THE ST&HD&RD. Friday, September C, 1889. The Farm. THE COTTOX WOKM. Tlie Beat Meaauren to Prevent Its Ravages. SPECIAL BULLETIN OF THE X. C. EXPERIMEXT STATION. There ia now appearing in some of the cotton fields of the State a worm which rapidly destroys the leaves of the cotton plant The dangers from the ravages of these worms are very great, and on account of this fact a special bulletin of the Experiment Station is herewith issued in order to prevent, if possible, much loss 'due to these worms. Strict precautionary measures must be taken at once and used to destroy the worms before they can have destroyed many leaves and thereby endangered the develop ment of the boll. The Cotton Worm ha8 been known since 1793, when, it was so destructive in this country. In 1804 and many successive years much damage was done by them. The cotton worm must not confounded with the boll worm or the army worm, the former being an insect especially destructive to the cotton boll, the latter (army worm) being generally found in the States north of us, where it is extremely.destruc tive to green crops, wheat and the grasses especially. The cotton worm, such as we will describe, is also known as the cotton caterpillar, and this name is distinc tive enough for ordinary use. . It is found all through the cotton belt, though in the more southerly States its ravages are much more extensive than with us ; so much so that in some sections it is always considered one of the cultivations of the: cotton crop. Implements are made and used in these States with great ben efit for their prevention. Fortunately we have been very free front them, owing to our favorable northern lo cation in the cotton belt. A few words a3 to its growth and habits may not be out of place. The eggs, which develop into the cotton worm or caterpillar, are laid by a small moth about li inch from wing tip to wing tip. It has four wings, the two forward ones being of a slight reddish brown color and tipped with a wine color. This moth lays her eggs, varying from 400 to 600, which are deposited, on the under surface of the larger leaves on the upper portion of the cotton plant. They are deposited singly, but sel dom more than four or five on a sin gle leaf. They are, when first laid, of a beautiful green color, changing to a dirty white before hatching, and are of a diameter of about one fortieth of an inch. The eggs hatch according to the seasons on warm days two days after being laid, and later on possibly almost a week. "When hatched they are, of course, very small, growing quickly to their full length. At this time they are about one and a-half inches in length and about one-tenth of an inch in diameter. The worm is green w ith two stripes of black on the back and black dots on the body, its head be ing ye)low. It has sixteen legs, and by a peculiar motion of the body arches itself similar to the common measuring worm. REMEDIES. i Various remedies for preventing the ravages of this- caterpillar have been advised. The plan cf encour aging the natural enemies of the worm, and it has a great many, is spoken ofj but the efficacy of this is somewhat doubtful. It is suggested also that the eggs be destroyed, but this, however, may tend to kill the tender leaf. Collecting the worm by hand is also spoken of, but the labor' involved is too great. The best" plan undoubtedly that has yet been devised is the destruction of "the caterpillar by poison. A variety of these poisons have been recom mended, among which are London Purple, Gray Arsenic, Paris Green, &c, either applied in the wet or dried way. For ordinary purposes in this State the dry method is suffi cient Though rather slower than the method with water, the poison can be applied easily and success fully. Of most of the ordinary poisons Paris Green is the best and most easily procured. The farm of Mr. W. G. Upchurch, near Raleigh, was visited and the remedy adopted by him is recom mended on account of its simplicity and good effects : (1.) Mr. Upchurch uses one pound of Paris Green with 100 pounds of either land