ., Iin..; ,, ,.VsioloSry .n,,! Ity- lu'iiin, tie-Con-titution of tlie S ate. ; an, I tlie I ite.i states, aii l on other I .. .1., . ..t :..... 1 1 1 - '"J '". " .'"' oc o - avert d d'!M!-: tlie session. P-vu-w examinations will b,. hl.-d monih.y. lit- ti-sult of t!..-jcx:im '-atneis 1:1 eoi.n-ction wuh class. st uidnm- and .bp 1 mi nt will ne 1 e- I ' " , M uul. V " 11 I S V!i .) T V At t lie en 1 of t be mi ssion, hiclals per ::-o:itii. L- er rates can be had ' cmn arrani-nieni. 1'ee'i !', 1 tti.it a school o' tills gindc - ;-r i.tly need ,1 1 ,1,; 1:. 1 in-. 1 'ii.m.o.iiv. 0 itiie pnrio e-i toe Principals in 1 xert ev eiy (-,.. n l to lnuld no a -eiio, !, W01 t h.V of t III' sllip ! t of t II" to.vn and community. In do this, ve arm-stly s-li-it the .patromip 0. I a . I 1 ! r he cifiitejis of the town and -..ri oamlimr enunt 'y. !.. tor: her inform at ion, apple or address the PPIXi'IPALS. Coiieord. X. C. HOiE AND FARM, LOUISVILLE. KY. Ths Leading Aricjltural Journal of tho C-ul'i and West Made by Farmers for Parmers. Price, 50 Cents a Year. Thouli the Mil-srr'iHi'.Ti pric cf IIom ako Fom is cn'y one-l.iiirt'i tliai of its nnly rival-., it lea ! ti.-n all in rn:i.riic DnJ origin. .litv N.i cxpen-e is -parcl wl.f.i rc.iir.I in sr. ur-inturma- , CM.Ti-iiL- r ;i':i.e tr . - ui mi v miur i t la oliitiiictu -rly UtC FARMERS' PAPER, A r-or ! . f Oicir di.ily ev-nente, presented in a loi in and laiirn.ic w'" ' niiike it plain lo all. ITS LIST OF cr:!TiPLT0.3 Is I'liTtTnl'-"!, cr.it.iinit.r tUr name-; nf t'! mst Siiriest.il nri.l iiro'ff -s'V f.utr.rr. f.f tl liicvr ArufircJtn (-? ;rtiirt ry. hut ti thr ntttiai ccniti-ni. t)f Iti- on the (.inn. Amhmu' thnn arc foun I t!i? n iiupt ' ! II. I . Joi.nM'ii. W'.iUu. F hrown, Jeti vVrlrHirn !".. Oi.nl, ' .,hn C K.:.1r, Steele j.n"' i , 1 . J I'-.tnl .viti an.l hi-st oi tthcr. i ;c J.-artmfTlii r-.-Iaiiti to H-ME AND TIlS CHILDREN Arf ,in--M'r,i for f-.;iliit-.-. and v.ir.-lv. Faith i.ae,--er, Mjtv M.t-!-:ii, O itesby. Mr. nrr.wn, V.iv. C.'.l-, "vl . i-.u ),:i... Mt,. pai..i..-rt, Mis hi . l-v. M:-.. V 'iMiailss ..ilj milieu. A sertr, '.( a:ti h-,M. Ilt0a"V.rvri2 AT 5o.-iic, Wrote:; -,v ai.i- a,! c ;,":ir , 1 U-i.li- p!-ysi-ci.-o.i. !.,.ir wort!, taany timci ti.e po-i cl the BOVEHS' FARM" Is.iti itit-r-vii.-.f a-i! nepiri,.;; M i v rf t'i ticrMf of a hoy 1:1 a I .on, ivinun c.vj rcojiy (cr tins journal by Jtiis K. Mi . k . In Uiort n- p'.it, .,. . f t;,r farm ii nslrr tnl. In i;s Koiraru.M. Ii i-vitmpst arr 'prrsern.!,-l the cl.an.s .lf far,;,- r f,.r I ,,r trc .t l.rnt !) llic hjll", cf l-olati-.i,, . ! or Oer-iR-,', cmi.nnniiy Ins no mor- ..1,1c . '.r .:c 11,.:,! A-;i. fAiiM is nut a V'l '' l .i'Mirna!. it-, iii-.--. .pv . i,,l m-rgy an- de v '-!ij -o- ulU'r.-, oi:, i,.LL- aii.wciin lo its ' f.mi T'.r-c A'iO ra!?;crrs hchts." I v?r-. .!.,. r:i.,.r i . I !..;, p ,, Kak-i ii er.tli!'d fc'i.c-.scr . rUI, . , r.a,-!..,.:..:.!,,,,-.:,,!,, .-tiloa 00. HOVE f.W FA!5K, CTIu YEi3, rirTY CENTS. ZD2s.ZZ jSJZl-t'tD -xZv a xi. Who avc Weak. Ni rvr.us I no' P., bdeitf-d. v.b., a;c suf ': .!e-j; ..u i lut. i . !'. !. ol early :i h I'uis. t it" lesti'i i f Ie e.ot anee I foiiv, .io rii.d ;-i !'e us. ,",o; . (-;. a i- i,.: r f -oi ; j.. no , tie- eur." foi :..)!, li. ui .tv, S'mi!!al x'c;;l.-ii-s s 'i.voiui.t-rry vilal 'o ;. h, etc. ui :n ps tor IJ, s ei' man; ( ,.,,,.. ... their fnuse and u-.i.i.i.. 0!2 Church St.. Xadiv'illc. Ten. T L 11 Kcfi) it. dt-nv fi'u n 1. and sh; w it Show it to those who will lend an ear To the t ne l triu e win ten, ttie inoktt; Kiiarv oi ,uuu a vcai. notl er lrcet r ib with it-ii"-OfL-herly b.nnofaiatn..t sdrearn. - i ; ; ' ' 1 ; Of a stoi in-ciatiied nation tliat le i. I i ! o lor to possess t he precious , The davs rolled on and the wetts became ynrs, P.iit finr potiVis were enndv still, Gold was scarce, the treasury q -at should drop in thf till. lut the fai aiih that was in us was strons ind.