- I U ST&HDARD K 1H) ALL KINDS OF J OB -WOEK IV T1IK xi;. rri:sr mmwer AND AT ; unvEST HATES. i n j: mw of i:i:ijii'i:.sk. THE ST&HD&RD. 1 AND ARB. LARGEST PAPER -PUBLISHED IN CONCORD.- HE CONTAINS MORE READING SIATTER THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN THIS SECTION. THE SURVEYING VOL. IV. NO. 22. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1891. WHOLE NO. 178. j-j.,.,,. Uno wronsi.liyjiiny one committed, Hut will recoil ; : sure return. v.i:h double ill repeated, , 0 i-Ul.l call Mil. As I-" ihoeaith the mist it yields to heav'n pi'si-end in rain. N, , n his head who e'er lias evil given, It falls it-'aiu. 1; is the law of life that retribution Shall follow wrong ; 1; never fails, although t tie execution May tarry lows. Tie !i let us he-, with unrelaxed endeavor, ,lut. true and riirlit : Tint tli' irreat law of recompense may ever Our lieavls delight! i Daughters of America- Till-. DBfJUIKR'S STORY. Hum HcMkh IuitiaU'tl Inlo lif l-rie ot III- Knight ol Ihe ltonl." One thins I like about, these Knights of the road," is that they are great fellows for secret societies. Most of the drummers belong to evevthing that is going, from the (Iraud Knights of the Diamond (iarterto tliu Sons of Temperance. 1 am quite a li-tnl for such mysteri ous ttiiugs uiv'f, so I get solid with all the boys. My old friend Crookstou called on me the otuer dav to ste it 1 ree led any druer and have a vis't. We hud a jolly fid time. Wliil' we were .-ittin-.: m the office a cliap i ame in wanted to bor row on aec of a remittauce not coming io Vr.i us expected- I told him my $2 kept to lend was in now, t eiug sent ;n the day by John nie Mclntire, but I never lent it exc pt t ' n; isniiuera. He said 'i'liai's me.' I gave him the grand hailing sign ot the Odd Fedows, which he tumbled to. Then came the great "hail in the sooth grip of a i'ythomc' He tumbled. Then Crook gave him the O. G. ot the Sons ot .vial a. lie was on to it. Ti en I tipped him the hair poker Mgualof h Good Tipper. He smiled an t said 'O- K.' Tins is a chemical term meaning '.vater.' 'rook st;:ck out nis band and gave him the P- D Q. &igu of a Koyal Arch Brick Mason. He 'got tuar' on that. Then Crookstou examined him as fo.lows to make sure he was a drum liie! : 'From whence comest thou, pard ?' 'i'rom the Lodge of the Holy St. Johns, Michigan.' ' A hat seek ye here to do ?' 'To take a few orders and collect a bill on Bilsou.' t lien you are a drummer ?' T am 6o taken and accented by the boys.1 'How may I know you to be, a drummer V "iiy my cheek and my fifty pound sampld cisj. Try me.' 'J low wi.l you be tried ?' Tjy the sqaare.' 'Why by tna sq iare ?' 'Because the bquare is a mngis trate and an emblem of stupidity.' ' heie w ere you first prepared to be a drummer '?' Tu my uuiid.' 'Where next !' 'In a printing office .uijoining a regular post of drummers-' 'How were you prepared ?' 'JJy L ting divested of my last cent, my cheek rubbed down with a brick, a huuion pla-ter oei each eye, and a heavy sample cse in ea h huud In ttiis fix I was c i..iuvtt-d io the door of the post.' 'How did yon know it was a door, being blind .' 'Iiy first stepping into a coal scut tie, y.ud afterwards bumping my head on the door knob.' 'ilow gained you admission. 'JJy benefit of my cheek.' 'Had you the required cheek ?' T had not ; but JJears hid in his pocket ior in- 'ilow were you reci ived V 'Oa t .e faharp toe of a boot, ap plie I to my natural trousers.' 'What did this teach you ?' 'Not to fool around too much.' 'What happened next ?' T was set down on a cake of ice and asked if J. put my trust in mer can! lie reports.' 'Vour answer ?' 'Not if I know myself, I don't.' 'How were you next haudled ?' T was put btraddle of a goat ; iu-.de ana trotted nine times i.niind the room by four worthy brothels, and then brought in front of the left bower fir furtherinstruc tions.' "flow did he inatr.ict you?' To approach a customer in three uprigtit legular stt-ps with my busi ness card extended at right angles, niy arms forming a perfect t-quare.' 'ilow was you then disposed of?' Twasa?ain seated on a cake of ice in front of a dry goods box and made to take the following horrible ami binding oath : T, diaries S. llobinson. do hereon aid herein mot everlastingly and diabolically swear by the Great Bob Tuil Flush that will never reveal and always sttal all the trade secrets J can for the use and benefit of this most august order- And I further swear, by the the Bald Headed Jack of Ciubs, that I will never give, carve, make, hold, take or cut prices below tho regular rates. And 1 fin t her swear by the Pipers that played before Mose.-s to never have any commercial dealings with any man or his wife, sister, grandmother, old maid, aunt or uncles, unless they, he, she or it is sound on the goose. Binding mvself under no o.her penalty than to have my gritJ sack slit from top to bottom, my dirty shirt and socks taken out and my reputation removed and buri d in iLe rier at Pear street biidge, where the Salvation Army ebbs and flows every two and half hours So help me, Bob Iugersoll, and keep me iu backbone-' T was thou asked what I most net ded.' "What was your reply ?' 