THE STODftRD. Friday, August 30, 1889- The Far m . Why Farmer Fail. Col. John Robinson, Commissioner of Agriculture, says : One of the commonest defects in the tillers of the soil of our State is this : There has been no class of people in any single industry that has so little studied and applied so little intelligence to the acquirement of an understanding of the funda mental principles upon which it must be conducted. We farm very much as our fathers did. They suc ceeded in their way, and made a liv ing, and we are inclined very much to be contented with the ways of our fathers. This is all wrong. The age in which we live is an age of progress. Unless we advance, there can be no success. No man can farm successfully as he should who does not understand the principles underlying the science of farming. You will pardon me if I seem to state the case harshly, because I think it one of the most important things which should be taught that there is not a single industry in the entire length and breadth of our land whose commonest principles are so little studied as those of farming. This might be regarded as offensive sentiment. It is not so' intended. I say it because I deem it most impor tant that men should understand it. Everything connected with agricul ture has progressed far in advance of the farmer himself. I can almost remember when the sickle gave place to the cradle, and do well re member when the cradle gave place to the reaper, to which has since been added the binder. The Future of the Farmers' Movement. Who can grasp it? It now em braces all the cotton States. Soon it will embrace all the great States that are tributary to the Mississippi river. The lines or parellels of progress and development of transportation and enterprise, have run from the East to the West. The consolidation proposed will bring into our organi zation all the South Atlantic and Gulf States. These States produce a crop in which they have no rival nor competitor in the world a crop that controls the commerce of the nations. They should control that crop. The Northwestern States that will join with us, control the bulk of the wheat and corn and meat crops of this country. Combine and organize these great States, controll ing these immense resources and forces and thus form a solid block of States across the country from the Gulf to the Lakes, cutting in twain the lines or parallels referred to and we have the controlling power, indus trially, socially and politically, in our hand. We will then be in posi tion dictate the policy commercially and politically of the country. This is a bird-eye view of the great work which is now crystalizing and which in our judgment is to save the coun try from anarchy and which is to preserve our free institutions and our republican form of government. The consolidation will represent , at least 3,000,000 of men, a large majority of whom are in the South, but when the Northwestern States shall be organized as thoroughly as are the Southern States, we will be the most powerful organization ever known to this country or to the world and under the guidance and favor of God, it will accomplish the noblest and grandest work ever wrought by men. Prog. Farmer. "No insect that crawls," says the La Salle Democratic Press, "even the bedbug, can live under the applica tion of hot alum water. It will de stroy red and black ants, cockroaches, spiders, bedbugs, and all the myriads of crawling peste which infest our houses during the heated term,; This information may save many a boarding-house guest nights of Bleepless anxiety and bites." The Department of Agriculture is making arrangements for the in troduction in this country of new varieties of wheat to take the place of those which have deteriorated. J And bo I say to the editors, do not quarrel with each other, although you have a press, and occupy a po sition next in usefulness and honor to that of the pulpit, and can talk to more people at the same time than the most gifted and glib-tongued lady of the land. Nor should this privilege be allowed correspondents. The public are not interested in such matters and have no pleasures in private grievances of this kind. It lowers the dignity of the publication guilty of it and causes it to lose much of the respect of its constitu ency. Its influence is weakened and its nsefulness impaired by such a course. Let the newspapers of the State be above this evil. President Manning's Address. i It will require 600,000 cars to haul off the Kansas wheat , Cousnuipdoii Surely Cured' To the Ehitor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. 