THE SlillDiRD. LARGEST PAPER PUBLISHED IS CONCORD.- COXTAINS MORE READ1KU MATTER THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN THIS SECTION. E TANDARD. ?Tu muni POETRY. WHIP HIM FOB HII MOTBKm. Let ms whip him for fcls mother, He la inch a naughty boy ; He baby tried to smother, And he's broken Ernmi'i toy. Of tbe doll I gave to Ellen, lie has meUed off the nose, . And theie really la no telling To what length his miachier goes. Last night he pat a cracker 'Neath his Aunt Jemint's chair, And he told me auch a whacker When I asked how came It there. Tl-en when poor Mrs. Toodles Was Just starting off by rail, lie tied her two fat poodles Fast together by the teJl I It really is quite shocking How one's nerve he daily Jars; lie pu.s pies Into one's stockings. And Cayenne in one's cigars, you may gueas that many another Boyish trick Wi drily at, So I'U whip kirn lor Us mother, Asa tiresome iltUe brat tired Fort Fisher and Fort McAllister during the war, and that he led the adYance on New Orleans. I didn't dispute him, but I told half a dozeu a nee equally as gooa, ana the way we did enjoj ourselves was immense. Finally the parting came. I knew the so-called "Chemin de Fer hat it wocld bring, and was sad. Glissant," or "slide railway," on the Aa he rose up and put his hand on Esplanade de des Invalids within the coal per passenger would be one- ton at 12 J cents uijauuiuwr m au auwuuuaie way ja xans correspon- tentn only of usual quantity. The was alone. Nobody backed him: l 11.1. i I w -. I - ueaaia: ucuk uj. me jjonuon uany .news, imnorbmr; of thin m.v Ka alWI 1 -.j sj .a.aa . ftm. . . , , I r 7 iuuwuv aiu milieu. nTe jus sew w our paymaster a ne new invention is a singuiariy by considering the statement that Evenr man i. for himself and the iora mousana or so, Dut it won't original contrivance for enabling the Paris-Lyons company alone has devil take the hindmost Human eome down unUl this even-ng. Me? n- trains to run by means of water- an annual coal bill of two millions natnr. 1. th averv.hare. and while I want to send mj wife off on power at a speed hitherto undreamed sterling. Nevertheless, it would be some kind of trusts will be formed tne Baltimore train. If you can or. Arriving there without any raah to nredir.t the oaf! intwwin.. FiaMM Sa4. It is really wonderful how many fimoui people one meets in Atlantic City by the sea. It is, of coarse, a famous place, and people go there from all over the United States, but tbe way yon ran run across dukes, lords, generals, governors, admirals, judges and senators is something positively, amazing. I had been tbsrs just two hours this last am. mer Then a diitingue-looking man esme up to me on the veranda and said: "Beg partfon, bet I fee! that I should lite to know yon personally. Ibave read your 'Innocents, Abroad,' sod had many a hearty laugh over it. "But I did not write the 'Iono eints Abroad, mj friend. Yon have confounded me with Mfk Twain." "Oh ah ! Well, it's all the same. I've read after yon, l"ke your sty le, and I desire to introduce myself as Lord Cardover, of England " 'Glad to meet you, my lord. Yon don't look well." "No, I am not well. That's why I came to America for the change. I am in hopes to improve very fast BOW." "Did the Lordess andjthe Lordlings come with jou ?" "Well, no. They couldn't get sway, yon see. It's a sort of flying trip, you know." M It must be awfully niee to be a lord and to boss everjbody around and to have a big castle and forty hired girls and to trade with a gro- eer who daren't send in a bill, and to hare a coat of arms, showing that yon descended from some haughty old raler of 3,000 yean ago." "It is it is," he feelingly replied, as he bowed his thanks for the five cent fcigar I held towards him. We talked for an hour or two oa various matters, and then he said he must go, but would see me again toon. He'said it did his soul good to meet with a man of my stamp a man of lofty ideas and an nnsus picious nature, and he still held my hand in a loving grasp when a sad- dsn thought occurred to him. "Oh. bv the way. I tee that the steamer by which I shall receive 1 000 is reported aa arrived in New lork, but 1 won t get the money for a day or two yet Could yon ipsre me $20 P There were tears in my