THE SUMMO. 1'iiIDAV, Ji-xeM, l?t?0. T he K :i r m rinut loas niter Oh(. Clarendon Enterprise. Oats, 0110 of our best and moat important crops, and will bo ready to cut now soon, and a great deal of land will be left with nothing upon it. One of the best things to do with this land is to sow it down mi mediately in peas. Peas are un doubtably one of the greatest crops we have, and, as Bill Arp amusingly fiTnressinclT expresses it, I have unbounded respect for peas." Nature teaches that when a piece of land has been planted in one. crop for several years it will degenerate in value. Some crops extract more of one substance from land than soino other would do, and it 12 a known fact that oats will do more towards ftanmnsr !a piece of land of its fern tility in a few years than any other crop that could be planted there. Oats seem to combine more of the substances taken from tho land than any other crop, and will do more to wards making it poor, whilo on the other hand neas seem to do more towards restoring the qualities taken from the land than any other trop that can be planted. This, we sup pose, is because so much of the plant is vine, and thus returned to the soil in greater quantities than was required to produce the plant itself. Another reason .that planting peas on land will enhance the value of it so rapidly is on account of tho shade the vines make. Ticking the peas from the vines seems not to detract in any way from the good they do the land, as it seems that most, if not all the nutritive propel ties, are contained in the vine.. But even if they are cut off the land hen first ripening and used for forage, which is of most excellent quality, the land will then have received some benefit from the crop in the way of the shade they have given it. But for the purpose of fertilizing land is not tho only good use to which peas may be applied- They are an excellent feed for hogs and cattle, besides being a first-rate table dish when other things better are scarce, old red cow peas though they may be. Upon the whole, peas are one of the best provision crops we have and every farmer, when ho cuts his oats, ought to sow down the land in peas. They require less work than any other crop that can ba planted, and will grow almost any where. A piece of land is poor in ¬ deed when it will not make a pro verbial cow pea, and a piece of land is poor indeed, if after two successive years being planted in the proverbial cow pea, it will not be made a richer piece of land. Bill Arp says he planted five acres, of peas every year, and Bill Arp is a sensible man, or at least he has a big 'eputation that way. In our opinion peas make a fertilizer that is better than guano, and costs about one half that that article dos. For in stance, take two acres of land and on one put four hundred pounds of guano, which is a fair manuring, and which will eost not less than seven dollars ; on the other acre broadcast one and a half bushels of peas, which will not cost more than two dollars at the outside, allowing the ploughing for each acie to cost tho same, and in October plant the two acres in oats, or some other crop suitable for that season of the year, and see which will produce the best crop. But this is not all of the advantage. It will bo seen that the manuring from the peas -will last longer than the guano, and the crop on the acre fertilized with peas will stand a drought remarkably well, while that on the other acre is al most burning up for want of rain. "We believe every farmer who has had experience' in fertilizing his lands with peas will admit this to be so, and if he has