n i j Ul ST&HD&RD. ;,AIUJEST PAPER .l TI;LISHED IN CONCORD. ivNT.UNS MO KM HEADING 31 ATT Kli THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN THIS SECTION. POETRY. A lliu-liolor't UallRtl. American Queen. 1 Kcjiiniinj lioino at the close of day, W ho srtMitlv lihles my long delay, And by my ide delights to stay ? "Who set fr me an ca.y chair, Prepares the room with neatest care, And lays my slippers ready there? AVlio regulates the evening lire, Ami jdles the Mazing fuel higher, And hids me draw my chair still nigher ? When sickness comes to rack my frame, And grief disturbs my troubled brain, Who sympathizes with my pain? Nobody. "JACKSON'S WAY. 7 Tx Plan Proposed by Stonewall Jackson For Conducting the War, i:tiIorsel by ileneral Robert E. I.ee, WOULD HAVE PREVENTED SHARFS BURG AND GETTYSBURG WRIT ING jackon's biography Charlotte Chronicle. Tlie article by Lord Wolsely has attracted great attention in the South to the war policy of the Con federacy, and people are curious to know what plan each leading man preferred. For the first time, The Chronicle is able to lay before the world at some length, in sufficient detail, and with absolute authority, Stonewall Jackson's broadest and fullest plans as to how the Confederacy should have conducted the civil war. DAVIS VS. LEE AND JACKSON. Exceeding great interest centres in J a -kson's plans ; first, because of the author's ovn greatness, next .because the plans had the approval of Gen. Robert E. Lee. and last, because President Jefferson Davis's policy w as in opposition, if not antagonistic, to the groat Jackson's "plan of cam paign." Ul:. J.U K.SON's LIFE OF STONEWALL. Mrs. Mary 1J. Jackson, widow of the immortal Stonewall, who resides in Charlotte, is engaged in writing a life ot her famous husband. She has been at work on the book now nearly a year, and it is thought that it will be fully six months before the h.st pages are written. She leaves Charlotte to-morrow for her brother's lm:ne in the country, that she may the more closely devote her time and attention to the writing of the me moirs. It was not Mrs. Jackson's inten tion to treat at all of Gen. Jack-sou as a soldier ; she merely inteuded to write of him personally, and in his relations as son, husband and father. It happened, however, that there were matters brought out indefinitely or unsatisfactorily alluded to in Dab r.cv's '-Life of Jackson," that she de sin d to amplify, for the purpose of throwing full light upon them. dabney's error. Among these more or less obscure points is Jackson's idea of how the war should have been conducted. It is treated of in Chapter XV, on the battle of '-Cedar Run," but in an incomplete, inaccurate, and errone ous way. The chapter says that while the army lay near Westover, Gen. Jackson had an interview with Hon. Mr. Botchr, in the former's tent, where the general communicated his views of the future conduct of the war, and begged that on Mr. Boteler's next visit to Richmond he would impress them on the government. Jackson told Mr. Boteler that the Confederates should "carry the hor rors of invasion from their own bor ders to those of the guilty assail ants." 1 abney closes the paragraph with this sentence: "What weight was attached to it, is unknown; but the campaign soon after took the direc tion which he (Jackson) had indica ted." GEN. BARKING Bit's CORRECTION. Gen. Rufus Barringer, a resident of this city, who was a brother-in-law of Gen. Jackson, has been able to furnish Mrs. Jackson very valua ble information on this very point, obtained in a council held with Stonewall Jackson in the hitter's own tent, and at his own request. In stead of the subsequent campaign taking "the direction which he( Jack son) had indicated," it was just the opposite to his plan, and made Sharpsburg and Gettysburg disas trous possibilities and actualities. JACKSON SENDS FOR BARRINGER. Gen. Barringer now possesses the letter in Jeb Stuart' handwriting di rected to the former's Colonel, telling liirn to seiul (then) Capt. Barringer to the headquarters of Gen. Jackson as the hitter desired to confer with the captain on matters of impor tance. Although Capt. Barringer and Gen. Jackson, having married sisters, wi re brothers-in-law, they had not met since the opening of hostilities ; and as the Captain always resided in VOL. II. NO. 22. North Carolina while Gen. Jackson had been a l-esideut of Virginia, they had seen very little of each other, and were by no means on in timate terms. stuart's opinion of barringer. The cause of the complimentary summoning of Capt. Barringer was the gallant stand his company had made in a disastrous retreat at "Will's Church. When all others were flee ing, Bapt. Barringer rose in his sad dle aud commanded his company to " stand firm and at once he