THE STANDARD THE STANDARD. EE AND ARB. WK DO ALL KINDS OF job "woke: IX THE XEATEST MAXjYER AND AT- TJIE LOWEST RATES. LARGEST PAPER -PUBLISHED IN CONCORD.- CONTAINS MORE READING MATTER THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN THIS SECTION. VOL. IV. NO. 23. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1891. WHOLE NO. 179. Sri An evening so clear 1 would that I w ere, To kiss llij soft cheek With the faintest of air. The star that is twinkling So brightly above, I would th it 1 were To enlighten my love. 1 would I were heaven, O'erarching and blue, I'd bathe thee, my dearest, In freshest of dew. I would I the sun were, All radiance and glow, I'd jour all my splendor On thee, love, below ! If I were the waters That round the world run, I'd lavish my pearls on thee, Not keeping of one. If 1 were the summer, My flowers and green I'd heap on thy temples, And crown thee my Queen. If I were a kiln, All tire and tlame, I'd mantle and girdle thee Round with the same. But as I am nothing Save love-mazed Bill, Pray take of me, make of me, Just w hat you will. MORALITY AJi IT IS. Note. This is the graduating address of Mr. Henderson X. Miller, of North Carolina College, delivered June 10th, 18'Jl It is natural that Americans sliiuld boast that this republic is the grandest nation, upon the face of Cod's beautiful earth, and, having vtt hardly attained her midday splendor, that unparalleled glory and graudeur now lies enclosed in the golden casket of futurity to be opened up by the key of undaunted industry and perseverance. And when we direct our attention to her great extut of territory, embracing such a beneficial variety of climate aud wonderful fertility of soil, her great storehouses of minerals, her great coannm-ul interests, the won derful activity of all industries and the marvelous boom sweeping like contagion over this fair Southland to the West and Northwest, and her beloved free institutions, which are at one and the same time the fear and admiration of the entire world, who can censure us for being con strained to say, "Tis true, 'tis blessed true; the half has never yet been told." But 'tis said that love is blind, and how applicable this is to us Ameri cans ! We are love-intoxicated ; we hate allow (.'J our enthusiasm and lcve of country to involve us in the most fatal of all errors to lose sight of o,ur country's morality the strongest support of any government. We always fail to add this to the long list of her distinctions and achievements, and with good reason " love is blind to faults." But, is our. dear old ship of State really sailing along so peacefully as we are so often told ? Can we act even now perceive the waters being troubled? Is the road to future fame and greatness really so plain And flattering? Let an examination into the morality of our couutry au swtT these questions; for a family, community, or nation founded upon the eternal Rock of Truth will re main tirm and unyielding amidst the violence of the rains of disaster and the storms of oppression. Then let us ask what is the prevailing current of morality in America? In the business world we see the "almighty dollar" sitting in the sovereign chair dictating the laws of morality to all his followers. He is the standard by which to measure all things. His entrancing jungle in the money-box is the great propi tiation for every conceivable crime of fraud and deceit. In obedience to his commands all food is now adul terated with poisonous ingredients which undermine the human system and hurry mankind to a prema nre grave. No crime seems to be too shocking or degrading that acceler ates the roll of that "almight dol lar." Inferior imitations are now more abundant than the original ar ticles flying advertisements fill the columns of the newspapers, and mythical booming towns, where riches are forced upon every one, lure the ignorant from their peaceful homes into 8 ar vat ion and want. All this has become so prevalent that it is fully a great accomplishment to be able to purchase judiciously. Man kind seems to be laboring under ejthlT an optipal or mental delusion. This perverted interrogation seems to be stamped high upon the busi ness world. For what shall it profit a man if he gain the entire celestial kingdo u and lose the shining shekel ? In the social world we see there enshrined, as God, momentary pleas ure without any regard to the future aud its awards. Here we find the jiaiit boulders upon which our gov ernment is to be wrecked, if they are not removed. In the year 1880, $1,500,000,000 were expended in liquors and tobacco the destroyers of the human soul and th . human system while only $5,500,000 were sent into foreign lauds to bring the wandering souls to Christ. Here we find the youth of our land meeting untimely deaths iu the most degrading and shocking man ner. Here we find our young men bloating themselves up with liquor and our ladies trying to choke them selves in two with strings. Socialism is becoming more and more popular in the North and West. Crime is being multiplied faster and faster rfery year. In 1850 41 years ago "tile e was only one prisoner to every 3,442 population. Since