7 7a J 7 ; .7 u rmmi 1 ii l a i a A 0 J o D. -' f i.vi ; T PATER .:..:! i. CONCORD - ;. kui;i: kf.adlnvI 7ii a:; an y otiikii ;:; this suction. WF IV') ALL KiXIV- ov u OE rr,' v. - ; . . 1 1 . 1 J Jo -AM) AT TUB LOVrrST HATES VOL. ill. NO1I0. CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE (i, 1SK. WHOLE NO. 121, ii u n i i D 1 AIM JJ AKJJ. ' 11 ill ' readers somct line Jink... Victor C. . :!! C" J SI C, been ,.s lvpri .-yd hi ii"'.; I;: the Court it v rll:i v. !y the '- f .fudge ...!. to jul:;l I hut k kg the k-llow- ,.; . .. ' Ak Xii'.idri:. ,ve your third ;k.u.t !o an sa earlier, but : . !UAV'!1 with up, as the . k i : i y court w.: '. ... v. - Were da.h ; -.rul ube.ise. 1 k :::v-tker attack f k I );::;'. :-y, and ! e::..bt'.;cs down. . . k ku loid Me 1 'i i'li 1 v. ii:t into !" the d-sert, and th desert i- , kik V.i'h v, on 1 V, v .. -at- the l'v r.i ', . . v. i.-t of. Cair.i 1, -.ei '. ;M e it.i . ;nkr tc:.t; on tin k..h liked -.... -,,;k. -i ou :. : !... a in ;. e ' , '..I ii.: 1 i"lK' e t.j o: :i I : .;t 1. earl i iiave tn.i aer- s e. a.i.,,. r-. ehiiect ill'e. re vbieh ,s. h i. i he' .stand diitai.e.- , La-! ii'li-.u 1, -imbed, eown the c wbh an U:iO')e!iL-U r ' i- (, an- ( '-..hind t- e.y ef Aka'. : n. : worth ii aH. :s lit !i iii.er.el y-: Our garden , v.-!ieiva.3 v. e e.su ! -i -,ce of i!-et.'i all r.u-elv been wiiii- :i ef kou-tii-k a 1 : : i 1 1" u-zei! on .s, ii:.-l m Cairo ;! 11 th.. a i letter t Fr,.'' yi- ri:e: at ail. Von S.nghiad. Tk: - .', ,: h-v w:iy. Th- e". .-. h ; vfe'ni;:-.-.'. ' k- FgVid. rk!i church of r of the Fn .: ; : an ordinary ..le, ;u-r doj-; In 1 . e..,, flha'.ioi! or j-ec- e . itch of Fng- ii'.i!'g long ago .; . or aids to h: thereof. Tie :i . : ,'ld, i bell, O'.tt of i a ,k;:.ta -y ba-i-;. i li ; eekto'i StaiiU.r :be bl ;, l.o'c oil !y ;.t A, .ei i.iah.l.ibis or a !.r..:-'.--!i Mipivm i) L) the Wrkni. kow y ever .v here --that ef I .; thai ;' !,:;!.. VI. -I He. e. ; lv because t Ii - ea-t ; Poo. : i We haye them s. I :i!low the round f.r mere s-via- on ,.v,.rv , heat i , ;.:vo.e:- ; wi woi-jli i' ,::e ! n e. i-i-eli-ioa n ''OI '' ,,L JurniS. oi' me, n is enough that a man bt - d o;! lieves in i.!ie L-ml Jesus Christ, ttnd tiien I can de.-;i :c for his S;ike :tll form, ntnl ii large part of what lu.--c for i.ath in our churches. I would like to attend the services of Annrlea.. Missionaries, who nomi- ! for Salisbury, w litre they went to as nally belong to what I called the I si.st in decorating the "raves of the Tnited rr.sbyterian Church tl'. V. Federal soldiers. That was right, C.) but their service is wholly in kind, and proper. Geo. Miller in Arabic, and though I understand j vested in a pint of mean corn whis someof it, it is not what one wants j key to wind up his pari of the day's m worshm. which is a communion ; i f the heart without any effort,' or at le.ist any strain of mind. You alluded despairingly to my i it was Concord, got off; be was left, return to our own country. I fear Mle wandered down the Kailroud and sometimes myself that I am too old another section of the train came to let urn, o puli up again and plant along. The result i.s t-hown in the anew. And it, is a quiet, regular coroners inquest, life I lead here. I am in nobody's j The jury consisted of the follow way, and I shoul.l dislike that above ; ing men: F. W. Glass, 11. R "Wine all tilings. lVat in case you have an I coi'f, John II Rogers, C. A. Sher Fxhibitiou in we may go home,! wood, Fred Cline and It. S. Harris, and onoi there assuredly we thoul I They r fonnd that Geo. Miller, not ilnrn." i colored, was knocked from the track . ! :uil .i!l,il ,v ;i liiKsiii"1 'I ruin. Tt Vnmwiiiitvr"s Vorl, A 1 1 a r t a C o a s t i t a t i o 1 1 . The recent olo.-ing of John ana-1 tuuker'd braneii factory in Berlin j brings to light some very ugly facts. it nii t hut while this Christian , stati sman was posing as a model : bitsiness maiuhe was Having his work d-'-ne by chiap white slaves i;i (ier :K:t.v. A; a time when he v.:.s bor i'U' Sunuuv-.-eho'd children to death with h tiu.ul platitudes about iLv. b'.vsstns of r'.rUtianity and the h;:: qi:::c;s of a irtuous life he was driving hundreds of girls to a i ate wors ' t !a:!i iL'.uh by making i hem l ,c ..... j ,. k i'l. a i a e:ae iie ul i u ! .: ?.A a half a wirk. The fact com s v.ii. mat i ue c-Moiaeioi : it that 't! m;.de double l!io wage? allowed the j girls, and the garments were sent to Philadelphia, w!ie"u they sold at j go ,d prices for Wanatn-ikeFs b.