rode forward where he learned that there had been given the order to retreat. Riding back, he commanded retreat. Jeb Stuart heard of this conduct, aud reported it to Jackson, saying that he believed Barringer's company was 'the only one in the army" that would have stood under this deadly fire, some members falling while all the others of the troops were fleeing for life. BARRINGER A GOOD SOLDIER. Jackson had apparently forgotten his brother-in-law, for he asked Stuart: "Is Barringer a thorough disci plinarian and tactician ?" Stuart told him that Barringer was a thorough soldier, aud appre ciated to a nicety drill and discipline. Jackson said: "All the better. I like a civilian with practical sense and an idea of discipline. The old army men are apt to be martinets, unsuited to com mand and get the best service out of untrained volunteers." Strange language that for a grad uate of West Point! but who shall be able to iefute the great Jackson's opinion ? GREETING HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW. When Capt. Barringer appeared at his brother-in-law General's tent, the commander's greeting was entirely devoid of sentiment. The General was busy, as usual. He was at the door of his tent, giving commands. As the Captain approached the General said with an inquiring yet welcoming intonation: " Capt. Barringer (?) I have sent for you on business. You will stay in my tent all night. We'll have a good time, unless the Yankees dis turb us; if Pope doesn't, I know McClellan will not." DISCUSSING THE WAR POLICY. That night the brother-in-law Gen eral and the brother-in-law Captain, who later himself became a General, discussed at length the war policy of the Confederacy. Already Jackson had seen that the South could not stand having the enemy's armies within her ter ritory. The mere invasion was sap ping the roots of Confederate sup plies. He and Capt. Barringer conferred at length on the cavalry, it3 merits, its disadvantages, and where and how it could be best used. OPPOSED TO THE DEFENSIVE POLICY. Gen. Jackson announced his em phatic opinion, in that interview, that continuance of the defensive policy meant ultimate disaster and ruin. JACKSON'S IDBA OF INVASION. Jackson's plan was, he said, to organize two, four, or more, interior camps at the more important points in the South, and use the best troops as " Light Movable Columns," of not over forty or fifty thousand men each. These should be made up of the very best men, under the com mand of the pick of officers. They should be lightly equipped, and pre pared for long, quick marches. These he would hurl against the enemy as they invaded the Southern territory, or use them to make rapid incursions of the North. He would select the best and least protected cities, fall upon them without notice, levy con tributions on them of $50,000 to $100,000, or more, as circumstances suggested, and destroy the towns that refused the levy. Whenever he should find the enemy pressing him in the North he would retreat and fight his way across the line. OTHER AND FLANK INVASIONS. In the meantime, however, one of these "Light Movable Columns" would be on the way to some other unprotected city, perhaps 500 miles away, which would be levied on or destroyed. Gen. Jackson went so far as to specify the States into which he would send the lightly equipped col umns. He named Pennsylvania, Ohio and "bleeding Kansas" as constantly exposed points. HIS PLAN OF NO PRISONERS. It was his intention on these in cursions to take no prisoners except high civil officials, whom he would hold for ransom. His idea of tak ing no prisoners is one that his biog rapher, Dabney, either was not thor oughly familiar with, or which he unintentionally, failed to make him self clear upon, in the "Life of Jackson." Geu. Jackson, in that interview with Capt. Barringer, said that while he would take no men of the rank and file prisoners, he would parole them all at the point of the bayonet, with the expressed understanding that if ever taken again they would be put to the sword without trial. JACKSON'S HOME POLICY. As regards the territory of the South, Jackson said that his idea was to abandon the less important points and to put the citizens upon their guard that such would be the policy, so that they might be prepared for. it. Where necessary he would de fend ; but his general policy was to strike" terror in the Northern terri tory and to so locate the interior camps that they could easiest obtain supplies and protect important key points of the South. LEE AGREED WITH JACKSON'. Whilst Gen. Lee agreed with Gen. Jackson on the general idea of this policy the former said that circum stances might arise before plans for its fruition could be set afoot that would necessitate prosecuting en tirely different