-ed, ! Tlioiiiin our i)i-city we.i we uis-. r.l. ; And this httle note represented Uc ! .... lVlV i;Thatoui sure iner veterans earned, i Put our boyn th.'Uglii little of price or p iy, Or o bills that were overdue : We knew if it bouirht our bread to day "T.vas t1 bct our poor country coil d Ie. Ki-i p 1 1 . i teds all cur history Vr, i-':om the biitti ol the dream- to the M..drst. and l)Din of the Ans;il He,,, LiJ.;e our ncjie of success it iws.-eo. m i;ss:i 1 iiuss. JoIiii Yonooj-ami Aimiui !::: lIe h GH1K.-.I,. State Chronicle. the 25th in-tant John Va-eov. coloivd. wa publicly executed at Vaneevville. in the nresence 01 er .- thoii-f;ind p iple. 1 lis crime was committed la.st April. j-abu:sy was the cause. Yancey had a rival, Ih h -rt Oliver both beinir lovers of Julia Jackson, a nero woman. Olixer, ii was rumored, intended in , poison Yaia-e. The latter heard; ihese i-1 mors ami one night waIaid Oliver and as tin la't.-r wfilke-I along a path near l!i. Jaek.-oti woman's h-m. e. he was i.alo d, id.-uti-li.-d !v b.-iug called upon to sjn ak and tin 11 struck dead with one blow d a e!:.b The murder, r puih-d t In- I Ml V lllto t !! wo. !-. It ,was found t wo davs later, 1,, ! ,(..) Til-. 1.1, nil, ,-. murdeivr walk.-d away from hi- vic tim, sinking as In- v..-nt. He was at ih. impic.-t and aid.-! in placing the e.irpsj in a wagon. lb- was arre.-t-.-d Liter and convicted upon puivh il'el!il-!aliti.l! evitl-hC'. He made 1 (-.-mfe-siou after coiivi.-iioii and r p;e-i.--l that the elieerful notes of Hark from the Tomb a Doleful Sound" sh-mld be sung at his grave lie tilt dav of execution rivui .1 mil.- and a half to the p! lilac;'. He the a: 11 eollfe as he sto on .w.-and said his punishment was jut. liisneck was broken at th" fail of the droii and death was with-uil a struggle. On tl: o... i. ., ,..! . r,. -i; ,.i . i 1 1 ii i ill i - i i o;.i 1 1 ii i 1 ' . i . .nima r.i is. eoioreti, was ai.-o pni- ( 1 ie' - . V : n t il fl lid t 11 I'ee i I ft i S;l 1 1 1 ' ' j-e,i--,e -.1 1 1 1 1 . . . -a tiie s n i. i .it ... .i o ii , inn a i. : had g-uie mn i..,.i ,;!, o see. .-.I li- was guard. . I from the jail by j i he Sampson Light Infantry, ('apt. j Vi . L. I'aison. Tii. re w as no dis- j tin bance. Tin drop fell at 2 o'clock j and Dr. St pliens a:;i-oiinccd that; death r 'siilied bv t raugii hit ion. i n I iWel'.tV lllililltes. Kliis' ClUllle Was murder of his father and was col l l.looihd in the .extreme. last Sep b in! er Fllis went wit h his brother Will am to the house of his father Jt'llM A 1 It'll KUl I !1 toMtilt'i Xfr ! A HI! 11:1 I ( ' j -11 lot It'l' ) t ter's t Lai if liIS fat ! W T 1 il i Willi iloillltV- a you cger brot her would whip him t hat lie ,'. mimv I i r . .. j) ii i in. . 1 i . e I l.Ui a 1 U irjiellei! I;ui-. ,-s. 'i hey waited until .1,,'ai Aih-ii Flii.-. came kr:e wit h Holmes, and tie i. Amiua. cursing his father, demanded that he ! , thrus.!i-.-l. Tie: old man oroered him awav in repiy .viiiiiui sprang on nim wild 1 e. s' ;:i; I stabbci! him, 'h-eve- iug him dving iu the jar cried out as his fai in-:- 1. Amma sei a nied. von may yell d - n ..a. but i hau cut von to the liver." and v. hen V ll'UOIl V. ,!. . it.