THISliS IX GENERAL. Jay Gould has been ill at S-ivans n ih. , A nine months old Kentucky colt brought S",0;)0. Thirty four people died in RicV niond last week Last year 120,092 pupils in Phiia delphia public schools. A reduction in rata made on the Shpnaudoah Valley road. Spain is negotiating for a new treaty of commerce with tbe United os. Congress apnropria'es 825,000 to aid .llie niival militia of the various Shite?. A petition to lepeal the liquor law of Mairc Las been introduced in the Jjpitislatur . Tbo Treasury Department pur cliised 1 no, 000 ounces of silver at 100 .93 to 101. There were S30 cremations in the capital of Japan during the month of November. Canada's destiny, according to Cioldwin Smith, is annexation to the United States. It is computed that there are now 12,000 nickel in the slot machined in use in this countiy. The meeting: of the Pan-Republic Congress will take place iu Washing lO'i, D. C, April 10. Captain T. F.. Dougherty, of tbe schemer Annie Hodges, saw a whfi'c in Hampton Rcadf. S; nator Aldrich is to Lave t'ue Senate. He is- too poor to devcte his 'ifo to the public. Various business interests in New York are actively moving against the free coinage of silver. Bishop Stanley, of Jamestown, North Dakota, is coming East to explain theludiau situation. United States Senatoi-eiect Hans 1 rough, of North Dakota, was a t amp printer twelve years ago. Political considerations prevent the President from giving Consul General New the treasury portfolio. Tbe one hundredth anniversary of Piter Cooper's birth was celebrated at Cooper Institute, New York, on the 12th. The farmers in Georgia and South Carolina are said to be in a better condition than they have been since the war. The Roanoke Public Building bill will be reported formally, and an appropriation of $75,000 for it re, commended. The trustees of Baron Hirsch's S2,1im),000 fund for relieving Hebrew immigrants have matured their plan of operations. Mr. Inman talks about securing more direct conneotion with New York and other developments of his railroad system. Mr. Bland, of Missouri, denounced the subsidy lobbyists and Mr. Far quhar, of New York, denounced the silver lobbyists. Sixty members of the Philadelphia Lumber Exchange visited Norfolk and were shown the attractions of the rity and harbor. It is quite true that Miss Mary Giinctt, of Baltimore, has a bath in her houre lined with shimmering onyx and that it cost G,000. At last reports 50,000 persons had bcrn affected by Hie ?rip in Japan, in-, luding the Emperor and other members of the royal household. There is a Pennsylvania town where no one can understand Eng lish. Workiugmen's notices are posted in four different languages. As Howard Hall was starting an electric motor in Brideport, Conn., a bright blaze shot out from the dvr.amo and burned his moustache off. Forged paper for over $20,000, on which the tirm name of Henry Mi Shane A: Co. was used, has been circulating in Baltimore and New York. British sympathy ha? aggravated the bard lot of the Russian Jews, and tha cruelties heretofore com plained of havd been red( ubled 'u severity. Gov. McKinney favofs a liberal appi opriation for theYirginia exhibit at the Chicago World's Fair unless there is a revival of the Force bill in Congress. Fish Commissioner McDonald be lieves that if the proper course is aoopted Virginia's oyster industry cau be made the most profitable in the world. Governor II iU is being severely criticised lor an imputed deal with Republicans looking to a change in the insurance commissioner's office and other places. Gov. Pattisou, of Pennsylvania has 3,000 applicants for thirty-live offices, which implies 2,903 enemies and 33 ingrates, according to Ben Butler's experience. In the Senate, House bill to revise wages of employees in the Govern ment Printing Office was passed, with the amendment that the night employees be paid 20 per cent, extra. Ex-Mayor Cobb, of Boston, is now suffering from what is pronounced au incurable illness, attributed to t he absorption of arsenical poison from wall paper in his own house. Richard F. Beirne, candidate for the Democratic nomination for Gov ernor of Virginia against Governor McKinney, and editor of the Rich mond State, died at Ashland, aged about 38 years. The New York Press, rabid Rep., says " schools make Republicans as surely as sunshine makes dowers." "What's the matter with the schools at the North, then? Have they all played out? John McKsovn, an oil man, who recently died in Washington, Pa., worth 83,000,000, came to America