n ,-yC I 7. V TIE STSiDHRD. L A u ( t KST P A WAX i'l'I-LT'-HKl') IX CONCORD i t'NTAINS MOKK RKAD1NG M .ViTKU THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IX THIS .SECTION. P O KTRY A SAME IS T1IK NAXI. GEORGE D- riSEXTICE. Alone I wruked the oce:m strand, A pearly shell was in my hand; 1 stooped ami wrote upon the sand My 11.11110, the year, the day. .. s onward from the spot I passed, One linseiiug look behind I oast, A wave oamo rolling high and fast, And washed my line away. A so methought, 'twill quickly be, With every mark on earth from me, A wavj of dark obliviou'a sea Will sweep across the place Where I have trod the sandy shore Of time, find been, to be no more Of nio, my day, the na;no I bore, To leave no track or trace. And yet, with Him who counts tho sands And holds the waters in His hands, I know a lasting record stauds Inseril ed against my name, Of nil this mortal part has wrought, Of nil my thinking: soul has thought, And from these fleeting moments caught For fflory or for shame- WHAT THE VETERANS ARE DOI.U !Siii-c Tliey Put AmHIc Their Armor. A SKETCH THAT WILL BE OF GREAT I XT Ell EST TO THE EX-SOLDIER OF THE CONFEDERACY. IKre is something quite intcrest i::' to all ex-Confederate soldiers, h is written by the Lounger on the Av ntu- in to-day's Washington ller a.'i What has become of the Confed erate Generals?" is a question very often asked, but not so easily an--vi ivd. and it is the Lounger's pur ine to try to reply to this question in the presently coming column. i inly thosewho have undertaken such a task can appreciate its immensity ;:!,! trouble, but if it serves its pur I shail be content. To begin v.ith those of t lie highest rank of the live full Generals of the Con federate army, Johnston, J. E., and I V.'au regard survive. Gen. Johnston is United States Commissioner of Railrewls, and Gen. Beauregard live; T 1 IT i 1 in Louisiana, wnere ne nas create j the finest body of militia for its j iiiiwil-oii of America. lie is also ov.e of the commissioners for the! liquidation of one of the old Louis iana .State banks, besides which he has other important business con nections. There were twenty-one Lieuten ant (ieuerals in the Confederate army from first to last, and of these all were from the United States Army but four, viz.: Richarel Tay lor, X. B. Forrest, Wade Hampton and John 15. Gordon. Of them the following are living: D. II. Hill, who is in North Carolina ; Stephen I.ee, Early, Buckner, Wheeler and A. P. Stewart, besides the two .not from the old United States Army, mentioned above. Oustavus W. Smith is the ranking Major General living, and makes his home in New York City. W. T. Martin lives at Natchez, and is a railroad president. ('. W. Field lives at Hot Springs, Ark. L. L. Lomax is superintend ent of a prosperous school in Vir ginia. Frank Armstrong is the best United States Indian Inspector un der the Government, for he was born in the Choctaw nation. Humse lives in Memphis, Tenn. Churchill was Governor of Arkansas and lives at Little Cock. Colquitt was Gov ernor of Georgia and is United States Senator elect from that State. Col. Stone has returned from Egypt and is living here in Washington, and is chief of a division in the Surgeon General's office. Dibrell is a member of Congress from Ten nessee. Lyon, who commanded one 'f Forrest's divisions awhile, lives ;it. Eddy vi He, Ky. Mackall, who was a Brigadier General anel Chief of General Bragg' s staff, lives over in Fairfax county, Va., not far from Washington. He is in wretched health. MeGowan is a member of the Supreme' Court of South Car olina. W. II. Miles is a cotton plan ting magnate on the Yazoo river in Mississippi. Roger A. l'ryor is a prosperous lawyer in New York, Juhn G. Walker is down in Central America, as Secretary of Legation under Dabney Man ray, who is our Minister there. Lord, how the world changes ! Holmes is in Mexico mining, and I hear, making money. Of the three Lees who were gen erals, Custis who was Mr. Davis Chief of Staff is the President of 'ne Washington and Lee College in Virginia. William Henry Fitzhugh I. -e, generally called "Runy," is a planter and member of Congress from the Eighth Virginia district. Fitzhugh Lee, u cousin of the oth ers, and a famous cavalry officer, owns the " Ravenswood" estate, on the Potomac fifty miles below Wash ington, and is Governor of the State Confederate Genera VOL. XL NO. 2G. of Virginia. Kobort E. Lee, the General's youngest son, who served in the ranks tiro greater part of the war, lives on the James river, and owns a handsome estate there, He is more like his great father in ap pearance and manner than any of the Lees. I have heard, though I do not know how true it is, that it is in contemplation by the Lees to remove the dust of their grandfather (" Light-horse Harry