,4 ) . r V THE ST&tlD&RD. THE VEKV BKST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. TEKJIS : CNEYEAR, CAS4 IN ADVAM3E, - $1-25 nn THE mfiBARD. HE NBARB. Rate or Advertising: One square, one insai tion, $1 00 One square, one month, 1 f One squaro, two m' ntha, 2 00 One square, ti.ie months, 2 50 One square, six montL. 5 CO One square, one vear, 9 00 YOL. II. NO. 14. CONCORD, N. CV FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1889. WHOLE NO. 66. SIXMCKTHS, .75 ri - ST A 3IEDM0NT AI INLINE ROUTE RICHMOND AND DANVILE RAILROAD. Condensed schedule in effect Jane ith, 1887. Triiina run by 75 Meridian Time. Dal . Nj. 50. 12 15 rm 7 20 am 9 45 am 11 24 am 3 40 m 5 50 pm 8 30 pm 3 10 pm 5 17 pm 5 57 pin 6 13 pm 8 50 pm 10 3G pot 2 40 pm 5 00 p in G 04 pm 2) pm 6 37 pm S 35 pm 7 L0 pin 10 45pm 11 15 om 12 01 am 1 51 am 7 28 am 9 15 am 12 2o am I 10 am 1 55 a n 4 40 am 5 50 am 1 1 00 pm Diily Nj-52 FOTjIhBOUND. Leave New York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Chariot teoTille Lynchburp Ar. Danvitlo Lv. Richmond Rurkeville Keysville Drake's Branch Jianville Ar. Greensboro Lv. Colilsboro Raleigh Durham l'laptrl Hill Ilil'sborO Ar. Greensboro l.v Salem Greensboro High Point ArSilisbury Statesnlle Asheville Hot Springs Lv Salisbury Ar Co cord Charlotte Spnrtanbn? Greeuvillo Atlanta NOKTIIBOrXD. 4 30 pm 6 57 pm 9 42 did 11 00 pm 3 00 am 5 10 am 7 45 am 2 30 am 4 24 5 ('5 a tn 5 20 miii 8 5 r.m 9 42 am fS 10 in fl 45 an 3 1U am 4 7 40 am l oo am 9 50 am 10 10 am 11 18 am 12 12 pm 4 31 pm dll) pm II 23 im 12 pm 12 41) pm 3 37 pm 4 4S pm 9 ID pm Daily. No. 51. ' Daily. No. 5;. Leave Atmnta Arrive Greenville Spartanburg Charlotte Concord 6 00 pm 7 40 am 1 0G am 1 51 pm 2 13 am 2 53 pin 4 50 am 5 30 pin 5 43 am 6 30 pm 6 22 am 7 05 pm Salisbury Lv. tHot Springs 8 05 pm 11 40 am 1 25 pm 5 56 pm 6 38 pm 7 15 pm 8 15 pru 8 40 pm 12 34 niu 10 50 p n 3 10 pm Asheville Statesville Ar. Salisbury Lv. Salisbury Ar. High Point Greensboro Salem Lv Greensboro Ar Hillsboro Chapel Hill Durham Raleigh Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro Danville Drake's B.aueh Keysvillo liurkeville Richmond Lyncnbursr Charlottesville Washington Baltimore Philadelphia New York y fo pm 3 30 am 4 37 am 6 27 am 7 32 am 8 00 am 11 40 am 0 50 am 1 1 55 am tl 15 am 12 35 am 1 15 pm 4 10 pm 8 05 am 9 47 am 12 25 piu 12 40 pm 1 25 pm 3 30 pm 11 40 p;u 2 25 pm 7 35 pm 8 50 am 3 00 am G 20 am t4 30 am tfi 55 am til 45 am 9 50 inn 10 20 pm 1 23 uuj 1 45 am 1 45 am 5 (0 am 12 55 am a 05 am 7 (X) am 20 an. 10 47 pm 1 20 pm 'Daily. tDaily, except Sunday. SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. On trains ."0 and 51 Pullman Buffet f-eejier between Atlanta and New On train3 52 an 1 53 Pullman Buffet Sleeper between Washington and Montgomery ; Washington and Au gusta. Pullman sleeper between lt'chmond and Greensboro. Pull mau sleeper between Greensboro, and Ralaigb, Pullman parlor car between Salisbury and Kuoxviile. Through ticket on sale at piicipal stations to ail points. For rates and information apply to any aseut of tbe company, or to Sot, Has. J. S. Potts, Traffic Man'r. Div. Pass. A;;'t. W. A Turk, R ohmoud, Va. Div. Pass. Ag t, J as. L. I atlok, Raleigh, N. C. Gen, Pu8s. Ag't. Valuable Land Sale ! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court in the Special I'rocecMlinsrsof Wm. M. Harrier, administrator of Henry Plott. deceased, vs. A Hayncs Plott, J. F. Plott and others, I, as Commissioner, will sell jit public auction, in front of the court house door in-Concord, on the first Mon day in March, W.), at one o'clock, p. m., a tract of land situated in No. 9 town ship, Cabarrus county, contftininir about acres, adjoining the lands of Ilaynes Plott, James liimh, N:irtiu Furr and George Plott, the same lit-hiti the place upon which said Henry Plott resided at the time of his death. Terms of sale. One-third cash, bal ance on six months time, with 8 per cent interest per annum from day of sale, secured by good lonil. Title reserved until purchase monev is paid iti full. Wm. M. BAHKIER. admr. &com. By W. G. MEANS, att'y. This 4th day of February, 1889. Concord Ma hhy, The next session of