- f ' -r THE STAHD&RD. TBE ST&HD&BB, AND ARB LAIUJKST PAPER ,1 IX CONCORD - .iM'.UNS MOKE HEADING -.ayi y.i: than any other Al'i'.i: IN Tins SECTION WE 110 ALE KINDS OF job "wp:i?::Tr: XEATEST JiAXXEE AND AT LOWEST Pi AXES. VOL. III. NO. 23. CONCOIU), N. C, FRIDAY, JUNK 20, 1890. WHOLE NO. 126. n JlLi rat-':' ilia.! IX HlCllMOXI). 1 WITNESS WRITES ABOUT WHAT HE SAW. liii fr All Mir II-ii1'-h. ,:, morning ii May 28th we rfevaud wiih hat and badge v .! tiowan veti Tans. !' vhmoml el Danville laiuloil 'us Richmond :i!..ut ! p. in. immediately to quarters '. that looked much t! ing t!:e war emiiers Having to Friday morning. Many of the veterans went to the battle ground? around lIichnior.il, notably that of The S.-veii Pines. Messrs. -T. S. and Win. A. Lipe, (.'. A. Fmz J no. M. Rostian, A. (i. Patterson, Capl. Tom Ray and my-.i-l f went to Petersburg. Alas! wo soon lost the Captain, and when the day was done he could at least boast of a sumptuous dinner that we missed. Having obtained the serviced of Mailer Josepii Win. Ward as a i v I : . I,:,-, v that took the "imU' we P en our ramble. . ,eCsof gone-bv-days, i 'l la' ivst th,nS "' '"'t . a,d io a supper good ; was tli0 cemetery. who have good faro There is in .Petersburg an assooia (i oil with cigars to ; t ion of ladies whose object is satis- i tlie weed." A sort faetorily explained in au inscription . p'.ea-e recennoitcr was ! on the grounds, "We will Ever Keep ..!,!.., The writer took ; lour Memories Green.' As you t :.:: v k find the happy ' enter you pass under an arch resting " '' Pastor J. F. Mor, of on pihistercd pillars, all o: which . i ..gh.-h Putin ran Church , imitate dressed granite. On the ,., : I. and w;i- most pleasant- outside of t lie arch is inscribed, "Our ruhiai. On next morning. ; Confederate Dead;' i n the inside, :. ,t:, r visiting Rev. Moses , "Waiting the Reville.' Some of the til.- market homo, capitol graves are marked others are not, etc.. we fell into line on but about every little plat two po.-ts , . .u .-.11 the milit.-irv 1 support an :.reh with the name of - .- i j. - pa-5. Then '.hey till stood : hik- v.,-. the "Vets " nnsseil (lie nieniory or those shun by the great mine explosion by ('rant on July -0, lriM, was completed and veiled, to le unveiled .Tune We proceeded by the Rixter road, southeast of the city, to where the battle lines crossed the 10 d, and some Coiife.l. rate Stat.- whose dead a iv i .-.t i nir there. A monument to mond. There was more red, white and blue cloth used up than it would take to decorate or dress many a veteran's family of boys and girls. Red and white predominated. Gen. Leo's pictures were bordered with it. It was in the shape of flags and fans and .' rolled fe.; toons and spiral coils around posts, and if yuu can think of anv other forms, Le assured they were there. To look along the streets was like looking into a kaleidoscope, where only the red, white and blue existed. 1'robably nothing so thiilled the veteran's heart as to see the silver haired ladies and aged gentlemen waive their expressions of joy at again .seeing those who twenty-live years ago were driven from their long defended city. How keenly they remember the gallant defence of their honus which weie yielded only to largely superior forces. As we honor the immortal Lee for his gallantry, his generalship, his vir tues as grand in defeat as he could have been in success jo Richmond I .velcomed us as if the cause had I triumphed. Long as life will be our ! recollections of Richmond's hearty welcome. J. D. IU Kltl Kit. STATE XOTIN. Gov. 1'owlo has been very sick since lie was at Wake Forest com mencement. Johnnie King, a young man living near Leaksville, was taken with cramps while in the river washing and was drowned. Mr. John Rain, on-of the best in- j to ih:; ""vest hands was proud of formed men on historical skit?hcs "s mm-keen breaches, and worked LIFE SKETCHES. Win. J. Swink is a Cabarrus county man and began life as a plough boy at 7" cents per week, and as a sidedi.h, cut briars, hoed corn and cotton, and carried water SIHJIAKY. home and captured an exceedingly! interesting htd.v for a wife. mm. -m i T . 1 lie Senate passes a onl reiru'a- lle was next found doing the ; j;,, promotions in th-j army" and agreeable to his numerous patrons ai :! providing a sstem of examination Shelbv and Cleveland Springs, i fr oncers below the rank of Major. speaks on tlk cilver b: citizens of AHv.