-iieilt. j This little diiprer h -as h w oar p. st mas ter-geiieral is able to contrib ute liberally to the reptibiioan ca-upaign fund he simply makes use of the blood and tears of the poor t perpetuate His power in a party of robber '. When Schuyier Colfax w ent do .vis under a 1. load of infamy. v.iA .bitteier cars. s t ban ever uamaed aiiv ut'.. A:n. rie.',n paltlie man, p.-ople ! t. i Christian Statesman ed at i ran 'gs up ev. iy v. acre a.i.i at all s u llll tin- high phe es of honor l j l 1 . 1 : ' 1 tin. r, ,.1 j-.-.e , an-.i viie vv ananaiK. rs w in : be with us until honest men kind bye'luT and turn the rascals out. Vfam.n.a'.crkm is linked with Me l-iii.'.-yism under the loudest, and f .1 r professions of honest and jus Ike. The representatives of these twin ev Is propjs.. v rob the poor so that the rich may revel in the deep d no nation of this franditlant philanthropy and .-ham leligion. The real oppressors of the poor th v.e-rsl tneia'cs of their race th !,i: I . o i a el of all slave drivers, are a. en whose vices and loo e ik i ! r excite ote- honor. On the eoi.t raiy, t b.-y are the tmoolh a'nl .leeor,,:s d evils of foeiety the B!i-!'dl- and I il. 'n lleips. wiio-e road to -nee' is dreiicliel with the tears oi i he victims (f their progress and paTouage. Bough words, these. Perhaps they will make the Philadelphia slave driver wince, and dump another load of his boodle into a mission or a club of republican campaign toughs. He can afford it. .lie has only tu starve a few more working girls to get his donations back with interest. Tlio Western finiforciK'. 'the cjiiiaiittee appointed at the last, meeting of the Methodist church for this State, to divide this cotifen nee have come to a decision and recommend the division by a line running with the Yadkin river from the South Carolina line to a point in the Northern part of Stan ly, then crossing the Yadkin so as t include Randolph, Guilford and Bockingham counties. Each con ference, the Eastern and Vfe.-tern, will have over cm; hundred minis ters. There. is said to be no doubt ,i , .i ... i r 1 1 : , : 1 1 , ... i i mil i no report oi mis i:oi!ii:i.uee will be re!oi,icd. We learn, from i ie.-v. Mr. Page that the Western con- fe-A-nce has been invited to hold its iir.-t sesdon in November in Con ' cord, which offers many advantages, ! convenience , etc. The brethren i will receive a warm welcome here. We lind in the (.'inirlotte Chroni cle the following references to the work of young ladies well known in Concord. These paintings were on exhibition in the art display of the charlotte Female Institute: J Misty Morning and March Scene, an,l th'-r paintings, by Miss Grace I White, are excellent. ' i Tiie painting of Scottish scenery. -N-o;th jj0ch Lomond and Kast i T n.li I ..nw.n.l liv Miss T.:inrn WliI. 1 worth t3 highly creditable, i:o. oi,oj:r!, ICikU II In I.ilo 'I'lirou&li l'ali'iotNiii iml Trosii I.wvc f U'liKKoy. About f-ixty-five colored people K'ft oui depot last Friday morning proceeding', tie sianed home on the midnight 'train, which stopped at IVter (Has; George, thinkiiu j was found that one side was crushed, i l is mtii broken and head badh brui;ul. 'i'lu-re wire some t-igns t Ii.it he h A st rugged no little. In His pocket was found a whiske) Sask crushi.il ir.to a thousand pieces, aloO money to the amount of .1(1. : Tin- (Iravt'N l' Hie M;fr, Our ivtVivuee to the grave of Kev. Ikvekiah J. I'.aleh, at Poplar Tent, a few days ago. brings out some in tn:iiii'r lacis in reanr to me graw-s of other signers of that in srruiiient from the territorv now in Ct'.'aieU Dl utids of Cabarrus. Mr. John Piiifer owned the plan tation whb-'i is known as the red 1,;, .,i tt'T.,,, ,.i V me p,.,; p,,;.j ,.;,.;, ;ile , ;j m,.s r,.,,,,, (.OJK.nlf v l)W1!e.l by his iv it !:,.;!!;(i.ne,l!it,, Mr. J. V. Alli- ;u-, y, i-,i!Vi. (: , j , a ; ,j ami i i-,i ... that plantation, and a ph. In inonii lileiit now lil:irks the rpot. The house in which he lived stood down near the creek, and was used as a tavern, being on one of the main thoroughfares of th-' Si, lie at. that time. This tavern 'was kept by Mr. Martin PiiiiVr, brother of Joho, af ter the latiei-'s death, and is oigtii- tied bv the fat t