1-. THE STANDARD. Friday, July 12, 1889. The Karm. Tbe Farmer's Bank. the laiitte will become soured and grass will not grow. If willow hedges are set out at intervals and kept well cut back they will assist much in this filling process. Let the native grasses grow, if they make fair hay, or if you can put in the cultivated grasses it may be R.P.Shellew,lnFanandnome. ""ler. Al3 " Nothing should be more strictly stubbie ana wnen we oernow saved upon a farm than all manurial there wm oe no .wasmug. mu. a a n-ct- i, o i settings wm oeieiu auionir iuckluos Ronma of wealth from which the and the land will be improved. owner may confidently draw. Waste few years of this grass culture will material of all descriptions, like prepare these creek lands for corn wood ashes and slons. toeether with again. Meantime let the farmtrs n v i a ,o;- fall back on their upland. A little biio pifUAt auu oiiiuiai ibuimuo w I be procured, should be put into it manure with plenty of work will If slauehter-house. waste is obtained give twenty bushels to the acre on fTtAa-h1v nAA 4-Vtis tArrjvftim unfit flffVi these uplands. Let oats take the scraps and nieht-soil. With this place of corn for horses. The man mix some trood absorbent, rich in who makes an abundance of oats : a:i i:t 1 a,. I will never have poor horses. For UlgBUlU AUtl.Ill, lUdUl) VUJf I mnrV ai. mnVh Of tliPBA tr. Inst the last eiffht monttis mere nas oeen two are the best In many cases I n0 general overflow of the creeks, two or three loads of this dry muck land if similar seasons could continue when mixed with the manure is as juunng the summer these lowianus good, for all practical purposes, as would be the very place to mane trio rtvitrinal imuinn itaolf aa oil llarsre and cheap corn crops. But 4V M4MMM1V t9 tt'l I ' liquid and gaseous portions are ab-1 no one should always plan and plant nrhml hv tliA mnnV tw nr.fiiinir I for excessive rains and a long - j ' " 1 ii wasted. drought. To compost this, place layers of Town Ordinances. Jm, T u CORL'S the material between layers of the absorbent used; the latter should be four or five times greater than the manure. This should form a neat pile, and water must be added I less cases have been permanently from time to time in limited quanti- cured. I shall be glad to send two Consumption Sorely Cnred To the Eihtor rieasc inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope- ;4. 3 1 bottles of mv remedy free to any of tiu w nooiaw 111 iciiiiciltatiuu uu 111 decomposition. process is desired to be especially I aud post office address C.ill Meeting o! t!it? Eonru of Commissioners lor t no vow 11 of Concord, June 5th, 1880 : Ordinance 4$- Tin- 15oar.l of Commissioners for the lown of Concord do orusiin M:c. I. That any owucr or the puardiati of any owner oi anv nreiiuses or lot upon which there is a cellar, sink or ex cavntiou near or next to anv sidewalk or pavement who shall not, within twenty four hours alter having been noiilled, in writing, by the Mayor, surround such eel lar, sink or excavation so as to prevent injury to persons or stoc k, and in such manner as the Mayor shall direct, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, aud upon conviction tnereol shall he f.neil ntty dollars or imprisoned twenty days. Skc. II. This ordinance shall be in full force from and after it is ordained. Ordinance JfO. The Board of Commissioners for the town of Concord do ordain That it shall be unlawful for any per son or persons to injure or in any way to damage any 01 the