this Inslitu tion opens Monday, Anz, l?th.. 1888. Having secured the services of competent teachers, the Princi pals offer to the community the advantages of a first class school, and ask r. continuance of the same patronage so liberally given in the past. Tuition in Literary Depart ments 1.50 to 3.50. Music 3.00 to SI. 00. For further information ap TLy to Misses Bessent. & Fetzeb Principals. NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. Next session begins, tl e lii-l on day of September. Loc itiu'i he.il. hy '1 e.nns i toilernle. Foi eatalongue (r pr.iticulars, ad dress, Kcv. J. G. S'MIAID, IWt, Mt. I'.easanf, X. C. Any nst 3. 188-. PEERLESS DYES Io Your Ovrn Pyelnif, at ITome. Th y will dye everything, 'i liny i.reeoM evTT. cheie. True IOC. a ).: k.t e. '1 nrr iiuve nrieqiikl ..r Strength, iip?ht,ue, Amou'it. in Packages (t for F.iftMi'U of eJblur. or no -u .iw QualiH'-a. Ike j do not crock or aiout 4i cj'.oi j, i'or aula by For sal at 12 FETZER'3 DRUG STORE, and D D. JOHNSON'S DItUG STORE Home Fnct. A great many people within the borders cf our State are dissatisfied with our school system, and are dis posed to grumble at the small funds devoted to the purposes of education here. A great many people outside of the State comment on the fact that North Carolina stands among the lowest as to illiteracy. Yet when our State is properly compar ed with her sisters, it willjno doubt surprise them to learn that she is, all things considered, doing her part as to education, as faithfully as the best of them. For instance, we learn from the speech cf Rev. Mr. Long, delivered in Massachusetts, that, that State paid, according to the last sensus, $1 to every $400 worth of taxable property for school purposes, and this is exactly the pro portion that North Ca"olina pays. Of course the school fund of Massa chusetts, is much larger. than that of North Carolina, simply because the taxable property of that State is just ten times as great as that of our State. So that after all, Massachusetts with all her boasted elegance and cultivation, containing as she does the "Hub of the Universe," with all the literary advantages which that State claims, is doing no more to educate her citizens than North Car olina, in spite of the fact that she has had to contend with all the dis advantages incident to a terrible war. Another difficulty m our way fr mi which Massachusetts is free, is that three-seventh of this school fund is devoted to the education or a race that contributes only 1 per cent, in taxes to that fund. Yet a colored child is entitled to and rmives as much from this fund as a white child. Some one has said : "The negro is a theory with the people of the North, a condition with the people of the South." Yet they cannot do as much for him as as a theory as the Southern people do as an actual condition. A LITTLE I.KSSOX IX UK AM MAR. What ta Say InMead or What to lie Saltl. Is Xot New York World. Careless habits of speech are among the prominent faults of our young people, even those young peo ple who have advantages of schools and intelligent home surroundings. Recognizing this, the professor of English literature at Wellesley Col lege has prepared a list of "words, phrases and expressions to be avoid ed, from which tho young (and old) readers will reeehe many service able hints : CJuess, for suppose or think. Fix, for arrange or prepare. Ride and drive, interchangeably. (Americanism.) Real, as an adverb, in expressions ; real good, for really or very good, &c. Some or any, in an adverbial s.