'Money.' ' li.it did you then behold ?' 'A copy of Duni & (Jo's report open nt chapter 'Muskegon.' Lipon the open book rested a pair of drug Henley, iu one. ot wbicii reposed IU pounds ot concentrated lye, and m the other sat a small silver jack lS (.' ' v'hat did this emblem signify ?' 'i tie scales indicated the ballance ;et .v tn debtor and creditor. The nlhet emblems represented liu ahi.ities and assets of bankrupts.' 'Did tins teach you any lesson ?' 'You bet- It taught me the fact that the former are generally so hlmighty much better thaa the latter.' 'fthake brother. Will you be effor from?' 'Both if I can borrow money enough to get out of town on.' Haw you any cigars ?' T have.' 'Give 'em to mo.' T did not so receive 'em ; neither will you depart 'em.' 'How will you dispose of 'em?' 'On sixty days time or 2 per cent cash f. o. b.' 'All right begin. 'No, begin you.' "To Km.' 'Set." 'Set em up.' "The words and sign are J'ght. Brother Crook, he is a yard wide and all wool, and you can bet on him.' Brother Crookston and I each lent the chap 63 and he left with many thanks aud kind wishes. 'Now you can fee by this what a help it is to a fellow when lift gets dead broke among strangers to have these little things to fall back on. cinarknllr- Kmf rnieut from Joint Itrown'H Son. A dispatch from Hartford, Conn., to the Boston Herald says : Many of Connocticutt's old-time abolitionists have greeted Jason Brown, son of John lJrown, the martyr of Harper's Ferry, who has been visiting here for two or three days past. He is a tall, b.M.t old gentleman, with a white beard and pale blue eyes. He dresses very plainly and wears a big, broad brim felt 1 at aud heavy cowhide boots. In referring to the slavery question he gives this significant opinion : " I believe that slavery was a sectional evil, and that the people of the North were as much to blame for its long continuance as the people of the South Why? Because the old slave States of Massachusetts, Comiecticutt, Khode Island, Xew York and Pennsylvania, when they foucd shivery no longer profitable, sold their slaves to other people of the South and pocketed the money. To be sure, a few liberated their slaes, noticeably the Quakers. We of the North were their holders, while the people of the South were their owners, and we in the war that followed went down into the red sea of bio d with the people of the South. Today uiy sympathies aud those of the remaining members of my family are largely with the peo ple who have suffered the more be cause of the war." Jlrn. MoKre n n1 Mr. Riim-II llnrri son io Ylxil Kn rope. Mrs. McKee and Mrs. Ilussell Harrison, daughters of the Presi dent, will soon be en route to Eu rope. They left the White House this afternoon for New York, where th.y will take the steamer which sails Wednesday. All of the presi dential household were at the front door t .' see the ladies off and wish them a safe and delightful voyage. The President left his desk to come downstairs aud place his children in the carriage which was to convey them to the depot, Mrs. McKee said 'good bye" to all the servants, but Mrs. Kussell Harrison give tc each of them a hearty shake of the hand. Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. "Dimniick, Pri vate Secretary Halford4 Mrs Parker and Kussell llirris m went to the depot with the tourists. The Presi dent kissed his daughters affection ately and told them he was too busy to accompany them to the statiou. Kussell Harrison will escort the ladies to New York to see them safely aboard the steamer, where they will ioin Mrs. Wanamaker's party. Mrs. McKee was enthusias tic at the prospect of an ocean vo -age, for she was afraid her partici pation in the recent trip with her father might interfere with the European tour. Mr. McKee will go to see his wife sail, but neither he nor Kussell Harrison will be mem bers of the party, as their business duties detain them at home. t!rand ma Harrison will take care of the grandchildren, while their parents are -ibsent. Baltimore Sun. Hore CliarKr Against Sam KiiiiUI, Speaking of this Ogden university businesp, the the New Orleans Daily States says:- "It appears that the Rev. Sam Small while in Ogden, as president of the Methodist uuiversity of Utah, worked the 'bloody chasm racket' quite successfully. He told the people that he was the originator of a plan to erect a grand monu1 ment to the memory of the Federal and Confederate dead in Atlanta, and that city had given hm a fine piece of ground as a s te for the monument, which would be Bym b licil of a reunited country. He also said that all the money which pal riotic people d( sired to contrib ute for the erection of t!ie monu ment he wouid collect and forward to the mayor of Atlanta. A goodly sum was placed in the bund of Sir. Small, but instead of it beiDg sent to Atlanta it found its 'way into his pocket aud since his departure from Ogden with the funds of the univer sity, the people there have discover ed t hat the monument to the blue and gray existed only in the fertile imagination of Samuel the Smooth." The .My tltolos'ieM Fale. "Somewhere upon the unknown shore, Where the streams of life their waters pour. There