electric light posts, lamps, wires or any other apparatus be longing to the Concord Electric Liirht Company. Any person or persons vio lating either of the foregoing provisions shall be decmcu guilty ot a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be lined lil'ty dollars 6r imprisoned for thirty days. Ordinance oO. The Hoard of Commissioners for the town of Concord do ordain That any person who shall use or shoot any sling-shot or juvember within the corporate limits of Concord shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall for each every offense be lined live dollars or im prisoned live days. i . A. Archibald, je 14 Clerk of Hoard. hastened lime may be added. When the whole material has been decom posed and the time has come to apply it, let it be thoroughly spaded over and mixed before using. This Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl st., New York. A HEALTHY GROWTH. Acker's Blood Elixir has grained is one of the most concentrated I ft firm nold on ,the American people ..... . , - I and is acknowleged to bo superior fertilizers we can make on the farm, to all other preparations. It is a and for a complete one nothing bet-1 positive euro for all Blood and Skin ter can be obtained. However, its indor6e and rre8Cribe it. Guar- concentrated form prevents its being anteed and sold by P. B- Fetzer applicable to large fields but for a A heALTPIY GROWTH, special crop itis very good. It may, Acter. B,GOil Elixh. has ;.ica . nevertheless, be applied in connec-1 firm hold on the American people tion with barnvard manure, and hv and is acknowledged to be siiperior ' J I to all other preparations, jt is a Sale of Valuable Land Under the powers contained in a mort- sraL'e or deed-in-trust executed to me by T. C. l'lott on the Kith day of March. lS8 ),nnd registered in " KecoVd of,'.Mort gages No. 2," page 210, in Hegisler of Deeds ollice of Cabarrus county, 1 will sell for cash, at public auction, at the court-house door, in the town of Concord, said county, at one o'clock, r. m., on MONDAY, the l.-ih day of .July, ls-i, ,, certain tract of land containing about ninety-nine acres, situated in No"l town ship, said county, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Virginia Eivin, Frank Teeter and others, the metes and bounds of which fully appear in said registered mortgage or deed-in-trut. This the 12th day of June, lssit. EL A M KING, je 14-tds P,y S. C. .Means, Att y. TRUTH. 1 - j! COXCOllI), N. C I L.ve rnoved into the Btuble late ly occupied by Brown Bros., near the court houso. The best accommo dations i'or drovers. Leavo your orders at U10 stable or with J. h Mown I'oricr lor ominous. liorses and mules for f ale. M. J. CORL, Broprictt r $60 FOR $30 JUST THINK OF IT' The Monopoly Busted. Do you want a Sewing Machine? 17.50 to 30. Warranted Five Years- "With all Attachments. Write for illustrated Circulars of our "Sing ers, 'Aew Home, i',tc. Miiite Miff. jjuiu;, itu 11 ure uaciuiucss ui 1 posiiivu cure tor uii iiooci Huci rjKin 01 A. U. Alexander cloceis(iI with diseases, ine medical iratermty ins will anuexed. ail ihm-kihik in,?, Luuviao auu uicavnui 11. vuniu. UU IU ILlti C'StaiO OI ilPOfi:! Sf l i ;i)'- teeu ana sold at r eizer s xru Store. $10 to $30, Saved by ordering direct from Head quarters. Needles for any Machine, 3 cents a dozen in stamps. Address Tht Louisville 'Sewing Machine Co. No. r50 F0U1IT1I AVENUK, Louisville, Ky. Asigust o0, SO. ('? 