plans of campaign. Besides, Geu. Jackson said Gen. Lee knew that President Davis did not share these views. The date of the interview between (Jen. Jackson and Capt. Barringer was July 14, 18G2, after the victories around Richmond, when Jackson thought the Confederacy was in de sirable condition to make the changes of policy which he had conceived and which had the sympathy of Robert E. Lee. proof of jackson's wisdom. Within a few days after that, rope struck a blow on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. Jackson whipped him at Cedar Run. Pope retreated. Gen. Lee was forced to pursue or to change his plan. He took the latter course, no doubt be ing wise under the circumstances : and unfortunately invaded Maryland with his whole army, a misfortune that both Jackson and Lee foresaw. The result was the disaster of Sharpsburg. TI13 whole army was in the enemy's lines where they had no supplies. Under Jackson's plan of cam paign, with " Light Movable Col umns" of fifty thousand troops, this could not have happened. GETTYSBURG A FATAL WITNESS. The wisdom of Stonwall's idea was again demonstrated, with fatal disaster, the following year, when the herb of Chancellorsville lay dead, and the Confederacy was in the. ashes of sorrow. Hooker had retreated after the battle of Chancellorsville ; and Lee went up m the Culpeper neighbor hood, aud was there organizing an army, while the officers were in a quandary as to what would be the next move of the great Chieftain. Pretty soon the Union army began to flank Lee's army, leaving open the way to Pennsylvania. Immedi ately began the campaign of inva sion, when the entire army was again in the enemy's country; and then followed Gettysburg, painfully proving the oracular wisdom of Stonewall Jackson, then dead. SOME ONE HAD BLUNDERED. Both of these incursions of LeeV, culminating in Sharpsburg and Gettysburg, were possibly necessities of the circumstances, and the inva sion that ended at Sharpsburg prob ably was had with Jackson's counsel ; but, none the less, they remain his toric proof of the wonderful war wisdom of Stonewall Jackson. .Miss Mary W. Clymer, WHO IS TO BE THE WIFE OF EX SECRETARY BAYARD. When Mrs. Bayard died in Wash ington a few years ago it was hot expected by the friends of the ex secretary that he would ever again take another wife to his bosom. Re ports began, however, to circulate some time ago that he was paying his attentions to a certain lady, and quite lately it has been given out that his marriage with Miss Mary W. Clymer will shortly take place. We wish the ex-secretary joy in his new matrimonial venture, and hope he may live for many years to enjoy the society of the cultured lady who is going to be his wife. Tr" Ky . Stand CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1889. Is imago a Failure ? A I. A1Y TAKES A'STl IEXT TO TASK She Goes to Columbia for an Argument. Is " Daisy " Married or I She hinjfle T HARD ON OLD BACHELORS, OLD jrAIDS AND HEN-PECKED HUSBANDS ? USES THE WIDOWER TO PROVE A TOINT. K The Durham Plant, in its issue of May the 29th, gives a long article, "Is Marriage a Failure?" written by a lady who signs herself "Daisy." We have no way by which to till whether "Daisy" is married, or dig; cusses this question through theii fluence .of the powers that in her beat and from a longing desire to test in a practical way what she labors to prove. If "Daisy" is single and love-sick, as her article indicates, then we know just about as much about this elephant as she does; on the other hand, if " Daisy" is a mar ried woman, then we think, from her discussing the merits and bliss of matrimony, that this marrying busi ness is awfully risk. She says: " Is marriage a failure ? A young man in the Sophomore class in Trinity College says it is more than a failure a humbug. There now! Do you believe him? Why, of course not. Nobody would but a f 1. His facts are grounded upon unstable foundations. They arelike the house that was built upon sand, the first storm that came by swept it away; so it will be with his incor rect, hypocritical statement. I call it hypocritical because I know he did not believe one word of it w'hen he said it. I'll venture to say he could not find a thoroughly civilised descendant of Africa that would be lieve him that marriage is a fail ure, I mean.' That student might be wise, and then " Daisy" ought to be more lib-; eral and not crush her opponent bv branding all of his probable converts ! as fools. Surely Daisy" is not the storm that will "sweep his statement away.' Marriage would be a hard business if " Daisy"' would storm so hard as to crush a statement. "Marriage is not a failure, and men of wisdom have never regarded it as such, and never will. Solomon, the great source of wisdom, says: 'Whoso