-nse; e.g., "I have studied some," forsomewh.it. "I have not studied anv,' for at all. Some ten days, for about ten days. Ntt as I know, for not that" I know. Storms, for it r.iins or snows mod erately. Try an experiment, for make an experiment. Singular subject with contracted plural verb; e.g., "She don't skate well." Plural pronoun with singular an tecedent: "Every man or woman should do their duty or, "If yon look any one straight in the face they will flinch." Expect, for suspect. First-rate, as an adverb. Nice, indiscriminately. (Real nice may be doubly faulty.) Had rather, for would rather. Had better, for would better. Right away, for immediately. I'arty, foreperson. Promise, for assure. Posted, for i informed. Post-graduate, for graduate Depot, fur station. Stopping, for staying. Try and do, for try to do. Try and go, for try to go. Cunning, for small, dainty Cute, for acute. Funny, for odd or unusual. Above, for foregoing, more than, ov beyond. Does it look good enough, for well euoiiirh. Soaicbody else's, for somebody's j done. Mrs. Surratt had no know else. ! ledge whatever of anv such pur- Jakr 1 tlo, for as 1 do. Not as good as, for not so good as. Feel badly, for feel bad. F.'el good, for feel well. Between seven, for among seven. Seldom or ever, for seldom if ever, or seldom or never. ii - ,.e ...u.. ,1 last ana smc. "'VI l SIT ;Sh X of pepWr. Ennter-tile. I Oh, rare as the splendor of lilies. And sweet as the violet s breath, Comes the jubilant morning of Easter, A triumph of life over death; For fresh from the earth's quickened bosom Full baskets of flowers we brine, And scatter their satin soft petals 1 o carpet a path for our King. We have groped through the twilight of or row. Have tasted the marah of tears ; But lo ! in the gray of the dawning Breaks the hope of our long silent years. And the loved and the lost we thought perished "Who vanished afar in the night, Will return in the beauty of spring time To beam on our rapturous sight Sweet Easter-tide pledges their coming, Serene beyond trouble and toil, As the lily upsprings in its freshness From the warm, throbbing heart of the soul And after all partings, reunion, And after all wanderings, home: Oh, here is the balm for our heartache, As up to our Easter we come! In the countless grcea blades of the meadow. The sheen of the daffodil's gold. In the tremulous blue on the mountains, The opaline mist on tho wold, In the tinkle of brooks through the pasture, The river's strong sweep to the sea, Are signs of the day that is hasting In gladness to you and to mc. So dawn in thv splendor of lilies, Thy fluttering violet breath, O jubilant morning of Easter, Thou triumph of life over death ! For fresh from the earth's quickened bosom Full basket 3 of flowers we bring, And scatter their satin soft petals To carpet a path for our King. Margret E, Sangster in Harper's Bazar. "THE EI.OT" O TIIK AMERICA!! "st'i Ttiir.or." Wilmington Star. The mcst infamous transaction known to American history was the judicial murder of Mrs. Sttrratt im mediately after the war. The judi cial murders of the cruel and re morseless Jeffries in English history are less repellant, less horrible than the shameful and diabolical taking off of Mrs. Surratt under the mean est man in American history, Judge Holt. N) long as memory lasts or the types can do their work or men can writc,thisdastardly crin;eagainst civilization nnd humanity should be kept green and fresh. Ye are remiudeu now ol this most villiauous transaction the mock trial and execution of an innocent woman by a paper in the Republican N-irth American Review by Mr. John T. Ford, of Baltimore. In the April number this well known per son gives an account of the judicial murder of Mr. Sttrratt. Xo candid, informed person has ever doubted that it was murder un der the forms of law. Mr. Ford's article will confirm this impression. The infamous Holt stands out in the clearest light as a disgrace to hu manity. He repudiated the plead ings and usages of the courts and from first to last it was a foregone conclusion with him that Mrs. Sur ratt must be treated as guilty, be denied the rights ami privileges of a prisoner and must die. Mr. Ford's article shows how suppression pre vailed and how the poor woman was hunted and persecuted even unto death. The the.ii.rj in which President Lincoln was so foully assassinated was owned by Mr. Ford. In the midsl midst of the excitement ra vings con sequent upon the murder, Mr. Foru was arrested upon suspicion. Pres ident Lincoln was murdered on the 1 4th of April, 18G5, by John Wilkes Booth, and a terrible blow it was to the country, and particularly to the South, for the amiable President, born on Southern soil and perhaps in North Carolina, was the very best friend the Southern people