2??222sg!K .fg. A . .1 T cttns stranfr, that r.nyo:"to will co. tinue to suffer from the eti'ect c-f ma Ui'a, Mood poir.on.soreness of tl'.e V.w r ud kidneys, riieu"T.tism, etc., when '.'v. re is a cure within the reach of a!l. It !: :3 never l;'.Icd ta cjimf.leti; t a; f. Cluing safely, sur ! ;: ivl ' quickly symptom of ill health resulting from ;:;tr.ij of L'ood impurity. From its use pimr-bs a id srcs rapicllv sret v.e!J, p.clics and n: ins suoGide, weakness, stiit joint?, 'vo'!cn limbs, dyspepsia, waat of appetite all dis appear. 1 1 is called Bot.inic Uood Uahn, aiadc in Atlanta, Ga., and has lon been the favorite remedy of the South. It ir. a perfectly safe blood remedy and general tonic, and much quicker in iU action than medicine usually administered by physi cians, for while nearly the same ingre dients might be prescribed, it hardly possi ble the same irzreclicn's in the strength arid sanie quantity would z used; a.id herein i.i the superiority of iJ. li. li. ever ell Mo x! njedicines in the world, as is evi denced by the remarkable testimony jviven by ihosa who have been cured even when all other treatment uterly failed. Read the f ullowi'-.g-: jTawkixsville, Ga Feb. 2d. 1SP7. rill I S i.3 to ccrliJ'y that my wile h::s boea in bad health for eijhtyear. Alter trying five doctors and six or seven WEAKNESS nicdln.!b0,t! ties df your B. 15. Ik has cured her. J A.MES W. LA.NC ASTEX Protect Y our I l.U r ,;n w;i.i T B. I Kxoxvillk, Ten-v., July 2, 1PS7. have had catarrh of t'ie head for six years. I went to a noted doctor and lie treated me for it, but could not cure me, lie said. I was over.liity years old, and I gave up to die. I had distressing PATArjpu coujxh ; my eyes were fiident I could not have lived without a change. I pent and got one bottle of vour medicine, Ubed it, and felt be tter. Then I get (our more, and, than!: Clod, it cured me. Use this any way you may wish for tlis good of sufferers. Mrs. Matilda Nichols, 22 Florida Street B. B. B. -X: v. -v v. By buying your Spectacles and Eye Glut CORKELL 9 froji EB"Y (ON 1 r VST DllL'OT STlil'ET.; B8. Me-ats all trains to Cll Maxf.v, Ga., Jan. 3. 1C-G, FOR twelve ycarj I suh'crcd -from s-:cc;;dury and tertiary hlood poison. My face and shoulders became a mass of corruption and the diser.se Ivi'f.rt to eat my skuil bones. I ; was said I liiul sure! ii.-, but I tried a bottle !. i;. it. w ith beneiit, and using eight or ten bui.l- s more I became sound aadwt:!, and have oeen so lor twelve ' months. 1 fiinrlr.-i f'l scais can be seen v-.'i rtf-.lt thai.!:-; for i:o li.B;i:ix Va;-:d. BLOOD POISON me. an i 1 t::ten: ahjabh: a r-:r.. . We have the suit any ana every one. part of town V i-l tj V 1 i i Do . lor X.:',.- V-.-iU riiii-KielljIiia ihihira-uv Wi.s.hin-f.,,,. ('haotUvviilo Lyiu libnr -Ar. Dainiilo Lv. lUcIimcnd liuike vilic Ieysvi!!e Danville Ar. Greensboro Lv. (io'.';s!J'r) Ar. ilrdc igh Lv. !;iieigh Durham Ar. Orce-tieboi'o Lv iSak ;n Greensboro Ar SalL-.burv JStatesvi!!- " AsiieviiJc Hot Wjji-injjs Lv Salisbury (.'harlot;-' txreenvdle Allint.i Lv. Charlotte Ar. Columbia Ar. Augusta SOKTIlUorr.VD. I! P. ' ! - -i j.ill S i'O a 0.J p:u 5 5 ' i';n .r 40 m:i 10 l:n .) i:n V't nn 4 'A) p m i ... i - :a .") I'y'l ;; s j.-m 0 15 pin 10 :i7:.m 12 SGau 1 51 am 7 -J!)ar.i aw 1L I 5U :iiii 5 50 am 1 1 (.: :i;:i "'J. ;10 :t::i (i o0 10 ;:(;;!jii "T).'.i'iy. No. ri. - ' '. 