lindeth a wife lindeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.' He knew what he was talk ing about, because he had no less than seven hundred wives, and if he didn't know what it was to have a wife, who does? The Bible says: ' Marriage is honorable among all men." Now if it had been a failure would we have ever read those words ? Indeed, we would not. JTis true that marriage is regarded by ignorant and illiterate 'men and women as a failure, and I will say right here that marriage is not all the failure with them; their lives are a failure as well." A man would have an awful hard job to support seven hundred women, and in this day and Stale marriage license for seven hundred wives would cost $2,100, an amount " some of us would have to stir around right briskly to raise, and then inn the risk in getting a "good wife" out of seven hundred. " Is marriage the consummation of the noblest affection of mankind? Most emphatically no. Now just listen while I try to explain to the best of my ability that it is not. " Well, let us go to South Carolina, in that beautiful city of Columbia, aud look into the face of that young man, who on a lovely June after noon, when the sun was just sinking to rest beyond the western hilltops, was strolling carelessly along the shady street in front of the million aire's mansion, when his eye caught a glimpse of a beautiful young girl just over the fence asleep in a hammock. He stopped. 'Who can she be ?' he thought, then whispered to himself, 'Ah, .she has the face of an angle! But good gracious! Where am I ?' he cried. ' This is the mil lionaire's neice ; I must not allow my self to become infatuated with her beautiful face,' he sighed as he walked on, whistling an old love 3ong. But he did, and a few weeks later he met her, and every word that fell from her lips seemed to in crease the unquenchable flame of love that was already burning in his bosom, and he could stand it no longer. He must know his fate. So one lovely, romantic evening, in the latter part of June, in the gar den, surrounded by the most beauti ful flowers, he, with a sense of fear and doubt, unfolded to her his ach ing heart. Imagine that young man's happiness when he read the boundless love that sparkled from her soft brown eyes, when he took her soft white hands in his and im printed upon her lips a kiss of pur est affection aud called her, "my own darling girl." A girl does look mighty pretty in a hammock, if she is the "daughter of a'millionaire." Is love a "flame," and can't you quench it even when "she goes back on you"? Are the evenings in June f romantic"? "Un folded to her his aching heart" the heart of a boy in love must be some thing like a rag if it can be unfolded that way. That kissing business and holding "soft white hands" and called her "my darling girl" must be what they call "courting," and from what others have told us, we believe tthat "Daisy" has described it in a real life-like manner. "A few years later they are mar ried and living in a beautiful little cottage. See him on an evening like this, sitting out on the front piazza reading the' evening news to her who sits by his side, watching the little year-old toddler playing at his feet with his kitten. Their hearts beat as one, and more love, joy and happiness than this cannot be realized this side of that celestial city, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Ask this man if marriage is a failure, a consummation of love aud affection, and he will tell you : ' Marriage is the begin ning of a man's happiness, almost a taste of the beatitudes of heaven itself.' Go ask that man whose wife sits up until after 12 o'clock at night, sewing for his and their children's support, while he is asleep, dreaming of some romantic event in his boy hood days, if marriage is a failure? It was indeed a fortunate success with him." It is right pleasant to read the evening news, even though a lady is not near by. But to see a little "year-old toddler" play with a kitten dosn't seem to contain much pleasure. The cat might scratch the baby and scatter its hair about the child's clothes. " Their hearts beat as one." We don't think that it is right' to allow a child and a cat to get so intimate and in love with each other as to cause their hearts "to beat as 1 one. A. man mat wouiu ne asieep, dreaming of boyhood's foolishness, while his poor wife was sewing for a support for her family till after 12 o'clock, is a miserable wretch. Is marriage a success in his case ? "And again, to "prove that mar nage is not a failure: L,ook at a man when his wife dies ; he goes home from her grave, and the first thought that occurs to him is this 'I can't live without a wife ; where will I find me another one?' Now if he is not a possessor of a 'dudish' suit of