tyts as I replied that I could not. I had only seven cents after getting down there, and -didn't sea howl was to get any more for two weeks. would willingly give him five of this, and try to run things on a cent a week, but he refused to take it He dropped my hand as if it had Wen a red-hot cold-chisel, and his face showed that his liver was ont of order as he turned away and walked off. I saw him frequently for the next two weeks, and though I called him my lord, and took off 7 W and bowed low, he cut me cold and dead. How I offered him do not know. I never had mnch eiperience with lords, and perhaps rubbed the fur tne wrong way or checked him ap too high. Only a day or two after my meet ing with tne lord an admiral came around to see me. I had just got a bag of peanuts and a big rocking ebair, prepared to enter into the festivities of the occasion, when he interrupted. lie was a short, fat man, inclined to large lot of freckles, and the checks in his snit Vers rather loud, bnt clothes don mate tne man, yon know, lie m tioduced himself as Admiral White, of the navy, and added that he had wanted to see me for upwards of eighteen years. We sat and had a long talk. was surprised at the perfect confi uc we seemed to nave in each other from the very start, and our frankness would have done your near good. Incidentally, of course, fi referred to the fact that he cap Jav Oould. " Perseverance :" Dr. by every trade and nrof ession. if it I n tt j . ,- r aa SDare me thirty or fortr dollars. I'll intimation as to what a "slidine-W;ft - Ll a ' urwn nMtt worit air. ixmnew, ' I o i -" tciuuuiwibid. oin n QOna. TXUHL IB KKDerailT I tt T? i : nil. r n - i? rnn over with it about eight o'clock railway" might be, I at first mistook One objection, for instance, that I the reaction of hard competition. t-u w t 7 v. to-niirhL" it for an nverrrn. awltfibWV. with . . : - ,1? 4 VL o i o wvkuw w uic luauuaicm, uuiuiw ii i nuainess coine irom one ex-iit-.Tir u j .... Then I had ia own nn in him that thn hnmns Rmoothi awav. Tha Wlff. A i il-'i L.. . nonu, lunuoett H np in me Ds r 1 1- j- i "-"-i .w. .ioujw. . a ci an, i vremo to aooLner. i reraemoer irav- i Awtnv in th Ritiiiir in nf mw trctt I train mnfifsffwl nf four rarrinrs. I iu- mnnamas t 4V. ur . . . I ' 1 jo o ' i ""S" vt. wo vucuuua uc I eiinor xtam view idk to aidsdt oo ir j a mine in Yntatan, and the loss of affording room for about a hundred Fer Glissants," oelieyes it will all . snlendid ' steamboat and we were Lk X "lus "T,u 3.000.000 br fire in CaL;fornia. and naasenirers. The carriages had no Knf An iu- i n . ' . "I Wtt' " ilw,lluu Wl WB ' . n - o i m " ? ius ivwuivuiv i DirriMi ior DBLninir. ana. nau m line tne noa-arrivai or my semi-annual wneeiB, Deing supporiea ac tne cor- engine. With respect to England, dinner thrown in. u'uu yvw,ww uvui Aujr - uco yjj " ""- owuic- De oeneTes mac me uisao vantage ox I in w,,mimwV1 Mind j i T 1 J il - 1 1- l I,, . . ...... I " mono, pasture in Airica, 1 was uaru uai imger wan a u, wutuu ibsi- me present Slow metOOd Of Crossing p and secretly using stove polish oa ed upon a double line of iron girders, the channel will become so apparent my shoes in place of the regular In the middle of the line at regular that all opposition to the tunnel will nxnry. intervals jutted out irregularly vanish. " I am ready." he said with "But you don't doubt me?" he shaped pillars, the use of which was enthusiasm, "to wager any sum tlut ftti for tBe JrnrLtiaa lines had asked. not yet apparent Having taken when the tunnel is made, and onr j j n. up what they had lost When I "Never I I would die first" our seats, and the signal being given, sv6tem is riven a trial. ceoDle will but he went away grieved and we glided along very gently for the g0 from London to Paris in two mad and next day when I met him space of a few yards, when suddenly hours.'; at the postffice and attempted to link we gathered speed; two or three my arm in his in a brotherly way he tugs were felt, aud we were flying YOL. II. NO. 38. CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1889. WHOLE NO. 90. A Water Railway. FROM PARIS TO LOXDOV IV THAN TWO HOURS. LESS Chicago News. A press view took place yesterday or BUI Arp Writ Xhmt Trnala. Idaaa Are tm A