-k. d to e lo!' a doctor ihi lira-l Alli;li:l laugh-,! as, 1 "lU lilt right." Conviction in ihis c-i-e was casv. The prii.c.'ssof Wal-s rarely pavs over f-i; dollars bir a bi nmt. One if her hous.:i';;i'.Is w odd not dare he S .) CCOilO .deal. Mrs. .boms C. b'a:!ie, Jr., v.iii ... i , i i ......... ...f ' llUlivC ilCI Ov'i.iU l i'5 i.H i- i ess in a I ; N ivi niber in a soukiy play with' I strong support CONCORD, N. C, FEBRUARY 8, 1SS9. Switzerland gets along pleasantly i with a president who is satisfied with ' v-.-uiu n "i i'ni ami .iu. , rubs along eomfortahlv on rTi,.r)v5 , , ? I I i u.il ma su ujrvria jji tit 1 1 u i jiii) linn, i The king of Prussia (emperor of Cermany) is not badly "fixed." The kingdom of Prussia pays him $1,235, 000, and besidts this, he has great j private domains. Th.e sovereign of the dusky sons iofsunnv Italy annually takes f 3,070.- uoo olit'of tj;,. ro(.-.f.r; of impv- j erished subjects for the sole behoof ' iv.... j"-" . , j " a" "" ! Milan, king of Servia, has had u j prctfy (oug!;tilue iu .v,ruill. hifi ptty kingdom of less than 2,000,- 000. lie and his kin cost the little limited monarchy 210.000. The ruler of Havaria is allow .nlv - 1.307,0 10 a vear. and out of i this sum he has to pay for his clothes and pro-. i.-ions f: his family and to k'cpiheni iu pocket money. The Kmpcivr Francis Joseph of Austria may be a wise and valuable skipper to have on beard the thip of Mate, but with j3,S75,0o 1 a vear he is 'adequately rcc-.'inpciised. ,. , ., , . , . ' 1U kl"- "f tlU' I''.f 1' j' about as n.iicli as he can do to , keep 1 i n-elf sujpliid with pie and confectionery on th.e .f ilnO.ooo a year that his grateful subjects turn over him. France linds there i-. 1:0 lack of ambitious men to ti'l t he otlicc of : presiiieiit for the annual salary of president for tin- a;:iii;al C.OO.oiio : francs, or rl 20.000. ami an :d:ov.-- anco of a smaller amount for house and expenses. The reeks ailoa' King Heorge 1. ;.s2:o,00o a year, but a- that sum on iv j.ist about pays his hoard bill. jHreat Piritain. France ami Kussia ; pity him in his tou-;tv a:.d several h ! give him ' l ."i o. r roin j:ir. lament h r mo-i gra ei.eis maje.-ly draw as -overeigu -. '.' 25,i. on a year. Il.r o-i.-ition a sovereign mak- s her Dac'.ie.-s of Lanca.-tcr, and them! revenue from T OllellV I- aboii 1 '! I 1 100 vear. 111 the 'ami of t!:.- Ml ror Mut-iiliiti h: hi- family pr.. i.l d for ami his eoa! am! plumber oiils paid by the si.it.-. am! for h;. separate use he 1ms the uiede; sum 2.3 lo.opo a , ;,- alio u-.l 1 in. l lie ";c of I'm in c." the ! i tan of 'i'nr ntrv w iiii !: ! y. is the bo - long be.n a: i rupt. AI..I11I ll imi l I I's -fait hfu1" I subj.-cts. though poor as ciiurch j .nice, have to disgorg.- .- i :i ; I ! v for ; h i i;i and his .s7,5.'io.oo.'j am! nnward l . . . I - . i . i -v ipuouso , I i i is as yel lilllt'lllole an a y-'aro'daud is a p.r. ttv eo.-tly ;voiing-tir tm.' iiio.-t cxpetisiw .oting.-ter Spain has. He has num erous kith ami kin. and both he and his army of relations have ... i ... . ) be sup- poru-u ai ii:c jatn.ie expense, vvloc hich amounts to .7 .'.oou.ecti a vear. I'rince Niidioias ,,f Mt'iib-ii"gi o, t!i ;gh In- has been an absolute mon arch for twenty-eight vear.-.eaiim-t be considered ,u'te happy. It, is true his humble subjects doth-- best they can for him and pay him :V20,oona year, but if liussia tli! n-it. come to ids assistance his washerwoman would frequently. go unpaid. rs. V!.-a.,.' ami u.r Nir.-t Arnh. i'n in t ii ix l: asliiivrlon I1.).!. is. (.levelaml rode low- !. i .i iv down the street in an ope em- Albert, l!;iwkii;s was Inert, L'nwkiiis wad, l : lie I.OX ami the sea iu'own.