clothes, he next thinks: ' Where will be the" best place to purchase me a fashionable suit of clothes; I can't get along without them.' So he goes to the city- next week, and dikes himself out in a new suit, buys himself a new buggy, and when you see him at church on the following Sunday you would not know him at all if it was not for the string of crape on his new silk beaver. Just watch him smil tng from the lef t .corner of his eye at ' Mrs. Spooney.' " Daisy " is too hard on the wid owers ! Does it take a dudish suit of clothes and a new buggy to win the affection of a woman, " Daisy " ? You do a great injustice to the good and true women to intimate such A girl, whose affection can be won with a dude's suit and new buggy is not the one to prove that " marriage is not a failure." "Smiling from the left corner of his eye !" Good ness, " Daisy, "you have located the " corners " of the eye and made it to " smile " what a discovery ! " He will be married in less than six months. Now if marriage is a failure, why is-it that he wants to do the same thing over again ? Some may say, well, it's because, he has a large family of children, and can't be without a wife to help him care for them. But stop! my friend; this man's wife did not die until two years after his baby. They marry just simply because they know how much happier their lives were after marriage than before. " When a man invests $75,000 in a gold mine, and digs for months and years, and finds nothing but sand rock, and loses every red copper in vested, will that man ever invest anything in a gold mine again ? No indeed, he will not. It will make him sick at the stomach to hear the word " gold-mine." Now it seems to me a failure in one thing would be just the same as in any other. Why should it not ?" - There now ! This is a stunner. It is true that a man seldom invests $75,000 in a gold mine the second ARB. time, but occasionally he'll" spend $3.00 for license for a second mar riage in order, to keep up the fash ion. " Can you tell me why it is that it is always an old bachelor or a fit subject for the insane asylum that tries to prove that marriage is a failure ? I am anxious to know." Why, " Daisy" ! you are excited. If you have such a clear case you should not say such hard things. An " old bachelor " or a " fit subject for asylum " I " Daisy " you are mad. "Well, now, suppose we visit a bachelor's den and see if we can find 'single blessedness' any more of a success than the young man we left reading the news to his wife. There is one, right across the street. I see him now." - - .... You seem to be interested in this bachelor to watch him so closely. " He is in the garden picking peas for dinner." How many married men pick peas i " You know bachelors always do their own cooking. Do let's slip in without his seeing us. Horrors of horrors ! ! ! The dogs and cats are on the bed which has not been made these many months." "Daisy," you are inconsistent. You thought it so nice to see a beau- iful little child playing with a kitten, but it is horrible to see a man have a cat. " His silk, beaver is on the meal barrel." Some married people don't have meal barrels. "His shoes on the bureau, his comb and brush on the floor but there there on the mantle ! What is it ? Why, it is the picture' of a beautiful girl, in a silk plush frame, buried back there in a mass of rub bish with a pair of socks he has worn no less than two months, hang ing over it" Socks ought to last two months or more. Do you expect him to buy a new pair every week ? " But come, let's go, the odor from this place is giving me a fearful headache. Now you go ask the inmate of that room if marriage is a failure and he will unhesitatingly reply, 'Yes, a complete failure. No body but a fanatic ever said it was not." " Daisy," has a powerful strong imagination. We have seen several bachelors' rooms and we know her description to be a poor one. " Head ache," didn't your head ache? "Of course happiness ia not the result of all marriages, but that doesn't make it a failure any more than a man who has been for a num berof years a member of the church, when-found drunk on the streets, makes religion a failure. " Old bachelors and old maids and a few" hen-pecked husbands are the class of people that are constantly commenting on the sumect, 'Is marriage a failure ?' " You have them " spotted," have you ? "Old bachelors, old maids and hen-pecked husbands." What kind of a wife do yon call that one that has to sew for a living while her husband "lies asleep and dreaming. I " I will leave you by saying that marriage is a failure with none but those that are married in name only, and those who can't find any one who will marry them. 1 will admit. ' brother Bony,' that it is a failure to that extent." " Daisy," you