half-dozen of the most success- than the ordinary railway; bat IL r ii ii AJuriB ieua me ine expense wouia Wilson Advance. I lw in H rinru on oiuiainwf Q (inn 1 I.. uti. i 3t. i Ui "or neaveu s sane, aon i lei us nl m.n f v vnrv WQM ri. a mile. Where no natural water! mak n annh hln ndpr. Tt will ha I . . . , . .... ,. j " asKea wnat chance young men have supply is available a propehng ma- mnch of a trust a. you will find L, . on in da umue every iweive miies or co wonia anywhere." oe snmcient to keep trains going at That is what a delegate said when full speed. The cousumrjtion of th Alii anna fi Tf1 thn nrinn nf nnt X .A...MWV mmvw . w - " " www a pound. But he get on in the world these dayi Mr. Jay Gould, Mr. Russell Sage, Mr. James Gordon Bennett, Dr. Norvin Green and Mr. Charles A. Dana said the outlook was never so good as now. "What one quality should they possess to succeed best r was tbe question asked of each. Russell Sage replied, "Caution ;" Earled t itle f America. we .can travel cnaper taan we can shtay at home, and we can do it in i less time." I came back in a few days, and had to pay more than full was a merchant I had a competitor who was smart and not overscrupu- some time ago, "what can you dor' "Anything," was the cheerful reply. " Yes, but you must certainly be able to do some one thing better than another ?" "Oh, yes," was the response. u 1 can write well on most any subject, am a good executive man, and am fertile in ideas." Oh," was Mr. Pulitzer's reply, "fertile in ideas." And he drew his Oalaaa I tea af 4alalaa. Ions, and he ran me pretty hard, and chair up to his visitor, and peered we cut prices low down and made Un-iomsly into his face. Then you no money for several months, but In U9 w the man I want How conrse of time we met in New York mny irood ideas have yon Ivine - - - .1 o - - - at the hotel and made friends, and around loose that I oould utilize in bought our goods together and inCreasinz the circulation of the formed a trust and marked up our World?" repulsed me and said I onght to be on at the pace of an ordinary train, From the American Garden. arrested on my looks. but as smoothly as a boat on a river. One day I was taken with chills The next caller f onnd me down on There was a clicking noise on the and headache, signs that my old en the sands, where I was trying tbe rails, but this, I was assured, was emy, malaria, was on hand. My effects of a suubath on a boil which due to a defect in the construction quinine box was empty, and I waa A I A. 1" 1 1 1 I t .1 1 r J J 1.1 1 1 J lvnl,:. -.1 A .-Al wantea 10 monopolize an mj itg. oi me biiui-s, auu wum w uicuicu. iw,ug i u ,w, iy oods and stuck to it, and we gave He was a fine-looking man, tall and The absence of any vibration, shak- less night In desperation I peeled 1 nttom(ri ak;i Coinmbia" and streightand he had on a black suit ing, or "tall motion "was wonder- a raw onion and slowly ate t, and , , rovrpd what we auu ipuao WKIU uuiuc-Jl lauuaco. I xui. A eiig u u jci a nine woo av nvuu w wv, m.u ncutu a v-v. uuii. . dida i hear but one, put a boy regular intervals, but tnen again i extra comxorter, wnen, presto I x further back on the beach said he was told that it was due merely to was asleep in five minutes, and used the other six in walking the the shortness of the course and the awaked in the morning free from first fifty feet away from me. He inability to get up a proper pace. malaria and ready fer the day's introduced himself as Prof. Langley, In a hydraulic train traveling at duties. of Harvard, and explained that his fall speed that is to say, at the rate Our homely but strong friend will great specialty was mathematics, of 140 to 200 kilometers, or 87 to be appreciated in time as a medicine, We shook. We liked each other 124 miles an hour there would be and if agriculturists would turn from the first look. Some people almost no consciousness of motion, their attention to raising a hold von off. yen kaow. until thev The ionrnev down the lenzth of onion, with the strong scent taken , , , ' I . o I can ascertain whether your great- the esplanade only occupied a few out that taints the breath so un grandfather was the confidential seconds. pleasantly, families will be putting adviser of William