then the per cent, has been steadily in creasing until now it is one to every population. In the last twenty-four years the number of divorces has increased over HO per cent, faster than the1 population. There are in this civil ized land of ours about 40,000,000 of persons who bow not the knee to God and thank Him tor His wonder ful love aud protec'ion. It is stated that there are 00,000 boy tramps alone in these United States. In the city of Chicago alone 1,000 of the dens of. vice and shame are main tained bv bovs and srirls under twentv years of age. Add to all this the crimes of infanticide, abortion, and prostitution with which our entire land is 111 led, and you may well draw back and shudder at these horrible figures. Tell me not that there is not in these figures something ominous of the future of our gov ernment. Tell me not you cannot interpret their meaning ; 'tis as plain as yon sun ti a veiling in his orb to day. Neither in the religious world do we find a tranquil surface, but one that is disturbed by slight tremors which may only be the precursor to a most violent shock throughout the entire system, Jlere the tendency is to sensationalism. The mud, gentle, and effective preaching of Christ is not good enough for those who have been redeemed through His precious blood. Give us one reclaimed from the slums of society, who will come to us with a big show of trumpet and paraphernalia; one who will give us a hrst-olass, all-round curs ing and abuse from the pulpit, aud we will bestow upon him our best service and contribute liberally to his support. In other branches of the church the tendency is to lose sight of the central figure of redemption, even Jesus Christ, and become lost in a vortex of word-quibbling. Soon will these churches need a Bacon to reclaim them from their scho.astic ways ; soon will they be obliged to have a Paul to preach to them that "circumcision is of the heart, in the spirit, and not the letter," and that in Christ Jesus only a new creature availeth anything. To look for morality in the politi cal world is as vain as to expect to find Young Men's Christian Asso ciations among the pigmies of Africa. Tell me uot that a nation can stand whose leaders are so corrupt, who have waded through so much vice and bribery to their present positions Tell me not that a nation can stand whose leaders can have no higher motive for action than to hold office and reap its rewards. Tell me not that a uation can stand with such a corrupt ballot box. Answer this question : May not the recent drunk en revelry on the fuueral train of Senator Hearst, from California, be a foreshadowing of the time when the riotous politicians shall volup tuourly crow over the fallen remaius of this government, which is so near and dear to you and me ? This is the negative view of " The Progressive Age," of the "glorious nineteenth century civilization." Is it as dazzling as the positive view ? Let us not be blinded by love, but let us observe whither we are drift ing; what is the anchoring port. Is there not necessity that a great re formation should sweep over this our native land ? Young men, shall this deathly current bear us onward submissive captives? No! A thousand times preferable an obscure death without any earthly monuments, in the cause of Right and Justice, than a life of ease and luxury, a traitor to my God and country. The Married Flirt. The married flirt brings terror and dismay into every circle she invades. "She means mischief. Women know her and fear her. She has married many a match, de stroyed many an airy castle, ruiued many a season. If real cursing, not loud but deep, could kill she would have been dead long ago, but she is perennial. She pervades all places aud spoils all plans. She ge'.s a new zest from the disappoint ment of others, and, like the ram pire, feeds upon the heart's blood of young hopen. No summer resort is without her. Fiomthe hotel of high degrie to the meek and religious camp meet mg she is omnipresent. The trad of the 6erpent is over them alll. The married flirt is not only uiuititadi nous but multifarious. She is of all ages and degrees. One season she is languid and languishing; another she is faa: aud furious. Now 6he is demure and devout, and again she is flighty and frivolous. You like limp and lymphatic and are sur prised to like her bettea brisk and soubrettisa. One day she is shrink ing and skittish, the next she is au dacious and i opudent. HER CUE. She takes her cue from Cleopatra: "Age cannot wither or custom stale her infinite variety." She is also absolutely apostolic. She is ail things t3 all men, and al though the danger signals are al wa.,8 ut, she tinds a fool every time she takes the trouble to open Uer eyes- And the whole thing is so easy to her no care, no worry, uo t'nitimr, but plenty of lolly. It is no wonder ihe young girl is distanced. . There is no danger of falling Breach of promise su te are foreign ;o the married flirt's thoughts as genuine sentiments. She is fasci uating, but you cmnot call her falte. She is evidently fatted to i-oujugate love in ail its moods and tenses, but the sense Bafeiy m..kes uer cruel. Ex. Asheville