iARTin Timis uri.trn man TUv uly I'ftppr PnblUhM In ehirtft -rot -." himI Kililral byaMiujilc Mntfiilitr Mm mj lrm II l IIOIIM-. Mis. John 0. CVrrihor has bwu lite sick for a few days A oou- li' of prairie schooners passed through our town. This town u.-vs saw dust on its streot. A plank-kiln and 1200 feet of lumber, belonging to Moses 1 larger, was ae- euU'iitlv burnt. The editor is a student of Iinlian history. Mrs. Mary Klaei-.welder. after suffering from paralysis for one week, died last Monday". The Part has a printer, who edits the paper, by the peculiar name of Smith. -The railroad recti j ts for two years are : lv.'o, from tickets. jfdtfC.oO, from freight .";?r.SS : total, $-H'8.:S !;: from tickets. $41.20. from freight ;?1 1.U4 : total. $1M.;?4. In crease. $;r4.0 The public school was taught in connection with the Academy, but not in the same building, according to the IWt's inimitable way of telling about it. 2. M O Kr. K ( I Kl.K-K F lSTl'. R t;U 1tMii That tho Mawd- itrti. Alt r t ullinu 1oh n. Print. The cold wave has struck us. Ther have no wood. Ei. The St.vn n.uuO Mrs. John Binning- hani died of consumption Allen Chaney gave us a turnip that was 25 inches in circumference. The Alliance had a called meeting which was addressed bv the lecturer Kev. A. v'. Davis. -Mr. J. P. Strong, of the Democrat, was here. (lie had to go, or no court.) Mr. J. II. IVvt closed the first month of his business school and awarded prizes. Mr. 15. F. (Jriflin, aged 54 years, died several days ago. Rvv. J. F. Moose has opened a select school for bovs. TUT ;R11. AXDM6V4LS ie49 (in a Standard Man by Sheriff Mer - rlon, Wer Boguit. tL, A Standard reporter, as mentioned some time ago, went with Sheriff Morrison to the meeting of the County Alliance at St. John's. The information given ns by the High sheriff worked all right down there, but at a meeting held here the same signs, signals and grip would not work. There may be a general change in these things since the Alliance met at St. John's ; but be it as it may. Sheriff Morrison is behind time, to.i, and he is not anybe'tersp in the signs, &c, than the Standard man. i'he Alliance had better not give Morrison the new pass-word, for he'll tell it, sure. It is said that the sheriff tried to get iu at the meeting here and failed. M'hat 1'eople Do on a Rainy Day. What people do on a rainy day, offered itself to us for a few thoughts and a little meditating. The teacher generally has about three cases of tight to investigate and administer the proper remedy, in the degree corresponding with the grav ity of the offence. On such a day the teacher has a pretty tough time in the management of the young Americans w ho are seeking the cul tivation of the young idea. They get into more quarrels, lights and knock-downs than usually happen on other days. The .street loafer has an unpleas ant job; in it he has ther rofoundest sympathy of the entire community. The poor fellow has the rain to bat tle With and the difficult task of keeping his feet dry. His work has to be done, and no one knows it bet ter than he does, and like a hero he goes about it in a manly way. The ornament is a necessity, and a town could not well dispense with a sin gle professional. The merchant spends the day in looking over his ledger and notes; he calculates the probable amount he will lose, and he sometimes spends a little time in regrets for the ab sence of customers. The clerks, if they have an eye to the interest of their employers, put in the day in making old goods look new, in answering numerous questions and killing a little time. It is said that a good, handsome and enterprising clerk will not sit down during the entire day, but that may be an exaggerated statement At any rate the clerk's wage3 go on during a rainy day as well as any time. The farmer sits around the fire usually and plays with the babies. He sometimes makes calculations on future operations and otherwise amuses himself. Though a rainy day is usually a holiday with him, he oftentimes spends the day in hauling wood, arranging matters around the barn, putting old plows into a good repair, goes to mill and sometimes