- Ill own.: in i 1 rout. ii- i a. i i.u;e Mnjiiru ai i oe .... ..: . i . . . i. . ! i.i..;, I-, is Jioyal. Albert wound the :' : n ins aionud his whip in Democratic vie, alightid, ami helped Mrs. level. nut to do the same. As she .--!.-pped .-ten..---: tin -hlewalk a little r;.gged hoy with a basket of ' lx , ,.,u.a lo his f,.,,,!. W hen t h" 1 Fj'.K v-ns a ntmin.t.' city ..f st-veru! hi vender held up his goods and said : Keeper saw that lie was safe from . ihonsand pecp'e. Tiit-re was u rail T'iease, hidv, buy a paper of laveii- pur.-uit lie nnchaiiied Fuijii'.'S.-, and ' road running from I-h-, on the Ap- the two slatted to theatiack. ' j .t'f.chivo'.a river, to SI. Jos, ph. To "What is your price ':" a-k-.-d '-lis. C!ev,.laiid. "duly live c ids. ladv," was the reply. .Mr: ( levJa i.t took a paper o i lavender seeds ami put them in her i i ,!a.'. Then die hunted her p. r I mo: a'e over a d jmi a d me in tlie ! i:..i.. .:.. il, .,,..-!! I I i , 1 1 1 e u i i i v 1,111 01 1 1 iv c n 1 .1 1 . ... " 1 F nn, 1 I.,.!. I . 1 . v. l.-.-.-l m, j you the change," said the soiled died people wljo had paused in the promenade to wateh her. i iUV --nnseiiig uuk it v, uiieeuajei nivsterv"' puzzles around his neck, : , ' ..,!:.. . ... M .... ram cuinciiiHig in i ne e:ii vi inu ia- tlie lavender Arab, looking regret fully at the door where Mrs. C'leve-' land had disappeared and then at ' the dime in his black claw, "if I'd er kuowed that I'd have jrev it to her' ifer ..nihil." WAit IN' SAMOA. The I. at Slituulitrr er (irrmnn les- Never in i the si.uatio, the present the history of Samoa has Ml lieen so alaniiiMcras at a .a -f. m , mviu-s themselves but for the 'American and Knirlish n-id,-uts also, 1 n,,-.,,! ti,- 1I1- r.-!ilt of , 1 . 1 i- . f f-niit 1 11 lifil ivrjimii-al action 01 the Imperial Herman Consul, Dr. K nappe, twentv-t wo sailors from the! three Herman war-hips now in the harbor have Ihvii killed and thirty- the hast 1 uuia trade around t lie ( ape two wounded, niany of w bom will of (hind Hope, 'there were then no also die, while American and Knglish accessible local coal mines in South hoiues have been burned, together Africa, and the Kastern Steam Nai with tiie flags of those nations, 'ation company wanted a vesselihai Auteriean eiti.ens taken prisoners by , could carry its own f1K.j to India ami armed Herman n.an-of-war-ho:ds,thc j ret urn, besides a large number of occupants of w hich forced them to passengers, and a great cargo. To submit at the niu..!es i-.f their riiles, I meet this demand, the ship was 11. 1 ii .-in tain ami first lieutenant f Ul In..n.nf.w.ir 110;U-lv shot by Herman sailors from :ne of the war vessels. Ail this has hap - pened within four days, and the act - nal trouble h.i only ju.-t commenc - ,., ia- On the evenin-or Dee. 7, the sane dav on w hich the F nit. d States man- e .. . - ;i 1 r. s:.,, 1 of-war Auams sailed loi San Mau- eWo, news was br.njit to Apia that Suatele. tin hading Tamascse chief, had b.-en .-h t in the huge fort at La'duanii. Much satisfaction was epr. s.-ed ovei the ri port not aluii 1 bv i atives of the Mataafa party, but also by American ami Kugli-h resi dents, who believed that if it were true a peaeefn! -etllment of the war w is not improbable, as the rebel chief was on of t h- prime obi.-ctor mad- with Mataafa I peac- la-ing i.v Tam:;s,-M-. On the morning of the Sin. howi ver. the tiulhofthe rumor vas jiosiiively denied, and it was later ascertained that Suatele had not ken killed, but was a., ae li was cef. Fighting continued be tween the two armies, the Tainascse men iO'.