THE SIlllDiRD. FRIDAY, - November 1, 1889. The Farm. Why Boys Leave The Farm. J. C. Alts, in llome and Farm. Why do our boys leave the farm ? is a question that is often asked and variously answered. Without at tempting to notice the many reasons that are assigned for the aversion which many country boys have for the farm. I would like to express the views of a young farmer, one who was born and raised on the farm, and for some other calling or profession. One of the first reasons for his aversion to the farm is the pessimistic view of farming that is usually held by his father and neigh bors. Is it not a remarkable fact that while the physician, the law yer, the merchant, the mechanic, etc., always choose their life wojk and prepare themselves for a special trarsuit. that the vast majority of our farmers are not farmers from choice but by accident or circum stances ? This is one grand reason why our farmers fail. They are not farmers from choice, but by cir cumstance. Now, 'to be successful we must honor our calling. Every farmer ought to be able to say that he bad rather be a farmer than any thing else. Fancy a physician a success who considers his profession dog's work ; yet most of our farmers belittle their calling, grumble from one year's end to another, and then wonder why their boys leave the farm for the town or city. Another reason why the farmer's son is prone to leave the farm is the tone of the school books, biogra phies, newspapers and magazines of the day. In a word, they are edn cated to leave the farm. Take oar school readers and there you will find sketches of merchants, lawyers, military men, artists and authors, but, so far as I have seen, never a sketch of a farmer. Examine a catalogue of libmry books and there you will find biographies some what like this: "Log Cabin to the White House," "Couutry Boy and Merchaat Prince," iudeed, biogra phies of lawyers, merchants, bank ers, machinists and inventors, etc, anybody and everybody but an ag riculturist The same is true of our maga zines and newspapers. Even so called agricultural journals are guilty of the same practice. Now why is it so ? Are there no farmers worthy of imitation? Most assured ly there are. What would be more entertaining thau a well-written and truthful sketch of Daniel Dickson Farish Furman, Dr. SI. W. Phil lips, Capt Peterkin, Jeff Welborn, or "Steele's Bayou," and many oth ers? Will not Home and Farm publish biograph'cal sketches of some of our most progressive far mers and stockmen? Not only would it be a big hit, but it would do much to keep the boys on the farm. Want of society is another reason why young people leave the farm. It would do much good if the farmers would pay more attention to social matters. A want of social inter course on the part of farmers is habit and not necessity. There is no reason why the farmer should not enjoy social life as much as the townsman. In fact I think (I do not know, for I never lived in town,) that his social opportunities are better. It is true much of his time is spent in the field, but not more than the clerk or factory operative Bpends in the store or factory, and his vacation is certainly longer. On the other hand, the Alliance, the Grange and the Farmers' Club afford ample means for social and mental improvement. If there is not one of these organization in your neighborhood start one imme diately. The Farmers' Alliance is a very popular organization in the South; it takes members as young as the age cf 16. Take your boys and girls into the Alliance, take them to farmers' institutes, agricul tural meetings, etc Get them in terested, show them there is some thing about farming besides plough ing and hoeing. Give them a plat of ground to cultivate as their own, and let