plaster gypsum or lime phosphate. These are thoroughly mixed and applied by sprinkling on the leaves in the early morning be' fore the dew is off. In, this way a man ought to sprinkle 100 pounds of this mixture on an acre in a short time. At this time of day the pow der adheres closely to the leaves ; the caterpillar later on eating it, takes also a portion of the poison and soon drops to the ground. Of course it is desired to have the poison adhere to the leaves, and for this purpose an addition of five or ten pounds of flour to the mixture would improve the sticking qualities. The great trouble with the use of dry poisons is the liability of their being washed off by a sudden shower. A larger addition of flour will prevent this. It may be that if the growth is very rank a larger quantity than 100 pounds would be required of the above mixture per acre. (2). Tho least expensive method to apply the poison is in the wet form. The Paris Green is "mixed with water and applied at the rate of one pound to the acre. As the poisou docs not dissolve, the powder must bo constantly stirred in the water to keep it thoroughly mixed. In this way it can cheaply be applied from a common watering pot by a man on a horse or mule. A hand force-pump with a spray nozzle is very efficacious for this application. The addition of five to ten pounds of flour to the quantity of the water which is mixed with the poison will increase the adhesive quality as in the dry mix ture. Special implements have been de vised and are now used, many im provements have been suggested, but all of these have been omitted here, and only the commonest and most easily used are suggested. CAUTIONS. Paris Green is a deadly poison, and should be kept away from children and from anything and anybody who would likely swallaw any of it in tentionally or accidentally. There is no danger in handling it provided ordinary care be taken. Tans Green may be purchased at Latta & Wyatt's, Kaleigh, N. C, at twenty-five cents per pound, which is about the usual price, or at any place nearer home where it is de sired. Any of the wholesale drug gists in the North also keep it. We have found Thomas Woodason, 451 E. Cambria street, Philadelphia, Pa., reliable. "Any one using the remedies sug gested herewith, or others, will please report results to the undersigned. II. B. Battle, Director. Consninptlon Sorely Cnred To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have teen permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of mv remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express aud post office address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl 8t., New York. A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by the use of opiates ?iven in the form of Sooth- wg Byrup. v ny momers nive meir children such deadly poison is eur prising when they can relieve the chile of its peculiar troubles by us ing Ackers baby sootner. It con tains no Opium or Morphine Sold by P. B. Fetzer. WE CAN AND DO Gurantee Ackers Blood Elixire for it lias been fully deinnostrated to the people of this country that it is superior to all other preparations for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for syphiltic poisoning, Ulcers, Eruptions ond Pimples. It purifies the whole system thoroughly builds up the constitution. CAUTION TO MOTHERS. Every mother is cautioned against givinc her child laudanum or pare' eoric; it creats an unnatural craving for stimulants which kills the mind of the child. Acker's Baby Soother is specially . prepared to benefit children and cure their pains. It is harmless and contains no Opium or Morphine, bold by if- 15- k etzer PIMPLES'ON THE FACE Denote an impure state of the blood and are looked upon by many with suspicion- Acker s iilood JMxir will remove all impurities and leave the complexion smooth and clear. There is nothing that will po thoroughly build up the constitu tion, purify and strengthen the whole system. Sold and guaranteed by P. B'Fetzer. PEOPLE EVERYWERE Confirm our statement when we say that Acker's