15y its timely use thousands oi nope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of mv remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express aud post office address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl st.. New York. A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by the nso of oniaA,ee riven m the form of boom ing syrup. Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is sur prising when they can relieve the chilo of its peculiar troubles by us ing Ackers baby soother. It con tains no Opium or Morphine Sold by P. B. Fetzer. WfTcAN AND DO Gurantee Ackers Blood Elixire for it has been fully demnostrated to the people of this country that it is superior to all other preparations for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for Bvphntic poisoning. L leers. Eruntions one! Pimples. It vuriiios tho whole sjstem thorongkly builds up the constitution. CAUTION TO MOTHERS. Every mother is cautioned against erivinc her child laudanum or pare goric; it creats an unnatural craving for stimulants which kills the mind of the child. Acker's Baby Soother is specially prepared to beneht children and cure their pains. It is harmless and contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold bv P 13. Fetzer PIMPLES ON THE FACE Denote an impure state of the blood and are looked upon by many with suspicion. Acker's Blood Elxir will remove all impurities and leave the complexion smooth and clear. mere is nothing that will so thoroughly build up the constitu tion. purify and strengthen the whole system. Sold and guaranteed by P. 25' Fetzer- PEOPLE EVERYWERE Confirm our statement when we say that Acker's English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other preparations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Croup it is magic and relieves a once. We offer you a sample bottle free. Remember, this Remedy is sold on a positive guarantee at Fet zer's Drug Store. HELP IN TIME OF NEED. When a man is drowning he will grasp at straws, but straws will not sare him. Extend to him a life-boat and his rescue is certain. Mr. James A. Greer, of Athens, Ga, (endorsed by the editor of the Athens Banner-Watchman) makes the following statement: "I am first cousin of the late Ex-Governor Alex ajtder II. Stephens, and have been postal cleric on different railroads since 1868. For ten years I h:ve been a sufferer from a cancer on UAMUCn my f1C8i which grew worse antil the discharge of matter became profuse and very offensive. I became thoroughly disgusted with blood purifiers and pronounced them humbugs, at I had tried many without relief. Finally I was induced to use Botanic Blood Balm, (3. B. B.) The offensive discharge decreased at once and the hardness disappeared. It became less and less in size until nothing remains except a scar I gained flesh and strength, and all who hare seen me bear testimony. I cannot say too much in its praise." A. H. Morris, Pine Bluff, Art, writes: "Hot Springs failed entirely to cure me of several terrible, indolent running ulcers on mv legs, with which I have been troubled for many years. Sever al doctors also attempted to cure me but failed. 1 HOT SPRINGS ElSt (made in Atlanta, Ga.J and the effect has been truly marica'.aj they have all healed and I am cured afte everything failed. M y general health is also improv ing, appetite and digestion good. I sleep soundly, aud never felt better. Doctors told me that I could not be cured. I refer to every merchant or professional man cl Pise Bluff. 17 Any one Interested who desires to know more about the wonderful merit of B. B. B, will pleese send address to Blood Balm Co, Atlanta, Gaior their illustrated "Book of Wonders." (ft Non-Resident Notice. North Cabollna, ) Cababkus County, f Supebior Cockt. Jane Wilkes, trading under name firm of Mecklenburg Iron Works, aarainst Plaintiff, W. C. Culp and M. Oglesby, rading under firm name of Culp and Oglesby, Defendants. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court from the return of William Propat, sheriff of Cabarrus county, N. C, and from the affidavit of Paul ii Means, filed in the above-entitled action, that W. C. Culp is a non-resident of this State, and after due diligence cannot be found with in the State of North Carolina, and is a necessary and proper party to the above entitled action, and whereas the plaintiff above named has begun an action in said court for the collection of two promisory notes of $87.50 each of date 29th SeDtem- ber, 1886, with 8 per cent, interest from aate, ana one open account for $7G.2- : Now therefore the said W. C. Culp is hereby notified that unless he be and an- pear before the Judge of our Superior uourt, at a court to be lield for the county of Cabarrus at the court-house in Con cord, on the 8th Monday after the 1st in September, 1889, and plead answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, which will be deposited in the office of the clerk Superior Court of said county within the first three days of said term, that the plaintiff will apply to th3 court for the relief demanded in the complaint ana ior cosis oi action. This 19th day of August, 1889. JAS. C. GIBSON, au 23-6t Clerk Superior Court OF PURE COD LIVER OIL HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. So dlignlscd that it can bo taken, if eated, and assimilated by tho noii oaaltiTa itomaeb, when tho plain oil eaanot bo tolerated; and bjr the com plnatloa at tho oil with tho hvpopbo. phites la much more efficacious. Bemarkaltle as a f esh prodncer. Persona gala rapidly while taking It SCOTTS EMULSION is acknowledged by physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relief and cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, 2ENZRAL DEBILITY, WAST IN 3 DISEASES, EMACIATiOH, COLDS end CHRONIO COUGHS. The great remedy for Consumption, and Wasting in CAiWren. Sold &y aU Druggists, HERE "WIE :o:- VAN WINKLE, PRATT AND HALL Q H W T a W fiTM s KNOWN TO 13E THE Three Best Gins in America, ' AltE OFFERED BY TOEZ & "WADSWORTH AT LOW BOSS, CENTENNIAL AND OTHER conn ngines, Boilers, c. Best Makes, AT CLOSE MARGINS. Y0RKE & WADSW0RTH. ju5-tloc NOTIC E Having qualified ns exeevtor of Joseph Isenhour, dee'd, I hereby notify all per sons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them tome for payment, and all persons who' are in debted to said deceased to come forward and settle. July 5th, 18S9. tY. S. ISENHOUR. Executor of Joseph Isenhour, dee'd. ju 5-ut THE LAD! 5' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT CP ORDER. If you dcstrotOTiurcImoascwinsr machine, ask our atrent at your plucu fur terra and trlces. If you cannot find our etreut. write direct to nearest aldreaato you below named. NEW HOE SEWING MINE GMfflASS, UHICASO - VH UN CM 8QUARE.N.Y:- DALLAS. ILL ATI A NX A ftl TEX st Lootsjo,iij4i,)(Nniitt-i:cocu. " WMteaialrXaaa4 YOEKE & "WADSWORTH, agents for Cabarrus. Rowan, Iredell and Stanly Counties. FUN ITU RE CIIEAP FOB CASH AT M. E. CAHTOR'S UK STORE. Room ft HOMADECOFFINS,ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. I do no.' 'jell for cost, but for a small profit, ome and examine, mv linn of goods. Old furniture repaired. . IS M. E. CASTOR J.Y. FITZGERALD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND tjTJRGEON. My professional services nre oJTcred. to the citizens of Concord and viuri y. Calls, day or night, are promptly atteci cd to. EsT" Office next door to the old nofat- oftlee building. uawiNCMACHIHH Buna Cases Case ly7une 31. .A - IRIE, ILSTCTW" I PHIC!ES;. :o: PAINTS, OILS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, SOAP, IIAJR, TOOTH, NAIL ANT) PAINT BEUSHES, COME, SEE, BUY FROM D. D. JOHNSON, DRUGGIST. -)0(- Having moved into the com modious building lately occupied by "VV. C. J. Caton, onCaton's corner, CHAS. A. C00S is now prepared to furnish : GROCERIES AT VERY LOW PRICES. MY STOCK IS FRESH AND NEW! and the trade WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE to call and see me before buy ing anywhere else. Very respectfully, CHAS. A. COOK. MEN -r! F' Nervous feriiig from tha effected of early ovii iiaoiis, ine result oi ignorance or folly, will find in Pears. Specific a rjositive and nfirmanfinf nna Nervous Depihty, Seminal Weak ness involuntary vital losses, etc. Curen crunrentead. Sp.nrl .,' in stamps for Pears Treatise on disiases of man; their cause and cure: J. S. Peabs. C12 Church St.. Nashville. Ten. A. H. PR0PST, Architect d Contractor Tngs made in any style. All con tracts for hiiildincn faithfiillv car ried out. Ofiice in Ca ton's building, up stairs. 