them have the proceeds. Encourage them to take and read agricultural journals. Teach them that farming is just as dignified and honorable as any other vocation. We can and do guarantee Acker's Blood Elixir for it has been fully demonstrated to tne people ot tin country that it is superior to all other preparations for blood dia eases. It is a positive cure for siphilitic poisoning, Ulcers, Erup tions and Pimples. It purifies the whole system and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Sh Was Completely Ctjhed A daughter of my customer suffered from ....... I I 1 1 1 . . guppresBeu mououuaiiuu, niiu iter iieaun was completely wrecked. At my sugges tion ahe used one bottle of Iiradiield's n l. T? which riirnd Via T W Heliums, Water Valley, Miss. Write the Bradfield Reg. Co., Atlanta, Ga., for " ftoldbv all druecists. Consumption Surely Cured To the Emtor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. W "V. 1 i.1 V, f l,An. zjy lis uuieiy usu uiuuaimua uj. uu less cases have teen permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of rav remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post office address. Kespectluiiy, T. A. SLOCUM, M. 0., 181 Pearl st.. New York. Pimnioo nn tho faoo pnntfi an im pure Btate of the blood and are look ed upon by many witn suspicion, i olroo'o "ni,i-wl Vlivir will remove nil impurities and leave the complexion smooth and clear- xuere is uoimuB thnt will so thoroughly build up the constitution, purify and strengthen the whole system. Sold and guar anteed by P. B. Fetzer. TloiriirirT ti'b "Pp. WAT. It Rp.OITLATOR should be used by the young woman, she who suiters rrom any uisoraer peculiar to her sex, and at change of life is a pow erful tonio : benefits all who use it. Write the Bradfield Reg. Co., Atlanta, Ga., for particulars. Sold ly all uruggists. - Caution to Mothebs. Every mother is cautionnd against giving her child laudanum or paregoric; it creates an unnatural craving for fctiuiulents which kills the mind of the child- Acker's baby Soother is specially prepared to benefit chil dren aud cure their pains. It is harmless and contains no Opium or Morphine- Sold by P. J3- Fetzer. Extraordinary Boxe Sctatchixg. Herbert Sperry, Tremont. 111., had erysipelas in both legs- Con lined to the house six weeks. He says : " When I was able to get on my legs, I had an itching sensation that nearly run me crazy. I scratch ed them raw to the bones. Tried everything without relief. I was tormented in this way for two years. I then found Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papllion) Skin Cure at the drug store, used it, and it has cured me sound and well." Clarke's flax soap hasno equal for bath and toi let. Skin cure $1.00- Soap 25 cents. For sale at P. B. Fetzer's Drug Store. People everywhere confirm our statement when we sa that Acker'a English Iveniedy is in every way su- perior to any and all other prepara tions for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping. Cough and Croup it is magic and relieves at once. We of" fer a sample bottle free. Iiemember this Remedy is sold on a positive guarantee at Fetzer's Drug Store. Clark's Extract of Flax Cough Cure. It is a sure cure for Whoop ing1 Coush. It stops the whooD. and r ermits the child to catch its breath. It is entirely harmless. It heals the bronchi and lungs, and stops the cough. For Winter or Bronchial Cough this syrup is the best ever discovered. Only one size. large bottle. Price 1-00 at P. B. Fetzer.s Drug Store. Clark's Flax Soap makes the Skin smooth, soft and white. Price 25 cents- A Child Kiiled- Another child killed by the use of opiates given in the form of Soothing Syrup. Why mothers cive their children such deadly poison is surprising when they can relieve the child of its pe culiar troubles by using Acker's baby soother It contains no Ooi- um or Morphine. Sold bv P. 15. Fetzer. MEN Who are Weak, Nervous and Debiliated. who are suf fering from tha effected of early evil habits, the result of ignorance or folly, will find in Pears. Specific a positive and permanent cure for Nervous Depility, Seminal Weak ness Involuntary vital losses, etc Cures guarenteed. Send six cent in stamps for Pears Treatise on disiases of man; their cause and cure. J. S. Pears. 