Lee," as Gen. Washington always called him) from Cumberland Islaueh, Ga., and bury it by the side of (Jen. Robert E. Lee. If I had to select the man who should represent mentally and phys ically the highest type of the young er Southern gentlemau -I should choose Custis Lee. Ho is a mau of strikingly handsome and well-bred appearance, and of perfect manners, and is the only one of the Lees who is unmarried. Turning from the Lees, General Longstreet, the rankiug Lieutenant General of the Confederacy, I am sorry to know, is getting on badly. He lives at Gainesville1, Ga., and his house there burned recently with all that was in it. Longstreet had the confidence of General Lee to a greater degree than any of his o!a cers, for barring Gettysburg, about which there is a wide diversity of opinion, Longstreet never made a mistake. Gen. Early, another of Lee's corps commanders, lives at Lynchburg and is in the practice of law. lie is fairly well to do. Of Gorelon I have spoken before. Everybody knows what General Hampton, who once commanded allj the cavalry of the army of Northern Virginia, is doing, aud that Major! General M. C. Butler is his colleague ! in. the Uniteel States Senate from j South Carolina. - Turning to the officers in General ! Johnston's Armv of the Tennessee, i 1 Lieut. (Jen. A. 1'. Stewart is Presi dent of the University of Mississippi j at Oxford, ami Lieut. Gen. Stephen! P. Lee is President of another Mis sissippi institution of learning. 1!. II. and Patton Anderson are dead. Cereal Bate is United States Sena tor from Tennessee-, and W. II., e-r "Red," Jackson, one of Forrest's division commanders, is living near Nashville on a magnificent planta tion. General Wheeler, who com manded all of General Johnston's cavalry when he was only twenty nine years old, is a planter in North Alabama, was a member of the last, aud is a member-elect of the next Congress. . (Jen. Lawton, the Quar termaster General of the Confeder acy, is a leading member of the Sa vannah, Ga., bar, and '.Gen. Gorgas, the Confederate Chief of Ordnance, died in Alabama the other day. Cockrell, the ranking Confederate General from Missouri, is the senior United States Senator from that State. E. C. Walthall, of Missis sippi, who wa3 seriously considered as a possible Commander of the Army of the Tennessee in 180-1 by Mr. Davis and his Cabinet, is a United States Senator from Missis sippi and the attorney for the Illi nois Central's Southern connecting lines, at a salary of $12,000 a year. Just after the war he was a law partner of Judge Lamar at Oxford. Three West Point Governors and ex-Confederate Generals rode at the head of the troops from their re spective States in the New York Centennial parade. They Mere Fitzhugh Lee, of Virginia ; Buck ner, of Kentucky, ami Nichols, of Louisiana. Nichols, who was terri bly wounded, losing an arm and a leg, both close to the body, was electeel Governor for the second time in 1SSC, and inaugurated in 1SS8. Robert Lowrey, who was a Brig i- dier General in the army of North- j ern Virginia, is Governor of Missis- j sippi, and Sully Ross, who com- j manded a Texas brigade in Forrest's j troops, is now Governor of the great j State of Texas. Pagan lives in Ar-j kansas, as does Movan anil Louis Ilebiet (one of the best mathema ticians that ever left West Point).! who was Colonel of the Third Lou- j isiana Infantrv and a' Brigadier Gen-1 oral, and who lives up in his native Attakapas, in Louisiana. Rosser! lives near Charlottesville, and isj rich, while B. If. Robertson, the j courtly, gracious gentleman, is a resident of Washington City. Ceo, Stewart lives in Baltimore, as also does Bradley Johnson. William H. Payne lives here in Washington and at Warrenton, Va., and is the attor ney for the Virginia Midland. Thomas M. Ixigan, the youngest Brigadier General the Confederacy ever made, being just twenty-one when commissioned, is at the head of . the great Richmond and West Point Terminal system. He lives in New York. ' William P. Roberts, of North i'- A .h h Vt Carolina, a cavalry Brigadier Gen eral under W. II. F. Lee, and next to Logan in youih, lives in North Carolina, ami has been estate Audi tor for a long time. Mahone is-at Petersburg. John C. Brown, the ablest General officer from Tennes see, who was the first Democratic Governor of that State after the de feat of the reconstruction policy here, is now the Solicitor General for the combined Gould system of railroads, with headquarters at St. Louis. George D. Johnston lives at Charleston, S. C, and is the Super intendent of the Citadel Military Academy. Gen. Ferguson lives at Greenville, Miss., anel is a member of the Mississippi River Commis sion. Holtzclaw ; Jivesjn .