have thrown con siderable "light" on the subject. We hope that you may again con tribute an article to the press upon this perplexing question. Suppose you tell at what age the young should ma.ry, what they should be worth before entering upon such a life, how to "dress" in order to win, what kind of a buggv to buy Co lumbus, Cincinnati, or an " II.M. T." . and ventilate the subject in such a manner as you may deem proper. This is a national, yes universal, question. Turn on the lights. Now, really! do you think mar riage a success ? Uad an Object. Detroit Free Press. " My friend," he said, as he entered a shoe maker shop on Gratiot avenue, "I should like to sing you a song." "How much you charge ?" - "Not a red cent." . " Vhas it a nice song ?" " Very nice. I am sure you will be pleased with it." The man drew a long breath and started off. It was a awful noise. It was intended to lift the shoemaker right off his bench. It did so, and after the first verse he said : " Maype you haf some object ?" " I have, my dear sir. While I don't charge any thing for singing I do charge twenty-five cents to stop." "I see ; vhell, I vos going down to Springingwells' for dis afternoon. While I doan' sharge you to come in, I make you pay feefty cents to get out." And he stepped out and locked the door, and for two hours the itinerant talked with an inquiring public through a broken pane of glass, and freely acknowledged that there are better games than his. WHOLE NO. 74! He Fought at Winchester. AND HE WILL NOT PASS THROUGH THE PENITENTIARY GATES. Judge Phillips, who held Forsyth court, told The Sentinel a pathetic incident which occurred at the last term of Surry court. It beautifully illustrates the tender sympathy of one soldier for another' who has been unfortunate. In the case of the State vs John Stuart, indictment for larceny, the prisoner appeared in the court room, shuffling along, scarcely able to walk. He wore a soiled check shirt, a very much worn suit and a battered hat. Appearing as State witnesses were two well dressed, sleek-looking men, who clearly showed by their looks that they were determined to send the old man to the penitentiary if possible. "Has the prisoner any counsel?" asked Judge Phillips. "I have none, your Honor," auswt r- ed Stuart. "I am a poor man, una ble to hire an attorney." The Judge saw by the man's looks that this was an unusual case and said: "Well, go on and tell your story." "Well sir, I was in the Confederate army, and at the battle of Winches ter I was shot through both hips. Since then it has been exceedingly hard for me to support myself. I went to work for this man last year and worked eight months, upon his promise to board and clothe me and to pay me what my services were worth. During that time he paid me ten cents, with which I bought to bacco. At the end of eight months he refused to pay me any money and retuseu. to give me any clotnes, say ing that my services were worthless. Then, your Honor, I went into his ward-robe, took-a suit of clothes to hide my nakedness and left. He had me indicted for larceny and I have been in jail ever since." As the old man finished, a hushed murmur of indignation was heard throughout the court-room. "You say you were shot at Winches ter ?" asked Judge Phillips, who was himself an officer in that splendid and memorable charge. . "Yes, sir." "Were you in the second charge, to the left on the other side of the town?" The prisoner's face brightened "Yes," he said, "1 was tnere, in Rhodes' division and was shot while crossing the ravine just below the hill." The Judge was satisfied that the old veteran was telling the truth,but to be certain he called the State's witness. H Inle tlie witness was giving in his testimony, which was to the ef fect that the old man's story was about right but that he refused to pay him anything because hii ser vices were worthless, Stuart leaned over to Solicitor Settle. "Mr. Set tie," he said, "your father and I were friends. I lived in Rockingham county and your father persuaded me to enlist in his company. I re ceived my wound while following him. Since then it has been a hard struggle for me to keep out of tire poor-house." By this time Judge Phillips, So licitor Settle and everybody else in the court-room was satisfied that the old soldier had been pitilessly perse cuted and the faces of the on-lookers showed the deepest pity aud sympa thy for the unfortunate man and the blackest indignation for his heart less employer. "Mr. Solicitoi," said the Judge, "change your bill of indictment from larceny to tresspass." This was willingly done by Mr. Settle. ' "Now," he continued, "judgment is suspended and the prisoner is dis charged." Scarcely had the last word been spoken before every man in the room applauded, and