that :!, eral Geor: Washington and retinue spent the night there in returning from hi soat hern tour t. Savannah and other southern cities. We are furtk-r in formed by Mr. ib W. Allison, tk:t Mr. Phifef notified the neighbor that Washington was coining and thev called on hini the next morn ing only to find that Wa-hiugton wa. an early riser, and had taken his departure for Salibury. lie rode Horseback mostlvj though his car riage followed him. Another one of these illustrious men. Benjamin Fatten, lived near the present town of Concord, the' th re was no such town at the lime. lie owned the place also on ihe Beat tie's Ford road just aeross the r.ad from the Phifer phu c. just men tioned, know.n as the 'old Cibson place, and now owned by Mrs. Iloyle. The house, signs of which still re main, was about 00 yards from the creek. It was a common log house, with no lloor in it, except the ground, which was kept clean, hard, and smooth. This was by no means a sign of poverty, but a matter of choice, as the idea was prevalent at that time that Mich a plan was con ducive to health. The date of his death is not known. lie is buried in a family graveyard, on his plan tation, in accordance with a common custom of that age, and, sad to re late, there is no stone to mark bis grave. With his name perpetuated, as it is, by the pledge of 'his life, fortune and sacred honor" in the cause of Liberty, it needs not the testimony of col I marble, but it is a pity that the graves of our heroes should so soon be numbered with the hidden mysteries of th" past. Tho' married, he left no children, and there is now none left of the name. There were four and lio-.-iblv more of the thirly who signed ihe Declaration, that lived within the territory now included in Cabarrus, the two just mentioned, Bev. Mr. Baich, .'nines i (arris and possibly Zaccheus Wilson. Information is not just at hand in regard to the homes and graves of the latter two, and The Stam.vi:i) would be grateful to any of its readers for information on these points, also as to whether these are the only ones Cabarrus c5n claim. ... . . .... The Democrats of Boston would have placed the country under ever lasting obligations had they gent John L. Su livan to Congress. We are afraid they missed a grand oppor tunity. Czar Heed would not have dared to count this distinguished gentleman present when he did not TOtO. All Saris of Iar!rlis. The annual consumption of sugar in the United States is sixteen mil lion tons. Abuse is one of the few things a man can get without earning or de serving it. In 1SU0 America had more col leges in proportion lo population, than she has now. An establishment at Hubbard, 0., advertised itself as "the only second class hotel in the world." The broker who married a pretty, but penniless girl explained that lie had taken her at the face value. 15ft tor be good than great. You'll have less competition. The latter business is overdone Mrs. Yt'illiatu Johns, living in Pleasant Township, Ohio, is the mother of two sets of triplets, all boys. One set is nine years of age and the other nearlv six 'vears. old. They are bright, Healthy children. T. W. Martin, of Elizabeth, Penn-j lost a vi ry heavy plain gold ring, j A week afu nvard his Horse became j lame, and in examining its foot thej lost ring was found snugly fitted I around one of the calks of the horse.-: ! aiil a lawyer to his young clerk: Yi hv weren't ou ;it the office i larlier this moii.ing'' par-1 .1n i.- hut ! m.,. -., r..f.. . -m..r ' i i r. !i..,,il,,i,i.n;,.., ci. ,.i,i c, .1, fi.,.! man, not the man the office." "on, ieorir'ni. said Senator Brown, ol to a rei'orter who a.-ked ' him if lie was as reported, worth a leded president, (.'apt. S. 15. Alex million dollars! -Son. :i million .under is vice-pivsid.cn t for North dollars isa im-htv biL' ut of monev' : - . . . . . . .. : and that was all he would sav. i i- i 1-.,,., l.r ,. ii,, V book printed long before the, Oiseoverv oi America and vain. a at - ! r,2t,.O0t, is now on exbibit.on at Chiea.-ro.'I'his is an ad, anlageoiis hint to author-. Tiny sliould let their l i ill r l ooou- row oiu oeioie oiii'iiie, u,ei:i on the market The irreittest tunnel in th W OUl 1 ls the new aqueduct which has been , ., , . . . l.ui.t tieenvevtiie water oi v roton T -i' New York city, at I whkh will be completed by midsummer. It k thirtv-threeaml one ci-hth miles A colored denti-! in Macon, Ga., iiM-s no insiruni'-iits except bis !;n gers in extracting-teeth. J'y means of long practice his lingers have la c.'U.e as st ron as forceps, and h.