612 Church St., Nashville, Ten. SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT. When physicians fail to give relief la cases d chronic ailments, resulting from poison blood, ho gratifying to the sufferer to obtain at last the right remedy. Where every other treatment miserably fails to cure, Botanic Blood Balm Invariably gaini a victory. San Saba, Texas, February 9, 1883. Our little daughter became effected with some form of scalp disease, supposed to be ringworm or eczema. It first began in white scabs or dandruff and then formed in small sores all over the front part of her head with rough patches on SORES her forehead and face, and then run an ugly eating sore on her head which con tinued to spread until a neighbor insisted on ma trying E. B. B. After using a bottle and a half ths sore is healing nicely and the child's health much improved and she is getting fat I believe B.B.B to be an excellent blood purifier and, very quick in Its action. Mrs.Bettib Gratis. Willow City, Texas, April , 1888. Blood Balm Co. : I was taken with paralysis, th doctors said caused by a tumoi TU MORS that " attached t0 the bo! and had a bad case of dyspepsia B. B. B. has done me more good than all the doc tors. Wm. Shilton. Barsworth, Chambers Co, Aul, 1 February 6, 1888. 1 For the last six years I have been a great suffer er from blood poison ; could not get anything that would do me any good. The doctors thought would die. Two years ago I was stricken rfcwa with cancer of the lower extremities CANCER and "as. not able to walk out of my room, the cancer causing me to suf fer great pain. A month ago I commenced taking the B. B. B. and was able to walk a half mile beor I had taken two bottles. The cancer Is healing nr nicely, and I think the use of this reroetfy will curt rae- 01) K. M.Smith. J. Y. FITZGERALD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. My professional services are offered to the citizens of Concord and vicinity. aus, aay or nignt, are promptly attend ed to. E3P Office next door to the old post office building. ly, June 21. W. J. HONTGOMER !. f. LEE CBOWELL, Montgomery & Crowell, Attorneys and Counsellors at law, Concord, NC As partners, will practice law in Cabarrus, Stanly and adjoining counties, in the Su perior and Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Court. Office on Depot Street. Bible Readings FOR THE Home Circle. TViia a nortninv one of the DlOgt interesting books that has found its way into this place, it wouu ue difficult in this brief statement; 10 five a description of its true worth, t embraces 162 readings, practical, historical and prophetical, answer ing nearly three thousand questions from the Mine of Truth. This ex cellent collection of .bible Headings is contributed by more than a score of clergymen, practical Bibe stu dents, temperance and social purity work ers.etc, and considering themes of the deepest interest, especially to those who desire a better knowledge of the prophetic portions of the KnrintnrpH. Tfc is renlete with in struction and consolation for the seeker after truth and evidences for the candid unbeliever, closing with the " Illustrated Game of Life,' in thraa norfll tig-A wnrt that fihrmld be in every home. Agents are selling it here. taec NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. Next session begins, the first Mon day of September. Location healthy Terms iioderate. For catalougue or paiticulars, ad clrc 89 Rev. J. G. SCH AID, Pres't, Mt. Pleasant, N. C. An gust 3, 1 888. The new Free Tontine policy of the Equitable Life Assurance Society has no conditions on its back, and the face of the policy is a simple promise that, in consideration of the premiums paid the Society, it will pay the beneficiary the amount of the policy on the maturity of the contract. Instead of a long list of arduous and ambiguous restrictions, printed m small type, difficult of interpre tation and open to dispute, the back of the policy may, if the applicant desire it be simply a sheet of blank paper. To meet the preference of most assurers, however, the bociety (instead of leaving the back of the policy blank) will unless otherwise instructed (endorse upon it a list of the special privileges granted. For particulars apply to BREM & CO., Ao'ts, se 6:3m Charlotte, X. C. I Have a Corner (LITAKER'S CORNER) o x FAMILY GROCERIES, FINE CONFECTIONERIES, . AND EVERYTHING IN THAT LINE. Fresh Meat AT ALL TIMES. FRSH : FISH : EVERY SATURDAY. Country Produce of all kinds bought for cash or bar ter. Goods delivered to any part of the town. J. A. KIMMONS. FUNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH AT M.E. CASTOR'S hi list Bureaus. HOMADECOFFINS.ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. I do not sell for cost, but for a small profit, ome and examine my line of goods. Old furniture repaired. M. E. CASTOR. 20 UN,0N SQUARE.NY. ST.lOUIt.MO. ji.-fT--PT OAllAS.TEX- TORKE & WADSWORTH, agents for Cabarrus. Rowan, Iredell and Stanly Counties. IM sSe)ld Wsteh mm tt mi9v. ni lately. HMIMMr. War. niut. na7 Boli4 Usl4 u4 MM' Mm. lla ararka Oa laaaaa L callir aaa aanua aaa ama. IsfaUMr wha aar lata nd al. kfW Uaa of Ilauarhsld aaala. TImm aaa pi m, aa artil aa taa watch, ra aad Mm, hi ynar anna lor tBaattw d4 aasnra la thoaa Wlia ar aata aallad, lawjr baaoan roar awa praawtr. Tbaa "i'V ' faMn(r tha Wateh M aaaaploa. Wan., all aimaa, Irtiirht. ta AMraaa UaM dt Ca. Ha i lorUad. AlaUa. A ukn icj Citad Ml STORE Hta,Uuc TO THK FINE JEWELERS. :o:- Our Mr. W. C. Corkkll has just returned from Parson's Horological Institute, La Porte, Ind., where he has just com pleted a full course in "Watchmaking and Engraving, and we are better prepared than ever to do work in our line. HAVE AN OUT-FIT FOR OUR BUSINESS SECOND TO NONE, All Ave ask is a trial, and let the merit of the work speak for itself. We also keep in stock a superb line of "WATCHES, CHAINS, Jewelry, Silverware, &c., &c. SPECTACLES WITH GOLD AND STEEL FRAMES. We Guarantee to give Perfect Fits (not spasms) at Reasonable Prices, We cordially invite our friends and the public generally to call and give us the opportunity to verify all our claims. CORRELL & BRO! An Even for have Watchc ?v -err -r j X3 w GirGiis, Museum and Menagerie. WILL LXltllill AT CONCOBD, N. C, ONE DAY ONLY, Tuesday, NOV. Admission Only 25 & 50 cts. Witbin onr immense pavi'inn mnv In sen AN ADMIRABLE C OJXKC I'SO.X Of tbe World's most !Ieiit riors N-vr It;f . Real Glimpses of a Pennine Fairyland.- FOK A I.I. THE I.ITTI.K F4i !.. Vud making everytme better, briliUr, wisnr anl hnppier for having entered its woDder-guarded p.utals. Nearly every reprenenla tive of the brute creation, ti airie.1 to do his master's U Ming ALL PEBFOBMIKS HUNDBZDS 07 DIFF5BSNT T5IGg3. 'mope and America have contributed tiieir best and brigtust Annie and G.ymuic Stirs to mk- tbi he World's Host Kighty and Brilliant lnusemenl Institute. Io our Menagerie and llneni.i D -pnrtfii nts will ha f und . Grand Zoological Gathering, cl all that is woith 6eeing in the AnimaJ Al'lgdoill. An Itp-xh.