sit three sisters, evermore "Weaving a silken thread." Lovers of classic painting are familiar with that famous group, called the "Three Fates." Fate stems cruel when it deprives women and girls of health. But in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presci ipton they find a cure of untold alue for nervous prostra tion, sick headache, bearing-down pains, bloating, weak stomach, ante version, retroversion, and all those excruciating complaints that make their lives miserable. All who use it praise it. - It contains no hurtful ingredients, and is guaranteed to give satisfacticn in every case, or Us price (1.00) will be refunded. Necktie parties are becoming f ashionable over the States. It is really fashionable to wear neckties. T1IEIK ALL AT THE ALTAIC. Remarkable Kerne al a Rellgloua Re vival In SI. I. on Is. St. Loui3 May 30. Centenary church, the most aristocratic Metho dist church in the city, of which the Kev. Dr. B Carradiue is pastor, has, during the past two weeks, been the scene of some remarkable demonstrations, culminating last night in an exhibition of religious fervor bordering closely 011 the sen sational. Dr. Carradiue made fame in the South, where, as pastor of a promi nent church in New Orleans, he fought and was fought by the Louisiana lottery. When he came here from New Orleans he an nounced his vinws on the manner of life a Christian should lead, and his belief in spiritual sanctification, without which he did not believe any church could prosper or grow in the grace of God. Directly after being installed he drew the line on church sociables and fairs, denounc ing them as iniquitous schemes of Satan to propagate sin iu the church. He next paid his respects to secret societies and life insurance com panies with such vigorous language ? to create quite a furore, even in business circles of the city. Then he jumped on the secret societies, and got into a row with the Masons. Three weeks ago he began a series of revival meetings, day and night. With fervid eloquence he has day after day depicted the sinfulness of the practices and utter inconsistency with the profession of Christians, and warned his hearers that they con Id not hope for the spirit of sanctification so long as their vanity inlluenced them. His efforts have been most suc cessful, a number of ladies and gen tlemen coming forward nightly and depositing their diamonds, jewels, and other personal ornaments on the altar, to be sold and the pro ceeds given to the poor. Last night came the culmination. With tear ful eye, young, middle aged and old ladies came forward to the altar and cast down at the feet of the minis ter their bracelets, earrings, brooches, finger rings, &c, while men possessed of valuable gold watches and seal ring3 with beaming countenances threw them on the al ar. "The scenes at these meetings," said Dr. Carradine to a reporter, ' have been most remarkable. I do not know that I ever witnessed anything to equal them. At times this congre gation has betn moved and stirred by the Spiiitof God like unto the Pentecostal scene described in the Scriptures. So far, 150 have ex pressed their faith and been received into the church, while some 200 are now in a state of spiritual sanctifica tion. It is this latter class, prin cipally, that has beeu moved to make sacrifices of their jewelry for the poor as an evidence of their Christianity, and I never witnessed more cheerful giving in my life." New York Times At the Toe of Hie Italian '-Hoot-" Sicily is a three-cornered island about as large as the State of Mary land. It has about as much of a mountain chain as the New Hamp shire "White Mountains." Mount Etna is on this island ; and there are famous sulphur mines. The cli mate is most tropical; snow and ice are unknown. Ths summer heats are generally tempered by healthful breezes, but in some localities people can not stand the malaria, and at intervals in summer the dreadful winds, called the "Sirocco" and, "Libeccio" blow from the deserts of Northern Africa across Sicily de stroying vegetation and making mankind wretched. Corn, wheat, cotton, hemp and gripes are taised successfully ; besides a large crop of brigands for export. If they could only raise twisted hemp rapidly enough, with the brigands grafted on one end, the rest of the world would be thankful particularly America. I m-m A Ilrave Girl Persecution. Pittsburg, May 31. Pretty Mollie Hanlon attended a decoration day pic nic yesterday at McKee's Kocks aud missed the 10 o'clock train for Pittsburg. Two men volunteered to row her across the Ohio to enable her to catch a Fort Wayne train. In the middle of the river they decided to take the girl to Brunot's Island instead, a lonely insolated place. Hattie wept and pleaded and offered all her money and valuables to the ferrymen. They refused to land her, and the frightened girl leaped into the river. The ruffians dragged her back, but she again threw her self into the water and made a des perate attempt to drown hersflf. Again they dragged her into the boat, and were proceeding to the island, when intercepted by the ferry woman, who heard Mollie's screams, and took the unconscious girl from the