had among all .Northern Republicans. It was not the intention at first to kill Lincoln but to kidnap him and convey him South Booth, Payne, Adzerot, O'Loughlin, Arnold and John 11. Surratt had entered into a conspiracy to this effect. Mr. Ford says: If the capture was made in the theatre, all the lights were to be ex tinguished by one knowing how to do it, and ic was arranged, if neces sary, to use Lloyd's house en route to the lower Potomac, where they expected, to cross into Virginia. This conspiracy failed, and the con spirators separated booh after the 4th of March, 1805, Arnold, O'Lough lin and Surratt leaving Washing ton. The design of abducting the president was thou fiuallv abandon ed." Mr. Booth shows that the purpose to assassinate Mr. Lineoii was a con- j ccption that took shape ii I ill-regulated brain a few- in Booth's hours be- fore the awful and bloodv deed was j Her murder was the ven se- , , , , , , . XUl, cruel ui& jl iiuii, mc; uttwi- able Judge-Advocate-General, and his vile accomplices. It is notice, able that this ingrate has tried to clear his skirts of premeditated guilt I or purpose to do wrong. He even t3 P a Pleathat he some how tried to have her life saved, lie tells of a petition signed by the military commission praying for the clemency of President Andrew JohnsonJ. But Mr. Ford says no such petition has been found, and that it is not men tioned in the proceedings as signed, and thereby indorsed, by Holt who presided. He wrote to . Attorney General Speed asking him to confirm his statement, but this was not done, and so the bad man stands forth, in all of his detestable lineaments" as a judicial murderer. He has had the ineffaceable brand of condemn;. '.ioi fixed upon him by the voice t- all honorable American vnd it not only burned as a -"scarre. Vont--murderer upon his brow, but into his very brain and soul. i "Better be with the dead Whom we, to gain our peace, have sent to peace, Than on the torture of the mind to lie In restless ecstasy. Duncan is in his grave ; After life's well." fitful fever he sleeps "Can'st thou not minister to a mind diseased ; Thick from the memory a rooted sorrow ; Raze out the written troubles of the brain ; And, with some sweet oblivious an tidote, Cleanse the stnff'd bosom of that perilous stuff Which weighs upon the heart." It is said that this woman mur derer is so oppressed by the "great weight of guilt that presses Jiim down, down, down to the nether most hell of conscience, that his sleep is fitful, broken, unsatisfying, and that aMght all through the si- lence and gloom cf night ever burns in his room. Thus his "conscience does make" him "coward"" and he writhes in agony through the long watches at the spectre of a woman with discolored face and scarred neck who stands before his distorted vision. Kketrti of Ldlnuii. Bill Arp, in Home and Farm. Edison is a wondeful genius. A Cleveland man fold me that he knew him in Cleveland years ago. He was a newsboy on th train before he was in his teens, and one day jumped from a train in rapid motion and at the peril of his life snatched a little child from being crushed by a loco motive on another track. Th; tele graph operator at the station w itnes sed his daring courage and took a lik ing to him, and gave him a berth in his office and taught him telegraphy. His mother was poor and taught a little school, and taught Tom by night, and this was all the education he got. 1 -e soon became an expert as an operator, and made many improve ments in the art. His skill was won derful so much so that it attracted attention among the operators in that region. .His employer was call ed to Boston on business, and while there the general manager said he wanted an operator who could keep up with the man z.t thy New York end. Edison was named, and was order- ed to come at once. He was shabbily dressed, and had such a dull, sleepy appearance that the general manager was disappointed, and the men at the other machines smiled and wink ed at each other, as much as to say: "Well, he's a bust. If we can't run New York he can't ; better ship him back to Cleveland." With but little faith the general manager gave