-iimf iU 1 if.-jI.iy of N'ji'itre's rnrior!s FiViik.i mi l Preitionn -f-mstrobitir, f.rniiri! ttie most complete collfclioi. of Sain- Iti-iiMH hi A'orld, incln lius ZIP, Africa's King of all Beasts. A VEKY CONTINENT )F FLESH AM) BONES, whose mouster ears alone would cover any otiie living Kli'pliiint. o Clin-nar No Postponemep'. A (Jran! lrpi I I'taul unity iu ... M.t ,0, ti . oimnj. uuIn i c. All K l K.;i-li will ran low rate round ti in excurmou liun.s lo liie ... i wliich exhiliif. Vol p:r i ; ' ir. conpn --f iv...i . ., Anudfacema W -)0(- Having moved into the com modious building lately occupied by W. C. J. Caton, onCaton's corner, CHAS. A. COOK is now prepared to furnish GROCERIES AT VERY LOW PRICES. MY STOCls IS FRESH AND NEW! and the trade WILL FIND IT TO TIIEIR ADVANTAGE to call and see me before buy ing anywhere else. tcij iraictuiuiji, j PTTAQ a r-nm- CIIAS. A. COOK, j PUBLIC! Hi h:r.3ht Thousands - .l and Waited : "3 --"rs tzz ts J FALL SESSION OPENS AUG. 20, 1889. A Full Corps of Able and Experienced Teacher. Classes: Primary, Preparatory, Classi cal, including Music and Art. Tuition low for a school of its stan dard. Pupils boarded with principals at from $5 to $9 per month. Than ful for past patronage, a contin uance is respectfully solicited. Apply to or address Misses BESSENT & FETZER, Principals, aug lG-Gm Concord,.N. C. The Travelers' ; Accident Insurance Company, only twenty-five cents a day for S3.000, ; in event of death by accident 7 ith : 15-00 weekly indemnity for wholly disabling injury. , J: W. BURKHEAD, Agt. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. ! Concord, N. C. LADIES PEERLESS 1 DYES Do Tonr Own lvInr. mt TTnma- Th y will dye everything. They are sold every. Where. Price I Oc. a package. Tliey h&venoequal for Strength.. Rriphtnosu Amn... (. t.nt. - j or for Faetneas of Color, or noti-fudinfr Qualities. j.uey uonoicrucit orsmut; Weolorg. .Formal by ivorsaleat no FETZER'S DRUG STORE, and D d. JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE . .ac f.r.y nrzp mi Fema Academy XjIESR'r (ON EAST We liave the to suit any and every one. TOE DRIVES WEDDING PUBLIC GATHERINGS, FUNERALS AND FOR ALL SALE Visitors .nd Drovers will find convenient place for their stock. TERMS TO YORKE & WADSWORTH Hardware Headquarters. SEE H!EHS Lifciiiiiics, iigiii)s, mwi Farmers and Everybody Else in Hardware at YORKE & WADS WORTH'S t bottom price for the GASH. Our stock is full md complete. A splendid line of Cook Stoves aud cooking uterjsils in stock. Turning: Plows. I'lo'v Stock", Harrows. Belting, Feed Cutters, Cornshellers, Tinware, Guns, Pistols, Knives, Powder, Shot and Lead, Doers, Sash and Blinds, Shingles, Glass, Oils, U hite Lead, Paints and Putty a specialty ; Wire Screens, Oil Cloths, wrought, cut and Horse Shoe Nails, and iu fact everything usually kept in a hardware store. We will sell all these goods as cheap, quality considered, as any house in North Carolina. Our warehouse is filled with Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Reapers, Mow ara, Hay Rakes, of the best make ou the market, which must and will be sold at the lowest figures Be sure to come to see us, whether you buy or not. YORKE & WADSWORTH- P. S. We have always cn har.d iices to suit. IS NOW AGENT FOR CHICKERING PIANOS. ARION PIANOS. BENT PIANOS. Math.ush.ek Pianos. MASON AND HAMLIN PIANOS. WATERLOO ORGANS. PACKARD OQGANS. MASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS. AT LOW PRICES ON EASY TERMS. Write mc for prices before buying. The LARGEST STOCK OF FURNITURE IN THE STATE. E. M. Andrews Charlotte, N. C .VTica I eny Curb Z d not mean inertly to . ; ,i tu.