to town. The painter is a glad man when a rainy day comes to his relief and al lows him time to rest himself, and otherwise avoid a bai siege of paint er's colic. The doctor gets no rest, regardless of the sttite of the weather, and is called on to make pills, feel pulse?, cut off arms and sew up wounds on a rainy day as well as any other day in the" year. lint :ts all right any way. for he gets well paid for hie work and of course he, like other men, likes that. The editor gets no rest, of course, and he doe3 not need any ; he re ceives just a? much glory, joy, expe rience and honor on a rainy day as he does on a bright and lovely tla'j So it goes with all the world every body is hustling along after the same thing, and if he obtains what he de sires and has no bad luck he's happy Put if he fails in his efforts and does not realize the fullest met sure of his hopes, then he's mad, very mad, and gour sometimes with mankind and all the world. A rainy day is a good thing in its it is a blessing in disguise and serves to keep us from getting too rich, and teaches us how to appre ciate a beautifully clear day (how to properly admire good pavements and Streets.) . -r tr The small boy and the snow ball this year vcre unknown quantities jn this section, I GREAT DAXOIK. Th Pond and Mnd Hole In Front ol Thl Ottire. Some stuff, supposed to be sand. was thrown in front ot tu. i.t-. From the rains t.iat. have been fall ing the stuff has gotten soft, and is now several feet deep, more or Jess. The worst feature about it is the generation of alligatois. The stuff is turning to them. It is supposed to be full of alligator eggs, and they are botching out and growing right off. Several have been seen. The strange thins about this breed of animal is that they have made no attacks on any one except our "devil." lie is thoroughly hated, and when he goes out some one has to accompany him. Latkk: When James C. Fink, the treasurer of the town, and Father Wadsworth, of the town board, came down street from dinner, the chief alligator made for Fink. Our pho tographic editor got this from the race: t. "fTIteSSS Father Wadsworth succeeded in getting to his store. Little boys and men, too, go round the mud pond, as there are other alligators in it. In formation conies to this office that Fink escaped, but not without losing his coat. The mayor, the policeman and everybody stays away f ro-n it. Iu A. Brown's store, which faces the pond of alligators, has been deserted all day. This pond must be drained before the alligator eggs all hatch. THINGS IJI GENERAL. Ten thousand Vienna shoe-makers are on a strike. Crystalized manganese in veins has been discovered near Gadsden, Ala. Elections in Spain show the Re publicans have great strength in that country. Thirty-one Italians were seuf back to Italy for violation of the alien contract labor law. The Canadian government is about to begin negotiating of a commer cial treaty with the United States. Eva Mann, the Jefeated claimant to the widowhood of Robert Ray Hamilton, now savs she believes he is alive. There is talk of a United States expedition to investigate the decrease of the oyster supply in Maryland and lrginia. The Canadian Parliament is dis solved and writs issued for an elec tion to choose a new House of Com mons March 5th. Fifth avenue swelldom is horrified by the opening of a butcher's shop at the corner of Fifth avenue and Nineteenth street. Mrs. Philip D. Armour, the wife of the Chicago millionaire, is a notable house-keeper, and prides herself upon her culinary successes. Sir Julian Faunceforte, the Brit ish minister, expresses his gratifica tion at the determination of the United States Supreme Court to hear the Behring sea case. Of the eight new State officers of Wisconsin, four, the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State and Treasurer, are or have been newspaper editors. Turkish soldiers are said to be very poor marksmen. Recent target con tests in the Turkish army demon strated that not one soldierin twenty could hit a man at twenty paces. Ransom Russell has come to the rescue of downtrodden woman in a new role. He wants laws