-viPe a1--.-census enumerators r.:i' V-s are re-, vt. .! to amending the i o1::; :nv Six hundred S that we were among i :,;-rive at the monumental Sm-h an Minimise erowil k m ieh time to ar :".'ii the veil dropped. this J pr jbublv move t Iiousand voir. clu ereit. a artillery thunden-d vigor. ; trae.d the Federal as well as Con fed -a l":ig line of infantry j crate lines tip to the Aj'pomatto.x .11 ! 1 ; cv. some m voil.-ys. U'.ariv: .enu-t:nn-s it was -. I.!-.. ke forth with re i ;-y. The cavalry charg : on a !k ld pn ided for r;.:is. it was a scene to !... a 'jnartrr of -i c.-n-i- ; .e.irt would thrill ! : .: ', ; v of ti ose never-to-: . ' iv s ! A!! faces wt.iv . a'l ey. -: sparkled with ; -' not look for eojii- ' : ti;- fad of that IVj le- tiuVoi ii. ro. . as all could t;.ke in - :-pcr and ret urn to the : ufoiiiids a grand dis--v. vrks te-ok ih;c.-. Anv 1!:' lie- to ilesel ibe the i!:s f ;!i i.i hn the com p . -e who l.ave witnessed river, uc each brought with us siaiV cut fr-m the tunnel of the ("rant mine. Fart of the tunnel is fallen in and grown up with briers and shrubbery. It was interesting to hear each one mark the spot of some event or .-ivue that was more clear in his mind than in the minds of otiurs. "Hero was our li:..; there lay tin Yankees."' "There they charged down that .-lope with twelve litns of utle." Others will pardon nie for making special mention of the clearness of mind possisstd by our old friend Caleb Fn e;:e. Having , s ;.: d could not bi ing .' half its na'ity. Th.-je .;,, t te. -hot into the .t ino) mwiads of star of -..uioiis colors, and I :;i -t and descended 1:1 gollvii colors, sky like gigan-J-'oiir sceiii s I anis of rm in th'- v. 1 i ii.iW'S. ! !,v of si ecial mention, .-hull not attempt to depict T'aud'-ur. Viz: Tin- L e Niagara Fail-, an artil ng cannon, and a gen. : a ladv nuii.g "s. e-saw .'a i'.'.st as we :.i I been bom a (ierman, his tongue ;.!n;o-t ivfusej io aeevmmodate itself to the Fngli-h language, but ; give him a chance and he "gets ; there." This is a world of changis. IIow ! often v.e fail to recognize friends of i a jiiarter of a century ago. Veterans i y..ii may think you have a map in your mind that will had you to I every spot that impressed you twen ty-five years ago, but each f us was forced, after long and persistent re search, to come away without reconciling our mind's picture with the face of the country so as to locate certain places of greatest interest. I have the satisfaction of having a minnie-lail, amFa stone- of peculiar iW t l!i-: . , , I hue nicked no in our rambles near do mi child-; 1 , T t ,f the spot v. mere I did mv la.-1 service mvself tin- I ' , - , , 1 I tortlie (. oiiteiteracv and received a 1 v. 1; ii sueli ui-p.ays I . , - .. . ,. tl. sh ivnnnd in the left sbon bier. it is like a p.-ncil o: onaU . . l' standing in -pace, and these - ;:; a iiumiiig stream of fill 1 i,li,r: but it was mine in J'efore leaving this subject, let me assure you that many of the breast works and forts are visible, and !,,,...! ..1 1.- :n 1 .... r.... . i . 1 ) ' i'i uua L'l ..111 we I'ji e uiui v, will orni wiin ine cannon nioveo : . .... arm up and down and tin m North Ca robin i died at High Point the other day. Rev. J. A. Whiieman, of .Vent worth, has been offered by a Ralti nioretirm $10,000 for his patented tobacco wire. Winston Sentinel. Greensboro Patriot: Lightning struck a telegraph wire near the de pot this afternoon knocking down a brakein.-.n on the the top of a box car, but not hurting him. Fayettoviile Observer: Xeal Archie, "a child of Mr. Nickfns, re residing in 71st township, died a few days ago from the effects of con centrated lye accidentally swallowed. Winston Daily: Three prisoners died at the stockade on the R. & S. road, near Mayo river, a few days ago. It is learned tin convicts a; another t two of stockade me are man and lady, swings up and ji ! as really and naturally as 'i did in playing "see-saw,'' i-!im 1 of Niagara's streams of this was streams of pale '. -.anv have t he order of time .to 1, o'lloek Friday evening. morning's rambles see fur .'1 Tin- scene is llollv wood ry. The military companies i 'n with reversed arms (that way military men indicate 'ng. Tln-iv is ju.-t inside the I'.o'.oiiii. nt in memory f " ' l'i'-'e-r du-sion, who made ; ' '.ar-e at Get tysblirgh. ' - t i ors iresent turned d ai-o-jiid the niomiment ' i'o-i-i (1 on it a bouquet of : 1 i'ao(--.i, then rejoined the - !; and repaired to the stand.' - i ' i j were opened with and i.ext, all who would m -inging that well known : -1 woi.id not live alway; I I !" .