the Conqueror, Upon our safe return, Mr. Pilter, their " pills " in the cellar by the or oaly a foremast hand on the May- chairman of the company which barrel, and the doctors would take flower, but we were not that way. owns the invention, gave a full ac- to onion farming. Abe onion acts When we had talked a bit, he said: count of it The sliding railway as a cathartic and diurefac, and may printers and nearly all the tradesmen ji T" " T 1 1 -.11 Al.l " lo?OT T - I KAln f f ViKcolr t.rt a wli-l l.aaan Ii a 1 ' . , 1 1 a- "ieiag as i nave tcju an me was inveuieu in 1000 uj a ciimcci i uam nave trusts, xney nave meir rates speeches you have made in the Sen- named Girard, who was killed in the bad symptoms, baid a doctor : " 1 an j ruiegf and if a fellow don't join ate, and ? being as my friend, the Franco-Gerniau war, and it has been always store a barrel of onions in anj conform they call him a scab. President, warned me not to neglect improved to its present state by one my cellar during tbe tall. W e have ''Rowland," said I, "are you going to call oa you while here, I have of his assistant engiueers, M. Barre. them cooked twice a weelc, and who- Uq hold your cotton for 121 cents a taken this liberty. Have I presumed As has already been mentioned, the ever of the family is threatened with uni T' too much?" hydraulic carriages have no wheels, the cold eats some raw. If this " What for ?" said he. Oh. noi he hadn't He hadn't these being replaced by hollow vegetable were generally eaten there Whv. I see that the Alliance presumed even ten per cent. Id elides fitting upon have been too ; glad to gei up at rail, and grooved on midnight to receive him. and if he face. When it is desired to set the " But bless you the young men atoUt and I don't care, had brought Harvard College along carriage in motion water is forced and women are afraid to eat them. nok 3 out for guano and sup- I'd have, shaken hands twice around, into the slide or skate of the car- One young man went so far as to uiieB. and I'm ewine to sell my cot- The professor and I talked astono- riage from a reservior by compressed y to me: If my wife ate onions n in time to meet mr notes. That's my, geometry, navigation, auction air, ana, seexing to escape, it spreads x woum gew a uu vt uivorue. . what I promised to do, and I'm and lots of other things, but alas! over the under surface of the slide, ' gwinetodoit the moment came wnen we must Dm w men it raises ior about a nan s i Rowland " said I. "you are a I I iTJ A t A 1 1 I " each other adieu. Our emotions thickness above the rail. The slides 1 ve raei aosent-mmaea men in my "Oh, I could give yon twenty," was the calm reply. "Tweuty!" said Mr. Pulitzer, ia astonishment "Yes, sir, twenty." " Well, now try it Go home and The lawyers have a fee bill a trust and so have the doctors. The lawyer charges so much for losing write me out twenty good ideas or your case and so much for gaining suggestions for increasing the circu it The doctor won't even graduate lation of the World. Send me your his fees, bnt gets the same whether list to-morrow. I will pay $100 for he kills or cures. Old Dr. Letsem each idea I accept My check for model wrote an epigram upon himself that $2,000 will be mailed to you at once illustrates it l accept tnem an, ana i nope " When folks are ill they eomea to L can, for we need new ideas here all I physics, bleeda and sweats 'em, the time, and then we can make a Sometimes they live sometimes permanent arrangement I will pay they die Vftn i oft & mmV for a rood idea. What's that to rae-I Letsem. rt r , 4V The masons, carpenters, molders, ejtner Y rd do more. ril buy you a fine pair of horses, so that you may drive around the town and en- m -wr joy yourseii in tne parte. xour fortune is made if yon can do as you say. The young man did send his ideas carefully written out, and they were promptly returned to him as worth a flat and wide would be nodiph heria, rheumatism, haJ pa88ed gnch a re8olution," said I. - , , uriou, hfl Jg now i iue luBur- 6- j weU( A aon t nowmig lhfiUinir Anwn ft on.;r in a Bowery cheap lodging-house. He possessed brass, but no brains. Wkat a Wmmi Cmm IaT were betrayed by our faces. A wo man who was looking down on us from the sidewalk supposed