passed and marriage contracts drawn so as to secure to wives the payment of a fixed cash sum each week for their services. MARRIED MAX WIIICIIARD Of tbf Syllabary Herald Furalnbm u With Something LlkeTbeae. The county roads are in a fearful condition. There is whooping cough among the children of the town. We can't write an ode to the mud. Mr. J. A. Clodfelter is suffering with a relapse of the grip. uwing to the scarcety of lum ber, Lanier has closed down his plaining mills. Rev. X. S. Jones, pastor of the Baptist church, will preach on this next Sunday: "Shut ting the Door." One of tke St. James 'bus horses died last Satur day. Two men were run down on the Western road last Saturday ; cne wa3 run over ana Killed, the other was knocked off and seriously in jured. Both were drinking. Har bang, of the Chinese Emn-'re. has opened a laundry here. A colored girl walked off the tram here last Monday before the train came to a stop; she i3 right badly hurt. Coptil Grott Items. The go d rains are makinir wheat and oats look better again. The justice at Copal Grove issued a warraut last Friday night upon the affidavit of some parties, and deputized an officer to serve it, and on Saturday evening while the plain tiffs and a considerable crowd gath ered to hear the trial the officer and parties arrived, and instead of a trial the magistrate was requested to tie the knot for life. Mr. Eugene Ewing is canvassing Stanly selling medicine. L. O. Ritchie is also canvassing Rowan county selling medicine. Look out for the young doctors ! 11. J. Ritchie will commence his canvass in Cabarrus county next week in the interest of the Franklin Davis nurseries. Don't forget to order your fruit trees, for unless we plant trees and raise good fruit we will be compelled to buy, for fruit we must have, and it is needed very much. R, 5 BP BUS for Infants and Children. ! "CMtoTlatanoirdl atUpkvl tothlMren that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to nic." IT. A. Abchek, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "Th una of 'Oiwtoria' is so unirral and It merit no well known that it ecnin a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the iiitlhKnt families who do not keep CasUMia witiiiu easy reach." Carlos Mahttw, T. TV. New York City. Ijite Pastor Blooraingdale Eofonued Church, Tr Citau The old, well-established, reliable firm of HOOVER, LORE & CO invite your attention to a "Well Selected Stock of Goods. An experience of 15 years in Concord enables them to supply the vvants'of their customers and with the Very Best Class of Goods And with a thoroughness that only comes with LONG EXPERIENCE, and an intimate acquaintance with the trade. OUR WARES ARE FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT 'AS "WE KEEP NO SHODDY GOODS GUARANTEED TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES Hone Prices LISTEN I I bein the new year determined to create such advantages that my friinds who haven't time to come down to Charlotte and see my immense stock can stay at home and buy as satis factorily as if they saw the goods'on the floor. I have out a complete line of photos of FUltXITUJtE. PIANOS AND ORGANS, which shows up Quality and Styles almost as well as if you saw the goods themselves. I guarantee every article just as represented, and if you do not find it so vou can return the goods to me and I be?r the expense both ways and REFUND YOUR MONEY. 13 y ordering from me through photos you save paying the big prices smaher dealers charge you, and your railroad fare to Charlotte. Write me frr photos of what you want and I will guarantee to both please and save you money. IE. ivr a "Nnn)"R. hiws Dealer in Furniture, Pianos and Organs. 