him the place at the table. When his fingers touched the key he seemed suddenly inspired and awoke to a new life. His lips compressed, his features brightened, and for an hour he received and transmitted and dashed off the messages with such wonderful celerity, that th. general manager never moved nor diverted his eyes, and the operators around him could hardly attend to their own Instruments. Suddenly there was a rest, a pause, and the. New York man said: "Who iu the devil are you ?" He replied : "I am T m Edison, of Cleveland." And the New York man said : "Shake." He had found his match and more. Not long after this he invented the duplex system of sending two messages over ' the wire at the same time, and still later tho quadruples system and then any number of messages. From that day to this he has been inventing and inventing and making discoveries for the use and the com fort of mankind, lie is but fortv-J Bcveu years old and is full of modest faith and'expectation in solving the mysteries of nature and subduing her elements to the control of man. What an example to the boys, es- jpecially th.poor boys of the land. Sot a I'ljthtliiK Regiment. The number of original Harrison men in Washington now is only ex ceeded by the number of members of the Third Iowa Regiment, of which Secretary Noble was adjutant. Every man who was a member of that famous fighting regiment dur ing the war, in quest of office, thinks that he has au especial claim upon the Secretary of the Interior. One day last week Secretary Noble, As sistant Secretary Bussey, who was I Colonel of the Third Iowa, and Col. HW.er, the Democratic Appoint ment Clerk of the . Interior Dept, wJ great v..om theu Secret tary's office, when the door otK-ned and a gentleman from the wild and woolly west entered the office. He was welcomed by Col. Bussey and Gen. Noble, and the former said : "Col. Ilassler, let me make you acquainted with Mai. Pickerell, of Dakota, formerly of the Third Iowa." Ilassler and the Major 6hook hands, and the former with great gravity said: "Major, that regiment, I believe, took no part in the war." "Well, sir," replied the Maior in dignantly, "I should think it did. That regiment fought in some of the severest battles of the war." "Why Ilassler," said the Secretary, "what made you ask such a ques tion: "Oh simply because so many of its members are alive," was Hassler's reply, and t he Secretary, apprecia ting the sarcasm, almost fell from his chair in a paroxysm of laughter. N. Y. Tribune. Oiin fence. It is common to hear about "a sol id wall of bayonets" In war tin".?, but at the barracks is a veritable wall of them now. When the L:t. war was declared off the Union gov ernment found itself in possession of a vast number of muskets, useless because there was nobody to be shot with them. They were stored up for awhile in various arsenals, until rad ical improvements made them utter ly worthless. And when an old r.n gets worthless it is the most intense ly worthless tiling extant. So these guns that cost millions were not worth paving rent for storing. At this place a fence was built with them. The gun barrels, with bayonets fixed, were stood up fur inches apart for a quarter of a mile, and then secur ed by bars of iron, forged from old guns, with holes pierced to admit the old muskets. It is the most j formidable fence I ever saw. The j bayonets; which in many instances have given dea;h wounds, are rusted now until thev could "not be removed (from the barrels. The posts of this! ! ,.vi ,.n , i unique uiu ie;ue aie ui uui lu:i:ioii. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Crcmntccl la n Gntril House. Charlotte Ohroniele. Parties who arrived in the city o the Charlotte, Columbia & Ausmsta foad vesterdity afternoon, brought ! news of a bad aff.jir at Lecsvi!le, a small station on that road. The gur.ru house at Lees vi lie, a CxlO frame affair, was burned to the ground Monday night, and with it wa-j burned a white man, a mechanic from New York. He had been do ing inlds around Leesviile, but had become intoxicated and was locked up in the guard house. About twelve o'clock at night, the guard house was discovered to be enveloped in flames. When the fire died down, a Hat full of charred bones found in a heap in a corner, was all that was left of the mechanic. It is supposed that he fired the house in the hope of gaining his liberty, but the people of the town were sound asleep and he was probably burned to death before the fire was discover ed. ' What a Woman Should Weigh. If Five feet in height, 100 pounds. Five feet one inch, 106 pounds. Five feet two inches, 113 pounds. Five feet three inches, 119 pounds. Five feet four inches; 130 pounds. Five feet five inches, 13S pounds. Five feet six inches, 144 pounds. Five feet seven inches, 150 pounds. Five feet eight inches, 155 pounds. Five fett nine inches, 1G3 pounds. Five feet ten inches, 100 pounds. Five feet eleven iuches,17G pounds. Six feet, 180 pounds. Six fett one inch, 180 pounds. 4j2nloo ot women. Womeu never weep more bitterly than when they weep from spite. A liicard. When women cannot be revenged they do as children de they cry. Cardan. Woman is a flower that exhales her perfume only in the shade. Lam ennals.. Take the first advice of a woman: under no circumstances the second. Proverb. Women are too imaginatiwe and too sensitive to have much logic. Mine. Ln Deffand. A lady and her maid acting in ac cord will out-wit a dozen devils. Old Proverb. Women are extremistst either better or worse than hey are men.- L Bruyeie,--.jv. , r.:; j'vr-- There is no torture that woman would not suffer to enhance her beau ty. Montaigne. Woman is a charming creature who changes her heart as easily as her gloves. Balzac. Women distrust men too much in general and not enough in particu lar. Conuuerson. Of all the heavy bodies, the heav iest is the women we have ceased to love. Lenontey. Women are constantly the dupes i or the victims of their extreme sen sitiveness. Balzac. Kquire liob1.!," I'reroylsi. Happiness is the smile o: the face of contentment. In the bottom of pleasure's cup are bitter dregs. Imagination is the rainbow in the hori.on of the soul. Every man's heart is a graveyard, in which are entombed the dead heroes of his ideals. As the flaw in the diamond is soonest noticed because it is a dia mond, so the fault of a good man is soonest noticed because he is a good num. Our difficulties seem like huge bowlders in our path, retarding our progress, but, when once, surmount ed, they serve as stepping stones to success. A genius not only has a message for the world, but he succeeds in whispering that message into the ear of the world and engraving it upon its heart. Envy strikes at others and stubs herself. You can invent a falsehood, but a truth never. To do as you please is to become the slave of your own caprices. We can take nothing with usfrom this world except what we have wrought into o:i r minds and chai acters. Harnier is he who loves his oc- A 1 I cur.ation. be it ever so humble, than j i1(l wi1.)OPfmm,s the hi-hest station, if 1 he be :it odds with his occupation. Will P. Hart in America. A Monster oS'lUe Oeep. The strangest creature evtr seen in these Waters was captured in the Deleware River at Burlington rccent- " j ly by Charles Wooden and Charles AdamS while thev were out nsimig out for shad. It was abo:it 6 ft bag, w ith a large head shaped like a bull dog's, and an immense month fr.r nislted with two rows of sharp teeth. The head is attached to the body by a long sinuous neck, and the small and deep sunken c-vs are protecteJ by long lashes. The body, which gradually tapers to the tail, is cov ered by a short fine fur, and two short imperfectly formed legs, with webbed feet like those of a duck, are attached just below the neck, the tail is peculiarly formed, having four blades exactly like the screws of a propeller. The strange cr a ture was captured w ith l iiiui'ty. It fought hard, and, uttering a noi that was half hiss, half bark, it seized an oar in its mouth and ciunched it to splinters. A strange odor resembling musk was emitted. Repeated blows of a hatchet disabled the animal and enabled its capture. Philadelphia Record. WB Tir nail tn liters. Editors Constitution : "When did the custom of tarring and feathering originate ? L'ichard, on setting