great tears were seen rolling down the cheeks of strong men. A similiar scene, Judge Phil lips tells us, he ha3 never seen in the court-house. As the old man who, half an hour before had been friendless, hobbled out of the court-room, hundreds of men drew around him to shake his hand. Our townsman, Hon. W. B. Glenn, volunteered his services to se cure a pension; Mr. Ilollyfield offer ed him a position as miller and in less than five minutes a haudsome purse of money was made up to buy the old soldier a comfortable suit of clothes. Needless to add, he was almost overcome with gratitude, and to his dying day he will bless the memory of his old comrade-in-arm, and his generous, new-found friends. Copper money 'first made its ap pearance in England in 1C09. THE STANDARD. WE DO ALL KINDS OF job -woirik: IN THE NEATEST MANNER AND AT THE LOWEST RATES. ODDS AND ENDS. In Paris they call inventor Edison "The King of Light. 10,000 lives were lost last week by a hurricane at Hong Kong, China. The smaller the pocket-book, th more important a dollar will make it look. Evil talkers should be arrested for carrying concealed weapons in their tongues. The nun who runs from a bum ble bee may show great courage when fighting with a lion. Slander is like a conversation over a telephone in that you can never hear but one side of the story. The Semi-Centennial Celebration of the Virginia Military Institute will be held in July 3rd and 4th. Heurie Matheu, 101 years old, one of Napoleon's veterans, died in a squalid New York tenement Tues day. "Show me a man who rides a veloci pede or bicycle and I'll show you a case of spinal ' complaint," saya Dr. A.gnew. It i3 the opinion of all those who come in contract with Coporal Tan ner that his manners have been sadly neglected. The Hon. Thomas F. Bayard is in ffice again as a commissioner to settle the Delaware-Maryland bound ary question. The sheriff at Troy, N. Y., put a prisoner in charge of his horse, and the prisoner naturally trotted off with the animal. The war records show that almost 4,000 Union soldiers deserted dur ing the war, while 2G7 were caught tried and executed. A ton of rope made of the hair of devout women of Japan has been used in building a $3,000,000 temple to Buddha at Kioto. Mrs. Spurgeon, wife of the cele brated London preacher, sends books to poor country clergymen and bonnets to their wives. They are making fun of a Buffalo judge for calling a double-barreled, gun a "two-shooter." It's all in English as she is spoke. Mr. Pulver, of Vineland. N. J., has eaten an egg every day for the last half century. Up to date he has pulverized 1,521 dozen. Every week some American falls heir to $3,000,000 of English money, but somehow you never hear of the money being paid over. Col. W. W. Chilton, aged 44, a Virginian by birth, for fifteen years on- the Louisville Cou rier-Journa staff, has just died from overwork. Only one person in every 50,000 of the population dies in his bed when asleep, and there is little excuse for lying awake and worrying about it. Disappointed office-seekers, walk ing home from Washington, are re minded that the blackberry patches Will soon be doing business at the old stand. John Bright, one of the greatest Englishmen of the Victorian reign, who lately died, left an estate of $440, 000. Mr. Gladstone is also well off as to money. In Niagara county, N. Y., farms sold at $100 per acre fifteen years ago. They can now be bought at from $40 to $G0, and almost every one in the country is for sale. Always deduct about four years from the age of a veteran claiming to be 120 years old. Medical science has no record of a person in this country living beyond 102 years. Dr. Lyinon Abbott, Henry Ward Beacher's successor, create quiet a sensation in Brooklyn the other day by declaring his belief that a person could repent for a sin after he ii dead. Searching Small Boy Daddy, why didn't he tell a lie when his father asked him about the cherry tree? Cynical Parent Hum, guess he was getting one ready, boy, but s'pose he hadn't time to hatchet Cynics say : "Friendship is a good thing but it has no market price " Mile. Hortensc Leduc, of Montreal, knows better. She has just been left $4,000,000 by the will of a rich Frenchman, as a token of fritndship. It will take from $500,000 to $1,000,000 to repair the damage to the Chesapeake and Ohio canal caused by the flood. It is virtually gone as a water way, and the general impres sion is that the end of the canal ha9 come. In Holland an unmarried woman always takes. the right arm of her escort, and the married woman the left. At a church wedding the bride enters the edifice on the right arm of the groom, an4 goes out on the left side of her husband. . r ' : t v - V' 1

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