had no experience in such fertilizing we advise him to try it at once, as it is one of the important things, to be learned be fore he is going to do anything much at farming. A large acreage of peas broadcast this spring will be a good indication of u better crop next year, and we hope fanners will consider our suggestion enough to try it one time anyhow, and then we are satisfied they will do so again. Onnmif ion Surely Cnrctl To the Eoitou Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy Jot the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of mv remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will s'nd me their express aud post ollice address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., 1S1 Pearl St., New York. A HEALTHY GROWTH. Acker's Blood Elixir has gained a linn hold on tho American people and is acknowleged to be superior to all other preparations. It is a positive euro for all Blood and Skin Diseases. Tho medical fraternity indorse and prescribe it. Guar anteed and sold by P. B- Fetzer- sewing machines that will last Beveral generations. The New Singer V. S. No. 2. A new machine not an improvement on an old one. We have employed M. L. Blackwelder to sell our ma chines in all sections convenient to Concord. Machines cheap and sold on easy payments or long time. Don't bay until 3-011 have seen the latest machine on earth. Singer Mfg Co. Richmond, Va. Office with Hoover, Lore & Co, Mow to Mnke I n 1-111 i iik Pny. A. J. Jones, Columbus, Ivy. "Does farming pay?' I emphat ically say it does- I was born and raised in a city, learccd a useful trade and always commanded the highest wages ; can now leave the farm and get steady employment at S3. 00 per day, but that does not pay near so well as tho farm. To make farming pay it requires as close attention in every detail of the busi ness as is necessary in any branch of merchandise, and it must be strictly borne in mind that all food jsupplies for the family and stock as far as possible must be raised at home, and, too, it must be considered, that it is not what is consumed at home, but the surplus that is sold, and don't be ashamed to sell anything from an egg up, and don't think the amount too small to take care of, and you will booh see that farming pays and have a snug amount of cash in hand. PIMPLES ON THE FACE Denote an impure state of the blood and are looked upon by many with suspicion Acker's Blood Fdxir will remove all impurities and leave the complexion smooth and clear. There is nothing that will po thoroughly build, up the constitu tion, purify and strengthen the whole system. Sold and guarante ed fcy P. JFeUer A HEALTHY GROWTH. Acker's Blood Elixir has gained a firm hold on the American people and is acknowledged to be superior to all other preparations, It is a Ksitive cure for all Blood and Skin iseases. The medical fraternity indorse and prescribe it. Guaran teed aud sold at etzers Drug Store. HAPPINESS AND CONTENT MENT Cannot eo hand in hand if we look on tho dark side of every little ob sticle. Nothing will so darken life and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure the worst form of Dyspepsia. Con stipation and Indigestion, and make life a happiness and pleasure. Sold at 23 and 50 cents at Fetzer's Druj Store'. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Not if you go through the world 1 dyspeptic. Acker's Dyspepsia Tab lets are a positive cure for the worst iorms of Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Guar anteed and sold at Fetzer's Dru Store. ARE YOU SKEPTICAL? If so we will convince you that Acker's English Reniedv for the lungs is superior to all other pren arations, and is a positive cure for all Throat and Lung troubles, Croup Whooping Cough and Colds. We guarantee the preparation and will give you a sample bottle free at Fetzer's Drug Store. DB PHOPim.1' IHSUHE 9 Against loss or damage by lire, with J. W. Burkhead, Aff't. TYv flip. Phenix Insurance- Co., 01 llvnoklvn: Continental Insurai TCtuv York: Insurance Co. oi North America. Philadelphia, and the North Carolina Homo Insurance Co. All good Companies. Lowest Possible Rates Given urance taken in any part of the C y. 0. OF PBR COD LIVER OIL ftrno HYPOPHOSPHITi:.3 Almost as Palatable as E&tlk. So -rttegutaad tliat it can to toVen, i!getrd, 'nod iwslniilated by tho mot. .ensltlve stomach, when tho plain oil ,-Rnnot be tolerntcrt; p.ntl oy tae coj.' blnnlion of the oil witH the tyj.-op!ic-6' pliites Is much, more etiicaclous. EcmariiEjl as a Scsa pro'aeer. Persons gain rapidly villc tntlag J.:. SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledge! by Physicians to be the Finest and Lest prcpa jation in the world for the relief and euro oi CONSUMPTION. 6CROFULA. CENERAL DEBILITY. WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. The great remedy for Consrimptian, and Wasting in wuaren. 001a oy au urugyisis. M. J. CORL'S I COXCOKD, C. I have moved into the st-ilils Info ly occupied by Drown Bros., near the courthouse. The best accommo dations for drovers. Leave your orders at the stable or with J. L. Brown Porter for onmibus. Horses and mules for tale. M. J. CORL, Proprietor. 1RII&S, MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, ' SOAP, HAIR, TOOTH, XAIL AND PA I ST BEUSHES. itelxionoirGiVisin 1 a. 17.50 to Warranted Eire Willi all AthichmenU 30. illustrated Circular.-: of our crs," "New Home,' Etc. Write for "Sing- 1D Saved by ordering direct from Head quarters. Needles for any Machine, 25 cents a dozen in stamps. Address The Louisville Sewing Machine Co., No. b-io fourth avenue, August :(, -sr. Eoi:isille, Ivy. Bit &&2rV' nun. 11111 rn , ,n wrfe-P' fciS 5- w-vrvvsa n r--sl I I write; V' frr.i.K inflam of Bot 11 M: W.!: Eiy'o Cream Balm Cleanses tho Nasal Passagos. Al lays Infiannnation. Ilealstho Sores. Restores tho Senses of Tasto, Snaoll and. Hearing. A pprlioio isarwlie.l intomchnrmtril and Is rer:iilf. I'rire nt Drutiis or by Di&il. KI.Y hllO'iUiJi,Ui Warren Su,New York. COME. SEE, BUY FROM D. D. JOHNSON, si, , DRUG fi 1ST. s ill Id. Mi I MARK 1 - K - . ',v' p writ TT L. For ill FaeeraaSei mini a 11 -)0(- 4? t: em y as (Ill T!ic Leading ..Jk-rsl J.-,--.Ic'T..-:.- J-7 nsr o t ice. Under a morf r!cft p-prntprl hv .T. C. Johnston and wifp T will baII fnr cash, at the court-house door in Concord, on MONDAY, the 1st of July, a TRACT OF LAND ly ing m .No. 3 township, Cabarrus county, adjoining the lands of C. A. Overeash and others, containing about fifty-seven (57) acres, and known as a part of the Cone nlaee. May 3uth. 1880. tt J. STIREWALT, Trustee II. S. PtRYEARjAtt'y. my33-tds NOTICE: ITavins aualified as administrator of the estate of Henry Plott, dee'd., all persons owing said estate must make prompt payment, and all per sons having claims acrainst said estate must present the same for payment on or before "the 15th day of December, 1889, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery, lms, the 14th day of Do ceraber, 1888. W. M. BARRIER. By W. G. Means, Att'y. SALE S TOWN LOT By virtue of a mortgage or deed in trust executed to me hy (i.V. Montgomery on the lltlr day of ovember, 1880. and registered in Deed-in-Trust Boo No . 