Citizen: A painful accident occured this m rning to W. S. Small, a carpenter, who was working in the West End mission. Mr. Small was on a scaffold putting on ceiling when he lost his balance and fell to the floor, a distance of nearly twenty feet. He was picked up by a fellow workman and taken to his boarding house on Depot Hreet. Dr. E. 0. Starnes was called in and found that both bones of the left arm were broken near the wrist. FI.OWERM TH. GOLD. A Pretty Stery WhlrH Proves that the Dayn or i'hlvnlry nre Slot Dead. One of the most delicate compli ments and it ma7 be the most costly that ha3 ever been paid to a lady has receutly been conferred upon a daughter of the Crescent City, who enjoys a national reputa tion. The lady referred to has been honored by the devoirs of many suitors, but she has managed to come out of the many frays heartwhole. She has enjoyed the honor of having been queeu of one of the carnivals, on which occasion her beauty secured for her the homage of an ex-G jveruor of New York, who had been elected President of the United States. lie, to mark his appreciation of the fair girl's beauty, presented her with a bracelet worth $3,000. Humor says that he went further and asked the lady to be his wife, but was refused. Diamonds and gold are naught in comparison to the tender, sentimen tal compliment recently paid to this famous belle. Among her many admirers is a New York millionaire, who spent the past winter in New Orleans. When he returned to Gotham he carried with him a deep love for the fair New Orleans lady. While in the South he had not dared to tell his story, but in his Northern nome he conceived the idea of letting the lady know his feeling by the silent language of flowers they would look his love if he dared not speaklt He caused to be constructed a glass casket covered with satin and gold ornaments, which fitted sungly into a moiocco case. The glass receptacle was filled with the choicest and most expensive orchids and sent by a special envoy to New Orleans. Ihe recipient of the princely gift re ceived it with many exclamations of "How lovely ! how sweet 1" The lady leaves for New York this week. Flowers may be more successful in winning her love than were gold and diamonds. The above we clip from the State Chronicle, though in the incident we see no conflict between flowers and gold, inasmuch as the belle in ac c ting the millionaire's gift receives both. We are reminded of the Georgia woman's remark about Bill Arp's wife having $5 shoes and $2 hose: "Too much glory for one lie Wore Eye G I There were ten of us who rode from the depot to a hotel in Charles ton in the same 'bus, and as we en tered the office a short thick-set and determined-looking man collared a young man wearing eye glasses, and said : "I'll thank you to return my wal let." "Certainly, sir, certainly. Let us conduct ourselves as becomes gen tlemen." "You picked my pockat on the way up, and I want my walh t back or I'll mash you !" shouted the short man. "Exactly. No need of raising your voice to a disagreeable pitch. Never forget that you are a gentle man, no matter what the circum stance?." "Where is my wallet ?" "Here, sir, and I have great pleas ure in restoring it. I am sorry that we have had any misunderstanding." An officer was sent for, and while waiting his appearance the young man said to the crowd "I never have any trouble with a gentleman, never. I am obliged to you for the courtesies which you have extended. Let us part as gen tlemen should." The offic r soon arrived, says the Detroit Free Press, and walked him away to the station, but that even ing, about 9 o'clock, as I was walk ing on Sleeting street, the prisoner halted me and said : "I desire to thank you for your consideration in that affair. You treated me as a gentleman, sir, and I shall not forget it." "But I Ihought you you" "Oh, yes. I was locked up tight enough, but the officers at the station were no gentlemen, sir, no gentlemen, and they tre. ted me in such a manner that I felt compelled to bid them good night. I will now say au revoir." I went up to. the police station to inquire about it, and the iu charge replied : . "What! That genteel fellow with eye glasses 1 O, he's in there." "But you'd better look." He entered the corridor and look ed into the cell. It was empty. The "gentleman" had sawed one of the window bars off aud gone out by the way of the alle. Home Ktmiiffe H iKiiotiier. Much of te Russia leather comes from Connecticut, Bordeaux wine from Carolinia, Italian marble from Kentucky, French lace from New York, and Spanish "mackeral from the New Jersey coast. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery comes from Buffalo, N. Y., but there is nothing in its name to criticise for it is truly golden in value, as thou sands gladly testify. Consumption is averted by its use, . aud it has wrought many positive cures. I' corrects torpid liver and kidneys, purifies the blood, banishes dyspepsia and scrofula, renews the lease of life, and tones up the system as nothing else will do. What is more, it is guaranteed to do all this, or the price is refunded. Windsor Ledger: A negro fif teen years old applied at the Regis ter of Deeds' office last week for a marriage license for his father, who is seventy years old, who was going to marry a woman fifty years old. LITTLE DROPS OF Tar, Pitch Turpentine aud Other Tar leel Prottneta. Chatham Record : One night last week lightning struck and burned up a barn of Mr. J. A. Parham, on his farm near Lockville. Washington Progress: We learn a very rich vein of gold has been discovered on the farm of Mrs. Eugene Watlington near Benaja, in Rockingham county. Hickory Press and Carolinian : William, son of Mon Spencer in Burke county, while digging in a garnet mine on last Tuesday, was covered by a caving bank and in stantly killed. Danbury Post: Dr. Lash yes terday showed us fine specimens of coal from the Greensboro coal com pany' j land on Town Fork. The wheat crop in this section is quite promising. Some predict that it will be the largest for years. Henderson Tomahawk : It may not be generally known that more tobacco is stemmed 4n Henderson than anywhere else iii the State; that no other market in North Carolina ships as much leaf direct ly to Europe, or has as many foreign orders. Montgomery Vidette: Mr. J. A. Allen, of Little River Township, while out squirrel hunting: one day last week, found in one den twenty- one 'possums. This seems like a big 'possum story, but nevertheless it is true, and can be proven by re liable witnesses. Oxford Day: A young colored man, Crawford Hester, who was convicted of forgery in Granville Superior Court about two years ago and escaped fiom the the officers, has been arrested at Salem, Va. He will be brought back here for sen tence and will undoubtedly serve the State a few years. Greensboro Record: The corn crop is generally good but the cot ton crop is not an average in this section of this State. Albermarle & Pantego railroad has been sold to the owners of the Norfolk South ern, and we understand that there will be fast steamers put on from Belle Port to New Berne som time in the near future. Greenville Reflector: There was no little excitement in Greenville lst Friday evening when it was learned that on the night previous some one had fired the barn of Mr. Joel Gardner, a wealthy farmer, and while his family were out at the fire stole a trunk from his house, which contained $0,000 in money and $7, 000 in notes and papers. Murfresboro Index: We learn that the body of Mack Jones, the negro who was recently tried and acquitted for the murder of Mr. Nep Adkins, was found in Roanoke river with a rope around his neck. Mr. E. C. Worrell has gotten up another "cultivator, planter and fertilizer distributer," which is without wheels and can be worked with one horse. He has had it at work this week and it works like a charm. Every one that has seen it at work pronounces it a complete success. Carthage Blade : On last Satur day Mr. Wm. Monroe, living near Cameron, met a most horrible death. He went in the lot where his stallion was confined, when the vicious horse sprang upon him and stamped and bit him until he was almost dead. His abdomen was chewed to a per fect loblolly. He lived until Sun day. Ben. Turner and Moses Cross, who were charged with the murder of Alec. Galbreth, at Mills' saw-mill in Greenwood week before last, were captured last week. At the preliminary hearing before the magistrate Cross was liberated for lack of evidence against him, but Turner was committed to jail to await the action of the grand jury at August Court. It is said that the evidence against Turner is very strong. Mount- Airy News: Mrs. C. "L. Hackett, the widow of the late Dr. R. F. Hackett, died at Wilkesboro last Sunday evening at C o'clock. She was a daughter of Nathaniel Gordon and sister of Gen J. B. Goidon, of Georgia. A terrific storm of wind and rain struck Mount Airy from a northwesterly direction on Wednesday evening at 7:40, blowing down houses, tobacco barns, stables, and demolishing wii.dowe, uprooting shade and fruit trees, damaging out houses of every description, and playing havoc gen erally. Mrs. Puckett, of Carroll county, Va, called at Blakemore's gallery to have some "pictures tuck." She is 4G years of age and her hus band 53. She informed Mr. Blake more that she was the mother of twenty-four children, all dead. Twenty are buried in one grave yard. Bryson City Herald: There can be no doubt whatever that vast beds marble underlie portions of Swain county. Some specimens which were tound near Bryson City were recently submitted to an expert, af ter an examination, pronounced by him to be the finest quality of mar ble equal to the best Italian. From the Webster Herald we learn of a peculiar accident which oc curred near that .place. A Mr. Henson climbed a tree in which was a crow's nst, taking a young crow with him in order to attract the old ones. At the same time two neighbors, hearing the young crow and seeing Mr. Benson's head among the branches, mistook it for a crow and fired at it Several shot took effect and he fell to the ground, a distance of forty feet. Though seriously injured, it is believed he will recover. Goldsboro Headlight: Our busi ness men have raised about $1C0 to wards testing the