out on the third crusade, made sundry enact ments for the regulation of his flec't. one of which was that, "A rubber who shall be convinced of theft shall have his bead cropnrd after the fashion of a champion, and boil - in? pitch shall be poured ther. tn, and the feathers of a cVifhion shall; days by bad vrnteu several chapters be sh.ikeu out ou him, fo that he ' of "Precaution," which he bad pith mav be known, and at the lirsf land ! lislicd t his own expense. It at- at which the thip shall touch he shall be set on shore." "Wheth the custom was earlier than this we have no means of determining. It is at least close on to 700 war old. OD A NO EVDI. London's, police force numbers 14,237 men. The cost of Paris exposition will be $10,000,000. A million pound hank note is kept at the Bank of England. Onions are selling for a cent a bushel at Ca astota, N. Y. A canvass back duck is said to be able to fly eighty miles an hour. The lazy man aims at nothing and generally hits it. James Ellis. The town of Cottonwood Falls. Kansas Las elected a woman for mayor. In New York there is not a pro fession into which women have not entered. The d;.u :hter ot a Parisian mil lionaire is to marry Dr. Tanner, the faster. The cattle reporter of one of New York's leadi ug mornins; papers is a woman. It is against the law of Mexico for any one to read a newspaper aloud. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe is T'.) years old but her mind is not gene as reported. It is worth 1,000 a year to have the habit of looking on the bright side of things. Dr. Johnson. i can ions:a woman fathered 502 cucumbers from a volunteer vine which grows in her garden. Up to the present.d.ite the hunt for the mysterious murdenr Tascott has cost the Snel! estate $30,000. The fashion of carrying a- mill! dates 300 years back. Cout tiers were them in the time of George I. In digging among the ruins ot Pompeii they have found a piece of brassjnadelo lit the human cheek. A working man of Pittsburg bus patented a new submarine rani that will pierce the side of the Leanest iron -clad. Sydney, Australia, is having an organ built in London whic! i is said to be the largest in he world, costing $75,000. It is hard to keep tip with Ameri can newspaper coinage. Tin? latest is ''razzle-dazzle." It is another term for "boycott." In China people in ea-y circum stances buy their coffins long before they need them, and exhibit them as ornamental pieces of furniture. It has been found necessary to turn the city hall at Walla Wail;', W. T., into a temponry home fi-r immigrants, the rush into the terri tory is so great. The Custer monument in Montjna has been so greatly defaced by Indians shooting at it that it has le:i found necessary to recat tie names on it. Then is a man in Los Angeles, Cal., w hose business it is to travel eait with corpses of people who go to southern Cal foruia to fit-d health, and who die instead. G. ns are now being made so powerful that the objects which their missiles are intended to strike will be out of sight. Consequently the guiu c.tu only be directed ly the map. The fee for ascending th? Eiffel j tower are five francs to the top, i time francs to the second platform, and two francs to the first. The three platforms will hold 10,000 pet -pie. Despitt the talk about Smith le iug such a common name, those of Green, White, 1'rown and Davis beat it in the United State by 15 per cent. Even "Johu" is not as com mon as "Joe." A giant ice making machine was shipped from Cinciuati to Denver, Col. It weighed about 300,000 pounds, and thirteen cars were re quired to carry it. It cott$3G,000. A farmer near Talbotton, Ga., who lives on an .estate formerly owned by Lis father, says that there are good chestnut rails now in use on the farm that were split by the Indians when they owned the country. It is said that Fenimoro cooper became a novelist tnrongii l.i9 e , . challenge. Onu eveumg wnik fdtl - ing a novel lie threw it aside, s.ty-. j ing. '"I believe I could write tt j ; better book myself, Let me set ' ; you do i." said his wife. In a few tracted but little attention, unt U coutimied and wrote "The Spy." Hawthorne, loo, it is