from our demeauor that each of us had lost t step -mother. "Old boy, farewell! nnilly ex claimed the professor as he kicked my boil and rose up. "Well, old man, it's tuff." "It is, and I shall never forget this hour." thus resting not on the raila. but on oaJ 8a,a ine iewi8town notei a film of water, are in a perfectly clerk "but none f P88 Prt- mAhilA onnHtinn - in frt th nrwa. 1 A Knew O0C6 1U a notei mat 1 ure of the forefinger is sufficient to a in at nye ueacn one Hum diimW a AarriarA thna nnnnorfl. mer. It Wa8 along about 11 o'clock, The propelling force is supplied by and the office brought ia a nice, scab." the pillars which stand at regular intervals on the line between the rails. Running underneath every carriage is an iron rack aboat six inches wide, fitted with paddles. Now, as the foremost carriage passes respectable-looking man badly intox icated who had come in on the train. Said I to the porter : 'John, take this mau up to his room and check his valise and put it into the coat- room on the second floor.' .The From the Boston Times- She can come to a conclusion with out the slightest trouble of reasoning on it and no sane man can do that Most every profession has got g;x 0f tQem talk at once and some sort of a trust or combination re aionr firt rate, and no two m o - - to prevent a ruinous competition. ctA do that I reckon the preachers would have She can safely stick fifty pins in one if their preaching was uniform her dress while he is getting one more of a whatness but it ia so I under his thumb nail variegated they can't price it, and She is cool as a cucumber in so the poor fellows have to take what half dozen tight dresses and skirts they can set while a man will sweat and fume and drowl in one loose shirt Just What Un Was Thxsx Fob. she can talk as sweet a peaches As funny a thins: aa ever hap- and cream to the woman she hates WE DO ALL KINDS OF ctodb work: IN THE NEATEST MANNER AND AT THE LOWEST RATES. The Dead Spa. Golden Days. Recent explorations in Central America and Southern Mexico go far to confirm the belief held by many archaeologists that America is extremely old. In the State of Chiapas a fine broad paved road, built by prehisto ric inhabitants, has been traced from Tonala down into Guatemala, fad thence in a curve up again into Mex ico, terminating at Palenque. All along this road are still to be seen the remains of ruined cities, and a careful estimate of the one time population of these places is about thirty millions. r j i ... . un mac part or tne roaa near 'alenque the ruins are of great rragaitnde. Houses, often four and 1 five stories high, have been found in the depths of the forest Many of these houses are pyra midal in form, and so covered are some of them with vegetable and mold that large trees are growing from the roofs In some of the housei employ ment has been made of stone beams of tremendous weight, aud the arch itecture indicates a high degree of science. In some of the houses visited, bronze lamps have been discovered, and the interior and exterior decora tions of the more important houses consist of pannelling8. filled with elaborately carved figures, almost life size, two types of men and wo men being represented, some plainly Egyptian and others Jgeuuine Afri cans. In front of one of the houses the explorers found fourteen sculntures of gods with folded arms. Anotner aiscovery was that an enormous paved road extends from Palenque across Yucatan to tbe isl and of Coznmel, and is continued on the island. Palenque explorers assert that they have discovered in the edifice before mentioned, examples of a perfect arch. One explorer is a scientifi cally trained man, who has recently arrived from India, and by his ac count the region from Chiapas to Yucatan must have been the seat of densely populous nat'on. Possibly it may never be' known who these strange people were, as they have apparantly left no litera ture behind them. But in the light of the discoveries in Egypt, de duced from hieroglyphics, and the history of Babylon and Nineveh, we have gleaned from the cuneiform bricks, it is not beyond probability that we may some day know the history of this extinct race. It will be very interesting reading, be yond a doubt. y Lmmh PalKleal