3, pages 4)0 and 401, m Kegister s oihce of Cabarrus county, I M ill sell for cash, at the court-house door, in Concord, at one o'clock, p. m., on MONDAY, the 24th day of June, 1889, a certain LOT OF LAND containing One-Half Acre, situated in said town, adjoining what is known as the Eph raini Means lot, and bounded on the cast ly the btreet which runs back irom i.e. Mricker s residence, and on the south by the street which runs by A. J. IJlackwelder's lot to said Means lot. lms the 2!5d dav of May, 1880. J. E. JOHNSTON. my 24-4w By W. G. Means, Att'y. ZEST O TI C IE I Having taken letters of adminis tration on the estate of M. L. Town- send, dee'd, I do herebv notifv nil persons holding claims against said deceased to present them for pay ment and all who are indebted to said deceased to come forward and settle at once. J. B. FURR, Adm'r. latii May, iss'J. LADIE SPdyes Do Your Own llvrlnc-. nt Horn. Tht-y will dye everything. They are sold erery where. Price lOe; a package. Tliey havenoequU fur Strength, lirightness, Amount in Packages or for Fuvtuesa of Color, or noii-fiuliug Qualities, TUty do not crock or aiaut ; 10 oolots. For suit) by For sale at 12 FETZER'S DRUG STORE, and D D. JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE. MENA.h? are eak, Nervous and Debihatcd, who aie suf fering from tha effected of early evil habits, the result of ignorance or folly, will find in Tears. Specific a positive and permanent cure for Nervous Depility, Seminal Weak ness Involuntary vital losses, etc. Cures guarenteed. Send six cent in stamps for Pears Treatise on disuses of man; their cause and cure- J. S Pears G12 Church St., Nashville. Ten, Having moved into the com modious building lately occupied by W. C. J. Caton, onCaton's corner, chas. a: cook is now prepared to furnish GROCERIES AT VERY LOW PRICES. MY STOCK IS FRESH AND NEW! and the trade WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE to call and see me before buy ing anywhere else. Very respectfully, CHAS. A. COOK. FUNITURE CHEAP FOH CASH AT M. E. CASTOR'S PITDVTTI I'UIIMIU IDA ST n Room U, Imm, ana DOM rt DE COFFINS, ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. I do not Fell for cost, but for a small profit, onie stntl examine my liuc of goods. Old furniture repaired. 15 M. E. CASTOR. 8X RolM OoM Witrh. roia lor I o. until uul watrli in 1U0 world, fwtat timekwncr. Wr- . ranted. Utrr bohJ (.old LliuntinfrCurt. llolh Udiet' and vents' atxes.wiih wn.w l and caea of cciual valnA. I Onel'ernon in oar h in calfiy rn acrura nn. Cm toellirr Tilh our larpe and ral. ampie. i h. samples, ai jbjrJTTrjlugia "el' '" watrh, we srnri Oim I yoor home for t3 months and shown ihvth ta lliuia PIT? nos. mmm Who nwjr hare eallcd, titer bwoine your own j.rcpcrty. 1'hos w" wnte one can b auie of raceivtntr the Vnf eh Wwai cHa iii aL&vuuZu Made by Pric- Fapm oii'-y ' AP pre 'Y- F'. T:.', :, 1 1. . CHILDREN :.c:v. F.;;th t'y the - FAfiMERS Arecrrlrf t'neir tlaily :.;? rierc (oruiuJ KniLiae whi. h make : ; ITS LIST OF C0f:TS:-L It tin' "n.ile. contaiiii'ii; l!:- t-v-sticce'.lnl .i:nl r -rc ..ive uc. T bcr uritfis tr.: 1: fli tf:'t'; con-:).it.-:is 1 f tic un TV: f..r; fouiul tht namti -f i:. 1 . : Hill Arp. Henry S.-v..i.:, A. 1 lelT Wcibopn. I ' nn.-ill, l. i.i llayou, T. 1 R.l Urn i,r.':x li. 1 he i!crar::ier.ts rcl.u.: to Hv-ME AND THO: Are ttnrTinlt'l for f:i'!i,is -LatitTK-r, Iai v M. r'--'cn. 1. Mnv CaMf, vT . . '. Mosf.v, Mrs. . "i!lia:::s and e!;c seric- of artKt'-s i -i Written I'V .to ii le .t;: I c:.: cian, is ! ac ;:h i .!.-. i: BOWFr.- FAI7M" Isa.i i:urri.-: antl :n-;::.i st..i y of C:r success rf a 'y..!i a t .vn, r.'