- claims that he can pull and with b-s.s n.un than teet !l h f.. dentist with ii;-truiueiits. There is no duty we so much nu de' rate as the duty -if being happy. By being happy we sow anonymous benefits upon the world, which re main unknown eun to aursclvos, or when they are disclosed surprise no body so much as ihe benefactor. Father "James, you know 1 dis approve ery much of your fighting, but 1 c;'tinot help feeling proud of you for whipping such a big bov as that. What did von whip Him fori'" Sou (indignantly) "Why, he said I looked like oul'"' A chunk of the meteor that fell "in "a shower in Kossuth and Winne bago Comities, Iowa, about a week ago was picked up near Bamsey, and is the finest specimen yet found. It weighs an even 100 pounds and has the appearance of melted pig iron. A pair of bantam chickens were sold at. the London crystal palace for S500, which was almost exactly twice Iheir weight, in gold. This is believed to be the highest price ever paid for a single pair of fowls since the days of extravagant and luxuri ous Borne. F. M. Burgess, of llnnteiwille, Ark., upward of seventy-three year old, has been arrested for a murder committed in Alabama twenty-eight years ago. He h-i.s been a law-abiding citkeii for many years, and was hitheito respected by his neighbors. The record for the largest amount of butter produced by a cow in one year has been broken by si cow owned by I). F. A ppleton, of Ipswich, Mass. who with three days to spare, pro duced Kll pounds and 11 ounces. The previous record was (il'G pounds, l'JJ ounces, held by Landseer's Fancy, owned by Dr, William Mor row, of Nashville, Tenn. 1 never had any faith in luck at all, except that I believe good luck will carry a man over a ditch, if he jump3 well, and put a bit of bacon into his pot, if he looks after His garden and keeps a pig. . Luck gen erally comes to those who look after it, and my notion is it taps once in a lifetime at everybody's door, and if industry does uot open it away it goes Sptirgeou. During a heavy shower that passed over Connecticut Friday, lightning struck the steeple of the Baptist Church at Middleton. The huge spire fell over, and in its ile. cent struck u monument in the Church yard erected to the memory of the llev. Abel Morgan, th ; church's first pastor one nunuml years ago. I lid monument war, br.dlv broken. 'i h; is the Second time that ne mat ni: iUiimr ' , iia. struck the church. Last sum - mcr a holt struck the fcteejde terin'x it into snlintirs. ' " j I The X. C. Medical Society meels in Asheville next year. The Sonfliern Dentil A snei-t ;.ei will meet, in Atlanta, (bi.,"on July! hc-ir experience of the af ir(h next. 1 fair. The Lihilisis arrested a The Democratic nominating con-P"'i wore, on the point of shipping volition of tlu fifth district meets in large qiuuitities of explosives to (JrccnslM.ro on July Oth- Kuia. Governor Liehardson There were 07 applicants f r li- j and Adjutant-General Bon ham will cense before the State Medical Board. att.lu iat,. Guard eucamp- Aiue of t:;em were negroes. I , ... ,r meat at V rightsville. Mrs. The average young man, with his j cHanpell, of Baleigh, died from "ii !, mci's a ci: i ion eve on ineice cream ain! soda water stands does hei' ; v Ain't it funny to see a little spike- j leg dude part his hair in the middle. ; and apparently not seem to know : there is an ice cream saloon ne-ir ! when lie is wtili his girl. Mr. Yaux, who succeeds Mi Jiaintali, is tot a ;:weann man. lie , wiii uon i n ies i hi i iron! gii.ee (r i crawl into HN hole b, f.,.v t his ad- ministration .--hall h v.-ended. j L. II. le.throe!;, formerly eonnee- t ed wi t h Xort !i Carol i na College, at Mr. i'leasant, ha anno'iuceu him- lf a candidate for the oilice of Kegister of I K eds of Bowan countv. At the Scotch. Irish Con-res -. !?,,t.vf V. ..-m...,- ,,f v.-.v V...L-' t . . . . . ' , . , I -.n.,. nui i. , I I '. . l ... "" 4 " '"1".:,,v , Charlotte is a nnmb. r of the Ex.- I Com. ... ... . if the censits t numerator, .tamtimr - l ew ahbavu in the inn;: rpe.e- tior.s to be i ropornded. .botil.l ask that hair" Vo;i. v here cm von d-nt become oi-'eiabd, but A-fer I to M(Cii:tv. 