-lav,"' etc., to the tune and 'Home Sweet Home." nor l'owle and ox-Governor ; 1 1 v. red addresses'. '.yw ood cemetery pn suits many in-, only one of w h'.c'n I w ill . The!-" i- there a monument to Confederate dead, made of i blocks. Measured by the "i.ly, I would f-ay it is feet siiare at the base and s to a ..harp point at a height of 1 ; v-f.va o,- . i-bty feet, On each four sid. s at a central point is '- - I stone with suitable in- othei's are comtdetelv obliterated. 'Kain. r of time letus now return Many of them do not show clearly which way the occupants faced and fought. Some serve the purpose of water drains for the tilled ground. Good si, d trees are grown up upon them. Several have asked what the un veiling is. Well, when they finish a monument they get something like common sheeting and sew it together so that two pieces will cover it one on each side. It is tied around protruding parts with ropes that have a loop that has another rope sticking in the loop to prevent its unraveling, like chain stich sewing. Now to unveil is to draw the rope out of the loop, then draw the other rope and all falls to the ground. Some of my readers have set n (Jen. Washington's monument. Jt represents him in action, hat on, and right aim extended. lis horse, frantic, is on two feet; but Gen. Lee is represented as reviewing his troops. His countenance is dignified, yet charming. He holds his oltl black slouch hat in hii right hand, resting on the right thigh. His left hand holds the rem. The horse is stand ing uiu-xcited on four feet, head a little down, neck bowed and crooked a little to the left, lie presses gently against a heavy curb bit. His mouth is open and his nostrils are dilated. If vou stand under him lie seems t look kindly at you and you instinctively want to rub his head. pat his neck and stroke his mane. His tiil seems blown a little to one side by a stiff breeze. I wish I could give you a pen picture of the decorations of liich- Tr;; illusion. Charlotte Chronicle. AV. Thomas Henderson, of Dallas, who lias been suffer ing with typhoiel fever for three weeks, had several hem orrhages from the bowels all amounting to two gallons, which produced such exhaus tion as to make it evident that death would soon follow unless something was done to replace the vital iluiei which he had lost. To meet this emergency, on Wednesday evening, Juno 11th, Dr. Jenk ins, of Dallas, ami Dr. Wilson, of CJastonia. performeel the operation of tiansl'usinn, using the blood of a lamb, introduc ing about one quart of. this blood, which was followed, by immediate improvement, and he now shows marked improve ment and every evidence of a rapid recovery. No one had any hope of his recovery pre vious to the transfusion. A Sail lroijiiti;- I Statksvili.k, X. (J., June If. Last Saturday afternoon the town was shocked by the sad intelligence of the drown ing of Eddie Miller, a bright young boy of 1(5, son of Hen ry Miller, of this city, in K'st ler's mill pond. It seems that he, with two or three other boys, had run a race from Statesville to the pond, which is two miles away, to see which could get into the water first. Eddie plunged, into the cold water in his overheated con dition, ami was soon found to be sinking. He was pulled out by his companions, but only breathed once or twice after wards. It is not certain but that congestion of some kind caused his death. The funeral services were conducted, by the Rev. Mr. Howe yesterday af ternoon 111 the Methodist church. TliiiiKs Have lianuetl. To every one who observes very closely it is evident that all things have changed and changed wonder ful I v. Some of the once popular ideas are fast loosing their place in the minds of men, and in the usher ing in of the present age, was usher ed in new thoughts and new custom-, which were in a great measure to obliterate the customs of past ages and raise man in the scale of en- lightenment and knowledge. And in the triumphs of science and the rapid strides of the world, our nation sprang from the chaos of heathen ism and stood as a guarding sentinel to watch her .every achievement. Rut alas! V lowering cloud hangs over her future prospects; money is gathering into the pockets of a few and the masses aiv oppressed to re plenish the vaults which