.Uii c-, :i- fur litis journal by John k. Mc..ic. In '-hort no portiin rf firm is n's'fi. la its I'.OiTOKiAL Di:rRV'RT zrr. j.rc.n:c.i thj claims of ' e farmer f-t f...i trc-.tiwi.t in ilie holts of IKilation, ?ml iht. c'uiiiiiiiin.ty liai ro more able advocate. 1'. and Kai:m is not a political journal, its tin.-, sj .ci- anJcntrsyarc de votej to i.e Culture, entry i-as ai:i-.vciiig to its motto ' FAIR TRADE AS0 r.RMZR'S RIGHTS. " Every subscriber to I' ve am. Farm is entitle,! toa,;iie it wr CO! I i-.i-l JAK, the successful guessers receiving l're:iuu...samountiiij;to$7QB.00. ic j.ri y r ysi e it tiie HOME M0 FARM, O.NH YL.'.U, FIFTY CDiTS. TIIE COXfOIU) one jwir, oiily f 1.10. STANDARD, Caveats, and Trade-Iaiks obtain ed, and all Patent, business conduct ed for moderate foes. Our ofiij-e i:, opposito Hie TJ. S. Pa tent OJiU'o and we can secure patent in k.s limp tlioo remote' from Va:-il!inlo;i. S.;-' r,( drawin'' or pboto.. 's -i '.I'liiHi. Wo adviso if pa v or not, 1'rt.o' of charge. ; r.ot duo until patent Hccur- Wlt: '(!::.:' Oar ; ed. A 1 ten!,, vour free. 0,)i ton. i'.nipi.k-t, "How to Obtain Pa ' Avuh n:,i;:e actual clients in Itate, counly, or town, sent Address, C. A. SXOW & CO. osd o Patent Oilicc, AVasLing- y . .. ..-rS ' s :'. '.'? ;;.';t 'A Xi h t'-i f". s;.': ':i a, . r - .- .-. Js. If youtlt'i-'ri'toii nsk osiri::fr,a t:t l-vioor-. lL'y; ,if .: tli-i'vt (0:1c. !-.;.: tTUM'O'TCrv C.i-:V.J - 7T Ci? O 1,'J rii.:c machine, l'.r li'ntis nml r ii rnt, write i! : hv i'trci 0:1 rOURE,N. O.'.URS. .".i''.rZl"--'"-.--."t, -,::1 o: . y. A REQUEST. WE trust the reader of this pnpet will glance over the testimony giv en below concerninsr Atlanta's great gift to suffering humanity, the I6-t.-inic Wood Balm. Sufferers should write to the Blood Balm Co., of Atlanta, Ga., for their illustrated "Book of -Womlcrs' f.lWl with additional true testimony li wonderful cures. At their office in Atlan ta, the Blood Balm Co. will be happy to show seekers after truth thousands of let ters in the original manuscript, received from happy persons made well by using D. B. B. li. Ii. II. B. B. B. B. B. B. SHELL, Warrenton, N. C, rites f "My eyes gave me great trouble and when rubbed would inflame and become swollen. Two bottles of Botanic Blood Balm made a firm cure. b. n. n. b. n. n. B. B. B. KS. BETT1E GRAVES, San Saba Texas, writes : "Our little daughter was afflicted with white scabs and dandruff and small sores on the front of her head. Botanic Blood Balm healed the seres, impioved her general health, and she is now getting as fat as a pig." E. B. B. E. B. B. B. B. B. HENDERSON, Macon, Ga., mtes : "I suffered six years from blood poison. Four bot tles B. B. B. did me more good than all other medicines I have ever taken." B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. 11. T R. A. R. JAYNES & SON, lutes I I ville, Mo., writes : "We sell twelve bottles of B. B. B. to one of another blood purifier ten times as widely adver- B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. ELSON, Clover Bottom, Tenn writes: "i naa an ugly running sore on my leg. My daughter had a siru i!ar sore below her knee. B. B. B. cured', us both. It is the only remedy that evei did her or me any good." 1 . It. 1$. B. B. B. B. B. B. CASSIDY, Kennesaw, Ga., rites: ".My wife was a great sufferer from scrofula. Three bot lies of 15. B. B. has made her a perfectly healthy woman. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. A II. PARKER, Willow City, Texas, Li writes: "I have taken B. B. B for paralysis, and received great benefit." B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. (1 AM M. LEEMAN, Ridgeway, Tex., writes: "I was afflicted with sores and boils all over my body; heard of Botanic Blood Balm, aud A -ve it trial. Under its use the disease entirely disap peared." B. u. B. B. E. B. B. B. B. LSON. Glen Aloine. N. C. "My leg was amputated below the knee on account of blood poison and bone affection. A big running sore, fourinchts across, came on me after it was cut off, I was given up by the doo tors but have got well by using Botanic Blood Balm, and also gained very much m weight." u. u. B. B. B. b. b. r. n. KS. B. O. SHEPHERD. No. 302. Last Main Street, Norfolk, Va., writes : "I received so much ben- efit from a use of B. B. B. It is a great medicine u. it. u. b. B. b. n. n. n SOUTHERLAND, Bardston, rites: "I never found to do me so much good as Botanic Blood Balm." B. B. B. B. B. B. R. R. R. LEXANDER, Madison- Ky., writes: "One bottle B. cured me of severe rheumatism." B. 11. 15. u. n. B. B. B. B. H. OTLAW, Mt. Olive, N. C, writes: "One bottle of B. B. B. entirely cured me of rheumatism." B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. EW JOHNSON. Belmont Station. Miss., writes: "My body, neck, face and cars and scalp, were all covered with sores, and my hair came out. I lost my appetite and was very feeble. I am using B. B. B. and the sores are all healing and going away.' B. B. B. It. B. B. B. B. B. tTTINGLY, Louisville, Ky. "I suffered from pains in and severe kidney disease. All the medicine I had taken did me no ood. I took one bottle of B. B. B. and ave not had a pain since." B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. 4 iv i i U) aiwuiuiiiguatu Ala., writes: "B. B. B. healed thirty-three running sores on my bony, and 1 lecl very gratelul lor the good it has done me. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. f H W. MESSER, Howell's X Roads, I Ga.. writes: i. B. li. cured me i T of chronic sores that had troubled i me for years, and which other rem- ;nies did no good. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. A. CAYCE, Pulaski, Tenn., writes: "I have used B. B. B. in my family and consider it a valuable blood a I purmei. Protect IEDMONTAIKxLi;-;:; KAILPiOAL. Condensed schedule in ( 2d, 1889. Trains run ' Meridian Tim ft. By buying your Spectacles and Eye Glasses from COlniELL $ B1W. ft 1. lilll 4 BED STABLES. (OX EAST DEPOT STIJEET.) all goes trains to any Meets and part of town for passengers. We have tlie to suit any and. every one. FOII DRIVES WEDDING PUBLIC GATHERINGS, FUNERALS AND FOR ALL AND EVERY OCCASION. OUR !g&dg3 TOWN. SALE AND FEED Visitors ..nd Drovers uill li 11(1 nil imnif.ncn luiilIInr o rrnnA aafa (trtA convenient place for tlioir stock. ' ' f-y TERMS TO SUIT THE TIMES. SOUTHBOUND- Leuvo New York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Charlottesville Lynchburg Ar. Danville Lv. Richmond Burkeville Kcysvillff Danville Daiiv. No- Ik. 12 r ma 7 20 an, 9 4. am 12 2-1 m 3 40 , m 5 40 m 8 20 pin O VJ phi 4 59 pm 5 40 pm 8 40 Dm Ar. Greensboro 10 25 pm Lv. Goldsboro 2 0(i rm ' i ! ' .8 0 , " 1" am 4 :0 am Ar. Raleigh Lv. Raleigh Durham Ar. Greensboro Lv Salem Greensboro Ar Salisbury Statesnlle Asheville 11 ot Springs Lv Salisbury Charlotte Spartanburg Greenville Atlanta Lv. Charlotte Ar. Columbia Ar. Augusta 00 pm 4 50 p m 4 07 pm 5 52 pm 8 30 pm G 15 pm 10 37pm 12 2 G am 1 51 am 7 40 a:n 9 20 am 12 32 am 2 O.j a n 4 50 am 5 50 am 11 00 am 2 20 am G 30 am 10 30 am NOBTHBOUXD. Daily. No. 51. " J- am sic, t "'rm 1 inM't 7 llj 9 .V) 11 Is !