men, who were later arrested, and are now in jail. Dame Xnture is a ooi Book-Keener. She don't let us stay long in her debt before we settle for what we owe hei. She gives us a few years' grace at most, but the reckoning surely comes. Have you neglected a cough or allowed your blood to grow impure without heeding the warning? Be wise in time, and get the world-famed Dr. Pierce's Golden Sledical Dis covery, which cures as well as promises. As a blood-renovator, a lung-healer, and a cure for scrofulous taints, it towers above all other, as Olvmbus over tons a mole-hill. To wairant a commodity is to be hon orable and above deception, and a guarantee is a symbol of honest dealing. You get it with every bot tle of the "Discovery." By druggists, THE POLICY DECLARED Ity Ihc Board of Directors of the Manly Observer. It has come out and reached town that h? directors of the Stanly Ob server had a meeting. There's one member that can't keep a secret, and he's told on the brilliant and impor tant meeting: 1. The Observer was declared in it. 2. The Observer is to be Demo cratic to the " kore." 3. Its editor is to be one of the Old Arm Chair Club each member acting editor, alphabetically, for one week. The janitor is not to wear the honor except as the fighting editor. 4. The policy shall be to fire and not fall back. 5. No marriage notices shall be published for less than 5 cents per line. G. The Observer shall not publish an advertisement for the Louisiana lottery. 7. The Observer shall be published in Albemarle and on a cylinder press. 8. The office shall be closed on Sundays. 9. All accounts must be endorsed by the president and paid by the treasurer. 10. The Observer will not accept cross-tiei or other agricultural pro ducts on subscription. 11. Editor's pass on railroad3 will be accepted with discretion. 12. No snake stories will be pub lished unless the snake accompanies the story. 13. The Observer believes in the Constitution of the United States and the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. 14. The Observer shall advocate electric lights and other internal improvements. 15. The Observer 6hall be neutral on all great questions, such as the Italian trouble. 1G. The editor of the Observer shall be an American-born citizen and over 21 years of age. These are all the resolutions, by laws, &c, the member could remem ber. The Standard thinks they are capital. But that member told Charlie Correll, who happened to 1h3 in Albemarle, that the final resolu tion wa3 carried with a whoop and general demonstration of demonstra tive endorsement. It is this : "IT. The Observer shall always seek to 'down' Jim Cook and his paper. And for the support of these declarations, with a firm reliance on the protection offered by our limbs, wo mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." The Standard likes that, and wishes the Observer the many bless ings attending jourua'ism, and hopes to see the various editors (one at a time) in our sanctum. Host's MilWXolcH. Miss Lizzie Bost is at home now. Some chills aud fever in this neighborhood. Tom Bost has had quite a large lot of lumber sawed. The cotton crop will undoubtedly be very short this year. Your poetry is very nice, but pshaw ! can't you find something better to display your poetical talent than the infective cherrv crop? Pea Jay. The Little Roy or o. 11. J. K. Brown comes again, this time with 110 oat heads to grow from one seed. Children's Day at Center churcfc was a pleasant occasion. The ad dress to the children was delivered by D. B. Coltrrne, and there were recitations by members of the Sunday-school. An organ has been purchased for Sit. Hermon church. Because of the absence of an organist, Miss Jtlurdy Brown kindly accepted an invitation and played for them last bunuay. B. of No. 11. Copnl Grove Items. Sirs. Slisenheimer, at the springs, is improving some. v heat is looking fine. Farmers much behind in work on account of wet weather, but they are moving tmngs now. No visitors at the springs, but some are expected soon. Sirs. i. 1). Lentz is at the springs during Mrs. Misenheimer's illness. liev. C. C. Lyerly preacned at New London last Sunday morning. John A. Fisher has the chance of bail on $2,500 bond, but don't know whether he can give it or not. The Stanly Observer has sus pended but will be run all the same by other parties, and will be a Dem ocratic paper as ever and all done at home. Stick to her and hold up her arms; she will get there all the same. The former editor has gone into the tin business, which was his former occupation. K. -w Dicl at Xearly I02 Years. Catherine Whitener died on the 3rd day of June, 1891. Her maiden name was Sigmon and she was born near St. John's Church, Catawba county. Her father was George Sigmon, who was a teamster in the Revolutionary war, and her mother's name was Kacbe! Sheefler and was born on the first day of Sept. 1789. She maried Daniel E. Whitener, a soldier of the war of 1812, and was a pensioner for over thirteen years. She connected herself to the Luth eran church at the age of fifteen years. Her age was 101 years and nine months a-id two days. She was the oldest person in the cou.ity and perhaps