a poor man twenty-five years ago, and found occupation as a driller iu the coal fields. Officers of the Norfolk and West ern railroad in Philadelphia state that the extension of the road will be lroni Front Royal to Washington Tity, connectiug therewith the Bal timore and Potomac road. An American naturalist has made up a list of 210 birds which are in digenous to Alaska, but, alas! the English sparrow is not among them, and the people of that land cannot bo blamed for declaring that the United States has no real sentimen tal interest in them. The pre i lent of a Delaware bank refused to give a tramp cents, and the tramp went about hinting that the bank was unsafe, and in twenty four hours there was a run which took out many thousand dollars, but fovtunate'y not enough to occasion auy inconvenience to the bank. Mrs. Salter, a nervous looking and husband, looks after six children u?u. i , Imnca wnrt m f ho timid little woman, . J? Hks if they -consider them them, asks ii tney, d th en8 tQ Elf ?h w vTs about their carryings tG She'd like to see them attempt Override one of her vetoes. Korof Ji V at ?ne ahlcrmen get to be .assy elift 1USI WllllvB uij iu CABARRrS AND VXIOJT RAILWAY A Railroad from Concord to Monroe. Sometime aeo the Standard spoke of a connecting railway liue between Cjnord and Monroe. A few dtys ago the assurance of something good was given. Parties from Concord have had introduced fn the Legislature a bill incorporating a company for the building of a railroad from Concord to Monroe. The committee, to which it was referred, has reporttd it back to the Senate favorably. There is no reason to believe that tha bill will not be passed. In the event that the bill is passed, the road will doubtlessly be built because of a determination to relieve this section of the burdens inflicted upon it by a monopoly of the worst kind. That a competing line is needed can not be doubted y a man with a spoon full of brains, and that out rageous and discriminating charges are collected by our only railroad fiom our people cannot be denied by anv one with an ounce of sense. The man that can not see these advantages taken of our people, is blind stone blind to what is going on around him. If the charter is granted, the roai will most sssuredly be built; then let the monopoly grind on, and let its app'aiuLrs go their way. Ml. Pleasant Item. According to announcement, the Philahvthiaa Literary Society of North Carolina College, celebrated its thirty-fifth anniversary in Holy Trinity chuioh Wednesday night, llth iust. The church was com fortably filled, and during the entire exercises, which lasted nearly two and a half hours, gave its undivided attention. The music was furnished by the Concord string band, and that means music of a high order. We hope the band will have occasion to visit us of ten. The programme was carried out in full, each participant doing credit to himself and the society. With out reflection upon any, it is just to say that the discussion of the ques tion, " Should there be Educatioual Qualifications for Voting in the United States ?" affirmative, J. A. Graham, negative, W. J. Boger, was exceptionally fine. The exercises closed with a very interesting his torical oration by JL L. Patterson, who, when he speaks, always says something, and says it with a vim. Let tn have more of such exercises. DlXTRA. Two Item from the Monroe Reg-later. We learn that Mary Dunlap, an old colored woman, died a few days ago, just across the line, in Chester field county, S. C. She claimed to be 109 years old at the time of her death. She was a "native of Anson county until her death, when she re moved to Chesterfield. The proba bility is that if she had remained in Union county she would have liyed to a ripe old age. The jury in the case vs -Bob Marsh, charged with murder, re turned a verdict Tuesday evening of "not guilty." J udge Merrimon took occasion to say to those present that the criminal law in North Carolina as administered was far from what it should be, and not in accord with the wishes of the people; that so long as men understood that their own families or relatives could testify in their behalf and their evidence be taken against that of entirely disin terested parties, we could expect uothing more than for men to resort to deadly weapons oc the slightest provocations. In his opinion the three cases tried in this court were all guilty to some extent and should have been punished as examples to others that the law must be enforced. He did not mean to reflect on this jury