7 1 . ( '.) :,u II Is 4 ! i ; s;; US', F0II Dill YES WEDDING ITliLIO CATIIERIXGS, FUXEKALS AXD FOI? ALL AX D EYEKY 0CCASI0X, OUK AXD HUG G IKS, HACKS, Etc., r? n r ::: f-'J'J r?. J r r- :. i Viv KrSg W J ft "ia "both may be increasecl. Florida Dispatch. Thousands and tens of thousands of children are dying all around us, who, because their ever developing nature demands sweetness, crave SEAYIXG MACHINES that will last several generations. The New Singer V. S. No. 2. A new machine not an improvement on an old one. We have employed r t rii i.i t ii nd eagerly eat adulterated 'candies" chine8 in an 8ections convenient to and "syrup" of modern times. If J Concord. Machines cheap and sold thpua wnnld b fpd on bnnpv instnil SP e?87 Payments or long ume. inese wouia De iea on noney instead, Do t 1 til 0 h e tu they would develop and grow up I latest machine on earth, I Sinerer Mfer Co 4-11. mi , , , ,1 Richmond, Va. Children would rather eat bread I Office with Hoover, Lore & Co. and butter : one nonnd nf bonpv will reach as far as two pounds of UrA mfvt butter, and has, besides, the advant Cannot eo hand in hand if we look age of being far more healthy and I on. the dark side of every little ob- nle'Cr, tlfifinfT mil olm.o,.;- HMCMJ. XUlUlUg Will HO USlhtU llltS pleasant tasting, and always remains and make it a burden aa Dyspepsia. good, while butter soon becomes Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure rancid, and often produces a cramp wi?rst fo?5 J. Dyspepsia. Con- . . , r stipation and Indigestion, and make m the stomach, eruptions, soreness, life a happiness and pleasure. Sold Tomiting and diarrhoea. Pure honey 25 50 cents at Fetzer's Dru should always be freely used in every I family. Honey, eaten u Don wheat IS LIFE WORTH LIVING f bread is very h folE! 1 he use oi honey instead of sugar lets are a positive cure for the worst for almost every kind of cooking is J0,?8, of dyspepsia, indigestion, , , .. . . x jaiuicutj auu vuusLiiiaiiuu. vjruui- aa pieasani xor me paiaw as it is anteed and sold at Fetzer's Di ng healthy for the stomach. In prepar-1 btore. i 1 mg DiacKDerry, rasoerry or straw ARE YOU SKEPTICAL? berry shortcake, it w infinitely eupe- If so we will convince you that rior. It is a common expression Acfcer. 8 ngiisJi itemedy for the . . , - . . i lungs is superior to an otner prep honey is a luxury, having Urations, and is a positive cure for that FUNITURE CHEAP FOB CASH AT nothing to do with the life-givine alllThroat and Lung troubles, Croup . m, tV Whooping Cough and Colds. "We principle,. This is an error. Honey guarantee the preparation and will is food in one of its most con give you a sample bottle free at .ptrk1 fnrn,. TW if rtoa etzer's Drug fetore. not add so much to the growt of muscles as does beefsteak, but it does impart other properties no less necessary to health and vigorous physical and intellectual action. It gives warmth to the system, arouses nervous energy and gives vigor to all the vital functions. To the laborer it gives strengthto the business man, mental force. Its effects are not like ordinary Btimu lants, as spirits, etc., but it produces a healthy action, the results of which are pleasing and permanent a sweet disposition and a bright intellect. Til HBffMet f Bottom Landa. M. E. CASTOR'S mm sw In SiHes, Iran:, Hereby notiiicil that, th.