corruption has drained. This year the people have one more priviledge of saying who shall be placed over them and who shall guard their interests. Men and brethren, let us look to our one common interest, and make our choice men who will guard, not only a part of our rights, but that of the whole Union, and looking to the future of a great people, hold sacredlv inviolate the welfare of this great country Here is something from the Gas tonia Gazette, and it is one of the things that is ruining this country: Mr. T. L Craig returned a few days ago from the West with three car loads of fine Kamas and Missouri horses, and it is said that they are the finest lot of horses that has ever been brought to Gastcnia. !No one can say that Tom Craig hasn't got good horse sense. Finally he opened both eyes and at! a glance t -eil St. Cloud with the choices delicacies and the ; until Tlmrsuav J The day in the Senate was given up : two hundred re ing the trot; tile. e c-Uia.e .vorkcrs -a-'..! r.ened both eyes and at!, . I., . , " tw' nun euva M'.rmslii r ; g i out 0:1 v in the itt.-ition at the! " " lmr.ort- nt l! lis on t w calomlur j sl riko in A w York City. Th v in ,h (nation at he Th., AricuUurul coli0.-t. nppropria- ! Maine Reonllie-s retmrniVit, ,!,.;, Ins (abbs are loaded , t, uw uas taken up and laid aside )r,suit (.Vv.n.or and a -,., of tie i.- dangerously ill. Kiiz abeth City Carolinian : Keep er F. M.Stanton reports that the in mates of Pasquotank poor house number o."i 1 1 white and til color ed. The aveiMge for tlie past year has been -J:. The people at Afdievillc have let the ;mt hoi ities at Washingt.-ii know thev are not going to answer the riiifslions mi t. to them bv '-a sl ranovv I under pay and by order of imperti nent authorities at AVashington.' Salisbury Watchman : Another semi-annual 5 or (! per cent, divid end on the Salisbury Cotton Mills if- spoken of for July. Salisbury would la- in luck if she had from e-ight to eighty more mills managed as this one is. Ir. George Vandcrbilt. keeps add ing to his landed estate in buncombe county. This time the purchas? is twenty-eight acres in and around I'iltmoiv. from Mr. S. H. Reed for, it is said. s:?:?,O0o. Asheville Citi zen. The heaviest hail storm known in this county pa-sed over MooivsLoro .-cctioii ten miles west of here this afternoon. Hail stones as Targe as lien oil's fell damaging the growing crops severely and killing many chickens. The platform of the Wilmington Setu-oast ratlroad at the Mammocks is being extended out over the t resile for a i:i-i aneeof ten car length-. It is said that shortly no one will b.- admitted to the platform at either rightsv die or t he Hammocks un less thev hold a ticket. Wchloii Xews : Good report from ! he crops si ill come in. 1 h" seasons- nave tit n Tati.-tactorv and the prospect s for pood harvest are bright. All the cotton has been chopped out, and there is no grass of mi v consequence. Corn ami other crops are also very promising. Murfivesboro Index: W. H. Frown's prize acre of corn at Memda planted the lii of April, is said by a man who has just been through seven counties, to be far better than anv other he has seen. It is six feet high, and looking across the rows it appears to be a solid mass of li". ing green. Oxford Day: Yesterday after noon w hile Mr. Oldfield. proprietor of the Oxford tannery, was driving a horse hitclnd to a wagon on Col lege street, the ioiimal got frighten ed and ran away. Mr. Oldlield was thrown to the ground, and hurt his hand, besides being severely bruised. The horse was badly cut, and the wagon was smashed i:i pieces. The westbound mail train on the Richmond & Hanville Railroad, which left here at 4: 55 this after noon, was derailed two miles west, of Marshall. Ten persons were hurt some very seriously. Information of the disaster is meagre, owing to the reticence of the railroad author ities. A special train conveying sur geons has gone from this place to the scene of the accident. Winston Daily: Mr. .Michael Charles, after an absence of about twenty-seven years in the far West, i turned to broad I Jay town ship, this county, a few days ago to' visit relatives and friends. Mr. Charles was captured during the war by the enemies and after the "conflict" was over, settled in In diana, where he married and has re sided ever since. Ry his economy and energy he has gathered unto himself a goodly portion of this world's goods. Graham Gleaner: Gideon L. Greeson. formerly a resident of Bur lington, this county, died at the Morgan ton Insane Asylum last Mon day night, where he had been for three years or more. His body was brought to Gibsonviile Tuesday night and will be buried at Frieden's to-day. lie was between 55 and 00 years of age. Fittsboro Record: Many of our farmers have finished harvesting their wheat antl some of them say that it was not worth cutting, while all declare that it is the poorest wheat crop that they have ewr known. In some fields the yield was not as much as was sowed. As wheat is oaeof the chief products of Chatham, the failure of the Avheat crop is a very serious calamity to our county. We are pleaseel how ever, to hear favorable reports from the corn and cotton crops, which are now very promising. with a determination to rise in the world. In this he .succeeded. The next we hear of him he was employed as clerk in the large dry goods store of J. L. Phifer. Uniter Mr. Fhifer's skillful training he soon acquired a thorough knowledge of the business and after years e.f faithful toil he established t ho successful house of Swink R-ros., of which he now stands the sole propivlor and owner. Upon the approach of a good paying cus tomer he drops his military training and gets down to business in that smooth, pliant way, that is calcu lated to draw bottom dollars to the sit i face. As soon as the dollar is visible, a smile that passeth all understanding takes entire possession of his aquiline couiiieiianc ', and in its transition you feel happy, he happier. lie is accounted an bo-.ust, itraightforward business man, is o feet 7 incites in hight weighs Iio pounds, wears standing collars and :s approaching desperately near a ruinous state of batchelor-hond so often s.ien on our streets. lie lias been repeatedly warned of this danger and his fiiends confidently expect speedy reformation, lie spends Vi months in every year attending to his own business, and very little money foolishly. Dr. D. I). Johnston is a native of Caldwell county and claims Concord as his future home. His thriving drug biisiness justifies this conclu sion. He is e.-tecmed a safe and re liable druggist and sells fancy goods, paints, oils, &c. He is also chief en gineer to a nice soda fountain and allows his clerks to drink orange phosphates and milk shakes when n t professionally engaged, lie has a fne sopp-no voice but never lets it out, in public except when discussing the utility of barb wire fences as a milk producer; an m-ic phosphate is resort. 'd to then and there as a ner vine, lb- is a clever, genial gentle man, sr: feet 1 j in high, age of dis cretion, rather slim of build, weighs In pounds and by some would be called a bald-headed-blond. Those who do not i e! satisfied with this iliscription can call in the store, in his absence, ami take a look at his portrait and be their own judge. lie is a close attendant upon the services at the Methodist Church and knows how to ivnder a sen ice to a brother in distress. He carries a judicious amount of life insurance, and sometimes wears side whiskers. Jno. C. Wadsworth the noted hardware man of Concord is 5 feet 10 inches high, weighs ll!5 lbs., broad shouldered, erect and muscular in build and a stranger, at sight, would take him for a gentleman of Oild Oiivland. He was lorn in Charlotte, educated at Davidson College, and received his business training in Concord and is not far from :J0 years of age. He recently suffered the penalty of his popularity by being re-elected an Alderman of the town, is a member of the Xew South Club, Ex-Lieutenant in the Black Boys, and track manager for the county fair. lie swears by the Mecklen burg Declaration in fact, claims a two-thirel interest in it. lie has an honest, open countenance the greater part of it open and sells reapers, mowers, dog carts, etc., on time if well secured. He farms extensively, but does not keep the wolf from the door by that means. Inherited his love for line horses. and umpires a ball game if neces sary, lie is as good natured as any American born Irishman and is never in want of friends. J. W. Clark the veteran hotelist s administering to the temporal comfort of the inner-man at the St. Cloud Hotel. He is pains-taking in his efforts to make you feel happy and comfortable. When he closes one eye on his guest he generally sixes hi in up correctly. But in a certaiudncycle instance he has been known to make