13 PRESSES MEDICINE ii rvi nawiace TO TBIIE RETAIL TRADE: We have added a full line of Staple Dry Mi, Shoes and Ms to our stock. EVERY THING, besides being new, was bought . at the lowest cash -prices, and we guar antee to sell you as cheap, and many things cheaper, tJian you can buy elsewhere' Our rule is to buy in large quantities and pay the cash dawn, as soon as they come in the house, mark them at a small profit, and sell for CASH. WE GUARANTEE PRIECS ON SALT, SHIRTING AND PLAIDL, TO BE AS LOW AT THE . LOWEST. TO THE mi Our wholesale business has oeen very successful, and we thank our friends and custo mers lor kind words of en- ement and liberal or ders. Our stock is larerer than ever, and our Prices Lower. CI A - . m oave lime and trouble or dering your goods when you can do as well in Concord. WE OFFER: . 1 Car Load nil 1 " " White Rose Flour 50 Barrels of Sugar, 25 Sacks of Coffee, 25 Cases of Potash, 100 " Canned Goods. 5 0 Boxes of Tobacco, oO lfiousand Cigar etts, 250 Kc$s of Powder. 150 Bags of Shot, 5 0 Cases of Matches. 100,000 Paper Sacks, We have the Agency for the Baltimore United Oil Co., and keep all grades of Oil stock. in ALSO TJIE AGFNCY FOR s When in Concord, will be pleased to have you call. leading Wholesale n Lafin&Rand PowderCo Celebrated Powder PATTERSON'S and Retail Store m L V JMZRTZ" STABLES, (ON EAST DEPOT STREET.) We have the to suit any and every one. FOR DRIVES WEDDING PUBLIC GATHERINGS, FUNERALS AND FOR ALL AND EVERY OCCASION, OUR SALE AND FEED Visitors Jid Drovers will find an immense building, a good, safe and convenient place for their stock. l TERMS TO SUIT THE TIMES. YORKE & WADSWORTH Hardwae Headquarters. seeIiere MEACW, MECHANICS, ENGfflEERS, ilfftS, Farmers and Everybody Else J?, at YORKE & WADSWORTH'S at bottom price fortheOA.SH. Our stock is full and complete. A splendid line of Cook Stoves and cooking utensils in stock. Taming Plows. Plo-v Stocks, Harrows, pelting, Feed Cutters, Cornsbellers, Tinware, Guns, Pistols, Knives, Powder, bhot and Lead, Doors, Sash and Blinds, Shingles, Glass, Oils, White Lead, Paints and Patty a specialty ; Wire Screens, Oil Cloths, wrought, cut and Horse Shoe Nails, and in fact everything usually kept in a hardware store. We will sell all these goods as cheap, quality considered, as any ' house in North Carolina. Our warehouse is filled with Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Reapers, Mow ars, Hay Rakes, of the best make On the market, which must and will be sold at the lowest figures. Be sure to come to see us, whether you buy or not. YORKE & WADSWORTH. P. S We have always on hand Lister's and Waldo Guano and W and ci juices to suit. - Y. & W. IS NOW CHICKERING PIANOS. ARION PIANOS. Mathushek Pianos. MASON AND HAMLIN PIANOS. WATERLOO ORGANS. MASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS. AT LOW PRICES ON EASY TERMS. TTT m m - rite me tor prices before buying. FURNITURE IN THE STATE. E. M. Andrews Charlotte, N. C M. J. CORL'S CONCORD, N. I have moved into the stable late ly occupiea Dy i5rown iiros.. near the courthniiRA. Tho Hoof oAinmmn. dations for drovers. Leave your oraers t tnn fttuhio nr with .t . t. Brown Porter for omnibus. Horses ana mules tor tale. M. J. CORL, Proprietor. $60 FOR $30. JUST THINK OF.IIT! The Monopoly Busted. Do you want a SewingMachine ? 17.50 to 30. WarrantedlFive Years- With all Attachments. Write for illustrated Circulars of our "Sinsr- era "New Home," Etc. $10 to $30, Saved by ordering direct from Head quarters. NeedleB for any Machine, 5 cents a dozen in stamps.' Address The Louisville Sewing Machine Co. J. No. 520 FOURTH AVENUE, Louisville, Ky. August 30, '89. Meets all trains and goes to any part of town for passengers. AND BUGGIES, HACKS, Etc., SURPASS ANYTHING EVER IN TOWN. AGENT FOR BENT PIANOS. PACKARD OQGANS. The LARGEST STOCK OF 3 ma For sale Store. Fetzer' s Drug IP-A-TiEINTPS. waveHvs, ana xraae-Jiiariis obtain ed, and all Patent business conduct ed for moderate fees. PUT ?5LC9 is 0PPOsite the U. S. Pa tent Office and we can secure patent i- -I m i -mm . ... xu acoo time man moee remote from v asnmton. Send model, drawincr or nhofr TltT uf scriPtion' We advise if pa- jcuwiuib w not, iree ei charge. vur tee not aue until patent secur ed. . pamphlet, "How to Obtain Pa- iibulh. wir.ii nnira nnrnfl I a hAMt. -u your State, county, or ;town, sent ii oo. Auuress, C A RVnw 9. nr Opposite Patent Office. Washing- I Ml O at C0LDI fiS& Try the Cure Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Al- Eostores the Senses of Taste, Smell A a.mI.1. I. II- . . EDMOST ALINE RorjJ RICHMOND AND DANVrj v RAILROAD. Condensed schedule in effo. t OA 1St:o T..: . """'tO xuov. xiuins run Meridian Tim. SOCTUIiOUXD- Ln"6 New York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Charlottesville Lynchburg Ar. Danville Lv. Richmond Burkeville Keysville Danville No- 50. 