-tant!v nceiving aid from the Hermans in the vay of aniiniini- lion. Maiaaia s men kept gaming , , ,, , chantages, however, being enabled ,o -bom many rebels from a high tower bui't of roc! erected in otic of th" captured secimus of the large folic. Taiuasise's liss iu killed alone up to the present time turn I ecu about ninety. Oi-.e woman, shot in the arm hv a Tamascse sol- i die rhile near fort. brought in fr 111 L:;ti U uia during t!ic evening of the Mb and cared for; at th- hospital established bv the . tysburn; tb.e tirst mai t v.- to South Americans and Knglish at the "latter I iinlcpcndcncc was ,. No. tl. (V , ,,. 1 ohna bov at the battle ot big; beth- consulatc -..evv ork or.d. ; Jmu 1(K ;iml th, !;lst H.ar i.jo.v ami i:i.i.rii. Tlit'KP Two niitl hiim-1 I'islil In nn l!t Hn.rn. IMiiiadelp'da R cord. cr,.., i,il,,.,- ,,t iM ...iimal, - lh.it travel in the su ... iner w i t h a in tlie su miner won a, v,. .,., l..,,;.,,r 1 circus. -.ii . iii ii . uo i ... . i , . . . ii i! vein tin Miort ii u.il ' in nun? i hn.ke 1 t in .. P Ii .. ,e I tilell Willi O.iC: ' : ,,, r :l. ti!(. c-anicis back. II.: huge fangs toon ton- a hh i u the I' ,..,,, .1 1 tl... P.-,., ...,-- , ,,( h,- camel, end the i . . . . . . . - !" ,ni 1 ; SucK ! lig ;iL Ills blood. Keeper l-.iilil i,-bichoii rushed into the building. a savage roar frmr. tlie lion ! cacM-d him to loo.-e no dine in seek-' ing s;ifet v i-ehiiid 'lie hii'-re jia.iks of ! , Km press, the eicidiaul. while Leo; , , , , j-.mpn ss had witnessed too many l ... such scenes in her native jungle to be frightened now ; b, .hies, she had killed live k-ejicrs idnee sh.- had oceii I-,..-. ,.l iv i lv ,ii,l .-eme,l all V ioUS to add to her'laurels. The lion rose a? Jmpies, approached, but he was not (pdek enough to get ut of the way, r,. ti . -... l-lo- ft,,:.. Im.i- trunk ' 11 ia." "v. uiw y... thiiuwi nn- ,,, i-,m::'r::i,: 1 ie sr: - . . , .... ... ' ble wall. There he crouched in the Uebiehun jumped behind Kmprc.V big similiters as the lion made a j spring at him, and the elephant turned just in time to catch her nn line to catcii tier nn-! . , ,. , . ... . tl sisters, and discourteous to his moth-! r trunk, one licUl ... ... . . . er, is l ust the man 10 avoid when lie aiv lor a moment, , . ii .J.vo toll,e U ihQ Motion tagonist in he him high in the and then hurled him clear across the stable. The lien was evidently severely! iV ,,mu ''v ever so rust.c m li.h j hurt, foHie kept so sull' that thVi"" ' 8urroKdsf ,f,h ,S " trne i men had little trouble in lassoing I Sptle, h "(fc u W..S. j and leading him into another cage The camel's carcass was skinned and the meat served to the animals. "TM;r;;;Effler; jeveryw.hen. commands respect, and ! makes its owner pa-s for w hat he is i P , . The celebrated steamer the Creat ; ,ie t,f ilt"rt; s "ohleinen. Kastern now lies on the shore of the! ) not U'Hs, there are i i i : 1 1 : .. i i li - . Mersey river, where she was success-! fully heached Ail". 2".. She is to . , uour. lc-n nil and sold to the junk . i .1 ... . i: . i ueaiers, a pro.-aie einuii loan evini-i I fnl. if not f:.i..m .V.I-....V Tiu.i - rcat I.astern was t tie largest S',ip ever Mult, Oeing 0'.I2 leet long and i 1 massive in nrooortion. Her tonae-ei'"" 1 ,. .1 wi.l. r.L-i. .i.r 11 .1 - ') t 000 .vi.e ' 01 uispi: ce.iieni was l.niio tons. ; winch, tor an uiiarnn.ivd merchant; vessel, is very great. The ( ; reat j Kastern w.-.s pioj.-cied in 1 S53, for buii to aecoiunioila1 e ':;-0 pa:-scii- ; geis. 5.(;oo tons of merchandise and . I..t'i tons ot coal. 1 he ship was . "lade and l.iunclied 111 1 St,-1, hut was , never i:s,d in the Ka.t Imha t ra-.le. ' banning trom Livcrp-ool to r,ev 1 1 ork, she prov.