'iVilmiic: ton Star. r., j ..,,. ,i. In the event the North Carolina Co Co fence is (iiviai'ti. tin; J'.astern ' iil in, ' t . : i 1.-'. 'i:, ii,i ti,. ..... i- lih'n n. r f.mi. il i ' . , kV u- i l oneoiM has invited the Wesiern , , ,, . . . 'otib il-el tlK" -M; 'is : ' . In th.-event the North C.ir.nina ' Conference is divided, the Ka.-teni t o::H'ii !.- V lil meet 111 v, lis. i.V.i tlie Fvciy n;d charming town of Co-cord hrs i.uitcd the Wcli-rn Conference to meet, there. --State Chreiiiclce. Mr. S. V. White, of Ao-.v York-, h it; a l ece-e address tot he color ed Students of Livin-srone Co-leg.' . kli -burv, gav e expression lo, ;i- nient.- not c,;h".ih to Have" a goo-.i iullttete e on hk he;:rers. has to sotn. extent ic'leeiue.! himself by estab lishing at that college an industrial school for girls. As WL'iri ns the Canrdian could not induce the weather, earthquakes ei,-.. to run on his seli-knle. a p,.-.. vears since, he retired in - digust. )f late, he is feeltti-r his ln-ojihetic powers again, and predicts for Italy, an t-iiri nU.!Ke ;m-i oiner uisisiers similar to those which overvv helmed Pompeii in A. D. kb We had a short call from Mr. Bol.t, ik Poindext -r hist Saui-div. tie represents the Winston lb-publican, and is canvassing for that organ. While reco j-i.i.intr the I I I ' IT OI lie JU' Ml i ri le.iii, u e 1 . , f . . . . .c ! i .17 . I' i 1! v mi umi ii i.rti, v ooi liliinent to ( abarrus- dookimr from ;i Democr.it ic standpoint that Mr. I'oindexter savs that he ha; per- haps less patronage at Concord than at ;inv other point in this section. The Saddler gold mine, near Si fi ord's Ferry, on the Catawba.rivcr, is to be worked, das. Axutn, of Hot Springs, Arkansas, and T. T. Mc Cord of Paw Creek township, have leased Si acres of land from J. It. Saddler for mining purposes. They will juit in the most improu'd'min ing machineiT, and begin operations as early as possible. The mine is thought to be a rich one. Cha-ioUe Chronicle. .flcClniiimy'N liill. Stale Chrouicle-J Bepresentative McCiainmy, of the Third North Carolina district, has a bill prepared providing for the issue of eighteen hundred million of legal tender scrip, to be loaned to the several States for the people. These notes are to be a legal tender for all dues except interest on the pubiio debt; all loaius are to bear one per cent interest, and not more than s'',500 will be loaned to one person. Preference is to be given to the borrower, whose binds are already mortgaged, so that they may escape from burdensome interest charges. Ihe interest collected is to go into a school fund, which, in turn, will be distributed among the several Staks according to their school population. The measure, in brief, embodies some of the features of the sub-trens-urv scheme, and some of the features of the Blair bill. Mr. McClammy is a farmer and is very much in earnest about the passage of some relief measure by this Congress. Helms no Hope' for the Pickler bill and does not think that altogether practicable. "We must have something,'' he remarked this morning. "We are like the fellow down in your State who was digging for a gopher. There is no meat in the house." Several persons porisln-d in a fire at Fort Worth, Texas, Friday night. The 1'em ierats -of Alabama I nominated Col. Thomas G. Jones f'r (Jove. nor, t;i3 ::nli-KcIb nien all j Y unitini; on Lim. Senator Car-i,, , , , ,. ., i" j ,ICJt .M'UC-ILO JllO Vi'. 'l.l'tl lilt !., . , .. , ir gues that it wit! work tu the injury of the agricuLur.ii class. The Alii? uii n j broken by plentiful iritis, much to tile del iit of the farmers.- Fer son;; in the Oakland railroad disas- eating poisoned bacon. The Coa- federate Memorial Library Society ,li,s i!"n .c)rporatei m iicJiinomi. lis .;irpo-e is to preserve bo.'ks. works of ai !, relics etc., pertaining j() the late war. Th le decrease of the public debt during the moath of ; Mav is esiimateu at six million dul- -Pre.-ident Harrison Holds a; ivoeplioii at Pittsburg and is pro- seated with a magniliei ut lloral trib ute bv :i c onituitte" of the Seoteh- Irinh Cougre.-s now in session there. Emperor William's ankle was broken in the accident last Sunday. Ilulaud and German- baNe renewed their negotiations in regard to JCast Africa. -The police re-1 ports snow mat German ocunstb ; ,i -.in i oiv, ni ri:i '.r-n- ef 11 1 n nr-T . 