Beleaee. Nor Laither." "II've got a check here for five in front of the pillar a tap on the ne" morning a vaiiee was iouna o pened in court ooonrred at Napo- while two men would be punching hundred be went on, h:i-voice latter is opened automatically, and a "c uu,w 1W -uu wuuu u, leon, Ohio before Jndge Potter and each other's head before they ex. being much broken, "but I am not stream of water at high pressure is "celMfl8 uu "Ie awr lue a jury. A case was on trial and. an changed tenwerds. .... vi.. i rna r.rnnm nm noon rtr a ryvi naenir i ... ...i . aA nfMAiit it nn: to-morrow. If directed on the caddies. This drives uw v". - 6i'v ntfiiAr apfttM himsfllf on one of the She rn throw a atone witn a yon could let me have about $20 the train on, and by the time the and a valise check No- around h" puncheons, at the far end of the curve that would be a fortnaetoa until nine o'clock in the morning I last carriage has goue past the tap xubuuwu m should esteem it a great favor." (which then closes) the foremost one Jarn J00Keu at ine cierK ana : available seat When the defend I had to tell him that I had iust is in front of the next, tap, the "uu 6 w" lUttt 100 iteu or Jou W1H ant's counsel arose to address the been robbed of a cool $5,000, and water s action thus being continuous, that my treasurer at home had just The force developed is almost in bsconded with $75,000, and tha- credible. There is some splashing the nroceeds of the sale of my 200,- on the rails at the start, but this 000 fat Texas steers would not reach diminishes the faster the train goes me for three or four days yet, and To stop the train the small stream ha went away as the others had done, of water that feeds the slides is w . come to believe it yourself." Lew iston Journal. The Distance to Hell. A per son by birth, wealth and education, who should have been a gentleman, but was not, went to see a coal mine. ii inia nanel nf iurora. there beine no other baseball tritcher. ... . . r rw I A Said . I :i.Vl. l TFl, At,. Ata-nA-1 Gh. .Va"Ih . In uu vau omj ai w u hmva. v .ww voice that it means "yea.' jury he scanned the face of each very She can sharpen a lead penal if closely, and naturally his gaze was yon give her plenty of time and directed to the furthest man from plenty of pencils. him, who didn't happen to be a juror She can dance all night in a pair at all. Glaring at him he began : of shoes two sizes- too small for her "Gentlemen of the jury, I want to and enjoy every minute of the time. know what this man. (referring to She can appreciate a kiss from lhe miner took him down as a wondering at man's inhumanity to turned oft, and, the latter coming in christian, and was much pained by the plaintiff in the case) has come bar husband seventy years after the man. I saw him a few days after on contact with the rails, the resulting the nrofane lannao-e used bv the into court for ? What is his busi- marriage ceremony is performed. thu trwt car. and when I called him friction stops the carriage almost aaaa v i,J ness ? What rieht has he here? She can go to church and after- - i i I ,,0,wv'1 aa" uvjr ucdVCuucu tus iuuh i - i Prof.' in a friendly way, and asked instantaneously. . thev felt it ettinir hotter. Atlait What is he seeking for? Again I wards tell you what every woman in him to go fishing with me, he angrily A water-train running at over one tne heat became so great that the "peat, gentleman of the jury, why the congregation, had on, and in . I 3 .1 1 11 T I I t 1 III 1 i A ". - restored: nunareu mueo au uour uouiu, x was VS tor 6a -.a ir)ear me. it is terrible 18 ne nere some rare inntauces can givo juu "Yonnsr man. don't trv any of I told, be pulled up within thirty wi t nnAr o,; ;,,nuif The countryman imagined that some faint idea of what the text your trtcks an me I I'm right on to yards, could climb up gradients of i dont tnow the exact distance, tbe question had direct reference to I was. yon for a con. man ! sixteen inches in the yard, descend L:r replied the Christian miner himself, and when the lawyer paused " I thorn with enual and run on I i u i a: v I to ei v dne weight and emphasis ta A attc .Mow on the ground. . . , ' r . .. - " - - . h;iumped hU M , i - j w i Kico uwoy yvu win u iucjo iu i - a . . . i plain