one amongst the oldest per sons in western .North Carolina. Newton Enterprise, LITTLE DROPS OF Tar, Pitch Turpentine anil Other Tar Heel Products. Warrenton Index : Mr. John Parker, a highly respected citizen of Northhampton county, died at his home near Sliami on the 22nd., at the ripe old age of 84 years. High Point Enterprise: Rev. 0. G. AVeels, pastor of the Baptist Church here, after tendering his resignation was recalled by the church. Sir. Wells communicated with the church last night and de clined the call. Last Tuesday Sir. J. Slilton Gorden, who lives three miles from here, while mov ing some boards in h:s back yard was struck on the finger by a high land moccasin. Henderson Ledger : We promised ou.feader8 last week to give them "the result of the investigation in the case of Dr. Nash, who was ac cused of attempted rape upon the person of Miss Goss, at Lyons, in this county. We withheld the names at the personal request of the Doctor, pending the investigation. The case was compromised, we learn, by the Doctor's giving a bond of $500 to leave tha State in thirty days and to keep his mouth shut. We suppose $500 will make a wad big enough to do it. Smithlield Herald : Henry Bain, murderer of Floyd Davis and who is serving a sentence here in jail for the same, had given bond and was out of jail last week working on the road across the river. Sat urday evening he got on too much whiskey and was put in the guard house by Policeman Dickens and afterwards confined in jail. The storm of Saturday night seems to have been pretty general throughout the nothern part of the county. It was more severe near Clayton than any part we have heard from. It blew down nearly all the fences and a good many trees and was accom panied by a shower of hail but was not enough to damage crops very 8eriousl. New Berne Journal : Mr. O. C. Farrar, one of the wealthiest, most active and progressive business men of Tarboro, died at his home Thurs day morning, after several days ill ness. He was formerly a tobacco manufacturer of New Berne. The firm was Walker, Farrar & Co. He left a large fortune which he amass ed himself. It was estimated some years ago at $200,000. A new Baptist church in Tarboro, which i3 to be dedicated Sunday, was virtually built by him he contributed $10.- 000 towards it Mr. George D. Gordner, who was for several' years foreman of the Xev Berne Lumber Co , and is now putting up a mill uear Alberdeen, Moore county, has written to his father in this city an account of a remarkable saw he observed at work in a mill there. The saw revolves like a circular saw, but is simply a steel blade eight inches wide and four feet long, with only two teeth one on each end of the saw. on opposite corners. Sir. Goidnersays: "It saws the boards as nice and smooth as I have ever seen any lumber sawed. It was built about fifteen years ago ard was run regularly up to three years Downed the Bar-Keeper. Here is a piece of fun played on a bar-keeper in Jack Ramsey's town, Salisbury. It found its way to Concord : A good one i3 told upon a cer tain bar-keeper in Salisbury. A few days ago, it is related, a tired looking stranger dived into a saloon and, walking up to the bar, fum bled with his thumb and firger in his vest pocket. The bar-keeper asked, "What'll ye take?" He re nlies "water; I've lost my money." It was handed out and stowed away by the stranger while he lovingly looked on the red liquor just out of bis reach. Dropping his hand on his breast, with a look of pain, and almost doubling himself up, he said ; ('It was too warm ; that water is going to hurt. Do you kuow that water is more destructive to human life than whiskey has killed two to one ?" The tender-hearted bar tender had placed a bottle and glass out to the sufferer as he gasped, "No! Tell me how and when." The second glass of poison had trickled down the stranger's throat and he winked at the bar mau saying : "I heard it was when the flood came and the whole human race was drowned," and he darted out of the door, while the bar-keeper went to calling for the police and the in dividuals standing around yelled in delight. A Complete Collapse is occasioned in our feelings by de rangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets cure sick and bilious headache, bowel complaints, internal fever and cos- tiveness. They remove all waste matter, and restore health to body and mind. A dose, as a laxative, con sists of one tiny, sugar coated Pellet. Cheapest aud easiest to take. By druggist, 25 cents a vial. The hardest people on earth for an editor to please are those who borrow the paper from some of his subscribers. Fortunately there are not many such here. If you would get rid of the pes tiferous little aats that infest your floor, simply take a piece of chalk and mark around the floor, or around the table leg, and they at once leave, Ants will not cross a chalk line, so a friend who has tried it for several years, tells ns. JAMES MADISON' LEACH. The subject of this sketch was bom in tha county of Randolph in the month of January, 1815, and died in the town of Lexington on the first day of June, 1891. His parents were "William and Mancy Leach. He received