1 v 11 M 'nr. "v w"',vv ci-vji Anarchists. - First Assistant; l,f rc.,,.lr,.. e(.,vu! v-K"-" "ui"" ... .xv,.. wear liiiticia iiov.ors. unsou it en ... U1 :i ,.,-.;.-, tn,,r oP the1,. Sa!es on the Pacific slope. On his return he w ill tender his resignation. srtv.-'i i-.-.i.n hmasii rp. Wilmington Star. J A young lady of Geensboro, oue: of the students ;.t the female college ; in tf.at place, with rare presence of 1 ' 1 uii.hi ln-eventec wli:i , iiu-'ht have been a serteus "-.la-h-uk" on the C ' F. k Y. V. rail road on Tuesday hist Three or four box cars hid Hi en lef: -randing on the main track near th i.-iding ciose t) the college, and ik train for Mount A Aiiv was l-.e-iibliv approaching in that direction using- ladv mentioned Mis . man seeinr that a collision ' Thv vldcr- vas in- ektable nnb ss the tr..In wa- stopped, , , , , , r . r sna'cn .-.i a rea .-ii.e:. i iioui one m . . iter companions, ana witu whs im- .tov is. d "d.inger signal" waved the train down in time to prevent a col - usan. It is said th , , . ; ' " ' ' k" ',' 1 ' Oiiicei s an-a emp.ov - : 'es .n. tne roa.l nave umie.t in pu-p- arat.ons lor a lilting testimonial to , be vreseated t- the voting lady in 1 m,0,vjtjo!1 f the ,.. fo .vl not! . . , . . t ,i . and ttiuelv actum that s;ie.t the tram 1 l.!il l.lSMster. ! lie l.ee :iiii:iit-nl. BicnMoxn, V;i., f;iy t)0. With -out e.xeejnion the members of the Lee iamtiv tuink the statue ot Ceiieral , . , . r . l excellent representation ot tne i - onleto-rao; commander-in-chief. Senator Wad. '-Hampton said, that while the statue did injustice to General Lee as a rider, he thought ir. a line thing. Gov. Gordon, of Georgia, thought the horse and rider .an exact copy from life. "I think," said be, -that the horse is an almost perfect re presentation of General Lee's old gray as he moved across the lield on one occasion." The members of Gen. Lee's staff thought the likeness excellent, but some did not like tlie horse so well. am f.:--k .law. Wil m i i t o n Messen vror. Mr. II. G. Ill lis, residing on the fcoutheast corner of Tenth and Prin cess streets, had the misfortune about three weeks ago to step upon a nail which penetrated the sole of His shoe, and passed, almost entirely through his foot. The wound heal ed up and he was apparently well over it when, a week ago, tetanus, or lock jaw, set in. lie lias been a ter rible sufferer since then, and at in time but .-light hopes were entertain ed for his recovery. Lust night, however, his condition was more hopeful. Mr. Ellis is a man of family ami moved to this city from Durham about three months ago. He is a carpenter. Cabarrus county baa shot off the first Democratic gun. Th'e trigger wrtH pulkd by a hciiTHyhanuek son of toil, and the sound of the shot as they whistled through the air sang a song of victory for tho Alliance men in the Sixth Dis-kicl Convention- Cant.' S. B. Alexander last year was heard to say: "I have just come to the conclusion that no farmer can be elected to any hijrher position than State -mat or (taring the present century." Watch out, Captain, or you'll tell a . Win- Bion Daily. The Con vfi!liti. The convention Saturday made the following- appointments of delegates to the several conventions: cun; i;i:ssio . , r. i.t.i ;.v; in L. M. Morri.-on, J. S. Stafford, T. j feCoenell, .!. S. Harris J. 11. iford, John K.mkhi. Dr. J. S. Ltaerty, J. A. let. be!, A. I', lloil man, P. A. Peal, L. ilitchie, bawrenc- Klutz, Victor Mekhor. L. i). Lelnz, G. V,. Flack welder, F. A. Klutz, Frank Barrier, Fraiik P. Boger, J. T. Shinn, David Parish, S. W. V.'nite, Chas. MeDonald, Dr. K. S. Young, S. Bingham, Jas. X. Brown, C. (J. Montgomery. j STATE CONVKXTlON". ' J. L. Stafford, S. K. drier, P. M. I Morris, J. 15. Harris, Baron Pressly, b't-ed Scsbit, C. M. Peiiva, Ik II. G. Piaster, Geo. Walter, Martin Lipc, J. M. l-'aggert, John Yv Walker, W. G.Melchor, Clarence G. lleilig, D. II. Bidenhonr, W. M. Wi-biihouse. J. L. Shitm, L. W. Flowe, II. C. Dunn,- J. A. Litaker, Xath. G. White, II. S. Pu near, J. l.ee Crowe; 1, Y. J. Montgomery, W. G. Mean--, P. 15. Meat-8, AVm. M. Smith. J CD l MA I. CO.N vi:n ;tio.v. L. M. Morrison, J. S. Harris. jChas. T. Alii, C. M. Good- night, Dan M. Lip.', M. Pen ninger, Caleb Nussaman, W. G. Bar ringer, Caleb Smith, W. (!. INewelf Moiu-oe Dove, W. M. Smith, P. 