-'Alabama' at Seltna, I believe. Gen. Buckner, who is worth a million, is Governor of Kentucky. Lieut. Gen. Kirby Smith lives at Suwane', Tenn., where he is Presi dent of the University of the South. McLaws lives at Augusta, Ga. Featherston lives in Mississippi. Slaughter,. Gen. A. S. Johnston's Inspector General, afterward a gen eral ofiicer, is the Republican candi date for United States Marshal of Northern Alabama. Harry Ileth is in Texas. E. Porter' Alexander is Vice President of the Georgia Cen tral railroad. A. R. Wright, of Georgia, is dead. Pierce M. B. Young lives at Cartersville, G'a. George D. Cosby, who was Adjutant General of California untie" Stone man, lives in that State. Kershaw is a Judge in South Car olina. Conner lias been Attorney General of South Carolina and is now a Judge, and Chestnut, ' Bon ham and Yotiman5 ar . all living in that State. Walter Taylor. General Lee's Adjutant Generrl, lives r.i Norfolk. Coil y. the Quu-lermaster of the arniv Norther : Yr rnr. shot himself several years ago, and Charles II. Marshall", the Aide de Camp who wa with Gen. Lee v. iieti he surrenderee!, is a leading lawwr- iu Baltimore. C. M. Wilcox lives here and John Withers is living quietly at Mobile. I could name other3, but I believe I have mentioned those who are best knewn to the public, North or South. Taking them all in all, the late offi- cersof the Confederacy have steered remarkably clear of poverty and are generally very averse to having any thing to do with politics, and their influence has always been in favor of law and order. There are many named in this list who were not in the regular army before the war, but the information I am endeavoring to furnish would not be Complete without mentie'n of them. A Daiijforout Oi-ccpntiou. New York Star. " A lineman carries his life in his pocket, and it may slip through a very tiny hole," said an employe of the Brush Electric Light Company yesterday. " A cool head and a steady nerve, with a smattering of electric knowledge, are the prere quisites of. a first-class lineman. Unles3 a man be apt to judge and quick to remember he will be liable to serious blumlers in his manipula tion of the wires. Where there are dozens of them attached to one pole, it is necessary that he should be able readily to distinguish each from the others, and have no doubt as to whether it be quick or dead. Con tact with the earth through means of a conductor should be shunned like death itself. Moisture in the atmosphere or 0:1 the wires or the pole greatly accentuates the danger that always prevails. What is oreli narially a non-conductor becomes imbued with conducting properties when it is wet, and this is why line men dread to mount 'the poles after or during a heavy storm. " if a man exercises dne diligence : began instantly to wriggle harder and a certain amount if what is j than he did on the end of the line tc-rnu-d gumption,' he may purs-ao : ju t out of water. "How did. you his-business for years without re- learn this trick ?" the stranger asked, ceiving any worse injury thou a burn ; "I always knew it," was all the olel or twe). But even the coolest-head- j n;an could tell. cd man is liable to blunder occasion- allv, and there is no other depart- A Eahxs 1 1 is Livixg. A went in life where a blunder 0f j laa.v living in New Milford recently microscopic proportion effects such i covered a novel way to make but disastrous results. The contact of ter. She set a rich pot of cream a dandint!- watch charm or a little heside a cool sprin.se near the house, linger nail with Cue wrong wire the wrong time may cost a man his life. So long, however, as he sits astriele the cross piece of a wooden telegraph pole and confines his at tention solely to a wire that has no communication with the earth, he is as safe as if he were in his mother's arms. A Y'ankee has set up a school in Paris and advertises that he "will teach an) Frenchman to speak the only sensible language in the world in six weeks , and at a cost of only $25." CONCORD, -N. C., FllIDAY, JULY 12, 18S9. General Lawrence Sullivan Ross is Governor of Texas. Mr. Ross was born in Bentonsport, Indiana, Sep tember 2Sth, 1838, but the main part of his early life was spent in Texas aud Alabama. He became a student at Florence Wesleyan Col lege in the latter State, at the age of nineteen, and graduated there from, with high honors, in the class of 1858. During his vacation from college he joined an expedition to assist in raiding the Comanche In dians, where he met with numerous mmmm ineidents and was seriously wound eel. After his recovery he returned to college and pursued the course of his studies until his graduation. In io'.t he was placed in command of the frontier by Governor Samuel Houston, with sixty men under his charge, and with this small section of an army scouted the neighbor hood and became the victor of sev eral very heavy, skirmishes, driving