1G and 18 West Tkade Street. WHOLESALE GENERAL - MERCHANDISE ! WE t HAVE IN STORE THE FOLLOWING GOODS, WHICH WE OFFER TO 2 car loads Flour, 1 car load 1 car load Kerosene Oil, 50 boxes Soap, 50 cases Matches, 50 boxes XXX So.ja Crackers, 10 boxes Fancy Cakes, 55 kegs Soda, 25 cases Soda, 50 boxes Cheese, 25 cases Oysters, 10 bbls. Gail & Ax' Snuff 15 bags Rice, 25 boxes Starch, 25 cases Star Potash. :o:- WE ALSO HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS, HOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, Tinware, Crockery, BAGGING AND TIES, AND WE ARE DAILY RECEIVING MANY OTHER GOODS WHICH WE HAVE NOT THE SPACE TO MENTION. :o:- CSTCall and see us. We you our goods and quoting you FOR SALE OR RENT. I will sell 4 or rent my entire farm, consisting of rflO acres, and lving miles from Salisbury on the W. N. C It. R. I will tell the wbole or any part of it, just any way to suit the buyer. Par ties wishing to buy or rent good corn or cotton land will address me at Salisbury, N- C ja 14-1 ra Mrs. Sarah A- Gourlet- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havingbeen duly appointed and qualified administrator of the estate of E- M. Heilig, dee'd, by the proper court of Cabarrus county, all per sons holding claims against the es tate of said decedent are hereby no tified to present them to the under signed for payment, duly authenti cated, on or before the 30th day of December, 1891, or this notice will be plead as a bar to their recovery. Also all persons owing said estate are notified that prompt payment is expected. This December 30, 1890. G- L. PATTERSON, e 31 Adm'r of E-M. Heilig. Caatorla rarm Colic, Conxtrpatton, Four Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Killa Wonna, give simp, and promotM dl- roKtion, Without injurious medication, " For fral years I hare reoommradad your ' Oairtona, and shall always contluu to do ao as it has invariably produced benoOiaal results. " Edwin F. Firdii. M. D., "The Wintnrop," rath Street and 7th Are., New York City. Comtakt, 77 Hurrat 8trt, New Yorx. sTAYAT Fair k TO WHAT AND RETAIL- THE TRADE Salt, 1 car load ShiDstuff. 55 bags Coffee, 22 bbls Sugar, will takeleasure in showing prices. Dr. B. L. Griffin, CONCORD, jY. a lam now with M. L. Brown & Bro.. and will practice VETERI NARY MEDICINE AND SUR GERi. All calls answered dav or night at the stables. I also have a number of veterinary remedies that will be furnished when called for. JW B. L. GRIFFIN. CEE HERE! There is no reason " why any one should die with pneumonia- No medicine required. I work on the surface with ointment prepared by myself. I have treated some cases as near the grave as they will eyer get till they go there. I have never treated a case over six hours, never loit a case and never will. ja 6-3m DAVID SLOUGH. PROFESSIONALS. I '.A I' I. H MEANS, V. YhK t'l'li NSKI L 'H. in rearot Dr. .1.1 Gibson's brick build ing, opposite N. D. Fetzer's Dru? Store. W. C. HOUSTON, D. D. S. Concord, N. C. Oflice opposite Furniture Store- H. C. Herring, D.D.S. CONCORD, N. C. Office over Correll Bros.' Jewelry store TORRE & WiM! Pure Ground Bone, Listers' and Miller's Dis solved Bone, Wando Guano and Acid, and several other ot the Best Brands are offered at Close Prices BY ME i WADSWORTH I Go and ct their Prices.JM Ihey are prepared to fur nish you with any quantity desired. FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH AT M. E. CASTOR'S Sin Us, kmi krial Cases,Caskels,&c noM ADE COFFINS,ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. I do not fell for cost, but for a small profit, ome and examine my line of sjoods. Old furniture repaired. M. E. CASTOR To cure Blllouinesi, Sick HewJache, Consti pation, Malaria, Liver Complaint, take the safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S Tee the SMALL Size (401ittleBeaniUth bottle). THKT ARB THE MOST CONVENXXKT. Bnltabl. t.JT a.t iVra. fries ef cither tin, 25c. per Battle, KISSINGaiVJSSS J. f. SMITH A. CO.Uikcnor'-BiLKBbLHS," ST. IB11S Ml. M. J. CORL'S CONCORD, N. C. I hnve moved into the stable late ly occupied by Brown Bios., near the courthouse. The best accommo dations for drovers. Letva your orders at thn st&hla or wit V .T T. Brown Porter for omnibus. H Ties nd mules for tale. M. .T. CORL, JProprittor, STORE w BILE BEANS wdiBS'SlBpODJ Srap. jruaranteed to be made oi Pure Vegetable Oils, OIIVE OIL, BEN OIL, COCOA -BUTTER OIL. Treated by the "Cold Process." Pure White Not Perfumed Not Colored. Will not attack the skin in Winter or Summer. Tfcfel in lb ftrl( To wash the baby. To wash the hands and J'ace. To dress wounds and sores. To cleanse and heal diseases of the scalp and skin. For bathing and shaving pur poses. Price: 10 cents per cake, $1.00 per dozen. A full supply kept at Misses Benson, Fisher & Co's Milli nery. Mrs. J. S. FISHER, Agent for Concord and Ca barrus county. mch21. fC0. 