constitutionality of Schedule B tax. The amount was forwarded to Wilmington on Saturday. .New Berne Journal : The season has bem highly favorable to 'truck" in this section of the State and it has done well, hut not so with cot ton. The crop is very backward, and it Will require the best condi tions in the future to make it an average crop. Durham Globe: A carrier pig eon, No. 85, was caught here this morning exhausted and unable to continue its journey. It was taken into Blacknall's drug store, fed and rested, and as soon as strong enough to fly will be allowed to start again for its destination. Washington Gazette : The mur der case wherein Octaviua Allen and Robert Perry, both colored were co defender) ts charged with the killing of Jim Boyd, colored, at blounts creek, some five or six months ago, was finally decided on Monday last by a verdict of not guilty. Elizabeth City Carolinian : The First National Bank of Elizabeth City was organized here' last week ; a capital stock of $50,000. Mrs. Frank Brothers died on Saturday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Elliott Whitehursr, in Providence Her age was 70 years. Tarboro Southerner : Wednes day of last week, James K. Law rence, of Battleboro, accidently had his collar bone and shoulder broken and narrowly escaped death. His horse ran away with him in his yard aud he waa dragged a con siderable distance and hurled against a tree. Raleigh Chronicle : Delia Ander son, a colored girl of 14 years, about a month since was holding a large brass pin in her mouth, when it slipped down her throat and lodged in her windpipe. Her parents did not think much of it, and neglected it from day to day. The girl gradually grew thinner and thinner and they finally took her to a doc tor. The operation of tracheotomy was performed, but the pin could not be found. Iu some way or oth er, though, it must have been dis lodged by the operation, as since then the girl has begun to ' improve and commenced to regain her flesh right away. She st'll has the pin, however. Raleigh News aud Observer : The Governor yesterday offered a reward of $200 for Robert Dougherty, who so brutally murdered W. A. Tor rence near Asheville a few days ago and fled. The colored boy, Ernest Jones, who was put in jail a few weeks ago for stealing money from the safe of Messrs. Haywood Brothers, escaped from jail Sunday, and at last reports was supposed to be heading towards Henderson. President Inman, of the R. & D. h'ailroad, announces the appoint ment of Mr. W. II. Green as gen eral manager of the Central Rail road, of Georgia, and Mr. Sol Haas as traffic manager. Mr. Green, or as he is better known in Raleigh, Capt. Green, is low in charge of the operating departments of over 5,000 miles of track. Kinston Free Press : In a short conversation with Col. John D. Whitford on the cars Monday he told us that 80,000 barrels of Irish potatoes will be chipped from and below New Berne this season ; that Mr. J. L. Rhem will ship 8,000 bar rels and Messrs. Hackburn & Willct 12,000 barrels. There are about 1,300 acres planted in truck right around Ne Berne. Mr. Ad jo Tayloi,who formerly lived in this place and clerked for Burt & John son, when that firm was in business here, killed himself at Farmville, Va., last week. He was a great sufferer from rheumatism. He tried to borrow a pistol, and failing to do so, secured a gun weut to the woods, took off his shoes and pulled the trigger with his toe Mr. A McF. Cameron's saw mill, about nine miles from Kinston, wa8 destroyed by fire last Thursday morning about 1 o'clock, catching from the engine. About 75,000 feet of lumber was destroyed. Loss about $3,000; no insurance. Ilendersonville Times: Dr.-R. C. H. Goodwyn, who, it will be re membered, about February 14th last, forged and cashed checks on several parties here, was arraigned in the Superior Court last week, plead guilty to all the bills against him and was sentenced to the State peni teiriary for three years. He is an opium fiend, and is now in the county jail unable to be carried to the State pri-on. This fact caused the Court to be more lenient than it. would have been otherwioe. Not withstanding he is a physical wreck fro. a the use of morphine, he is cool, calculating, and deliberate in his undertakings. It took Mr. A. M. .Bionell, manager of WrenV detective agency, two and a half mouths vigorous work to run him dowu. We stated in our last issue that Sheriff Isreal had received a telegram saying that two persons had been arrested at Easley, S C, for the drowning of a child in Cane creek, this county, on the 23d of March last, and that a deputy hd been sent to bring the prisoners up. They arrived on Wednesday eve ning's train. Their names arej James Burdine and Hattie Haywood, both colored. They were arraigned in court on Thursday morning, an-i by 2 p. m. had been tried and sen tenced the man for twenty aud the woman for ten years in the peni tentiary. The man is 23 years of age and the woman 1. ( I RIOIS OLD LAWS. A Remarkable Hook from which We Make Some Extract. We have in the Standard office a copy of the laws of North Carolina from the year 1715 to the year 1791. It is a volume of 