- iiili ; i 1 ! n 1 ' I i 12'lVn 4 -Is , , 9 40 ;., (Ml j'-a 5 In fx . - ' '' im "ih 7. No. -j, Lv- Augusta Liv. Columbia Ar. Charlotte Lv. Atlanta Arrive Greenville Spartanburg unarlotte Salisbury G 15 pm 10 40 pm 3 15 am 6 00 pm 12 45 am 11 49 am 4 40 am 6 17 am c5 AND BUGGIES," HACKS, Etc., SURPASS ANYTHING EVER IN JR. WU writes : YORKE & WADSWORTH Hardware Headquarters. M efit fr mcdici B. H. B. B. WSOUTHI Ky., writ t anything gooa B. B. B. W.a i L" came very f sores n. B. B. JOHN MA writes : back and Lv. Hot Springs 8 05 pm Asheville 9 46 pm Statesville 3 30 am Ar. Salisbury 4 37 am Lv. Salisbury 6 22 am Greensboro 8 00 am Salem 1140am Lv Greensboro 9 45 am Ar Durham 12 01 pm Ar llaleigh 1 02 pm Lv Raleigh 1 02 pm Ar Goldsboro 3 10 pm Lv. Greensboro 8 05 am Danville 9 47 aui Keysville 12 38 pm Burkeville 1 23 pm Richmond 3 30 pm Lyncnburg 12 40 pm Charlottesville 2 55 pm Washington 713 pm Baltimore 8 50 am Philadelphia 3 00 am New York G 20 am 12 5..!:., 5 1.-,!,, 2 4'J i.Ia 5:;iti , " W i 12 1 Vj 1 ."2 i.u ;,.. r,4:5l , h i'-i n;u M2::iaa lt5M.Jl Ms .vi . s ::.,;,:a Ti' i 'I , 1J. :,m "12 PI IT 1 "Daily. tDaily, excepi Sin, Mrs, mmm, mmm, mm. 0 Famers and Everybody E se in Hardware at YORKE & W A T) S Y O T?. T 1 T ' S nf unt forthoUAbll. Our stock is full ind complete. A splendid line of Cook oitne. ai:n cooKUig utensils m Mock. 1 urliins: l'lows. PloT Stock". Harrows ueii uiET. i eeu butters. L oriislu-i cr. I mu'.un. (Mine i Jl. t.'.,:.... ... ' ' ' ' 7 v- UIH-, A 40ll.ll.-. JV1 1U'L J lllVflfT bhot and Lead, Doors, Satli and Blinds, Shin-les, Glass, 0h, Lite Lead I aintsnd Putty a specialty ; Wire Screens. Oil CUhs, wro-i-'ht, cut and Horse, Shoe Nails, and in fact evei vtliinir usu.-illv L-cTif in a,1 -.,. c..,. v 7 - "iwu ui v ju'i tr it r. will sell all these goods as cheap, quality v aronna, considered, as any house in North Our warehouse is filled w ith Carriage, Bujrgies, Wagons, Reapers, Ma t,rs, IJay hakes, of the uet make on the market, which must and will be so ic lowest u-uies. lo sure to come to see us, whether you buy or not. YORKE & WADSWORTH : S Wo have always on hand Lister's arid Waldo Gun,,o nml VnA gt juices to suit. v wr CJ 1. M. MMBWSWS IS NOW AGENT FOR J, THE HttVS AND COURIER, The YORKE c WADSWORTH, a-ents for Cabarrus. Rowan, Iredell and Stanly Counties. CHARLESTON, S. C. leading Daily of the South Atlantic States. CHECKERING PIANOS. AEION PIANOS. DENT PIANOS. Matliusliek Pianos. MASOX AX1) HAMLIN PIANOS. WATERLOO OL'GAA'S. PAClCATin nnn aura ' "UKilIW, JlLLSaV AXl) HAMLIN ORGANS. AT LOW riilCES OX EASY TERMS. Write me for prices before hnvinf. Thn T..T?mrc;rp crnmr n-n j ui vw KfH FUIiNITUliE IX TIIU STATE. E. M. Andrews Charlotte, 3XT. C Takes all the Associated Press Re ports Special Telegraphic Cor respondence from Washington, New York and other cities Complete Telegraphic Cotton and Provis ion Market Report. LADIES. . no. EIGHT PAGES. TEN DOLLARS A YEAH. 10. THE WEEKLY NEWS. A Twelve Page Family Paper. Containing all the Foreign. Do mestic, State and City news and the following Specialties : Choice Sto ries, Chess Chronicle, Agricultural ucpartment. $1. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. $1. THE S UNI) AY NEWS. An Eight Page Daily and Family Paper Combined. Each number contains the latest Telegraphic, City and State News, Choice Fiction, a Special Chess De partment, and articles on Social Topics, $2. TWO DOLLARS A YEAH. $2. ADDRESS THE NEWS & COURIER CO., Charleston, S, C, FOR SALE DY Cannons & Fetzer, W. 3. MONTGOMERY J. LEE CROWELL Montgomery & C rowel 1, Attorneys and Counsellors at law, Concord, NC, As partners, will nractioe law in Cabarrus, Stanly and adjoining counties, in the Su perior and Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Court. Office