a wrong diagnosis. He was born near Norfolk, Va., and enlisted in a critter company raised in that State. After a while was transferred to the 34th X. C. troops and labored among the war as A. A Q. M. in C. S. A. and gave general satisfaction, in that capacity, to both man and biast. Shortly after the war he made Rutherfordton his io uav m 1 1 so i ( 'oi.in e is principally devoted to the' House is principally d memory of Hon. Samuel J. Randall. Eulogies are delivered upon him. by Messrs. Blount, Mills and other members of Congress. The Sen ate committee adds 01,000,000 to the House river anel harbor bill. Cholera has broken out in Valentina, Spain. Fourteen deaths from it are -Some i.oo stoic proof.- very mention of a "stomach pump, after being seated, would cause greater indignation and fear than a loaded pistol. He is an innocent looking man and his nearest friends doubt whet her he knows the elifferencc between two pairs and :i bob-tailed-fiush and j r0p,,i-(-(H will not call you on a straight when j of Henry M. Stanly's forthcoming he knows vou are full. i book and sold them to several news- Hisageis not certainly known ! l,J.,era but Ave are safe in saving lhathcLi- VJiiiO, did not cross the Delaware in the same boat with Washihgton. In order to encourage the thing we mean the baby he offers a premium of ten dollars for the best looking babv exhibited at our next r.en A Georgia eonvsi o.uiei Country Cent len-an giu-? esting example of the pr derived from the careful ough cultivation of sm Le says: "We have in an old farmer who has ;. m i: luor-irm;-. -Four tons of nitro-gly- ' .u, vetted in railroad sioo'c, this county o.ooo in. :-v '!- Ov..i,ino .a n.an. c-;t,,.,..i .AUIH t., O 1(1 IL.ill.l ClUEULLU ill Of. i.JL 11 miles. Tin? shock was felt for forlr Xo one was in the factory a"t lnning is f which ha acre larm, na i his on the time-, so no lives were lost. county fair. This shows pluck and progress. He is a great friend of the Fanners Alliance and is not op posed to the re-opening of the origi nal paekagv d virile. j A WalT Kg.oiit nt. KHC2iMrt. Wilmington Messenger. The revenue cutter Colfax came up to the city from Southport yester day. On Friday evening while she was lying at Southporta heavy cloud came up and she had her sail and awning stanchions carrieel away by a whirlwind. The life boats were also upturned in their davits ard the cushions were thrown into the river but were afterwards recovered. During the whirlwind, a water spout formed in the harbor and rose to the height of sixty feet or more, while its base was about fifty feet in diameter. Luckily the vessel was not fouled by the waterspout. Wil mington Messenger. TEip Original I'nrl4;i;;c fitiiii(-NH. Four DoDfii:, Iowa, June 14. The citizens of Dayton, Iowa, have taken the suppression of the "Origi nal Package" business into their own hands. A couple of weeks ago, a branch of Ibis indus.ry was es tablished there. Although t'ne town is strongly in favor of prohibition, no effort was made io check the now legalized traffic until a live-year-nld boy was seen toddling around the street in a state of intoxication. Then the citizens arose in their might and told the "original package" man that he must go. The agent thought it wise not to eiisoboy the order and has closed up his place of business and taken his departure. The men indicted in South Carolina for lynching Leapheart were acquit ted. Many ladies witnessed the tri al and congratulated the defendants. Ten perso.s are injured by an accident near Marshall on the West ern Xorth Carolina railroad. His land was The compromise Xatio. a! election law will be ready for submission to the Republican caucus to-morrow night. The secretary of the Navv has not yet awarded the contracts for building the tw cruisers, bids for which were opened ie.t long ago. Henry Smith was hung in On- Anollior 1'alnl Ii:iilroal Collision. tario for wife murder yesterday. Fourteen firms of cloak and suit makers of Xew York city have locked out their employees to the number of six thousand. The matter will probably be adjusted to morrow. The freedom of the city of Edin burg is tcneleivd Henry M. Stanley. The damage to thecitv of Rome is "Teater than was. first siuvoosod. One of the robbers of the Xorth- I y debilitat ern Pacific train has been captured, tion upon m He makes a full statement concern- and with an o ing tlie atiair. 