28 UNION SQUARE, NY. ST.10UI5 MU. IIJfWfJI'WA'J DALLAS TEX. tor Cabarruv Rowan. Stanlv Counties. Iredeli and CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS SCROFULA COUCI-drCOLD Thro-t Affection Wstfr.g of Flesh Or ny DUtm ehrt ihs Throat mnA Ltnft r XnflamtA, m tf Btrtngth JTwM Tmwtr, ton rUiiJ and Curd kg SCOTT'S OP PURE COD LIVER OIL Wtttl Hypophosphlt.es. PALATABLE AS MILK. Ath for Bcott'l Kmultion. and lit n a ftanation or ootieitaOo indue yott to moeept tvbttituUk Sold by all Druggists. OOTT A BOWNE.Chamlsts, N.T. AND INSURANCE BURKHEAD & SOX, Agt's. Office in the old Postofflce Build ing, (brick row). Fire Insurance Companies : Phoenix, of Brooklyn; Continental or iew lork; JN. u. Home, of N. C; Insurance Company of North America, of Phil adelphia; Northern As suraoce of London. Ratei as low as the lowest and sec curity unquestioned. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Traveler of Hartford. CYCLONE INSURANCE- In these days of storms, cvclones. or tornadoes, you will feel safe to have a Policy in a good responsible company. SECURITY INSURANCE. Have you a bond to eive as secu rity, then call on the Insurance Company to get it up and not on your friends. ?ay a premium for your bond as you do on your house ana lummire. REAL ESTATE. We offer a choice line of im Droved and unimproved residence property m town Buoerbs. t'rice and terms reasonable and made known on ap plication to BURKHEAD & SON, Je 6, tf Agents. mm HEAD. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal P&M&ges. Al Uys Inflammation. Heal the Sore, lie stores the Senses of Taste. Small and Hearing. A article la appU4 laMMuliBMtrU ul (SI WOODWORK . .J AffACttMENflSBj if YOU 1 CATARRH YORKE & vAADSWORTfi J Hi Vfwiw Headquarters. SEE IS, MiUfiGlr ' MIMES Farmer and Every boa se in TTarrtwiir at YORKE & WADSW OR ; IT'S . for the ('ASH. Our ntock it full nnd complete. A splendid i 0 Stoves ai:fi cooking utensils in .ock. 'litrtiintr Plows. Flo" Stork, , t Belting, Feed Cutters, (.'ornnhellers, Tinware, Guns. Pistoli, Knives', p. Shot and Lead, Poors, Sash and Blinds, Shingles, Glasa, OiU, U J,:., i . T.;n. Pnttv a triPf-ijiltv V HP hcrpprK. Oil (,lnth w I .lino uu . ..; j , .... Uorfe Shoe iNailn. and in tact every tiling usually kept in a turdwtrt itrr. : will sell all these goods as cheap, quality coiiHidered, as auy bom in jr Carolina. Our warehouse in filled with Carriages, Buggi, Wajoni, Ewperi, h Hay Rakes, of the best make On the market, which ruuit and will J,, ' e lowest figure Be Mile ro come to nee iu, wcether jou buy or not. YORKE & WADSWORTH, P. S We have always on band Lifter's and Waldo G vi W Jices to suit.. T. k yjt HARDWARE! HARDWARE!! I am still at the old stand on Allison's corner, and keep good stock of agricultural HARDWARE on hands. Alio builders material, nails, locks, hinges, doors, sash and glass, of all description. I am Agent for the New Deering Mowt one of the best Mowers made. I am also Agent for the Valley Forge Wrought Iron Fenc A sample of it can be seen in Forest Hill cemetery. O. E,. 'WHITE. aw m: )- A JOBL OT OIB1 HATS JUST RECEIVED. Hats for men, hats for boys, at PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU We have also' just received a lot cf JEANS AND LINSEY from a Tennessee mill, which beats anything you f rer saw. Our Woman's Shoe for 75 Cents IS A DAISY. Shoes for men, shoes for women, shoes for children, at prices that cannot fail to please you. Largest Stock of Flour EVER SEEN IN CONCORD ! )- W"IE "WANT TO IBU One thousadd Bales of Cotton, tive hundred Chickeni, one hundred Turkeys, two hundred dozen Eggs, five hun dred bushels Oats, live hundred bushels Peas, ten cords of Wood, one load of Fodder, one load of Hay, and a Cow and Calf. Call at Allison's Corner, Concord, X. C. C. Q. MONTGOMERY, , . """Kill, et 11' ( -( i.

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