answer was She can walk half the night with a colicky baby in her arms without once expressing the desire of mur of a mining company near Kinston, mu: 'A ' ,;..iJ51 M. ..ajr.u . . kU"0 " "L,mL. 1 iaf n, "wum Kcm """"J minute. mis plain answer was . ariantpil fnr elevatftd r lwava in n. "What ami here lor. you cross- She can drive a man crazy in W..aJ . : Annlv aihin I j Lilc LLicallli UL arUUBlUlf fcliB UfUlttUC " I nauwa m who. """) ... , . . i. il .11. WUt T I a a- M 1 A xl nAUf rnA n Cities, Deing iignt, doisicbb, umwvu, o-entleman to a sense of his perilous L kUO " -wrn-xwur uvun auu iubu unu5 j i ,.1 ... ... , i i. i. a:. T'll I v.: t ..4. k. t . tt i ma witnnnt smosre. iiiBC anu tnoruuniv nofiiunn. in tne rase or -every un-tscvaiuic iu wu uwb wu iu iubiwvwuih mw nvuuu j " UageraiUWU, ' . ' , . " '1"a " s" ," -i .... . .a 1 .Imnl. JiUVHnir Vim T,n1r elia Allin destroyed by the cyclone was a sleep- der iana. aang r 01 lH17f. 7 " "T ' T! mnZ " - UIU. Bull Wl X M u. A i wvu wn. i . . . ... . nanA oftor Aoath iii iiiiiirTnent " I . . ..... . . I son of Adam s misery who can do wm J , ii,-.. m mr ..fin' wnv fdA BTIH I . , , I UUK Will iwauu V Ml vw TKhonnra I - narry a red kin 1 git fay me my mntmVm nf the witness fees. sir. and 1 11 cit out of nine years, has been sneezing for The cost of a metropolitan system mysterious disappearance of a citi- here immegiately." - i - I 11 . i 1 . 1 1a. I - . more than a week at intervals of a would only be a third of one on the ?en as I0U?WS : D1 wa 'r ' 8 This unexpected oration brought nnder command. The danger of converted . . . . i i. nnmnirnTr tiiaraiis ii rpnnrpn in H in or lnianu wno was iouna. wnen """"a the blow was over, half a mile off minimum, the center of gravity o Ehange. ana not injareu. the carriages Deing scarcely more Ella Connor, of Litita, Pa., aged than couple of feet from the rails. son of Adam's it few seconds, save when she slept The doctor calls it nervousness pros The proprietor of a German wa tering place, desirous of catching English custom, in his advertisement " beseeches note an excellent station u"uva :,i afp1 tireith eicrht dnllara in . ' . . " no"a excwien. shiuuu old plan, while in the open country I h iQ his hand it ia fed he haB wn tne nouse, ana tne lawyer for fends of the fiachnort, ships ita cost would be somewhat higher fnnllv Wlt with 1 neer uuisueu ma bum l mjs " Boston Transcript. Teacher "We will now hear the first class in politics. What is politics?" Pupil "Politics is the science of seeming to help another to get there aid getting there yourself." "What is an office ?" "The one thing needful." "How can office be secured ?" . "By putting yourself in the hands of your friends." . "What do you understand this to mean?" "Ifake the office your friend and keep your hand on the office." "Should a man seek office r ? Not if he doesn't want it" "What is a legislature ?" " A place where the corporations purchase their privileges. " Is this the ouly business trans acted by a legislature ?" 44 Oh, no; the members go there to get re-elected?" "Explain the protective tariff." " It is a compact under which the people arree to starve rather than eat the fruit that hangs over the wall between themselves and their neighbor's garden, in order that Farmer Jones, down at the Corners, may get a big price for his apples." What is a patronage r "The corner stone of govern ment. It is the stone that is given to those who ask for bread." ' " What is an election ?" "It is the people's ,amen' to the prayer formulated by the bosses. - The cotton crop is enormous. The Bucksport, Me., Clipper re porta that a cat is sitting on a dozen eggs which a hen had deserted. Tbe necessary motive is alleged that the feline ia nlanninsr for a feast of chickens. Judge Wray, of Walton Springs, Greene county, Ga., keeps a horse addled and bridled to answer the calls of couples bent on matrimony. There is an epidemic of marriagss in that county now. New York Mail and Express. The Dead sea is one of the most remarkable phenomena on the earth. The Bible calls it the Salt sea, or Sea of tbe Plain, the Greeks tlio Lake of Asphalt and the Dead sea, while the Arabs know it as'Bahr Lut, or Sea of Lot, preserving tho memory of the tragic catastrophe which