1 lie e moil J-abor IIaxxiual, Mo., June 10. A construction train collided with a freight train on the St. Louis, Keokuk and Northwestern railroad on a curve about twelve miles south of V-ro yesterday, and twelve cars .were wrecked. The firemen, Arthur Tavlor and Berry Nelson were scald ed to death. Engineer Louis Car ver was injured about the hips and TV, i arms. .i-aigineH-r ruzpairicK jump ed and escapes! with slight injuries. Conductor Omar Lemon wassughth in rod internally and brakeman Tucker was seriously hurt. An er ror of train dispatcher Davidson, said to be his first in twelve wars, caused the wreck. He resigned. Hum cl to Dcatli. Maggie Maxwell, daughter of Washington Maxwell, was burned j to death last Saturday. She was at the house alone, and in building a fire at noon to cook dinner with, used kerosene to start the lire. In some way the Haines were carried to the oilcan, and an explosion was t lie result. The loud noise of the ex plosion was heard by Wm. Lontz, iipon whose plantation in Xo. 8 township the accident encurred. He at once ran to the house and found the girl in flames. These were ex tinguished, but she was so badly burned that she died in a short time. Mrs. Maxwell her mother was in town at the time, and left here about 12 o'clock. The girl was about 12 years of age. In spite of repeated instane-es of this kind people will use kerosene to start fires witii, and of course each one thinks houses it carefully. Map ol tlie Yndkin Kttilroml. ; There is now on file in the Clerk of the Court's office a map showing the section of the Yadkin Railroad that passes through Cabar rus county. This is required by law. It is a handsome piece of work, and bears the signature of Theo. F. Klutz, president of the road, and Chauncey M. Bolton, civil engineer. There is only about one mile of the road in this county, and, beginning at the Stanly line, it passes through the lands of Ruf us Trontman, I). S. Wagoner, E. Mooney & Son and Jno. Cauble. party of Arkansas nominates a State j ticket. 1-ires mi the mining dis tricts of the Ural mountains cause the loss of many lives and the de struction of an immense amount of property. l.iotous strikers in Silesia are dispersed by the military. The Senate finance committee makes several amendments to the House silver bill. 1. 11. Cald well falls from a window and is in stantly killed at riu-uix" City, Ga. At the Morris Bark races yes terday a horse drops dead during the race. The Semite finance commit tee complete a preliminary examina tion of the free list of the tariff lili. Judge Wallace refuses Keiiunler's application for a writ of habeas cor pus and remands him to prison in order that the judgment of the court; below may be carried out. W. W. Dickerson was nominated on tlie 207th ballot as Senator Carlisle's successor. The first wheat of the season was received in Baltimore from Virginia yesterday and sold at si.25. The House silver bill is reported to the Senate with some amendments. The President is in structeel to endeavor to obtain the re moval of present restrictions against the importation of American cattle into Great Britain. The pension hill will add 250,000 moie names to the pension rolls. Messrs. 31 ills and Turner succeed Senator Carlisle on House Committees. The street car company at Columbus, O., make another unsuccessful attempt to run their cars. Women take part in blocking the streets. Republican Senators ifuse to go into caucus on the silver question. It is announced that Senator Don Cameron will vote for free coinage of silver. It is proposed to hold primary elections on the lottery amendment question in Louisiana. Fuller investiga tion shows that Caldwell was not killed by;i fall, but was foully dealt with. The Democratic State Convention of South Dakota meets and nomi nates a State ticket. There was quite an exciting scene over the suffrage plank of the platform as proposed. Western Pennsylvania was visi ted by a severe thunder storm Wednesday. One person was killed and several injured. The Pivsi dent vetoes the bill appropriating 40,000 for the erection of a public building at Tuscaloosa, Ala. He says the Government must lie econo mical in the present uncertain slate of revenues and financial legislation. The Xorth Atlantic squadron mane i n a e t'ne war. occupation. originally poor pirn! land, clay about twelve incites under white sand; he underdrained it :.', and raises three crops to the acre every year, lie has not the :-d-ventages of being near a city; he is off in the woods, lb- owns now about. lOO head of cattle; nine months they feed themselves in the woods, the three winter iiui;!li they are fed every night, but wint. r and summer they are under sited in the lot at night and ail the manure is saved and all they nuke is put on that fifteen acre?. Model I.ove I. oiler. The following letier has been given to the world by he .Monroe Register: My Dearest : 1 now depo-ii, corporal accumu!;'. subjacent. suvp-.rt, id i i styl'iform bi lled by mv de;r, 1 indite ;i paucity of cuu.'i- lorm incrogi-jp'iies, ove' cerulean visional oris. i strnmeut eiiVK'i lppeneJ.!: wntCii V'.ur may ; j a:.