15. Means, II. S. Puryear, Chas. Mc Donald. C. G. Montgomery, J. Lee Crowell. In declining the nomination for i Judge, Mr. W. (i. Means made the following remarks to tlie convention It su(yAS the rC:lluxs of the m tn; t 1 , , aim rigut lure, o, w e are satisfied tll.itill a f,.w Yc.it W c,. Means will vpQV. thut itl eu,rv township ; wlure my name was suggested in jc - oii licet ion with the Judire-hip if : hps district theiv was unanimity in voting for me l or i iiii ev nteiice o f , I. in. in,. n.l .... n't. !..m,.,. I ...,i - hiIlkflii; flI1.th(r kl!u. lh;lt i..1Vl. ., neiieriiv of the votes in this con vention, and that according to i , , ' . ,. . , . , . th-rule established bv the resokt- lien just ado!)i.-.l. ti s i rem this convention u that of the district ", would have to ca.-t tlie vote of this t eoentv as a unit for me. -. Mr." 11. ik Armlield. of Iredell ,j countv, bv appointment of Governor :-(Mies, is t;ie present ami very wortay Judge of the district. li is an unwritten law in this j State that any oftlcer who does not. ! violate the rules, .of good conduct. j snould receive tne net..: -em-til the neoide bv nomination to ot i ... . - , , rp. lofiice tor a second term. I his j ,,v j;j.-e ! t d mum th. : h is iounu if ju, ice. nieas 1 Judge Armlh-bl merits and should I have vottr indorsement. It is a i laudable ambition in anv one to I wish to be Jmtge of the Superior C , in North Carolina, but I can ahoi'ltouo v. ttfiout ofiice ana ou can afford to have me do without it. 1 1 cannot afford to do an injustice i.ill'l Mill euiiiui infill 1. 1 '..ie'. nil. in , ,- . -, , ... ;u icticii tits attitude as win catte an in- justice to be done Theivfoie, 1 again, gratefully thanking yon for your expression of kindness form-', mo- that this convention cat its vote unanimously for Judge Arni tleld as his own successor, and its delegates lo the district convention be instructed to .vote as a unit ikr him there." After Mr. Means speech, Capf. McDonald withdrew his motion nominating him and substituted therefor a motion instructing the delegates to vote for Judge Arm field, and in case be did not receive tin nomination, thev were to suit- noit. Mr. Means. Apapertrom the nnnoroy siskcU - . ... , that, in the congressional conven tion, each man be given his strength. The convention, however, instructed the lelegation to vote for S. B. Alexander, "lirst,- last and all the time.'' The delegation was instructed to support B. F. Long for Solictor. The con veil ti-ni was largely at tended, and cery township ivp re rented. Coiii-onl's I. O. M.-ixnrll- Sunday morning at an early boar. Emj. J. F. Wiileford was aroused from his sweet Sunday morning slumbers by what, at lirst, he thought a "burglar. Pat it was nothing contrary to law. Mr. Go. C. Mi l.s and Miss ipd :ceca Trouttnan, both of No. 12 township, appeared before the 'sipiire to be in irrie-d. Ksij Wiileford is onite popular in this busines.-.; possibly the only ob jection the con'iacting parlies have to him, is thaf the squire can't pray very Well. D. C. Maxwell has forniidiible rival in Mr. ilk-ford in in the number of parties tied for 'better or worse." A Mom! lS:irst. Foukst City, N. C, .June A cloud burst fell upon the city yi.-de'--day ami the rain and the hail con:" down in torrents. The st;v- ts were soon Hooded west of lure the hail was very damaging, and vegetables suffered. A mineral spring has been discov ered in the. torporate Hums of the city. (uiiti! 'to ; : : i - toiv of A. ). Ellis, ttijtti' Li!i.s1);irg:, v:is s! n;k by liu-litil'tuu: rmi Ltu-ileil. Ti'.O (1 Vi'tlu- :-!ni!!i oft I: fit t-rovy ;t! i'w Oxford As Itint was -lum:-. Mi-.Tii.)i!i;isP!oas;t:i: to.'; :,,'.! (?i-;;::a:i . :i gin.ni ii i : ; ii , :i !iu it i oxi' : 1 ' 1 1 r. turno'i'. I'm i.it'(! iivMl- Oxi't'fd vi ill piU'U nioni:!. Fish,,) Alitva A. WtiUon, of til- Fpisiv-Mp-l Db;;-so of v;sr Carolina, uill niai-ry Miss Mary K. Lord, of Wilmington, tit INovr York on Juno 7. Br. Jam- Sanford died at .us lioiiu' m j'rrsoit county from the cl'iV'tTs of v.n oporatiou ".". foraied ini) ten days ng;o. He lias pracjiccd i-e'cti-i;ie thirty yo-irs. (iovenio'; r'owle Las vospiiwl Joi'dan Piitcl'.tird (cdoro'i) under soiiteuc;' to b" htinged JtiHi' ("dh, to June i'7ll, in order !..