the Coiiianches into other regions, after scearing, by capture, over three lmr.dred head of good, serviceable '-lt!e horses, lie rescued numbers o.' t risoners, v.h vhad been taken captive at Parker's Fort, near Gras by, one of them having been cap tured thirty-iive years before. At the breaking out of the war General Ross resigned his cenimission, en tered anel became a private in the company of Capt. Peter F. Ross. After receiving several minor pio motions he was advanced to the rank of brigadier general ami maintained this title until the close of the war, 4 ' "cu " 1 utv;lulv ' l'ou" ... l... l .1 :.. .. i: tics and was elected shenlt of Mc Lennan county, in lSTo" ; two years later he was elected to the constitu tional convention. ( ruokril Ils. Philadelphia Press. An elderly man sat placidly on the string piece of a far downtown pier, contemplatively waiting for a bite at the other end of his lishiusr line. It came, and the old fellow pullcel out a very "wriggly" ell. 'What'iii I goin'toelo with 'i ml'" he echoed to a stranger's querry. "I'm goin' to make 'im lay still and keep alive, too." Grasping his squirming prize Avith a well sanded hand, he laid him out straight along a crack in the wharf's flooring. Then he let him go. The eel's eyes had a a strained, intense look in them, as if he was doing his level best to squirm, but not a quiver passed along his ricrid length. "Everse'e a machine get on a elead centre:" asked the wise eld fisher man. "That's what ails the eel. e never see an eel straight in the water. No, nor ye never will. He's got to keep crooked, or rather he can't get straight. When he is he's paralyzed. One set of muscles pulls just as . even against the other, so he can't move." An hour later the stranger passed that way again. The eel still lay there feeling, no doubt, like the Titan under the mountain. The old man gave the eel a push, so that the straight line was broken. The eel I ' where it remained over night. Upon goin for it next morning she was" astonished to see a huge frog sitting compacitly on a ball of yellow butter in the center of the pot, dangling his feet in the buttermilk. He had fallen into the pail during the night, and in his frantic struggles to get out had actually churned the cream. Jay Gould says that for the "first year of his married life he lived on $100, got up at daybreak, went to church every Sunday, and was as happy as a boss bumble bee in 6veet clover. TSio President's Kumi'ipr Iouio. 'When Mrs. Robert James McKee came from the West she packed a blanket trunk full of decorative lit tle womanly things to make more comfortable the Summer cottage at Deer Park. Prints for the walls, bits of porcelain for the narrow mantel shelves, bowls for flowers, and inexpensive water services, smokers' articles and china baskets for fruit all pretty ornaments but not too ornamental to be carried out on the lawu or left on the porch over night. She brought a stack of shaw s to be worn in the cool of the evening, and. slumber robes, afghaus anel eofa blankets to spread on the grass for Baby McKee aud his friends as well to fix a hammock with and to be stowed in a carriage or a rowboat for a day outing. She brought a a little mountain of sofa pillows, none of them too decorative to be tossed about and actually used ; gayly covered lap-overs for chair backs, silk catchalls to hang on the tloor knobs and hold fancy work or little socks that might require mend ing, and a lot of Smyrna rugs to spread over the cool, clean matting in the old fashioned drawing-room and chambers. No need to mention tidies, abound, anel ia the same col lection she has long scarfs for the straight-cut sideboard, centre pieces of grass liuen. etched in still life anel floral paterns,and embroidered, tea and lunch cloths to match. Mrs. McKee pride is in the wide porch, which, extends across the entire front of the house and to which, when the long windows are thrown open, the drawing-room has the appearance of an annex. By means of Japanese shades this open air parlor can be inclosed ami made as private as any apartment in the cottage. The floor is scattered with rugs, anel among and between and on them are willow rockers anel straight chairs. There's a ham mock, too,, for the President, with a cushion of ruby velvet in one cud, anel conveniently remote hangs a smaller swing, where the babies of the Administration will kick and crow anel sleep and grow through the long, lazy Summer ilays. Gar eleii boxes filleel with geranium, lobe lia, verbena, fever feriij nasturtium and hanging plants inclose two sides of the porch, aud the lawn about is bright with buttercups and margue rites, and from the mountain top opposite the house a view of four States may be had, and in this pretty cottage aud picturesque surround ings the first