said, was iu du id to wiite "The Sca;kt Letter" bv a remark of his wife. W. J. MOXTGOMEllY. i.2E CUOWELL. Montgomery & Crowell, Attorneys and Counsellors at law, Concord, A"C As partners, will practice law in Cabarrus, Stanly and adjoining counties, in the Su perior and Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Court. Office on Depot Street. EN Who are Weak, Nervous and Debiliated. who aie suf fering from i ha effected of eailjr r.vil habits, the result of ignoraneo or folly, will find in Pears. Specific positive And per manes t cure for Nervous Denihtj, Semirial Weak ness rnvoluntary vital losses, etc. Cures gnareuteed. Send six cent iti stamps for Pears -. Treatise on disiasea cf man; their cause aiid mre. J. S. Peai s. (512 Church St.. Nashville, Ten. BE YOUR PROPERTY. Against loss or damage by fire, with J. W. Burkheacl, Ag't. For the Phenix Insurance Co., of llrooklvn; Continental Insurance, of New York; Insurance Co. of North Amoi ioi, Philadelphia, and the Noith Caro'ina Home Insurance Co. All good Companies. Lowest Possible Rates Gives. Insurance taken in any part of the County. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. KEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desiro to purchase a tearing machine, ask our fig-out at your place for terms and prices. If you cannot find our afretit, write direct to nearest address to you below named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.ORMiGE,MASS.! CHICAGO - 28 UNION GQUARE.N.Y.- LI- ATI ANT OA. "EX. ST LOUIS. MO. fryrWT" suHrPuwqsco.eiu., YOIiKK ic haVUKTH, ngents for Cabarrus. Rowan, Iredell and Stanly Counties. HOiE AND FARiH, LOUISVILLE. KY. The Leading Agricultural Journal of tho Sou'.h and West. Made by Farmers for Farmer3. Price, SO Cents a Year. ThoHgh the ulscription price of Homk anb Farm is only one-fourth that of its only rivals, it ieids them all in enterprise and originality. No expense is spared when required to secure luforma. ton, experience or advice iioui any quarter. It is distinctively the FARMERS' PAPER, A record of (heir daily experience, presented in lorin and language which make it plain to ail US LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS I unrqualed, containing the names of the most successful and progressive farmers of the West. These writers treat n of a theory, bill of the actual conditions of life on the larm. Among them are iound the names of B. F. Johnson, Waldo F. lirown. Hill Arp, Henry Stewart, A. P. Ford, Hugh Brooks, Jeff Welborn, Foxhall, John C. Edgar, Steele'f Bayou, T. 1 . Baldwin and a host ot others. Tlte departments relating to K-ME AND THE CHILDREN Are unequaled for fullness and variety. Faith I.atinier, Mary Marsden, LoisCatesly, Mrs. Brown, Miss Ca'.ic, M . Richmond, Mrs. lalmore, Mis Mosby, Airs. Williams and others. A series of articles oa HEALTH AT HOME, Written by an able and experienced family physi cian, is aloue worth many timet the price of the paper. EOWERS FARM " Is an interesting and inspiring story of the success of a boy on a farm, written expressly for this journal by John R. Musick. In short no portion of the farm is neglected. In I its Editorial Dkfaktmbnt are presented th i claims of ' i farmer for fair treatment in the halls j of legislation, and the farming community has no . more able advocate. Hone and Faxm is not a s political journal, its lime, space and energy are de voted to agriculture, every issue answering to it 1 motto ' FAIR TRADE AND FARMER'S RIGHTS." Every subscriber to Hosts and Farm is entitled to a guess at our COFFEE JAR, the successful uessers receiving premiu.-nsamountingtot708.00. HOME AND FARM, ONE TEAR, riFTt CEMTS. THE CONCOHD one Air, only 1.40. STANDARD, $60 FOR $30. JUST THINK OF IT! The Monopoly Busted. Do vol i vv.uit u Sew in if Machine? 17.50 to 30. Varrunlcd Fire i'ears- With all AitachnK'iiU Write for o:ir ".Siii- i i :n.. ..i.... i 1 1 1 ti? ii .iif'.i v-1 ; i. nn of Etc. , v- .V ov Hot: $10 to $30, ; Suvtd by ortleiiug direct from IKad uuarters. Needles for :iny iIitcLii:e, 5 cents a dozen in stMiips. Address The Louisville .Sewing Machine Co.j No. 520 FOURTH AVENUE, Louisville, Kj. August 30, '89,