occurred on its shores. Ac cording to the old traveler Maundrclli the name Dead sea is derived from the fact that it moveth not, but is ever still. A modern traveler says it is the least dead of anything he knew. On the day of my visit it was greatly agitated its high and angry waves crested with foam. For other reasons it deserves the title. Not a shrub grows on its shores. Not a fish dwells in its brackish waters. Not a boat floats upon its surface. Here and there on the boach lies the ?ead trunk of a tree, brought down by the Jordan but thrown up by the unwilling lake. Irby and Mangles tried to light one of these pieces of driftwood, but in vain, oa account of the impregna tion of sail. Tbe old tradition that birds could not fly over the water and live was a mistake. The lake is the deepest depression on the surface of our continents, being 1,300 feet below the Mediterrenan and 600 below the Lake of Galilee. It is forty-seven miles long and ten wide, covering three times the area of the northern lake. Tho water is rntenso brackish and bitter, containing 26 per cent, of salt, which Dr. Daw eon says is not common salt but mostly the phloride aud bromide of magnesium and calcium. There pre hot and sulphur springs in the hills along its eastern aad western shores. The lake has no outlet, bat receives the sweet current of the Jordan, which pours 6,000,000 tons of water daily into its deadly and insatiate bosom. Deceitful Man. Mrs. Browa "Such impudence! There's that Mrs. Eobinson was in here today to know if her daughter Jennio could be placed under your protection next time you go to New York." Mr. Brown (delishted, for Jennio Robinson is very pretty, but feign ing to be annoyed) "That old Mrs. Eobinson is an idiot. The idea! Catch me being seen in the cars in company with her daughter, that freckle-faced, turnip-nosed, red headed fright!" Mrs- B "What! Why Mis Robin son ia considered the bello of the town, and ia desoribed as Jiaviog golden hair, a lily complexion and a Grecian face." Mr- B. "Fiddlesticks! That's be cause she's got some money in her own right. Every wealthy girl is beautiful. I want none of her company." Mrs. B. (after a pause) "Well, my dear, I think you had better take Jennie under your protection. We should be polite to the Robinsona. They are well off, and they have al ways been good neighbors. Mr. B. (in a whirl of delight apparently with great reluctance) Well, if you Bay so . Mrs. B. "Yes, I think you had better look after Jennie. 1 il run over and tell her mother its all right." Boston Courier. A Sad Statk or AFrAias. An evil which threatens women is the bad literature of the day. Ninety -nine novels out of a hundred are injurious- A woman should never read a fictitious story which misrepre sents life; she should beware of tho sensational book and any book that inflames the mind by its passion. Obscene pictures whieh are passing through our postoffices every day should' be anathematized in every way possible. I am sometimes tempted to believe that amateur photography is a curse. In modern society one hall oi tne society men are wondering how in the world they can get the wives oi the other half. This may bring sinilea to some faces, but it will bring tears to the eyes of others in this city. Clubs and hotels are be coming dens of corruption. I know a man in New Haven whose hand one-half of the people of this city would be proud to grasp- let 1 know that this man has two families living in different parts of this coun try. There may be others of the same sort whom I do not know. The Menace to Lieibtv. The elo quent Patrick Henry said, " We can only judge the future by the past." Look at the past : When Egypt went down, 3 per cent of her population owned 97 per cent- of the wealth. The people were starved to death. When Babylon went down 2 per cent, of the population owned all the wealth. The people were starved to death. When Persia went down, 1 per cent, of the people owned the land. When Rome went down. 1,800 men owned all the known world. For the past twenty years the United States has rapidly followed in the steps of these old nations. Here are the figures: la 1850, capitalists owned S7 per cent of the Nation's wealth. In 1870, they owned 62 per cent. trition.