a classical education and studied law under his brother, J. E. Leach, who died at an early age. He came to Lex ington a short time thereafter and engaged in the practice of his pro fession. He rose to eminence at the bar, aud for many years was a leader in the criminal practice of this part of the State- At one time it was a rare thing for a capital case to be tried in the counties where he prac-i ticed without his services being retained. He also enjoyed a large civil practice- Though eminently distinguished as a lawyer, Gen. Leach was bet ter known by his political career His puolic services began in 1848, when he was elected to the lower house of the general assembly. He was reelected and served continous ly for ten years. In 1856, he was elected a piesidential elector on the Fillmore ticket. Two years later he defeated Hon. A. SI. Scales for Congress. On the floor of the House, he opposed secession, but at the call to arms he entered the ser vice of his State- When President Lincoln issued his call for troops, he raised a company and went to the front as its captain, and subse quently became lieutenant colonel of the regiment. He fought at Slanassas, but resigned his com mand, returned home and was elected to the Confederate Congi ess. After the war, be served Beveral terms iu the otate Senate. In 1871, he was elected to Congress over Gen. W. L. Scott, and two years later he defeated Judge Thomas Se tie. At the 1879 80 session of the legislature, he served in the Senate. In 1876 and 1880, he was elected presidential elector at large on the Democratic ticket. In his prime, Gen. Leach was no ordinary man. He possessed a great deal of individuality of char acter. He had opinions of his own and the courage to express them anywhere and everywhere ; more over he had a way of impressing bis opinions upou others. He de lighted in argument, and never failed to make himself heard or un derstood in a discussion of almost any conceivable subject. He was a ready and tireless speaker ; and whether at the bar, in the halls of legislation, or upon the stump, he could talk for three or four hours at a time and never falter for a word. Slore than that, he Lad a happy faculty of coining words on the spur of the moment, which however inelegant, viewed by dictionary standards, always Lad the tffeat of making his language more expressive than plain English. He pursued an enemy or an oppo nent relentlessly, and employed the weapon of sarcasm with a skill that was all his own. General Leach was a strong man physically as well as intellectually. He had a constitution of iron that endured strains which would have exhausted an ordinary man in much less than the allotted time of human existence. He retained his health and vigor of mind and body until within the past two or three years. At last he broke down and failed rapidly unt 1 he became but a wreck Cf his former strength ; but his wonderful vitality sustained him for mont'is atter nis life was despaired. Thus he lingered, until death came, a veritable thief in the night and claimed him. Lexington Dispatch. 4 HARRIED IN JAIL, And Eighteen Preachers the Desccn dan Is of the Couple. In the Evaueelical Repository of January, 1891, in an article on Thomas Clark. D. D.. pace 42. Dr. Scouller says that during his im prisonment Dr. Clark "omciated at one marriage and thirteen baptisms." it may be ot interest to some to know who the couple was and what became of them and their descen dants. They were John Harris and Eleanor Ilenalds, natives of Slonag- han county, Ireland, and parish ioners of Dr. Clarke, who at the time of their marriage was confined in Slouaghan jail because, although he fought for his country against the Pretender, he would not take the Oath of Abjuration, for it recog nized the kin? as head of the church and was administered by "kissing the book, which he thought was wrong. Thev were married in 17S4, ana came at once to the United States ten years before Dr. Clark and set tled for a short time in Lancaster county, Pa. Thence they moved to York county, S. C, where they per manently located in the neighbor hood of Steele Creek. 1 1 John and Eleanor Harris had four sons Hugh, Tiobert, John and James and anion? their lineal de scendants were eighteen ministers and twenty-three wives of ministers. Of the ministers four were Harrises, six Griers, two Youngs, and the other six llobinson, Peoples, Chal mers, Spratt, Mclvee ana umnon. Some of the grandchildren of this couple who were married by their imprisoned pastor in that Irish jail, 1784, are well known in this part 01 the State and South Carolina, as Mr. Leonard Hains, ot Chester, to. C: Sir. Hush Harris, of Steele Creek, Slecklenburg ; Sirs. Isabella Harris Caldwell, of Harnsburg,ana Sirs. Ellen Darns uery, or uavia- son College. Eleanor Darns died in I7y, agea fi3 vears: John Harris, 1808, aged 81 years. Their bodies he in the cemetery of Big bteele ureeK rres bvteriari church. Slecklenbursr coun ty, N. C. Besides the long catalogue of preachers and preachers wives, many of their descendants have fillpd the office of elder and deacon in the Associate Reformed Presbyte rian and Presbyterian churches. Signal Officer Bronson is to leave Charlotte. He goes to Slinnesota, and is to be succeeded by John N Eyker. TOWN AND COUNTY. "There's a Chiel Amanq ye Takin Notes AND rAiTH HE'LL PRENT THEM." Interesting Contribution. The June number of the CosmO' politan Magazine has an interesting article from the pen of Miss Julia Slagruder. It is, "The House of Sladame De Pompadour." The con tribution is beautifully illustrated with several wood engravings. A Baptist Church Burned. Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. m. the Baptist church at Jerusalem, Davie county, was burned to the ground. A letter from Dr. Bessent states: "The lightning struck the cupola, and in a few momenta the entire building was in flames. The loss is very heavy on the small con gregation. No other damage." It Is Eight. The Greensboro Daily Workman is eight years old. The Workman is silvery true and a pleasant daily visitor at this office. The Standard man likes the Workman, its ideas, its goodness, its honesty; and, above all, likes the faithful, gentlemanly and Christian Bro. Slichaux, whose head has been whitened by the frosts of many winters. The Goods Found. Jack Eamsey, of the Salisbury Watchman, is the komicest kuss in this congressional district He publishes Shoe Douglass' picture (which he took from this office) for Stanly's clerk, S. II. Slilton, and Senator Peffer's picture (which he carried out of this office) for Capt. D. N. Bennett's picture. Jack Ram sey is so blood-thirsty that he car ries razors in his pocket. Honorary Deif rees.Coafered at Chapel Hill. D. D.: Bennett Smedes, St. Slary's School, Raleigh ; Rev. Wil son J. SIcKay, South Corolina ; Rev. Edwards SI. Gusbee, Cambridge, Slass. L. L. D. : Hon. Walter L. Steele, North Carolina ; Maj. Robert Bing ham, North Carolina; Prof. James II. Horner, North Carolina ; Hon. Joseph B. Batchelor, North Caro lina. Better Take X. B. The Slayor requests us to say that heretofore it was customary to notify part'es having hog pens, sinks and all out buildings in an offensive con dition to put them in proper shape, but such is not the case now. 1 he sanitary policeman will make inves tigation, without notification, and finding any such in a bad condition the owners or rentors will be hned twenty dollars or imprisoned for ten days. This notice had better be observed. The Same One, Maybe. The Slonroe Enquirer says : "A buzzard with a bell tied around its neck was seen flying over Slonroe Sunday morning between 9 and 10 o'clock. It flew around for some time near enough for the bell to be seen aistinctly, ana then maae a straight shoot Northward." This is doubtless the same buzzard that alarmed Col. John Fritchey Sloose, of Ao. 7. He wanted to call an in dignation meeting to resolute over some Slonroe people being cruel to animals. A Splendid One It Was. The Slonroe Enquirer says of Dr. C. SI. Payne's sermon : "On Sunday morning came the annual sermon, and a splendid one it was. The church was crowded even to the aisles and gallery. In the congrega tion we were glad to notice many of the parents of boarding pupils and people from the adjoining country. We were prepared to hear a good sermon from Dr. Payne, and he cer tainly met the public expectation. He has captivated the hearts of our people by his amiable dhposintoi and by his earnestness in the work of the Master." Our Centennial. It is nearly a year until Cabarrns county will be one hundred years old. Next April will be one hun dred, years since the line that cut Cabarrus oil from Mecklenburg county was run by a brown jug of red whiskey and a little hatchet that George Washington never used nor saw. But it ia time for ua to decide whether or not we are to celebrate. Cabarrus in many respects is second to none, and the fact that her erec tion hung on the good judgment and fairness of one man is enough to cause us to recall the matter and get ready to celebrate. That Sunday-School Pic-KIc. Whenever on auv occasion here after we hear the oft-repeated asser tion that pic-nics are an unmitigated bore, we shall cite, as a glorious ex ception, the one held at White Hall on Thursday, June 4th, 1891. It was, as intended, a day in the woods, the party starting at 7:60 a. m. ana returning about 7 p. m. Six wagons and as many buggies carried 125 persons of all ages, from babyhood to " hoary age," as merry a party as ever made the woods ring on a per fect June day. The thank3 of all present are due to our genial Sir. J. A. Sims, who originated and so hap pily carried out the project, and to the young men who heartily and un selfishly devoted themselves to mak ing the day a joyous one for the little people. Swings, hammocks, baseball, croquet and snake-killing were the amusements provided. Din ner, unsurpassed for quality and buantity, was also provided. Unani mous testimony: An unmitigated success. Of the Roanoke and Southern Rail, road The CorpsSome Points in the Work. There has been so much said about the R. and S. that nearly every child in the county is familiar with the name. There seems no doubt that the road wants to go south from AVinston. The corps of surveyors now at work in Eastern Cabarrus number nine men. The chief engineer is