THE ST&IID&RDw the mum. n LARGEST PAPER -PUBLISHED IN CONCORD.- COXTAINS MORE READING MATTER THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN THIS SECTION. ; POETRY. A TEAK 191 HEAVEN. BY M. L. D. A rear la heaven for her. What is sh learning Of holy things,, of things divine iaa4 true? 1 What glorious visions are there still ntf folding Which here she never knew? pid angel friends await her at her comlngf Did angel faces greet her with a smile t Were all the dear ones eager to receive her Whom she had lost a while ? A year on earth for us without her pre sence A year of loneliness and grief and pain ; But still we smile amid our tears in think ing Our loss is butcher gain. We miss her in our Joys and in our tot rows ; . . . She was our life, our centre and our sua And yet we would not call her back", but whisper, "O God, thy will be doner . For heaven and earth are very close to gether, Though she' is there, she la not far away; She could not leave the dear one, loved so fondly, ' Even in heaven to stay t But still her spirit, like a guardian angel. Is bending o'er us with her own fond care; And sometimes she brings heaven so very near us ' J We almost think we're there. A yetr in heaven for her, of rest and blessing; for us a year on earth, with her above; llut heaven and earth are both together blending, And over all is Love t Women Who Work. ALL THE TBABES KEPKESEXTEB. name of Tktn BalMon t Uotim. LADIES WHO COMPETE SUCCESSfULLY IK A VARIETY OF ENTERPRISES. MAKIXO HOKEY AS MANU FACTURERS, FARMERS, BLACKSMITHS AND UNDERTAKERS. Louisville Courier Journal- " Thus fur shalt thou go and do farther" is not a command to be laid on the modern woman. No sooner have yon fixed upon an in dustry or a particular line of occu pation aa manifestly impracticable for her than presto, change ! Open your eyes and behold her, driven by the exigencies of the daily straggle for bread and butter, adventuring boldly and yet shrewdly, and mak ing a success of that very thing. Perhaps the last business in which you would expect to find a woman is blacksmithing, and yet Miss Bole, the pretty girl blacksmith who is said to be making quite a pile of money in 'Frisco, has already a rival in Alide Wilder, a tall and not unat tractive brunette, who makes very creditable horse shoes in a little shop under an elm tree in the suburbs of Brooklyn. Miss Wilder is twenty six years old, probably, and has dark, Oriental-looking eyes and short, curly, dark hair. Her form ia slen der but well knit, and she has been accustomed to help her father in the smithy in preference to doing house hold duties ever since she was a child. One secret of the attraction which the occupation has for her is her love for horses, the most restive brute submitting quietlj to her con trol. Miss Wilder wears short gown of dark serge about ber work, with a rather coquettishly-shaped leather apron and two or three knots of scarlet ribbon. It is surprising what a number of horses at once seem to need shoeing when her figure ia noticed against the light of the forge fires, bhe has become her father's partner rather than assistant, and says she means . to continue in the business. Capt Mary Miller, of Kentucky, who runs a steamboat on the Mis sissippi, has also her parallel in a woman who is engineer while her husband is master of a trading steamer on the Columbia river, Washington Territory. Mrs. Dow, of Dover, N. H., has proved that a woman can manage a horse railroad company. That she can successfully control a manufacturing corporation is shown by Miss Elizabeth E. Hogan, a shoe manufacturer of Newark, who has paid within a few months past over $40,000 to the creditors of her father, which those who received it could have had no hopes of get ting. Patrick Hogan failed for $50,000 in 1881, and compromised for 20 per cent with his creditors. He paid $10,000 and resumed busi ness in the name of his daughter, who was in charge of the stitchers' room at the time of the failure. Some time ago- he died, and Miss Hogan became practically as she had before been nominally the head of the concern. She worked hard, lived VOL. TI.--NO. 32. economically, and within the month has fulfilled her father's dying re quest and paid the last cent of the old , debts which had been compro mised. She now has' a new and larger factory, the good will of the leather .manufacturers, who admire herplpck and energy, and is doing an excellent business. The West boasts its ranch women and farmers, but the largest farm in Queens county, Long Island, is man aged by Mrs. Sarah A. Barnum, who, in spite of her burden of seventy three years, runs 2,000 acres for dollars and cents, and furnishes oc cupation according to the season to from forty to one hundred men. Mrs..Barnum's husband conducts a clothing business in New York, but the farm in Hempstead was Inherited by her from her first husband, and is under her undisputed control. The large estate is purely a stock farm, and . Mrs. Barnum boasts ( that she has oeyer received less than $500 for colt born on her premise. Many have brought $15 .or jnre. Two hundred horses is an average number to be found at one time in the roomy stalls.