English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other preparations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Uroup it is magic and relieves a once. "We offer you a sample bottle iree. .ucmeniDer, tnis lvemedy is sold on a positive guarantee at Fet zer's Drug Store. MEN "Who are Weak, Nervous and Defoliated, who are suf fering from tha effected of early evil habitSj the result of ignorance or follv. will find in Pears. Snflrifi a positive and permanent cure for NTst.,n..c rx;U4. c:.i nr i ness Involuntarv vitn.1 Ioshas. fin Cures guarenteed. Send six cent in stamps for Pears Treatise on j- : il . uisiasea oi man; meir cause ana cure. j. b. .fears. 612 Church St.. Nashville, Ten. The Travelers' Accident Insurance Company, only pwentynve cents a day for 83,000, in event of death hv nrfirlprt. 815-00 weekly indemnity for wholly uiaauiiug injury. J: W. BURKHEA.D, Agt. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance, Concord, N. C. LADIES PEERLESS DYES T 11 TnnF Own Tkir Inn m . TTavma. They will dye verythinp. Thoy are sold eTery. Where. Price JOo. a package. They have coequal for Strength, Brightness, Amount ia Packages or for FwtaeM.of Color, or non-f udiuv Qualities. They do not crock or smut; 40 colors. For (ale by For sale at "12 FETZEK'H DRUG STORE, and D D. JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE HEEB "WIS AEE, H5rO"W I :o: VAN WINKLE, PI? Three A:T LOW p. a w w Hi m efisi yo "TV BOSS, CENTENNIAL AND OTHER TT ; -TjHT. - I Engines, Boilers, AT CLOSE Y0RKE ju5-tloc N O T I C v Having qualified as executor i Joseph Isenhouf, tlec'd, I hereby notify all per sons holding claims against the'estate of said deceased to present them to me for payment, and all persons who' are in debted to said deceased to come forward and settle. July 5th, 1889. w. s. isExiion;. Executor of Joseph Ienlmur, dee'd. Ju 5-6t THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purclmso n sow in?r machine, your yhxco for terras anl prices. If you cannot find our agent, write direct to nearest ml'lress to you below named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.CKEMASS. chicaso - 23 UNION 6QUARE.NX- DALLAS. I LL. ATI ANTA RA TEX. TORKE & WADSWORTn, agents for Cabarrus. Rowan, Iredell and Stanly Counties. FUNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH AT M. E. CASTOIi'S i hm Suite, Bureaus, StIS,C. nOMADECOFFINS,ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. I do notcll for cost, hut for a small profit. om and examine tny liuc of goods. Old furnituro repaired. IS M. E. CASTOR. J. Y. PITZGEKALD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKOKOX. My professional services are offered to the citizens of Concord and vicinity. ! Calls, day or nhrht, are rromntlv nttentl- ed to. ; CS Office next door to the M iost-1 office building. I ly, June 21. tan ATT AND HALL -KNOWN TO BE THE est Gins in America, -AllE OFFERED BY ! & "WADSWORTH P 11 ICES. fec. Best Makes, MAKGINS. & WADSW0RTH. A PHYSICIAN'S Of all the terrible, sou! affrightening curses that a.l'ict a'l chsst'i of humanity, nothing in all age has ever approached comparison to the ravages of . that slow, insa i-LWwLy viowm tiate destroyer cf flesh and hie Alas! How often just such an affliction loves to affect a noble life with its poisonous taint It strikes with destructive aim the most rotable, sparing neither SCROFULA king nor statesmen. Even unto the third generation are the sins of the father made manifest What a fearful heritage to bequeath an innocent child I Ah! the horrible ravages of this affliction! To its activity U due sore throat SORES sore liver, sore kidneys, sore lungs, sore skin, great ulcers, internal, ex ternal and aternai unless proper treatment is applied The best remedy is a prescription used extensivelj in private practice by an old Atlanta physician. It is now prepared a thousand gallons at a time, and is sold in large bottles ai r 1 IVl f L. li O only one dollar per bottle It Is called B. B. B. or Bo tanic Blood Balm. Under its peculiar influence the Llood poison first becomes