-o a iiuanciai iaiiure, i .... ,. 1....1 ..f r.. ,.:..i.i. 1 t ... 1 .1 . ' "n" I"": ! rates. She became of use in laving! I t he Atlantic suiinianne canes, and ... , ., ., , . . .. . "Let r.s throw tnesud.s into it to ! "tvasiou ally employed by tlV;MK,k lhc molasses from the bottom." P'vernment as a transport ship. She; 'jjK, illstsJlit s!le ,,ad tlone ,0, ,,K. was. in jm,,, converteii into a pas. seiiger ves.-cl to d V let W cell IncW 1 - V....1 1 1 i.,.i tl ' 1 .. , 1 , 1.1 1 V" unprot.lahle and the slop was; sold or leased to a cable construction company. Paring the past live or .-ix years she has been heard of ohreily as a side-show ." a; when she was taken to ;'ev Orleans for l'hion to t! e visitors to the ew ii... l .. r -1 ... - "iea..... Apos.uo.i L -.,..s.- C ;ool J Icrald. " Tell Your riiiiiN .Un.r'v ,1,-oM.l iw,.rl whie i X n th Care.bna b.-i-l ma le for lurself m times of nation il peace Was ven ;;iai d.ei amln.oie noble ' 1 ,.,., turning them over and over j diaii.- the daik days of the civil:, tjK.;r heads, feet and horns.! . - , . r , ..ar. In Aoitn tan oana inui a , tot it v.tiii": liepui an u oi omy ii..; u (,.;i(y l n lol. Sl,hii m r 1 te 1 ave rear ."0,000 -men. The total i.umbt r of Loops furnished by all the States of the (;oiifcderacy was tOO. 1 100: thus it is seen that North Carolina furnished about oiif-fouith of the entire force raised' by the Southern Confederacy duiingr the war. The most, gallant, chai se ol ' iti war was made by North Csroli- na sddieis uiuie; l'tttig'ew at (bt- of the war was by gallant Noith Cir olina troops commau led by Gen. William K. Co, near Appomattox Court House, April 9 bS'io. Vi'hen fien. Lee surrendered at Appomattox. Xnlh Carolina sum 11- ileinl twice as maiiv muskets as on x,, (-,m,i,. wm - . i aroh d t ban f rom any of l.er sister parol 'St if-K. Her memorable bravei v on . j v . - . -. . i . ... ..ii- - l 1 1...1. t ... I ,.i 1 1 i.ne o is Jitfesieit iiviiie , , . 1 1 i v l. ' , ,.i liniuii I:U'1 u:iL -onii ecuiii,,,. ".""a,,) t-ct'i en an eigni uav s inn. ., . . . .... . ... .. r... I 1 tncn. is li siriiuyt; iiuii -xu m ar- , ,(1VJ1 X;,Hb -Cavohna ! -i fi,!lt tl.t-i- sl.an!,l want. I he same , :..i;P.,.l ..11 ll,ul,vs.l I ir i-l"a of our nobl" Stale? -X. C. ir Teacher o.-a - A Yaiiisiit'il il.l - ,, .... , ,,., l.aiubn lfr: Democrat. y,,,,,,.,,!,,,,,. ;,, il,,, ;,.'. St. Jos. i.li ,5a-there is not a vest ge o; ui e,. i ; . . , r. i,.,,.. i i-, ri niai:uii'. 1 :i c. tue 1 -oil oa... inn. , timuU uu t , J .Jou ! man who i ;,VtS lV L,tiiil'iidi:-, told us the i , H,r day that iicmy yens ago live"! ill 'St. .fostUih, and IlllVC.ud thciiv'C j l.V t tl il i.ivi .in-! flu. !-. f "' "."V' ".r time iu -. f nr. crit-s Hi- was asio'iisupu v. lien i : . .. i ... :i , wft f0j j ijj(11 U;1. il'HU tav iill.,1 lint- I,,.,! .,1L. n t e. .-Wi- mrnvcr, 1 . J.40 years. WHOLE NUMBER 56. well as his; own. ton will se' the trait running ; through all hii ai t o: s. A man who is a bear at home atnoiiir his which u to bL- auswervd yes or no. I iu umr t'lii't'K mi any ocuiy v absurd heliavuir. There is an instinctive nolileness ; herent in sncli :i cli.ir.ich.r w lu. li 1 such men still in the u. ineMUi.u. i"u ie old madis. Jiut j ,KV'1 m'1 ia ma.iis. j.iu . ; it ii,. ...i.. v.. need not all di wait until the harm in delav. ; .c .. li:irill 111 lie jiv. 1 . ion will not be apt to hud himl ( , " I tlie huuor-saloon. N ciiam nun u itai u p a e , 1 1 He has not bad time to become a "c'll;1,lll,lu1'' for he has had too I much honest, earnest work to do in! tin? world. 