in any way, hut simply made these remarks to put them on their guard Ehould they ever serve on anoiner jury. m mmm Smoking In II eat en. One of the elders of the Second Baptist church, up on Third street, is strongly opposed to the use of tobacco, and never fails to see any of the church members that he finds indulging in what he considers a sin ful habit. Meeting an aged brother he other day, with a very strong smelling old clay pipe in his mouth, be accosted him: "Br udder Tnomas, does you be lieve that nothin unclean kin entar de kingdom?" " I does, brudder." " Den you can neber enter, for you bref smells worse nor a slaughter house." "Dat may be, brudder, but when I goes to hebbin' I 'spects to leave my bref behind me " And tbe aged man passed on, peacefully smoking, while the elder gazed after him in a dazed way that was painful to see. Washington Post. AMleep for Nearly a Year. An Amboy, 111., dispatch says: Miss Grace Gridley has jnst awaken ed from a most remarkable and pro longed trance. As the result of re ligious excitement she went into a comatose condition nearly a year ago, and continued in the state up to the present time, taking no food during all that t:me except a little in liquid form. She has now regained the use of her muscles and is in a fair way to recover. She says she was con scious all the while, but was unable to make the fact known to her friends. She repeats conversations which occured in her hearing during the trance. The Standard wonders if Miss Gracie was a "Sleeping Beauty." ii ! tm You would do a very foolish thing if you throw off your friend because you have found him wanting at a single poiut. Friends are not so plentiful that you can afford to deal with in that way. More than this, the man whom you about to throw off may have a thousand virtues. Should not these plead for mercy? Perfection does not dwell under the sun. Little as you may think of it, there are a few weak spots in your own character. The House increases the pension of General Custer's widow to 1100 a month. for Infants and Children. CaMorla U i wall adapted to ehOdren that I recommend it aa superior to any prescription known to me." B. A. AacazB, M. P., IU So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of 'Castoria' is bo unirenal and iu merit so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castona within easy reach." Carlo VUm, D.D., New York City. Lata Pastor Blooming dale BeXormed Church. Tra CwTAum It LISTEN Kl Hone 1 begin the new year determined to civm.';; .-,u- . uJv that my friinds who haven't time to com. down to ChruIo'V and see my immense stock can stay at home and 1-uy as satis factorily as if they saw the goods on th" Uoor. I have out a complete line of photos of FURNITURE, PIANOS AND ORGANS, which shows up Quality and Styles almost as well as if you saw the goods themselves. I guarantee every article just as represented, and if you do not find it so you can return the goods to me and I be?r the expense both w ays and REFUND YOUR MONEY. 15y ordering from me through photos you save paying the big prices smaller dealers charge you, and your railroad fare to Charlotte. Write me frr photos of what you want and I will guarantee to both please and sive you money. . IE. HVE. -A.3SrX)E,Da"WS3 Dealer in Furniture, Pianos and Organs. 16 and 18 West Trade Street. Pat i i&ee u -WHOLESALE GENERAL - MERCHANDISE ! -o:- WE.HAVE IN STORE THE FOLLOWING GOODS, WHICH WE OFFER TO THE TKADE 2 car loads Flour, 1 car load Salt, 1 car loud Shipstuff, 1 car load Kerosene Oil, 55 hags Coffee, 22 hbls Sugar, 50 boxes Soap, 50 cases .Matches, 50 boxes XXX So la Crackers, 10 boxes Fancy Cakes, 55 kegs Soda, 25 cases Soda, 50 boxes Cheese, 25 cases Oysters, 10 bbls. Gail & Ax' Snuff 15 bags Rice, 25 boxes Starch, 25 cases Star Fotash. -:o: WE ALSO HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF " STAPLE DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, Tinware, :: Crockery, bag;g;ing AND WE ARE DAILY RECEIVING MANY OTHER GOODS WHICH WE HAVE NOT tSTCall and see us. We you our goodsand quoting you Dr. B. L. Griffin, VETERINARY - SURGEON, concord, jr. a I am now with M. L. Brown k Kbo.. and wil practice VETETtT NARY MEDICINE AND SUR GERY. All calls answered da or night at the stables. I also have a number of veterinary remedies that wiu do lurnisnea wnen cauea lor. 328 B. L. GRIFFIN. CEE HERE! There is no reason wuy any one should die with fneumoni i. No medicine required, work on the surface with ointment prepared by myself. I hare treated some cases as near the