lady in the land will rest and recreate. For a number of consecutive sea sous Senator Davis occupied the cottage, and rather than tlisturb them some of the quaint pieces of household furniture wexe left on the premises. The wall of honor in the kitchen is covered by an old safe with cedar shelves on double doors paneled with perforated tin. Here the $3,300 chef will keep his biscuit cutter, pie plates, jelly tins aud lemon squeezer, aud on the outside baking powder boxes, cruets, corn-screws and such implements a3 salad, hash and julep are made with will be ar ranged. Xot l' to the Oltl Man's Average. Erskin M. Phelps, of Chicago, reached New York on the Etruria Sunday, on his return from a three months' tour in Europe. Afc his hotel in Nice he was introduced to Lord of England. As he was smoking, he said to Lord : "Will you have a cigar ?" "Thank you ; but I only smoke one brand, the Henry Clay." "All right. I'll order some." The box was brought. It was em belished with the familiar picture of " Harry of the West." As he took his cigar, Lord said: "When old Clay was alive he made a gooel cigar, but his sons don't keep up his reputation." "Henry Clay! Why, he didn't make cigars ; he was a statesman, and ranked as high with us as Gladstone or John Bright do in your country." "I beg your pardon. I've smoked these cigars all my life, and I tell you old Clay made a d d sight better cigar than his boys do." It is said that 37,000,000 babies are born in the world every year. And yet we wonder that men commit suicide. A bachelor's syllogism: "Mar riage is a lottery ; lotteries are ille gal ; therefore I obey the law by re maining single." A New York philosopher figures that 3,000 men could be killed off in the United States and leave the Gountry twenty per cent better off. He refers to loafers, drunkards and pluguglies. IoIJm of Komiicrn Mates. OLD VIItGIKIA HAS THE LAKOEST BY SEVERAL JI1LLIOXS. New York Sun. The figures relating to State in debtment which are presented in the last Statistical Abstract issued by Treasury Department have drawn the attention of our esteemed con temporary, the New Orleans Demo crat, to a very remarkable fact. The thirteen Southern States, includ ing Kentucky and Missouri, have funded debts aggregating $95,858, C43, besides an unfunded debt amounting to $20,000,000 more. The funded debt of the South is thus distributed: State Funded Tax in Debt. Mills. Virginia $23,550,G0o 4.0 North Carolina.:.. 4,300,000 3.0 South Carolina 7,012,741 5.25 Georgia 8,752,305 3.5 Alabama 9,214,800 5 5 Florida 1,275,000 4 0 Mississippi 1,105,150 3.5 Louisiana ll,9S2,fi21 G.O Texas 4,237,730 2.5 Arkansas 12,029,100 4.0 Kentucky 074,000 4.75 Tennessee 2,500,000 3.0 Missouri 9,525,000 4.0 Total ?9G,158,fi43 Average of State tax in mills. ..4.07 Of t hese Southern States Kentucky alone has a sinking fund, and in her case it nearly covers the small iu debtmeut. Three-quarters of the debt of Texas and about the whole of Mississippi's are due to the school funds of those States, so that the net debt is insignificant in each case. I n round figures, $110,000,000 is Southern aggregate, including the the unfunded debt. The remaining twenty-live States, comprising all tho.-e of the North, the Northwest, and the Pacific slope, owe less than $43,000,000, funded aud unfui.eled. if the amounts in the several sinking funds are sub tracted from the nominal aggregate. It appears, therefore, that the Southern States -are loaded with mere than tw o-thirds of all the State debts of the Union. This heavy anel enormously disproportionate burden is mainly due to the years of mis government anel plunder which the South eneiureel under Republican carpet-bag rule. That was broken up by the Sun and some other news papers ; and the melancholy period ended forever with the election of Samuel J. Tilden as President of the United States. It is well to remember these things once in a while. The figures of the Southern State debts even at the present time remain as a reminder. The wonderful energy and new pros perity of the South is steadily de creasing the mountain of State debts piled up during the eight evil years of Grant and carpet-bag rule. Human Volumes. Durham Sun. When we think cf it, in manv ways the lives of meyi resemble books. They are in covers which all can see. Seme are covered with morocco all embossed aud gihled; others are not so fine anel some have scarce ly any cover at all. Each one has a name, ami some come in sets by the same author auel all being a continu ation of the same subject. The comparison extends to the contents, for are not lives divided into chapters ? Each has also its pro face or introduction in the brief pe riod just preceeling its appearance in the world. Some written will, oth ers not so well, auel still others are so badly written