- anu ponuer and gatJir sapience, j- -cudity and hilarity P r the Inbi'ha lion of your juvenile i-mo.ions and the satiation of yo,:r uvula! cali' or. Mav this chaotic conglomeration not arrived at Xew York to-day. Yesterday was the time for opening bids for building three steel tugs for the navy, but no bids were made. The citizens ef Asheville are so persistent in evading the census enu merators that Superintendent Port er has asked Senator Vance and Congressman Ewart to interfere in the matter. The Senate commit tee on commerce adds s:,000,'"0 to the House river and harbor bill and the legislative, executive and judi cial appropriation bill is increased 31.3,470 in the Senate committee. The trench have seized lands o muel make vou sopuri'ie n augment year iva'iliiy :Iy rp piveiatio',1 of yourr ei-nf missive dis plays Us biiiiiancv .'a the lofi'est niches of highest e'.-docm, and if y;ai can only give me ;,u avow.;! of i r divideil atfect'on I ;. sure you Ike profudity of ny amorous, emotion.; shall have its foundation down deep in the pure granite and adamantine rocks of a constancy who longevity shall be eternal. Am much cha grined at your obstinacy on the topic of oscular adhesion, i.nd I- otcilate from the depth of my soul at the revelation of the fact that the mul tiplicity of your engagement pre cludes my being your supreme satel lite. But saltant is my corbiac pul sation at your acceptance of my offer to accompany you to the pic-nic. This invigorates my hopes, ami makes void my inculpation and light my suspiration. Yours by an over whelming majoriiy, Wliiptx-fl liy W !ilo 4':is, in Africa which are claimed by the British government. , The Senate finance committee has finished the preliminary consideration of the tariff bill. The Cheyenne Indians of Montana are committing many eleprcdations. They have killed several persons and hundreds of cattle. The weavers of Ontario Mills who struck two months ago against reduction of wages have re turned to work at tlie red-iced fig ures. The authorities have dis covered another movement on the life of the Czar. Seuator Vance New Ai.ijaxy, Ind., June 10, 1S!m) The Harrison coiinly while caps took Waller Rowe, of Corydon, from his bed on Saturday morning, and beat and lashed him in a terri ble manner. They charged Ko .'c with chicken-stealing. Rowe and his wife both deny the charge, and their denial is believed by the neighbors. Rowe recognized s-veia! of his assaillants, and will prosecute them. AlloiiM-e Ilaliy. The farmers of Central Xorth Carolina will hold a grand rally ami picnic in Greensboro, Julv :J r I and 24th, 1800. It is expected that at h-ast lo.o; 0 farmers will be present. Col. Polk, president of the Na tional Farmers' Alliance, ami otln r distinguished speaker.; have promis ed to be p re-sent. All papers favorable to the Al liance will please copy and oblige. P. D. Vh!:t!;, Sec'y, Guilford county Alliance. A Slaiit.orc-r Ai-i-i'Mfd. Siiionnv, X. C, June i !. Dcp-ity heriff Andrews P vy ; rivst d Decatur Givgg, who was eouviep .l last October of slander. Gregg ap- Court -.vhich 1 eisio:) of 1 1c Sap ; ar Court. 'I hen he 'eft. the Sia', going to Arkansas. His family are. all sick in bed except one boy. Ills sentence was eighteen months on the streets, at which he will be put mi Monday. Tlie South Dakota Farmers' Alli ance have resolved by a vote f 41-3 to S3 to form a new- parly. T ; organization will be known as i-.j independent party. The State c.n veution will be lir-hl July Pth ; nominate State oHicer.:. The pi. r form will embody equal suffno o and tariff for revenue only. T' Farmers' Alliance of Minnesota Iur 0 also resolved to form an indepen dent party pealed to the Suprein. iiilirmed tli

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