1 have always observed that the "champions, were seldom good for much else. 15e very wary in choosing, girl w hen so much is at S'.ake. Do not stake a pas,mg fancv for umlyinir e. Marrxing ii. haste rarely 'ends 0 - mi lo i well A Bee Story. The sagacity of bees is remark- j &h . ji)jmv ..- re told of 1 In action of these tiny insects, whose j il)StjncU as we call it, certain!. seems very much like reason : . , , , , A man once brought home a mo. 1 , hisses bo-shead to be ns.-d as a :;t er-tank. I )n washingdav his w ifesaid. , . ... , , , . c.eiai men, , 1 nave (irow neii , , , , t 11 1 1 hundreds ot our neighnors bei 1 I he ho"s head was 1 ;.ck with liccs. .- w,jo jisilv .1),,I,,pi.;:ltil t he vcet. from what they must have considered an enormous blossom. The -rood lac" v hastened with her ! w itillgs of t he great Colifil- ; skimmer to skim the bees fmm the''' ",,nl ( ("m!it ,u Soni , r .1 , 1 1 .1 i 01 our trreat modern educa- top ot the water, and spivad them ! 1 i-i 1 I 0-s : jim a hoard 111 the snnsnine: they, . ... . ., , , i . . . , . I Loarning witiiout thougliL .seemed ..early dead, am! she was i 5 h)H)m. ,()st . tu)Uh wjtl. ; sorrv. All the bees around tlu'1,,,,! liw.-ni,,,' lo 1u,;i,, ; hogshead had ilow n at the dash of I . 1 . . r , , , water, but in a lew minutes returned : 1 1 e ii a-.coiii pauieii i.v scoies 01 oiner.-. Then began a curious work. They iminediatel v went to the half-drown- ; ' be result was that one ai ter anot her I he result was that one after another gave signs of life, stivtched its hs "ul vv .ngs, crawled about, dried it - : ''H ni Die sun. and Hew aw a . ' There remained only ab'oiit a dozen ; hopeh-ss cases. i . oes3- A IVrlCt-l .4s;;rositiiii of SliHt. Mr. .1. 1. Clover went, up into the mountains, week bcfo.v last, on u collecting tour, and gathered up f rem tlie country merchants such a collection of skins as few people have ever dreamed of. He sent, them down from Wilkes, Ashe, Watauga and other moiintaiit counties, toi'""1'1. 'V".1 "l ... , ... , , r Tisponsible for the lnlluences I avlorsville, wtiere he toUovved i ' . . . . . A. , ,. . I that are brought to bear upon them, packed tne, and shipped but lvsr,ollsil,,e !fol. them lure by r,i: tb.e first of this j ti, InaTjner ju which va, week. W hen he counti d them out ; (1jV(. those iniluonct-s. " i v i - l "''". m-1;11" : I- . .i i. , . .. .: .. i. -ii . ........ ) . .-: smiuk, o , , .n.u -o , ,e,, ., , ! mi uskrat, 100; house cat, 10 ; and . I. . I-.-, .1 l.l 1) te.v I. ii.i vn ever: a i :i I - , , i. i . e,.,, . ;p i ,,..,.1- ' Lai.-.lm.uk. ! """ --"' oi ine one jie.-me.n 'Cai'oeld are p: ac! icin; ig law iu Cleve- laud, Ohio, under the firm name of ; f,.,jfS (lf good: others, per fiariield vt (iari'ield. and they are i vert i ng t li" so toe gifts, bring said to be m.-ce. ding bet ter thu-i! forth fruits of evil. Tlie fact ihev expected. j that education is as much the ji-cMilt of tie- manner of the d ie it ''V ".' The h..u:an voice h caj !! us been esi fn.;' ted ot pi ouueieg ".enlceu trillion -. five hundred and ;;!;e-!iVO !,:l,;o.:s, o..e .o.:.,....i ...... i billions, oue n;;!i(!:i l ami ,-ighty tix v.uV.'o ,-. fo. - b - foartl.onc - and fmir lit. ad red and fifteen solMid:. ! - .Miss h'ose Fli.'-akth ( he'a d is ' --dd to have bought property in;gets:i0 acres at &i Jer acre, ... . , , , . i . .i. i f.a .i ...... j inta and .o ne coniempnuing . ne huildieg of a cotbige th to, where; . ... . i tllv- inav ll-e i.irougii rtoiii.iii.uiu : - - - 1. r .1 t .a .v .,.,.. ,n r,.,,i. JiiiK-, u.vni,. w...