passive, then divided. ard bstly is exuded through the liver, through th kidneys, and through the pores of the skin. It is clearly the duty of every one who suspect the least trace of syphilitic or scrofulous poison ia their blood, whether recently from contagion or from inheritance, to get it out of their system thoroughlj DAIK) by the use of this great remedy s that pimples, sores, aches, pains, weak kidneys ana other symptoms will not be transmit ted to innocent posterity. Demand it of your druggist and take no substi tute. Testimonials from those who have usedil may be found in the illustrated " Book of Wonders' sent free to any address by the Blood Balm Co Atlanta, Ga, (3) Non-Resident Notice. NoitTii Carolina, ) c. n CARAMirs County, f Sri,ERI0n Col'rt. June V.'iikcs, trading under name h tin of Mecklenburg Iron Works, Plaintiff, aramst W. C Cu!p and M. Oglesby, trading under firm name of Gulp and Oglesby, Defendants. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court irom the return of William Propst, sheriff of Cabarrus county, N. C, and from the affidavit of Paul B Means, filed in the above-entitled action, that W. C. Ccxp is a non-resident of this State, and alter due diligence cannot be found with in the State of North Carolina, and is a necessary and proper party to the above entitled action, and whereas the plaintiff above named has begun an action in said court for the collection of two promisory notes of $87..-)0 each of date 29th Septem ber, 1S80, with 8 per cent, interest from date, and one open account for 7G.2o : Now therefore the said W. C. Culp is hereby notified that unless he be and ap pear before the Judge of our Superior Court, at a court to be held for the county of Cabarrus at the court-house in Con cord, on the 8th Monday after the 1st in September, 1889, and plead answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, which will be deposited in the office of the clerk Superior Court of said county within the first three days of said term, that the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint and for costs of action. This l'Jth day of August, 1S9. . JAS. C. GIBSON, au 23-lit Clerk Superior Court. NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. Next session begins, the first Mon- day of September. Location healthy j runs i loiHTaio. For catalougfue Or paitioiilars; ad dress, Kcv. J. G. RCI1AII), Pies'., Mt. Pleasant, N. (J. August 3, 1888, PRESSES ilfJIRNIMG! TO TjELIE RETAIL TRADE: We Imvc added a full line of Staple Dry I;::;, h:: and Hats to our stock. EVERY THING, besides being new, was bought at the lowest cash prices, and we guar antee to sell you as cheap, and many things cheaper, than you canbuy elsewhere Oar rale is to buy in large quantities and pay the cash dawn, as soon as they come in the house, mark them at a small profit, and sell for CASH. WE GUAKANTEE PEIECS ON SALT, SHIRTING AND PLAIDL, TO BE AS LOW AT THE LO"WIEST- TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE: Our wholesale business lias been very successful, and we thank our friends and custo mers for kind words of en couragement and liberal or ders. Our stock is larger than ever, and our Prices Lower. Save time and trouble or dering your goods when you can do as well in Concord. WE OFFER: 1 Car Load Kerosene Oil, 1" " White Rose Flour SO Barrels of Sugar, 25 Sacks of Coffee, 25 Cases of Potash, 100 " Canned Goods, 50 Boxes of Tobacco, 50 Thousand Cigaretts, 250 Kegs of Powder. 150 Bags of Shot, 50 Case8 of Matches, 100,000 Paper Sacks, c. We have the Agency for the Sine United Oil Co., and keep all grades of Oil in stock. ALSO THE AGFXCY FOR WetaleJ Powder. When in Concord, will be pleased to have you call. 