prare as they will eyer get till they go there. I have never treated a case oyer six hours, never lost a case and never will. ji 6-3m DAVID SLOUGH. NOTICE Having qualified as execu tor of the estate of Alfred Walter, dee'd, all persons indebted to the estate of said decedent are 1iihir unci;.) come forward and settle, and all persons wuo uuiu ciairas against said estate are reauested tn nrpspnt tim aamo n . - s i "". km iuc un dersigned at their earliest convenience. W. M. WALTiiH, Executor of Alfred Walter, dee'd. February 2d, 1891. je 3-tf TRUSTEE'S SALEBy virtue of -ouvuuuij, vumeu in me oy a deed ln J-iU8t ?r mortege executed by M. M. Goodman and wife, E. U. Good, man, on the 10th day of January, 1888, which mortgage or deed in trust is duly recorded in Register's office for Cabarrus county, N. C, in book 3, pages 522 and 523, 1 will sell at public auction, at the courthouse door, in Concord, N. ()., on the 28th day of February, 1891,td the highest bidder, for cash: One tract of land containing about 224 acres, adjoin- 1DP tha Innrla rf Tiohnnnii T A- Fisher, Joe Cruse and others, ana being the home pla e of Good man, deceased Title to said property is supposed to be good, but the purchaser only takes such title as I am authorized to convey under said mortgage. TORI A -l KF.ST.lfR ja 26-tds Trustee. W. C. HOUSTON, Office overMisses Rfn snn Fisher & Co's Millinery store. May 8, Castoria eures CoUe, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, giTes sleep, and promotes U- Wltbout injurious medication. " For seTeral years I hare recommended Sour Castoria, ' and shall always continue to o so as it baa invariably produced beneficial results. " Edwin F. Farces, M. D., "Tbe Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Are., New York City. Ctakt, 77 MtmaAT Strsst, Nw York. TO WHAT AND RETAIL- and ties, THE SPACE TO MENTION. will take pleasure in showing prices. LAND FOR SALE. I have for sale, either nnliliV nr nrii-ato the land of John S. Donnell in No. 6 Township, Cabarrus county, on which Jacob A. Cline now resides. Any one desiring to purchase the same will please van a i wy uuice. PAUL B. MEANS, Agent fy 6 wGt A DMINISTRATmrM NfiTTPi? Havingbeen duly appointed and ti"UIia aaramistrator of the estate of E- M. Heilig, dee'd, by the proper Court flf Clahnrmo ..ron .tl V" wuulJi lt yi- sons holding claimB against the es- utie vi sam decedent are hereby no tified to present them to the under signed for payment, duly authenti cated, on or before the 30th day of icuemuer, isai, or tnis notice will be plead as a bar to their recovery. Also all nprnno iwinn are notified that prompt payment is This December 30, 1890, G- L. PATTERSON, e 31 Adm'r of E. M. Heilig. I HAVE MOVED OPPOSITE The St. Cloud Hotel. I have a large stock of nice, fresh gro ceries. Thankful for past patronage, I hope my customers will call at my new stand. OLD HIGH PRICE is knockad square in the head. G. E. FISHER. J21.1m. Sale NoticeT7 The undersigned will, on the 17th dav of February 1891, sell at the late resi dence of AViley Cline, deceased, 1 horse, 1 mule, 2 milch cows, 1 top buggy and harness, 1 two-horse wagon, lot of corn, wheat, oats and cotton seed, lot of lard and bacon, hay, straw, fodder, Ac. blacksmith tools, household anJ kitchen furniture, farming tools, and many other things usually found on a farm. ! Terms of sale cash. nil. M. L. CLINE, feb 4 tds jxo A. CLINE. PROFESSIONALS. PAUL B. MEANS, LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Practices In State and Federal Tourts Offices on East Depot Street, up stairs in rear of Dr. J. P Gibson's brick build Dj, opposite N. D. Fetzer's Dm? Store. W. C. HOUSTON, D. D. S. Concord, - - N. C. . Office opposite Furniture Store- H. C. Herring, D. D. S. IS .lice o store YORKt & WADSVORTH ! Pure Ground Bone, Listers' and Miller's Dis solved Bone, "Wando Guano and Acid, and several other of the Best Brands arc offered at Close Prices BY 18 '.Go and get their Prices. liter are prepared to fur nish you with any quantity desired. FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH AT M. E. CASTOR'S FURNITURE SM Room Suites, Imm, lurial Ca scsXaskels, &c OOMADECOFFINS,ALL kinds A SPECIALTY. I do not fell, for cosr, but for a small profit, nine and ex; mine inr liue of goodn. Old furniture repaired. M.' E. CASTOR To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache, Consti pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S JESS SMAI.I- Size (40 little Bern, to tha bottle). Thit a he thk most contknixmt. 