-" UuTogy "and "Macbeth, the racers,' Biloxi and Mercury, a fine black Hambletonian, are the blooded horses on the place. Every morning, rain or shine, during the busy sea son, Mrs, Barnum's pony and pha ton may be seen moving briskly to and fro on the premises. Besides managing her farm, Mrs. Barnum is a power in local politics. She has been known to control primaries, and generally carries her points at the polls. By her attendance at the meetings of the Board of Supervi sors she has earned the title of the u Eighth Member." It was she who persuaded the town to sell Hemp stead Plains to A. T. Stewart for $400,000 and put the money at in terest for support of the schools and the poor. Other notable women far mers are Miss Ilinman and Miss Amos, who raise fruit in South Pa sadena, Cal., can it and ship their goods to New York and Chicago. The largest chicken farm in the country is managed by a woman. A seventeen-acre flower farm in West Seneca, N. Y., yields an income of $2,500 to a woman. The undertaker's business might not be supposed to present attrac tions to women, but Mrs. R. Cuddey is a round, plump little creature who swings to and fro in a low rocker in an establishment on Broadway, Brooklyn, with a crape-covered coffin to the right of her and a pile of rose-wood caskets, surmounted by a baby's coffin in white, to the left Her husband was the original under taker of the family. He became first crippled with rheumatism, leav ing the control of things in her hands as assistant, and then died. She had learned the business, and continues it She puts .on the hah dies and the plates, and arranges the linings with the skill of a cabinet maker, and, when called upon, she superintends embalming. It is a commonly received theory that men prefer not to do business wun a woman, out Mrs. o. j. ijeiana, who is agent for one of the finest bachelor palaces in New York city, does not find that sex stands in a woman's way when she has genuine business ability. The Alpine, which she manages, stands at the corner of Broadway and Thirty-third street, and is a type of the big bachelor apartment buildings. Mr. MacAl pine built it and called it after him self with the Mao deft oft, ud it - is as full as it can hold of men who have neither wives nor children li? ing with them. A suite of three rooms and a bath rents at from $30 to $60 a week without being fur nished, and the lawyers, bankers, brokers, big commercial men, retired naval officers and the like who smoke their pipes there are rich enough to buy sculpture, paintings, valuable books enough and bric-a-brac to fil the stately palace with all the tri umphs of modern civilization. The revenue of the house is a large one, and the money is handled, the entire establishment controlled and the ser vants furnished by Mrs. Leland. A group of bright women who have found that the insurance busi ness will yield a good living have organized an insurance company in New York, and Mrs. E. E. Atwood is a quiet, capable little body who conducts a life and fire insurance agency in the most systematic and methodical manner in the Equitable Building, Boston. Miss Annette Whitney conducts a successful insu ranee business in Osage, Ia and the number of vromeri is constantly in creasing who,' left widows, become insurance agents, taking up their husbands' clientele. Miss Mary K Murphy, the enterprising real estate agent who does a big business in the r HE Twenty-third and the Twenty-fourth wards of New York, is also a good insurance agent fully empowered to write policies for the different com panies. The Southern women, so many of whom have been thrown on their Own resources since the war, have developed wonderful energy as far mers, fruit canners, managers of cotton, sugar and rice plantations, eta, some of them, as, for instance, Mrs. E. O, Woelper, formerly Miss Estelle Oustine, of New Orleans, now a Boston real estate broker, making enviable reputations in other sections of the country. Miss Maria Chotard, of Natchez, Miss., is rav ishing New Orleaus this summer with a new bonbon, manufactured from the flowers of the sweet olive tree, and making a small fortune out of a table delicacy in the shape of a clear syrup brewed from the same posies. Two sisters in New Orleans have gone into the dairy business on a large scale, and Mrs. Alexander Delmas, in recognition of her sue cessful management of a large sugar plantation in the heart of the beau tiful Teche county, has been