-. ! ges of another blizzard. THE STIHOARD. One square, eve intuition, One square, one month, One square, tw.o months, One equal e, thiej mouths. One Bqiiare, six months. $1 00 1 to 00 2 30 5 00 900 i One square, one year, ly difficult and at tin? s- uno tunc atunipintaat one. I ii less tiiese wriggling rest less nva tines :uv l.-..iV , thin-ill' .i ... i .i .:. lnuull,v ,1'!,!"1 thov will leans;' inmlilo f,.i. ' , umu u iui sole on(J i we know who the imnv i,.,:.. Lm . . . 'f . , .be,n.S , " ' lue uaJ l 1?y "lmsy Work" wo do not "'X n,t':,J1 ork -iven tVX kp these little ones fronA luivnrss niui JMisrJnef TIu w oi k snouid lie sncli tb-if- it ' WH 01)lden;eiit the lesson , i . ,V;1,I ' tai.gllt, and it should X" X" the pupil ; ' ' .'! Initially getting istrength in tlie one to lieli) in j t,K, nvx por ins(.U)co 1 : nUnilr ten lias l.een oivi .... ' 1 .- c tl-MMMiihlivii mriy lie sent lo their se::ts and' re.inired to i-ien- Set:ts and reqnired to ,.,!.-, .1....; ... ' , . ......x ui-mis oiii oilliatlltnn- er OI Slicks m hnlu c-lw... l .. r , ,.J. nnwc nl other J a miliar" !- jeers, ami then drawing the same. fi..,. n .... i? -mi un- reaoini; lesson. j uae ineni jmt the new words ! llllll MI'II f JllliMil ........ ,1. . 1. . ' r. .. .. V l " ." "n jioim uie ikiii c. write the story in tin ir own winds In this wav Vuil will be e;iehin.r reading:, spelling, language ' and wilting. Drawing, molding in (da v. stick woavimr. if uroneiiv ' 1 a 'ig 11 1 , win g'l ve the eiiililren it. ii ...mi .1 ... . 1 . j Vy I. ond relieve lnany l t,1(' '':i'llers' woes. 'p 1 ... 1 ... reacliors, keen vonr cliil- dicn lutsy with work lhey can do, kee an eye on that work, praise it when it deserves praise, and I will warrant that in nine eases out of ten, you will forget there is such a thing as discipline. Q. Tlie X-w v, Tlie OIU. Tito' the nineteenth century boasts of great progress, it is mostly in tle practical and mechanical sciences. In the moral and metaphysical sci ences akstraet sciences com paratively few discoveries have heeii made. Aristotle is still an authority on Phil- I , ,1.1 1).w,l-0,....., ..,.,1 v.tmiih, j Till. 1.-11 I IV 1 1 C.-l il III I ! Cicero. rank with the first ora- tors of t he world. The fol- ! biwing extracts from tlie TW AIIJ1I,, 1 1V 1 IIWII. 1 A 111:111 should say, I am not concerned that I have no place; I am concerned how shall lit nivself for one ; 1 am not j concerned that J Mill not Known; i -seek to lie worthy to be known. . i me (luesiloh ol "ISllSV VorR,, . ;,,niinent on; iu lno1,.rn tetn'hih'.r. We tiivi? an inter- 1 osf j n,r contribution on this I subject from an experienced leaoher, whose contributions are .always welcome. laltM-at ion.-..V Itt-sitlt. H we should deline educa tion as tt resultant of till the influences that have been brought to bear upon oiu in a certain sense we should state a truth; in ar.otlier sense, but 1...1T.. ....!. Vx",. ...... .... ; lll-ivittl,' sun. air. ari'l ...,,..1. ...... .1.. 1 ... 1. ; .1 , ai . i. t- - j-... n. wy i U'h alchemy rla'l .orating m . rill : tlu i:lJ.'l'.r I'M K f.-lvofil-rlllll. v .- - i i. .i .i looms i i'n i r si r niinr .or ino : : ' ' ! C..., .f lo-itli. U,.i,-i. i "''..- .i.in, wn- ow...i I.dsout -ratef.il frairrance : '.mother. Doisoiions odors. So in human life somo, using the ! gifts received, bring forth ' !t'rJl'! 'OIi ' inlluences as of ?l- iaibiencos themselves that it must be. in a la rue . . , t illl. ! hwesiern Journal of Ed. i ti.'.'.ciier semis us the fol- lowing in answer to the prob- : loin j.i l:!st week's issue: A rict. t co -wr, , . . - i ;i'iunv-suii.-ia in iviiwihi . . . . . .1.,1.. . --- 1- vs l.t'lf'S ll t'- 9hT Um rtuino

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