12 15 am 7 20 am 9 45 am 12 24 am 3 40 pra 5 40 pin 8 20 pM 3 00 p,a 4 50 pm 5 40 pm 8 40 Dm Ar. Greensboro 10 25 pm .Lv. Uoldsboro 2 00 pm Ar. Raleigh 4 50 p in Lv. Raleigh 4 07 rm 5 52 pm 8 30 pm G 15 r-m 10 37pm 12 20 am 1 51 am 7 40 ni.i 9 20 nu 2 GO Hiit 4 50 .un 5 50 am 11 00 am 2 20 am 6 30 am 10 30 am Durham Ar. Greensboro Lv Salem G reensboro A r Salisbury Statcsvllla AshevU'e Hot Springs Lv Salisbury Charlotte Spartanburg Greenville Atlanta Lv. Charlotte Ar. Columbia Ar. Ausrusta Daily. No. 51. NOBTHBOUSD. Lv. Augusta Ijv. Columbia Ar. Charlotte Lv. Atlanta Arrive Greenville Spartanburg Charlotte 6 15 pm 10 40 pm 3 15 am G 00 pm 12 45 am 11 49 am 4 40 am ' 10 au 1 it ta 21'JHa uaolia 7 d5 pa 121'iaa C UI J.n; !-! !ia '712 pa iv ria J Oiij pa 0') am mu "0 ; ai il affl .-.i:,asa i 0;; am .!;:.! am 1 I'll Salisbury C 17 am Lv. Hot Springs 8 05 pm Asheville 9 46 pm Statesville 3 30 am Ar. Salisbury 4 37 am Lv. Salisbury 6 22 am Greensboro 8 00 am Salem 1 140 am Lv Greensboro S 45 am Ar Durham 12 01 pm Ar Raleigh 1 C2 im Lv Raleigh 1 02 pm Ar Goldsboro 10 pm Lv. Greensboro 3 05 am Danville y 47 am Keysville 12 38 pm Burkeville 1 23 pm Richmond 3 30 pm Lyr-cliburg 12 40 pm Ciiai'lottesvillo 2 55 p:n "Washington 7 13 pjn Baltimore 8 50 ma Philadelphia 3 00 am New York fi 20 am "Daily. fDaily, except Sui-Jav. Tram for Raleigh via C.'iiaksviJie leave Richmond dailv 3 vo iin; K-n ville G 05 pm; arrives Ci:rk- v!J "'' pm; Oxford 8 20 pm; Hciu;ci.u.:i. pm; Durham 10 clt p;n; I! ij pm. Returning leaves iialJi-:i :h am daily; Durham 3ii am:" ilt-u-derson is 30 am; Oxford I"; a Clarksville 11 IS am; Kt-vsvillc pm; arrives Richmond 3 :lu pui. Local mixed train leaves iUii'Laa uuiijr fj.cfpi duij u;iy ooi) piu: a rives Keysville 135 am; retuniiuj leaves KevsviIJ ) m,i- r.v,:.;,T Durham 5 30 Dm. PflSSrTifpr fin,'; attached- Nos. 51 and 53 oonnfcf nt T?;,.'nv mond daily except Sunday for Went Point and Baltimore via Yoik Ihver Line. No. 50 from West Point connects daily except Sunday at lUcLii.oiid with No. 50 for the South- Nf. 50 nrul 51 z-ntn.r ft lit Ci hl5- boro with trains to nnd from Sl-:,re head City and Wilmington. No. 51 nt. flrr.pmtbc.v Selma for Fayetteville- No 53 connects at Soima M-Vi j son, N. Nos-. 50 and 51 mnkfi closn for.zi-:- tion at University Station with titiiis to and from Chaoel Hill excent Sun days. SLEEPING CAR SEEVICE. On trains 50 and 51 Pullman EaiTct Fleener between Atlanta ami Now York, Greensboro and Augusta, anJ Greensboro, Asheville, and Moms town, Tenn. On traiTiR52 nnd 53 Piillmnn llailft Sleerjer -between Wnsliiiicrton and New Orleans via Montgomery, auJ between uashincton and Binmns- ham. Richmond and Greeuoboro. Pullman parlor cai-3 between Salis bury and linoxvjlle. Through tickets nn s.alft fit nricinal stations to ail points. "FVvr rafpR lnnl ond l)rrnli time tables, apply to any acnt of the company, or to feOL Mass, Tramc Man r. W. A Tube, L)iv. Pass.As't. Jas. L. Iaylok, Raleicrh. N. C. Gen. Pass. As't. TOien T sav Cms 1 Ao rot moan mcrc'y to iton them for A timn. anil than :t0 tM-rr V0- turn aftain. I mean A KAOICAL CXM- i oava maae tae dueu&o oi PITS, EPILEPSY cr FALLING SIC3KB. A llfo-long study. I wARivr my renf j! .j CtJSB the worst cases. Utcause otners nv J fiAnrl fit Ani-A fnr n. trAntiAP And a !i(-J'TI-3 of my Infallible Kemedy. Give i: ad Poet OlBce. It costa yon nothii "i trial, and it will cure you. Addrcij n. Vi. r ww ( ii.w. - - NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. Next session besins. the first Jlon day of September. Location lic.iiiby Terms moderate. For cataloucrue or naiticul.irs, dress, Rev. J. G. SCHAID, Prcs t, Mt. Pleasant. T. C. Anpust 3, 1888, FOR SALE BY LADIES Cannons & Fetzer.