elected a member of the Louisana Sugar Planters' Association. Another New Orleans woman, Mary E. Farnham, has shown herself possessed of some practical gift by taking out recently a patent for a new car-starter. Carpentry is not considered an especially feminine occupation, but the New Century Guild of Philadel phia recently offered prizes for the best nail driving and sawing, which were won by Miss J. It Baker and Miss C. Altemus, respectively. One lady member of the guild claimed to have built fences, another to have friend who roofed her own house and a third to know a woman who had built a house out and out. Mean time the trade of cabinet making is successfully followed by Mrs. M. J Cullen, of Ninth avenue, New York, and by a number of women in Bos. ton, while fresco painting from a scaffold is by no means the most difficult part of the work' of Miss Mary Tillinghast, the well-known New York decorator, who also, in the capacity of an architect, min utely superintends the erection of important buildings. There are a number of women physicians, yet the appointment of Dr. Sophia Frendler TJnger as Sani tary Inspector for the New York Board of Health for the months of July and August is accepted as a token of their advance in popular consideration. There are not many women druggists, but Mrs. It S, Brunner aud Miss de Socarras gradu ated with honors from the New York College of Pharmacy last year, aud Mrs. Brunner, who is a pleasant faced woman of thirty, at once went into business with her huiband in Brooklyn. Mme. Budoff, of New Orleans, who drives a brisk trade in the Crescent City, is secretary of the Louisiana State Pharmaceutical As sociation. There are not many wo men dentists, but Dr. Olga Neymann, the slight, dark-haired young Cornell co-ed. who fills teeth at Madison ave nue, has two fellow practitioners of her own sex in New York and one in Brooklyn, while the several graduates of the different dental colleges are establishing themselves in different cities in the country. One of the brightest business wo men in New York is Mrs. Sallie McDonald, the granddaughter of the noted Tom Corwin, who is an ener getic and successful advertising so licitor, and gets a handsome income. She is remarkably even-tempered, keen and full of ideas, and is con sidered the best collector of money in the advertising business. Mrs. Janet Runtz-Rees, the president of the Kindly Club, has made a success of writing advertisements, a line of work which several women have gone into, one bright little soul being em ployed by a New York firm at a sal ary of $3,000 a year. Mrs. Remington Vernam is the name of the woman who has created the summer resort of Averne-by-the- Sea. When her husband took a slice of Rockaway Beach for a bad debt she planned the cottages, drew the elevations', and platted out a village on the sand, telling the carpenters where to build. Then she went to Holland to study the sewerage sys tem, armed with one trunk and a letter to the Minister at the Hague, She poked questions at the engineers. and came back with a plan for a canal with a water-course thirty-two feet wide, running from one to an other of the great expanse of water in Jamaica Bay. The canal answers the purposes of pleasure and sanita tion, and admits small steamers and sailing craft At each end is a sluice way of solid masonry with double gates, the whole costing $10,000, and CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1SS9. making a considerable engineering work to have been superintended by a woman. She has forced the success of Averne, and proved herself a most capable manager. Mrs. Emma Yewdall is making money out of a livery stable in the annexed district of New York city. She accumulated some money as a successful milliner, inherited a little more, and desiring a more active life and being fond of horses, she went into the business of letting them. She doesn't wash carriages or groom the horses, but she keeps the books and makes a good living. Mrs. Louise Brooks, of Concord, Mass., is another woman who lets her teams by the hour. Women barbers do not thrive, at least hereabouts. ? Mrs. Lewis Greenslade,' the wife of the religious crank known as " Lewis the Light," is deft with the razor, but has lately been compelled to move from Brooklyn to New York for lack of patronage. Brooklyn and New York have several women butchers, especially in the .Jewish quarters. There are also several women opticians, in which latter bu siness the Misses Bradley do well in Philadelphia. Everybody knows that one member of the big dry goods firm of the Ridleys' is a woman, while another woman is the respon sible cashier of Macy's great estab lishment Mrs. Adolph Heller and Miss Duffy manage dry goods stores in Philadelphia. The jewelry buyer for one o( the largest houses in Brooklyn is