-y must make prompt payment; and ail per sons having claims against the estate must present the snuio before tlio Jr:i DAY OF MAY, W, or this notice will be pleaded" iu bar oi' their recovery. II. C. WHITE, Admr. liy W. G. Means, Ally. Tin Pth May, Lssj). Having1 qualifit"l as administrator of Drueilla Klutts, deceaseil, all i.trsons Laving claims against saul estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned on or before the xJOtli Day ok April, 1S!K), or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing said estate are enjoined to make immediate payment LAWRENCE KLL'TTS, April 20th, ls!t. Administrator 3ST O TJE C IE Under a mortgage executed by J. C. Johnston and wife I will sell, for cash, at the court-house door in Concord, on MONDAY, the 1st of July, 180, a TRACT OF LAND ly lrg in No. 3 township, Cabarrus county, adjoining the lands of C. A uvercasn ana others, containing about lifty-seven (57) acres, and mown as a part oi the Cope place. May soth. Issa J. STIKEWALT, Trustee II. b. PrKYEAiyAtt'y. myls Having qualified as administrator oi the estate of Henry Plott. dee'd., all persons owing said estate must make prompt payment, and all per sons having claims against said estate must present the samo for payment on or before the 15th day of December, 1889, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. This, the 14th day of Do cember, 1888 y. M. BARRIER. 13y AV. G. Means. Att y. Ann.-.'. i:tr ioTi or 7 e v 1 i" Ut z: ITie r'.:iri oil 1 . c ii j'.v Ki, v r urr iiTiS hsi n cured l v l.'otnvir . T. IJrirriitweil. V:i iVr, J. II. I5r.jhtv.xl!, jc!m T. Caii.i.'c!!. D. B. B, j V si.itor w.t i . :roi ' v.orc, Co , I art, V. U. i AoS ANYTHING EYE II IS Lv. Aus.usia Lv. Cohin:bia Ar. Charlotte Lv. Atlanta Arrivo Greenvilio .Spartanburg Charlotte Halisburv Lv. Hot .Springs ?8 05 pa Asheviile J 4i ;:;: Ktatcsvillo :);;i:;i:i Ar. Salisbury Lv. ,S:di;-Iitry Greensboro 10. 10 pm o 15 aui ' (;0 pni 111 45 am 1 -ii) am 4 li) am o 1 1 am balem Lv Ar Ar 1 v Givonsboro )u:-:::.m i-.t-ciuu ! 1 .'.'ALE AXD" rEF.f) iSitors ,iul i-uoveis will find convenient place for thr.ir sioci:. i:X TEL"! MM TO fiU.1T Villa an imit'cn-jo buiidiii;". a f;ood, safe and j Lv. ( (: i J -::iviilo I - - T .i' ysvi iC . ro : ;ioro l iUi! : am a:n : ;5a:; i7'.:n .".-S ! . i Jt;-i i l,yi, KtmariiiLItj s a fssi pioiiter. SCOTT'S LlITJLSIO;T is ..ckr.olcd-c-a by . iiyGicir.iis to te tiio t tnest ana licst prepa .fctiou in tha world far the relit f ftnd euro of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, DEBILITY, WASTIKQ DISEASES, EMAClATiCH, COLDS and CKRCHtC COUGHS. Tfi$ grtai remedy fur Consumption, and Wasiinj in Children. iVtJ ly all Jh-uggiata. wm, medicin; IWN LOT (1 i) Burial Cases, Casktcs.&c MISS From the Carolina Spartan. Some time ago Capt. S. S. Rosa. of Gaffney City, said : " I think the best plan with our creek bottoms is to keep cultivating them. Keep the ditches cleaned out and bushes and briars cut down and gather hay from them. That will pay better than corn, and the land will be im proved." lie was led to this con elusion by the large percentage of failures to make corn on these bottom lands of late years. It is often the case that a farmer gets his land in fine condition, and know ing that a little manure will generally I jirofit. do more cood on such lands than on goods. nulancLTie uses all he can SDare. Old furniture repaired. 4 . a Some time during the summer a freshet comes and the loose soil, manure and crops are all swept away. Clean diches with judicious terracing will save these lowlands and cause a gradual filling tip But if one wishes to make the im provement rapidly, the better plan un fnm these lands "out to it. AutJi tracts for buildincs fuUifnllv grass." ""I neout. Office k , Catonr8 buildin V nOMADECOFFINS,ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. I do not' sell for cost, but for a small ome and examine my line of IZ M. E. CASTOR. A. H. PROPST, Architect aid lvk Plana and specifications of lm!!,! inga made in anv stvlo. All n.