8nilmlla A Pri f gith.r tttte, 2Sc. per Bottle. I.F.SMITM 4 Cfl.uncr..f"BU.s inns," ST. llgis U9. M. J. CORL'S CONCORD, N. C. It occupied by Brown Bros., near the court lioiiQp Th. I.t "v. VIO.UHUUIUIU" vlation8 for drovers. Leave vour orders at the stable or with J L Brown Porter for omnibus. Horsea ua mules for rale. M. J. CORL, Proprietor. mwmiu GUANOS anl MM if gj BILE BEANS 7tu JPfm. I ?lysiciais'sOEs Soap. auaranteed to be made of Pure Vegetable Oils, OLIVE OIL, BEN OIL COCOA-BUTTER OIL. Treated by the "Cold Process." tire "White- -JNrot Perfumed Not Colored. Will r.ot attack the skin in Winter or Summer. TheBosliif the Worlc. "o -.'.a..h I he 1 :u y. To wash th..- hainls ai u "ace. 'Co dress wounds and sores. To cleanse and heal diseases of the scalp aud skin. For bathing and shaving pur poses. Price: 10 cents per cake, $1.00 per dozen. A full supply kept at Misses Benson, Fisher & Co's Milli nery. Mrs. J. S. FISHER, Agent for Concord and Ca barrus count v. mchSl. ,?Aoo. 2B UNION SQUARE.NY.fHHnSvc. ST.IOUIS MO. ltr-f.u-r-VJ DALLAS.TEX IUKKE & timutioiiihl, t gents for Cabarrus. Eowan, Jredell and otnly Uounties. CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS SCROFULA COUtHcaCOLD Throat Affsctlcn Wasting of Utah Or iy JOteMM Wl CJU Thromt mnd Lunft re Infiawted, Zmtk BtrrnfftM r Vtrt U rsltserf mnd CueU mf SCOTT'S OF PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Alkfor Bftt'B AnalMm, and let no as- ftmnMtion or tolicitation indue yoM to mearpt a rnbititut. Sold by all Druggist. SCOTT A BOWNE, Chemists, N.Y. REAL ESTATE AXO INSURANCE BURKIIEAD & SOX, Agt'a. Offic.i in the old Poatofflce Build ing, (brick row). Fire Insurance Couipauies : Phoenix, of Brooklyn; Continental of JSew iork;iV. U. Home, of N. C; Insurance Company of Xortji America, of Phil adelphia; Northern As suraoce of Ixindon. Gates as low as the lowest and sec curity unquestioned. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Traveler of Hartford. CYCLONE INSURANCE- In thes davs of ntnrmn prnlnnas or tornadoes, vmi -will f.l &if have a Policy in a good responsible company. SECURITY INSURANCE. Have vou a bond to ffive as kpph rity, then call on the Insurance Company to get it no and not fin your friends. Pav a m-emium for your bond as you do on your house ana iurniture. REAL ESTATE. " We offer a choice line of imnroved and unimproved residence propertv in town suberbs. Price and term's reasonable and made known on ap plication to BURKIIEAD & SON, JMf Agents Ely's Cream Balm Cleansen ti n TTnjwi'I Tq moo u a i l&ya Inflammation. Healath Soraa. Restores tha Senses of Taste. Smell And Hearing. COLD S in Htasss MEAD.H yW Try the Cure P YORRE & vVADSWORTH o Hardware Headquarters. mm ts, ichk, m,- mmiRs Farmers and in Hardware at Y0KKE & WAIJ-SU OR US t0 for the HASH. On. t k i full ind com; -Me. A splendid i 8toves and cooking uteijsh's m utock. Turning Plows, PI x Stock Hiiisr, ret'fl ' uiti, fnnsln llcrs lmv.are, dun. J'jttcds, K. Shot and Lead, Doors, Sash and Blinds Sh'tigles. Glass, Oil, i xiuis ai d t uny a tei-Mity ; Wire Screen- Oil t"l.thn, Wro n Hore "-hoc Nails, and in att ewrytliinir usually k'nt i:i a hard ' will sell all tliesi goods as c!ie;ip. ii.!ity cori'!r d a j,f y l)t arolina. i i . i i t :..!.... . i i. Witl . I'm 'i: I '(.;'!!: YORKE '& WADS WORTH, P. S have tlwK on li.n d lii-tri rn V aldo ( hi i tn V , rc' Jices to suit T. & W ' H VARE! I am still at the old stand good stock of agricultural ounaers material, nans, jocks, lunges, doors, sash and glass of all description. Iam Agent for the New Deering Mower' one of the best Mowers made. I am also Agent for the Valley Forge Wrought Iron Fenct A sample of it can be seen in Forest llill cemetery. G "WHITE. ID CO The old, well-established, reliable firm of HOOVER, LORE & CO invite your attention to a "Well Selected An experience of 15 years in the wants'of their customers and with the Very Best Class of Goods And with a thoroughness that only comes with LONG EXPERIENCE, and an intimate acquaintance with the trade OUR WARES ARE FIRST AS WE KEEP NO SHODDY GOODS GUARANTEED TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES Be sure ST your Job Printing ! lgrWe guarantee you as good work and at asflow prices as can be found anywhere in Everyboa se U h 6t . I . . ' . capers, M9vr. ''Ut R- d M.W H. .-,-,- i .v " J..U (.fy or HARD WAR U on Allison's corner, and keep a HARDWARE on hands. Alio i4 W Xfl u O 2N f ?i t-1 a i-h l3 zmo 05 63 tfe to Stock of Goods. Concord enables them to supply CLASS INEVERY RESPECT and send AND ABO North Carolina. H O CO Q