740 pages, pub lished by subscription, the names of the subscribers being appended at the back. Some of the names are familiar to all readers of our State history and biography, as the follow ing prove: Hon. John B. Ashe, of Roanoke; Waightstill Avery, of Burke; Robert Alexander, of Lin coln; David Allison, Wm. Blount, Matthew Brandon, Hon. David Campbell, Maxwell Chambers, Edw. Harris, John Eaton, Samuel John ston, James Iredell, Spruce Macoy, Richard Dobbs Spaight, David Vance, Stephen Cabarrus. There are about 225 names. Besides the " Hon. the General Assembly of the State of North Caroliua" orders 100 copies. Unfortunately the title page is torn, and there is nothing to show when or by whom the book was printed. It is a record, how ever of all the meetings of the General Assembly from the fifth year of the reign of George the First, King of England, through the reigns of George the Second and Thir.l, to the fifteenth year of the State's independence. The sessions were held at Wil. miiigton, Edenton, Little River, Newbern, Hillsborough and Fay etteville. Many of the laws strike us as be ing curious almost to absurdity, and many are strangely severe. Our friends in the State just north of us are sometimes accused of stealing honors which belong to others. In 171G it seem3 they stole pigs! as see the following: "Whereas divers Perfons. Inhabi tants of Virginia, frequently coming into' this Government to purchafe Cattle or Hogs, it may be greatly feared - that they may drive away Cattle or Hogs which they have not purchafed; and whereas, divers Per rons, as well Inhabitants of this Government as of Viiginia, do very often drive, lead or' carry Horfes, Cattle, or flogs, to other Perfons Lands, where they fuppofe is better Herbage or Maft than on that where on tuey are Dwellers: For Preven tion whereof: BE it enacted by his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and abfolute Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Consent of the reft of the Members of the General Affembly, now met at Lit tle River, for the North-eaft Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority of the fame, That there fhall be at Cathe tine's Creek, in Chowan Precinct, at the Head of Pequimon River, and at the Mouth of the North-west River, in Currituck Precinct, Per fons appointed by the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being, to keep Toll-books; and all Perfons, whether Drivers. Pur- chafers or Owners of Cattle or Hogs, fhall be obliged to enter in the Toll-Book every Beaft or Hog, with their Mark and Diftinction and of whom purchafed: And that what Perfon foever fhall drive Cattle or Hogs to Virginia, and fhall neglect to enter the fame in the refpeetive Toll-Books, according to this Act, fhall forfeit every fuch Beast or Hog winch shall be fo emitted as afore said; and if fuch Beaft or Hog be not to be had, the Perfon f o omitting fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of forty Shillings; to be recovered by a Warrant from the next ' Juftice of the Peace. In 178G this law for the punish ment of horse stealing was passed. We give it in modern English, and not as printed in those days : "Every person or persons who shall steal any horse, mare or geld ing, lor the first offence shall stand in the pillory one hour, and shall be Eublicly whipped on his or her bare ack with 39 lashes well lail on; and at the same time shall have both his, her or their ears nailed to the pi!--lory and cut off; and shall be brand ed on the right cheek with the letter H of the length of three-quartersof au inch and the breadth ot half an inch, and on the left cheek with the etter T of the same dimensions, in a pla'n and visible mar ner. And for l lie second offence shall sutler, death without the benefit of the' clergy." . . ,. One of the most interesting things in the book is a copy of the consti tution adopt d in convention at Halifax on December 18, 1770. The volume is a most valuable one, and is the property of Dr. S. A. Giier, of IlarrLsburg. Why III Wife Is " Fidgety." I have the best cook in the town. Whose bread is i elicious and white; Her coffee is fratrrant and brown, llpr nastrv a nerfect delight. But she daily complains of the worry they bring She's my own darling wife, but a fidgety uung; Your wife is worn out, and needs Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. the only medicine guaranteed to cure debilita'ed women. How many overworked American ladies we see with lac'c-lustfu eyes and haggard faces, growing old before their time, from tlio.5c exhausting ai'ments that men know nothing of. They can be permanently cured bv this renieuy, as numberless grateful women will attest. Price refunded, if it fails to sive satisfaction in every case. See guarantee printed on bottle-wrapper. "I know that my fatner would much prefer private life," says liussell Harrison. Let none of the delegates, however, be driven off by . . 