-m thtwter will itand on them and! up stairs. 13 SALE S By virtue of a mortsasre or dewl in trusl executed to me by G. V. Montgomery on Hie 11th day of November, lss'!, and registered in Deed-in-Trust iJoo No. 3 paires 4(i0 and 4G1, in Register's ollice of Cabarrus county, I will sell for cash, at the court-house door, in Concord, at one o clock, r. sr., on MONDAY, the 24th day of June, 18W), a certain LOT OF LAN I) containing One-Half Aero, sitimir.,! said town, adjoininr what is known as the Ephraim Means lot, and bounded on the east by (ho street which runs back from T. C. Strieker's rpi.liwr. ,,i the south by the street wlnVli mnc i, A J. I'.Jackweider's lot to said Menus lot. Tills flip 9:!t Aai, nf M...r 1 aoil J. E. JOIINSTON, my 24-4w Uy W. O. Means, Att'y. PAIXTS, OILS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, SOAP, HAIH, TOOTH. NAIL AND PAINT COME, SEE, BUY FROM D. D. JOHNSON, DKUGGIST. Ill Faco in a rscw Place (Mill A -)0(- 3ST O TI O B ! Having taken letters of adminis tration on the estate of M. L. Town Keial, dee'd, I do hereby notify nil persons holding claiius against said deceased to present them for pay- mi-"!, una uii who ure indebted to said deceased to come forward and seiiio at once. iotl ,r J. B. FURR, Adni'r. 13th Slay, 1880. Having moved into the com modious Imilding lately occupied by AV. C. J. Caton, on Caton's corner. late in t! i;.'j;.,.-ii' he.;it:i. her he; d, a' . : St t:r . 1. f , YORKE & WADS WORTH Vr-:.- J ''it.i-i.ivi.. '11, Ii-to t . uh'.iv !.!: ".!.. V.-.:- JilvSIKi" ' in fi'.cl, i h.-ri.;c!") vj bes r.-v.y or y r. ,,u "3,d n t'ie r.i a'1, i rs: vi I). M i v..: lIC I': j" u 2 o- B. Isuflcrcd untold misi inliaiiinuitoiy i liv-ur; ti:;d nitliin.': to cur iscry for years from at:sm, and cou! uro or r. lievc m-. my mind to ma.!. 1 linally made up DUCnn.1 a T l c t n one more tiuirt it now i sure oi t Smith v. :t!v no i. .. t ( i 15. t, purest cf the tcnibl.- r.i'.-ittio; .Hiordo r.ic C:j. i;rv;it my life t; :,t iti iu t.v. .!: cou '-.y t'.ir.t 1 am en.ir.-i-. t' .:cc l-vtl:. li.. w! nv.-) i the disi-xe to n- and ;t i!: ;:z.';:s ' ci:r.c and a: raa?;ic r.w-ajif.-j: nrootT!. !,:c!i 1 consider t?:e fjraii' r.o;.'. po-.vcr;ul b!oodr-j".i to man. 1 l.ave been su;-jcct toirailamra tory attacks since t:i y,.-.irs of ae. Joiix M. D.wus, Tyler, Texas. B. B. B. "j Oli f.ve years I have bee:; suiTcr- pi i iS wiut a wea: bad: frr.rn result of X. an !.!j.;y nccn-.-d, au-.i. d !;y rbcu muwS .i. I .la-.; to;; e up :r.y reguJar biisi ikss and take t!-.e posiiioa of night-v. atch- '"" i isavo a-nvcvi threat relict ami bene fit by usi:,0' Totartio iuood Ba!m, and have regained my strengt!i sufriciently to re sume my regular work. 1 think Botanic AFY? A f.' da-t Ulood.Ualm has w-iv uurv pivtfll m pcrma. uciii fciii. i am now acio to per- iu. r.i woi k mat i nave not r.aa strength toto do for five years, and cheer fully endorse F. 11. U., which has proven to be the only medieine that wi'd give me relief. Olivkk Skcor, 114 Streepcr St., Baltimore. J.Id. B. B. B. I a r- m is now )iepared to furnisli OCERIES AT VERY LOW PRICES. 