-m lur a time, nd then have them re- ;rn again. I MBAir A KAUICAXa CUS1S. 1 havo mado tha dineawn ot FITS. EPILEPSY or FAIXTKG SICKNESS, 1 llfe-lnnr atndv. I Wlliirf nv nai n Ccrb the wont ease. BeeaoM others haro : ailed it no reason for not now receiving a enre. 1 at once for a treatise and a Frkk Hottlh .- is? Infallibu Rimkdt. Give Express A. i'v't Oflir.e. It costs yon nothing tot a a!, aud it will euro yon. Address . 2. H OOT, M.C., I S3 Peabl Su NewYosz -';iila SaS M. J. CORL'S CONCORD. N. C T hivo moved into the stable late ly occupied by Brown Bros., near the court hnnntv Tha Kaof o. .w nbwuiiuv (tationa for dm vara T .ao va orders at the stable or with .T T. Brown Porter for omnibus. Horses and mules for rale. M. J. CORL, - Proprietor. FOR SALE BY Cannons & Fetzer. i LADIES TGfr IrV STABLES DEPOT STliEETv Meets all trains and goes to any part of town for passengers. AND EVERY OCCASION, OUR AND BUGGIES, HACKS, Etc., SURPASS ANYTHING EVER IN TOWN. AND FEED an immense building, a good, safe and SUIT THE TIMES. Lister's ar.ri W. ;Wo Guai.o and W ai.d ci Y. & W. OF PURE COD LIVER OIL 22 HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. atlsfjalaad Ituat it cam be tavken, Ilgested, svad nsatmtlated by the most bsIUt tomachv when the plain oil raamet te tolerated; and by thai eoma blaatlem of the oil with the bypo phos phites Is Bach mora efficacious. Bemartalle as a flesh prodnter. Persons gala rapidly vhlle taking lt SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relief and core of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. The great remedy for Consumption, and Wasting in Children. Sold ly all Druggists. VOICE from Ohio. Ren la a portrait of Mr. Garrt- ,Ha writaa: " Waa at woraoa a farm far laftttA . mnnth. I nAW . for . C. Atlea Co albuma and ubll- mons ana oiien ntaae 9w a aT. (Signed) W. H.GARKISOS. illiam Kline, Harrlabarfr, Pa write : ! have never knowa iiylhlnr to tell like jronr album. Yaateraaj I took order enough to pay ma oer W. J. Kl. mora, Bangor, Me., writee: "I .take an orde r for your albom at almoat every bonea 1 Tlait. My proniiaoiienaamachaaWSO ifor a etngle day a work." )IHrnir.Hnin.nn;i... II . iwo hare not apace to giro ex- Shall we start YOU in this businesv readerl Write toiu and leant all about it forvooraelf. Wo are atartlag many; we will atari yon If you don't delay until if.?'.''." h,S? ? ' r?a in 'onr P" ,ne country. If yoa akaaold yoa will be able to pfc-k up gold ni.t. 07-Hontl-Oa aeeountar a forced manufacturer'a aele 1 2.VOUO ton ,'! " tSriph Albuma are to be a.ld to the people for mV eaeo. Bound In Moral Criniaon Silk Velvet !5Sx V r eorild intidet. Mandaomeit album, in the W iWt2, " rteat bargain over known. Agents y1- "boral tarana. big money for agent. Anyonecaa " "l""11 agent. Sella itself on aiglit little or no lktS i-y. ryaererer shown, every one wants to uur-- snte Uko thousanda of orders with rapidity never ii?J " "" "it every worker. Agents ar sas lag ferranaa. Ladiesmake aa much as men. You, reader J " w" Seyoae. Full information and terms free wJOXTZtZTt" 5" wltn P"""'" terms for our ?.'' Blu,i Books and Periodicals. After yoa know all. koala yoa eosKiad, to gone further, why ao harm U dan. Address K. C ALUlN A CO, AL'OUITA. MAWS, A. H. PR0PST. Architect aii Contractor . Plans and specifications of build msrs iimdA tracts for buildings faithfully car- marl ..s. rial i x 1 -i ""- wun. uiuce in 0..1011 a uuiiains. up stairs. 