-!! lie may fully con sider a petition to conn-iule tlio si:!teu:.'e to life impi isemment. The sh'amer VVtiship.g'toii, of L:iaclivil le, tle.it has 'o eon run ning between Morehead and Xew LeiT", and wliicii sank some time ng;o lias bes'.n raised, iloated, atid thoroughly over hauled and put on the route again. The council of t:ie Diocese of East Carolina litis determi ned to employ a general mis sionary, the I'iviop te select the propter person. A college will Be e;.tallished in ike dio cese. J . Ik I'.nner, of Aurora, has juiWvibed S!,oeo to the fund. A Veier.'ctV ':). At a m ill :t:i 1 ni -:"!;. ii:g o. .! Cili-tet'.S- C-i. it -. :;s ivsmI veil As,--k;ek:), ef i I 'resident and i ( li t i-l:iy t ) ji.iri.t - r w hi eii J. S. Harris Capt. C. A. Parr- dent, to j eri i tu- !e the Confederate s rir.gvr Vice Pn-si-!e the lUi-tnory of s ibber.s v: ho gave their livis for th-k- hem, s. j'riunls and kk-k;k. C-f ih - :k re ate tWelltv-tWO V. l.oiie bit sled in ib.u. grave-vaid, d r a ! v, i:'i the j.ossil.le van!, :ea ioa of ti.i r 1-rave -v e::vee auct::v as t:;, a, lit. re is not y ird in : in- conicy, in r. ia.iiti.s of so ti any lui.-r.s. t. :s the pur--soci-ition to ob-erre wfticn l'est 11 Coufener.e.e po.se "of t his wttii httmg ceremonies each -!e;-i-"-rial dav, a ei to take buna di.r.e ac tion low.-:: some loo': the brave is a, in.--1 soil i;, am i t lie erection of a hand le;; I to the memory of n who lie there. This rthy rud comna-ndabb! hti: ' i '.'. OAK,') w ishes them aotmouiil. success. -v r- r . I.itrralt i'r C'i-l'--rii ! Ib-re's a pointer for Cabarrus, and a fact 1 1. tf p'.u-taips net it half dozen men m the county know, and not so man v men in t he Si ite w ill be vv illing to admit. Hon. Don.:! I Ilka. State Treasurer, informed Mr W. lb Udell a f-'W days ago t hat Cabarrus coun tv paid mere tav-s in proportnn to jioimi.'.tion than any county in the l-tate, and that h;--iou county conii-s in second. Thi- i : an ev ik-nec': of thewe.i-ihof this county, i hat can not he disputed, and that is ex- i r. ; cecdiuitlv irrai if kg. And we can -ay furthermore, that, judging from pivwnt indication-? of prosperity in this town and (ouuty, Cabarrus will retain this honor for vears to come. Ho Tm-sjfiJ Ml Noosi. B.u.r.n;!;, N. ()., May A year a-':) J,-u,e-s Dillon, :i wo kkuown cit izen oi Tvrrel! coreitv. k'ojred hist I Hio for On.) in the Connecticut Mutual Life Iusu'.aiico Comnmn'. I S-.,.ini time ri.l' to Ileal ft ilOilT. Some tinn he fr. ai n. lm!if. U.;: mUc ;r01I1 'sIl jr ; vetted loiilv for uko to a m m a.'u a; t'-r ot a mile way. When the man rerpond cd, Dillon 'sr-crc'Jy ;.vtu. ashore and could not be !-( T;.' er-n whoso ussl-tai'-ce he let ! a:,!::-.i su'.oxiKpd iio h .d been ikowi,ed. and v.-;::5 perfect ly v.-iking to swear to it. Notice oi' Dillon's (b ;:fi w;n sr-nh to the co!-. m-ny. It ..-iitsf-l to pay the ii'snr.ii-e'-. A' i-,. was brou-' l-.v .;il!o;i's wife, and the case stood ikr i. ika;. the . on;! last; ?cek. Tho wido-.v i-ile-ccd tied b-.- was drowned. Ti n days a.-.-o a body was found near the place wio-re be -vas seen to sink in the water. Theb,d v was ideuli-. C(i ;)V tVVf !,V ' ice' V.llve i-s'li: ( !, l mt. of Dikm. A t court lien-el for tho a no!i--ii-,i. b'vuise tho wife tnrd. braiv ha-l 1 (ha:!.! that jiaid tie- ) tiiC Mirpr n Pound. There is no o company won! I bavo ev, bai. ':i-,i Criilav, to .i 'vcivo.lt, Dinou a- - ::' and roaml to Co umoia Tfisst i- ::l is v. .-1 r--:n.irkitbk. as;; -re t be day Lo b i ul bis hat in ! : A :'i i'll'l of : t' : d to bide ?n hi-; -:-,!': -'-t tb'o ;i y. J if kept in tho Go say-; v.'. r; ni ;; ii.r::-! J waim-. 1 the v.'oo-i insi:r i.uc L'VOoi SW. he foi;u-.. thM'i : i ,i i:ps i, t.ioutiix, WtiCll I ie- i: ..i;.- OJ' 1 l-OVv'll'(t m ill i ; ti:,- ti'.igator river, lio tie.- ii:or i'roik the bead f-.-.i ke ir- bal l, ami taking Inks r :.nd .vliiskers, put them in coiiposiiiit tlesli of tho vemov- iv- to own i the i corpse, no a one iv.-o oi inn front tei-tii of the d id man, and re moving th.) cloth':,; from ti;: e.,r .-c, drcascd it in th't ."".olh-s bo hud 'vorn on i o" : iv o; i. isap ...... i o. ai- nco At U'.irM .' conv thoI-O'ly to thep.ae' whore bo was supposed to have kaui drowtuai. Sn' . sequeutly, tieariiiti of tht nnti, snif , ht; thoujrht it put an end to tho claim, and there was no hope of collecting the money, and so he re turned home. TligliPoi:: inhabit

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