as to be unreadable. The character of the subject which may be studied in these human books varies greatly. Some are poems others doggerel. Some are works of fictiou others are philosophical treatises. Occasionally some may be found which are bound editions of Puck, but over against these are tragedies which wring the heart. But the comparison goes no far ther. These humau vol times are not for general reading. Some times a nar row circle of friends arc permitted to read a few chapters, but more commonly our knowleelge is con fined to a touch of the cover, a glance at the title page, ami some times avc sec the finis written in marble above a mound of earth; but always in a greater or lesser part the volume of a human life is i sealed book, the secret meaning of which is apparent to the great Author of us all, and to him alone. All that we can even know of hu man experience, other than our own, can never be more than fragmentary anel imperfect a broken chapter, a torn leaf blown bv the wind. It is not putting things in the right place that bothers a man so much as finding the right place after he has put things in it. NO. 7S. Death Before lrtiilg;ery, THE DOO's IXI ATE HATRED FOR AXY TIIIXG THAT LOOKS LIKE WORK. New York fun. " Every dog is either born a gentle man or a confirmed loafer," said a Long Island sporting man, who keeps a dozen or more canine pets and studies their habits with an interest that never flags. " There is not one of them who will work if he can avoiel it. The only difference between the well-bred ami genteel deg and the loafer in this respect is shown in the manner in which they support their idleness. The dog whose birth and connections entitle him to live without soiling his paws by labor knows his social position very well, and is not at all ashamed of the aimless life he leads. On the con trary, if as occasionally happens, he is forced to perform some light task, his whole nature is lowered, and he goes about his uncongenal occupation in a half-hearted perfunctory way, and evinces by his drooping ears and depressed tail that he keenly feels his degradation, and does not know what he has done to deserve it. He considers that his intelligent com panionship, his unswerving fidelity, anel his sleepless vigilance in pro tecting his master's property when the heavier senses of humanity are steeped in slumber should exempt him from vulgar toil, and be accepted as sufficient return for his board and lodging. As his owner usually agrees with him, the elog is not-often asked to sacrifice what he regards as his birthright. "The dog of loafing tendencies yields not a whit to his aristocratic brother in his detestation for toil, but he cannot carry oH his idleness with the same air of easy intlepen ence. He seems to think "that his owners expect him to work for his living, and he moves about in the family circle with an apologetic bearing ; but there his subservience ends. Try to train him to the light but debasing treadmill employment of turning the' wheel that works the mechanism by which the cream is made into butter, and you will be surprised to find how soon .he will be surprised to find how soon he will learn to distinguish churning day from the other six, and be conspicu ous by his absence while the dairy maid is doing his work. " A dog's abhorence of labor, hard or eas-, cannot be attributed to lazi ness, for he is not at all lazy. All animated nature shows no more active creature than he. Arouse him from his sleep on the coldest winter night anel call upon him to accompany you on any mission, and he will be delighted with the conG dence you place in him and shrink from no discomfort or danger. It is clear to me that his hatred for toil is due to his innate gentility, and only when he is false to his natural instincts aud feels ashamed of his lifelong idleness does he look and act like a loafer. It is not easy to teach a gooel dog tricks. He will not take kindly to them, for they are too much like, work to accord with his tastes. Curs some times make gooel tricksters, but how often have you seen a Newfoundland or a mastiff stand upon his ear or waltz on his hiud legs ?" " Well bred dogs are like Indians. They are at all times reatly and will ing to hunt until they drop, or fight until they die; but the motto by which they all seem to be guided is, Death before Drudgery.' " She Forjiol Ihe2 Ilymu. Duflfalo Courier. One of the brightest of Elmira's little five-year-old girls was taught an appropriate verse to repeat in Sunday school last Sunday. She had also recently learned, a little nursery rhyme which had profoundly impressed her. In Sunday school, when her teacher called upon her to give her Christmas verse, she spoke of it as a " piece." Little Miss Five- year-olel forgot all about the hymn, and electrified the