feminine, while a hard ware store, a coffee house and a coal yard in New York are represented by women. Women make notably good hotel keepers, several of the best on the Jersey coast being run by them this season. Mrs. La Fetra has just opened a temperance hotel of 100 rooms on H street, Washing ton, D. C. A Woman's Silk Culture Associa tion has been formed in Massachu setts, with Mrs. Marion McBride, of Boston, as president. That women understand the benefits of co-opera tion is shown by the co-operative laundry in Bond street, New York, officered and managed by working girls, with Miss Kate Foley as super intendent. The colored women of Little Rock, Ark., have organized a washerwomen's association. An un usual business for a woman is that conducted bv Mrs. Christina F. Haley, who has made a comfortable fortune out of the examination of inventions and patent claims. Mrs. Haley was chairman of the Business Women's Committee of Sorosis until the recent election of Mrs. Ella Hitchcock, a successful telegraph operator. Mrs. Allen, of One-Hun- dred-and-Twenty-Second street, has discovered a new vocation and acts as guide for tourists shopping in New York. Women constables, dep uty sheriffs, etc., are not unknown in the West, even outside of the woman- managed Kansas towns, Mrs. C. O. Winger being constable of Herman, Minn., and Miss Knowles deputy constable in Montana. Girls are usually credited with precocity, and the fifteen little waitresses, only ten years old, who uniform themselves in gray woolen gowns, fluffy aprons, snowy bakers' caps, cardinal stockings and red rib bons to serve the customers of a good-sized restaurant in Green street, New York, make a staff as novel as youthful. Kentucky discounts the boy preachers with Mary Semons, ten years of age, who has delivered sermons in Falmouth and converted sinners. Maud Hutchinson, of Deull county, Dakota, drove a team and did a full share of the work in stacking 500 acres of hay when only seven. Arizona brags of a girl mining expert on whose judgment the men bet when the ore was taken out of the Tucson mines when she was seventeen. Little Kate Reimer car ries mail in Kansas, and there are numberless instances of strength and endurance on the part of girls to prove that under a different system of physical education more vigor would be developed by women. Dr. Mary Putnam Jacobi thinks that women ought to be letter carriers, but enough has been said to show that the necessity of self-support is leading them to push their way into new avenues of labor every year. Don't Have To.- Frog (to ele phant) How far can you jump, you big lummix ? Elephant I can't jump at all, froggy-woggy. Frog (hoisting his shoulders) You're un lucky. When I see an enemy ap proaching, with a few jumps I'm out of danger. Elephant When I see an enemy approaching I don't have to jump. A store in Atlanta, Ga., has been built entirely of paper. TANDA Hn. Florence SlA brick. Great Britain is now convulsed over the May brick trial, in which a wife, young and handsome, has been condemned to death for having poi Boaed her husband. The trial has also; evoked great interest on this Bide of the Atlantic, where Mrs. Maybrick is known to a large circle of friends, having been born in this country, where she resided up to the time of her marriage. Mrs. Elizabeth Mavbrick is the daughter of William G. Chandler, a banker of Mobile, Ala., who died suddenly in 1860. A year afterwards his widow, Mrs. Carrie E. Chandler, married Col. Frank Dn Barry, a Con federate officer, with whom her name had been unpleasantly coupled before her husband's death. In 18G3 Col. DuBarry was ordered to Europe for the purpose of makiug contracts for ordnance stores. He took his wife and stepdaughter with him and em barked on a blockade runner. The Reamer had been at sea only a few days wheh the colonel suddenly ex pired, and, at the command of the wife, the body was buried at sea. Subsequently Mrs. DuBarry married Baron von Rogue, a German officer, then a member of Crown Prince Frederick's staff. James Maybrick was a cotton broker doing an extensive business in Liverpool. He seems to have been a very impressionable man, for on nearly every visit to the United States he managed to fall in love with some fair passenger, and there were two or three engagements. Meeting Florence Chandler on board a steamer in 1881, he proposed to her and was accepted. The marriage took place in the fashionable St. James church, Piccadilly, London. At that time the residence of the bride was given as Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Maybrick appear to have lived amicably together for some years, although the husband was twice as old as the wife. Her fond ness for display and somewhat reck less gaiety led to disputes and finally culminated in a quarrel. Mrs. May brick