on Depot Street. A. H. PR0PST, k&i and Contractor . Plans and specifications of build jngs made in any style. All con tracts lor buildings faithfully car ried out. Ollice in Catou's hml?,' up stairs. i36' The Morning Star, A FIRST-CLASS DEIIOCRATIC EWSPAPAR ! PUBLISHED DAILY AT per annum The oldest DAILY in the Slate. TIIE WEEKLY STAR, 81.00 a Year. Full and reliable Market Reports. The latest News, Political and trcnci-al, from all parts of the World, Condensed ana Arranged in the most Attractive Form. Advertising Rates Reasonable. Address, WM. II. BERNARD. Editor & Proprietor, Wilmington. N. C. Train for Raleigh via CfartsM c leave Richmond daily 3 00 pm; K vs ville 6 05 pm; arrives CJarksvilJe 7 " pm; Oxford 8 SO pm; Ilender.-oi: 0 :;u pm; Durham lOoO pm; Raleigh 11 -I" pm- Returning leaves Raleigh 7 ( o am daily; JJurUam H 60 am: iidi derson 8 30 am: Oxford 10 'H) r - Clarksville 11 18 am; Keysville i'J: pm; arrives Richmond 3 30 pm. Local mixed train leaves DurLavi daily except Sunday 5 30 pm: ar rives Keysville 135 am; returuii leaves Keysville 9 00 am; anitji J Durham 5 30 pm. Passenger coitca attached- Nos. 51 and 53 connect at Iiieh mond daily except Sunday for West Point and Baltimore via Yoik River Line. No. 50 from West Point coMicots daily, except Sunday at Richmond with No. 50 for the South- Nos. 50 and 51 connpet nf Golds boro with trains to and from 3Iore head City and Wilmington. No- 51 connects at Greensboro aud Selma for Fayetteville- No 53 connects at Selma for Wil son, N. C. Nos. 50 and 51 make close cornic e tion at University Station with trains to and from Chapel Hill except Sun days. SLEEPING CAE SERVICE. On trains 50 and 51 Pullman RtifiVt tdeeper between Atlanta and New York, Greensboro and Augusta, au i Greensboro, Asheville, and Mollis town, Tenn. On trains 52 and 53 Pullman BullVt Sleeper between Washington and New Orleans via Montgomery, and between Washington and Birming ham, Richmond and Greensboro, and Ralaigh and Greensboro, and Pullman parlor cars between Salis bury and Knoxville. Through tickets on sale at pricipal stations to ail points. For rates, local and througli time tables, apply to any -agent of tho company, or to m m Sol Hass, Traffic Man'r. W. A Turk, Drv. Pass. Ag't, Das. L. 7 aylok. Baleigh, N. C. Gen. Pass. Ag't. 4 i When I eay Crms I do r.ot moan r.-.f-fly t top them lor a tima, an! th.;n have t'-.:iu r turn aain. I mkaw A iLAUlCAi CUil'S. 1 havo mada tiie disenec oi FITS, EPILBPS'l" cr FATTING SICKITHC:" Alifa-locg study. I vtahraxt ravrrpp 'r Cdrb the worst cases. Uccanso r.tlic---, i Tailed if) no reason for not novv ivi::.: . , . Send at once fora treatise eni a r3,;r r. ).-, Of my INFAT.LIBLB ltEMEDY. Give- !.., and Post Office. It costs yo:i v.r.iif, r , -trial, and it will cure you. Adircs3 H. C. ROOT, tn.C, 1 33 F;;.si Zx.. Vv:v N 0RTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. Next session begins, tl e first Nu- day of September. Location lieahby 'J'erms moderate. For catalouorue Or nn.tieidiirs. dress, Rev. J. G. SCHAID, Trcs't, Mt. Pleasant, N. C." August 3, 1888, Executrix's Notice. Havin" oualified na trio TlrwniriT of Alex. Foil, deceased, nil iiersons owing said- Estate are hereby noti fied that they must makeimmediate payment, or suit, will limnt nd all persons having claims against said -Estate must present them to the undersigned, duly authenticat ed, on or before 15th day of March, 1891, or this notice will bo plead in bar of their recovery. Amelia L. Foil. Executrix. By W. M. Smith, Atty. Fob. 9, 1885.

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