13 EC3ULSI0Q ire cn w i'- HCA pED JI ONT AITNLTXE rr RICHMOND AXDDAXVIJ -RAILROAD. Condensed schedule: in tVe' -tember 29, 1889. Trains run -Meridian TitiiR. Daily. No- CO., i2 15 a:., 9 45 am 1121am 3 3)i!a 5 40 pm 2a F 3 0J , 5 0 J P, 5 43 pm 40 Hi 27 n '3 30 p.n 4 4.G p m 4 4G pm 5 48 pm 8 20 pm C 05 inn 10 37pm 12 20 am 2 01 am 7 31am 9 2S am 12 32 am 2 05 o'n 4 51 am 5 5G am 11 00 am 2 20 am G 30 am 10 30 am OCTBOUXD- Leavu New York Philadelphia l?a!tiuifro NVashington Char lot teoville Lynchburg Ar. Dan vide Lv. Richmond Burkevilie Keysville Danvillo Ar. Green-boru Lv. (iol'isboro Ar. Raleigh Lv. Raleigh Durham Ar. Greeosboro Lv Salem Greeusboro Ar Salisbury Statesvillc Ashevilie Hot Springs Lv Salisbury Ar Charlotte Spartanburg Greenville Atlanta Lv. Charlotte Ar. Columbia Ar. Angusta I).: I v. -' : tii o i J;, 11 Ml i,. 5 ; I 1 i ;-i ( 9 Oo 1 OOaia 2 5:, i!!u 7 y ;i, K 3' :.; 'J 50 11 1.::, 12 -2 t in n i?:; 1-2 40 .' ;is l u; 9 In 1 oo i 5 lo y in 9 (Ml I,,,, Daily. NOBTHBOUSD. Daily. No. 51. Lv- Augusta Ijv. Columbia Ar. Charlotte Lv. Atlanta Arrive Greenville Spartanburg Charlotte 6 10 pm 10 35 pm 3 13 am 6 00 pm 12 35 am 1 39 am 4 25 am uia r 15 p;r, 7 10 i.;n 1 is r::n pi;i 7 I .") i iu 12 2.". p!:1 1 ."I p: , 1 n, oi. pm 7 12 Jo r:,, 11 0o,,:i, 5 - ;u.: 7 30 am t9 0n km 12 50 pm 50 i.ia lOlpM 1 5: ,,,, Salisbury 6 02 am Lv. Hot Snriu Ashevilie 9 41 pm Statesville 3 15 am Ar. Salisbury 4 20 am Lv. Salisbury 6 07 am Greensboro 7 45 am Salem 1 140 am Lv Greensboro 9 45 am Ar Durham 11 (11 Ar Raleigh 1 05 nm Lv Raleigh 1 05 pm Ar Goldsboro 3 10 pm Lv. Greensboro 7 50 am Danville 9 32 am Kevsville 12 20 pm 1 13 Dm 3 30 pm 12 25 pm 2 40 pm 7 10 pm 8 50 pm 3 00 am (5 20 am Burkevilie Richmond Lynchburg C ballot tesville Washington Baltimore Philadelphia New York "Daily. tDaily, except Ja; Train for Raleigh via i leave ltichincml ri.nlv on t.n ville G DO pm; airivcs Ci:ti !;.-v:: pm; uxroril t Wy-iu; llv!-;ir,( pm; Durham 9 io mi; il-i'.cl-h pm- ltluri!inff i.-ave.- iiul-;- am dailv: Dui-hiim y it) m .- dersou a 30 v.m; Oxford lo in ;i:il; Clarksville 11 05 am; Kpysviii.. ij.i pm; arrives iiichuiojid 3 ;J0 i:i:. Through passciificr coac-h dnilv between Itichmoi-d Mini T T i.. ' . Llveysville, leaving liiehiuoiui : h i .. m, and returning leave Ralfji. 7 . :, pm. Local mixed lonvrn D"i ;.. , daily except Sunday fi CO jin:: - rives JvfivRviliA 1 a.ri m.i- t ,-.;,... leaves Kevsvillp 5) OO Jl ill ( 1:11 1 V fiVPi-i.t. Sunday; arrire Durham 20 pm, and lialeiirb 11 ni) nm. Vnwn , coach attached- JsOS. 51 flrd J.1 onnneot nf T;, !,. mond daily except Sunday for W-.-t Point and Baltimore via Yon; liivtr Liine. No. 50 from West Point connci ts daiiy except Sunday at Richmond with No. 50 for the South- Nos. 50 and 51 connect at Golds boro with trains to and from Morn head City and Wilmington, ami :tt Selma to and from Fayeiteville. No- 52 connects at Greensboro for Fayetteville- No 53 connects at Selma for Wil son, N. C Nos. 50 and 51 make close centxe tion at University Station with trains to and from Chanel Hill pxrent Sun days. SLEEPING CAB SEKVICE. On trains 50 and 51 Piillmnn TifiVt, pleeper between Atlanta and New York. ftrpencVinrn on1 A n e-t n Greensboro, via Ashevilie to Mjiris- towu, xenn. On trams 52 Rnrl SS Pull mnn Knif r Sleeper between Washington and New Urleans via Montsoiuerv. and between nun ltJrn.ii,.r. ham, Richmond and Greenshoi-o. and Ralaigh and Greensboro, and Pullman nRrlnrpnrt lisfirson ourv and KnoTvillo mi.-l mim-i-iitn and Augusta. Ihl'OUerh tiflfsfs rTi cnlo nf . nnVinnl stations to ail points. For rates, local and through time tables, apply to anv asrent of ine company, or to bOL HAfiS Troffi AroTV W. A Tube. Div. Pass. Ag't, Jas. L. 1 avlok, Raleigh, N. C. Gen. Pass. A- t. V?, 25Ct For sale Store. Fetzer's Dr:i-' t3 .?; sV sTJ 1 fi Lai ! I HEAD.ft Try the Cure Ely'sCreamBalm Al lays Inflammation. Heals tho Sorc. Restores the Souses of Taste, Smell and Hearing. A particle la applied Into encb nostril anil Is agreeable. Price 50c. at DrutrsiHt" or by all. ELY BKOTnEBS,56 Warren St,Nw VorK. CCRES-l&2rF3:E'r T f r. n S5, at sai bx t?; LY 7 in i '' I " II!! f'ftl Jin pm :.ia '.il