has confessed that she wronged her husband with a gentleman of the name of Brierly, but insists that her husband forgave her. -The ill matched couple resided at Grassen dale House in the best part of Liver pool, and they had two children. Last April Mr. Maybrick took very ill. On May 8th Alice Yapp, the children's nurse, took a letter, which she received from her mistress, to the post Alice says the baby dropped the letter in the mud, which soiled it Fearing the mother's auger, the girl decided to place it in another en velope, but, being curious, read its contents. This letter was addressed to "A. Brierly, Huskisson street, Liverpool," he being also a cotton broker and May brick's friend. This letter said " He was sick to death," and "Doctors have held consulta tion ; all depends upon how long his strength will hold out" Another sentence was : " M. has been delirious since Sunday, and I know he is igno rant of everything, even name of street" The signature, "Florie," showed the intimate relations between the writer and Brierly. Instead of mailing the letter, Alice Yapp gave it to Edwin Maybrick on the day of his brother's death. Edwin showed no suspicion, but allowed the funeral to take place, though he kept a strict watch en the widow. A day or two afterwards she was arrested, the body was exhumed, an inquest held and great quantities of arsenic were found in the stomach. During the trial it came out that Mrs. Maybrick had bought arsenic, some of which was hidden jn her bedroom. She persisted in saying she had bought this for the purpose of preparing a lotion for her face. It was also found that Mr. Maybrick often had ordered arsenic powders from the drug store. The defence was that Mr. Maybrick was an habitual arsenic eater. Doctors who gave evidence disagreed in a most remarkable way, and it was generally thought she would not be found guilty, as the evidence was all circumstantial. The judge, Sir James Stephen, one of the j 111 LVOV J-illIlCAA JUV.QJj UV V TVl) summed up strongly against her, and the jury, after a short deliberation, unanimously found her guilty, her letter to Brierly doing more than anything else to impress the jury with a sense of her guilt. There is no appeal from her death sentence, and the Euglish law only requires three Sundays to intervene between sentence and execution. Sir James Stephen is blamed for having shown bias against her, aud the jury i3 blamed for having too blindly fol lowed his instructions. Monster petitions are being signed, both pub licly at the centres of population and professionally inside the limits of law, medicine and chemical sci ence. A very short time will suffice to show the result of this activity. dirniiiH or Gold. It is not what we intend, but what we do, that makes us useful. Happiness is a roadside flower growing on the highways of useful ness. It is a good thing to be able to let go the less for the sake of the greater. The greatest loss of time that I know of is to count the hours. Ra belais. Men say of women what they please ; women do with men what pleases them. Carry the radiance of your soul in your face ; let the world have the benefit of it. Fox. The moral cement of society i3 virtue. It unites and preserves, while vice separates and destroys. As ovsters are swallowed when they are opened, so is the frank man taken in when he tells his plans to rogues. One of the greatest causes of trouble in this world is the habit people have of talking faster than they think. How to preserve the just balance of thrift and enterprise is a problem for each one of us to solve. Glad stone. New religions are to be judged not so much by the men that make them as by the men they make. Joseph Cook. A Compositor's Feat. James Leonard, president of the New Or leans Typographical Union, is a typo in the Times-Democratic office. On Friday, July 5, Mr. Leonard began his week's work. He was offered no special opportunities to make a great record (or, in typographical parlance, a "big string") by setting up easy matter ("Fat takes," as the printer puts it), but worked on the regular "file," which contaius the general run of matter that appears in the Times-Democrat's columns. The type used in the office is brevier, agate and nonpareil, the latter large ly predominating. The agate meas ures 30 ems to a line, the nonpareil 25. Mr. Leonard worked seven and a half hours'a day for seven consecu tive days, and on Thursday night last, when he cast up his "string," it was disclosed that he had set up just 102,800 ems, an average of 14,- 685 ems a day, or 1,941 ems an hour. And he made few errors ; his "proof" was good. In doing this feat LeO' nard set 205,600 letters and returned the same to their boxes. The dis tance traveled by his arm was about 125 miles. This record is the best made in New Orleans since the