a Carolinian, and the other surveyor is a Hagerstown, Sid., man. Their camp is at the outer edge of Gold Hill. On the 30th of Slay they struck Gold Hill, Rowan county, and for five days they worked to make a certain route there of only three miles. They went back and surveyed five lines before they suc ceeded in reaching a point desired. There was considerable difficulty in crossing the Yadkin railroad at Gold Hill so as to get to Buffalo creek, southwest of Gold Hill. The route selected is not alto gether satisfactory to the No. 8 peo ple, but if no better one can be selected those people, for the sake of a railroad, will take it anywhere and be glad. There is a ridge all the way from Gold Hill (east of Buffalo creek) to Rocky river. But this would throw the road nearly two miles from Sit. Pleasant, and place the largest creek in the county between the depot and Sit. Pleasant. The distance from Winston to Gold Hill according to measurement, and it must be almost a bee-line, is just 45.2 miles. That great pain3 are taken with the surveying, and that numbers of resuryeys are being made, lead those people down oa the Dutch side to think that they " have the coon." The grades are not over 1 per cent., while on the li. and D. they reach 2 per cent The chief engineer says that the route from Lexington to Gold Hill 13 the easiest and most satisfactory one he has ever run. On their return the engineers will run the route from Charlotte to Winston, probably via Concord and Salisbury. Offon a Tisit. Sirs. S. A. Gorman is visiting her daughter. Sirs. Carpenter, of Char lotte. She is accompanied by John Gorman, of Salisbury, and Slary Lillian, daughter of Sir. J. L. Boger. Sirs. Gorman, on account of ill health, has not been out of Concord since lbOo. one win remain some time in Charlotte. Her companions return in a few days. Let Him Be More Careful. The bicycle is mighty nice for the rider, and all like to look at tho riding. But as many as a dozen times a Standard reporter has seen one ri'ler come sailing up Depot street and turn suddenly and shortly at Litaker'3 corner. Women have had to dodge him, children had to scatter, and a crippled man this morning came very near being knocked whirling by the same rider, who, instead of looking forward, was, as usual, looking downward. It can be said truthfully that the bicycle riders are very careful and give no just cause for complaint, but this one seems, not maliciously but thoughtlessly, to be doing Borne mighty dangerous experimeLts in turning Litaker's corner. A fellow that rides like he does ought to get out in the street or in a ten-acre field. Shelby will have graded school and the Aurora call3 it "Victory.' Yorke & Wadsworth have a cata logue that describes a gun that you can load up in . the Spring and it shoots all Summer. It neither smokes, smells nor makes a noise. It is a powerful gun. THE GREAT HAIR-RESTORER. The use of various unguents to dress and beautify the hair ia a custom as old and universal as the race ; but prepara tions to prevent the hair from falling out, or for restoring it to its original color and fullness, seem to be of modern origin and confined to the limits of the higher civilization. Probably the fatal istic and superstitious ideas of the ancients and of most barbarous people would forbid their interfering with what seems to be the course of nature, iu thinning the locks and sprinkling them with gray, as life advances toward the close. The ancient Hebrew poetically termed white hair "a crown of glory," and so it is when it gracefully adorns the brows of the aged. But when a person in tho full vigor of life becomes gray, his gray hair, so far from being a crown of glory, is rather an indication of weakness and premature decay. What may be ad mired in "John Anderson, my Jo, John" at eighty, is to be deplored iu John Anderson at thirty or forty. It has been observed that early bald ness is more common now than former ly. Whatever may be the cause of the early loss of hair, there are few but would avoid it if possible. Some attempt to conceal the loss of their hair by brushing what is left over tho vacant places; others brave out their misfor tune, as diil the fox when he lost his tail; but the majority of the "too pre vious" ones look, anxiously about for something that will restore lost youth fulness and hide their tell-talo phreno logical deficiencies. For this purpose, nothing has as yet been discovered that surpasses Ayer's Hair Vigor. AVe do not pretend that this prepara tion will cause hair to grow 011 a scalp that has lwen denuded for years and polished like a billiard ball, but without claiming for it any more than Its just due, we assert that it certainly promotes the growth of hair, restores color to faded anil gray locks, hi als humors, keeps tho scalp cool, prevents dandruff, anil Im parts to tha hair a Filky texture and a lasting fragrance. It will not stain tho skin or clothing. Though Ayer's Hair Vi'or has been before the public many years, it is still in greater demand than any similar preparation a convincing proof of its superior merits and exteu sive popularity v

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