1 1 T- - TI. this disclosure, benjamin Har rison is always ready to sacrifice himself for his country. Courier Journal. Poanoke Beacon : Cotton was completely washed away by a heavy rain storm an oaturuay in me Mackey's ferry section. We hear that the farmers will plough up the ground and put corn where the cotton was. TOWN AND COUNTY. "There's a Chiel Amang ye Takin Notes AND rAITH HE'LL PRENT THEM." The K. and S. Kurveyora. The surveying corps of this road have moved their tents to Kindley'i mill, just east of Mt. Pleasant. They are surveying between there and a point about four miles back. The fact that great pains is taken and extreme care in avoiding grades over II per cent, are signs that the No. 8 people believe extremely good. They are happy ; very happy. They have selected a site for the depot and are talking about macadamization al ready. Still at Ilia Trade Jack Ramsey says in his Salisbury Watchman : "A shower of buttins fell just yeast of the town Monday. The ground was covered to a debth of two inches in places. Most of bur people think that it were caused by batohelor Jim Cook trying to sow on buttune." If Jack Ramsey will call we will gladly present him with a dictionary and Smith's grammar. Is It True? The agricultural report sent out from Raleigh on the 10th says that the cotton crop is 85 per cent This can not be true. Mr. J.A.Sims, who has just returned from a meet ing of business 8gents in Raleigh, reports that eighteen representatives from different Bections of the State were discussing crop prospecta. Their opinion is that at present the crop promises only 50 per cent It is a question about the accuracy of these agricultural reports that go out from Raleigh. At Ills Home. The Gastonia Gazette, after pub lishing some news abont Rev. Robin son, recently called to the pastdrate of the Presbyterian church in Gas tonia, says: "Mr. Robinson is a man of culture and lefinement, in the prime and vigor of life. He impresses us as a man who has opin ions, and courtesy and charity with them. He is also a student and an observer. He will see not every thing, but only what he looks at That he will see thrffugh and through. He begins work with a strong church, a faithful and gen erous congregation. He will like his people and they will like him." After Forty Years. Mr. J. C. Scott, born and partially raised in No. 11 township, and who has been living in Mississippi, came in Thursday night He ha3 been away forty years. He is a cousin of Col A. 0. Scott, and has three sisters in the county. JVlr. bcolt was surpuseu to see what had taken place. The town has completely changed, for when he left there was no hotel, only a boarding house kept by a Mr. Area. His son, Prof. J. S. Scott, a bright young man, accompanies him. Prof, Scott is principal of a flourishing school in Conehatta, Miss. Mr Scott tells us that corn is "out in tassels " in his country. They will spend four weeks iu the county. Davidson College. Parties attending commencement report everything as it shou'd be. The trustees' meeting on Tuesday was . looked forward to with much interest, as the question of the col lege's removal to Charlotte or some other city is again under discussion. On this point the following item in their report will give the status of the- matter now : 1 It is not competent for this board to take any action looking to the dissolution or destruction of the entity of Davidson College. 2. While we are not prepared to take any definite action in the prem ises, we see no lnsurmountaoie ob stacles in the way of removing the college 'o some other point, espe cially in the State of North Carolina. And as to the suggested connection of Davidson College with the pro posed South Atlantic University, they have this to say : 3. We further see noiusnrmount able difficulty in developing the pro postd university in connection with Davidson College as the academic nucleus, either on the present site or at such other place as may prove lawful and feasible. On Tuesday evening the literary societies held thtir aunual reunion. The alumni orator of the Phi. Society was C. Alpbonso Smith, of Johns ' Hopkins, and of the -Eii., Rev. Jasper K. Smith, of Atlanta, Ga., formerly of Conyers, G.i. Kotb are popular, talented and loyal alumni of Davidson. Mr. J. S. Verner, ex-comptroller of South Carolina, delivered an address on Wednesday, which was received with hearty applause. He was a student there twenty-tix years ago, in war times, when there were only seventeen students at the college. Now one bund ed and twenty-tive are enrolled. Great regret was felt tbat Hon. F. I. Otborne, of Charlot'e, failed to reach the college and deliver the literary address. He was detained by an important case in the Federal Court Wednesday night the junior con bst for the orator's mulal took place. James B. Wharey, of Moor, s ville. is oiu of the contestants from the Phi. Society. ihe trustees ox iaviuson iviiege con I erred the dei;rw of P. P. on Rev. J. II. Thorn well, of Fort Mill, S. C. This is well demvod, and his many friends in Concord apr-iv ciate the mutual honor. KOWAN SEWS lly the Salisbury W:i luiinii. Some work done on the streets. The town of High Point went dry four to one. A delegation from this place will go to Morehead,' One store dummy had a chill. China Grove and Lin wood will have electric lights before Salisbury. J. B. Lanier has commenced canning cherries. Stauly