war. Mr. Leonard was born in Keokuk in 1858. New Orleans Times-Demo crat i A Caxal Across Italy. It is proposed to commence a canal upon the western shore of Italy, just above Civita Vecchia, at Castre, and to cut through to Fano on the eastern or Adriatic shore. A glance at the map of Italy will show that in this line two lakes are met, those of Bolsena and Trasinieno, and it is proposed to drain these two lakes, thus securing the area for cultivation. The length of the canal will be about 169 miles, the width of it 110 yards, and its depth is to be about 13 yards, so that ships of any tonnage, and even men. of-war, will be able to pas3 through it. The cost of the canal is reckon ed at 500,000,000 francs, that is, 20,000,000. It is estimated that the work could be completed in five years from its commencement. The Italian journals are highly interested in the project and are taking up the matter warmly, and when the fact of the long sea passage round the south coast of Italy and up the stormy Adriatic to Trieste and Venice is re membered, certainly the canal would be of immense service to the whole of sonthern Europe. London Fi garo. The total number of Indians in the Dominion of Canada is givea as 124,589. WHOLE NO. 84. Tbe Old North State. Philadelphia Enquirer. The first domestic event in the history of the state was the sending out of a sort of volunteer commis sion to look at the beautiful lands of the Cherokees in western North Carolina and Tennessee in the year 1731. Ten white men and a few Indiaus went, and among them was John Ash, whence possibly the name of Asheville. Gabriel Johnson in 1736 spoke of the factions, the ig norance and the commonness of this state. As late as 1752 there were only 20,000 whites in North Caro lina and 10,000 slaves and free ne groes. Slavery did not take here as fiercely as either South Caiolina or Virginia The early taxes were very high. The mothers of illegitimate children were sent to jail until they would betray the fatherhood, and the father must either give security to take care of the child or he was hired out at auction. No exemption was made for ministers of the gospel trespas sing in this respect. Another decided event was the arrival of the Scotch Jacobites. But the great fact of this state was not any settlement from the east what ever, but -the settlement from the western part of the state from. wholly different source. North Carolina had so languished that all its healthy, high western districts were unoccupied. There slowly crept in the rear of the seacoast denizens of vigorous Scotch Irish and occa sionally German elements, including Moravians from prolific Pennsylva nia. These people multiplying fast and knowing good land when they saw it, rapidly overran Western Maryland, came down the Virginia valley and took up the good farms and following the Blue Ridge moun tain began to fill up western North Carolina. They were in the main Presbyterian, though some other ele ments were attached to them, such as Lutherans, mere were also German Baptist elements in the combination. These were the peo ple who settled the vigorous towns like Charlotte, Salisbury, etc Finally, North Carolina was taken away from its proprietors and made a royal province, which wa3 a great advan tage, though it stirred up some op position. No founder of any state in America who owned the land in his family ever amounted to any thing except William Penn. The Fastest Railway Time. The question, "How fast can a lo comotive run ?" has been a good deal discussed recently in the engineer ing papers. The conclusion appears to be that there is no authentic re cord of any speed above eighty miles an hour. That speed was obtained many years ago by Bristol and Exe ter tank engine with nine-foot dri ving wheels a long extinct species down a steep bank. But it has, apparently, never been beaten. It is, indeed, not a little strange how sharply the line appears to have been drawn at eighty miles an hour. Records of seventy five miles an hour are a3 plenty as blackberries. Records of eighty are exceedingly rare. Records of any greater speed have a way of crumbliug beneath the lightest touch. Rail ways of En gland. During the last fiscal year the debt -of the country was reduced $87,182,200. A prize offered to stenographers for the largest number of words written on a postal card has been won by Sylvanus Jones, of Richmond, Va., who wrote upon a card 36,764 words. Victoria, B. C, is said to be the dullest city in North America. Business men get down to their offices at 1 p. m., and leave at 4 p. m. After that the town is completely deserted. 