1 fiBF'i I DYES Do Tour Own Iyelng, at ITome. They will dye verything. Thoy nre sold every. Where. Price lOe. a jmeka-e. Tliey Kavenoequl for Strength, liriglitness, Amount in Packages or for Fustne of Color, or non-fiulinp Qualities. They do not crock or smut; 40 colors. For sole by For sale at 12 FETZER'S DRUG STORE, and D P. JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE W. J. M0NTG0JIEH1'. J. LEE CROWELL Montgomery & Crowell, Attorneys and Counsellors at law, Concord, J"C, As partners, will practice law in Cabarrus, Stanly and adjoining counties, in the Su perior and Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Court. Office on Depot Street. MY STOCK IS FRESH AND NEW! and the trade WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE to call and see me before buy ing anywhere else. Very respectfully, CIIAS. A. COOK. are P.flEN Who IVi and Debiliated. wbo at Weak, Nervous en f- fcrinjr from tha oll'eeted - nf evil habits, the result of ignorance or folly, will fml in Pears. " Specific a positive aud permanent cure for Nervous Denility. Seminal Wit ness Involuntary vital losses, etc. ures guarcuteecl. Send six cent m stamps for i'ears Treatise on disiascs of liiau; their cause and cre-, , J. S. Pears. C12 Church St., Nashville, Ten, Alapaha, Ga., June 22, 1SST. had suffered from dyspepsia, for over fifteen years, a. id during that time tried every thinir I could hear of. and spent over $J(J0 in doctors' bills without receiving the sii:rhtest benefit. Indeed, I continued to grow worse. Finally, after I desnairecl of ohlaininn- lief, a friend racomnicndud li. 15. 15. (Botanic lIood l';i!m), and I becran usii!?- it ; not, however .expecting to be benefitted. 1 Alter using a halt bottle 1 was satisned DYSPEPSIA iSfiinrlS the sixth bottle wastaken 1 felt like a new man. 1 would not take !.f:-VJ for fherro'od it has done mo ; in fact, the relief I dl-riv-ed from it is priceless. I firmly brieve that I would have died had I not taken it (3) Thomas I'aulk. ZSA K3' 4 W t-l :,l ",'-',f-- '' mi I 111 I HI I .-Lit i?, rarm s y Ci 1 e J. in Hardwnri-r.t YOUKK & V.'AI) for tho CASH. Our stock is full ind conn Irk. stoves ,'iirM cooking nteiiiits i iUhiiip;, l-'t-ed CiitKr.- S!:c.t r.iid Lo:-(l, Doors VOIi i IiS at . A lews iio'V :-idenUi.! 1" n -i - 1 o 0-)!t;)!:i p::ce l:f Or Cw.h I I- i I'.'.U i;ri; ; Lo. a. 1 1: .il: ti ll! I'l Hie ; 0;l r u() ju; ar n irrii;;;; i: viii Cnrnsl elleis, Tiinvarc, (liins, !i..t,;is, -Knh t'ash and Blind.-, Shmdcs. Glaw. OiW. l'.-diits ami Putty a .specialty ; Wire Screens, Oil C!-ths. vi:.i . lii-r.-e fcl.'oe iu's, and in i;ut everytliiii'' ususliv kept i:i a 1; will seil ad these, soods as c'lcap, (iu:dit' Carolina. Our ware!i(use is (i"cd with Carnage, Hu: ar.-, Uay llakts, of the best isajjc (11 the mark:'! at tlu? lowest li 4 tires I'.a .ur to come to see us, 1:1 a har aty i' s, VVa;r.)iH. which ir.ust viiet!;oi veii I . ::.-t: 1;: Ifceaprr.-, . d u'ii! It :; or ,;. s..d. ADS WORTH P. S We .1. jiiiees to suit. C riv. jy: 11 l.-i ml Li.ei's i rid Ya:i Cu;:i o tva V.'r.nd eit- Y. & V. IS XOW AGENT FOlf CHICKERING PIANOS. ARIOIs PIAJfOS. BENT PIANOS. Matliusliek Pianos. MASON AND IIAMLIX PIANOS. WATERLOO OllGANS. VACKAJli) GOf v.e MASOX AXD 1IAMLIX ORGAXS. LT LOW PRICES ON EASY TERMS . in., for i-riees before bnyin?. The LARGEST STOCK OF rUHXITVKE IX THE STATE. ' nr YJL; Oliar ws .Ob tie, o ii-.t-s iv.yisviiio Je-. vi.