'S, and Rstiil Store. n & Kand Powder co pun i Wholesale (ON EAST We have the to suit any and every one. FOR DRIVES WEDDING PUBLIC GATHERINGS, FUNERALS AND FOR ALL SALE AND FEED Visitors nd Drovers will find an immense buildi n convenient place for their stock. &" TERMS TO SUIT THE TIMES. YORKE & WADSWORTH Hardwae Headquarters. filEUCHJifS, MECHANICS, ENGINEERS, MM, Farmers and Everybody Else in Hardware at YORKE & VAD3WORTUS at bottom price for tho CASH. Our stock is full and complete. A splendid line of Cook Stoves and cooking uteiinis in sirxk. Turning Plows, PIot Stockp, Harrows. Belting, Feed Cutters, Ccinslieller:;, Tinware, Guns, Pistols, Knives, Powder, Shot and Load, Doors, Sash and liJImls, Shindes, Glass, Oils, White Lead, Paints and Putty a specialty ; Wire Screen.-, Oil Cloths, wrought, cut and Horse Shoe Nails, and in fact everything usually kept in a hardware store. We will sell all these goods as cheap, quality considered, as any house in North Carolina. Our warehouse is filled w ith Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Reapers, Mow ars, Hay Rakes, of the best mako Cn the market, which must and will be sold at the lowest figures. Be sure to come to see us, whether you buy or not. YORKE & WADSWORTH- P. S We have always on bchd Lien's and Waldo CuaLoand Wand ci Jices to suit. y. & W. E. M. MM IS NOW AGENT FOR CHICKERING PIANOS. ABION PIANOS. BENT PIANOS Mathushek Pianos. MASON AND HAMLIN PIANOS. WATERLOO ORGANS. MASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS. AT LOW PIUCES ON EASY TERMS. Write me for prices before buying. The LARGEST STOCK OF FURNITURE IN THE STATE. E. M. Andrews Charlotte, N. C M. J. CORL'S CONCORD, N. C I have moved into the stable late ly occupied by Brown Bros., near the courthouse. The best accommo dations for drovers. Leave your orders at the stable or with J." L. Brown Porter for omnibus. Horses and mules for rale. M. J. CORL, Proprietor. $60 FOR $30. JUST THINK OF IT ! The Monopoly Busted. Do you want a Sewing;5Iachiue ? 17.50 to 30. Warranted Five Years. With all Attachments. Write for illustrated Circulars of our "Sing ers," "New nome," Etc. $10 to $30, Saved by ordering direct from Head quarters. Needles for any Machine, 5 cen ts a dozen ia stamps. Address The Louisville Sewing Machine Co. No. 520 FOURTH AVENUE, Louisville, Ky. August 30, '89. e3 ABLSS3 DEPOT STREET.) Meets all trains 1 crtP tn sjYiv to part of town passengers. for AND EVERY OCCASION, OUR AND BUGGIES, HACKS, Etc., SURPASS ANYTHING EVER IN TOWN'. iomm . iivt'wf 'i.:11:. in -i and PACKARD OQGANS. ORrv C,1 cv For sale Store. Fetzer' s Drug Caveats, and Trml-Arorto nin;.. ed and all Patent business conduct- i or raoaerate tees. Our office is onnosito tho TT t j tent Office and we can secure patent iu jwa nine man tuoee remote from usainion. Send model, drawing or photo., with description. We advise if pa- leuiauieor not, free of charge. wur mo noi aue untu patent secur ed. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Pa tents, with name actual clients in your State, county, or :town. sent free. Address, mi C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washing ton, D. C. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Al lays Inflammation. Healathe Sores. Restores the Souses of Taste, Smell and Hearing, A particle Is applied Intoeaeknaetril aad la aarerable. Price 60. at Draa-aista r by ?ail.ELYBKOTHEKS,S6 Warren sl.New Yo?Z at COLD M&mbau HEAD. f"f TrytheCurcjS EDMONT AUKLINE ROUTE RICHMOND ANDBANVILE RAILROAD. Condensed schedule in t., 0,1 luuo rr.. -uuue Alums run Meridian Time. by Dai It. No- 50., 12 13 an. 7 20 am 'J 15 am 12 24 am 3 40 pn, souTimousn. Leavo New Yoik Philadelphia t'ai.'unoie Wiis-hing ton Chariot tfsvilly Lynchburg Ar. Danville Lv. Richmond lSurkevillo Keysville Daily No. 52. 1 30 j 6 o7 pm 'J L'5 ,,, 1100 ..., 3 0 ;,m 5 f7 ;mi pm 8 2il 3 Oi) pm I i 30 tun o i pm 5 40 pm 13 uijj t-l 0 ! m N On ,,, I Jan vine. O 1)111 Ar. Greensboro 10 25 in iv. vj(kis'..oio z 00 Ar. Raleigh Lv. Raleigh Durham Ar. Greensboro Lv Salem G reeosboro Ar Salisbury Statesville Ashevillc Hot Springs Lv Salisbury Charlotte Spartanburg Greenville Atlanta Lv. Charlotte Ar. Columbia Ar. Augusta 4 50 p m 4 07 pm ni'd't o OA inn 8 30 pm 0 15 pm 10 37pm 12 2Gam 1 51 am 7 40 am 9 20 am 12 32 am 2 03 am 4 50 am 5 50 am 11 00 am 2 20 am G 30 am 10 30 am - am 7 40 am 6 30 In 3 50 am 11 18 :ira 12 12 , 4 44 , (J 10 pm 11 23 