whole infant ele- partmcnt by rising anel solemnly repeating the following: " The owl and tha eel and the warm in;; pan They went to call on the soap-fat man. The soap-fat man was not within. He hael gone to ride on a rolling-pin. So they all came back by way of the town And turned the meeting-house "up side down !" fp Partial payments seem hard enough to the school-boy, but he finds them harder still when he grows up. It is only very good men who grow indignant and wrathy when some one affirms there is no hell. Yv'hen a married woman goe3 out to look after her rights, her husband is usually left at home with his wrongs. WIIOL WE DO ALL KINDS OF JOB "WOEK , IN THE Jf EAT EST MANNER AND AT THE LOWEST HATES. t'nriottiticft of Marriage. Goethe said he married to obtain respectability. Wycherly, in his old age, married his servant girl to spite his rela tions. The joining right hands in ancient times had the solemnity and validity of an oath. There is a story of a man vrho got married because he inherited a four-post bedstead. Giving a ring ia supposed to in dicate the eternity of the union, seeing that a circle is endless. A man got married because he had, bought a -piece of silk cheap at a sale and wanted a wife to give it to. Under the Roman empire marriage was a civil contract ; hence we read of men "putting away" their wives. Among the Jews the rule was for a maiden to marry on the fourth and a widow on the fifth day of the week not earlier. In Jewish marriages the woman ia set on the right, but throughout Christendom her place in the cere mony is on the left In a Roman marriage the bride was purchased by the bridegroom's payment of three pieces of copper money to her parents. The Russians have a story of a widow who was so inconsolable for the loss of her husband that she took another to keep her from fretting to death. The custom of putting a vail upon the maid before the betrothal was done to conceal her blushes at the first touch of the man' s head and the closing kiss. ICissing the bride the moment the marriage ceremonial ended, though not now prescribed by the rubric of the Western churches, formerly was ail-imperative act on the part of the bridegroom. The early marriage ceremony among the Anglo-Saxons consisted merely of hand fastening", or taking each other by the hand, and pledging each other love and affection in the presence of friends and relatives. An old adage thus lays down the proper day for wedlock : "Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health, Wednesday for the best day of all; Thursday for crosses, Friday for losses, Saturday no luck at all." Write-up of Towns. Charlotte Chronicle. Every now and then some deserv ing and en terprising newspaper gains the good will of small towns by an elaborate article on them.- The most that the article generally does is to tickle the vanty and gratify the pride of the citizens of the town written up. One flaring write-up of a small town in a state paper could hardly be expected to do more than compi-. ment the people of the place. "Blowing" helps the town, if it lias anything to blow about; but the best advertisements any town can have is a live, thriving paper crowded with well written advertise ments of every business in the place, from doctor to blacksmith. Tho reason advertisements in the local paper, make a good advertisement of the town, is that the world knows that advertising pays; and the people know that where all the business men of a town advertise they must be prosperous, because prosperity is tho inevitable result of liberal advertis ing. There are some towns whoso citizens will give liberal amounts to see the town written up glowingly in a paper in a larger town, while the homo paper inevitably and un answerably gives the lie to the ful some anel paid-for puff by its own meagrely patronized advertising columns. Advertising in the home ' paper brings immediate results, from homo patrons, and it brings collateral profits from the benefit that every town derives from a local paper crowded with home advertisements. A column puff in a foreign paper does not equal a one inch advertise ment in the poorest home weekly, m immediate or in collateral results. If you want to build up your own trade advertise in your home paper ; if you want to build up your town, build up your town paper.. A Lakge Gkape Vine. The largest vine' in the world is 6aid to be one growing at Oy3, Portugal, which has been in bearing since 1802. Its maximum yield was in 1864, in which year it produced a sufficient quantity of grapes to make 1C5 gal lons of wine; in 1874, 1461 gallons, and in 1884 only 791 gallons. It coves an area of C,314 square feet, aud the stem at the base measures 0 i feet in circumference. New York Telegram. 4

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