-s h xtsi ii.t Jur.'i-iji 5 i;n. uttf.eiit-d. Os. HI and 5: connect at 1'lich. lnciid d uly cxi-. )t Sunday for V.'i st l.i:;L aiid Daitiinoro via i'or.. llivcr lAnc. , CO from Point coj-itccts dai.y xtviit ,Sui:d:;v sit JJiebiMO'i l ; vi:ii No. ':i for the .South. ! Soy, and SI connect at Golds I boio -.villi trains to and from More j l.vrul City and 'Wilniinjjtou. No. 51 connects at (ireensboro and bedjua for I'ayctlcil!e. I No .73 connects at iSehna for YiN i ton, N. C. I Nos. 50 and 51 make close connec -! f ion at University .Station v.itli "trains j to and from Chapel liiil except Wun- .tc:j S. SLEEriXG CAR SLKVICE. On trains 50 and 51 Pullman Buffet f-lc-c-er between Atlanta and New York, Greensboro and Augusta, and Greensboro, Asheviile, and Moiris-. town, Tenn. t .On tiains52 and 53 Pullman P.i-.Im ! Sieepcr between Y.'ashinston and Nov.- Orleans via Montgomery, at d between Vv'ashington and Binniiitr nam, llichmond and Greeijsbon, and Balaigii and Greensboro, aud l'Uihnan parlor cars between a!i ; bury and Jvnoxviile. Through tickets on sale at pricipal stations to ail points. For rates, local and t'hrou-h time tables, apply to any agent of U;e co!ii)any, or to , .Son Hass, Tiaffic Jlan'r. u . A Tuek, Div. Pass. Ag t, J as. L. 1 ayloi:. Jtaleigh, N. C. Gen. Pass. A--'t. rr pes w-.i i . er"- ' i s:? f--i israiyWi,v.srt.-ttaBKrK,..:.;rtp, Eras ft ,Ek bttv . Clearjncs tlio riasaT j?assaee?. Al leys IoCarnrnation. Ii"aal3 tho Soros. Restores tho 5en3es cf Tacto, Scicii and Ilearins. Apart!cloianiip!icnntoenolinnitrll and Wail. IXYBKOTIIKlS.5(;Vr.rr. Rt..Xr Vnrlr o r t rt e s s5bkw- p 1 lbs. at Fetzer' s I il mm '" ' ' X ..lift ,' llfe;-'': X '1 F0U SALE UY Cannons & Fetz P 1, i For sale Store. PATE1TTS. I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtain ed, and all Patent business conduct- ed for moderate foes. ' I Our office is opposite the TJ. S. Pa-! tent Ohice and wo can secure patent ' m less time than thoee remote from ! s ashmtoa. j Wrud mode, drawing or photo., ' with clescription. Ye advise if pa-; entable or not, free of charge.. Our fee not due until patent sccur-1 ed. ! A lamphlet, "How to Obtain Pa-1 ients, with nun c actual chVnta in your State, county, or town, sent I i A .7,1,. C.'A. MNOYV & CO. i '0IlKE & YVADSWOllTH, agents tonPiSC "Sit 0fiic''' YVa:-hing- j for Cabarrus. Pio- i Stanly Counties. 1 TTliftn I piy CIT23 1 1- r.ot mean rsr-rUy f ' T them for a time, en;l don l ave tlicr.i ro t.:n airain. I wean A KADUUj tcliiJ. 1 aavc luado tho disease of Tyr" A lif study. I VAnp.Ayr r.17 rcrnc , i Chre tho worst caccs. Uecsnoa others i.r. o lailefl ia no reason for not now rcr.rivi::? r Scndatoncoforatre.iti.se ?r.il a l i.l-.K Koi n cf my Infallible 1:emey. Give i:.-.r.r .-'v auu i nn 11 coma yoa notliir trial, and it will euro yon. Address H. C. KCCT, F.C, I S3 Fli.t.i St., I's fur NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. Ayp err cr crasR. I? you doslrc tevviv-. '. - -.v!r, . ask our nwnti at join- ii:iVu fo'r'Vrr'uan.i pnoei ji j-oiitMr.nt.v. f,;.l o direct to ne-iixv f. r.'l d-; tov,il iv iinni--.!. I LL. ca ufi!U'4 KQUAfiE,NX- CAUAS. in.-, t! 0 fir.-? JiiicaiioVi i.o.iiiL' ran, Iredell and Next session be ibiy nf t7i'j)te::,bc:-. '1 Vl ll!S I l'(i-;rai;'. r..r -at.-dong:u.' or iuticidais, .-i.i- (il'Cf-S, Uov. J. G. SCHAII), Pres't, Mt. Pleasant, N. ('. An-ust .'J, 1HSS, Executrix's Noties, Kaving qualifi. d &h the E::ccntrix o? Aiox. Foil, deceased, all persons owi-.itr said Kshvte aro hereby lioti iiv'd that they mu-t n-ake immediate paymf nt, or suit will broiifiht. And all persons bavin-j claims against said K ;taf o must present them to the undersigned, duljr authenticat ed, on 01 before loth clay of March, lS'Jl, or ii-.is notice will bo plead in bar of their recovery. Amelia L. Foil. Executiix. Tiy Y. 31. Smith, Atty. Feb. 9, lSS'J. pin i';" :lll I'-.'i

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