1 The smallest church in the world is said to be the Calholic church at Tadousac, at the mouth of the Sag inaw river. Its extreme capacity is not more than twenty people. This church is supposed to have been founded by Jacqes Cartier. A Swainesboro, Ga., man tried to sell a worthless Texas pony for ten cents. He then tried to give it away, and failing in this, tied an inflamma ble bundle to its tail, set fire to it and turned the animal loose.. The expedient worked and the man is happy. Secretary Tracy intends to have each United States man-of-war fitted with submarine diving outfits. When the Samoan disaster occurred the American officers had to rely on the English man-of-war for the nec essary diving suits. All the Euro pean naval services carry divers who are practical men. WE DO ALL KINDS OF IN THE I NEA TES T MA NNEB -AND AT- THE LOWEST - RATES. ODDS AXD ENDS. Kansas has had fourteen cyclones ? in six years. t . ... This year's peach crop is estimated at 2,798,000 baskets. .. :. , . The hardest time for a man to ' show his grit is when he is forced to , , bite the dust. .., , .. . . If some men were half as big as they think they are the world would have to be enlarged. - -. There is a bill before the Brazilian ' parliament for making the English sovereign legal tender in Brazil. Los Angres now has a cable road system twenty-two miles in' extent and the cost of it was $1,500,000. Brunn, the Austrian 'center of Textile industry, is suffering under a general strike of 15,000. operatives. ', . Edison sleeps only four hours a night. He got into, this habit by keeping late hours with his wife's baby. r , . , f ; ' English bath chairs have been in- troduced at Narragansett, and there -is a great joy among the angioma- : niacs. ..... It is estimated that the wheat crop -will be about 496,000,000 bushels, ' and the corn crop 1,900,000,000 bushels. - j Superintendent Mills, of the Del aware Railroad Company, says the ! peach crop will number exactly 2, 798,230 baskets. W. Snelly, of Milford Square, 111., has a Newfoundland dog ponderous enough to do all the family washing by a tread power. The wheat harvest in Kansas is : said to be the largest ever gathered in that State. Some fields yielded 120 , bushels per acre. A recent count of money in the -. United States Treasury revealed a ; shortage of $35. The amount coun- . ted was $184,000,000. There are in the United States no fewer than 563 manufactories of pat ent medicines, of which 108 aro in the State of New York. , The fashionable color for the hair is pronounced to be "a particularly beautiful and natural lookiug shade of bright bronze brown." The so called Canadian thistle, which is simply the common English thistle, has spread itself over the ; whole of the United States. , A Philadelphia wholesale druggist pays $2 a gallon for dandelion wine, which is made from the plant grow ing wild on so many farms. The Massachusetts census for 1889 shows that there are in the State 1,413 professed authors, of whom ' 900 are male and 423 females. The Elite directory of New York city contains the names of 20,000 housholders. Isn't this rather strain ing the ranks of the gallant 400 ? The growing scarcity of whale bone is tempting an old whaling . skipper to leave his fireside to-again . try his luck in the Arctic regions. Another expedition to search for . " the north pole has been organized. The pole will not be found in time to be utilized during. 'the summer. The internal revenue on spirits : and tobacco during the last fiscal -year amounted to $131,000,000, and , : the tax on sugar to about $59,000,! 000. - - ' " ' 1 Abicylist of Chambersburg, Pa-' has made a bet that he can make a - . mile in less than three minutes with- out touching the handles of his safe- ' ty machine. . The following notice appears in ;t an exchange: "This hotel will .be ; 4 kept by the widow of the former'., landlord, who died last summer on ' a new and improved plan.'' Out of 106 persons treated within j . a period of eleven mouths at the..-.i Pasteur institute at Rio de Janeiro . only one died, and that one had neg- : lected to follow the treatment as di- " . rected. ' Terrible stories are told of the starving miners at Braidwood, 111. ' It is said that dead horses have been eaten, and children maybe seen with their hard, dry skin clinging-to the-, i bones of their faces. " . ' -One of the steam-engines for-the Paris exhibition is a little lees' than 4 three-fifths of an inch high, -weighs , less than one-ninth of- an ounce, and contains 180 pieces of metal.. It is the smallest ever made. ' ' ; ,V Experiments have Bhown that the ' skin of a white person transplanted on the skin of a" negro, beebmea . black as the skin of ' a negro, "and ? that black inoculated on white loses ; ' its pigment and becomes whiti. : Old John Cole, a stingy" 'olcU fW mernear Burlington, Vt, drew- up valuable papers and used ink of hiB . own manufacture to save expense.. It faded away in a few dayaand he is" " about seven thousand dollars out -1 .-L