pm 12 40 pm 3 37jun 4 4H:Ia 9 40 pIn 1 00 m 5 10 jm Daily. No. 51. NOBTHBOUND. Daily. No. 53. Lv. Augusta Lv. Columbia Ar. Charlotte Lv. Atlanta Arrive Greeuville Spartanburg 6 15 pra 10 40 pm 3 15 am 6 00 pm 12 45 am :i 49 am 8 i't aia 1 50 piu 5 15 Jim 7 10 nm 1 i m 2 4'J pm 5 pm 7 )5 pm 1210am 1 32 pm 01 pm ! l:S pin "7 12 pm 8 40 pm f 12 34 am 10 50 pm 5 00 nm 8 30 pm 19 00 am 12 50 am 8 50 nm 10 20 pia 1 4l am 1 41 am 5 15 am 12 55 am 3 00 run ( 53 aia t8 20 am 10 47 pm 1 20 pm Charlotte Salisbury 4 40 am 6 17 am Lv. Hot Springs 8 C5 pm Asheville 9 46 pm Statesville 3 30 am Ar. Salisbury 4 37 am Lv. Salisbury 6 22 am Greensboro 8 00 am Salem 1 140 am Lv Greensboro 9 45 am Ar Durham 12 01 pm Ar Raleiirh 1 02 pm Lv Rak ish 1 02 pm Ar Goldsboro 3 10 pm Lv. Greensboro 8 05am Dauviilo 0 47 am Keysville ihirkeville Richmond Lyijcrjburg Charlottesville Washington 12 38 pm 1 23 pm 3 30 pm 12 40 pm 2 55 pm 7 13 pm 8 50 am 3 00 am 0 20 am Dal : lino re Philadelphia Aew loi k "Dailv. tDaily, except Sunday. Tiain for Raleigh via Clarksville leave Richmond daily 3 00 pin; Keys ville G 05 pm; arrives Ciarksville 7 25 pm; Oxford 8b0)iu; Hendeivon !K!u pm; Durham 10 0 pm; Raleish 11 45 pm- Returning leaves Raleigh 7 00 ain daily; Durham 8 30 am: Jh-u-dc-r.soii 30 am; Oxford 10 2o nm; Clarksville 11 18 am; Keysville 12 38 pm; arrives Richmond 3 30 pin. Local mixed train leaves Durham daily except Sunday 5 30 pm; ar-. rives Keysville 135 am: returnii cr leaves Keysville 9 00 am: jiirivii.L' Durham 5 30 pm. Passenger coaci attached. Nos. 51 ar:d 53 connect at RiVdn mond daily except Sunday for West 1 oint and Baltimore via lork River Line. No. 50 from Wist Point coi meets daily except Sunday at Richmond with No. 50 for the South- Nos. 50 and 51 connect at Golds boro with trains to and from More head City and Wilmington. No- 51 connects at Greensboro and Selma for Fayetteville- No 53 connects at Selma for WiN son, N. C Nos. 50 and 51 make close connec tion at University Station with trains to and from Chapel Hill except Sun days. SLEEPIXO CAR SERVICE. On trains 50 and 51 Pullman Rufi'et fdeeper between Atlanta and New York, Greensboro and Augusta, and Greensboro, Asheville, and Mot l is-, town, Tenn. On trains 52 and 53 Pullman Lufic-t Sleeper between Washington and New Orleans via Montgomery, aud between Washington and Birming ham, Richmond and Greensboro. and Italaigh and Greensboro, and Pullman parlor cars between Salis bury and Knoxville. Through tickets on sale at pricipal stations to all points. a or rates, local and through tune tables, apply to any agent of tho company, or to boL Hass, Traffic Man'r. W. A Turk, Div. Pass. Ag't, Jas. L. Taylok, Raleigh, N. C. Gen. Pass. Ag't. Whfln I nay CViVB I do not mean cicvely to Btop them lor 8 time, anil then havo tfn-rn re turn again. I mban a RADICAL CXi- I have mado the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or PALLING SICKNESS, A llfe-lonpr study. I warrant my remedy t Curb the worst cases. Because others havo tailed is no reason for not now rceeivin? a euro. Send at once for a treatise and a Free lion i.n ot my Infallible Rkmbdt. Give Kxprcm and Post Office. It costs you nothin ior a trial, and it will cure yon. Address H.C.ROOT.M.C. 1 83 Pearl St.. Ml Yc:j OF PORE GOD LIVER OIL &m HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Hl'ilk. So rtlmtulHeU that It can be tah"t ilgcHiril, and assimilated by the niut tensitiTe stomach, vhen the li'ulu annot be tolerated; and by the coo btaation or the oil with the hypopho piuies xa xnach more eilltacious. Eemaftable as a flesh prodnter. Persons gain rapidly while taking It. SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Phyeiciaus to be the Finest and Best pro;c l&tioa in the world for the relii f and cure o CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. SENZRAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION', COLDS and CHRONIC COUCH. The great rtmahf for Consumption, Wasting in Children. Sold ly aU Urjjlst 4vn f 4ia&sp?-e-'r

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