ns Is the new name for the Stanly Observer. This is what we find in, the editorial column: "Published Every Thursday at Albemarle, N. C. Thursday, June 11th, lS'Jl. Rates of advertising: One square one in sertion, $1.00. BPfe-Special rate3 for larger spaGe.nBa Published by 'Old Arm Chair Club.' Rates of sub scription : One copy, one year, $1.00 ; six months, 50; three months, o.". Entered at the postofliee, Albemarle, N. C, as second class stuff. An nouncement," which is along edito rial that rings like steel and cuts like a long and tempting kuife. Then we find this: Many Persons Are broken down from overwork or household cares Brown's Iron Iiitters rebuilds the system, niils digestion, removes ex cess of bile, and cures malaria. Get the genuine. It is most assuredly written by the, legal hand of the "plural" editor. No ordinary man could write that way, not even the News' "devil." And. thi3 item shows mechanical skill no ordinary printer could set it with so much taste. The News has an artist Tiie picture of the Yadkin train is on the editorial page ; and the schedulo below is proof enough that the News has a free pass this is "discretion." The News is a kicker a regular Blackstone kicker for it says in a bloody way and with a thirsty and hungry stomach that "if the Hon. Judge of the Federal Court which convenes at Charlotte this week were to take notice of the cases sent from Stanly, he would certainly direct that a juror be chosen from th"i3 county. The News has one other item that will tickle the world. In fact it is a discovery, a powerful discovery. The infant has discovered such a thing as a "sarcastic pea." There's a genius on tne Jews. iive mm encouragement i The Standard sees no ad. in it from the Louisiana lottery, hence the editor is carrying out the resolutions of the directors. May the News always print the news, it is a welcome kuss ai mis office if it is komic. The Standard knows the editors, and has arranged to print their pictures. A I.ovc Sons In M t int. "My modest, niatcbless Madeline! Mark my melodious midnight moons; Much may my melting music mean My modulated monones." This young man stayed out too late, serenading his lady love. He caught a cold, which developed into catarrh, but he cured it with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, a sovereign specific for chronic cases, "Cold in the Head, Catarrhal Ileadche." It corrects the tainted breath, stops the offensive discharges, heals tha irritated throat and nose, leaving the head clear, and smell and taste unimpaired. It costs but 50 ceuts, and the proprietors offer in good faith $500 for a case they cannot cure. Alamance Gleaner: Oa Satur day, May 30th, there arrived here two heifers and one one bull, aged respectively two years, eighteen months and three months, of the Holstein-Freisian breed, from the fine herd of Messrs. Nelson Warren & Son, of Newark, Delaware, who are engaged in breeding this celebra ted breed of cattle. Mesrrs. J. 15. Montgomery and J. D. Kernodlc were the purchases. "THE EEST., It U easy to say of anything, especial ly of a medicine, that it is "the best"; but to show the reason of its superiority to the satisfaction of the public, may te quite another matter. "When we aflirm, however, that Ayer's Sarsaparilla U superior to any other Wood medicine, we make no inconsiderate statenientj5S but tell the plain, unvarnished truth. Other so-called blood-purifiers may pro duce a temporary exhilaration, which ia mistaken for cure ; but the cures effect ed by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla ara radical and permanent. It not only purifies tho blood, but renews and in vigorates that fluid. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been In tisa for the bettei- part of half a century, and has achieved a success which is without parallel in the history of medicine. People early learned to appreciate it value as a purifier of tho blood, ami the lapse of years has only confirmed and strengthened the popular opinion of its merits. Only the choicest and most approved ingredients enter into tho composition of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and theso aro secured regardless of cost. It is oa this principle that the Honduras sarsaparilla root is exclusively used in this prepara tion. Tho domestio variety is cheap and abundant, U-ing indigenous a'.l over the American continent, but it has little medicinal valuo compared wilh the richer growth of tho tropics. There fore it is that the extract of tin Hon duras root, solely, forms xV.o basis t Ayer's preparation, tho other ir..j;reu: ents being stillinp, po'.ophyI'ttTr., yfl low dock, aud the !odide ct pctOs.-r.i and iron. The effect prodavxd by tVs ic.jrr clients depends largely upon t. pr portions used, vV it U Ty t greatest Vu in ottvrv vt;r iV lut'I-st the rvmarVsWo aUvMtiv -d tot i iwunsl. Th ap',iRv if AyrNi lbortvry &iv ;r:;-t: tl twty, i-d in ptwuuas ,v;W!l t-:r,-t ov tar nw inrww tvn o" N oMaiYHt ' nv eiVt nvtVvK f-t, toytV iV vw? ' i -, v'v, V.N-rnl. ni ihu-I"' wv!kvI J! tim$, rd,'.y v,ntH f-,r V v-N w id wvi;i:o! ev. tusvs .-A

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